
Log 0025

Mar 19th, 2017
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  1. [9:56 PM] Mizuki: After four hours of looting and preparing for the journey ahead, the party set out, with their new horses, wyverns, equipment and supplies. On the edge of the town, a wall of undead was blocking the way, thanks to the barrier surrounding the place. Alicia managed to blast a hole for the party to go through, but thanks to that, a horde of undead now pursues the group. In an attempt to escape the pursuers, the companions headed to the nearby river to the north, where they defeated a troll guarding the bridge and crossed it. Without means to destroy the stone bridge, Shar stayed behind, in an attempt to delay the undead menace and prevent the party's doom.
  4. [9:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (>actually getting started)
  5. [9:56 PM] Faerie: (You fuckin' madman)
  6. [9:57 PM] Mizuki: (w-well, even if we don't the summary is done!)
  7. [9:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle rides on one of the horse she purchased, trotting along at a slow speed. "..." She stays quiet, alert and scanning the surrounding forest for threat.
  8. [9:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Shadow's defeating the purpose, talking with Tot about how Doomwing should be capable of breathing fire and he's got just the thing.
  9. [9:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No, fam, no." Tot makes a face.
  10. [9:58 PM] Mizuki: ( @Players ! )
  11. [9:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The forest around you is quiet - the leaves have lost most of its vitality, as part of the Orcus Tragedy - the green turned to yellow, yellow into brown, and brown into the dust beneath the horse's hooves.
  12. [9:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Crackles of the leaves and the sound of Shadow speaking to Tot are the only sound in the area.
  13. [9:58 PM] Faerie: (Getting sheets ready, and stuff)
  14. [9:59 PM] Bot Fodder: (I should've read the old log more carefully, I don't remember any of that. Oh well.)
  15. [9:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Heya! Are you able to be around at this awkwardly late hour?)
  16. [9:59 PM] Bot Fodder: (Ssssure, why not.)
  17. [10:00 PM] Mizuki: (how will the looting work for Kap?)
  18. [10:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Retroactively. :sadpopo: )
  19. [10:00 PM] Mizuki: (I don't know what that means!)
  20. [10:01 PM] Faerie: (It means we're getting in the damn car and going back in time)
  21. [10:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (1500 GP worth of goods, with magic item at cost of 800 GP for uncommon of choice)
  22. [10:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Blessing purchased at same rate, and horse is recommended)
  24. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: All around you lies a forest that died, leaving nothing but dried barks and rotten leaves beneath your feet. The scent of swamp assails your nostrils as you advance, the leaves crumbling into dust beneath your steps. There's no sound, beyond that of the wind rustling through the dead forest, lifting the leaves...
  25. [10:04 PM] Faerie: (Check for blessings under
  26. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100
  27. [10:04 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 88, Result: 88
  28. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Do you wish to press on? Or wait for Shar, perhaps take a break?
  29. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Reminder that there are numerous ways to scout, and one merely has to become creative.
  30. [10:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Should you wish to press on, it would be a good time to choose your travel pace.
  32. [10:05 PM] Faerie: ''I have absolutely no idea where this is. Uh, Shadow?'', Razmik asks while petting his newfound mount.
  34. [10:05 PM] Faerie: Was the group still traveling east?
  35. [10:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow raises his palm at Razmik. "One moment, Good Sir Razmik. Doomwing! LEND ME THY EYES AND TAKE FLIGHT!"
  36. [10:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot sighs.
  37. [10:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot flutters up beyond the branches of the trees, and Shadow possesses Tot's visions for a brief moment.
  38. [10:07 PM] Mizuki: Alicia rides near Recelle, thinking of what their next step could be. Waiting for Shar would probably defeat the purpose of crossing the bridge and leaving her behind, she was never meant to stop the horde, just delay it. Hopefully she will rejoin them in a few minutes.
  39. [10:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "We are headed northbound, through the Forest Sea of Genneya, I believe it is called." Shadow says, trotting along on his horse while Tot shares vision with him.
  40. [10:08 PM] Mizuki: She also thinks of the wyverns. They need names...
  41. [10:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ahead of us, northward, would come to the valley pass in about two days - there's a small town ahead of us before Orcus Tragedy. Since the Orcus Tragedy, however... I suggest we go around it, fam." Shadow finishes. "What course of action, Razmik, fam?"
  42. [10:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Tot flutters back down and lands on Shadow's head like a demon cat hat.
  43. [10:09 PM] Faerie: 'Good Sir'? The display was uncharacteristic of the half-chuuni, but Razmik pays it no mind. Still, he wonders how mages ever grew stronger if they could simply rely on their bound familiars so much!
  45. [10:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, your warhorse gently lept a little, as if reminding you that you are also relying on something right now.
  46. [10:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She seeks attention!
  48. [10:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But it seems while you are still headed northbound, Shadow's waiting for you to give a direction - the plan is to cut through the Forest Sea of Genneya into the valley created between a wall of mountains.
  49. [10:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Between you and the valley's entrance, however, there once lies a small town, of which Shadow seems to be keen on avoiding - unless any of you wish to investigate or something.
  51. [10:12 PM] Mizuki: "We could find survivors on the town." - Said Alicia - "Did you guys hear anything about it since the tragedy?"
  52. [10:12 PM] Faerie: "Ahh, thanks for the pointers. We'd truly not be able to tell up from down without you here", Razmik points out. Treading away from the town of Orcusdale sounded a nice starting place.
  53. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "We don't head out much, fam." Shadow says. "Keeping to the city is already difficult. Wandering far, one's bound to run into things more dangerous than regular housewives turned into flesh-eating zombies."
  54. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The implication that regular zombie isn't scary enough for them to venture outside is, well - scary in itself.
  55. [10:14 PM] Faerie: "Survivors, you think? Seems implausible," Razmik wonders.
  56. [10:14 PM] Mizuki: "Thought so..." - Said Alicia disappointed - "We should probably avoid it then."
  57. [10:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I mean, if the like of the Complex can exist in Silverkeep..." Recelle shrugs.
  59. [10:15 PM] Faerie: "We've how high the walls to the Complex have to ride to keep monsters out, so I think a small settlement would fare differently."
  60. [10:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura lazes around, conserving energy while keeping a curious eye out for danger.
  62. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Avoiding the town it is, then?" Shadow says. "Then let use take a small detour."
  63. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Now, travel pace, then?(edited)
  64. [10:16 PM] Mizuki: "We will probably see more towns on the way, we still have a long way to go. It's not like we can save them all..."
  67. [10:17 PM] Faerie: All the while, Raz vigorously strokes his new friend under the neck area. She seemed to enjoy it, yes?
  68. [10:17 PM] Faerie: (Be right back, leaving pace to you)
  69. [10:17 PM] Runic: "I'd probably be best to take it slow for now, the chase must've been exhausting" Lexon says petting his horse he's riding
  70. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It's about who you are able save." Recelle sighs. "If we can't, then we can't. We ARE on a strange journey in a strange way."
  71. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Both of the horses appreciate your attention. Knowing the journey ahead to be diffcult, you decide to not press the horse or yourselves beyond necessary.(edited)
  73. [10:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Pace: Normal?)
  74. [10:18 PM] Mizuki: (sounds good)
  76. [10:19 PM] Runic: (I'd prefer to take it slow, just in case)
  77. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With an hour of riding, and guidance of Shadow with an overhead view via Tot...
  78. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100
  79. [10:19 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 33, Result: 33
  80. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Perception check.
  81. [10:20 PM] Mizuki: In the meanwhile Alicia keeps thinking of names for the wyverns. They are siblings, so names somewhat related would be cool. - "Jade and Quartz...?"
  82. [10:20 PM] Runic: roll 1d20
  83. [10:20 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 5, Result: 5
  84. [10:21 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+3
  85. [10:21 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 15, Result: 18
  86. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Are the wyverns on the wagon?
  87. [10:21 PM] Mizuki: (yeah)
  88. [10:21 PM] Mizuki: (well, they were)
  89. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4 Razmik
  90. [10:21 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 12, Result: 16
  91. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia, and Razmik's good enough.
  92. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Around a bend, you spot a group of hunch-back humanoid in the thickets
  93. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They are gathered in a hapzard fashion, the three of them, with their heads huddled together, as if whispering to each other.
  94. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They are the size of a small outhouse, each 8 feet tall - so they are likely non-human.
  95. [10:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are unable to get much more detail from the distance, roughly 3, 400 feet away.
  96. [10:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: What will you do?
  98. [10:24 PM] Mizuki: "Hey, everyone, take a look at that." - Whispered Alicia pointing at the group
  99. [10:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow and Recelle halts, with Recelle taking out her musket into ready position by reflex.
  100. [10:24 PM] Bot Fodder: John, appearing unstable for most of the trip, decides to dismount and walk his horse forward instead. He's most comfortable on his feet, anyway.
  102. [10:25 PM] Bot Fodder: "Should we get closer?" he asks the others in a half-whisper.
  103. [10:25 PM] Runic: Lexon shifts his body back towards the direction that Alicia is pointing, somewhat, but barely spotting a couple of creatures behind them
  104. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It... Seems that John has been travelling with you lots for merely a few moments, but he is with you.
  105. [10:25 PM] Mizuki: "What could it be?" - She asked - "Do you know of any race that lives in those woods, Shadow?"
  106. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Uh... Lizardfolks, kobolds... Trolls, and the occasional hermits and hunters."
  107. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Genneya isn't a kind place." Shadow frowns. "There once was gnomes, but the dragons convinced them otherwise."
  108. [10:26 PM] Faerie: (Back, sorry)
  109. [10:26 PM] Mizuki: "They look pretty tall..."
  111. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Might be hill giants? No, wait, they aren't tall enough for that..." Recelle murmurs.
  112. [10:28 PM] Runic: "Well, we could at least talking to them, the worst thing they could do is attack us," Lexon shrugs, "There's only maybe 2 or 3 of them from what I can tell at this distance, we can take them on if that happens"(edited)
  113. [10:29 PM] Mizuki: "But what if there are more hiding?" - Asked Alicia - "They could easily ambush us in a place like this."
  114. [10:30 PM] Faerie: Razmik decidedly does NOT step down from his horse. He was still getting used to riding such a stout specimen, but it felt nice.
  115. [10:30 PM] Faerie: ''True, that'', Raz finally raises his voice again pointing at Alicia
  116. [10:30 PM] Runic: "Fufufu," Lexon laughs "If that's what your worried about Alicia, then have no fear!"
  117. [10:30 PM] Runic: "Because I have the ultimate item to prevent a suprise attack!"
  118. [10:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your celestial mount is durable, a planar ally summoned from a realm of brilliant light, green grass, and of a silver river that seems to flow into the heavens, a mountain in the cloud. Or so your warhorse describes, Razmik.
  119. [10:31 PM] Mizuki: "Oh?"
  120. [10:31 PM] Runic: As Lexon says that he reaches into this back pocket and brings an item into the air...
  121. [10:31 PM] Runic: A dart
  123. [10:32 PM] Faerie: (Holy shit, someone actually got a weapon of warning? That's incredible)
  124. [10:32 PM] Runic: "This dart will prevent us from getting suprised attacked!" Lexon says idiotly
  126. [10:33 PM] Mizuki: "Is that a... lucky charm or something?" - Asked Alicia confused
  127. [10:33 PM] Mizuki: (and nice)
  128. [10:33 PM] Faerie: Taking heed of the Warhorse's explaination, Razmik muses further. ''Do you have a name befitting your stature, friend?''
  129. [10:33 PM] Runic: "Nope, even better, magic!" he says unconvincingly
  130. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The warhorse doesn't have a name - not such a thing is really needed back home.
  131. [10:34 PM] Faerie: (I've got a name in mind, don't worry :sadpopo:)
  132. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Well..." Recelle frowns. "We going around? Or we going to them?"
  133. [10:34 PM] Runic: Lexon words are clearly uninspiring, and hardly bring any confidence to the group to his claim
  134. [10:35 PM] Faerie: Thought as much. Micky's warning rings in his ears, and so he tries his hand at being clever.
  136. [10:36 PM] Faerie: As an Outsider to this Nightmare, beyond its dark master's reach... Interloper would fit the bill.
  137. [10:36 PM] Faerie: That was sure to sting!
  138. [10:36 PM] Mizuki: "Lexon seems really confident about his dart." - Replied Alicia with a (smug) smile - "I don't really get how something like that would protect us from ambushes though."
  139. [10:37 PM] Bot Fodder: John looks inspired! Lexon being a mage would explain a lot, actually.
  140. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Seems good, the warhorse isn't very intelligent - nor are most familiars and steeds. Interloper's intellect is like that of a young child, but with a kind heart and compassion to match that of an unicorn.
  141. [10:37 PM] Runic: (Mage?)
  142. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... And hooves to match a thundering warbeast.
  143. [10:37 PM] Faerie: And hey, he thought it sounded cool too.
  144. Snapping back to it, Razmik hurriedly suggests they attempt to pass through peacefully, taking a moment to scan the figures' surroundings.
  146. [10:37 PM] Faerie: (Can I take a Perception check?)
  147. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You did already since you weren't here :rainbowpopo: )
  148. [10:38 PM] Faerie: (MUH ADVANTAGE :sadpopo:)
  149. [10:38 PM] Runic: Lexon stores the ordinarily looking dart back into his back pocket
  150. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (whoops. Too bad :firepopo: )
  151. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The three huddled humanoids seem to be conversing somehow, exchanging something, occasionally leaning in toward each other...
  153. [10:39 PM] Runic: "So what'll it be everyone? The chance of getting ambushed is highly unlikely as long as you stick close to me"(edited)
  154. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot raises a paw.
  155. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I can turn invisible."
  156. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... You can do that?" Recelle seems surprised.
  157. [10:40 PM] Faerie: ''For real? You're certain it works, right?''
  158. Razmik sounds worried, but apparently there was no shortage of magical trinkets around the area...
  159. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Well, yeah." "How come you never mentioned it?!" "Because I never thought that it was bringing up!"
  160. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot grins, the demon cat fading from view... [The imp, Tot, activates Invisibility] "Right-o, this works?"
  162. [10:41 PM] Mizuki: "Tot might be our best bet to know what those guys are." - Said Alicia. Apparently she doesn't really want to trust everyone's lives to a dart.
  163. [10:41 PM] Runic: Lexon ignores the demon cat, clearly trying to steal his thunder
  164. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Uh." Shadow says. "Tot's left already."
  165. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Oh. Oh god."
  166. [10:42 PM] Faerie: ''Well, it would do us no harm to wait a second. How long does he have, Shadow?''
  167. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20-1
  168. [10:42 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 9, Result: 8
  169. [10:42 PM] Bot Fodder: "Honestly, I don't know about many things taller than a human that are easy to talk to, but... well, it'd be weird to just attack them, right?" John offers.
  170. [10:42 PM] Runic: "Well that's what the information said when I found this dart Razmik"
  171. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Oh. Uh. Uh. Worms."
  172. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "There's a lot of worms."
  173. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow blabbers.
  174. [10:42 PM] Bot Fodder: "Could you... elaborate?" John asks.
  175. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "They are... exchanging worms. There's worms growing on them. In them. From them."
  176. [10:42 PM] Faerie: Razmik wasn't sure he saw it. ''W, worms? Where?''
  177. [10:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Like, those three... Things.... They aren't... They are like, made of worms."
  178. [10:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Flesh and worms. Oh, ew, that's disgusting. Doomwing, can I turn the visio- yeah, thank you."
  179. [10:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow looks toward the rest of you. "Yeahhhh."
  180. [10:43 PM] Runic: "Worm people huh?"
  182. [10:44 PM] Faerie: Razmik... doesn't know if that'd be on the Smite On Sight list, honestly.
  183. [10:44 PM] Faerie: Then suggests that Shadow recall Doomwing.
  184. [10:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: To be acertain, Razmik, give me Religion.
  185. [10:44 PM] Runic: "Not too familier with that kind, but... what can worm people even do harm us?"(edited)
  186. [10:44 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20-1 religion
  187. [10:44 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 6, Result: 5
  188. [10:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You have no idea, Razmik.
  189. [10:44 PM] Mizuki: "Are they being eaten by worms or something?" - Asked Alicia looking a bit disgusted - "They're probably some form of undead then. We better avoid them."(edited)
  190. [10:45 PM] Bot Fodder: After a moment's pause, something seems not to register correctly in the simple guard's mind. "So, if they're just worms, they aren't dangerous?" he suggests optimistically.(edited)
  191. [10:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No, no, they are... growing with worms, exchanging worms, burrowing inside their flesh and all that. Big worms."
  192. [10:45 PM] Bot Fodder: "Oh."
  193. [10:45 PM] Faerie: ''Well, worm people does sound gross, for starters. Maybe they can infect people like undead, too?''
  194. [10:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Like, green, thick, big worms. Like... tentacles or bugs."
  195. [10:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle dry heaves a little. "Shadow!"
  197. [10:46 PM] Mizuki: "The hell... Are they humans?"
  198. [10:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I am just sayin' fam!"
  200. [10:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I can't tell anymore - there's more worm than skin on them."
  201. [10:47 PM] Faerie: Razmik procures a waterskin from his pack, passing it around. Honestly, he's not sure how the worms haven't noticed them yet. Unless they have?
  202. [10:47 PM] Runic: "Hmmmm, maybe we should avoid them after all, not because they're dangerous or anything, but... I rather not confront them"(edited)
  203. [10:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura seems agitated. "I don't like the sound of it, Master. Worms and other parasites... I do not do well against those." She seems to be speaking from a familiar's point of view.
  204. [10:48 PM] Mizuki: Alicia turns to the party - "Seems gross... And dangerous. I think we should avoid them"
  205. [10:48 PM] Bot Fodder: After another pause, John offers further logic. "Does anyone have any salt?"
  207. [10:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Sure do." Shadow says, digging into his pouch, pulling out... a hefty bag. "Salt? I've got a kilo. And some flour."
  208. [10:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Why?" Recelle stares at Shadow.
  209. [10:49 PM] Faerie: ''Doesn't sound any uglier than your average zombie, though...''
  210. [10:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Remember the hogs I had? Well... Yeah."
  212. [10:49 PM] Runic: "Nah, sounds way uglier" Lexon says disagreeingly(edited)
  213. [10:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "What in the Hades, Shadow?" Recelle sighs, putting her musket back on her back, as the group's considering something less combat-oriented.
  215. [10:50 PM] Faerie: Razmik asks, ''Hogs?''. And here he thought Shadow had the good sense to bring provisions, even if it was something like flour.
  217. [10:50 PM] Mizuki: "I agree with Lexon on this one" - Said Alicia, and then turning to Azura - "You ever heard about something like this? Could those worms be controlling the host? Trading them would make sense... On the reproductive aspect."
  218. [10:51 PM] Bot Fodder: (Note: an earthworm's reaction to pure salt is similar to a slug's or snail's.)
  219. [10:51 PM] Mizuki: Alicia seems disgusted at the thought
  220. [10:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yeah, after I exchanged the magic stick with the witch and..." Shadow pauses. "This isn't he time for that."
  221. [10:51 PM] Faerie: ''It's a long trip, I suppose. We might end up needing it?'', he offers trying to get the sniper off Shadow's back. With questionable success.(edited)
  222. [10:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle shakes her head, "No, no, I understand. I was just... Y'know, wondering how you turn pigs into salt, but the less I know, the better it'll be for my sanity."
  224. [10:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Controlling the host..."
  225. [10:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura thinks.
  226. [10:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  227. [10:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 10, Result: 12
  228. [10:53 PM] Bot Fodder: "Huh? Do elves not make salted meat? It lasts a lot longer that way." John seems to be on the wrong page.
  229. [10:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Huh? We dehydrate and freeze them." Recelle says.
  230. [10:54 PM] Runic: "Man Alicia! I didn't need to know that they could do something like that, worm people seem creepy enough as is!"(edited)
  231. [10:54 PM] Faerie: Razmik takes a sip of water. Riding a horse somewhat distorted his perception of time, making even an action like that feel more expedite.
  232. [10:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Salt would work, I suppose - that's a dehydration method, is it not? But this isn't the kitchen, haha." Recelle chuckles.
  234. [10:55 PM] Faerie: Then again, speaks up, hand resting on his saddle.
  235. [10:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 3d20
  236. [10:55 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d20]: 18,19,16, Result: 53
  237. [10:55 PM] Mizuki: "I'd rather stay away from them. Azura said there's a type of undead made of worms, that fact is disgusting enough for me." - She said
  238. [10:55 PM] Runic: "Guys there's no reason to confront worm people, let's just gooooooooo," Lexon says "Save the salt talk while we ride"
  239. [10:56 PM] Faerie: ''I say we cast a vote, then. We have places to be, so I ask if our situation is worth learning more about.''
  240. [10:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Fair enough." Shadow agrees.
  241. [10:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I vote leaving." " I as well." Shadow and Recelle votes against staying.
  242. [10:57 PM] Runic: "Absolutely voting to leave"
  243. [10:57 PM] Faerie: ''Hm? Not wanting to learn their dark secrets? Shadow, Alicia? Oh, well.'', Razmik jokes with a chuckle
  244. [10:58 PM] Mizuki: "It's settled then." - Alicia petted Azura and turned to the wyverns with a smile - "I've been thinking of names for you two. Quartz and Jade. How does it sound?"
  245. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I have plenty of them already, Razmik." Shadow scoffs, "Dark and mysterious!"
  246. [10:58 PM] Faerie: He makes it clear that it sounded like the way to go for him, as well.
  247. [10:58 PM] Bot Fodder: "Yeah, I guess it's best to keep moving unless we have to stop and fight." John mounts again (with slight difficulty.)
  248. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  249. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  250. [10:58 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 14, Result: 14
  251. [10:58 PM] Faerie: ''You know, it's nice for us all to see eye to eye on issues, for once.''
  252. [10:58 PM] Mizuki: "There are a few secrets I'd rather not know." - She replied with a smile
  253. [10:58 PM] Bot Fodder: (OOC-wise I would've liked the XP, but eh.)
  254. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The group departs, leaving the worms behind.
  256. [10:59 PM] Bot Fodder: (I'm probably behind with all the sessions I've had to miss...)(edited)
  257. [10:59 PM] Runic: ("We're not dealing with worm people!" - Lexon)
  258. [10:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Travelling on a curve, away from the town, the group aims at the valley's entrace and, after a few hours, passed the town and is on the other side.
  259. [10:59 PM] Runic: ("No worms!")
  260. [10:59 PM] Mizuki: (no worms!)
  261. [10:59 PM] Faerie: (Not really, level 7 is a long ways to go!)
  262. [10:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The day's coming to an end, with visibility drastically decreasing.
  263. [11:00 PM] Mizuki: (also, Jade is the light green and female one, Quartz is the darker and male one)
  264. [11:00 PM] Faerie: Along the way, Razmik lets his curiosity get the best of him and asks Shadow about his so-called dark secrets.
  265. [11:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You've made good distance today; 15 miles or so in total.
  266. [11:00 PM] Faerie: What's the darkest, most mysterious one?
  267. [11:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow turns to Razmik.
  268. [11:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "My mother."
  269. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow says, deadpan.
  271. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The party: Will you make camp, as the light is dying,
  272. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Or will you instead press on in the dark?
  273. [11:02 PM] Faerie: ''Pfffahahahahahaha, you got me'', Razmik roars with laughter, not bothering to diguise the sound
  274. [11:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Extra distance and forced march is a thing, but it carries an element of risk obviously.
  276. [11:02 PM] Runic: "Let's make camp guys, get some rest and give the horseys a break as well, also I'm hungry"(edited)
  277. [11:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: After the day's travel, the group is visibly fatigued. Recelle is holding it in, and Shadow is pretending that nothing is wrong, but it's clear that those two - and your collective buttocks and feet - can use a break.
  279. [11:03 PM] Mizuki: "About Shar, I wonder where she is right now..." - Said Alicia looking around for a good place to set up a camp
  280. [11:03 PM] Faerie: ''We covered solid ground, but it's a long journey. We'll have to stop to rest eventually, one way or another!'', Razmik helpfully reminds
  281. [11:03 PM] Mizuki: (oh god, we're going to get worm'd hard)
  282. [11:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I am absolutely not worried about my mother. Must've been distracted by a huge beast or something." Shadow jests.
  284. [11:05 PM] Faerie: ''I'm sure it's no cause for concern, yeah. Liches, and all that.''
  285. [11:05 PM] Faerie: Razmik accompanies Alicia, and suggests to the rest they partition campwork to minimize risks.
  286. [11:05 PM] Mizuki: "It's a little unconfortable to set up a camp here, knowing that there are worm people around. But I don't think we have a choice."
  287. [11:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The group finds a suitable place to make camp, with Recelle preparing a shelter and gathering firewood. Not on her own - if nothing else, Tot's scouting around ahead of her, and she's keeping to visible distance.
  288. [11:06 PM] Faerie: ''Maybe think about scouting the area for lurking dangers, first? We should have plenty of time to worry about dinner after that''
  289. [11:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow seems rather fatigued, and asks for some time to commune with his father on the tasks ahead.
  290. [11:07 PM] Faerie: He'll hand Lexon some cured meat, if he's into that, while the party prepares.(edited)
  292. [11:08 PM] Mizuki: "Sounds good to me, Raz" - Said Alicia accompaning him
  293. [11:08 PM] Runic: Lexon gladly takes the cured meat and starts munching on it, along with filling his waterskin with some ale and drinking some along with said meat
  294. [11:09 PM] Runic: "Thanccs Rassmicc" Lexon says while chewing his food
  295. [11:09 PM] Mizuki: "Take care of Jade and Quartz" - She said turning to Shadow and Lexon
  296. [11:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Jade and Quartz make themselves comfortable - scratching and digging a hole in the ground, and patting in some fibrous leaves and grass to make two sleeping holes.
  297. [11:09 PM] Bot Fodder: John does as well, seemingly not perturbed by the earlier talk of worms and such. He thanks Razmik.
  298. [11:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, Alicia,
  299. [11:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: How well do you see in the dark?
  300. [11:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Or will you lit a light?
  301. [11:09 PM] Mizuki: (I have light!)
  302. [11:10 PM] Faerie: Not very well. But we've got torches and magic!
  304. [11:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Fair enough.
  305. [11:10 PM] Faerie: Best leave it to Alicia. He'd prefer a dimmer source of light if possible, as to avoid unwanted attraction.
  306. [11:10 PM] Mizuki: Alicia touches her amulet, and it shines bright on the darkness.
  307. [11:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot trots and lands on Alicia. "Hold on, if you are wandering off, take me with ya. In a hurry I can get Shadow's attention, and I see well in the dark."
  309. [11:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle's mostly done anyway, working on things with a dagger in the camp.
  310. [11:11 PM] Mizuki: "Well, that's actually better." - She said - "Should I dispell the light?"
  311. [11:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Well, /I/ can see in the dark, but you two can't." Tot says, with a degree of sarcasm. "I don't know if you want to see or not, since I am sure leaving your visions to just me is a great idea."
  312. [11:12 PM] Faerie: Moving based solely on Tot's help could get a bit akward and low!
  313. [11:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ".... Keep the light on." Tot finishes, sighing.
  315. [11:12 PM] Mizuki: "Alright..."
  316. [11:13 PM] Faerie: ''Keep your eyes peeled, too. Just in case, did you bring your shield?''
  317. [11:13 PM] Mizuki: "Azura, come with us too."
  318. [11:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With the amulet alit with the arcane light, the two of you scouts head... With Tot. Azura, of course, is with you as well, Alicia.
  319. [11:13 PM] Faerie: Razmik is wearing two on his person, one strapped to his back, the other readied and held.
  321. [11:14 PM] Runic: Finished with his meal, and gulfing down a pint of ale, Lexon unstraps his horse from the cart and tends to feeding the horses with the food Razmik gathered for them
  323. [11:14 PM] Mizuki: "And sure, it's right here." - She replied to Raz
  325. [11:14 PM] Mizuki: (pls feed the wyverns as well)
  326. [11:14 PM] Faerie: (We're gonna get kidnapped, aren't we)
  327. [11:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With an almost paranoid level of awareness, the two of you scouts ahead in the darkness, with only arcane light as your sight. Unless you are Tot, who just looks around cautionously.
  328. [11:15 PM] Faerie: While on patrol, Razmik debates wheter to make smalltalk with Alicia. She seemed friendly enough, but they could run into complications...
  329. [11:15 PM] Mizuki: (brb, 1 minute)
  330. [11:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Those back at the camp: Shadow is concentrating on Orcusbane, while Recelle's finish setting up shelters and the like, and a simple barricade. She turns to John. "We want a fire?"
  331. [11:15 PM] Faerie: Anything starting with 'Hey, remember that one time...' wouldn't run as a conversation starter, so he just asks how she's been doing in the memory department.
  332. [11:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Fire would be a signal in this darkness, but it might also make us feel safer. I don't know - undead's throwing wildreness survival sort of out of the windows for me."
  334. [11:16 PM] Runic: Lexon casually finishes feeding the horses and petting on a job well done, and continues on to bring meat to the wyverns. Cautiously approaching them with the meat for them each in one hand due to his lack of dealing with actual wyverns
  335. [11:16 PM] Bot Fodder: (Are undeads still kindasorta covering the dome over the city?)
  336. [11:16 PM] Runic: (Kind of)
  337. [11:17 PM] Runic: (Most tried to chase us down)
  338. [11:17 PM] Bot Fodder: (Because if so, itmight be freezing right now.)
  339. [11:17 PM] Faerie: (Outside of the dome, losing them was kind of a pain in the ass.)
  340. [11:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The party by default have a rotational watch system that's determined by dice roll if or when there's some sort of surprise; if you want to have something concrete, such as dividing watches and determining who's watching at what time, feel free. Otherwise, it'll be determined by me if anything happen.
  341. [11:17 PM] Runic: (And the best we can do is lose them, hopefully most were thrown off after crossing the bridge and Shar holding them off)
  342. [11:17 PM] Faerie: (How DARE you bring logic into this?)
  343. [11:18 PM] Bot Fodder: (Oh, wait, we left. nvm)
  344. [11:18 PM] Mizuki: "To be honest, I still don't remember anything" - she whispered simply
  345. [11:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The ground and leaves are rather wet and cold, of course.
  346. [11:19 PM] Faerie: Razmik would offer to take watch, at first. And second and third watch, if you pressed hard enough :sadpopo:
  347. [11:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That's just part of the adventuring lifestyle, unfortunately - bedrolls, thick layers, and endurance are what'll keep you asleep at night and awake in the morning.
  349. [11:20 PM] Mizuki: "But Azura has been helping me with a lot of stuff." - She continued - "I don't even want to think what could have happened if it weren't for her..."(edited)
  350. [11:20 PM] Bot Fodder: "I guess it only makes sense to light a fire if we need it," John admits, somewhat disappointed himself.
  351. [11:20 PM] Runic: Lexon chooses to take the second shift
  352. [11:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Jade and Quartz, as well as most of the animal companions, are slowly drifting off to sleep.
  353. [11:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yeah. I am not sure if we neeed it or not, is all." Recelle says, smiling. "Well, let me know - I've gathered some firewood, should last us for the night in any case."
  355. [11:21 PM] Faerie: ''I... see... I was saddened to learn what happened, and felt bad for not having been there.''
  356. Razmik is keen on listening, curious about Alicia's decision to trust the group regardless.
  357. [11:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura mewls softly, and nuzzles toward Alicia.
  358. [11:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot gently leaps off. "I'll give you two lovebirds some privacy, fam."
  359. [11:22 PM] Faerie: ''But you made it to the shrine on your own, and you have no problem with your magic... it's all so strange.''
  361. [11:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot slinks off into the night, invisible. He might still be around, however.
  363. [11:22 PM] Mizuki: "It was not your fault." - Said Alicia - "Honestly, I think old me would have done the same, even after knowing the consequences."(edited)
  364. [11:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100
  365. [11:22 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 25, Result: 25
  366. [11:23 PM] Faerie: ''Right, no. We need you around, still!'', Razmik complains to the air.
  367. [11:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Pish, right behind you lots. I'll keep my eyes out." Tot says dryly. "Instead of on you two. No worries, I didn't see or hear anything."
  368. [11:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are not quite sure what Tot means by "anything".
  370. [11:24 PM] Faerie: 'But we haven't seen anything?', Razmik thought.
  371. [11:24 PM] Faerie: ...Speaking of thought, how's Interloper doing? Asleep?
  372. [11:24 PM] Faerie: They should be within the mile.
  373. [11:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She's at camp, sitting down and keeping an eye out on things.
  374. [11:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Speaking of which,
  375. [11:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: John, Lexon,
  376. [11:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Perception check, please.
  377. [11:25 PM] Mizuki: (oh god)
  378. [11:25 PM] Runic: roll 1d20
  379. [11:25 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 17, Result: 17
  380. [11:25 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+4
  381. [11:25 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 20, Result: 24
  382. [11:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: >20
  383. [11:25 PM] Runic: (noice)
  384. [11:26 PM] Faerie: Oh, right. ''We're carrying carrots, and stuff. Help yourself to some if you want, they're in my pack'', Razmik instructs telepathically.
  385. [11:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The forest seems more lively during this time of the night. The leaves and branch rustle from the wind, as the new shoots from those who stubbornly stayed alive sprouts... And, then, there's the sound of flowing water.
  386. [11:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Interloper responds favorably.
  387. [11:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ....
  388. [11:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: John, that's not water.
  389. [11:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You know distinctively that's not water. Water doesn't flow like that, and there are no nearby stream- you are sure of that.
  391. [11:28 PM] Mizuki: "Well... Raz? Seems like there's nothing around here" - She said calmly - "Wanna head back? I would appreciate a little rest"(edited)
  393. [11:28 PM] Bot Fodder: "That's... not water." John rises to his feet instantly and begins backing away, holding out his arm as a signal for others to do the same.
  394. [11:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Should I get a fire going?" Recelle frowns.
  395. [11:29 PM] Bot Fodder: He looks for the source of the noise, taking out a torch but not lighting it right away.
  396. [11:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Interloper immediately signals Razmik that something is up.
  397. [11:29 PM] Faerie: ''Of course. Seems safe enough around here, thank Grace.'' Razmik had begun to enjoy the magic-lit trek. It was like taking a sligtly scary walk!
  398. [11:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Jade and Quartz rises their heads, in interest.
  399. [11:30 PM] Runic: Lexon stands up as well
  400. [11:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow breaks his concentration. "...?"
  402. [11:30 PM] Faerie: ''Ah, shucks. Alicia, rest'll have to wait. Something's up at camp: I can't be sure what, but John seems to be checking around.''
  403. [11:31 PM] Bot Fodder: "Something's out there," John says in a half-whisper, half-growl. If he can't identify anything based on movement in the dark, he'll light the torch.
  404. [11:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Interloper offers to sprint and pick you two up; but it'll likely be later than sooner.
  406. [11:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  407. [11:31 PM] Mizuki: "What?" - She asked surprised - "We better hurry then!"
  408. [11:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It sounds like rushing water, but something is wrong. There's a drag, a difference in the movement, and the water seems to be running through leaves.
  409. [11:31 PM] Faerie: ''Do you have any way to get there faster? Interloper offers to come meet us, in any case'', he replied, focusing on his link with the warbeast.
  410. [11:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There are occasional gurgle, as well - things disappearing, in the dark.
  411. [11:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow casts Fly... On Interloper.
  412. [11:32 PM] Faerie: (That's clever)
  414. [11:32 PM] Mizuki: "Stay close to my light Raz!" - She said grabbing his hand - "Lets meet your horse on the way"
  415. [11:33 PM] Bot Fodder: John's instincts tell him that he -will- want a fire in hand for this. He lights it and tries to identify whatever liquid is moving across the ground.
  416. [11:34 PM] Bot Fodder: His gut says 'Slime', but the ones back home were all small and harmless and kind of cute, somehow!
  417. [11:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle arms and readies to snipe at whatever hostile she might see, while Shadow prepares.
  418. [11:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (>small and harmless and kind of cute)
  419. [11:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (>blue and do 1 damage and drops herbs)
  420. [11:34 PM] Bot Fodder: (Slimes are a JRPG staple too.)(edited)
  421. [11:34 PM] Faerie: Was that really needed? The light emanating from Alicia's jewel seemed bright enough, but he does as told.
  422. [11:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I know.)
  424. [11:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Any ready actions or prep actions, John, Lexon?
  425. [11:35 PM] Faerie: (>kind of cute
  426. Tell that to all level 1 adventurers that got sent back to the inn because of stray slimes)
  427. [11:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: the two wyverns, without their master, seems slightly worried.
  429. [11:35 PM] Bot Fodder: (They're always low level and IN NO WAY similar to the horrors present in DnD. Ever encouter an Elder Black Pudding at level 10? Yeah.)
  431. [11:36 PM] Mizuki: Alicia and Raz are running back to the camp, to meet interloper on the way
  432. [11:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: I'll take that as a nothing in particular, then!
  433. [11:36 PM] Faerie: ''Interloper's on her way. She'll sweep down upon us, don't be alarmed.''
  434. [11:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, and John. The sound seems to get closer...
  435. [11:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You spot, in the darkness, a small tree disappearing, suddenly.
  436. [11:37 PM] Faerie: ''Hey'', Razmik says in-between breaths. ''You're pretty nimble. Mercenary days?''
  437. [11:37 PM] Bot Fodder: "... Um. Run?" He glances at the others and asks for confirmation of his assessment. He also lights the torch.
  438. [11:38 PM] Runic: "Not everyone is with us, doubt we can manage that" Lexon responds(edited)
  439. [11:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And a small river rushing toward you... Or a small pond? A murky, roaring, angry stream that's perhaps only 10 feet long. Speckles of different color seems to be within it. As it approaches, you notice the difference in color. It's a dark, murky stream of water, seemingly taking up an upright form, with a malevolent, glaring red orbs that passes for eyes. Inside of the murky liquid beings, there are three different orbs of things - two orange in color, one black.
  440. [11:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A small tree is slowly disappearing into the black orb.
  441. [11:38 PM] Mizuki: "Guess so." - She answered, clearly worried.(edited)
  442. [11:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Slurrp. Slurrp.
  443. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The watery being opens its orifice that can only pass as a mouth, as if roaring. A haunting moan comes out...
  444. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: John, Lexon, Arcana check.
  445. [11:39 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20
  446. [11:39 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 6, Result: 6
  447. [11:39 PM] Runic: roll 1d20-1
  448. [11:39 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 17, Result: 16
  449. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: At this moment, Interloper arrived to Razmik and Alicia.
  450. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon.
  451. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You recognize this: This is similar to something you encountered before.
  452. [11:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In fact, recently; This is an Necroelemental, but of a water one this time.
  453. [11:40 PM] Faerie: Razmik helps Alicia up, informing her that he's never flown a horse before. ''Do you know how to do this?''
  454. [11:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Those orbs within, though, are something completely different - the Necroelemental seems to have swallowed up something...
  456. [11:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Recelle, giving no fucks, takes her ready action and snipes at the being.
  457. [11:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7
  458. [11:41 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 6, Result: 13
  459. [11:41 PM] Mizuki: "No idea, just leave everything to the horse." - Suggested Alicia climbing on Interloper and hugging Raz's back - "She got here alone after all."(edited)
  460. [11:41 PM] Runic: "Another elemental it seems guys, but in water form" Lexon yells hoping to have the scouting party hear(edited)
  461. [11:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The bullet is stopped by the liquid, a stream of ripples stopping the bullet cold!
  462. [11:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle curses, and blends into the trees.
  463. [11:42 PM] Faerie: ''W, well, alright. Let's get going, hopefully it's nothing serious.''
  464. [11:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow frowns, raising Orcusbane...
  465. [11:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Initiative, everyone including those coming back.
  466. [11:42 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+3
  467. [11:42 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 3, Result: 6
  468. [11:42 PM] Faerie: Razmik asks Interloper to lead through the fastest means available, if she will. Since, you know, flying warhorse.
  469. [11:42 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+3
  470. [11:42 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 15, Result: 18
  471. [11:42 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+3 advantage!
  472. [11:42 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 10, Result: 13
  473. [11:42 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20 init
  474. [11:42 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 11, Result: 11
  475. [11:43 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20 init
  476. [11:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 3, Result: 3
  477. [11:43 PM] Mizuki: (everyone can roll with advantage?)
  478. [11:43 PM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+1
  479. [11:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 8, Result: 9
  480. [11:43 PM] Runic: (People who have a weapon of warning on them Mizu)
  481. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (No, just those with MAGICAL ITEMS OF CHEAT)
  482. [11:43 PM] Mizuki: (o-oh)
  483. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  484. [11:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 18, Result: 20
  485. [11:43 PM] Mizuki: (18 for me)
  486. [11:43 PM] Runic: (Or any other magical item that lets them yeah)(edited)
  487. [11:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The elemental rushes forward, attempting to engulf...
  488. [11:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow.
  489. [11:44 PM] Bot Fodder: (How fast is not!Morpha advancing?)
  490. [11:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (60ft, but it seems to be Dashing)
  491. [11:45 PM] Faerie: (Koga1>Alicia>Lexon>Razmik>John)
  492. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow responds, snarling, "You dare-" Before shutting his mouth and stabbing forward.
  493. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+9
  494. [11:45 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 13, Result: 22
  495. [11:45 PM] Faerie: (Sentinel Shield here. It's neat!)
  496. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d4+2
  497. [11:45 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+2]: 4, Result: 6
  498. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Orcusbane glows for a bit, and a burst of radiance strikes the elemental.
  499. [11:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: .. Who promptly engults Shadow!
  500. [11:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The orbs within, detecting prey, strikes at the one that's engulfed.
  501. [11:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5
  502. [11:47 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 1, Result: 6
  503. [11:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20+4
  504. [11:47 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20+4]: 16,12, Result: 32
  505. [11:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 3d6+2
  506. [11:47 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d6+2]: 5,1,4, Result: 12
  507. [11:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A scream comes from Shadow, although it wasn't something audible, seeing as he's engulfed in the elemental.
  508. [11:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, your turn.
  510. [11:48 PM] Runic: Lexon points at the water necroelemental
  511. [11:49 PM] Runic: "I've dealt with your kind before, and just because your made of water doesn't mean I won't deal with you the same way"
  512. [11:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Boulder crushing, river dividing fists of Hamon)
  513. [11:50 PM] Runic: Lexon rushes towards the necroelemental following Shadow's lead on fighting head on as well
  515. [11:50 PM] Faerie: Razmik's got Interloper by the reins, silently enjoying the feel of the wind against his face.
  516. [11:50 PM] Runic: He jumps into the water necroelemental and attempts to punch the core within it
  517. [11:50 PM] Faerie: (I, uhm. Koga?)
  518. [11:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yes?)
  519. [11:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Which one? There's 2 orange and 1 black.
  520. [11:50 PM] Faerie: (I-Is Shadow still concentrating on Fly?)
  521. [11:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (GOOD QUESTION)
  522. [11:51 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+6
  523. [11:51 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 12, Result: 18
  524. [11:51 PM] Faerie: (Welp.)
  525. [11:51 PM] Bot Fodder: (Oh boy~)
  526. [11:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  527. [11:51 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 5, Result: 7
  528. [11:51 PM] Mizuki: ([PANIC])
  529. [11:51 PM] Runic: roll 1d4+3 damage(edited)
  530. [11:51 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+3]: 1, Result: 4
  531. [11:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon: Which orb?
  532. [11:51 PM] Runic: (Which ones are they?)
  533. [11:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: [11:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Which one? There's 2 orange and 1 black.
  535. [11:52 PM] Runic: Black is too obvious, orange!
  536. [11:52 PM] Faerie: Sturdy girl! Riding on horseback has quickly been growing up him, Razmik confesses to Alicia.
  537. [11:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In that case, a hit, and 4 damage with your fist?
  538. [11:52 PM] Runic: Of course
  539. [11:52 PM] Faerie: ''It's no wonder you like Azura so much!'', he simply says.
  540. [11:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It gurgled a little.
  541. [11:53 PM] Runic: Lexon, following up a underwater punch to one of the orange orbs, quickly tries to wrestle it
  542. [11:53 PM] Faerie: (Oh fuck, what happens if you
  543. [11:53 PM] Runic: 'Like a fish in a raging river I shall wrestle you out of there!' Lexon thinks
  544. [11:53 PM] Faerie: Wait, is this literally gonna be like the Morpha fight where we forcefully tear the core out?)
  546. [11:54 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+9 grapple
  547. [11:54 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 18, Result: 27
  549. [11:54 PM] Mizuki: Alicia isn't completely sure what the relation between Azura and horseback riding is, so she simply nods with a smile.(edited)
  550. [11:54 PM] Faerie: (Oh, god. Yes.)
  551. [11:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You grabbed onto something...
  552. [11:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And you yank it out of the water elemental.
  553. [11:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The pulsating orb, dripping with murky water.. Felt like acid.
  554. [11:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oh wait, it IS acid.
  555. [11:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: What's on your hand is an orb of orche jelly, a type of ooze monster that dissolves flesh.
  556. [11:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6
  557. [11:55 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 1, Result: 1
  558. [11:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You take 1 acid damage, but you have it grappled.
  560. [11:55 PM] Runic: "It's gonna take more than that to release my grasp on you, you little fishy" Lexon whispers to the orb
  561. [11:56 PM] Runic: end turn
  562. [11:56 PM] Faerie: Razmik can't see her nodding, but continues: ''I'm certain she's not as knowledgeable as Azura, but she's already told me of wondrous places.''
  563. [11:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You whisper softly to the Ooze.
  564. [11:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Ooze, having no language, unfortunately does not understand, and seems content in gnaling away at your hand.
  565. [11:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik.
  566. [11:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  567. [11:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Interloper loses height suddenly.
  568. [11:56 PM] Faerie: (The fish replies, 'what's the password')
  569. [11:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  570. [11:56 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 11, Result: 13
  571. [11:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Interloper makes for a crash landing, stumbles, and continues dashing! This is going to take a bit longer than planned, however.
  572. [11:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: John, your turn.
  573. [11:57 PM] Mizuki: "I'm glad to hear th-" - She started
  575. [11:57 PM] Mizuki: "The hell was that??"
  576. [11:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (That is Shadow failing his Concentration check! > says Tot)
  577. [11:58 PM] Faerie: ''Urk!'', Razmik's voice staggers as they hit the ground.
  578. [11:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: @Bot Fodder
  580. [11:58 PM] Faerie: ''Are you alright?! Everyone alright?!'', he groans out
  581. [11:58 PM] Faerie: Praising Interloper for a landing well-executed.
  582. [11:59 PM] Bot Fodder: (Distance to the Ooze nucleuses? How wide is this thing?)
  583. [11:59 PM] Mizuki: "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." - She replied - "A-Azura?"
  584. [11:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The water necroelemental is large, at the height of 10 feet tall.
  585. [11:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Number of spheres floats inside it: Black and orange.
  586. [11:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... 1 each, as one is torn out of it, and eating at Lexon's hand.
  587. [12:00 AM] Faerie: (Here comes?)
  588. [12:00 AM] Runic: ("Eating")
  589. [12:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Seems fine, Master." Azura reports calmly.
  591. [12:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (2 seconds, washroom)
  592. [12:01 AM] Faerie: ''We'll have to take a few turns - we can't let the forest slow us down now!'', Razmik urges.
  593. [12:01 AM] Faerie: ''You should get ready for battle, worst case scenario.''
  594. [12:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Oh, yeah, Shadow's drowning in a water elemental." Tot casually mentions. "Best hurry, fam."
  595. [12:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Back)
  597. [12:03 AM] Mizuki: "... Shadow was the one who casted fly, wasn't he?" - She asked - "Something may be very wrong."(edited)
  598. [12:03 AM] Faerie: ''You should have said so earlier! What in the nine hells is happening?'', Razmik yells back at the imp.(edited)
  599. [12:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Don't know, out of range of telepathy; I can sorta kinda tell there's a water thing around Shadow though." Tot says calmly. "Just hurry - not much else you can do, capice?"
  601. [12:04 AM] Bot Fodder: John casts his torch aside nearby so he can handle his spear more precisely. He raises it into a window guard, holding the tip at at roughly eye level ahead of him. Three steps, pace increasing with each, carry him toward the elemetal, and he uses his reach to make a quick jab at one of the nuclei! He strikes like a bullet, instantly retracting his weapon after the thrust, so as not to expose it to the acid too much.
  603. [12:05 AM] Mizuki: Water elemental... Alicia bites her lips as she thinks about that kind of creature and any possible weaknesses.
  604. [12:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Which target?
  605. [12:05 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+7
  606. [12:05 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 14, Result: 21
  607. [12:05 AM] Mizuki: (arcana?)
  608. [12:05 AM] Bot Fodder: (oops, wrong modifier)
  609. [12:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Sure, Mizu)
  610. [12:05 AM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+7 arcana
  611. [12:05 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 18, Result: 25
  612. [12:05 AM] Bot Fodder: (also, one of the two lexon isn't holding, I guess?)
  613. [12:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Sure. Let's say you hit the orange one?)
  614. [12:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Water elemental? They have no weakness that you know of. They in fact resists a lot of things: ACID, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from non-magical sources. They also cannot be poisoned. Normally.
  615. [12:06 AM] Bot Fodder: He's not sure whether it's a brain or an... orifice or something, but John stabs the orange orb in the creature's mass.
  616. [12:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 21 is a hit!
  617. [12:06 AM] Mizuki: (Alicia knows everything about elementals! She's almost a conjurer!)
  618. [12:06 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d10+5
  619. [12:06 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+5]: 10, Result: 15
  621. [12:07 AM] Faerie: (I thought she was artillery!)
  622. [12:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: With a deft strike, the jelly bubbles a bit, wounded.
  623. [12:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Acid leaks out, and burns the elemental slightly.
  624. [12:07 AM] Bot Fodder: (Gonna roll John's other two attacks quickly in the interest of time.)
  625. [12:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (kk)
  626. [12:07 AM] Faerie: (Also, please notify when we start getting in seeing range!)
  627. [12:07 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+8
  628. [12:07 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+8]: 16, Result: 24
  629. [12:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hit,
  630. [12:08 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d10+1d8+5
  631. [12:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+1d8+5]: 2, Result: 3
  632. [12:08 AM] Bot Fodder: (Ah, that didn't work.)
  633. [12:08 AM] Runic: (uhhh)
  634. [12:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (ahaha, multi-dice doesn't work)
  635. [12:08 AM] Faerie: (You should reroll due to GWF anyways, right?)
  636. [12:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I should fix that one day :thinking: )
  637. [12:08 AM] Bot Fodder: (But I'm using Distracting Strike. Though maybe it doesn't work on a mindless creature?)
  638. [12:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It is immune to Frigthened)
  639. [12:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (But... Hm)
  640. [12:09 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d10+5
  641. [12:09 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+5]: 10, Result: 15
  642. [12:09 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d8
  643. [12:09 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 8, Result: 8
  644. [12:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Nothing in Distracting strike says anything about immunities!)
  645. [12:09 AM] Faerie: (Oh, crap. Thanks for letting me know, actually)
  646. [12:09 AM] Bot Fodder: (>two 10s in a row)
  647. [12:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The jelly leaked some more acid.
  648. [12:10 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+8
  649. [12:10 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+8]: 16, Result: 24
  650. [12:10 AM] Faerie: (That's... kind of bonkers)
  651. [12:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It flops and gurgles...
  652. [12:10 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d4+5
  653. [12:10 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+5]: 3, Result: 8
  654. [12:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 24 is a hit,
  655. [12:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: and the jelly bursts from one final strike - with your shaft?
  657. [12:11 AM] Bot Fodder: Yup! Whsh, whsh, slap. John attacks with with two thrusts and a rear blow.
  658. [12:11 AM] Mizuki: Alicia quickly explains to Raz what she knows about water elementals
  659. [12:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The orche jelly fizzles and sinks, flopping lifelessly (Unles you erm... knock it out) downward.
  660. [12:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Don't ask me how you knock out an ooze)
  662. [12:12 AM] Bot Fodder: (Probably not :sadpopo: )
  664. [12:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Righto. That went well. Anything else, John?
  665. [12:13 AM] Faerie: ''So regular weapons are of no use? Bah, we might have a problem!'', Razmik complains, still galloping.
  666. [12:14 AM] Bot Fodder: John watches it dissolve and, as if remembering something urgent, pats himself down until he finds a towel or cloth. He cleans off his spear and discards the rag. "Phew."
  667. [12:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Just smite it fam." Tot says toward Razmik. "And this is coming from a fiend, irony notwithstanding."
  668. [12:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your Dragon Slayer seems undaunted by acid.
  669. [12:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your rag, uh.
  670. [12:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Burns a little. Yeah. Chemical burn.
  672. [12:16 AM] Bot Fodder: John reminds himself to restock on handkerchiefs at his earliest convenience. "Lexon, you all right? I think I have a towel somewhere... Erm, maybe we should get you some aloe, too."(edited)
  673. [12:16 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The orche jelly at hand gurgles softly at John's words.
  674. [12:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Seems like the orche jelly on hand is alright. That is, on Lexon's hand.
  675. [12:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: A handkerchief would be handy, of course.
  677. [12:17 AM] Runic: "Huh, what?" Lexon says questioningly unable to understand what he meant due to barely feeling the pain of the ooze
  678. [12:18 AM] Faerie: ''Smiting is hard, I'll have you know.'', Razmik replies to the Doomwing, his voice carrying no hint of jest or playfulness.
  679. [12:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anything else, John? Action Surge?
  680. [12:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Doomwing erm, Tot tsks. "I am familiar to Shadow, I think I know about hardship."
  682. [12:18 AM] Bot Fodder: Is the main body still moving? John warily backpedals no more than a couple steps, ready to keep the monster at bay if it lurches forward.(edited)
  683. [12:19 AM] Faerie: No use discussing there, Razmik figured. :sadpopo:
  684. [12:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The water elemental seems unfazed.
  686. [12:20 AM] Mizuki: "But Tot might be right, Raz." - Said Alicia having no clue how smiting stuff worked - "Your holy magic would probably be more effective."
  687. [12:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: In fact, you are not entirely sure if the necroelemental really... care, about its passenger being slain.
  689. [12:21 AM] Bot Fodder: Right. John decides the black one has to go next. Pass!
  690. [12:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Or perhaps even notice much of it? In any case, Shadow certainly seem like he's struggling a little within the water necroelemental, dodging the lurching sphere of darkness - presumably, another ooz.
  691. [12:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow ducks and sway, disengaging... or try to.
  692. [12:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Shadow disengages and moves away from the water elemental, gasping!
  693. [12:22 AM] Bot Fodder: "I think I hit the wrong one?" John comments aloud, uncertain.
  694. [12:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle, taking this chance, snipes at the water elemental again.
  695. [12:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7
  696. [12:22 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 8, Result: 15
  697. [12:22 AM] Faerie: ''I've noticed that the angrier you get, the louder your blade sizzles.'', answers the rider. Maybe he'd have to work on that.
  698. [12:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d12+4
  699. [12:23 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d12+4]: 9, Result: 13
  700. [12:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 4d6
  701. [12:23 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [4d6]: 5,6,5,3, Result: 19
  702. [12:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The bullet passes the water elemental, blowing a chunk of liquid off. Recelle reloads.
  704. [12:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Top of the round...
  705. [12:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The water elemental moves, enveloping Shadow again relentlessly.
  706. [12:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: However, as you are in range,
  707. [12:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, John, you may take a Reaction to oppotunity attack
  708. [12:24 AM] Faerie: (Racial penalty?)
  709. [12:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I call it "The Orcusbane penalty")
  710. [12:24 AM] Runic: ...
  712. [12:25 AM] Bot Fodder: John does so! He makes a swift stab at the black sphere, hoping one of them is 'vital' somehow.
  713. [12:25 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+8
  714. [12:25 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+8]: 5, Result: 13
  715. [12:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 13 is ... a hit on the black sphere!
  716. [12:26 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d10+5
  717. [12:26 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+5]: 6, Result: 11
  718. [12:26 AM] Runic: Lexon sees the oppurtinity and attempts to throw out a quick hook with his free hand
  719. [12:26 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+6
  720. [12:26 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 16, Result: 22
  721. [12:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You puncture a hole, and it leaks acid into the water necroelemental.
  722. [12:26 AM] Bot Fodder: (Lexon receives Advantage on this. But he didn't need it.)(edited)
  723. [12:26 AM] Runic: roll 1d4+3
  724. [12:26 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+3]: 2, Result: 5
  725. [12:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You punch the water.
  726. [12:27 AM] Faerie: (Crits?)
  727. [12:27 AM] Runic: (Do I roll "sneak" attack since advantage from John?)(edited)
  728. [12:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And allies in melee)
  729. [12:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (So yes)
  730. [12:27 AM] Bot Fodder: (Noice.)
  732. [12:27 AM] Runic: roll 3d6 "sneak"
  733. [12:27 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d6]: 5,3,3, Result: 11
  734. [12:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Good call, because I forgot)
  735. [12:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( kek )
  736. [12:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You struck a spot that seems particularly vulnerable!
  737. [12:28 AM] Runic: "Oraaaa!"
  738. [12:28 AM] Bot Fodder: (Also, it seels slightly unfair that John can use his attacks and still retreat backward to maintain distance. kek)
  739. [12:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your punch seems to be partially absorbed by the water, and a part of the force dissipates through the elemental instead.
  740. [12:28 AM] Bot Fodder: (Oh, wait. Do oozes have vital points and stuff?)
  741. [12:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (In 5e? Yes.)
  743. [12:29 AM] Bot Fodder: (I thought they were immune to crits.)
  745. [12:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (No such thing in 5e!)
  746. [12:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (... atm)
  747. [12:29 AM] Bot Fodder: (kek.)
  748. [12:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anyways, the water necroelemental...
  749. [12:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Swirls.
  750. [12:29 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20 shadow str save
  751. [12:29 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 9, Result: 9
  752. [12:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d8+4
  753. [12:30 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d8+4]: 6,5, Result: 15
  754. [12:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow seems to be crushed by the water elemental, and gasps helplessly.
  755. [12:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The black sphere, sensing the opportunity and is being swirled around anyway, clings onto Shadow.
  756. [12:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20
  757. [12:30 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 9,5, Result: 14
  758. [12:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 6d6+3
  759. [12:30 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [6d6+3]: 1,3,2,5,4,5, Result: 23
  760. [12:31 AM] Mizuki: (oh my god)
  761. [12:31 AM] Faerie: (Jesus christ)
  762. [12:31 AM] Runic: (oh boy)
  763. [12:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow falls unconscious!
  764. [12:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  765. [12:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Orche jelly on Lexon's hand chews.
  766. [12:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4
  767. [12:31 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 12, Result: 16
  768. [12:32 AM] Runic: (hit)
  769. [12:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 3d6+2
  770. [12:32 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d6+2]: 5,4,3, Result: 14
  771. [12:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 14 damage.
  772. [12:32 AM] Bot Fodder: (Shit... Actually, this reminds me of something. I replaced one of John's maneuvers when I remade his sheet. Maybe it's time to use it...)
  773. [12:32 AM] Faerie: (Instant Killing Strike, I hope)
  774. [12:32 AM] Bot Fodder: (Nope!)
  775. [12:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It gurgles a little, as a strong sense of burning sensation occurs on your hand.
  776. [12:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The jelly's enzyme is digesting your hand, Lexon.
  777. [12:33 AM] Faerie: (Strike of Water Evaporation? Elf-Saving Strike?)
  778. [12:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The wyverns.
  779. [12:33 AM] Runic: Lexon can feel a burning sensation on his hand, "feeling it now I guess"
  780. [12:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Initially surprised and not really sure what's going on, and without Alicia around,
  781. [12:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: they do what their instinct tells them to do;
  782. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: They spring forth, teeth and claw and stinger, at the water elemental, yelping war cries.
  783. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5
  784. [12:34 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 4, Result: 9
  785. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5
  786. [12:34 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 17, Result: 22
  787. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 sting
  788. [12:34 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 15, Result: 20
  789. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 sting #2
  790. [12:34 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 13, Result: 18
  791. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  792. [12:34 AM] Faerie: (Holy shit, heh.)
  793. [12:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 3d6+9
  794. [12:34 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d6+9]: 2,3,1, Result: 15
  795. [12:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The combined flurry of draconic teeth and claw didn't do so well, and the stingers injects poison into the water necroelemental!
  796. [12:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The UNDEAD ELEMENTAL is unaffected by the poison, which neutralizes. :sadpopo:
  798. [12:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon.
  799. [12:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your turn.
  800. [12:36 AM] Runic: Lexon does one of the many things he does best, punch
  801. [12:37 AM] Runic: Lexon punches the black orb with his free hand
  802. [12:37 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+6
  803. [12:37 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 19, Result: 25
  804. [12:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: That's a hit, ayep.
  805. [12:37 AM] Runic: roll 1d4+3 hit
  806. [12:37 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+3]: 2, Result: 5
  807. [12:37 AM] Runic: And with quick session, he uppercuts the black orb
  808. [12:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8
  809. [12:37 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 5, Result: 5
  810. [12:37 AM] Bot Fodder: (You might want to get rid of the one on your hand, though?)
  811. [12:37 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your hand melts; take 5 acid damage.
  812. [12:38 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: At least, your FREE hand melts; your slimy hand is already melting.
  813. [12:38 AM] Faerie: (Hey, as long as it's off Shadow, I say it's fair)
  814. [12:38 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: And yes, carry on.
  815. [12:38 AM] Runic: Letting the orb bounce up, and while repounding down he attempts to grapple the other one right out of the water
  816. [12:38 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+9 grapple
  817. [12:38 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 9, Result: 18
  818. [12:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+6
  819. [12:39 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 6, Result: 12
  820. [12:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sure.
  821. [12:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The black sphere gurgles...
  822. [12:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: And out it comes.
  823. [12:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Dragging itself... Draggong a whole lot of itself.
  824. [12:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The black sphere, exposed to the air, smells like putrid flesh and acid vat of alchemy.
  825. [12:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: And it gladly clings onto you, Lexon.
  826. [12:40 AM] Runic: Lexon noticing it
  827. [12:40 AM] Runic: grips harder
  828. [12:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It did not bounce. It sticked. It stuck to you.
  829. [12:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8
  830. [12:40 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 2, Result: 2
  831. [12:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: take 2 acid damage,
  832. [12:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: and I am going to say this right now: Your unarmed strike does NOT take cumulative penalty or damage.
  833. [12:41 AM] Runic: "Gonna play it like that huh, I'll play" Lexon whispers to black orb
  834. [12:41 AM] Mizuki: (Lexon is killing himself :shockedpopo: )
  835. [12:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anything else, Lexon?
  836. [12:41 AM] Runic: I'm good
  837. [12:41 AM] Runic: pass
  838. [12:41 AM] Faerie: (He should still be relatively alright, I think)
  839. [12:41 AM] Bot Fodder: (So Koga... What's your ruling on shoving/pushing a target engaged in a grapple?)
  840. [12:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, you got closer to the scene. You are still a round away since >fly went off
  841. [12:41 AM] Faerie: Right!
  842. [12:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Moving the creature breaks the grappled status)
  843. [12:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And move them as per normal)
  844. [12:42 AM] Mizuki: (how many hp. Runic?)
  845. [12:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: John, your turn.
  846. [12:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... You notice Shadow glowing.
  847. [12:42 AM] Runic: (33)
  848. [12:42 AM] Faerie: ''I see camp!'', Razmik tells Alicia, taking a hand off the reins.(edited)
  849. [12:42 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... As if he's about to blow up.
  850. [12:42 AM] Bot Fodder: (Ok, now I just need to figure out how to justify this. Because, uh... there isn't a lot to push off.)
  851. [12:43 AM] Runic: (Don't you dare make me lose my catch)
  852. [12:43 AM] Bot Fodder: (The enzymes will probably still stick to you!)
  853. [12:43 AM] Runic: (Good!)
  854. [12:44 AM] Mizuki: Alicia peeks from behind Raz - "I hope they're alright."
  855. [12:44 AM] Faerie: (Holy fucking hell, I just learned Sanctuary lasts a whole minute instead of a single round.)
  856. [12:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (faepls)
  857. [12:44 AM] Bot Fodder: (How viscous is the ooze? Like an egg yolk?)
  858. [12:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Uh)
  859. [12:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Goooood question.)
  860. [12:45 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Like... oobleck?)
  861. [12:45 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It has consistency of a stew that someone poured corn starch into.
  862. [12:45 AM] Bot Fodder: (Screw it, better idea.)
  864. [12:46 AM] Faerie: (Corn starch is the shit. Just saying)
  865. [12:46 AM] Bot Fodder: John grinds his teeth, trying to think of a way to free Shadow quickly! With the blunt end of his spear, he tries to hook Shadow under one arm and fling him free of the ooze.
  866. [12:47 AM] Bot Fodder: (I guess... this is a Shove? Dunno what I roll.)
  867. [12:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (As per normal attack against a dexless Shadow)
  868. [12:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (With advantage)
  869. [12:48 AM] Mizuki: Alicia takes out two health potions from her pocket and hands them to Raz - "I got six of those back on the city, forgot to hand them to you guys."
  870. [12:48 AM] Faerie: (Shove's STR contest, right?)
  871. [12:48 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Shadow'll willingly fail that actually)
  872. [12:48 AM] Faerie: (Well, he's out...)
  873. [12:48 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow can't resist anyhow, drowning as he is.
  874. [12:49 AM] Mizuki: "Not sure how useful something like this is for you, since you can heal people with magic, but take some." - She added - "Just in case."
  876. [12:50 AM] Faerie: Razmik nods in gratitude. ''Mhmm, alright. We can distribute them later, but this is definitely something nice to have in a pinch. Thank you.''
  877. [12:50 AM] Bot Fodder: Once Shadow's out, John advances! Exercising a technique meant for crowd control, John swings his spear in multiple wide arcs. He doesn't push the amorphous Elemental back so much as... -row- it.
  878. [12:50 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+8
  879. [12:50 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+8]: 5, Result: 13
  880. [12:51 AM] Bot Fodder: (Not a shove, using Pushing Attack!)
  881. [12:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  882. [12:51 AM] Bot Fodder: (or I will, if this hits.)
  883. [12:51 AM] Faerie: ...bit of a challenge to pocket stuff while going at full throttle like that, Razmik considered.
  884. [12:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 13 isn't not!
  885. [12:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The pike enters the water elemental, which parts!
  887. [12:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (... oh, uh, you might've precisioned. Ahem.)
  888. [12:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 13 might not be!
  889. [12:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: :firepopo:
  890. [12:52 AM] Bot Fodder: (Nah, I'll just attack again. Can't use more than one maneuver on a single attack.)
  891. [12:53 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d20+8
  892. [12:53 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+8]: 8, Result: 16
  893. [12:53 AM] Mizuki: (both orbs are on Lexon's hand, right?)
  894. [12:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Fair enough :firepopo: )
  895. [12:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 16 is a hit
  896. [12:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yes, Mizu!)
  898. [12:53 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d10+5
  899. [12:53 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+5]: 5, Result: 10
  900. [12:53 AM] Bot Fodder: roll 1d8
  901. [12:53 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 8, Result: 8
  902. [12:53 AM] Bot Fodder: (Ooze has to Strength save)
  903. [12:53 AM] Faerie: (>10 and 8
  904. OI)
  905. [12:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: This time, YOU parted the water instead.
  906. [12:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4
  907. [12:54 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 9, Result: 13
  908. [12:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: DC?
  910. [12:54 AM] Faerie: (Seriously, did John get promoted lately or something? Those rolls.)
  911. [12:54 AM] Bot Fodder: (15)
  912. [12:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The water elemental is flung backward, past Shadow and everyone.
  913. [12:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It splatters and gurgles, reeling from the blow that moved a half ton of murky liquid.
  915. [12:55 AM] Faerie: (Oh, yeah, can we take our prep turn before round ends?)
  916. [12:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Sure fae)
  917. [12:56 AM] Bot Fodder: John somehow manages to create a wide berth! He's not sure how that works -- maybe the thing staggered, in spite of lacking legs -- but he isn't complaining. He stands at the ready between Shadow and the ooze, 15 feet between them.
  918. [12:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Righto, anything else?
  919. [12:56 AM] Bot Fodder: Nope, pass.
  920. [12:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: NPCs...
  921. [12:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: A heavy amount of positive energy gathers on Shadow, as the Undyne uh, Undying Light, the ideal that Shadow worships, shining within depth of Shadow gathers force. Shadow opens his eyes, almost involuntarily, and his mouth gasps... And radiance flashes out from the orifices as a burning torrent of light and radiant damage rushes forth explosively. Shadow resists the urge to pose and cast minor illusion on himself, and grips Orcusbane tightly. "... A true hero doesn't simply go down and stay down!" He snarls, spitting murky water. ... And retreats behind John, hiding. "... Help." Shadow whimpers, as Recelle sighs, taking a pot shot at the water elemental.
  923. (Undying Light Warlock feature activates, Hostile creatures within 30 feet are burned by 20 radiant damage, hissing and fizzling!)
  924. [12:57 AM] Faerie: (Even while unconscious, unreasonable heroics!)
  925. [12:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow ready actions to evade if situation goes south as >low hp
  926. [12:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7 Recelle's musket
  927. [12:57 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 10, Result: 17
  928. [12:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d12+4
  929. [12:57 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d12+4]: 1, Result: 5
  930. [12:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d6
  931. [12:58 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 6,5, Result: 11
  932. [12:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle curses, surprised by the bright light...
  933. [12:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: And the bullet goes through the water necroelemental, it reeling from the combined blow from John, Shadow, and Recelle. It gurgles and falls into a small, inanimated pool of dead water!
  934. [12:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The orche jelly and ooze are burnt by the radiant light, but they cannot be blinded, since... ooze...
  935. [12:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: They decide to gnawl on their treat instead.
  936. [1:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4 orche
  937. [1:00 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 6, Result: 10
  938. [1:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5 black pudding
  939. [1:00 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 1, Result: 6
  941. [1:00 AM] Runic: Lexon feels literally nothing
  942. [1:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Human fist are decidedly resistent to acid.
  944. [1:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The wyverns! ...
  945. [1:01 AM] Bot Fodder: (Fists are a man's romance!)
  946. [1:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... They delay, seeing as their main target is gone.
  947. [1:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, your turn.
  948. [1:01 AM] Runic: Lexon takes a deep breath
  949. [1:02 AM] Runic: He whispers to the orange ooze held by his right hand
  950. [1:02 AM] Runic: "I'll deal with you later"
  951. [1:02 AM] Faerie: (Did we go through top of round?)
  952. [1:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah, Fae)
  953. [1:02 AM] Runic: And with that, he drops the orange ooze
  954. [1:02 AM] Faerie: ((He's TALKING to the ooze))
  955. [1:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You...
  956. [1:02 AM] Runic: And focuses his attention to the black one
  957. [1:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Need to escape from the ooze, who doesn't WISH to break the grapple.
  958. [1:02 AM] Runic: (Both?)
  959. [1:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Just the one you are breaking away from.
  960. [1:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: aka orche
  961. [1:03 AM] Runic: (Alright whatever)
  962. [1:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It tries to gnawl at Lexon's hand, and doesn't wish to let go!
  963. [1:03 AM] Runic: Lexon releases his grip on the orange one, yet it still clings on
  965. [1:04 AM] Runic: Lexon then decides to preform a double DDT since the orange one insists so much
  966. [1:04 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+9 athletics check
  967. [1:04 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 20, Result: 29
  968. [1:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Uh.
  969. [1:04 AM] Mizuki: (H E H)
  970. [1:04 AM] Faerie: (Ahaha.)
  971. [1:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (What's a double DDT?)
  972. [1:04 AM] Runic: (Proning them btw)
  973. [1:04 AM] Bot Fodder: (Friggin' prokaryotes and their non-systemic organs.)
  974. [1:04 AM] Runic: (
  975. [1:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Ohh, ok.
  976. [1:05 AM] Runic: Lexon effortlessly slams the oozes onto the ground
  977. [1:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You drop the ooze on the ground!
  978. [1:05 AM] Faerie: (DDT is one of the main compounds found in insecticides, apparently)
  979. [1:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can't tell if they are prone or not, though - their body doesn't allow for that position.
  980. [1:05 AM] Bot Fodder: (And his name is JOHN CENA)
  982. [1:06 AM] Runic: Lexon procedes use his own power and glows a radiantly as similarly to Shadow
  983. [1:06 AM] Runic:
  985. [1:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (One day, someone will attempt to slice ooze and I'll get to laugh at them. One day.)
  986. [1:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Go ahead, Lexon.
  987. [1:06 AM] Faerie: (What happens if you do?)
  988. [1:06 AM] Runic: Lexon attacks the black orb multiple times
  990. [1:06 AM] Bot Fodder: (Splits?)
  991. [1:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah.)
  992. [1:06 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+6
  993. [1:06 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 18, Result: 24
  994. [1:06 AM] Bot Fodder: (Kek.)
  995. [1:06 AM] Faerie: (Into two?)
  996. [1:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Keep going!
  997. [1:07 AM] Runic: roll 1d4+3
  998. [1:07 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+3]: 3, Result: 6
  999. [1:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8
  1000. [1:07 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 1, Result: 1
  1001. [1:07 AM] Runic: roll 1d20+6
  1002. [1:07 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 19, Result: 25
  1003. [1:07 AM] Bot Fodder: (Maybe it's good Razmik didn't make it here fast enough to fight the main body.)
  1004. [1:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your fist sizzles as you punch it,
  1005. [1:07 AM] Runic: roll 1d4+3
  1006. [1:07 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+3]: 3, Result: 6
  1007. [1:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8
  1008. [1:07 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 8, Result: 8
  1009. [1:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The second splash of acid corrodes you heaftily! 9 acid in total, dealign your damage....
  1010. [1:07 AM] Runic: (I assume no "sneak" attack since technically not prone?)
  1011. [1:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... You have ally within 5ft, so please sneak attack.
  1012. [1:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Twice, actually.
  1013. [1:08 AM] Runic: roll 3d6
  1014. [1:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d6]: 1,2,4, Result: 7
  1015. [1:08 AM] Runic: roll 3d6
  1016. [1:08 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d6]: 5,6,4, Result: 15
  1017. [1:08 AM] Faerie: (He's got a hammer, but yeah. If he can help it, grasping a sword hilt is preferable)
  1018. [1:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It's not prone as ooze are immune to being prone - but you get John Cena the guard.)
  1019. [1:08 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Your furious blows upon blows scatter the black ooze into four winds!
  1020. [1:09 AM] Runic: And end turn
  1022. [1:09 AM] Runic: (Also the black one dead?)
  1023. [1:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah.)
  1024. [1:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik.
  1025. [1:09 AM] Runic: (Noice)
  1026. [1:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Interloper arrive at the scene.... Uh.
  1027. [1:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's a pool of water on the floor, Lexon's in a uppercut position,
  1028. [1:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: John has a shakened Shadow wielding Orcusbane hiding behind him, and Recelle looks like she need a Tylenol.
  1029. [1:10 AM] Faerie: ''Make haste, Interloper! Do like divine wind and pierce through the night!'', Razmik proclaims their return loudly as soon as the scene is entered.
  1030. [1:10 AM] Runic: "Somebody get this orange slime off me, don't kill it though, it's my catch!"
  1031. [1:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's a singular ooze on the forest floor.
  1032. [1:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The orange slime is like... Quivering.
  1033. [1:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: :sadpopo:
  1034. [1:10 AM] Runic: Catch? The hell is Lexon talking about?
  1036. [1:11 AM] Faerie: Sword raised, that is, guiding their way by shedding light around.
  1037. [1:11 AM] Faerie: How many feet away?
  1038. [1:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: 30 feet away from you and Alicia.
  1039. [1:12 AM] Faerie: Well, okay. Unless Alicia was readying something and wishes to interrupt, Razmik begs Interloper to charge in.(edited)
  1040. [1:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Uh, ok?" Recelle says, surprised, lowering her musket at Lexon's request.
  1041. [1:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Interloper's not really stopping, Razmik.
  1042. [1:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It'll be a second (or 6) before she can charge fast enough though.
  1043. [1:12 AM] Faerie: He is, at least partially, relieved to see everyone still standing.
  1044. [1:13 AM] Faerie: Oh, is that as far as she'll go?
  1045. [1:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yeah, 30 ft away.
  1046. [1:13 AM] Faerie: Dexterity check to dismount without spending movement! I'm fairly sure that's a thing?
  1047. [1:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: All that remains is a small block of orange jelly on the forest floor, looking like it'll seep through the floor at any time.
  1048. [1:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1049. [1:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Uh,
  1050. [1:14 AM] Faerie: (Is it?)
  1051. [1:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Athletics... No, no, Acrobatics.
  1052. [1:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: So yes, dex check for you :firepopo:(edited)
  1053. [1:14 AM] Faerie: Acrobatics, alright.
  1054. [1:14 AM] Faerie: roll 1d20-3 just fuck me up
  1055. [1:14 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-3]: 1, Result: -2
  1056. [1:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You exit Interloper!
  1057. [1:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: At horse velocity.
  1058. [1:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6
  1059. [1:15 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 4, Result: 4
  1060. [1:15 AM] Bot Fodder: (Should I have left Shadow in the blob? He could've exploded it.)
  1061. [1:15 AM] Faerie: Razmik excitedly leaps off...
  1062. [1:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You arrive prone, Razmik, and with 4 bludgeoning damage on yourself.
  1063. [1:15 AM] Runic: (The blast was a 30 ft radius I believe)
  1064. [1:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah, 30ft)
  1065. [1:15 AM] Faerie: Where at?
  1066. [1:15 AM] Runic: (So Shadow did still hit the blob, don't worry)
  1067. [1:16 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are 20 ft away from the blob and situation.
  1068. [1:16 AM] Faerie: Razmik was going to have to get up if he was to do anything, anyway, so he'll stand back up
  1069. [1:16 AM] Bot Fodder: (but Shadow would agree that doing it from inside the blob would've been cooler.)
  1070. [1:16 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: This is turning out to be a very comedic picture, if camera were a thing in D&D.
  1071. [1:16 AM] Runic: (That is true)
  1072. [1:16 AM] Bot Fodder: (... But probably more painful.)
  1073. [1:16 AM] Faerie: 'Didn't matter, made it', he thinks.
  1074. [1:16 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (This is actually Undying Light warlock level 6 ability)
  1075. [1:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I might've swapped the two numbers around due to accident, but hey.)
  1076. [1:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anything else, Razmik?
  1077. [1:17 AM] Faerie: (Fucking wew, 20 HP)
  1078. [1:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Interloper, uh, looks to the side, embarrassed as you flew onto the forest floor.
  1079. [1:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: John after.
  1081. [1:18 AM] Bot Fodder: (Are we still technically in combat with something?)
  1082. [1:18 AM] Faerie: Yeah, the core? He should be able to reach it with what movement he's got left
  1083. [1:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The last orche jelly.)
  1084. [1:18 AM] Faerie: (The one Lexon's holding, right?)
  1085. [1:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( which btw, is 1/2 CR and it's very wounded :sadpopo: )
  1086. [1:18 AM] Mizuki: (tfw I won't even be able to attack it at this rate)
  1087. [1:19 AM] Runic: (Don't kill it!)
  1088. [1:19 AM] Mizuki: (I prepared such an stylish attack ;-;)
  1089. [1:19 AM] Faerie: But yeah, can I just puncture?
  1090. [1:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can... Erm.
  1091. [1:19 AM] Faerie: (Yell at me not to kill it!)
  1092. [1:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, you are on the floor, and 20 feet away from the ooze and Lexon.
  1093. [1:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You have your Action left.
  1094. [1:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: :sadpopo:
  1095. [1:19 AM] Faerie: Oh, no movement?
  1096. [1:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Punishment for jumping out and getting -2.
  1097. [1:20 AM] Faerie: Okay, this is super awkward.
  1098. [1:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: It wasn't even positive![1:20 AM] Faerie: Ahh. Okay.
  1100. [1:20 AM] Faerie: That's silly, how do you even roll into negatives :sadpopo:
  1101. [1:20 AM] Faerie: Pass.
  1102. [1:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: John!
  1103. [1:20 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your turn.
  1105. [1:20 AM] Faerie: But the shame in Razmik's heart passes not. He's busy stargazing now, seemingly.(edited)
  1106. [1:21 AM] Bot Fodder: John holds his turn! He's staring at Lexon. "You're not going to keep that, are you?
  1107. [1:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The lone orche jelly inwardly considers its life choice as life flashes over its proverbial eyes.
  1109. [1:21 AM] Runic: "Hell yeah I am! It's practically harmless from what I can tell" Lexon yells(edited)
  1110. [1:22 AM] Runic: (Despite it doing 1+14 damage to Lexon)
  1112. [1:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oh, uh
  1113. [1:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anything, John? :sadpopo:
  1114. [1:23 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (2 CR, 1/2 CR - after a certain point, against what amounts to 6 - 8 adventurers and a group of angry horses, it matters little)
  1116. [1:24 AM] Bot Fodder: John frowns. "Pets are a lot of responsibility, you know. I'm not sure you're ready for that."
  1117. [1:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: :thinking:
  1118. [1:24 AM] Bot Fodder: Also, it is a mindless monster.
  1119. [1:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Actually, int of 2)
  1120. [1:25 AM] Bot Fodder: (Oh, really? Huh.)
  1121. [1:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Ooze are marginally smarter than... ... uh...)
  1122. [1:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (not much of anything else, but yeah)
  1123. [1:25 AM] Bot Fodder: (So it's actually of animal intelligence.)
  1124. [1:25 AM] Runic: "Oh really, what's next gonna say I'm not responsible enough to punch you in the face?" Lexon retorts feeling insulted(edited)
  1125. [1:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... I have a glass bottle?" Shadow offers.
  1126. [1:26 AM] Runic: The backlash would feel actually threatening if he wasn't on his back on the ground(edited)
  1127. [1:26 AM] Bot Fodder: "That doesn't sound responsible at all..." John sighs. "Well, I guess it's your hand, not mine."
  1128. [1:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Shadow activates Reaction narrative freedom, and passes Lexon a glass bottle procured from his bag.
  1129. [1:26 AM] Mizuki: Alicia arrives with Raz and takes control of the reins as he falls flat on the ground - "Uh... What's even happening?"(edited)
  1130. [1:27 AM] Bot Fodder: (Not sure how to actually conclude the fight. Do we, like, throw a pokeball at it or something?)
  1132. [1:27 AM] Faerie: (Ahahaaha, apparently!)
  1133. [1:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I uh)
  1134. [1:27 AM] Runic: "Heck yeah, thanks Shadow"
  1135. [1:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I am ok with this.jpg)
  1137. [1:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The orche jelly considers its options and around 6 angry humanoids and 2 dragons on the sideline.
  1138. [1:28 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The orche jelly offers to slink into the glass bottle harmlessly. :sadpopo:
  1139. [1:29 AM] Bot Fodder: (Well, now we have a surprise missle consumable.)
  1140. [1:29 AM] Runic: "Yeahhhhhh," Lexon positions the cup into the air while still laying on the ground, "Yeah.."
  1141. [1:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Wishing to flee anyway, and noticing a small secure location away from SCARY THINGS, orche jelly slinks toward the glass bottle, on the mindframe of "fuck this plane, people be scary".
  1142. [1:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Combat's over :thinking:
  1144. [1:30 AM] Faerie: Razmik looks over, not entirely understanding as people's frames and arms block his view partly while they handle the jar.
  1145. [1:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  1147. [1:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "So, uh,"
  1148. [1:30 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow pulls Razmik back up on his feet.
  1149. [1:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Can you like, tape me back together, fam? My everything hurts."
  1150. [1:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: :sadpopo:
  1151. [1:31 AM] Runic: Lexon stands back up admiring his new pet
  1152. [1:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Ignore the ooze size)
  1153. [1:31 AM] Faerie: ''Hey.'', he mutters, thanking him for his aid. Standing up in plate felt a bit different than usual. ''Looking fine, Shadow!''.
  1154. [1:31 AM] Mizuki: Alicia climbs down from the horse, pets it and turns to the rest of the party - "Is... Everyone alright?"
  1155. [1:31 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It is instead "small ooze")
  1156. [1:31 AM] Faerie: Downright radiant.
  1158. [1:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Uhh."
  1159. [1:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle pauses to find words.
  1160. [1:32 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Yeah, seems good." Recelle says, rubbing her temple.
  1161. [1:32 AM] Runic: "Yeah more-or-less I'm pretty alright" Lexon takes a look at the minor burns to his hands, "more-or-less"
  1162. [1:32 AM] Faerie: ''Either way, what happened here? We made our way back as soon as Interloper grew restless.''
  1163. [1:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Note: That fight is worth 1425 XP for all the players, even if Razmik/Alicia did nothing but hurrying back)
  1164. [1:33 AM] Runic: "Alright Shadow I've got a healing kit on me, let me help patch you up a bit"
  1165. [1:33 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It was 3 oozes mounting a water elemental)
  1166. [1:33 AM] Faerie: ''Shame about the fall we had to eat, but Shadow really sped things up.'', he brings up.
  1167. [1:33 AM] Faerie: (Jeez.)
  1169. [1:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I am not even kidding about the mounting part. :firepopo: )
  1170. [1:34 AM] Mizuki: "We came as fast as we could, but guess you guys didn't have problems against the elemental..." - She turned to Lexon - "You even got a new pet, it seems. What does that thing even eats?"
  1171. [1:34 AM] Faerie: (Also, I'll have you know that Razmik was wholly participative in this fight! He took 4 damage.)
  1172. [1:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow nods, sinking back on the floor. "Yeah, uh."
  1173. [1:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I didn't expect to drown in middle of a forest."
  1174. [1:34 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( kek)
  1176. [1:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia: Ooze eats almost anything, as far as you understand.
  1177. [1:35 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Orche jelly in particular doesn't eat metal, rock, or hardwood, but that's about it.
  1178. [1:35 AM] Faerie: Razmik raises both hands, and reassures the half elf. ''It's fine, it's fine - Even Doomwing was worried, you know.''
  1179. [1:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle sighs, keeping an eye out for further surprises. "Since there was a bright flash of light and all, mind if we juts keep a fire going for rest of the night?"
  1180. [1:36 AM] Runic: "No clue at all, probably the same as any other creature though"
  1181. [1:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I doubt we can make a bigger bang in the dark than that." Recelle shrugs.
  1182. [1:36 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yeah, I was totally worried." Tot says, dryly, hopping off and going over to Shadow to lick at the half-elf's cheek.(edited)
  1184. [1:37 AM] Faerie: Aaaaalso, Razmik scampers back to grab his weapon back from the floor, holy energies having abandoned it.
  1185. [1:38 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "So." Recelle says. "... Whose ready for night camp?"
  1187. [1:39 AM] Faerie: He examines the sword, gripping tightly on the hilt. Then puts it away, answering to Recelle in the positive.
  1188. [1:39 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The party is able to Long Rest! Given no further nasty surprise. )
  1189. [1:39 AM] Faerie: ''We haven't sat down to eat, yet.''
  1190. [1:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  1191. [1:40 AM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 16, Result: 16
  1192. [1:40 AM] Bot Fodder: (I need a moment to use the restroom~ brb.)
  1193. [1:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Sounds like a good idea." Recelle says, sighing.
  1194. [1:40 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oh. Shadow goes over to the pool of water and searchs it.
  1195. [1:40 AM] Runic: "Yeah, I'm ready to hit the night" Lexon says "Along with this little guy" Lexon continues looking at the orange ooze within the cup
  1196. [1:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Digging around, he fishes out a small gemstone.
  1197. [1:41 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... It's a sapphire pendent!
  1198. [1:42 AM] Faerie: Raz goes retrieve Interloper over, feeding her half a snapped carrot before setting down to work.
  1199. [1:42 AM] Runic: Lexon takes out his water skin and pours a bit of ale into the cup to see the oozes response, hoping it'll calm down a bit
  1200. [1:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Interloper happily munches on carrot.
  1201. [1:43 AM] Faerie: He'll go over what food was purchased before setting out and gets ready to dish out something situably nutritive.
  1202. [1:43 AM] Faerie: (OH GOD LEXON)
  1203. [1:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The ale gurgles.
  1204. [1:43 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The ooze absorbs the ale.
  1205. [1:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow studies the pendant a bit. And passes it to Alicia. "Here. Magical."
  1206. [1:44 AM] Mizuki: Alicia pets the wyverns and sits down near the fire as she gets something to eat
  1207. [1:44 AM] Mizuki: She picks up the pendant and examines it too
  1208. [1:44 AM] Mizuki: (arcana?)
  1209. [1:44 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are able to identify the pendant over long rest anyhow, so...
  1210. [1:45 AM] Mizuki: (well)
  1211. [1:45 AM] Faerie: While waiting for the water to boil, Razmik tells whoever nearby that there's some training and exercising he'd like to get care of before bedtime, in case anybody's interested.
  1212. [1:45 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... It's a Pendant of Command Water Elemental.
  1213. [1:45 AM] Mizuki: (I'm recovering everything then, aka one level 1 spell)
  1214. [1:45 AM] Faerie: (wow, what)
  1215. [1:45 AM] Mizuki: (and swapping a few prepared spells)
  1216. [1:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: A powerful magical item, given the focus of dropping it into a bowl of clean water, you are able to cast Conjure Elemental and summon a Water Elemental to your aid.
  1217. [1:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Furthermore, no attunement required.
  1218. [1:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (As if a Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals)
  1219. [1:46 AM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  1221. [1:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Casting takes a minute as per normal, and you need to concentrate on the spell as per normal. Suffering the backlash if concentration broken, as per normal.)
  1222. [1:47 AM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  1224. [1:48 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ACTUALLY NEVER MIND, it's only an action.
  1225. [1:48 AM] Faerie: (W, wow!)
  1226. [1:48 AM] Mizuki: Alicia explains what the amulet is to the rest of the party - "Anyone wants it? I'm usually concentrating on spells during combat, so it might be better with someone else."
  1227. [1:48 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Also, the command word is known to you after studying said pendant.
  1228. [1:48 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anyone can use it, yes.
  1229. [1:49 AM] Faerie: (What, you're usually concentrating? I haven't noticed)
  1230. [1:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow shakes his head. "... Doomwing needs no trivial companions."
  1231. [1:49 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Fam please, I don't want to get compared with a water elemental ok." Tot complains.(edited)
  1232. [1:49 AM] Mizuki: (shhh)
  1233. [1:49 AM] Mizuki: (I have enough pets already)
  1234. [1:50 AM] Mizuki: (and now I have flaming sphere!)
  1235. [1:50 AM] Runic: "I guess I'll take it, maybe I can replicate what we fought in the future as an ally"
  1236. [1:50 AM] Bot Fodder: (Back~)
  1237. [1:50 AM] Faerie: Er, uh. You need to focus on the elemental? Razmik politely refuses, he felt there was usually enough to take care of during combats.
  1238. [1:50 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (welcome back)
  1240. [1:51 AM] Runic: "Then again, having me have the pendent isn't the best choice since I'm always in frontlines"(edited)
  1241. [1:51 AM] Mizuki: Alicia hands Lexon the amulet with a smile - "I would look weird wearing two amulets too"
  1242. [1:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Hm.
  1243. [1:51 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle shrugs. "I am usually out of the way, so if nobody else want it, I can theoretically use it. I don't really have a preference, though."
  1244. [1:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (As long as you don't give it to a horse or the wyverns, I am ok)
  1245. [1:52 AM] Faerie: ''Maybe Recelle? She's always covering our back, it sounds like the safer alternative.''
  1246. [1:52 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (They can't really speak the command word, as an aside)
  1247. [1:53 AM] Mizuki: "Yeah, Recelle does sound like the better choice here" - Said Alicia
  1249. [1:53 AM] Faerie: Of course, Razmik'd understand any compunctions she might have about the whole deal. Summoning monsters out of a bowl had a palpable degree of strangeness to it. Not that she's have to use it if she didn't wish to.(edited)
  1250. [1:53 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I can hold onto it; If any of you want it, let me know." Recelle nods.
  1251. [1:53 AM] Runic: "Alright, I'll let Recelle handle the pendant then" Lexon says handing over the item to Recelle
  1252. [1:54 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle keeps a second spare waterskin, just in case, filled with clear water, and go from there.
  1253. [1:55 AM] Faerie: Anyways, Razmik asks again! Anyone wanted to get their fet wet with some church-approved excercise? Hell, maybe even throw in a bit of sparring.
  1254. [1:55 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow shakes his head. "Sorry, I got plenty wet today already." Shadow says.
  1255. [1:56 AM] Faerie: Oh, and yeah. ''Who's injured? Let's do something about that already.''
  1256. [1:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle pauses in consideration for a moment, before declining politely, "I am probably boring to spar with, so..."
  1257. [1:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow also raises his hand.
  1258. [1:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: >took 50 damage
  1259. [1:56 AM] Runic: Lexon raises his hand as well
  1260. [1:56 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It's like they were targetting me or something." Shadow complains.
  1261. [1:57 AM] Faerie: (What are Lexon and Shadow at :sadpopo:)
  1263. [1:57 AM] Runic: "After you heal me, maybe we can do some sparring"
  1265. [1:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Shadow's at 16/39)
  1266. [1:57 AM] Runic: (24 for me, 20 for Shadow I believe since heal 20 after EXPLOSION)(edited)
  1267. [1:57 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (would normally be, except I mixed up the number :D)
  1268. [1:57 AM] Faerie: (Runic, did Lexon take the blessing of Morning Glory?)
  1270. [1:58 AM] Runic: (Mhm)(edited)
  1271. [1:58 AM] Runic: (Though we can do a long rest afterwards, so doesn't really matter too much)(edited)
  1272. [1:58 AM] Mizuki: (aren't we taking a long rest anyway?)
  1273. [1:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yes, Mizu)
  1274. [1:58 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( so yeah. :smile: )
  1275. [1:59 AM] Runic: (Dude roleplay mang)
  1276. [1:59 AM] Faerie: That's useful, and deliciously cheesy! Razmik considers the benefits of pious prayer.
  1277. [1:59 AM] Bot Fodder: John is fine with some exercise! Fighting a big, thousand-pound water elemental is no excuse to shirk daily training.
  1278. [1:59 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow would've totally inquired about it, but alas - he was unconscious when John did that.
  1279. [2:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (>shadow has missed out the chance on stealin- BORROWING spellcards skills from John)
  1280. [2:00 AM] Faerie: He sits down with Lexon, taking a bit over a minute to tend to his wounds, injecting into him vitality in short, measured bursts.
  1281. [2:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The party is able to slow down, and recouperate after that encounter...
  1282. [2:01 AM] Mizuki: Alicia is down for some fighting too! She didn't even get to fight the elemental.
  1283. [2:01 AM] Faerie: Lexon's hands should feel better, and the process proves soothing if highly slow and/or inefficient.
  1284. [2:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: .. By the by, as you inspect the camp...
  1285. [2:01 AM] Faerie: (How much HP missing, again?)
  1286. [2:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Covered by the explosion of radiant energy, the worms inhibiting some of the horses died.
  1287. [2:01 AM] Runic: (26)
  1288. [2:01 AM] Mizuki: (is this the time where we can blow each other up without worrying, since we're able to do a long rest?)
  1289. [2:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The ashes of undead worms destroyed by Shadow's rise-from-beyond ability are barely recognizable.
  1290. [2:02 AM] Faerie: (Let's just go with ''you're back to full'', 17 remaining HP from pool go to Shadow.)
  1291. [2:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (... they have 1 HP as worms, soooooooo.)
  1293. [2:03 AM] Faerie: (Damn. Were those related to the necromental?)
  1294. [2:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  1295. [2:04 AM] Runic: (As in come as close to killng each other Mizu? Then yes. Anything further is a no-go)
  1296. [2:04 AM] Runic: (Though as an in-character type of thing I doubt any of us would do it)(edited)
  1297. [2:04 AM] Faerie: (STUFF BLOWING UP :sadpopo:)
  1298. [2:04 AM] Bot Fodder: John compliments Shadow on that spell(?). "Normally, all your magic sounds kind of gloomy. I didn't know you could use things like that!"
  1299. [2:04 AM] Mizuki: (well, we can finish each other with non-lethal strikes, everything is fine!)
  1300. [2:05 AM] Faerie: (Wait, are we actually taking the time to... oh, man)
  1301. [2:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hmm?" Shadow turns to John. "Spell? Oh... That was something from my father, part of the Shadow Fist discipline!"
  1302. [2:05 AM] Faerie: (Do we not wanna skip this?)
  1303. [2:05 AM] Bot Fodder: (We don't have to RP out -everything-, I was just adding fluff where convenient.)
  1304. [2:06 AM] Faerie: ''Shadow Hands, the Fist of Shadow?'', Razmik asks. No way.
  1305. [2:06 AM] Faerie: He said 'shadow' twice!
  1306. [2:06 AM] Bot Fodder: (Even though I'm sure Shadow is happy to tell us about his special moves. A lot.)
  1307. [2:07 AM] Faerie: (Oh, no, I ask because it looks like Mizu wants to blow someone up -nonlethally-)
  1308. [2:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I skipped the form of it afterward - It brings shame to my technique." Shadow hangs his head. "I was supposed to generate the power from beyond and spread my dark wings as the light escapes from my domain and presence!"
  1309. [2:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow starts prattering on and on about "style" and "shadow" and "angel of dawn and light" and concepts that might even seen heretic.
  1311. [2:08 AM] Faerie: Razmik obviously didn't mind anything that had to do with radiant damage.
  1312. [2:08 AM] Mizuki: Alicia wonders what would happen if Shar were here and listened to Shadow's explanation.
  1313. [2:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shar would've smacked Shadow and Alexander from within Orcusbane for bad education.
  1314. [2:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: But it seemed to have turned out somewhat alright.
  1315. [2:09 AM] Mizuki: She hides a giggle at the thought.
  1316. [2:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Somewhat.
  1318. [2:09 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... But yeah, I can't do that too often." Shadow says. "It's hard to be THAT stylish all the time, y'know?"
  1319. [2:10 AM] Faerie: Razmik'll just tell everyone when food's done, in case anyone else wants to do anything.
  1320. [2:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot mutters something and munches on words.
  1322. [2:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: The night passes by without much incident.
  1323. [2:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Despite the flash of radiant energy that likely alerted any powerful undead within the area....
  1324. [2:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: .. It seems that the most powerful undead in the area was on the scene already, so it didn't really matter.
  1325. [2:11 AM] Faerie: (Whew)
  1327. [2:11 AM] Mizuki: (time to fight hordes of liches?)
  1328. [2:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: None of you beside for Shadow, horses, and the 2 wyverns were able to get any amount of sleep, of course, as per usual.
  1329. [2:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You've rested fine, and at the first crack of light in the dimly lit sky, a new day begins.
  1330. [2:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Between everything, you've overed 15/100 miles; It is the second day.
  1331. [2:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: What will you do, adventurers?
  1332. (We are able to stop here.)
  1333. [2:13 AM] Faerie: Not being able to sleep is slightly frustrating, but at least it gives times for other endeavors.
  1334. [2:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I think it's like 6 or 7 AM for some of you :thinking: )
  1335. [2:13 AM] Bot Fodder: (Might be for the best.)
  1336. [2:13 AM] Runic: (Yeah we should end it here for now)
  1337. [2:13 AM] Mizuki: (mhm)
  1338. [2:13 AM] Faerie: Razmik goes over some Things, such as spells and all that.
  1339. [2:13 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Remidner, 1425 XP
  1341. [2:13 AM] Faerie: (It's 6 here! Not that I feel tired. 1,425 XP each?)
  1342. [2:14 AM] Mizuki: (>1425 xp for doing nothing)
  1343. [2:14 AM] Mizuki: (t-thank you)
  1344. [2:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Those that are not level 6, receive 2150 instead.
  1345. [2:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: despite splitting up party, only one person got KO'd...
  1346. [2:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... I mean, it's the quest objective getting KO'd, and all, but still.
  1347. [2:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: NotLikeThis
  1349. [2:15 AM] Faerie: (>nothing
  1350. The peaceful warlk on the forest spent on whatever made you learn a lot of stuff!)
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