

May 5th, 2013
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  1. [11:52:44] [castfromhp] Alright, so a little background on the characters involved.
  2. [11:53:03] * AoriPhone is now known as LenaRena
  3. [11:53:13] [Giantree] (oh also in old FFs the lightning spell was called 'Lit')
  4. [11:53:17] [Giantree] (forget which ones though)
  5. [11:53:39] [Giantree] (might have JUST been Seiken Densetsu)
  6. [11:54:14] [castfromhp] The guy playing the sheriff this year had a concept that where he was supposed to come off as being a reliable informant due to having a vast network of contacts but over the course of the year start to become increasingly unreliable due to his paranoid schizophrenia.
  7. [11:54:33] [LenaRena] Ohboy
  8. [11:55:11] [castfromhp] He had an imagined informant himself called The Merchant, which was totally made up and just voices in his head. Actually one player ended up on a wild-goose-chase for an half an entire session trying to track The Merchant down to no avail, and it was hilarious.
  9. [11:55:28] [Giantree] hahaha god damn
  10. [11:55:33] [LenaRena] Autocorrect recognizes 'ohboy' as a word now
  11. [11:55:56] [Giantree] there's phones
  12. [11:55:57] [Giantree] and then there's aoriphones
  13. [11:56:01] [LenaRena] That's good cast. You're good.
  14. [11:56:03] [castfromhp] So the sheriff is completely delusional and thinks that a character who died previously in the chron actually went into hiding instead and has been hiding among the hunters to spy on them.
  15. [11:56:30] [castfromhp] And for the last session of the chron he decided he needed to extract this guy.
  16. [11:57:16] [castfromhp] He grabs another player, whose character is high on mage blood and so super impressionable and seeing hallucinations, and they go to find this guy They're followed by a Gangrel in mist form and a blind dude in obfuscate following them using his echolocation discipline.
  17. [11:57:36] [castfromhp] And their journeys take them to Boystown (read: super gay part of Chicago).
  18. [11:57:44] [castfromhp] oh btw, a pride parade was happening in-game this session.
  19. [11:57:52] [Giantree] holy shit for some reason I'm seeing this as vampire scooby doo
  20. [11:58:00] [Giantree] no scratch that
  21. [11:58:02] [Giantree] more like dude where's my car
  22. [11:58:09] [Giantree] ... or any stoner movie really
  23. [11:58:09] [castfromhp] So they find the shady bar where the sheriff is absolutely convinced they're supposed to meet the guy who went into hiding.
  24. [11:58:29] [castfromhp] And they grab a scantily clad middle-aged man who's high off his mind.
  25. [11:58:47] [@Kain] this story
  26. [11:59:04] * LenaRena has quit (Ping timeout)
  27. [11:59:05] * AoriPhone ( has joined #kaingame
  28. [11:59:08] [AoriPhone] I smell a skunk
  29. [11:59:10] [@Kain] just went fullwacky
  30. [11:59:11] [castfromhp] The ensuing conversation between the sheriff and the mage blood addict goes about as follows: "Holy shit they drugged him." "Yes, I'm certain he's been administered a barbituate." "What do we do? We have to get him out of here."
  31. [11:59:50] [castfromhp] Meanwhile, as they're doing this, a hunter is in the bar, and he stands up. Echolocation blind dude notices this cause he can detect objects through clothing and holy sht there's a crossbow under his heavy coat.
  32. [12:00:04] * AoriPhone is now known as LenaRena
  33. [12:00:12] [castfromhp] So he tells the sheriff and the mage blood addict...and I start having their paranoid delusions go off full bore
  34. [12:00:24] [Giantree] my god
  35. [12:00:28] [@Kain] >hunter stalking a gay bar during a pride parade
  36. [12:00:35] [@Kain] Kind of bigoted there, belmont
  37. [12:00:35] [LenaRena] HERE WE GO
  38. [12:00:38] [castfromhp] Boystown is the sheriff's domain Kain.
  39. [12:00:51] [@Kain] why you only huntin gay vampires huh
  40. [12:00:53] [castfromhp] So it was more that hunters were throughout that whole area.
  41. [12:01:21] [@Kain] ANYWAY hm it's time so...
  42. [12:01:23] [LenaRena] Pretty gay
  43. [12:01:26] [castfromhp] To the point where they keep seeing "hunters" everywhere as they escape the bar. And the blind person the whole time of course can't see them, but he can't VERIFY that they aren't actually there, because, you know, blind. He echolocates in their general direction and goes "wtf guys there's nothing there." "NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEY'RE IN OBFUSCATE"
  44. [12:01:33] [castfromhp] I'll continue the story later it gets MUCH better.
  46. [12:03:35] [~Amaryllis] Anyway, the mage blood addict has been using a skeleton key artifact she bought right before this session to help them escape, but they're SO paranoid that they keep seeing hunters EVERYWHERE they go.
  47. [12:03:53] [LenaRena] Oh wow phonechat is pretty nice about invites
  48. [12:04:27] [Carbuncle] god damn can't the echolocate guy tell when things ARE in obfus- er wait no I guess obfuscate actually does hide that too huh
  49. [12:04:53] [~Amaryllis] Finally they get to a parking garage and hijack a car using that key, and then they "run down a group of hunters" and start screaming about blood on the windshield as theygo and such. Now by this point, the guy who was in mist form is just totally "what the fuck is wrong with these people", and the blind guy can't even echolocate because the car is closed off.
  50. [12:05:09] [~Amaryllis] So he actually punches through a window and grabs at a "hunter" that the sheriff and other person keep insisting are actually there.
  51. [12:05:29] [~Amaryllis] And the whole ride he's just ranting about not being able to perceive them and what the hell is happening he's blind and his seeing eye ghoul went missing where are you fucks going
  52. [12:05:40] [Carbuncle] >seeing eye ghoul
  53. [12:05:42] [Carbuncle] dear god I lost it
  54. [12:05:57] [LenaRena] ^
  55. [12:06:00] [~Amaryllis] So I ramp up the paranoia, and the mage blood addict, who's driving, becomes convinced they are being chased by THE BATMOBILE.
  56. [12:06:10] [Carbuncle] jesus christ you weren't kidding
  57. [12:06:11] [LenaRena] YES
  58. [12:06:15] [LenaRena] FUCK
  59. [12:06:18] [LenaRena] BOTHERER
  60. [12:06:23] [&Botherer] ... The BatMobile.
  61. [12:06:25] [LenaRena] LEND ME SOME BOLD
  62. [12:06:29] * Haiiro-Honoo tabs in
  63. [12:06:29] [~Amaryllis] And I get to make someone actually test the drive skill for the first time in the chron as she careened down an alley and tried to escape
  64. [12:06:32] [Carbuncle] perfect timing
  65. [12:06:34] [LenaRena] MY PHONE CAN'T BOLD
  66. [12:06:39] [~Amaryllis] The batmobile simply drove onto the building wall and continued.
  67. [12:06:40] [Haiiro-Honoo] >[12:05:43] <~Amaryllis> So I ramp up the paranoia, and the mage blood addict, who's driving, becomes convinced they are being chased by THE BATMOBILE.
  68. [12:06:53] [Haiiro-Honoo] I don't know what I tabbed in to but I LOVE IT
  69. [12:07:03] [Carbuncle] he posted a paste you silluku
  70. [12:07:05] [Carbuncle] scroll up a little
  71. [12:07:52] * zoofman is now known as Theta
  72. [12:07:54] [~Amaryllis] Finally, after just about wrecking this car, they all jump out and find an entrance into the undercity of Chicago.
  73. [12:08:22] [~Amaryllis] Okay, so this is important to note. Every single one of THESE characters has tunnel rat 3, which means they are EXPERTS at undercity navigation and can go anywhere without getting lost.
  74. [12:08:55] [~Amaryllis] They go to where the sheriff had a safe haven arranged for this guy, deep, deep in the most abandoned tunnels of the undercity.
  75. [12:09:34] [~Amaryllis] Oh and while they were being chased by "the batmobile"? They also got police on them in the process of doing that, so their paranoia resulted in them...actually getting chased.
  76. [12:10:26] [~Amaryllis] Anyway, down in the Undercity, the mage blood addict calls one of the city's hounds and eventually leads him back to where everyone is too.
  77. [12:10:41] [~Amaryllis] Important to note: The Hound has ZERO dots in Tunnel Rat. He can't navigate the place worth shit by himself.
  78. [12:10:54] [Carbuncle] this just keeps getting better
  79. [12:11:09] [~Amaryllis] So, the echolocation dude? One important thing about echolocation. You can't speak while using it.
  80. [12:12:30] [~Amaryllis] So he has it on right now, and the player really doesn't wanna turn it off, cause it costs a willpower to activate each time and he's running low. So the Hound is brought in to examine this dude's memories and fix him. "Tell me what you know about the Prince." "Dude mannn we were listening to Purple Rain at the party next door, and..." "Okay, stop, shut up. Who drugged you?" "Myself, of course."
  81. [12:12:56] [~Amaryllis] So he looks to the sheriff and the mage blood addict with a "Wtf" look.
  82. [12:13:47] [~Amaryllis] The blind guy is standing behind both of them, making the classical "These two are nuts" gestures.
  83. [12:14:01] [~Amaryllis] Except the player decided that his character's really bad at miming because he's blind.
  84. [12:14:22] [Carbuncle] this can only go great places
  85. [12:14:29] [~Amaryllis] And so the Hound's player can't figure out for shit what he's trying to communicate, and he's using Dominate the whole time to keep the sheriff and mage blood addict from turning around.
  86. [12:14:37] [LenaRena] ^
  87. [12:14:38] [~Amaryllis] The Gangrel is still in mist form. Still just doesn't even know what's going on.
  88. [12:14:46] [@Theta] this is like The Other Guys with vampires
  89. [12:14:54] [Carbuncle] mist guy is my favorite
  90. [12:15:17] [~Amaryllis] Eventually, the Hound flat out goes "okay you two are insane", and of course the sheriff and the mage blood addict are all *GASP* "YOU'RE WITH THEM!"
  91. [12:15:29] [Carbuncle] excellent
  92. [12:15:40] [~Amaryllis] So...the mage blood addict, she picks up the drugged up gay guy, and she runs away in celerity.
  93. [12:15:49] [~Amaryllis] Cause they have to save their informant.
  94. [12:15:58] [Carbuncle] okay that is some topic tier shit
  95. [12:16:01] [Carbuncle] ... remind me later
  96. [12:16:16] * Varg ( has joined #popcorn
  97. [12:16:17] [~Amaryllis] By the time she gets back, the others have actually halfway convinced the sheriff he IS crazy.
  98. [12:16:21] [~Amaryllis] But hey, that's no fun, right?
  99. [12:17:04] * LenaRena has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  100. [12:17:08] [Carbuncle] incoming casting
  101. [12:17:10] [~Amaryllis] So paranoid mage addict chick...She asks me in a very request-y way if she hallucinates anything. Who am I to refuse such a request? I tell her when she's outside the door she starts hearing the sounds of the others beating the shit out of the sheriff.
  102. [12:17:15] * AoriPhone ( has joined #popcorn
  103. [12:17:19] [~Amaryllis] So she makes a PLAN.
  104. [12:17:46] * Carbuncle munch munch munch
  105. [12:17:49] [~Amaryllis] Step one of the plan: take the MAGICAL RAGE GRENADE her mage pals made for her, and stick the pin in her mouth so the grenade hangs out and is ready to pull.
  106. [12:17:51] * AoriPhone is now known as LenaRena
  107. [12:17:52] * Lecia ( has joined #popcorn
  108. [12:18:32] [Carbuncle] I feel like I know exactly how this is going to end
  109. [12:18:41] [~Amaryllis] So the plan as she was imagining it was "open the door in celerity, grab the Sheriff and yank him out, then toss the grenade in and close the door"
  110. [12:18:47] [~Amaryllis] What happens instead....
  111. [12:19:10] [~Amaryllis] She steps in, grabs the sheriff. The sheriff slaps the grenade out of her mouth. But she has vigor active, so she keeps her bite down on the pin...
  112. [12:19:21] [Carbuncle] OH MY GOD
  113. [12:19:23] [Carbuncle] (I knew it)
  114. [12:19:41] [~Amaryllis] The mist form guy is all "oh no fuck this", and he bearhugs the sheriff.
  115. [12:19:46] [~Amaryllis] The blind guy grabs onto HIM with vigor.
  116. [12:19:48] * Haiiro-Honoo has quit (Ping timeout)
  117. [12:19:55] [~Amaryllis] And the sheriff starts to celerity out of there.
  118. [12:20:09] [~Amaryllis] So it's this choochoo train of vigor-celerity-attached vampires on top of each other.
  119. [12:21:12] [~Amaryllis] The last guy, the Hound. Recall he's the only one without tunnel rat.
  120. [12:21:23] * Theta is now known as Thetina
  121. [12:21:43] [~Amaryllis] So he's all "no fuck this you are NOT leaving me down here to be lost", and he picks up the grenade, and tosses it ahead of everyone else. What's he thinking? Well, he thinks that this means they'll all turn around, go back into the room, and they can talk it out.
  122. [12:21:54] [~Amaryllis] Mage blood addict chick just BOLTS for it, fuck it all.
  123. [12:22:32] [Carbuncle] oh my goddddddddddddddddddddd
  124. [12:22:54] [&Botherer] Whelp.
  125. [12:23:14] [~Amaryllis] The grenade goes off. Now, what it does, is it forces everyone around to make an immediate check or go into ANGER FRENZY.
  126. [12:23:29] [~Amaryllis] Sheriff: Passes. Blind guy: Passes. Gangrel?: Whoops.
  127. [12:23:37] [~Amaryllis] Note that the Gangrel here is the most combat capable of all of them.
  128. [12:23:38] [Carbuncle] HAHAHAHA OH GOD
  129. [12:23:55] [~Amaryllis] So he starts to maul the sheriff with gigantic horrorterror claws and deals like half his health in one attack.
  130. [12:24:02] [~Amaryllis] The sheriff also fucking books it.
  131. [12:24:12] [LenaRena] Haha oh shit
  132. [12:24:16] [Carbuncle] so he unmists?
  133. [12:24:16] [~Amaryllis] The blind guy jumps up on him piggyback and holds on with his VIGOROUS THIGHS.
  134. [12:24:25] [~Amaryllis] Yes, he unmisted before actually I forgot to mention.
  135. [12:24:29] [Carbuncle] yeah okay
  136. [12:24:31] [@Thetina] did any of them recall what the fuck they came down here for at this point? silly gooses.
  137. [12:24:33] [~Amaryllis] He was just texting on his phone (in-character).
  138. [12:24:36] [Carbuncle] geese
  139. [12:25:00] [Carbuncle] oh speaking of things silly geese do should we get on the thing?
  140. [12:25:18] [~Amaryllis] Can I finish storytime first?
  141. [12:25:26] [Carbuncle] oh I was going to suggest you tell it ON there
  142. [12:25:30] [~Amaryllis] Okay, so the sheriff is running off, the blind guy on his back.
  143. [12:25:33] [Carbuncle] but sure if you'd rather it this way
  144. [12:25:35] [~Amaryllis] Nah better to have it in loggable format.
  145. [12:25:49] [~Amaryllis] The blind guy is still aiming to stake him so that they stops being crazy.
  146. [12:25:57] [~Amaryllis] Okay, so this is where I had to start running two scenes at once.
  147. [12:26:13] [~Amaryllis] Cause the sheriff and blind guy catch up with the mage blood addict because lol celerity characters.
  148. [12:26:34] [~Amaryllis] But this is the point where the Hound starts walking out of the room again, and he sees an anger frenzied gangrel slowly turn around to face him....
  149. [12:27:02] [Carbuncle] >playing V:tR without celerity
  150. [12:27:04] [Carbuncle] who does this
  151. [12:27:51] [~Amaryllis] Now, the Hound knows he can't take on a Gangrel, but he DOES have a bunch of Theban buffs and REsilience to make him super tanky.
  152. [12:28:21] [~Amaryllis] So he spends 8 rounds in a row getting hit by Gangrel claws while trying desperately to Dominate him and order him to "Surface" cause that'll force him to start running out of the Undercity.
  153. [12:28:49] [~Amaryllis] The Gangrel keeps getting shitty rolls on his attacks, which are still doing enough despite that to 3 shot weak characters.
  154. [12:28:51] [LenaRena] Gahaha shit
  155. [12:28:58] [~Amaryllis] And he keeps failing Dominate by a tiny tiny margin.
  156. [12:29:10] [~Amaryllis] FINALLY, he gets him, when he's down to something like...4 health boxes out of 15 or 16?
  157. [12:29:13] [LenaRena] Inb4 crit
  158. [12:29:52] [Carbuncle] Are they all AGGRAVATED?
  159. [12:30:01] [Carbuncle] or just lethal?
  160. [12:30:04] [~Amaryllis] AGG
  161. [12:30:05] [LenaRena] ^
  162. [12:30:08] [~Amaryllis] ALL AGG ALL THE TIME
  163. [12:30:32] [~Amaryllis] So meanwhile, the blind guy + sheriff catch up to the mage blood addict.
  164. [12:30:38] [~Amaryllis] And the blind guy tries to stake the sheriff...
  165. [12:30:43] [~Amaryllis] ...and ashes him. WHOOPS.
  166. [12:31:08] [Carbuncle] HAHAHAHAHAHA
  167. [12:31:20] [~Amaryllis] The sheriff's last words were "Al Worth will save us all" (Al Worth is the character who he was convinced the gay guy was)
  168. [12:31:30] [Carbuncle] WOW
  169. [12:31:35] [Carbuncle] WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT EARLIER
  170. [12:31:36] [BlendedSolosis] 'does anyone here any earlier
  171. [12:31:37] [~Amaryllis] So blind guy is super "oh god what the fuck" by this point.
  172. [12:31:38] [Carbuncle] that is a HIGH-TIER name
  173. [12:31:45] [LenaRena] Yeeeeees
  174. [12:31:51] [~Amaryllis] "I just ashed the sheriff oh god"
  175. [12:32:14] [&Botherer] Wait, what's "ashing" exactly in this context? I get killed, but killed how?
  176. [12:32:48] [~Amaryllis] when a vampire faces final death, they start to disintegrate to match their real age.
  177. [12:32:50] [~Amaryllis] Hence "ashing"
  178. [12:32:55] [~Amaryllis] Cause they turn to ash.
  179. [12:33:00] [&Botherer] Oh.
  180. [12:33:13] [&Botherer] Okay~ Sorry, carry on.
  181. [12:33:17] [LenaRena] Because they're territorial oaks
  182. [12:33:39] [@Thetina] why did he try to stake him ?
  183. [12:33:42] [Carbuncle] yeah ^
  184. [12:33:47] [Carbuncle] I don't quite get that one myself
  185. [12:33:54] [@Thetina] wasn't he hitching a ride?
  186. [12:33:56] [~Amaryllis] Because he was NUCKING FUTS.
  187. [12:34:07] [LenaRena] Because the \
  188. [12:34:09] [~Amaryllis] And they wanted to stop him from doing crazy things.
  189. [12:34:12] [~Amaryllis] Oh right, more context.
  190. [12:34:17] [LenaRena] *^
  191. [12:34:19] [~Amaryllis] There has been a MALKAVIAN HUNT going on in the game for a while.
  192. [12:34:26] [LenaRena] Craycray
  193. [12:34:26] [~Amaryllis] So obviously when they saw the sheriff's acts...
  194. [12:34:40] [~Amaryllis] (Malkavians are crazy vampires that can spread their insanity by blood)
  195. [12:34:43] [Carbuncle] oh, that 'splains it
  196. [12:34:44] [@Thetina] malkavian's are the crazy ones - right
  197. [12:36:01] [~Amaryllis] Mage blood addict tries to stake the blind guy, fails, and is just "okayI'mreallysorryI'mgonnagonow" and celerities out.
  198. [12:36:08] [~Amaryllis] So the Hound gets the Gangrel to start anger frenzying toward the surface, and he just starts to follow him, BUT the blind guy at this point is echolocating his way back to the safe room.
  199. [12:36:27] [~Amaryllis] The blind guy doesn't know the Gangrel is going to just go RIGHT PAST HIM, so he tries to stake HIM cause, well, anger frenzy.
  200. [12:36:28] [~Amaryllis] He fails.
  201. [12:36:32] [~Amaryllis] The Gangrel two shots him.
  202. [12:36:47] [~Amaryllis] The Hound in those two rounds has just gone back in the room and locked himself in.
  203. [12:36:59] [LenaRena] I imagine most would need a pad-IH GOD
  204. [12:37:20] [Carbuncle] >spaghetti vamp
  205. [12:37:31] [~Amaryllis] After a bit longer, he opens up again, and he sees the Gangrel with his hand up to his mouth, having finally fallen out of frenzy, and the player is doing a cartoon sneaking motion after picking up his hat.
  206. [12:37:43] [~Amaryllis] And just slowly slowly leaving the room.
  207. [12:37:46] [Carbuncle] beautiful
  208. [12:37:55] [LenaRena] ^
  209. [12:38:05] [~Amaryllis] So the Hound yells after him "DON'T YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME BEHIND IN HERE" cause, remember, no tunnel rat. Can't navigate out of here.
  210. [12:38:33] [~Amaryllis] And finally they exit the Undercity and by this point have no idea what's been going on at all in the rest of the game's finale. But it's okay because this was an amazing scene.
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