
MW: The Renaissance

Sep 9th, 2015
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  1. ~ *Slowly coming to, Aguppy would hear someone humming, occasionally flipping through a book. Once she opened her eyes she'd note a black haired woman with a black t-shirt and jeans leaning back in a chair near her bed, flipping through one of Agape's many books. Looking around herself she'd note she was in what looked like a hospital room of some kind...*
  2. ~ Agape: *starts to get up, holding her head* Oog...
  3. ~ *Agape would feel relatively refreshed, though a little sleepy still.*
  5. ???: *hearing Agape's awakening the girl perked up*...W-whoa! Easy there! *the girl rushes to Agape's bedside...* Hey how're you feeling...?
  6. ~ Agape: I-I'm fine, I think. Where am I...?
  7. ~ Rachel: You're at a research facility for the Federation Expeditionary Force. Something teleported you onto our doorstep and...well you've been out for two days now.
  8. ~ Agape: T-two days? Shoot, I can't hang around here then! I-I gotta get to work, gotta go help them!
  9. ~ Rachel: Hey slow to me, what's up? My name's Rachel...what's yours? (She's kinda messed up, what the hell happened...?)
  10. ~ Agape: Agape, Agape Hilaria. I have friends who I need to save, and I don't know where the heck I am, but I need to go find Leoric, I can't just hang around here!
  11. ~ Rachel: *Rests a hand on her shoulder...* Agape...breathe, relax... I'm one of Leoric's friends, let me know what's going on already. (Leo went missing two days did Xing...I don't...think I'm gonna like this)
  12. ~ Agape: Well, me and two others were stuck in this world from some malfunctioning teleporter, and we agreed to let Leoric and his friend X-Xing out... so we went in the temple, and when we got to the bottom... W-we ran into a g-goddess named A-Amaterasu, a-and... *at this point Agape breaks down crying* I-I gotta go save them!
  13. ~ Rachel:...*she pats Agape on the back* It's gonna be okay Agape, just try to hold it together. What did you need to save them from? (...Shit, that dragon shifting her weight is behind this?)
  14. ~ Agape: *after a couple minutes just crying, she finally starts to get back into a proper state of mind* T-they died saving me... I-I can save them, though...! I-I just need to complete my mission, and...!
  15. ~ Rachel: *Her voice dulls, no longer as compassionate. Just a tinge of anger seeping through* Hold on... Xing's dead? Is Leoric dead too?
  16. ~ Agape: I don't think so. Leoric never went down with us, so... e-even if he is, I can help him too!
  17. ~ Rachel:...*sighs and pulls away, forcing a smile.*...We have all the time in the world, just take a moment to settle down so we can help them okay?
  18. ~ Agape: R-right... right. Calm down... I-I just don't want to waste any time helping them!
  19. ~ Rachel: I understand....just take deep breaths and lemme know what the plan is. I'll see if we can help okay?
  20. ~ Agape: W-well... see, even before I ended up here, I wanted to take on the power of the Necromancer, which would let me bring back the dead. Before, I was just going for it because I didn't know what else I could do, but... with what happened in Amaterasu's temple, now I HAVE to do it! I can make it right! I-I just... look, I'm sorry, but I can't just hang around here talking! I need to get back to my quest! *Agape attempts to leave the bed, as quickly as possible*
  21. ~ Rachel: *holds her down* Slow down already. Okay you could bring back the do you plan on getting that power here?
  22. ~ Agape: *tries to squirm out to the best of her abilities* Well, I need to find where the temples are located, and if I can finish all of them quickly, then I'll be good! I just need to get to a library & figure out where they are, and I'll be set!
  23. ~ Rachel: (That's...not how that works.) Well...I have a friend who's a necromancer.
  24. ~ Agape: *stops moving, staring at Rachel* ... Y-you do? *immediately tries wriggling out even harder* Where is he?! I need to find him!
  25. ~ Rachel: H-hey! *loses grip of Agape and takes a step back* If you don't take it easy already I won't tell you! Stop already!
  26. ~ Agape: *sighs, and stops moving, slumping her shoulders* Sheesh, you're barely any better than the guys back home...
  27. ~ Rachel: You just told me my boyfriend and my cousin died, and you won't even stop to talk to me!
  28. ~ Agape: Well, I don't know if he ACTUALLY died, bu- wait, what'd you say about cousin and boyfriend?
  29. ~ Rachel:...Xing was my cousin. Leoric was...I guess we weren't really together anymore *Sighs and rubs her head*....Sorry I'm stressed out here.
  30. ~ Agape: Well... *lowers her head* I don't know about Leoric, he never came down with us... Xing died to keep me from being killed by Amaterasu.
  31. ~ Rachel:....*sighs and rubs her forehead*...I don't blame you Agape, but gimme a second to process all this. I can actually just put you on the phone with Clark and you can just speak with him for now if you want.
  32. ~ Agape: Yes, please! *momentary pause* ... What's a phone, though?
  33. ~ Rachel:...It's uh...a telecommunications device. It lets you talk to someone as if you were right next to them. *She shows her PDA to Agape* It's like the radio you had on you when we found you
  34. ~ Agape: Ohh, okay. W-well, yes, I-I'd like to talk to him as soon as possible!
  35. ~ Rachel:....*sighs and smiles, dialing Clark.* Yeah sure, just one thing...was there anyone else with you besides Xing and Leo?
  36. ~ Agape: *nods* Yeah... there was a rat-man named Reston, and an older woman named Montse. *anxiously watches Rachel*
  37. ~ Rachel: (That's missing one)...*She nods and speaks* Hey Clark mind talking to someone for me? She wants to become a necromancer...yeah it's the kid we picked up the other day. Try not to be too sharp with her. *she hands Agape the phone* Alrighty I'm gonna go check and see if that investigator chick arrived yet.
  39. *Agape would hear Clark's voice on the other end of the line*
  41. Clark: Hello...?
  42. ~ Agape: Hello... so, you're a necromancer, right? ... How'd you do it? Was it hard? Why?! Can you teach me?! I-I just- I wanna get that power as well, it's my life's purpose, and-and-and... *Agape gets progressively more & more excited as she speaks, in stark contrast to how she was acting earlier*
  43. ~ Rachel: *Heads out of the room, through what appears to be a wall...*
  45. Clark: *quietly waits for Agape to run out of breath or stop talking*
  46. ~ Agape: ... A-are you still there? C-can you even leave? P-please don't leave!
  47. ~ Clark: I'm here miss do not worry. You seem to have a lot to say, and I felt it would be rude to interrupt...
  48. ~ Agape: I-I'm sorry, I'm just- it's been a while since I've even heard of a bona fide necromancer! I-I'm so excited, I have so much to ask...!
  49. ~ Clark: Then let me start with the questions you've already asked. Yes I am a master of necromancy, alchemy and various other magical artes, and in a sense it was the most difficult decision I ever made in my life. I gave my health, my humanity and my peace of mind to taste the forbidden fruit of knowledge. So please, answer me this...why would you seek necromancy in particular over any other avenue of seeking power?
  50. ~ Agape: Because without it, my life lacks purpose... and-and I can save my friends then! I-I can handle it, I don't need any warnings or second thoughts!
  51. ~ Clark: Power is something you devote to a purpose, not something you obtain to gain purpose. Seeking such a destructive power simply to obtain meaning in your life would be rather dangerous and ultimately would not solve your problem...would you not find more meaning with a charity or perhaps devoting yourself to a religion?
  52. ~ Agape: T-there's no meaning for me there, it won't work. *is getting less and less excited, a look of disappointment appearing on her face* I'm not going to fit anywhere else... this is what I'm meant to do.
  53. ~ Clark: If you say so. Suppose I did teach you this power....what would you do with it?
  54. ~ Agape: I can bring back my friends with it, and repay them for what they did...! And I can do good for the world with it! I-I'm up to it, mister Clark sir, please!
  55. ~ Clark: Will you talk to me more in person? I do not feel as if we can adequately handle this over the phone. However I want you to know that you seem to be a rather kind, intelligent girl...there are likely more people that care for you than you realize.
  56. ~ Agape: O-okay, sure... *awkward pause* ... Yeah. H-how do these things end again? I've never used these "foan" things...
  57. ~ Clark: *Agape hears a pause* I'll hang up for you...and...maybe I'll teach you. *Agape hears the line disconnect.*
  58. ~ Agape: *after taking a moment to realize what Clark said, a massive smile appears on her face & she starts to get out of her bed, looking for her stuff*
  59. ~ *Agape would note she was more or less alone....she'd find her bag though...aside from her books there would be nothing in them. However...she'd also realize there wasn't actually an exit to the room*
  60. ~ Agape: *picks up her bag, and sighs as she looks around* ... There's no way she just disappeared like that. There has to be an exit somewhere.
  61. ~ *If Agape checked the wall Rachel left through, she'd find, she could pass through it, smelling salt water as she found herself at the end of a hallway, two guards stationed at the opposite side of it in armor similar in design to the suit Leoric wore.*
  62. ~ Guard:... *tilts their head at Agape* You're the new comer yes?
  63. ~ Agape: *looks around the room for a way out, jumping as the guard calls her name & quickly turning* A-ah, uhh, yes?
  64. ~ Guard: The admiral said you're permitted to walk freely on the deck.. *He motions to a door beside himself* The stairs up deck lead up there, would you like an escort?
  67. *Meanwhile....Sumire would feel someone waking her up in her bunk, a soldier waiting by her bedside.*
  69. Soldier: Ma'am we've arrived in port. The admiral has been informed and will meet you on deck shortly.
  70. ~ Agape: *blinks twice* U-uhh, yeah, sure. *starts heading towards the guard*
  71. ~Sumire: Huh? We're here? Understood.
  72. ~ *The solider saluted Sumire*
  73. Soldier: This way miss!
  74. *The soldier began heading through the holds, up to the deck of the battleship*
  76. *The guard meanwhile escort likewise took Agape above ground.*
  78. *The pair would note that the top deck of the facility was built like a military facility,guards stationed and patroling, radars and a few boats unloading and managing cargo....They would both see Rachel standing waiting for Sumire.*
  80. Rachel: Good morning. I apologize that we could not accomodate you better but we were not expecting to find civilians....
  81. ~Sumire: It's all fine. Don't worry.
  82. ~ Agape: *looks around as she follows the guard, completely fascinated by all that's around her*
  83. ~ Rachel: Good, I wouldn't want ya to believe I'm lacking hospitali-*Turns and sees Agape...sighs and turns back, flicking her wrists and producing a set of chairs, setting them down a little away from the docking ramp*.... I suppose we are pressed for time. *She whistles to Agape, as she produces another chair and places it with the others before turning back to Sumire.* I'm told you were looking for a Montserrat? Please have a seat.
  84. ~Sumire: Thanks. *takes seat* Yeah. She's out institute's head of infirmary, and occasional teacher.
  85. ~ Agape: *is awestruck by all the structures around her, snapping out of it as she hears Rachel's whistle* Hey, uhh, sir, I think she needs me over there. *starts heading over towards Rachel & Sumire*
  86. ~ *The guard nods and lets Agape leave, Sumire's heading off to her post as well*
  88. Rachel: I understand...there's no easy way to put it but, Montserrat has passed away. *motioning to Agape she frowned* An eye witness claims to have confirmed to her death and the data we've gathered largely confirms that they were together. I'm sorry there's not much to be done but...if you need time or just a way home, the FEF will be happy to accomodate.
  89. ~Sumire: That girl, isn't? *looking at Agape, then looks back at Rachel* We knew something was out of place when we couldn't feel Montserrat anymore, but I'm sure there must be a way to get her back with us. I give you my work our principal will deal personally with Montserrat for all the problems she could have caused.
  90. ~ Agape: *as she reaches the two of them, she waves briefly to Rachel, before looking at Sumire* Hello, so what'd you want, Rachel and...?
  91. ~Sumire: Takagi Sumire. What's your name?
  92. ~ Agape: Agape Hilaria *extends her hand out to Sumire* Good to meet ya!
  93. ~Sumire: *shakes hands with her* Pleasure is mine.
  94. ~ Rachel: *sighs and adjusts her coat* Alright then (Fucking....christ...)...but...we do not have a way to do that. Additionally, you were at her corpse's last known location. As we said we can accomodate you while you deal with this time of hardship or send you home but Montserrat is beyond our reach. *she looks to Agape* This offer extends to you as well but...what did Clark say?
  95. ~ Agape: He said he'll teach me! ... Maybe, anyways... but there's still a chance!
  96. ~Sumire: *looking at Agape* If she has the chance, then i'll stay here as much as necessary.
  97. ~ Rachel:...You idea what she's talking about *sighs and rubs her forehead* Fine fine, whatever. I've still gotta see Leoric and Xing's families though, I can't leave them hanging...
  98. ~Sumire: We'll wait here.
  99. ~ Agape: *sighs as she remembers Xing* R-right... *does her best to quickly return to normal* If you'd like, I can explain what I'm up to for ya, sue-mee-ray!
  100. ~Sumire: Uh... sure.
  101. ~ Rachel:...(God...damn it...)*face palms*
  102. ~ Agape: *takes a breath as if she's about to start, then stops and looks at Rachel* ...
  103. ~Sumire: Hmmmm? Agape...?
  104. ~ Rachel:...I'll be right back...*Sighs and dispells her chair, heading down the stairs Agape came from...*
  105. ~ Agape: *stares at Rachel as she goes off, not moving at all as she does* ... So anyways, my goal is to become a necromancer!
  106. ~Sumire: Necromancer? Tell me why.
  107. ~ Agape: Because by doing that, I can get the power to help everyone... or at least, I can save the three who died for my sake, if nothing else. By getting that power, I can give my life meaning, so...!
  108. ~Sumire: Necromancy is an art you should be responsible of. Hope you become responsible and don't profane their rest if unwilling.
  109. ~ Agape: W-well, of course! But I can handle that!
  110. ~Sumire: I understand. *takes a breath* Who are you trying to recover?
  111. ~ Agape: Uhm... three friends who were with me... we ended up encountering a dragon named Amaterasu, and she... *looks down to the ground* it didn't go well. I'm the only one of us who lived. *looks back up* But uhh, what're you doing here? It sounded like you were looking for someone.
  112. ~Sumire: Yes, I do. Who are those people you're trying to revive?
  113. ~ Agape: Well, there was the rat-man Reston, an older woman named Montse... and a local named... Xing. Reston, Montse, and I were kinda dragged here in this portal device, so...
  114. ~Sumire: Montse...? *stands up suddenly* By any chance, that woman's full name was Montserrat Santana?
  115. *meanwhile below deck Nina would hear someone approaching her room, a knock at her room door...*
  117. Joan:...H-hello? May I come in...?
  118. ~ Agape: Ahh... yeah I believe so. We called her Montse because her name was so long, so...
  119. ~Sumire: Must be her... Oh, god.. what happened, Agape?
  120. ~ Nina: *sits and glances at the door, looking a bit weary* Who, who is this? Please do...
  121. ~ Joan:...It's...It's me, Joan. *heads in and frowns* How are you holding up today?
  122. ~ Agape: W-well... we went into a temple, to help two people from this world, since we had been pulled in via portal & all. We split up, and she got herself captured, so we rescued her... then she- well, in the process we ended up damaging the temple, which angered the dragon who lived there... and we ended up having to save her from the dragon's wrath, though... I ended up being the only one who survived...
  123. ~Sumire: ... *just looks down* Oh, god... I really hope you can make it.
  124. ~ Agape: Y-yeah... *sighs* ... Where'd Rachel go off to, anyways?
  125. ~Sumire: Must be attending some stuff.
  126. ~ Agape: ... *grabs Sumire's chair, sitting down on it and twiddling her thumbs* ... So, how do you know Montse? Considering she's not from this world, I'm surprised anyone else here knows about her.
  127. ~Sumire: You can say Montserrat and me know each other because I see her frequently. She's the head of infirmary of the institute St. Elena. This institute was originally set for espers, but currently our institute accepts non-espers as a way to break the barriers of classes.
  128. ~ Agape: Espers...? *tilts head*
  129. ~Sumire: Ever heard of psychics where you live?
  130. ~ Agape: *stares blankly* ... No?
  131. ~Sumire: Espers have a deeper connection with their own minds. Through them, they can channel anything they want.
  132. ~ Agape: *tilts head* Well, doesn't everyone have a strong connection with their own mind? Otherwise, we wouldn't be thinking very well.
  133. ~Sumire: It's deeper... (Deeper as this, Agape) *communicates with her mentally*
  134. ~ Agape: OH~! That's like the thing Reston did in the temple! ... Though, he definitely wasn't "well-connected"...
  135. ~Sumire: Normally, I'm not allowed to showcase my powers unless necessary, but... *draws her fan, and waves at herself. Agape can notice Sumire is not holding the fan*
  136. ~ Agape: Well, that one's not so surpising... while I've never SEEN anyone do it, back home, levitating your weapon is something a few of the more showy fighters like to do.
  137. ~Sumire: Don't expect me to be showy then.
  138. ~ Agape: *sighs* Fiiiiiiiine... so, St. Elena? Montse was a teacher?
  139. ~Sumire: Occasional teacher , but mostly takes care of the ill.
  140. ~ Agape: She knew how to heal others?
  141. ~Sumire: To her extent.
  142. ~ Agape: ... Montse didn't seem like much of a doctor.
  143. ~ Nina: *smiles a little* Hey Joanie. *fiddles with her phone* I'll be fine, maybe... What's going on?
  144. ~ Joan: Umn...*rubs her shoulder* I just wanted to see if there was anything we could do for you...
  145. ~Sumire: She is, but... she has always had attitude issues.
  146. ~ Nina: *puts her phone away and stands up slowly* You've given me a roof and food already, Joanie. I wouldn't want to impose... D'you want to go outside? I think I've been in here for too long.
  147. ~ Agape: (You can say that again...) What, does she yell at patients or something? *rests her head on her arm*
  148. ~Sumire: Yeah, I can say that again. Montserrat has always had a big mouth. A shame for a pretty girl like her.
  149. ~ Joan:...*perks up a bit at Nina's raction* I think that would be wonderful! There have been two new arrivals so perhaps it would be best for you to meet them as well!
  150. ~ Agape: H-hey! D-don't just... stop doing that mind thing.
  151. ~ Nina: *seems to brighten a little too* Oh, others that got stranded? *clasps hands together* Hah, who'd've guessed! Let's go meet them.
  152. ~Sumire: Sorry, but yeah. I know Montserrat better, and I can guarantee you... she admits she doesn't know when to keep quiet, but she's really a great woman.
  153. ~ Agape: Y-yeah, I suppose so.
  154. ~ Joan: Yes that is right! (Perhaps we can distract her!) *nods and begins leading Nina along the deck as Agape's guard returns to his they reach the top deck Joan points out Sumire and Agape chatting with a rather enthusastic grin* There they are!
  155. ~ Nina: *follows along, hoodie on her head... upon sighting the two, gently nudges Joan* Even more girls? We're so gonna have a sleepover! *waves at the two* Heeeeey!
  156. ~Sumire: Hello. *waves hello, and waves her fan*
  157. ~ Joan: H-haha we are not children but...perhaps that would be fun! *enthusastically waves as well* H-hello! *she moves over*
  158. ~Sumire: Hello. *smiles*
  159. ~ Agape: *looks at Joan & Nina, and waves* Hello! *turns back to Sumire* ... Do you know them, or...?
  160. ~Sumire: No, I just met them, just like with you.
  161. ~ Joan: there a problem with our arrival? *tilts her head*
  162. ~ Agape: No, no, I was just... not sure if they were friends of hers. *smiles widely* Anyways, I'm Agape! *extends her arm out to Joan* And you are...?
  163. ~ Joan: *takes her hand and shakes it* I'm Joan. And you are Sumire yes? I read the reports, I hope you find your friend soon!
  164. ~ Nina: *steps up and extends her arms, cross one over the other, towards Sumire and Agape* Hey girls, I'm Nina! Great meeting you, Agape, Sumire. Let's get along.
  165. ~ Agape: *crosses her own arms to shake hands with Nina* Y-yeah, sure! *slightly awkward laughter*
  166. ~Sumire: Thanks, Joan.
  167. ~ Nina: *shakes hands with Agape* Offworlders have to stick together, you know?
  168. ~ Agape: Oh, you're not from around here, either?
  169. ~ Joan: Actually...i am a local but...I am with the staff here. *tugs at her uniform*
  170. ~ Agape: O-oh, right... *looks over Joan* Spend a lot of time inside? Must be hot out, hehe.
  171. ~ Nina: *she pokes Joan* I think she meant me, Joanie. *she shakes her head, a little somber* Yeah uh, I'm not from around here, as you say, Aggy. *she holds up her hands, a smile back on her face* Something about this place brings people here or something! Haha!
  172. ~ Joan:Ah..r-right...*frowns...Nina would note she's cool to the touch* I tend to work a lot indoors but how did you know that?
  173. ~ Agape: You're so pale! Where I'm from, you can always tell, since everyone else has pretty dark skin. I'm that way, too, so that helps too.
  174. ~ Nina: *keeps in mind the coolness* Oh, oh oh, you gotta live close to a beach, then! I can totally picture you in a cute swimsuit splashing around!
  175. ~ Joan:...But I do not tan. *tilts her head* I'm a machine, not an organic like yourselves.
  176. ~ Agape: *to Nina* Ah hah... I live in the middle of a forest. Not sure what a swimsuit is, but I wouldn't want to be splashing around anyways. *to Joan* ... A machine...? You're way too small to be a machine.
  177. ~ Nina: *confused* But how can you live in a forest and be tan?! *turns to Joan and looks up and down* A machine? *inspects Joan all over, poking now and then* Really Joanie?
  178. ~ Joan: I am over six feet tall, being any bigger would be horr-hey! s-stop that! *Nina would note subtle paneling on her arms and neck if she examined her..*
  179. ~Sumire: *just headtilts*
  180. ~ Agape: *to Nina* Ah... I'm really not that tanned... I'm pretty pale as well, because I spent a lot of time inside too. *to Joan* B-but, machines capable of generating speech would probably require WAY more space than in your body! And then there's the issue of where the steam would come out, and... *pauses thoughtfully* ... Unless that's not how machines work here...
  181. ~ Nina: *steps back* Whoop, sorry Joanie. Just, back home, machines are pretty different... *looks at Sumire* Everything alright, Sumi?
  182. ~ Joan: That's not how things work here at all! *she holds onto herself looking a bit shocked*...I am not steam powered anyway. *sighs*
  183. ~Sumire: Yeah, it's all right.
  184. ~ Agape: ... Man, they MUST'VE used magic to make you. I can't think of any other way something like you would work... I wonder... *looks through her bookbag to see if she has anything on machines* ... No, I don't... *sighs* Well, sorry about that, Joan... and I regret to say, I don't think Sumire's gonna be very successful...
  185. ~Sumire: What makes you say that?
  186. ~ Agape: ... *blushes a deep red, flustered by Sumire's response* I-I just told you! She died while we tried to protect her! A-are you forgetful or something?
  187. ~ Joan:...O-oh....*shuts her eyes* sorry for your loss.
  188. ~Sumire: *sighs*
  189. ~ Nina: *the smile rapidly vanishes* Oh, uhm, I... That's so sad. I'm sorry Sumi, Aggy. *puts hands in middle pocket*
  190. ~Sumire: Montserrat will have to explain me a lot when we find a way to reviver her and the others.
  191. ~ Agape: R-right! See, Nina and Joan... I plan on becoming a Necromancer!
  192. ~Sumire: I certainly can see you making it, Agape.
  193. ~ Nina: *looks uncomfortable* N-necromancer? You sure that's a good idea, Aggy?
  194. ~ Joan: ....R-revive?! Are you both alright?!
  195. ~Sumire: Necromancy takes a lot of responsability, but Aggy seems to acknowledge she can't take those arts so lightly.
  196. ~ Agape: Besides... one of them died protecting me. It was my goal back home, and now... now I have friends who need me, too!
  197. ~Sumire: Either way... where could Rachel be?
  198. ~ Joan: I-I...*she rests a hand on her head* not know...*shuts her eyes.* I sent her a message on her phone, but she seemed rather busy last I saw her...what did you need her for?
  200. *The foot traffic seemed to be somewhat stagnating as people occasionally took interest as they went about their business...a very small brunette kid carrying a pile of papers seemed to be staring from a distance, her mouth Agape. They didn't seem to be wearing a uniform but instead they were rocking a rather old looking coat...*
  201. ~Sumire: To know what else would proceed here.
  202. ~ Nina: If that's what you'd take on... Hey Aggy, how're you gonna learn necromancy? *notices the kid in the distance, and waves a little* Hey Joanie, who's that?
  203. ~ Joan: Oh that's Celia with some fo-huh... *she stared blankly for a moment and tensed*....Agape...that's....Agape were you with Leoric and Xing?
  205. Celia: *slowly hides behind the papers and waves back to Nina*
  206. ~ Agape: *looks at the young girl & waves slightly* ... I'll get back to you on that Nina. *to Joan* Yeah, I was with Leoric & Xing, why do you ask?
  207. ~ Nina: *gives Celia a wink and a thumbs up, before noticing Joan's tension* Are... are those the ones that, y'know... Aggy?
  208. ~ Joan: I recieved a message from Rachel that...she's in grieving and that I was in charge for now. I suppose I am the authority you need to speak to now. *she glanced aside*
  210. Celia:....*sighs* this a bad time?
  211. ~ Agape: ... Xing died saving me... I don't know about Leoric.
  212. ~ Nina: *pats Agape's shoulder a few times* So then, Joanie, how're we gonna get Aggy to be a necromancer?
  213. ~ Joan:....*sighs* Umn...I only know the one....did Rachel say she would take you to Clark or something?
  215. Celia: ....*she gripped the papers tightly, looking more than a bit upset* Welp that's just about the worst thing to hear all day...
  216. ~Sumire: ...?
  217. ~ Agape: ... Yeah, Clark said he might teach me... so if we can get to him, I can start!
  218. ~Sumire: But he's nowhere close, is he?
  219. ~ Joan: He lives in france I would say we are very far away, this facility was intentionally designed to be as far away from populated areas as possible. We also need to inform the bereaved families.
  221. Celia:...*winces* do you wanna learn from that jerk anyway?
  222. ~ Nina: Gotta be the bearer of bad news, eh? *she sighs a little, then turns to Celia* Is he really a jerk?
  223. ~ Agape: So then, what's the fastest way to France? I've gotta get there somehow. *to celia* Because I don't know anyone else who's become a Necromancer. This is my chance to realize my dream, so... even if he's a bit of a jerk, I'll take it!
  224. ~ Celia: Ya but he's an ultra-mega jerk! He likes to kick puppies and eat kittens! At the same time!
  226. Joan:....Umn...He is rather...detestable.... but...*sighs* He's more sensible than most people. Is there any hurry to learn? There are political implications in those death... *She rubs her chin* if we were to help you to france and if our action were to be interpreted to be a conspiracy with the current leadership...The american and the haecian government could turn hostile.
  227. ~ Agape: *stares at Joan* ... So...? What's even a 'murrican' or 'heyshun' government? And if we can keep it a secret, then nothing to worry about right?
  228. ~ Nina: *cringes at Joan's words* Politics again. I hate that... *rubs temples a little* Listen Aggy, I'm not sure how stuff works where you're from, but if this place is anything like back home, getting to this Clark jerk isn't as easy as just walking from point A to point B. *takes out cellphone and fiddles with it* Psh. Hey Joanie, for obvious reasons I'm not getting any coverage here. You think you guys could get some service provider to work with this? *shows it to her*
  229. ~ Celia: America is a big place across the ocean big techie sorta place, and Haecia is uh...hell. I don't really like either...*rests her hands behind her head*
  231. Joan:...*tilts her head and takes the phone, shutting her eyes.* Umn...Nina is right, in more developed countries it is difficult to move quietly, especially given the ongoing state of civil war in Ascadia, everyone is on guard....Nina will you be able to replace this phone back home?
  232. ~ Agape: Well, we just avoid the war, then! I dunno, you guys make this sound much harder than it probably is... not that a trial is a bad thing, but still.
  233. ~ Nina: Hell? Yikes, Ascadia sounds... Bad, like, never go there bad. *smiles a little and offers a thumbs-up to Joan* Sure Joanie, I'll be given 300 of those when I get back if I ask for them.
  234. ~Sumire: Ascadia?
  235. ~ Joan:...*they hear a click as Joan hands it back to Nina* I rewrote as much as I could to make it current but it may still be a little slow...
  236. *checking the phone it would be doing a first time set up of sorts. She'd also note it seemed to pur and have cats instead of the original manufacturer's logo* Ascadia was a nation that broke off from ours, they regulate magic and magical technologies more strictly and fight Haecia for religious and political reasons...
  238. Celia: Well there are scary demon people in Haecia, people get freaked out.
  239. ~Sumire: A fractured nation, I see.
  240. ~ Joan: Well, in the context of their existing civil war, yes. Our nation has not had ties to them in centuries.
  242. Celia:...So I guess we wait? I don't know if Agape has SEEN war but you can't just go around it and hope nothing happens....
  243. ~Sumire: Personally, your civil war is not of my concern, however, if this involves finding a way to return Montserrat to life, I'm willing to help in your stead.
  244. ~ Celia:..It's not ours tho.
  246. Joan:*frowns*...As I mentioned, we have not had ties to them for centuries and...well no offense intended but you do not seem equipped to handle the affairs at hand.
  247. ~Sumire: Fair enough. You don't know me, and I don't know you in return.
  248. ~Sumire: Joan, right? What year is this? And is there's a device I can use to contact with my mistress?
  249. ~ Agape: I've read plenty about wars, doncha worry... I still think we'll be fine, it's not like I'm a very well-known person here! ... Not like I'm very well known back home, but...
  250. ~ Nina: *shakes the phone a little* Thanks Joanie... why is it full of kittens? *turns to Sumire* I'm not sure these guys have cross-dimensional comms down yet, Sumi. *looks at Agape seriously* Reading about war isn't the same as being in one, Aggy! *trembles a little* Like, really, Aggy, real-deal warzones are no joke, it's not a matter of being known or not, people there drop like flies, it's horrible!
  251. ~ Joan:.... I like it that way. *She smiles* And technically speaking we are both ethically and practically restricted by the era's technology more than our own. I could for example try to hail Agape's family but steam powered cellphones do not likely exist.
  252. ~ Celia: What Nina said!
  253. ~Sumire: Yeah, I don't see that happening. *sweats*
  254. ~ Agape: I know wars are terrible things, Nina, I went to school... *sighs* I just refuse to let one get in the way of this! Still, though... Joan reminds me of my friends back home. I'm sure they're fine without me, but...
  255. ~ Joan: But...? *tilts her head* Would you like to get in touch with them?
  256. ~ Agape: ... I suppose I should, shouldn't I? They must be worried sick about me. I suppose I can do that before figuring out a way to get to France.
  257. ~ Joan: *Smiles* That seems like a splendid idea...Sumire would you like to contact your own people?
  259. Celia:....*frowns and offers the papers to Joan* Umn...So did you need the requisition forms yet?
  260. ~Sumire: If the possibility exists, sure thing.
  261. ~ Nina: Hm... letting people back home know might be a good idea... *looks at Celia* Hey girlie, what are these for?
  262. ~ Celia:...*stares blankly*...Stuff, I didn't really read what for. I'm just her secretary.
  264. Joan: *takes the paperwork and smiles* We are still moving hardware and equipment to the facility, but we have been making steady progress. Nina would you like to show them to the Dimensional gate? I'll be there in a moment.
  265. ~ Agape: ... There's an entire GATE? You're sure it WORKS this time?
  266. ~ Nina: *raises eyebrow and pets Celia* Well alright. *gives Joan a thumbs up* I'll see to it, Joanie. C'mon girls, follow me. *eyes Agape suspiciously* And on the way you can tell me what you mean by this time. *steps towards the exit further downwards*
  267. ~ Agape: *follows Nina* The last time I ran into any dumb portal things, they didn't work & that's how Montse, Reston, and I ended up here in the first place. Something about it malfunctioning...
  268. ~Sumire: *thinking for herself* (That can explain why Montse didn't come to work... I need to know more about that machine...)
  269. ~ Joan:....*raises an eyebrow* Umn....Leoric's teleporter went awry yes but I can assure you they are not the same device...
  271. Celia: I'm with Agape! Big portal things are still scary!
  272. ~ Agape: ... You're sure? I'm just... forgive me for being a bit suspicious.
  273. ~ Nina: So that's it... no wonder you don't trust them. *shrugs a little, a smile on her face* No worries Aggy I'm sure this time around it'll work. C'mon people, it's three floors down. See you in a bit, Joanie, girlie. *proceeds to the Gate, remembering the route*
  274. ~ Joan: I am absolutely positive.... Farewell Nina! *she smiles and begins reading the paper work...*
  275. Celia: *Follows them down*
  276. *Anyone if the group followed they would note at the end of the flight of stairs there was a security detail and a few guards in front of a blast door. One of the guards gave a wave to Nina*
  278. Guard: Oh hey, are you the guys boss said would be coming?
  279. ~ Nina: *winks at the guard* Hey guys. Joan sent us to the dimensional gate, yeah.
  280. ~ Agape: *waves* Heya.
  281. ~Sumire: Hello.
  282. ~ Guard: Watch yourselves, the admiral's been kinda pissy...
  284. *The guard gave a wave and moved aside as the blast door opened, and they'd note a blue light shining down the stairwell to a control room where Rachel seemed to be sitting alone, leaning back in a chair, a half empty bottle of scotch balancing ontop of a console. Her coat seemed to be hanging off her chair and her tie was lazily draped around her shoulders. She didn't seem to notice the group as they entered, rocking in her chair and muttering to herself...*
  285. ~ Agape: *peeks into the room, looking down at Rachel* (Well, she's not in a great mood, is she?) H-hello...?
  286. ~Sumire: *holds Agape from the shoulders shaking head*
  287. ~ Nina: *sneaks a look from behind Agape and Sumire* (Well this sure looks grim...) *tiptoes quietly into the room* Hey, J-joanie sent us... *her voice would be rather subdued*
  288. ~ Rachel:..All they had t-oh...*looks over* (Well shit...) Yo um....didn't expect anyone to come here today so....right what's up? She convince you guys to head home?
  289. ~ Nina: *waves timidly and slowly walks up to Rachel* Hey Admiral, Aggy wanted to try something with the gate...
  290. ~ Agape: *walks in* N-nah... I wanted to see if I can contact some friends back home, let them know I'm alright, b-before I figure out how to get to mister Clark.
  291. ~ Rachel:...Ah well....that'd probably do it...*frowns, taking the bottle and putting it aside the chair* Well umn...we've got your data I guess umn...where were you when you last left them? And uh...Sumire you came here on purpose right?
  292. ~Sumire: That is correct, Rachel
  293. ~ Agape: *stares at the bottle* Uhh, I was around Blueway, in Gehenna.
  294. ~ Nina: Anything I can help with, Admiral Rachey? *pokes Agape* What are you so dumbstruck with, Aggy...
  295. ~ Rachel: I'll be fine Nina, thanks for the concern...Sumire we'll call your folks after we sort out Agape's friends, they're probably in more of a panic. *sighs* I haven't had that much to drink yet but...Agape can you give more of a localized area? I just wanna know if I'm likely to open a portal in front of anyone other than your friends.
  296. ~Sumire: I can wait, don't worry. Sorry to ask, but... were you drinking alcohol, Rachel?
  297. ~ Rachel:...*glances to Sumire* Not as much as I would have liked to given the circumstances. *spins around in chair to face them* Unless you guys wanted a glass, I think we have more pressing matters at hand.
  298. ~Sumire: No, I'm fine. Thank you. Please proceed with Agape.
  299. ~ Nina: I'm not big on that, thanks Admiral. We should get going with Aggy's message.
  300. ~ Agape: *to Rachel* Ahm, I think we were... waiting for a boat at the port. If it helps, my friends are a bookish-looking lady in a blue robe, and a green girl in plaid... and I was wondering what that was you were drinking.
  301. ~ Rachel:...(Shit....) *She rolls around in the chair and starts tapping at the console's keyboard* I'll figure something out. Junior try to find an alley or something...or actually...were you guys staying anywhere we could find them?
  302. ~ Nina: *sits down cross-legged, leaning back against a wall, a smile on her face* Green people! Haha I can't imagine that.
  303. ~ Agape: There was an inn near the port. Blueway Port Inn, I think? Simple enough name.
  304. ~ Rachel: You heard her Junior, green girl and a stuffy book girl's room at the blue port inn.
  306. *They could hear a muffled tearing, past the wall dead ahead of them...they hear a few rythmic chimes after a moment.*
  308. Rachel: Thanks for the critique I'll try not to get buzzed before I work next time...*Sighs*. Well hope they're not too freaked out by the portal....*she snaps her fingers and a stairwell appears to the left, and she heads down fixing her tie, the stairs glowing with the same blue light before emptying into a white room with a portal seemingly conjured from nothing....Agape would recognize her hotel room, the portal emptying somewhere beside her bed*
  309. ~ *in this bed, a young woman with long brown hair can be seen asleep, with a pale-skinned youth next to her; it's clear from the window that this is extremely early morning*
  310. Agape: ... *slowly walks her way over to Terri, and begins shaking her* Terri. Hey, Terri. Terri, wake up.
  311. Terri: Mnm... Buth Wendthy, ith so early...
  312. Agape: Terri, it's not Wendy.
  313. Terri: ... *immediately wakes up, hugging Agape* AGAPTHE! I KNEW YOU'DTH BE BACKTH!
  314. Agape: WAH! *the shock of the sudden hug causes Agape & Terri to fall right onto the floor, waking the other woman up*
  315. ???: Terri, what're you doing up at this hour... *looks around sleepily*
  316. ~ Rachel: *wanders in and smiles* Sorry for interrupting your beauty sleep but we have important matters to discuss.
  317. ~ Agape: *hurriedly gets back up, Terri still clinging onto her* H-hey, Wendy...
  319. Wendy: *looks at Rachel, turning & staring at Agape, rubbing her eyes, before turning back to Rachel* ... And who're you, barging into our room...? Who even let you in?
  320. Agape: Love you too...
  321. ~ Nina: *from beyond the portal, looks through it at the situation* Huh? Why does everything look in 2D? *rubs eyes a little, checking to see if it's just her being tired* Man, I must be really tired, I'm seeing things... *closes eyes to rest*
  322. ~ Wendy: *reaches for a nearby book, holding it in front of her & causing a fireball to start forming in the center of it* Okay, what're you people doing with Agape?!
  323. Agape: Wendy, Wendy! It's okay, they're with me...
  324. ~ Rachel:...*raises an eyebrow and raises her hands* I don't mean to be a bother but may I explain myself before my envitable immolation?
  325. ~ Wendy: ... *lowers the book, the fireball dissipating* Fine. I trust there's a reason you're here with Agape, anyways.
  326. Terri: *stares at Rachel* Agapthe, who's thath?
  327. Agape: Ahm... she's the one who let me contact you guys again.
  328. ~ Rachel: My people also helped take care of her the past few days...(At great expense) *frowns* I am Rachel Redstroke at your service. *offers a handshake*
  329. ~ Wendy: *extends her hand out cautiously, shaking it* Wendy Kraus, bookeeper of the Azure Library. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss Redstroke.
  330. Terri: Thakthe cthare of her? Agapthe, whath hapthenedth?
  331. Agape: It's a long story... Rachel, should I explain, or...?
  332. ~ Rachel: The story is not so long depending on how you tell it...Agape was brought to my land by a demi-god of my world and through a series of unfortunate events, got caught in the middle of a power struggle without realizing it. A friend and my cousin gave their lives to protect her, she arrived on my doorstep and my organization nursed her back to health until she was able to get in touch with her friends. *she shuts an eye* I believe that covers the events up to now rather concisely.
  333. ~ Agape: Darn, that was fast... but yeah, that seems about right. That's what happened when I disappeared.
  334. Terri: Wooooow... Agapthe, thath's cthrathy! Goodth thing you're bthackth, though!
  335. Agape: ... Well, I'm not REALLY back yet...
  336. Wendy: *looks at Agape as she starts grabbing her hair & putting it into a bun* You're not done over... wherever you are now? What're you doing NOW...
  337. ~ Rachel: *She crosses* An old war buddy said he would take her on as his protege as a necromancer...though well...frankly Agape has been in fairly bad shape as of late....(Though....I'm one to talk...)
  338. ~ Wendy: *glares at Agape* ... You- you WHAT?
  339. Agape: Yeah, Wendy! He said he'd take me in & teach me if I was willing!
  340. Wendy: YOU WHAT?! YOU- *quickly turns to Rachel* d-did she seriously find someone ELSE?! There's freakin' OTHERS?!
  341. Agape: Wendy, it'll be fine, he's a good guy-
  342. Wendy: Of course to YOU he's a good guy!
  343. Agape: Wendy, you're gonna wake everyone else up~!
  344. Wendy: .... *mutters to herself as she finishes doing her hair up, finishing & causing several strands of hair to fall out* I CAN'T believe there are OTHERS who are willing to TEACH something like this...
  345. Terri: *has somehow slunk over to Rachel without anyone noticing* ... Thith hapthens a loth...
  346. ~ Rachel:...Suddenly I realize where Agape's problems come from...*...raises hand* May I have a moment? It's...not the same necromancy.
  347. ~ Wendy: Oh, there's MULTIPLE TYPES now?
  348. Agape: ...Wait, it's a different type?
  349. ~ Rachel: You had all the books on the whole go evil and crazy and generally ruin the world sorta necromancer right?
  350. ~ Agape: *nods*
  351. Wendy: Yes, they're borrowed from my library.
  352. ~ Rachel:...My friend's been a necromancer three years, he's only become more level headed with age so I think we're safe's still probably hard and has strings attached but....well Agape would still be Agape...
  353. ~ Agape: ... See, Wendy? It's gonna be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
  354. Wendy: Well, isn't THAT a relief. *sighs* At least you're not dooming yourself to a horrible existence and death, I suppose.
  355. Terri: Tho, I gueth you're noth cthoming bacthkth for a while, huh.
  356. ~ Rachel: *Sighs* Well....yeah I've...gotta talk to my folks and my friend's parents so it'll be a while regardless.
  357. ~ Agape: Yeah. I'm gonna figure out how to reach the guy, as apparently it's gonna be hard to get to him... but once I do, I'll be learning from him, and then I- I have some friends to save!
  358. Wendy: Ah, she did mention a couple people died for you, didn't she. So, you plan on reviving them, then?
  359. Agape: *nods her head* Uh-huh.
  360. Terri: ... Andth we're justh gonna waith here?
  361. ~ Rachel: Well...*sighs* It's pretty dangerous but...Agape needs someone to keep her steady and supported and...well nobody else knows her as well as you guys do.
  362. ~ Wendy: So what, you want one of us to help her out then?
  363. Terri: Oh, tho one of uth cthan cthome alongth?
  364. ~ Rachel: I don't know how to handle her when she gets squirms and gets all panicked, no. *frowns* I kinda hoped you guys had an answer.
  365. ~ Wendy: Ah... I just don't. When she gets excited, you can't really get her to calm down, especially if her necromancy is involved at all.
  366. Agape: I uhh... don't think's that's quite what she meant...
  367. ~ Rachel:.....Noted...'s your decision guys, I...well I just lost some important people to me so I'm feeling my mortality right about now can at least try to be there for her in her time of need ya know? *Smiles and rubs her shoulder*
  368. ~ Wendy: A death in the family? I... Well, my deepest sympathies. Regardless... *sighs* I would go, if only to try and talk some sense into her, but... to be honest, I have my own duties to attend to. Being a part of the Azure Library's a big weight, and I just don't have the time to run around with her.
  369. Agape: Sure ya do! All you do is sit in a stuffy library and adjust your glasses all day!
  370. Wendy: *rolls her eyes* ... With that being said, though, why does she even need the extra assistance? She can handle herself fine, I'm sure.
  371. Agape: Did you miss the whole "PEOPLE DIED FOR ME" bit?!
  372. Wendy: ... *taps the side of her head* Y-yes, I think I did... I guess you've never had people die around you, huh?
  373. Agape: *raises her arms up in frustration, looking at Rachel* You see what I put up with? And she thinks I'M the dumby. How'd you even get into the library in the first place?!
  374. Wendy: None of your business, Agape. *awkward silence fills the room*
  375. Terri: ... Stho, cthan I cthome?
  376. ~ Rachel:..*twitches as the exchange transpires.* my...You must be real fuckin' fun at parties lady! *rubs the bridge of her nose as she starts wandering back through the portal.* ... Lisp girl, you can come just...I'm getting a drink, jesus christ...
  377. ~Sumire: *coughs*
  378. ~ Wendy: ... Yeah, I was going to say, Terri might be a better choice to take along with her. The two of them get along really well, and I imagine all I'd do is get in the way.
  379. Agape: (Shoot, Wendy...!) W-well, ahm, Terri, I guess we're going then. I'll see you real soon, Wendy! Don't get too dusty in that big library of yours!
  380. Terri: Yeah, see ya Wen- *Agape grabs Terri's arm, and immediately heads back into the portal with her* Hey!!!
  381. Wendy: *waves good-bye as they head back in*
  382. ~ Nina: *wakes up with everybody returning, yawning*
  383. ~ Rachel: *leans on the nearest wall* Holy fuckin' shit...Is she always that big of a prick?
  384. ~ Agape: N-no, she just... she misses things, every now and then. I-I don't think she intended to insult you, Rachel!
  385. Terri: *looks around the room, taken aback by all that surrounds them* Wow...
  386. ~Sumire: So, I suppose it's my turn.
  387. ~ Nina: *rubs eyes* What did I... aaah... miss? *looks at Terri* Oh! *jumps right up* Aggy! You weren't kidding! *steps up to Terri* Hi girl, I'm Nina!
  388. ~ Agape: H-hey, Nina... This is my friend, Terri. She's kinda... sheltered and highly unusual, just be careful... *sighs* it ended on a bit of a sour note.
  390. Terri: Wah! *steps back from Nina getting so close to her* T-there's a loth of ptheopthle I dthon'th know here... H-hi, Neenah!
  391. ~ *The portal began closing as Rachel slowly slid to the floor....*
  393. Rachel: Agape that was pretty...awful. She missed it the first time, second and third time? Yeah that's when I decided she could choke on a bag of dicks. *glances to Sumire* I' you have a phone? I can just patch you through and we can talk, I'm...I need to relax after that, I don't wanna meet the folks in person.
  394. ~Sumire: Yeah, I carry one.
  395. ~ Rachel: Junior patch her into the cell network...*group would hear a tiny scratch.* Try your phone now.
  396. ~Sumire: Ok, let's see if I can make the dial. *starts to dial a number*
  397. ~ Agape: *sighs* I-I wish that, of all the times to not pay attention, it wasn't THAT. Gahh....
  398. Terri: Who's she? *points at Sumire*
  399. ~ Nina: That's Sumire! *gives Terri a thumbs up* Glad to meet you Terri. We're a strange bunch but hope we can get along! *turns to Rachel* Anything I can get ya, Admiral?
  400. ~ Rachel:...Can you get my scotch?...I've got a headache...*Sighs*
  401. ~ Terri: Sue-mee-ray? Thath soundths cthool~!
  402. Agape: ... If you want, we can head out while you cool down, Rachel...
  403. ~ Rachel:...I'll be fine Agape just...I've had a rough day...*slumps forward*
  404. ~ Nina: *smiles* Right up, Admiral Rachey. *snags the bottle from where Rachel had left it and presents it to her* Shame I don't have more stuff with me, I'm good at mixing!
  405. ~Sumire: Can we talk inside your office, Rachel?
  406. ~ Agape: ... So, Terri, what were you guys even doing there? I thought we had a boat for later...
  407. Terri: Well, y'thee, Wendthy wanthedth tho justh upth & leave withouth ya, but I was likthe, 'Buth Wendthy, Agapthe's gonna cthome backth!' So I goth her tho sthay a lithle while longther unthil four dthays hadth pathed! Andth then you cthame andth... well, I'm sure she's gladth to be going home.
  408. ~ Rachel:...If you need the privacy I can accomodate I guess...*sighs* (This day can't get any worse...)
  409. ~Sumire: *as soon as she and Rachel are in the latter's office* Ok, I'll establish contact, but from personal experience, you shouldn't drink alcohol, Rachel. That makes your headache to persist. Ok, It's dialing... (please, Lady Amanda, answer...)
  410. ~ Rachel: *She takes the bottle from Nina and leads her to her office, snatching a glass from her desk...while the rest of the facility seemed modern, this room seemed to be fairly rustic, a vintage carpet, hard wood floors and hunting trophies hung throughout the room. She glares at Sumire* I'm...gonna indulge my vice, you're not going to pass judgement and we're both going to be happy campers today alright?
  411. ~ Nina: *utterly confused by Terri* T-that's quite a story, Terri! *turns to Agape* So uh, how come you're travelling together?
  412. ~Sumire: Don't blame me if you die younger then. Oh, there it is... Lady Amanda... it's me... *sets the speakers on*
  413. Amanda: Sumire, are you ok?
  414. Sumire: Yes, Lady Amanda. You wouldn't believe I'm on the 29th century. Roughly over 800 years in the future.
  415. Amanda: Have you been able to find out something about Montserrat?
  416. Sumire: Unfortunately... she died. She was dragged to this timeline by accident, but died here. There's a girl here who wants to learn necromancy arts in order to revive her and a few other people she met on the way.
  417. Amanda: I see.
  418. Sumire: I think I should let you talk with the person in charge here. *motions to Rachel*
  419. ~ Agape: Well, y'see-
  420. Terri: My dthadth wanthedth me tho see the worldth, so we stharthedth thravelling andth-
  421. Agape: Well, before then, Terri here had... basically scared a whole village because she thought they were attacking her forest, so Wendy & I had to go in and-
  422. Terri: They hurth me kthindtha badthly-
  423. Agape: Well, yeah, took us knocking some sense into her, and THEN we met her dad, and he wanted us to give her a chance to explore the world, because-
  424. ~ Rachel:...You have no idea what you're talking about. Again. *spotting Sumire gesturing she quickly...covered the phone's camera with her tie.* I'm sorry I must retain anonymity. It's for our mutual protection you understand. *She raises an eyebrow at Sumire.*
  425. ~Sumire: *shakes head*
  426. ~Amanda: It's ok if you don't want to show your face, but I'd appreciate if you could tell me what's your name and you explain me the situation over there and how did Montserrat get into your timeline.
  427. ~ Nina: Oho! *raises eyebrow at Agape* So you believe in the "punching makes friends" philosophy! Good to know...
  428. ~ Agape: Well, we weren't going to be getting it into her any other way... she was pretty aggressive and attacked us when we talked to her about it.
  429. ~ Nina: Oho! *raises eyebrow at Terri* So you believe in "punching is the best diplomacy" philosophy! Good to know...
  430. ~ Rachel: *removes her tie* A god drew her and a few others into a power struggle in our land. Agape IS seeking necromancy but the odds of her simply bringing back the dead are rather close to nil...and I wanna know why you guys are non-chalant about your friend kicking the bucket, what did you expect this?
  431. ~ Terri: ... Ith my foresth...
  432. Agape: ... Regardless, uhh... Terri's a dryad. I don't know if you have them where you are, but it basically means she's a plant.
  433. ~Amanda: Necromancy while being a rare art nowadays, it's still one of the best way to retrieve the dead. 800 back from your timeline, Necromancy, while rare it's still an art that is being treated with the seriousness it deserves. This chick Agape... how determined is she to achieve her goal to become a necromancer and turning them back to life?
  434. ~ Nina: Dry-ad? Doesn't sound familiar... Wow Terri! Does this mean you get energy from the sun and don't have to eat?
  435. ~ Terri: *nods* The other pthlath are like my sisthers and bthrotherth! I cthan thalkth with them, helpth their pthroblemth, pthrothecth them...
  436. Agape: ... Yeahhhhhhh...
  437. ~ Rachel: *Sumire would note Rachel letting go of the tie...the tie wrapping around the camera on it's own* ...800 years back my timeline we were investigating early mech-technology and Doc was doing random experimentation on humans without their knowledge, after open magic was surpressed by the catholic church a few hundred years before that. I think you guys ...need to get some perspective right now. Montse is deader than the dodo. Unless that's alive in your universe. In which case I don't fuckin' know.
  438. ~Amanda: That explains why Montse never arrived to my institute.
  439. Sumire: Rachel.. you allowed Agape to bring someone with her. I ask you to grant me the same opportunity.
  440. Amanda: Sumire...!
  441. Sumire: I want to know what caused her death, Lady Amanda, and i need either you or someone from the institute to help me with this. Rachel... please, you allowed Agape to bring Terri here, allow me the same chance.
  442. ~ Rachel: You've been evading my question here! Not a good place to start if you want me to trust you! I'm not exactly in the best of places here so let's play a little tit for tat. Answer me, why don't you guys care about Montse's death...why aren't you even surprised?
  443. ~Amanda: She possesses a power that it is threatening if left unattended, even after death. Also, we're not sure if something was triggered that caused her death and the others. There's a power here she possesses that if uncontrolled, it can be a threat not only for our timeline, but for yours. If something happens to this timeline, yours would practically cease to exist.
  444. Amanda: I might sound uncaring, but in reality I'm concerned for her, otherwise, I wouldn't have sent Sumire there with you.
  445. ~ Rachel: What, does she sap the world of it's reserves of fun? *leans forward* Talk to me because last we BOTH saw *points to herself and Sumire* The entire area she was killed in was erased from existance by a demi-god. Not a compelling argument yet.
  446. ~Amanda: Yes, she does sap, but not your fun. Montserrat doesn't have her powers fully trained.
  447. Sumire: Rachel... Montserrat has a power that rivalizes such levels, but without the adequate training, it can turn her into a mindless monster.
  448. Amanda: If you really don't want to provide help not just for you, but for everyone around there, then bring Sumire back, but if this timeline I am disappears, so will yours as a consequence. All I ask is your trust on me.
  449. Sumire: Lady Amanda is a woman of word, Rachel, if you want to end your day on a better note, then, I ask you to trust on us. Whatever damage Montserrat might have caused, we will personally deal with her.
  450. ~ is that a problem if she's dead....and her body doesn't exist anymore. This universe has counter forces to handle far worse than one chick threatening it's stability anyway, speaking from experience... *taps her fingers against her desk and takes a swig of her drink* I get the feeling your job's done already, Montse's dead, non-existant and otherwise not a threat.
  451. ~Sumire: What...!? Why would we want to have our own medic dead!?
  452. Amanda: Sumire! Calm down!
  453. Sumire: But... L-Lady Amanda...!
  454. Amanda: It's evident we cannot force Rachel to cooperate with us to recover Montserrat. Rachel... why would you think I'd want a student I helped survive the devil larva virus to die out of the sudden? Doesn't that sound ilogical to you?
  455. ~ Rachel:...No it doesn't. You're not listening. I'm saying. She's dead. She's been dead for a few days. We only know she existed for sure because of remnant information left on Agape, and Agape's first hand account, because the entire place, which you went to and did verify, doesn't exist anymore. If there was some urgency to this you should have told me before you tried strong arming your way into my backyard!
  456. ~Sumire: She's dead. Yes, then why is Agape determined to revive her and the others? That means there exists a way to return them to life.
  457. ~ Rachel: You don't fuckin' get it! I'm saying I don't believe Agape can do it without doing something even worse than what she originally wanted! I've danced with death, in every meaning of the phrase, and I've played this game before it's not pretty! If you want we can go a floor up to the medical wing and I can show you my brain dead friend that I tried to bring back, I can take you on a tour of the FEF memorial for a few dozen other friends I personally sent to die and I'm tired of you pushing crap into my face in some vain attempt to get me say santa is real and everything can be fixed just like that! *she incessantly snaps her fingers at Sumire*
  458. ~Sumire: *unfazed* I'm sorry for the losses you've experienced, Rachel, but this is not about so called christmas miracles. You might refuse to see it, but unlike you, I'm willing to believe in Agape. This is not mere convenience. There was a reason why she survived to that wrestched zone, regardless of your teams help.
  459. Sumire: Sorry Lady Amanda, I'll return you the call in a moment. *hangs* I believe in Agape because I have the ability to believe and trust on people, at least that's what I was taught. You might have some sort of justification in not trusting me or on Lady Amanda, but your lack of trust on people because of your experiences have turned you into a sour person. I pity you, Admiral. I thought of you as a better person than this. *stands up walking off to the door*
  460. ~ Rachel: Let's be fuckin' clear...she survived because my cousin fucking killed herself for her! I'm NOT claiming convenience, or anything else I'm saying everything comes with a price tag and I don't WANT Agape to pay it!
  462. *If Sumire made her way out they'd spot Joan waiting outside of the room*
  463. Joan Excuse me am i interrupting something?
  464. ~Sumire: *hasn't opened the door yet* And who are we to force her to stop on her plan? I understand how you feel, Admiral. I believe in Agape, however, she has to learn the difference between idealism and realism. I know necromancy is a very delicate process that must be taken with all seriousness, and this is why I wanted to bring some experimented backup here to provide knowledge about it. Lady Amanda has conacts with many people in out timeline knowledgeable about it. But if you keep refusing to take our help, by all means. We can't force you if you're against it. *opens the door* I'm done. Excuse me, Joan.
  465. ~ Joan: Umn...Where are you going?* she stands firm, though she doesn't make any further effort to block Sumire...*
  467. Rachel: *shuts the door behind*
  468. ~Sumire: I apologize for any problems I caused. *turns at Joan bowing, as she walks out*
  469. ~ Joan: *looks back* W-wait Rachel said something rash did she not! Let's talk, what is wrong?
  470. ~Sumire: *sighs* Rachel doesn't want to believe in Agape, under the argument Agape could make things worse if she learns necromancy. I requested her to allow me to bring someone with me, but she wanted to know why. Admittedly I should have mentioned before calling that Montserrat holds... or well, held a power that it's quite unstable if not trained enough. Then all went downhill.
  471. ~ Joan: That...does not sound like Rachel but...she is rather upset, a misunderstanding seemed inevitable in that condition. But...what ailment did Montserrat hold? And what will you do now?
  472. ~Sumire: Ailment? You could say anyone in proximity to Montserrat would be weakened. As for what will I do...? I guess all I can do is go back to the institute. Sadly there's nothing else to do for me here.
  473. ~ Joan: Should you not at least help Agape? Even if Rachel does not believe in her cause, does that mean you should not as well? *Frowns*
  474. ~Sumire: I suppose you're right about it. Still I'd wish I could have brought my mentor here. *sighs looking a bit down, which can bring interest to Joan about what she means*
  475. ~ Joan: *Frowns* Did I not mention that it was dangerous to bring more people though?
  476. ~Sumire: Agape brought a friend of hers.
  477. ~ Joan:...Rachel's...judgement must be impaired. *frowns*
  478. ~Sumire: Seems so.
  479. ~ Joan:...*frowns* Let's rejoin the others, take a breather and discuss our next move.
  480. ~Sumire: *sighs* Fine.
  481. ~ Nina: O-oh man, that sounds like a really big family, Terri! *sighs a little* I wonder what that's like...
  482. ~ Terri: Well, y'thee, they're all thery helpthful ptheopthle, though some of them don'th really know whath they're thalkthing abthouth. Thith one thime, I was thalkthing tho thome bathil, andth they were thelling me abouth how the thun is so warm. Ith likthe, thilly bathil, of CTHOURTHE the sun is warm! If ith weren'th, you couldthn'th grow! Buth, sthill, ith a loth of thun, though I have tho sthickth upth for them as they can'th dtho anything.
  483. Agape: ... And that's when she stops everyone from entering a forest on an island where most of it is forest... *sighs, rubbing the top of Terri's hat playfully* Terri's something else.
  484. ~ Nina: *smiles a little, clearly weirded out but still enjoying the conversation* Now we just gotta wait for Rachey and Sumi to come back... they're taking a little longer than I thought they would, strange.
  485. ~ Joan: *leads sumire to the others and waves, staring briefly at Terri* Umn...Hello!
  486. ~Sumire: Hey...
  487. ~ Agape: Hey guys! Uhh, Joan, this is one of my friends from back home, her name's Terri. She's essentially a plant person.
  488. Terri: Hi, Joan! *waves, turns to Agape* ... She lookths weirdth...
  489. ~ Nina: Oh Joanie, Sumi! How'd it go?
  490. ~ Joan: A pleasure to meet you Terri...*frowns and shakes her head* Sumire withheld some information and...well there was a mutual misunderstanding, and Rachel is no doubt fuming.
  491. ~ Nina: *playfully raises eyebrow, crosses arms and taps foot, looking at Sumire expectantly*
  492. ~Sumire: Well, Long story short, I omitted to mention Montserrat must be revived along the others since she possesses a power that while powerful is highly unstable if not controlled properly, and this extends even if she's dead.
  493. ~Sumire: Rachel and I had a heated argument. Rachel doesn't believe in you, Agape, because Rachel doesn't believe in you making it, Agape without doing something worse than you originally look for. As far as I know she said she has experienced this before with negative results.
  494. ~Sumire: While I do believe in you, Agape, you need to differenciate the idealism you follow over the reality. Necromancy is an art you must take all the seriously it implies, because you're manipulating the dead.
  495. ~ Agape: *to Joan* Ah... yeah, I can see Rachel being mad. She had a bad time when we went to let everyone know I was okay, because one of my friends... was really insensitive. Still-
  496. Terri: NO FAITH?! Hath rathel nether seen Agthapthe in acthion?!
  497. Agape: ... Still, that seems important Sumire, what would Montse have that'd be so dangerous?
  498. ~ Joan: Indeed, if it is something we must handle we cannot sit on it!
  499. ~Sumire: As much as I would love to tell you, my mistress knows about this matter better.
  500. ~ Nina: *jaw drops a little* Oh, uhm, powers beyond death sounds very not good for us, or anyone! Man the surprises just keep piling on...
  501. ~ Joan: Did you talk with her on the phone recently with Rachel? *frowns and shuts her eyes*... I am not sure what your understanding of necromancy is but...the necromancy of our world is slightly different.
  502. ~Sumire: Yeah, I talked with her. It's probable the understandings and processes are different, but... I'm pretty sure they share the same base.
  503. ~ Agape: Well, if you know nothing about it, then that's not a great indication... either she's keeping it a secret, or it's a load of baloney.
  504. Terri: Well, I know nothingth of necthromanthy, buth ith can'th be thath differenth can ith?
  505. Agape: Well, if Rachel's had experience with it, we could ask her, couldn't we? ... When she's in a more pleasant mood, I mean...
  506. ~ Joan: I know...some of it...*rubs her chin her eyes still shut*...Do you have a concept of the soul in your worlds?
  507. ~Sumire: Well... you could say it's like our extract of our lives. From where I come, those dead would go to three places. Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.
  508. ~ Nina: *rubs temples, closes eyes* Oh drat metaphysical info incoming...
  509. ~ Agape: More than a concept, they're REAL! That's what the necromancer gets control over!
  510. ~ Joan:. Umn...Well we could not and say we did. *nervously laughs and rubs her shoulder she seems to tense up a bit*....(O-oh dear.) *Opens her eyes* Umn...well to save some time neither is the case in this world, not quite. Rachel and Clark are the experts, and they are much better equipped to handle the topic.
  511. ~Sumire: I see.
  512. ~ Joan:...How powerful...WAS Montse anyway?
  513. ~Sumire: Her power can even weaken Lady Amanda's physical strength.
  514. ~ Nina: Sorry Sumi, but that's not very helpful... We know she's your mistress and a hotshot lady but that's about it! *ponders a little* Got anything more concrete? I dunno, just, I learned here pretty quickly that what's strong somewhere might not be up to par elsewhere. Big fish in small pond and all that, right?
  515. ~Sumire: I have had some limited interaction with Montserrat, admittedly.
  516. ~ Joan: *frowns*...Are you sure you do not know? Absolutely?
  517. ~Sumire: Yes. Montserrat is kind of secretive with me, like she has problems trusting other people that is not Lady Amanda.
  518. ~ Joan:*clutches her shoulder and shakes her head...*Sumire I listened to the phone call, the fef records all communications...Why are you lying to us?
  519. ~Sumire: Sigh... I suppose I can't keep the secret anymore. Fine, I'll tell you everything.
  520. ~ Agape: L-lying...? *looks concernedly between Joan and Sumire*
  521. ~Sumire: Montserrat holds a power called "Tinkerbell". Don't let the name fools you. This power infuses the Dark powers she possesses.
  522. Sumire: Her power mixes fire and darkness.
  523. Sumire: This power, Tinkerbell, also allows her to spread a weakening field called Tinkerbell Curse. Whoever is inside its radius, no matter if it is a living being or not will be weakened. However... As I pointed out... Montserrat's power is still unstable until further training allows her to dominate her power.
  524. ~ Joan:And this power can threaten the entire universe? And why did you insist on bringing your mentor? For your given reason...Agape was an eye witness, you did not need her...
  525. ~Sumire: We do need her, and I do need my mentor here since she's the only one who can withstand the Aojiru mode should Montserrat lose control of her power or if she dies without having full control of her power!
  526. ~Sumire: Think of Aojiru as an evil entity who thrives for destruction until it meets someone who can tame its bloodlust. As far as we know... Montserrat is more affected by the Aojiru mode than what happened to her elder sister who got lesser effects from it. If we don't finish her trainng to control Aojiru... it won't end well for anyone! Now you understand why we need to revive her along with the others?
  527. ~ Agape: Then why'd you not tell us sooner? And would it really help if I revived her? We might just need to go destroy it!
  528. Terri: ... Ow-jee-roo...? I'the nether heardth of thath one...
  529. ~ Joan:...Umn...No actually I am in the dark Sumire. In fact it is very concerning, and I will look into it but..Why did you claim to want to know how she died instead?
  530. ~This message has been removed.
  531. ~ Nina: O-oh man, I... *plainly confused* So this... thing within your dead friend, what's it gonna do? I mean *scratches arm, clearly uncomfortable* she's, uhm, dead. Gone. No body to be found. Ain't that thing dead too, by extension? Even if it's not, what, it can possess new hosts or something? *sighs* Look it sucks she had a curse, but if she's dead, so is the curse, no? Or am I missing something?
  532. ~Sumire: Aojiru awakes 1 week after its host dies, and disappears to look through another body. We must find a way to revive them.
  533. ~ Joan:...It has been three days since their my question and Agape's questions now hold much more importance than before....*frowns*
  534. ~ Agape: If it's such a big danger, why let it live in the first place? I mean, I'll revive Montse regardless, but if it's that dangerous I wouldn't want that thing running around, and I wouldn't want Montse to have to live with it either!
  535. Terri: Whath'th a Monthe...?
  536. Agape: ... It's a long story Terri, I'll explain it later.
  537. ~Sumire: Dealing with Aojiru will be our responsability, but I need Rachel allows me to call Lady Amanda here!
  538. ~ Joan:...You realize that you are evading again yes? *rubs her neck* This is why you seemed untrustworthy to begin with...
  539. ~ Agape: Besides, it doesn't have to be just YOUR responsibility! *at this point, Agape has a very determined expression, and raises a clenched fist* Let us help, we can ALL take care of it! As OUR responsibility!
  540. ~Sumire: Montserrat's like is linked to Aojiru. That's why we can't destroy it.
  541. ~Sumire: If we do, Montserrat would die again.
  542. ~ Nina: *eyes spinning* Girls this is getting nowhere... *takes a deep breath* Let's, let's go over things one at a time, right?
  543. ~ Joan:Agreed
  544. ...Sumire I am beginning to understand why Rachel will not grant your request at this rate...*sighs*
  545. ~Sumire: Nevermind... I just remembered Agape told me how things happened.
  546. ~Sumire: *clenches her fist, noticebly angry with herself* In the heat of the moment, I forgot that important detail.
  547. ~ Agape: ... Look, I don't know anything about any lies but... but it's not like this has to be something you do by yourself. If it takes a week to revive, then we've got four days to go back where they died, find the body, and deal with this Aojiru thing! And then I can go to Clark, learn necromancy, and we can revive her without having to worry about some horrifying evil thing going nuts, right?
  548. ~Sumire: Matter of fact here is... We need Montserrat ALIVE first before continuing. Yes, we have 4 days, but each second counts from now on. Joan, Nina, I'm sorry for all the problems my omissions have caused.
  549. ~ Nina: Sumi, why do we need Montse alive first? *glances away* Uhm, I'm always up for a challenge and whatnot but I don't think we can get to this Clark jerk guy in 4 days, and even if we did, I don't know how fast Aggy here can pick up the trade. *brightens* Hey hey can't we go to wherever this Ao thing will spawn and intercept it before it goes anywhere else and THEN we take our sweet time to get Aggy to that Clark jerk guy so she can learn how to bring everyone back?!
  550. ~ Joan:...I am sorry but...Rachel's temper seems to have been more than justified, you have endangered us all without reason and slowed down a rather urgent task several days without reason....*she shuts her eyes, and a portal opens beside her* I shall have my staff investigate but you have done enough damage...
  551. ~ Agape: (O-oh crud...!)
  552. ~Sumire: I take the full responsability.
  553. ~ Joan: Farewell Sumire. *Joan walks over and gently nudges Sumire along towards the portal.* (Junior, relay the information we've obtained. If any incoming activity from this dimension is detected, send a team to intercept as soon as possible...) *adjusts her collar and sighs*
  554. ~ Nina: *stares at empty blank space, seemingly not having yet taken it all in* H-huh? Just like that?1 *looks timidly at Joan* H-hey Joanie, what happens now?
  555. ~ Joan:...My people start the work she should have yesterday...for now though?*frowns* We must handle our present situation...We will not arrive in time to meet that deadline if we race, so we should plan our next move. Rachel and I must still meet the families of the deceased...
  556. ~ Agape: Well... *sighs* Maybe Nina, Terri, and I should find a way to get to France in the meantime...?
  557. ~ Nina: *looks rather depressed* We, we could, I guess... Joanie? What're the odds of the Clark jerk guy coming over if you or the Admiral ask nicely? *shrugs, disheartened* Maybe he's got a faster route...
  558. ~ Joan: He...*frowns*...he will not come, the climate is both very dangerous for him as he was a traitor in the last war and he has since retired
  559. ~ Nina: *hangs her head, dejected* Things can never be easy for us, huh? *turns to Agape and Terri* Aggy, I think you need to talk with... well, somebody who knows what's the deal with souls here. Joanie did say that stuff here didn't work like they do where you're from...
  560. ~ Agape: Hmm... *thinks for a bit* Do we have a library anywhere, Joan?
  561. ~ Joan: There is a research wing yes, but with proper authorization any terminal free to access our records....but why do you ask?
  562. ~ Agape: Well, surely someone's written about it, right? I've spent plenty of time in libraries, I know how to look around quickly, so if I can get the information that way... ya feel me?
  563. ~ Nina: *nods, a little more enthusiastic* Yeah Joanie, if things here don't work like Aggy thinks they do, it might put a dent on the whole necromancer thing... Not to mention, it's not like we can cooperate much on how to fight some world-ending abomination, right?
  564. ~ Joan: As I said, my people will handle Montse. I will have Celia show you the way but....Umn....Agape we do not use paper records extensively anymore.
  565. ~ Agape: Well, whaddelse is there? You got no books anywhere?
  566. Terri: *stares at Joan wide-eyed* You goth ridth of the pthapther...?
  567. ~ Nina: Don't'cha fret Aggy, books are still around but... they're not quite like you know 'em. *holds cellphone and shakes it a little*
  568. ~ Joan: Mostly yes Terri, print books are expensive and impractical with the advent of digital storage so in our nation they are very rare. Some people are fond of them, but for the most part we use electronic media whenever possible.
  569. ~ Agape: ... That's a book? *tries to take Nina's phone and look at it* But I thought it was a talky thingy...
  570. Terri: I KNEW ITH CTHOULDTH BE DTHONE! *suddenly hugs Joan out of nowhere*
  571. ~ Nina: It's both, silly! *lets Agape have the phone so she can inspect it* I'm sure people here are advanced enough to fit entire encyclopedias in there.
  572. ~ Joan: D-dah?! *stumbles back as Terri latches onto her and stares* theory we could fit entire traditional libraries in a phone without much difficulty, but in practice most storage is offloaded to servers to keep things organized!
  573. ~ Agape: *fiddles with the phone, holding it at different angles* Man, this book's so tinyyyyy... *throws it back to Nina* Well, I guess I'll need some help navigating the library then. Shouldn't be too hard... at least, the last librarian I met was nice enough... *sighs as she thinks back on it*
  574. Terri: *still clinging to Joan, whispering* Wendthy was a librarian bacthkth home.
  575. ~ Nina: Well Aggy let's go get you some data storage access. I'm not very familiar with any librarians... Sounds like you'd have to really, really love books to work as one
  576. *Leading the group to the library Joan set Agape, and Nina up at a pair of terminals, before heading off herself. Agape's research would turn up very mixed results unfortunately.
  578. On Amaterasu she came up relatively little besides historical records and japanese shintoism. She'd note that according to the records she didn't exist, until very recently.
  580. On france she would find....a rather fucked map, the history of the nation, how it joined the EU, it's history of war and assimilation into Ascadia and Ascadia's current political climate, Clark being mentioned as a key contributor in destabilizing the region. The articles would mention that the FEF is currently helping to keep the peace in the area but recent efforts from a vampire in the north and a new comer, Amaterasu seemed to be fighting for control of the region, along with smaller independent factions. Amaterasu has been spotted in the capital and seems to be gaining clout.
  582. On the soul she would find extremely confused results with religious texts, and medical texts contradicting them. The medical texts describe mostly the bond between body and soul and the medical implications of the body being alive or the soul being preserved without the other. They all generally point out that if one or the other is removed, the person as known is likely dead and even if the body is allowed time to build their soul back, or a soul is given a new vessel it is unlikely they will actually be the same person ever again. Cybernetics research has faultered and Koranians like Joan also experience difficulty accepting new inorganic parts due to issues like this as well. A Claude Redstroke is mentioned repeatedly as a subject for most of these experiments, though some Koranians voulenteered for experimentation, some older cybernetics research mentions it and a Katherine have been mentioned in more recent articles penned by Rachel.
  584. On necromancy Agape found articles on Clark, and his time in the war. It seemed he earned a reputation for himself, turning the tides of battles with his spectral armies and his light magic, but due to unspecified circumstances he betrayed his nation of Ascadia. He has been implicated in a plot to murder of the late King Ascadia and the Duke Milliward, the destruction of majority of Slovakia, and setting forth the events that dismantled Ascadia as a nation. He has not been seen in public for the last year, but for some reason Agape would find no warrants for his arrest.
  586. After searching for a few hours, Nina and Agape would see Rachel approaching, in a black t-shirt and some jeans, looking a little more relaxed...*
  588. Rachel: Hey Jo said I could find you everything alright?
  589. ~ Nina: *yawns a little* I-I didn't think you'd go so in-depth, Aggy... And to top it off nothing consisent. *lazily waves to Rachel and snaps a half-assed salute* Hey hey Admiral...
  590. ~ Agape: *jumps from the surprise* WAH! O-oh hi, Rachel! I was so focused on searching, you scared me there... heheh... you feeling any better?
  592. Terri: *is fast asleep*
  593. ~ Rach:...Yeah I've...been better but...I'll manage. What're you guys doing?
  594. ~ Agape: *shakes Terri awake* I was looking up stuff on here... Since I woke up, I've been figuring out I know very little, so... I looked up some things.
  595. Terri: Mmn... *rubs eyes* Oh, thorry, I wath asleepth... hey, Rathel.
  596. ~ Nina: *shrugs a little* I didn't have much to do, so I figured it would be good to learn more and try and help Aggy with her stuff... *sighs* But we didn't learn anything useful! All the sources say stuff that's either inconsistent, incomplete or just plain contradictory...
  597. ~ Rachel:...Well...wait what did you guys look for?
  598. ~ Agape: A lot of things... specifically, I looked up Amaterasu, souls, France, and necromancy. It's a bit disheartening, but...
  599. ~ Nina: *pats Terri's head a little* Hey sleepyhead... *turns to Rachel again* Joanie mentioned that souls here don't work like Aggy thinks they do, so she wanted some more info on that... Necromancy popped up soon after, and from that the Clark jerk guy, and so did Ammy-god-jerk-girl...
  600. ~ Rachel: Sorry umn...morning Terri...*Sighs* Well...I have first hand experience with souls and necromancy if nothing else, and I may possibly perhaps know a little bit about france but...Ammy went live around the time you showed up at our place Agape, she's kind of a wild card.
  601. ~ Agape: I read... she and a bunch of other people are in France now, apparently. I mean, I knew about a war of some kind & I figured we'd be able to sneak through or something... seems a little less doable now though. And I've at least learned that how things work back home aren't close to how they work here... it's disheartening to know I might not succeed, but I still need to try, right?
  602. ~ Rachel: Yeah that's the spirit...*she gives a thumbs up* If nothing else you'll still be able to help people with what you get right? That's all that really matters...
  603. ~ Nina: *stretches a little* So Aggy what do you want to do now?
  604. ~ Agape: Well... *sighs* I think we have to get through France regardless, at least if I'm going to be getting to Clark anytime soon. I don't REALLY know what would be the best way to do that, though if we figured out a route that avoided as much as the crap going on there as possible, we should be fine.
  605. Terri: ... Dthidth I mith a loth, Agapthe?
  606. Agape: Yeah... when we figure out what we're doing, I'll be sure to explain everything, okay?
  607. ~ Nina: Admiral? Any suggestions on getting there?
  608. ~ Rachel: *rubs her head* Without making a splash no. A local caravan would probably be quieter at least and we wouldn't have to walk.
  609. ~ Agape: But then we have the dimensional things, don't we...? I only just figured out about them, so I'm not totally familiar, but wouldn't that cause problems? Though, if that'll be quiet, we might not have much of a choice.
  610. ~ Nina: But if it's driven by locals won't they know their way around?
  611. ~ Rachel: Yeah they would. Plus they actually have schedules and devices to press through on designated trade routes...*sighs* We buy them from areas we hold control of but our organization isn't large enough to push in...
  612. ~ Agape: So, I guess we should look for a local group that'll take us?
  613. ~ Rachel: Yeah that's the gist of didn't stop in the area so that's a plan.
  614. ~ Nina: *smiles brightly* Then it's settled, we know what to look for!
  615. ~ Rachel:...*sighs*....Umn...did....What Sumire said...I was upset and said stuff I didn't mean...
  616. ~ Agape: ... Did you actually say that? That you had no faith in me?
  617. ~ Nina: *the smile fades away quickly, and looks noticeably uncomfortable, trying not to pay attention*
  618. ~ Rachel: *sighs and shakes her head* No I didn't. I said I was worried about...well...the cost to you and I didn't believe you could do it without suffering... you're a young kid. You don't need to do anything rash to be valuble to people Agape...
  619. ~ Agape: No... no, for me, this is what I have to do. A little suffering's not going to get to me, I'm better than that, I can assure you. I'm just happy knowing I don't have another person telling me I can't. I'm tired of them.
  620. ~ Rachel: I trust you know what's good for you Agape...just don't forget we've got your back. *smiles*
  621. ~ Nina: *the high spirit returns* Wow that was really motivating! *she looks at Rachel suspiciously but in a playful way, with a faux scowl on her face* You're really something, Admiral.
  622. ~ Rachel: Well yeah I'm the best. *smiles and winks to Nina* Nah I just...know how this sorta thing goes, It's better not to go it alone in situations like this.
  623. ~ Agape: Right... so, if we're gonna get there quickly, shall we start finding a way in? I'm sure Terri's lost anyways, I need to explain to her all that's been going on.
  625. Terri: *nods twice* Yeah, leth go alreadthy!
  626. ~ Rachel It's getting kinda late. I'm...taking some time off so we can head of whenever you guys are feeling up to it, guys seem a little tired *tilts her head and gestures to Terri and Nina*
  627. ~ Agape: Oh yeah, is it? I was so busy looking stuff up, I never noticed the time... not that I've had too much of a chance to actually sleep...
  628. Terri: I justh goth bthoredth.
  629. ~ Nina: It is kind of late, isn't it? Hard to tell in here. Maybe we can start early tomorrow, Aggy. I'll wake you girls up.
  630. ~ Rachel: I know Terri just got up and need to photosynthesize right?
  631. ~ Terri: Nah, I don't needth tho phothosynthethwhathever. Justh geth me some thunlight andth wather andth I'm goodth.
  632. Agape: *nods* Yeah, that'll be good. Night, Nina.
  633. ~ Rachel:...Umn...that's our word for that process actually umn...but yeah the sun is going down soonish, so getting you something to eat would probably be a good idea.
  634. ~ Nina: I'm heading back to my cabin, Admiral. Where should I look for these two tomorrow?
  635. ~ Rachel: Agape was bunked in the medical wing, end of the hall, left door...but realistically we should all just meet up topside. I'll set up a small boat and we can go when you're ready tommorow guys....I kinda wanna borrow Terri for a while if that's alright.
  636. ~ Agape: Alright, Rachel... and why do you need her?
  637. Terri: Cthan I thleepth outhidthe? Wendthy nether leth me... *pouts*
  638. ~ Nina: *smiles and gives a thumbs up* Right then, time to crash. 'Till tomorrow, girls, Admiral! *snaps a better salute and leaves*
  639. ~ Rachel: I just wanna run some scans and tests. We don't really have plant people so I just wanna get some data to work with. *Glances to Terri* Yeah that's fine if you want. I can try to set up some soil or something if it'd make it more comfortable for you.
  640. ~ Agape: So long as you don't hurt her, sure... I don't think Terri's ever been to the doctor or anything, so she might be a bit squeamish.
  641. Terri: *jumps for joy* YETH!
  643. NOTE: The RP's not done, but at this point the name's changed and thus I'll be putting the rest in another archive. If you'd like to see more, look for "MW: The Decay" later or something.
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