
Frieda's Pizza Lounge & Nighclub: Chapter 2

Jan 21st, 2017
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  1. After the performance, Megan decided to take Michael on a tour of the whole lounge, going on about how they managed to secure private investors, and buy out the entire old franchise, tore it down and rebuilt it from the bottom up, into a much more 'family-friendly' setting. Although in Mike's head, he pondered how this place could even be remotely appropriate for children.
  4. Especially with how the animatronics were remodeled to look more risqué. But even as she went on about the overhaul and redesign, Michael wasn't being assured about one thing in general. It was the murder-bots that just put on a show for them just moments ago.
  7. "So you broke everything down, remade it from scratch, and gave it a whole new feel, fantastic," said Mike, expressing hesitation in his voice, "But there's one thing I still want answers to" they stopped near the middle of the left hall as Michael waved his arm to a large portrait that contained the entire band, leaning forward to the assistant manager.
  10. “What about…Them?!” Mike demanded. In the back of his mind, somehow he could feel she knew what he meant, but her calm demeanor gave no indication. Instead, she simply adjusted her glasses and smiled.
  13. "Your deepest concerns are well noted," said Megan, placing a hand over the man’s shoulder, continuing to walk him through the lounge, "We’ve come to fully understand the uh, rather shady and hazardous nature of the performers' history, But please rest assured that we have experts that have dealt with them, and they are continually monitored." She said, "We’ve given the animatronics a complete programming upgrade, including a full remodeling and refurbishing. After doing some marketing research, it's made them more appealing to the public than ever before!” Ms. Megan exclaimed confidently
  16. This did not dissuade Michael's general opinion on the animatronics, nor did it even help clear the murderous robotic cats that were completely out of the bag.
  19. "You don't understand, those things out there…they’ve killed people." Michael blurted out to Megan, looking her dead in the eyes. She quickly hushed him by placing a hand near his mouth.
  22. "Why don't we have this little conversation in private," Megan whispered to him as they started walking towards the security office. As they strode down the hall, memories once more flowed in Mike’s head of coming into work on his first day at Freddy's. The dim flickering lights, the frigid dead air stuck with him more than the sub-zero rivers of Alaska. But as they neared the end, Michael could see the doorway to that one familiar room, sealed with a big iron door.
  25. "Ah yes! The new security office," she said, entering a key code on a number pad near the door. The big iron door whooshed open, a sudden cool breeze hitting his face gently. She then wrote down the code and handed it to Mike before leading him inside. Stepping inside, a feeling of astonishment and wonder overcame him while taking in the sight of the newly redesigned office.
  27. He remembered the closet-sized office, which was enough to give any person a case of claustrophobia. This room was more spacious, with plenty of breathing room. The area was built and designed in the style of a fortified bunker. Some would find the design choice odd, but to someone like Mike, it was a godsend.
  29. "we’ve managed to renovate the entire property," said Megan, leaning in the doorway, “including this very office. After reviewing the blueprints, we've made significant changes to the office." She stated while smiling at Mike as he looked around. There was a large, metal desk. A small fan circulating cool air. On the desk was a terminal showing the camera feed, a major step up. He could keep track of those things far better now, Even being able to see if something was at the door.
  31. "While we are not exactly finished with the renovations, we'd feel better if we gave you a look at the major improvements in your new line of work," Megan said, leaning against the door. "For example," she pressed the door button causing the large iron door to come down with air sealing force, "The security office layout, and the reinforced, tight-sealing doors are courtesy of a government-sponsored company that makes fallout shelters," Megan said.
  33. These people had what some would consider a government agency to come in and upgrade this one single room. While that lone fact alone raised some questions, Mike put them in the back of his head as he felt a sense of relief. Even forming a smile.
  35. "We were also well aware of the issues about limited power usage, and rest assured," she leaned down and opened one of the cabinets in the desk. Inside there was a smaller looking generator, fit to size in the small compartment area, "We have no problem paying our electric bill, as well as having our private generator. If a major emergency such as a blackout occurred, you will have back-up power capable of giving you power for a more lengthily amount of time." Megan stated. They had all their bases completely covered. The new safety features almost made him hug her. But instead, he rose and shook her hand firmly.
  37. "I have to admit, these new upgrades leave me impressed," Michael stated.
  39. "As you can see Michael, The establishment is now more than equipped to protect you when the eventuality of a dangerous situation happens while you are on the job," she stated confidently. As he took a seat in the new leather office chair, which gave his back some relief.
  41. "I'm feeling a bit more at ease now, thank you."
  43. “I know the reservations you may still have about this place, especially concerning its rather checkered past,” said Megan, her tone understanding, "I've seen the records myself, I’d of sooner see the business burn down if anything," she said, adjusting her black-rimmed glasses, a rhinestone embedded on each end. “I’ve said before, I worked at city hall records department, and know a fair share of dark secrets about Fazbear Entertainment.” She went on.
  45. She went into detail of her she knew the manager of the place I knew from their college years. When they met up again at the city hall, she was told of their plans to revive the old franchise from the ground up.
  47. "I was very skeptical initially," She said, "He introduced me to his technician, who sat me down and had a rather lovely and enlightening chat about animatronics." She went on, looking to see the waiters serve the other patrons through the monitor
  49. "Wait, you mean to tell me that you have a technician here?" Mike blurted out of surprise
  52. "Yes, we do! Management knows them from a family acquaintance, they've got an impressive background in robotics and engineering."
  55. "Now?" said Mike with a look of intrigue, "Out of curiosity, how impressive are we talking?" he asked. She gave him a coy look.
  58. "He was an intern at CEC, worked closely with Aaron Fetcher while designing and fine-tuning the Rock-A-Fire explosions second-generation endoskeletons," Megan listed off, "He's had family members work in various robotic projects for the government, it's quite unbelievable" she stated with astonishment. Even Mike too was wide-eyed with surprise at the person’s background.
  61. "Wow, that's something else," said Mike, sounding convinced but skeptical, "I'm more curious now about meeting this guy."
  64. "Oh you'll get a chance to meet him, unfortunately, he is not here tonight, " she said, “they are out getting some much-needed supplies. But they should be here all night tomorrow.” said Mega.
  66. Michael felt a better sense of ease, but still had a grip of uncertainty. She had an air of sassiness about her, and a fashion sense to match. This was a woman who would not tolerate rudeness and would toss you out on your ass. Her curves only added to her style and attitude. Despite all this, she was approachable and sweet; she was a lady who you could confide in. She walked up to Mike with her clipboard in hand.
  67. "Management is willing to up you pay significantly to entice you to stay.” She said, hurriedly scribbling something on her board. There was a rip and suddenly mike was handed a check for 495 dollars. His jaw nearly dropped. That's twice as much as the paltry sum he was paid long ago.
  69. "Holy Moley..." was all he could mutter. Mike swallowed a lump in his throat. He took a moment to lean back in the chair and sigh gently.
  71. “Okay, I'll give it a week. Just to see how supposedly ‘different’ everything is. Mike said, crossing his arms, "but if any funny business happens, I'm pulling out of here faster than this country pulled out of Vietnam" he exclaimed sternly.
  73. "Wonderful! Now if you do have any more questions or concerns, the phone here can reach both the manager's office and the technician's station," she pointed towards the phone that laid on the left of the table.
  75. "Though I do recommend that when paging him that you best have a serious question, As he is constantly busy maintaining both the bots and the entire lounge, making him a rather busy man." she stated sternly, crossing her arms, "Do you understand?". Michael nodded quickly. Megan grinned like a cat eating the canary. “Please Mister Schmidt, relax. This will be a much more fulfilling place then you think it will be," she said in a sunny tone.
  77. "You think so?" Mike asked quizzically.
  79. "Oh of course! You are in charge of security at night, protecting the property from all sorts of riff-raff." she went on.
  81. "Trouble happens here?" asked Mike.
  83. "Oh you'd be very surprised Mike, colorful people come through here at times" Megan explained, "From people who drank a bit too much, to the rowdy trouble makers. While usually, we close at midnight, we sometimes stay open til two or three in the morning on some occasions, so you need to keep your eyes peeled".
  85. So they stayed opened at later times now, that's simply fantastic.
  87. The clock soon read midnight, accompanied by a short, jazzy sounding rendition of "toreador".
  89. "Sounds reasonable enough. Guess I should get started"
  91. "Oh you won't be working tonight," Megan stated, "Rather, tomorrow night, because we want the technician on board for your first night just in case something goes down, or if you have any questions"
  93. "Oh. I uh, I see."
  95. "I know you're just eager and raring to go and get started. Our technician I previously mentioned will be here tomorrow night in case you have any issues or questions. Right now I need to go finish up some paperwork in the office, good luck!" she said before waving and leaving the office."
  97. 'Yeah, I'm going to need it.' he thought to himself as he sunk into his new chair. His first shift at the lounge began, while an odd sense of Deja Vu came over him."
  99. "Oh, and by the way," Megan spoke, peaking her head back into the security office.
  101. "Welcome back, Michael," she said with a warm smile.
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