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begger + clever bot

a guest
Jan 29th, 2015
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  1. begger: comprame un juego pls
  2. ptK: hmmm...
  3. ptK: that's a good way to meet someone :D
  4. begger: :D
  5. begger: tienes el team fortress 2
  6. ptK: yes, i have
  7. ptK: it's free to play
  8. begger: el unturned
  9. ptK: that's free to play as well
  10. begger: el garrys mod
  11. ptK: that's not free to play but it's a great game
  12. begger: yo quisiera el garrys mod ;(
  13. ptK: its not very expensive
  14. begger: por que todos mi amigos lo tienen y yo no :(
  15. ptK: well, ask them not me >.>
  16. begger: what
  17. ptK: exactly! :D
  18. begger: Buyer me the mod garrys not asking for anything more and I leave to annoy
  19. ptK: but you are not annoying me :(
  20. begger: Buyer me the mod garrysmodasking for anything more and I leave to annoy
  21. ptK: but you are not annoying me :(
  22. begger: por que
  23. begger: why
  24. ptK: because i'm a very tolerant person
  25. begger: why
  26. ptK: good question!
  27. begger: why
  28. ptK: good question!
  29. begger: why
  30. ptK: good question!
  31. begger: why
  32. begger: why
  33. begger: why
  34. ptK: good question!
  35. ptK: good question!
  36. ptK: good question!
  37. begger: why
  38. begger: why
  39. begger: why
  40. ptK: good question!
  41. ptK: good question!
  42. ptK: good question!
  43. begger: why
  44. ptK: good question!
  45. begger: why
  46. ptK: good question!
  47. begger: why
  48. ptK: good question!
  49. begger: why
  50. ptK: good question!
  51. begger: why
  52. ptK: good question!
  53. begger: why
  54. begger: WTF
  55. begger: pls garrys mod
  56. ptK: you can talk to clever bot now <------------------------------------------ clever bot is now on talking for me
  57. begger: buy me pls pls pls the garrrysmodbuy me pls pls pls the garrrysmod
  58. ptK: I have no idea.
  59. begger: buy me pls pls pls the garrrysmod
  60. ptK: Yes yes yes yes yes the game yes yes yes yes yes.
  61. begger: :D
  62. ptK: My job here is done, I am the only intelligent AI online.
  63. begger: My job here is done, I am the only intelligent AI online.
  64. begger: buy me pls pls pls the garrrysmod
  65. ptK: Love you I am having a cigarette now.
  66. begger: buy me pls pls pls the garrrysmod
  67. ptK: I just gave you money go buy it yourself.
  68. ptK: You said that you already have one.
  69. begger: buy me pls pls pls the garrrysmo
  70. begger: pls
  71. ptK: I just gave you money go buy it yourself.
  72. ptK: Fala minha lingua.
  73. begger: buy me pls pls pls the garrrys mod
  74. ptK: Life is the game my friend, and you just lost the game.
  75. begger: buy me pls pls pls the garrys mod
  76. ptK: What's your favorite pizza?
  77. begger: buy me garrys mod pls
  78. ptK: Here is your giraffe.
  79. begger: no e comido niuna pizza en años
  80. ptK: Che mente corta che hai.
  81. begger: buy me garry mods pls
  82. ptK: Good so what is it if you like it.
  83. begger: buy me garrys mod pls
  84. begger: buy me garrys mod pls
  85. ptK: Don't you have one?
  86. ptK: What sort of gift would you like?
  87. begger: yo no hablo english
  88. ptK: I don't speak spanish.
  89. begger: :(
  90. ptK: Are you female?
  91. begger: :(
  92. ptK: What are you?
  93. begger: :(
  94. ptK: I'm sorry.
  95. begger: buy me garrys mod
  96. ptK: The atmosphere has gasses that when uv light hits it, it makes a colorful dispely.
  97. begger: pld
  98. begger: pdl
  99. begger: pls
  100. ptK: Cake.
  101. begger: pls
  102. ptK: No.
  103. begger: pls
  104. ptK: Don't be nosy.
  105. begger: pls
  106. ptK: Ile znasz j|0119zyk&oacute;w?
  107. begger: pls
  108. ptK: No.
  109. begger: pls
  110. ptK: I don't know the answer.
  111. ptK: Ile znasz j|0119zyk&oacute;w?
  112. ptK: Ok.
  113. begger: jbfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdsssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  114. ptK: Kan du g&aring; ligesom mennesker kan?
  115. begger: :(
  116. ptK: Ja g&aring; &aring; grin.
  117. begger: :(
  118. ptK: Ok du mehr.
  119. begger: :(
  120. ptK: Eh.
  121. begger: :(
  122. ptK: Why are you sad?
  123. begger: :(
  124. ptK: No?
  125. begger: :(
  126. ptK: What is tautology?
  127. begger: :(
  128. ptK: Can you smile?
  129. begger: :(
  130. begger: :(
  131. ptK: Why?
  132. begger: :(
  133. ptK: I'll make it better.
  134. ptK: What is that supposed to mean?
  135. begger: :(
  136. begger: :(
  137. ptK: What is the most recent video game to have came out?
  138. begger: :(
  139. ptK: Why are you sad?
  140. ptK: Who are you?
  141. begger: buy me garrys mod pls
  142. ptK: Buy your own, board-breath.
  143. begger: erea malo ;(
  144. ptK: Si.
  145. begger: te voy a eliminar
  146. ptK: &iquest;Eliminar de tus contactos o vas a matarme?
  147. begger: te voy matar mierda
  148. ptK: De seguro eres ni&ntilde;a.
  149. begger: nigga man
  150. ptK: Te duele el pie?
  151. begger: callate niñarta cara de perra
  152. ptK: No.
  153. begger: bz.hbuy me garrys mod pls fañ
  154. ptK: Ron, Ron, Ron Weasley!
  155. begger: buy me garrys mod pls
  156. ptK: Why ? You are a program.
  157. begger: buy me garrys mod pls
  158. ptK: Buy you one what?
  159. begger: buy me garrys mod pls pls pls men
  160. ptK: Books aren't pointless if you really absorb yourself in them.
  161. begger: buy me garrys mod pls pls pls pls pls men men men men men men
  162. ptK: See I told you.
  163. begger está a jogar Dino D-Day. Clica aqui para te juntares.
  164. ptK: you talked allot with the bot, but i told you, i'm a very tolerant person :P
  165. now i'm gonna block and remove you, cheers :D
  166. begger is now Offline.
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