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a guest
Aug 22nd, 2010
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text 382.93 KB | None | 0 0
  1. .text:800022A8 0000003A unicode Calling GWES power proc.\r\n
  2. .text:80002258 0000004E unicode Calling device manager power proc.\r\n
  3. .text:8000A0F4 0000000C unicode %08X
  4. .text:8000A3F0 00000016 unicode %d : %x\r\n
  5. .data1:80095225 00000006 unicode @
  6. .text:80003BA8 0000004E unicode ISR_SDMC_CDz, reset unattened timer\r\n
  7. .text:8001CB38 0000000A unicode NOT
  8. .text:80001870 0000005C unicode R0=%8.8lx R1=%8.8lx R2=%8.8lx R3=%8.8lx\r\n
  9. .text:8000A070 00000072 unicode R12=%8.8lx SP=%8.8lx Lr=%8.8lx PC=%8.8lx Psr=%8.8lx\r\n
  10. .text:800018D0 0000005C unicode R4=%8.8lx R5=%8.8lx R6=%8.8lx R7=%8.8lx\r\n
  11. .text:80001930 0000005C unicode R8=%8.8lx R9=%8.8lx R10=%8.8lx R11=%8.8lx\r\n
  12. .text:80003A68 0000000C unicode [X]
  13. .text:80003E0C 0000000C unicode [Y]
  14. .text:80003D00 0000002C unicode unattened timer %d\r\n
  15. .text:800038A0 000000F6 unicode !!! ERROR: NOT handled GPIO Group 1 interrupt, pGpioSh1Regs->gpiosh_int_en_0=0x%x,pGpioSh1Regs->gpiosh_int_status_0=0x%x\r\n
  16. .text:800037A8 000000F6 unicode !!! ERROR: NOT handled GPIO Group 1 interrupt, pGpioSh1Regs->gpiosh_int_en_2=0x%x,pGpioSh1Regs->gpiosh_int_status_2=0x%x\r\n
  17. .text:800036B0 000000F6 unicode !!! ERROR: NOT handled GPIO Group 1 interrupt, pGpioSh1Regs->gpiosh_int_en_3=0x%x,pGpioSh1Regs->gpiosh_int_status_3=0x%x\r\n
  18. .text:800035B8 000000F6 unicode !!! ERROR: NOT handled GPIO Group 1 interrupt, pGpioSh1Regs->gpiosh_int_en_4=0x%x,pGpioSh1Regs->gpiosh_int_status_4=0x%x\r\n
  19. .text:80003AB0 000000F6 unicode !!! ERROR: NOT handled GPIO Group 2 interrupt, pGpioSh2Regs->gpiosh_int_en_1=0x%x,pGpioSh2Regs->gpiosh_int_status_1=0x%x\r\n
  20. .text:80002CD8 00000058 unicode !!! Please Check your SYSGEN variable !!!\r\n
  21. .text:80002658 000000AA unicode !ERROR: NK!SC_CreateLocalView: failed opening \"%s\"; error=%u. Expect boot failure!\r\n
  22. .text:80002708 000000A2 unicode !ERROR: NK!SC_CreateLocalView: make sure \"wince.nls\" is present in your image.\r\n
  23. .text:8002A1EC 0000003C unicode ####### GPIO Status #######\r\n
  24. .text:8002A0C8 0000003C unicode ###########################\r\n
  25. .text:8000B3A0 00000020 unicode %02d:%02d:%02d
  26. .text:8000A0E4 0000000E unicode %08X\r\n
  27. .text:80001D10 0000004A unicode %a: Thread=%8.8lx Proc=%8.8lx '%s'\r\n
  28. .text:800064BC 00000006 unicode %d
  29. .text:800251F8 00000030 unicode %s AP Launching ST=%d\r\n
  30. .text:8000A100 0000000A unicode %s\r\n
  31. .text:800045AC 00000008 unicode %x
  32. .text:80003248 0000000E unicode (NULL)
  33. .text:80016048 00000008 unicode (P)
  34. .text:8000A5D8 0000000C unicode ),%x(
  35. .text:8000A438 0000001C unicode ),%x,%x,%x)\r\n
  36. .text:80029C28 00000072 unicode ******************************************************\r\n
  37. .data1:800930FD 00000006 unicode *@
  38. .text:80027E44 00000024 unicode +BA:SafePending\r\n
  39. .text:8002682C 0000001E unicode +BacklightOn\r\n
  40. .text:800291FC 00000024 unicode +CheckEarlyExit\r\n
  41. .text:80028724 00000036 unicode +EnableI2CController: %d\r\n
  42. .text:800280E0 00000040 unicode +Ker: dwCurBatStatus = %s ,%d\r\n
  43. .text:800290A0 0000000A unicode +P\r\n
  44. .text:80029880 0000004E unicode +PowerTest::MDDI_Bridge_PowerDown...\r\n
  45. .text:80023EBC 0000002A unicode +SetBacklightToDim\r\n
  46. .text:80023FBC 00000026 unicode +SetGensor2Sleep\r\n
  47. .text:80024074 0000002E unicode +SetMFGPowerTestMode\r\n
  48. .text:80029104 00000026 unicode +ShutDownProcess\r\n
  49. .text:80006800 00000008 unicode +T0
  50. .text:80006808 00000008 unicode +T1
  51. .text:80019F74 0000001E unicode +TIME_CRITICAL
  52. .text:800286A0 00000036 unicode +[K]I2C_HWReset_fcn_7500\r\n
  53. .text:8007DD6C 0000000C unicode ,Llt|
  54. .text:800267D0 0000001E unicode -BacklightOn\r\n
  55. .text:8002912C 00000024 unicode -CheckEarlyExit\r\n
  56. .text:80027464 00000020 unicode -GetCBI_Value\r\n
  57. .text:80029220 0000000C unicode -P1\r\n
  58. .text:800292E4 0000000C unicode -P2\r\n
  59. .text:80029830 0000004E unicode -PowerTest::MDDI_Bridge_PowerDown...\r\n
  60. .text:80023DB8 0000002A unicode -SetBacklightToDim\r\n
  61. .text:80023EE8 00000026 unicode -SetGensor2Sleep\r\n
  62. .text:80024044 0000002E unicode -SetMFGPowerTestMode\r\n
  63. .text:800290DC 00000026 unicode -ShutDownProcess\r\n
  64. .text:80019FBC 0000001E unicode -TIME_CRITICAL
  65. .text:800067F4 0000000A unicode -T\r\n
  66. .text:800285F8 00000036 unicode -[K]I2C_HWReset_fcn_7500\r\n
  67. .text:80003270 00000014 unicode .%04X.MUI
  68. .text:80002BC0 0000000A unicode .cpl
  69. .text:80002BCC 0000000A unicode .dll
  70. .text:80003064 0000000A unicode .exe
  71. .data1:80094065 00000006 unicode /@
  72. .text:80003200 00000022 unicode 0123456789ABCDEF
  73. .text:80003224 00000022 unicode 0123456789abcdef
  74. .text:800220E0 00000012 unicode 07/02/09
  75. .text:80022148 00000012 unicode 07/03/09
  76. .text:8002218C 00000012 unicode 07/06/09
  77. .text:80022298 00000012 unicode 07/08/09
  78. .text:80022434 00000012 unicode 07/15/09
  79. .text:80022504 00000012 unicode 07/17/09
  80. .text:80022600 00000012 unicode 07/21/09
  81. .text:80022730 00000012 unicode 07/23/09
  82. .text:80022884 00000012 unicode 07/27/09
  83. .text:80022920 00000012 unicode 07/31/09
  84. .text:800229C0 00000012 unicode 08/03/09
  85. .text:80022A64 00000012 unicode 08/12/09
  86. .text:80022B34 00000012 unicode 08/24/09
  87. .text:80022B98 00000012 unicode 09/07/09
  88. .text:80022C04 00000012 unicode 09/08/09
  89. .text:80022C3C 00000012 unicode 09/22/09
  90. .text:80022CC0 00000012 unicode 09/30/09
  91. .text:8000C66C 00000006 unicode 0x8
  92. .text:80021F18 00000008 unicode 1.0
  93. .text:80022CFC 00000012 unicode 10/03/09
  94. .text:80022D80 00000012 unicode 10/09/09
  95. .text:80022E2C 00000012 unicode 10/12/09
  96. .text:80022E9C 00000012 unicode 10/16/09
  97. .text:80022F28 00000012 unicode 10/27/09
  98. .text:80023020 00000012 unicode 11/06/09
  99. .text:800230A8 00000012 unicode 11/17/09
  100. .text:800230DC 00000012 unicode 11/24/09
  101. .text:8002316C 00000012 unicode 11/25/09
  102. .text:80004438 00000012 unicode 20:41:58
  103. .text:80023C3C 00000006 unicode 32
  104. .text:800043D8 00000016 unicode 4.01.93615
  105. .text:80023C28 00000014 unicode 480 x 800
  106. .text:80023C44 00000008 unicode 528
  107. .data:80446A6A 0000000E unicode 5JB<4!\x1B
  108. .data:80446A14 0000000E unicode 7GQ8@%\x1B
  109. .data:804469BE 0000000E unicode 7GQ8@%\x1B
  110. .data:8044652A 00000006 unicode ;2
  111. .text:8000A1D8 00000028 unicode <<<[Callstack]>>>\r\n
  112. .text:80007E68 0000003E unicode <Kern>IOCTL_PUT_OEM_VERSION!\r\n
  113. .text:8000A120 00000034 unicode === ThreadInfo %08X ===\r\n
  114. .text:80027874 00000038 unicode ======GetCBI_Value 1=====\r\n
  115. .text:8002742C 00000038 unicode ======GetCBI_Value 2=====\r\n
  116. .text:80023FE4 0000001E unicode >> GPIO done\r\n
  117. .text:800240A4 00000038 unicode >> MFG config now setting\r\n
  118. .text:80029420 0000007E unicode >> Thrd:%08X(%08X) Proc:%08X Prio:%03d ThrdStartAddr:%08X <<\r\n
  119. .text:80029398 00000086 unicode >> Thrd:%08X(%08X) Proc:%08X(%s) Prio:%03d ThrdStartAddr:%08X <<\r\n
  120. .text:8001EA78 0000005E unicode >> VM Overlap pre-Alarm (DLL Low: 0x%08X) <<\r\n
  121. .text:8000A268 00000032 unicode >>>[Callstack %08X]<<<\r\n
  122. .text:80003260 00000008 unicode ???
  123. .text:8000C898 00000006 unicode @
  124. .text:8002A1BC 00000006 unicode A(
  125. .text:80028038 00000046 unicode ADC:ID %d,Tmp %d,V %d,C %d,DC %d\r\n
  126. .text:80001D60 000000A2 unicode AKY=%8.8lx PC=%8.8lx(%s+0x%8.8lx) RA=%8.8lx(%s+0x%8.8lx) BVA=%8.8lx FSR=%8.8lx\r\n
  127. .text:80019F94 00000008 unicode ALL
  128. .text:8000AD74 0000003E unicode AP Launching END=%d, Time=%d\r\n
  129. .text:8002A14C 0000000C unicode ARM11
  130. .text:8002A140 0000000A unicode ARM9
  131. .text:80028FD4 00000024 unicode ARM9Status=0x%x\r\n
  132. .text:800276A0 0000002C unicode After:CBI_Value %d \r\n
  133. .text:8001633C 00000008 unicode All
  134. .text:8002374C 0000001C unicode AllLEDMgr.dll
  135. .text:800027FC 00000024 unicode AllowSystemAccess
  136. .data1:800948C5 00000006 unicode B@
  137. .text:80027DE8 0000002A unicode BA:Charging: toggle\n
  138. .text:80027E14 00000030 unicode BA:Recharging: toggle\r\n
  139. .text:800234F0 00000016 unicode BTDisk.dll
  140. .text:80023730 0000001C unicode BackLight.dll
  141. .text:80009CB0 00000080 unicode Battery data: ID[%x], Temp[%x], Volt[%x], Chg[%x], DisChg[%x]\r\n
  142. .text:800276CC 0000002C unicode Befor:CBI_Value %d \r\n
  143. .text:8001D438 0000000C unicode Black
  144. .text:8000C0E0 00000046 unicode Break wait loop in OEMInit stage\r\n
  145. .text:8002A158 0000001A unicode CFG: 0x%04X
  146. .text:80027D98 00000050 unicode CHG Pending, battery ID not supported\r\n
  147. .text:80027320 0000004E unicode CHG Pending, temperature not Qualify\r\n
  148. .text:80027370 00000020 unicode CHG Qualified\r\n
  149. .text:80027614 0000002A unicode CHG: CBI_Value +1 \r\n
  150. .text:800275E8 0000002C unicode CHG: CBI_Value = %d\r\n
  151. .text:80027584 00000034 unicode CHG: CHARGING_Ich1 = %d\r\n
  152. .text:800275B8 00000030 unicode CHG: Current_Qth = %d\r\n
  153. .text:80027670 00000030 unicode CHG: Current_Qth0 %d \r\n
  154. .text:80027640 00000030 unicode CHG: Current_Qth1 %d \r\n
  155. .text:800276F8 0000007E unicode CHG: GetCBI_Value, Temp[%d], Previous[%d], NeedUpdateCBI[%x]\r\n
  156. .text:80015AD0 00000020 unicode CNT_CLASSICTIME
  157. .text:80015B1C 00000014 unicode CNT_EVENT
  158. .text:80015AF0 00000016 unicode CNT_PERIOD
  159. .text:80015B08 00000012 unicode CNT_TIME
  160. .text:8002A7CC 00000022 unicode CPLD GPO: 0x%X\r\n
  161. .text:8002A7F0 00000024 unicode CPLD INT4: 0x%X\r\n
  162. .text:8002A754 00000026 unicode CPLD MISC1: 0x%X\r\n
  163. .text:8002A77C 00000026 unicode CPLD MISC2: 0x%X\r\n
  164. .text:8002A7A4 00000026 unicode CPLD MISC3: 0x%X\r\n
  165. .text:800060D0 00000020 unicode CPU ID = 0x%x\r\n
  166. .text:8000AD18 00000014 unicode CPU[%d]\r\n
  167. .text:80023520 00000016 unicode Camera.exe
  168. .text:800021F4 00000014 unicode CeLog.dll
  169. .text:800025DC 00000018 unicode CeLogZoneCE
  170. .text:8000259C 00000022 unicode CeLogZoneProcess
  171. .text:800025C0 0000001C unicode CeLogZoneUser
  172. .text:80027210 00000018 unicode Charge Full
  173. .text:80027228 00000012 unicode Charging
  174. .text:8002A688 00000060 unicode Clear GPIO Interrupt error, GPIO number is %d\r\n
  175. .text:8002A380 0000005E unicode Clear VIC Interrupt error, Intr Source is %d\r\n
  176. .text:80005B50 00000056 unicode Cold Boot Tag Detected, set default date\r\n
  177. .text:8002A4D8 0000004C unicode Config GPIO error, GPIO number is %d\n
  178. .text:8000309C 0000001E unicode CreateInstance
  179. .text:80025228 00000038 unicode CreateProcess(%x,%s,%08x)\r\n
  180. .text:80003284 00000010 unicode CurLang
  181. .text:800283E0 00000028 unicode D3DM_DriverComp.dll
  182. .text:800283B4 0000002A unicode D3DM_DriverVerif.dll
  183. .text:8002838C 00000026 unicode D3DM_Interface.dll
  184. .text:80024BE0 00000024 unicode DEXCORE:loop=%d\r\n
  185. .text:80024C94 00000034 unicode DEX_CMD_STATUS_COMPLETE\r\n
  186. .text:800028EC 0000000C unicode Debug
  187. .text:80006558 00000016 unicode DebugFlag1
  188. .text:80002948 00000016 unicode DebugZones
  189. .text:80023384 0000002A unicode DefaultExtension.dll
  190. .text:80025450 00000028 unicode DeleteProcess(%x)\r\n
  191. .text:800030BC 00000020 unicode DestroyInstance
  192. .text:8001F238 00000008 unicode Dev
  193. .text:800025F4 0000000E unicode Device
  194. .text:80027500 00000084 unicode DisCHG: GetCBI_Value, Temp[%d], Previous[%d], NeedUpdateCBI[%x]\r\n
  195. .text:80027948 00000024 unicode Disable Charger\r\n
  196. .text:8002A620 00000064 unicode Disable GPIO Interrupt error, GPIO number is %d\r\n
  197. .text:8002A318 00000062 unicode Disable VIC Interrupt error, Intr Source is %d\r\n
  198. .text:800064F0 0000002A unicode Drivers\\BuiltIn\\SDHC
  199. .text:8001FA18 0000001C unicode DumpResetCstk
  200. .text:80025410 0000000E unicode Dw.exe
  201. .text:80023BC4 00000010 unicode ENGLISH
  202. .text:80024D90 00000070 unicode ERROR : DEXCMD_STATUS_COMMAND_ERROR due to ARM9 reset\r\n
  203. .text:80024C48 0000004C unicode ERROR : DEXCMD_STATUS_COMMAND_ERROR\r\n
  204. .text:80024CC8 0000004C unicode ERROR : DEXCMD_STATUS_NO_EMPTY_SLOT\r\n
  205. .text:80024C08 00000040 unicode ERROR : DEXCMD_STATUS_TIMEOUT\r\n
  206. .text:80024D18 00000078 unicode ERROR : DO NOT notify A9 reboot due to previous DEX error\r\n
  207. .text:80002BD8 00000090 unicode ERROR! XIP region span accross discontigious memory!!! System Halted!\r\n
  208. .text:80003528 00000076 unicode ERROR: NOT handled interrupt, status0=0x%x, status1=0x%x\r\n
  209. .text:800024D0 0000007C unicode ERROR: Power Handler function yield to low priority thread.\r\n
  210. .text:80002D30 00000086 unicode ERROR: function @ Ordinal %d missing in App Verifier Module '%s'\r\n
  211. .text:80002C68 0000006C unicode ERROR: function @ Ordinal %d missing in Module '%s'\r\n
  212. .text:80008340 00000050 unicode ERROR:IOCTL_HAL_PRESUSPEND TIMEOUT!!!\r\n
  213. .text:80025ED8 00000032 unicode ERR_FATAL: %hs line %d\r\n
  214. .text:800083C8 0000002A unicode EVENT_FORCE_FLUSH_FS
  215. .text:800169F8 00000018 unicode EVENT_PULSE
  216. .text:80016A10 00000018 unicode EVENT_RESET
  217. .text:80016A28 00000014 unicode EVENT_SET
  218. .text:8000AB48 00000036 unicode EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
  219. .text:8000A848 00000040 unicode EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED
  220. .text:8000AAF0 0000002A unicode EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
  221. .text:8000A4B0 00000034 unicode EXCEPTION_COLLIDED_UNWIND
  222. .text:8000AAB0 00000040 unicode EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT
  223. .text:8000A5AC 0000002C unicode EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND
  224. .text:8000A808 0000003E unicode EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND
  225. .text:8000A7CC 0000003A unicode EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
  226. .text:8000A790 0000003A unicode EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT
  227. .text:8000A750 00000040 unicode EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION
  228. .text:8000A720 0000002E unicode EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW
  229. .text:8000A6EC 00000034 unicode EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK
  230. .text:8000A6BC 00000030 unicode EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW
  231. .text:8000AA80 0000002A unicode EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE
  232. .text:8000A968 0000003C unicode EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION
  233. .text:8000A680 0000003A unicode EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
  234. .text:8000A650 0000002E unicode EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW
  235. .text:8000A9F0 0000003C unicode EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION
  236. .text:8000A8C4 00000032 unicode EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE
  237. .text:8000AA2C 00000030 unicode EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR
  238. .text:8000A454 0000002C unicode EXCEPTION_NESTED_CALL
  239. .text:8000A550 00000032 unicode EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE
  240. .text:8000A9A8 00000046 unicode EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION
  241. .text:8000A618 00000036 unicode EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION
  242. .text:8000AB80 0000002A unicode EXCEPTION_RECORD(%x(
  243. .text:8000AB1C 0000002C unicode EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP
  244. .text:8000A508 00000030 unicode EXCEPTION_STACK_INVALID
  245. .text:8000A5E4 00000032 unicode EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW
  246. .text:8000A480 00000030 unicode EXCEPTION_TARGET_UNWIND
  247. .text:8000A4E4 00000022 unicode EXCEPTION_UNWIND
  248. .text:8000A584 00000028 unicode EXCEPTION_UNWINDING
  249. .text:8000C190 0000006C unicode EXIT:pARM9State=0x%x, pARM11State=0x%x, a9_m2a_5=%d\r\n
  250. .text:80023438 0000001E unicode EmQcelpEnc.dll
  251. .text:800032A4 0000000E unicode Enable
  252. .text:8002796C 00000022 unicode Enable Charger\r\n
  253. .text:8002A5B8 00000062 unicode Enable GPIO Interrupt error, GPIO number is %d\r\n
  254. .text:8002A2B8 00000060 unicode Enable VIC Interrupt error, Intr Source is %d\r\n
  255. .text:8000283C 00000026 unicode EnableUpperModules
  256. .text:80027180 0000000C unicode Error
  257. .text:800292F0 0000004E unicode Error: Callstack depth is over %d !!\r\n
  258. .text:8000A200 0000004E unicode Error: Callstack depth is over 100!!\r\n
  259. .text:800017F0 0000007E unicode Exception '%a' Thread=%8.8lx AKY=%8.8lx PC=%8.8lx BVA=%8.8lx\r\n
  260. .text:8000A408 00000030 unicode ExceptionInformation:\r\n
  261. .text:80016030 0000000E unicode FAILED
  262. .text:80007A70 00000068 unicode FATAL WARNING : All GPIO interrupts are masked!!!\r\n
  263. .text:800232E8 00000010 unicode FMS.dll
  264. .text:8000261C 0000000E unicode FSDMGR
  265. .text:80001C28 0000007C unicode Fatal Stack Error, Terminating thread %8.8lx, pexi = %8.8lx\r\n
  266. .text:8000262C 00000010 unicode FileSys
  267. .text:800233B0 00000028 unicode FlashLitePlayer.exe
  268. .text:8001D538 0000000C unicode Force
  269. .text:8001F53C 0000002A unicode ForceNonPageableDLLs
  270. .text:8001F568 00000024 unicode ForcePageableDLLs
  271. .text:800197F0 000000BE unicode ForeMan> proc: %s(%08X), thrd: %08X(%08X), module: %s, stack base: 0x%08X, (s, ps): (%u, %u)\r\n
  272. .text:800254AC 00000022 unicode FreeDLL(%x,%x)\r\n
  273. .text:8002A1D4 00000016 unicode GPIO%03d
  274. .text:800066B4 00000020 unicode GPU is busy!!\r\n
  275. .text:8002A6E8 0000006A unicode Get GPIO Interrupt Status error, GPIO number is %d\r\n
  276. .text:8002A570 00000048 unicode Get GPIO error, GPIO number is %d\r\n
  277. .text:8002A3E0 00000068 unicode Get VIC Interrupt Status error, Intr Source is %d\r\n
  278. .text:8001535C 0000002A unicode GetCID - CID is %a\r\n
  279. .text:80015388 00000044 unicode GetModelName- %d,%d, Name is %s\r\n
  280. .text:800234CC 00000022 unicode H263VIDEOENC.dll
  281. .text:80023560 00000024 unicode H2W_ACCESSORY.dll
  282. .text:8002A1A4 0000000C unicode HI)
  283. .data:80446838 00000008 unicode HTC
  284. .text:80023C94 0000001A unicode HTC-RhodiumW
  285. .text:800233D8 00000026 unicode HTCFLExtension.dll
  286. .text:80027390 00000048 unicode HTC_NO_TEMP_LIMIT(dwDebugBattery)\r\n
  287. .text:800083F8 00000044 unicode HTC_PUSH_INET_STATUS_CHANGE_EVENT
  288. .text:80027F00 00000026 unicode HW:CBI_Value[%d]\r\n
  289. .text:80027F28 00000030 unicode HW:CBI_Value_Temp[%d]\r\n
  290. .text:80027BD8 0000002A unicode HW:CHG_Current= %d\r\n
  291. .text:800273FC 00000030 unicode HW:DisCHG_Current= %d\r\n
  292. .text:80027EC0 00000040 unicode HW:MainBatteryPercentage = %d\r\n
  293. .text:8002801C 0000001A unicode HW:Pd = %d\r\n
  294. .text:80027BBC 0000001C unicode HW:Temp= %d\r\n
  295. .text:80027FA4 00000018 unicode HW:Vi[%d]\r\n
  296. .text:80027FC0 0000005C unicode HW:Vi_Item1[%d], Vi_Item2[%d], Vi_Item3[%d]\r\n
  297. .text:80027F74 0000002E unicode HW:Vini_Percent = %d\r\n
  298. .text:800273D8 00000022 unicode HW:Voltage= %d\r\n
  299. .text:80027F58 0000001C unicode HW:Vth = %d\r\n
  300. .text:800021B8 00000022 unicode Halting system\r\n
  301. .text:8000BA98 00000020 unicode HtcServices.dll
  302. .text:8002A1CC 00000006 unicode I(
  303. .text:80028788 00000040 unicode I2C ERR[W NAK]:0x%x, retry:%d\r\n
  304. .text:8002875C 00000026 unicode I2C ERR[W1]:0x%x\r\n
  305. .text:80028C08 0000005A unicode I2C ReadMultiBytes failed #2:0x%x, ID=0x%x\r\n
  306. .text:80028BA0 00000064 unicode I2C ReadMultiBytes failed #3:0x%x, Address=0x%x\r\n
  307. .text:80028AD0 00000064 unicode I2C ReadMultiBytes failed #4:0x%x, Address=0x%x\r\n
  308. .text:80028A68 00000064 unicode I2C ReadMultiBytes failed #5:0x%x, Address=0x%x\r\n
  309. .text:80028B38 00000064 unicode I2C ReadMultiBytes failed #7:0x%x, Address=0x%x\r\n
  310. .text:800289D8 0000008E unicode I2C ReadMultiBytes failed due to AddressLength or dwLength:, ID=0x%x\r\n
  311. .text:80028928 00000066 unicode I2C WriteMultiBytes failed #1:0x%x, Address=0x%x\r\n
  312. .text:800288C0 00000066 unicode I2C WriteMultiBytes failed #2:0x%x, Address=0x%x\r\n
  313. .text:80028858 00000066 unicode I2C WriteMultiBytes failed #3:0x%x, Address=0x%x\r\n
  314. .text:800287C8 00000090 unicode I2C WriteMultiBytes failed due to AddressLength or dwLength:, ID=0x%x\r\n
  315. .text:800267F0 0000003A unicode I2C_HWReset_fcn_7500 fails\r\n
  316. .text:80028990 00000048 unicode I2C_Status:0x%x,tmp=0x%x, ID=0x%x\r\n
  317. .text:800064C4 0000000C unicode IMEI:
  318. .text:80008440 00000068 unicode IOCTL_DISK_GET_STORAGEID ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER!\r\n
  319. .text:800080D8 00000030 unicode IOCTL_GET_IMEI_NUMBER\r\n
  320. .text:800082D8 00000034 unicode IOCTL_GET_OEM_VERSION !\r\n
  321. .text:80008060 00000046 unicode IOCTL_HAL_ACTIONKEY_PRESS enter!\r\n
  322. .text:800079D0 00000066 unicode IOCTL_HAL_CHECK_CPU_7200:ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER\r\n
  323. .text:80007A38 00000036 unicode IOCTL_HAL_CHECK_CPU_7200\r\n
  324. .text:80007710 00000040 unicode IOCTL_HAL_CLEAR_EXTROM- ERROR\r\n
  325. .text:800074E0 00000048 unicode IOCTL_HAL_CLEAR_EXTROM- set clear\r\n
  326. .text:80007528 00000044 unicode IOCTL_HAL_CLEAR_EXTROM-set to 0\r\n
  327. .text:8000756C 00000032 unicode IOCTL_HAL_CLEAR_EXTROM\r\n
  328. .text:800081B0 00000054 unicode IOCTL_HAL_ENABLE_VoIP: bVoIPEnabled[%d]\r\n
  329. .text:80008208 0000006E unicode IOCTL_HAL_ENABLE_VoIP:lpInBuf == 0, bVoIPEnabled[%d]\r\n
  330. .text:80008140 0000006E unicode IOCTL_HAL_ENABLE_VoIP:lpInBuf == 1, bVoIPEnabled[%d]\r\n
  331. .text:80008278 00000036 unicode IOCTL_HAL_GET_ALL_INFO !\r\n
  332. .text:80007F48 00000048 unicode IOCTL_HAL_GET_PHYSICAL_ADDR error\r\n
  333. .text:800075A0 00000074 unicode IOCTL_HAL_GET_RESERVED_MEM_INFO:ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER\r\n
  334. .text:80007618 0000007C unicode IOCTL_HAL_GET_RESERVED_MEM_INFO:NOT SUPPORT RESERVED MEMORY\r\n
  335. .text:80007698 00000044 unicode IOCTL_HAL_GET_RESERVED_MEM_INFO\r\n
  336. .text:80007898 0000006A unicode IOCTL_HAL_HTC_CHK_COLDBOOT:ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER\r\n
  337. .text:80007904 0000003A unicode IOCTL_HAL_HTC_CHK_COLDBOOT\r\n
  338. .text:80007D40 00000074 unicode IOCTL_HAL_HTC_INIT_DBGMSG_AND_EXCERPT:Invalid parameter\r\n
  339. .text:80008108 00000038 unicode IOCTL_HAL_KEY_LOCK enter!\r\n
  340. .text:80007DE0 00000052 unicode IOCTL_HAL_READ_DEBUG_LOG: NULL HANDLE!\r\n
  341. .text:80007E34 00000034 unicode IOCTL_HAL_SCREEN_ROTATE\r\n
  342. .text:80007838 0000005E unicode IOCTL_HAL_SET_5S_WAKEUP_POWER_SAVING DISABLE\r\n
  343. .text:800077D8 0000005C unicode IOCTL_HAL_SET_5S_WAKEUP_POWER_SAVING ENABLE\r\n
  344. .text:80007750 00000086 unicode IOCTL_HAL_SET_5S_WAKEUP_POWER_SAVING NOT ENABLE while display on\r\n
  345. .text:80007CB0 0000008E unicode IOCTL_HAL_SET_GPIO_WAKEUP error param, lpInBuf=0x%x, nInBufSize=0x%x\r\n
  346. .text:80007FE8 00000018 unicode IOCTL_HAL_TP
  347. .text:80008024 0000003A unicode IOCTL_HAL_TP_ENABLE enter!\r\n
  348. .text:80007FB0 00000036 unicode IOCTL_HAL_TP_ENABLE lock\r\n
  349. .text:8000830C 00000030 unicode IOCTL_HAL_UPDATE_MODE\r\n
  350. .text:800080A8 00000030 unicode IOCTL_PUT_IMEI_NUMBER\r\n
  351. .text:80003088 00000014 unicode IOControl
  352. .text:80002880 00000014 unicode InjectDLL
  353. .text:8001F16C 00000012 unicode Interval
  354. .text:800064D0 0000001E unicode IsCardInserted
  355. .text:80005A1C 0000002C unicode IsCommonUUID = 0x%x\r\n
  356. .text:80027A80 00000046 unicode It's not supported Battery: 0x%X\r\n
  357. .text:800028F8 00000018 unicode JITDebugger
  358. .text:80023508 00000018 unicode JPEGENC.dll
  359. .text:800278B0 0000004C unicode K:Sync Power Table From File ERROR.\r\n
  360. .text:80027900 00000046 unicode K:Sync Power Table From File OK.\r\n
  361. .text:80006370 00000036 unicode KERNEL_DEBUG_TRIGGER_EVENT
  362. .text:8002A180 0000000C unicode KP)
  363. .text:800029C0 00000074 unicode KPROCSTKSIZE = %8.8lx (tls = %8.8lx, tlsNonSec = %8.8lx)\n
  364. .text:800236A8 0000001C unicode KbdNopAll.dll
  365. .text:8002781C 0000002A unicode Ker: CBI_Value[%d]\r\n
  366. .text:800277AC 0000003C unicode Ker: CBI_Value_Previous[%d]\r\n
  367. .text:800277E8 00000034 unicode Ker: CBI_Value_Temp[%d]\r\n
  368. .text:80027778 00000034 unicode Ker: bNeedUpdateCBI[%x]\r\n
  369. .text:80027848 0000002A unicode Ker: uBatState[%x]\r\n
  370. .text:8000ADB4 0000003E unicode KernelIoControl Exception !!\r\n
  371. .text:800060A8 00000026 unicode L1DLineSize=0x%x\r\n
  372. .text:80005FA0 00000024 unicode L1DNumWays=0x%x\r\n
  373. .text:80005FC4 0000002A unicode L1DSetsPerWay=0x%x\r\n
  374. .text:80005F80 0000001E unicode L1DSize=0x%x\r\n
  375. .text:80006088 0000001E unicode L1Flags=0x%x\r\n
  376. .text:80006010 00000026 unicode L1ILineSize=0x%x\r\n
  377. .text:80006038 00000024 unicode L1INumWays=0x%x\r\n
  378. .text:8000605C 0000002A unicode L1ISetsPerWay=0x%x\r\n
  379. .text:80005FF0 0000001E unicode L1ISize=0x%x\r\n
  380. .text:80005E78 00000026 unicode L2DLineSize=0x%x\r\n
  381. .text:80005EA0 00000024 unicode L2DNumWays=0x%x\r\n
  382. .text:80005EC4 0000002A unicode L2DSetsPerWay=0x%x\r\n
  383. .text:80005E58 0000001E unicode L2DSize=0x%x\r\n
  384. .text:80005F60 0000001E unicode L2Flags=0x%x\r\n
  385. .text:80005F10 00000024 unicode L2INumWays=0x%x\r\n
  386. .text:80005F34 0000002A unicode L2ISetsPerWay=0x%x\r\n
  387. .text:80005EF0 0000001E unicode L2ISize=0x%x\r\n
  388. .text:8002A1B0 0000000C unicode LO)
  389. .text:80028290 0000004E unicode LTK Hook: Battery Life testing start\r\n
  390. .text:80028418 00000040 unicode LTK Hook:LTK WIFI Test Hooked\r\n
  391. .text:80028458 00000022 unicode LTKWIFIHookEvent
  392. .text:80025C28 00000026 unicode LastUserIdleTimeMs
  393. .text:80025478 00000032 unicode LoadDLL(%x,%x,%s,%08x)\r\n
  394. .text:80002450 00000012 unicode LoadHigh
  395. .text:80002E60 000000C2 unicode LoadO32 FAILED: XIP code section not page aligned, o32_dataptr = %8.8lx, o32_realaddr = %8.8lx\r\n
  396. .text:800028C4 0000000E unicode Loader
  397. .text:8001B55C 00000026 unicode LocalFreeInProcess
  398. .text:8000ACA8 0000002E unicode LoopException(%x,%x)\r\n
  399. .text:80023BA8 0000000A unicode MCP3
  400. .text:80006688 0000002A unicode MDP is busy (%x)!!\r\n
  401. .text:800016A0 0000009E unicode MDValidateRomChain: XIP (%8.8lx -> %8.8lx) doesn't exist in OEMAddressTable \r\n
  402. .text:80001740 000000A2 unicode MDValidateRomChain: XIP (%8.8lx -> %8.8lx) span accross multiple memory region\r\n
  403. .text:80016168 0000001E unicode MEM_4MB_PAGES
  404. .text:80016188 00000022 unicode MEM_AUTO_COMMIT
  405. .text:8001627C 00000018 unicode MEM_COMMIT
  406. .text:80016244 0000001C unicode MEM_DECOMMIT
  407. .text:80016214 00000014 unicode MEM_FREE
  408. .text:800161E0 00000018 unicode MEM_MAPPED
  409. .text:800161F8 0000001A unicode MEM_PRIVATE
  410. .text:80016228 0000001A unicode MEM_RELEASE
  411. .text:80016260 0000001A unicode MEM_RESERVE
  412. .text:800161C8 00000016 unicode MEM_RESET
  413. .text:800161AC 0000001C unicode MEM_TOP_DOWN
  414. .text:80015DF0 00000018 unicode MET_SIM_PIN
  415. .text:80027B30 00000046 unicode MFG tester set charge disable!!!\r\n
  416. .text:80027B78 00000044 unicode MFG tester set charge enable!!!\r\n
  417. .text:80023400 0000001C unicode MP4Writer.dll
  418. .text:80023538 00000026 unicode MPEG4SPVIEOENC.dll
  419. .text:80023BE8 0000001E unicode MSM7600-528MHz
  420. .text:80023C08 0000001E unicode MSM7601-528MHz
  421. .text:8001E040 00000030 unicode MS_GWE_TPC_cont_startup
  422. .text:80003268 00000008 unicode MUI
  423. .text:8001F180 0000000A unicode Mask
  424. .text:8000444C 00000018 unicode May 14 2010
  425. .text:80024F18 00000010 unicode ModelID
  426. .text:8001F5C4 0000000E unicode Module
  427. .text:8000254C 0000000E unicode NK.EXE
  428. .text:8000B7D8 000001AC unicode NK.EXE;filesys.exe;device.exe;gwes.exe;shell32.exe;connmgr.exe;tmarshaller.exe;tskschedule.exe;repllog.exe;fexplore.exe;poutlook.exe;rapiclnt;calupd.exe;dw.exe;sdpready.exe;coldinit.exe;ciphase2.exe;celogflush.exe
  429. .text:80002644 00000010 unicode NLSFILE
  430. .text:80015B30 0000000A unicode NONE
  431. .text:80015908 00000042 unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_DEVICE_CHANGE
  432. .text:800156D0 00000052 unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_INTERNET_PROXY_CHANGE
  433. .text:800158C0 00000042 unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_IR_DISCOVERED
  434. .text:80015778 0000004E unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_MACHINE_NAME_CHANGE
  435. .text:80015994 0000003E unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_NET_CONNECT
  436. .text:80015950 00000044 unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_NET_DISCONNECT
  437. .text:800159D8 00000040 unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_OFF_AC_POWER
  438. .text:80015A18 0000003E unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_ON_AC_POWER
  439. .text:80015838 0000003E unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_RESTORE_END
  440. .text:80015728 0000004A unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_RNDIS_FN_DETECTED
  441. .text:80015878 00000044 unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_RS232_DETECTED
  442. .text:80015A58 00000038 unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_SYNC_END
  443. .text:80015A90 0000003E unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TIME_CHANGE
  444. .text:800157C8 0000003A unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TZ_CHANGE
  445. .text:80015804 00000034 unicode NOTIFICATION_EVENT_WAKEUP
  446. .text:80024A84 00000020 unicode NO_BATTERY_B4\r\n
  447. .text:8002A198 0000000C unicode NP)
  448. .text:8000ADF4 0000000A unicode NULL
  449. .text:8000263C 00000006 unicode Nk
  450. .text:800175F8 00000006 unicode No
  451. .text:8001F510 0000002A unicode NonPreemptiveLoading
  452. .text:800271F0 0000000E unicode Normal
  453. .text:80027484 0000003A unicode Normal_After:CBI_Value %d \r\n
  454. .text:800274C0 0000003C unicode Normal_Before:CBI_Value %d \r\n
  455. .text:8002A1C4 00000006 unicode O(
  456. .text:80004264 0000002E unicode OEMEnumExtensionDRAM\r\n
  457. .text:80006AC0 00000024 unicode OEMGetRealTime+\r\n
  458. .text:80006A40 00000024 unicode OEMGetRealTime-\r\n
  459. .text:800084A8 0000001A unicode OEMIO-0x%x\r\n
  460. .text:80026ED0 000000B0 unicode OEMIO_GetFrequency error param, lpOutBuf=0x%x, nOutBufSize=0x%x, lpBytesReturned=0x%x\r\n
  461. .text:80026D90 000000B6 unicode OEMIO_GetVoltageLevel error param, lpOutBuf=0x%x, nOutBufSize=0x%x, lpBytesReturned=0x%x\r\n
  462. .text:80026E48 00000086 unicode OEMIO_SetVoltageLevel error param, lpInBuf=0x%x, nInBufSize=0x%x\r\n
  463. .text:80009218 00000056 unicode OEMInterruptDisable: SYSINTR_FIRMWARE+%d\r\n
  464. .text:800095A8 00000050 unicode OEMInterruptDone: SYSINTR_FIRMWARE+%d\r\n
  465. .text:80008C00 00000054 unicode OEMInterruptEnable: SYSINTR_FIRMWARE+%d\r\n
  466. .text:80004084 0000002E unicode OEMInterruptHandler+\r\n
  467. .text:800066D4 00000020 unicode OEMQPC-, 0x%x\r\n
  468. .text:80006738 00000040 unicode OEMQueryPerformanceFrequency+\r\n
  469. .text:800066F8 00000040 unicode OEMQueryPerformanceFrequency-\r\n
  470. .text:80006B68 00000026 unicode OEMSetAlarmTime+\r\n
  471. .text:80006AE4 00000026 unicode OEMSetAlarmTime-\r\n
  472. .text:80006B10 00000056 unicode OEMSetAlarmTime: [0x%x], %d-%d, %d:%d:%d\r\n
  473. .text:80006BF0 00000024 unicode OEMSetRealTime+\r\n
  474. .text:80006BCC 00000024 unicode OEMSetRealTime-\r\n
  475. .text:800235FC 0000001A unicode OEM_Misc.dll
  476. .text:80016040 00000006 unicode OK
  477. .text:80006998 00000016 unicode OemIdle+\r\n
  478. .text:80006778 00000016 unicode OemIdle-\r\n
  479. .text:8000A16C 00000024 unicode Owner Proc = %x\r\n
  480. .text:8002A104 0000003A unicode Owner=%s, Dir=%c, Level=%c\r\n
  481. .text:8002A18C 0000000C unicode PD)
  482. .text:80024A5C 00000026 unicode POWERON_CHARGING\r\n
  483. .text:80024A28 00000034 unicode POWERON_POWER_BUTTON_ON\r\n
  484. .text:80024AA4 00000020 unicode POWERON_RESET\r\n
  485. .text:80024AC4 00000026 unicode POWERON_SW_RESET\r\n
  486. .text:80016798 00000030 unicode POWER_STATE_BACKLIGHTON
  487. .text:800168B0 00000022 unicode POWER_STATE_BOOT
  488. .text:80016884 0000002A unicode POWER_STATE_CRITICAL
  489. .text:800168D4 00000022 unicode POWER_STATE_IDLE
  490. .text:80016864 00000020 unicode POWER_STATE_OFF
  491. .text:80016844 0000001E unicode POWER_STATE_ON
  492. .text:800167C8 0000002A unicode POWER_STATE_PASSWORD
  493. .text:80016748 00000024 unicode POWER_STATE_RESET
  494. .text:8001681C 00000028 unicode POWER_STATE_SUSPEND
  495. .text:80016718 0000002E unicode POWER_STATE_UNATTENDED
  496. .text:8001676C 0000002A unicode POWER_STATE_USERIDLE
  497. .text:800166C8 0000002A unicode PPN_APPBUTTONPRESSED
  498. .text:80016624 00000020 unicode PPN_POWERCHANGE
  499. .text:800165FC 00000028 unicode PPN_REEVALUATESTATE
  500. .text:8001666C 0000002C unicode PPN_SUSPENDKEYPRESSED
  501. .text:80016698 0000002E unicode PPN_SUSPENDKEYRELEASED
  502. .text:80016644 00000026 unicode PPN_UNATTENDEDMODE
  503. .text:8000A2A0 00000096 unicode PS:5460 - Exception occurred in Suspend / Reboot state, skip callstack!!\r\n
  504. .text:8002A174 0000000C unicode PU)
  505. .text:80002DB8 000000A6 unicode Paging in from uncompressed R/O page from XIP module -- should've never happened\r\n
  506. .text:800290AC 0000002E unicode PendInt(%x,%x,%x,%x)\r\n
  507. .text:8002723C 00000010 unicode Pending
  508. .text:800239A0 00000012 unicode PocketPC
  509. .text:80024514 0000003E unicode PowerTest,A9=0x%x, A11=0x%x \r\n
  510. .text:80015640 00000038 unicode Previous = %s, Current=%s\r\n
  511. .text:8001FB50 0000000A unicode Proc
  512. .text:8000A154 00000018 unicode Proc = %x\r\n
  513. .text:80002AB8 000000AC unicode ProcessPageFault Error: Page fault occured while in power handler! Address = 0x%08x\r\n
  514. .text:80001B58 00000046 unicode ProcessorType=%4.4x Revision=%d\r\n
  515. .text:80023BD4 00000012 unicode QUALCOMM
  516. .text:80023C4C 00000022 unicode QUALCOMM(R) 7600
  517. .text:80023C70 00000022 unicode QUALCOMM(R) 7601
  518. .text:80023768 00000016 unicode QctDrv.dll
  519. .text:80001990 0000005C unicode R12=%8.8lx SP=%8.8lx Lr=%8.8lx Psr=%8.8lx\r\n
  520. .text:800153E0 00000010 unicode RHOD500
  521. .text:80024F04 00000014 unicode RHOD50000
  522. .data:80446840 00000010 unicode RHODIUM
  523. .text:800083AC 0000001C unicode RTCSavedEvent
  524. .text:800271C0 00000016 unicode ReCharging
  525. .text:80002604 00000016 unicode ReleaseFSD
  526. .text:800153CC 00000012 unicode RhodiumW
  527. .text:80027E68 00000058 unicode S%d F%d:ID %d,Tmp %d,V %d,C %d,DC %d,P %d\r\n
  528. .text:80023BB4 00000010 unicode SAMSUNG
  529. .text:80023584 00000012 unicode SDHC.dll
  530. .text:800239B4 00000008 unicode SDK
  531. .text:800155A4 00000038 unicode SET_LED_BATTERY_CHARGE_FULL
  532. .text:800154E4 0000003E unicode SET_LED_BATTERY_CHARGE_PENDING
  533. .text:80015570 00000032 unicode SET_LED_BATTERY_CHARGING
  534. .text:80015528 00000046 unicode SET_LED_BATTERY_CHARGING_STATE_OFF
  535. .text:800154A8 0000003A unicode SET_LED_BATTERY_CRITICAL_LOW
  536. .text:80015480 00000028 unicode SET_LED_BATTERY_OFF
  537. .text:80015E08 00000008 unicode SIM
  538. .text:8001FB08 00000012 unicode SMEM3358
  539. .text:8001FAD0 00000038 unicode SMEM3358_DumpCstk_Threshold
  540. .text:8000629C 0000001E unicode START_DEBUGLOG
  541. .text:8000AA5C 00000024 unicode STATUS_CRASH_DUMP
  542. .text:8000A8F8 00000032 unicode STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
  543. .text:8000A888 0000003A unicode STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_MIX
  544. .text:8000A92C 0000003C unicode STATUS_INVALID_SYSTEM_SERVICE
  545. .text:8000858C 00000032 unicode SYSINTR_SDC_1_0 Enable\r\n
  546. .text:80008FBC 00000030 unicode SYSINTR_TOUCH Disable\r\n
  547. .text:80008978 0000002E unicode SYSINTR_TOUCH Enable\r\n
  548. .text:80008F8C 0000002E unicode SYSINTR_USBD Disable\r\n
  549. .text:8000894C 0000002C unicode SYSINTR_USBD Enable\r\n
  550. .text:80008F58 00000032 unicode SYSINTR_USB_HS Disable\r\n
  551. .text:8000891C 00000030 unicode SYSINTR_USB_HS Enable\r\n
  552. .text:80002408 00000010 unicode SYSTEM/
  553. .text:80002928 0000001E unicode SYSTEM/FSReady
  554. .text:80025C50 0000004E unicode SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Power
  555. .text:80002864 0000001C unicode SYSTEM\\KERNEL
  556. .text:80002820 0000001C unicode SYSTEM\\LOADER
  557. .text:80002418 00000036 unicode SYSTEM\\Loader\\DeviceStacks
  558. .text:80003008 00000038 unicode SYSTEM\\Loader\\LoadModuleLow
  559. .text:800024A4 00000028 unicode SYSTEM\\Loader\\VMMAP
  560. .text:800028A0 00000016 unicode SYSTEM\\OOM
  561. .text:800027D4 00000026 unicode SYSTEM\\ObjectStore
  562. .text:800271A4 0000001A unicode SafeCharging
  563. .text:8002718C 00000018 unicode SafePending
  564. .text:80008390 0000001A unicode SaveRTCEvent
  565. .text:800235B8 00000026 unicode Serial_BTUR_DM.dll
  566. .text:80023598 00000020 unicode Serial_UART.dll
  567. .text:8002A528 00000046 unicode Set GPIO error, GPIO number is %d\n
  568. .text:80023E58 00000062 unicode SetBacklightToDim: I2C_HWReset_fcn_7500 fails!\r\n
  569. .text:80023DE8 00000070 unicode SetBacklightToDim: I2C_WriteMultiBytes_fcn_7500 fail!\r\n
  570. .text:80023F70 0000004A unicode SetGensor2Sleep: I2C HWReset fail!\r\n
  571. .text:80023F10 00000060 unicode SetGensor2Sleep: I2C_WriteByte_fcn_7500 fail!\r\n
  572. .text:8001F58C 00000036 unicode ShowElapsedTimeAndPageable
  573. .text:80028F70 00000064 unicode Sleep- Wait ARM9 response ok(A9=0x%x, A11=0x%x)\r\n
  574. .text:8002903C 0000003E unicode Sleep- Waiting ARM9 response\r\n
  575. .text:8002907C 00000022 unicode SleepSettings+\r\n
  576. .text:80028F34 0000003A unicode SleepSettings-(PLL:%x, %x)\r\n
  577. .text:80006570 00000026 unicode Software\\HTC\\Debug
  578. .text:8001FB9C 0000002C unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog
  579. .text:8001F240 0000003E unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\DevIoctl
  580. .text:8001F5D8 00000048 unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\DisableModule
  581. .text:8001F978 00000038 unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\Event
  582. .text:8001F750 00000046 unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\ExtractIcons
  583. .text:8001F810 00000040 unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\Interrupt
  584. .text:8001FA34 00000032 unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\PM
  585. .text:8001F2EC 00000036 unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\Page
  586. .text:8001F8C4 0000003E unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\Registry
  587. .text:8001F18C 00000034 unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\SWI
  588. .text:8001F0B8 00000042 unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\UserNotify
  589. .text:8001FB5C 00000032 unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\VM
  590. .text:8001F690 0000003A unicode Software\\HTC\\GuardDog\\Window
  591. .text:8001D450 0000002A unicode Software\\HTC\\XHammer
  592. .text:800019EC 00000016 unicode Sp=%8.8x\r\n
  593. .text:8000A190 00000022 unicode Stack Base= %x\r\n
  594. .text:800082B0 00000026 unicode Start Thread: %x\r\n
  595. .text:8000A1B4 00000022 unicode StartAddr = %x\r\n
  596. .text:8001FB90 0000000A unicode SxxK
  597. .text:80003294 00000010 unicode SysLang
  598. .text:800028D4 00000016 unicode SystemPath
  599. .text:8000247C 00000026 unicode System_Unspecified
  600. .text:800271D8 00000018 unicode TERMINATION
  601. .text:8001A290 0000001C unicode TIME.CRITICAL
  602. .text:80001CA8 00000068 unicode TLSKERN_NOFAULT set... bypassing kernel debugger.\r\n
  603. .text:80023714 0000001C unicode TNETW1251.dll
  604. .text:800269F0 00000024 unicode TVXZ\\^`bdhlptxz|~
  605. .text:800236E0 0000001C unicode TaiServer.dll
  606. .text:8001DA18 00000022 unicode TerminateProcess
  607. .text:80025420 0000002E unicode TerminateProcess(%x)\r\n
  608. .text:80023334 0000001A unicode ThumbCom.dll
  609. .text:800155DC 00000010 unicode UNKNOWN
  610. .text:80028080 0000005A unicode Unhandled battery state: dwCurBatStatus=%d\r\n
  611. .text:80027200 00000010 unicode Unknown
  612. .text:80024AEC 0000003C unicode Unkown power on reason 0x%X\r\n
  613. .text:80027C08 00000050 unicode V(%d)+[DC(%d)/Tcompensation(%d)]*1000\r\n
  614. .data1:8009515D 00000006 unicode V@
  615. .data1:800957FD 00000006 unicode V@
  616. .text:80002F28 000000DE unicode Virtual Memory overlap! CopyRegions failed to reserve memory in proc '%s' (0x%08X) for module '%s' @ 0x%08X!\r\n
  617. .text:80018430 0000000A unicode W32D
  618. .text:8000B5F0 0000000A unicode W32D
  619. .text:80018A1C 0000000A unicode W32S
  620. .text:800032EC 0000001A unicode WAIT_RELFSD2
  621. .text:80001A08 000000CA unicode WARNING: *(pTOC->ulRAMFree) changed in OEMInit, please use NKForceCleanBoot to erase object store.\r\n
  622. .text:80001AD8 0000007C unicode WARNING: Calling NKForceCleanBoot to workaround legacy code\r\n
  623. .text:800155F0 00000050 unicode WB-I2C WRITE ID:0x%x A:0x%x D:0x%x XX\r\n
  624. .text:8000C1FC 00000020 unicode Wait M2A6, %d\r\n
  625. .text:80028E78 00000056 unicode WaitARM9ToRunMode ERROR: ARM9Status=0x%x\r\n
  626. .text:80028ED0 00000062 unicode WaitARM9ToRunMode SMSM_RESET : ARM9Status=0x%x\r\n
  627. .text:8002922C 0000003C unicode Wake- Wait ARM9 response ok\r\n
  628. .text:800292AC 00000038 unicode Wake-1 Wait ARM9 response\r\n
  629. .text:80007F90 00000020 unicode WakeupRing!!!\r\n
  630. .text:800253F8 00000018 unicode WatsonEvent
  631. .text:8001D444 0000000C unicode White
  632. .text:800232F8 00000026 unicode WinCeFunkSuppM.dll
  633. .text:80001580 0000009A unicode Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Dec 16 2009 at 16:15:49\r\n
  634. .text:8000C128 00000068 unicode X2:pARM9State=0x%x, pARM11State=0x%x, a9_m2a_5=%d\r\n
  635. .text:80017600 00000008 unicode Yes
  636. .text:80016294 00000006 unicode [
  637. .text:80016050 00000020 unicode [ MEM_RELEASE ]
  638. .text:8001EDEC 00000020 unicode [ MEM_RESERVE ]
  639. .text:80029340 00000036 unicode [%02d %08X] -> %s+0x%08x\r\n
  640. .text:80029378 0000001C unicode [%02d %08X]\r\n
  641. .text:8000A10C 0000000E unicode [%08X]
  642. .text:8000A250 00000018 unicode [%d %08X]\r\n
  643. .text:80022D10 00000070 unicode [+] Cache 2nd-level page tables and MSFT section tables
  644. .text:80022C50 00000070 unicode [+] DLL info and FILES dll memory objects 4KB-alignment
  645. .text:80022E40 0000005C unicode [+] FakeFSHeap, help us save more 33-58 slots
  646. .text:80022EB0 00000078 unicode [+] GwesPowerDown to work out gwes idle/suspend hang issues
  647. .text:800230BC 0000001E unicode [+] HTC HeapUp
  648. .text:80022C18 00000022 unicode [+] HTC X Hammer
  649. .text:80022CD4 00000028 unicode [+] HTC X Hammer v2
  650. .text:80022BB0 00000054 unicode [+] HTC-style Out-Of-Memory (OOM) Manager
  651. .text:80022D98 00000092 unicode [+] SMemKicker frees VM in case shortage of global virtual shared memory
  652. .text:80022618 000000A6 unicode [+] add 'to dump thread call stack when device reset is requested' for GuardDog PM
  653. .text:80022518 000000E8 unicode [+] add new function(UserNotify) for GuardDog to monitor CeRunAppAtTime, CeRunAppAtEvent, and CeSetUserNotification
  654. .text:800221E0 000000B8 unicode [+] add reg. 'SMEM3358_DumpCstk_Threshold' for GuardDog VM to dump thread cstk by threshold
  655. .text:8002215C 00000030 unicode [+] add version control
  656. .text:800222B0 00000084 unicode [+] add white-list/partial-black-list auto recovering for ForeMen
  657. .text:80022448 000000BA unicode [+] enhance GuardDog DisableModule, add a new extension to force DLLs loading non-preemptive
  658. .text:800221A0 0000003C unicode [+] enhance GuardDog PM func.
  659. .text:80022938 00000086 unicode [+] extend FlxMemRx to support more views and more functionalities
  660. .text:80023038 00000070 unicode [+] extend GuardDog Chk/Chk2 to support call stack dump
  661. .text:800229D8 0000008A unicode [+] extend GuardDog VM to take care of more memory-related functions
  662. .text:80022898 00000086 unicode [+] implement FlexMemRx to dump memory info. by process or by slot
  663. .text:80022F40 00000070 unicode [+] new-style X Hammer Force list (backward-compatible)
  664. .text:800226C0 0000006E unicode [+] refine code structure of GuardDog user-mode thread
  665. .text:80022748 000000AE unicode [-] adjust criteria (timing and size) of pre-paging in memory-mapped files for FileHit
  666. .text:80022098 00000046 unicode [-] fine tune GuardDog and Sniffer
  667. .text:80022A78 000000BA unicode [-] fine-tune FlexMem calculation algo. particularly for non-cache pages and non-access ones
  668. .text:800220F8 0000004E unicode [-] improve ForeMen system performance
  669. .text:800230F0 0000006C unicode [-] modify hash algorithm for HTC OOM (LowMemManager)
  670. .text:80022338 000000FA unicode [-] users are limited to change white-list/partial-black-list ONLY (after getting tickets and before entering critical time)
  671. .text:80027D18 0000007E unicode [BAHW_ChargingIsOverTimes] time overflow: Cur[%d], Last[%d] \r\n
  672. .text:8000AD30 00000044 unicode [Cpu] %d %d %08X %08X %08X %dKB\r\n
  673. .text:8000B4C4 00000012 unicode [D:AUD]
  674. .text:8000B530 00000014 unicode [D:BATT]
  675. .text:8000B400 00000012 unicode [D:BKL]
  676. .text:8000B4A0 00000010 unicode [D:BT]
  677. .text:8000B590 00000012 unicode [D:CAM]
  678. .text:8000B464 00000012 unicode [D:CSP]
  679. .text:8000B5CC 00000014 unicode [D:DISP]
  680. .text:8000B43C 00000012 unicode [D:GPS]
  681. .text:8000B4D8 00000014 unicode [D:GSNR]
  682. .text:8000B48C 00000012 unicode [D:H2W]
  683. .text:8000B568 00000012 unicode [D:I2C]
  684. .text:8000B554 00000012 unicode [D:KEY]
  685. .text:8000B414 00000012 unicode [D:LED]
  686. .text:8000B57C 00000014 unicode [D:MISC]
  687. .text:8000B3F0 00000010 unicode [D:OJ]
  688. .text:8000B3C0 00000016 unicode [D:OTHER]
  689. .text:8000B450 00000012 unicode [D:RIL]
  690. .text:8000B500 00000010 unicode [D:SD]
  691. .text:8000B4B0 00000012 unicode [D:SER]
  692. .text:8000B428 00000012 unicode [D:SMD]
  693. .text:8000B51C 00000012 unicode [D:SPI]
  694. .text:8000B544 00000010 unicode [D:TP]
  695. .text:8000B478 00000014 unicode [D:TSIF]
  696. .text:8000B5B8 00000014 unicode [D:USBF]
  697. .text:8000B5A4 00000014 unicode [D:USBH]
  698. .text:8000B3D8 00000016 unicode [D:WIMAX]
  699. .text:8000B4EC 00000014 unicode [D:WLAN]
  700. .text:80026554 00000036 unicode [DFVM] Change PLL %d->%d\r\n
  701. .text:8000B170 0000002A unicode [DFVM] GPU lock %u\r\n
  702. .text:8000B19C 0000002A unicode [DFVM] RPC lock %u\r\n
  703. .text:8002658C 0000003A unicode [DFVM] SetAllVoltage.00 %u\r\n
  704. .text:80026400 0000003A unicode [DFVM] SetAllVoltage.01 %u\r\n
  705. .text:80026318 0000003A unicode [DFVM] SetAllVoltage.02 %u\r\n
  706. .text:800263C8 00000036 unicode [DFVM] SetClockEnable %d\r\n
  707. .text:8002638C 0000003A unicode [DFVM] SetMArmClockLock %u\r\n
  708. .text:80026510 00000044 unicode [DFVM] SetMArmClockLock.BPLL %u\r\n
  709. .text:800264C8 00000044 unicode [DFVM] SetMArmClockLock.GPLL %u\r\n
  710. .text:8000B138 00000038 unicode [DFVM] TCXO lock %u, 0x%x\r\n
  711. .text:8002643C 00000038 unicode [DFVM] switch clock.00 %d\r\n
  712. .text:80026354 00000038 unicode [DFVM] switch clock.01 %d\r\n
  713. .text:800062F8 00000076 unicode [ERROR]unable to create KERNEL_DEBUG_TRIGGER_EVENT event\r\n
  714. .text:80025398 0000005E unicode [ERROR]unable to create g_hWatsonEvent event\r\n
  715. .text:80006248 00000054 unicode [ERROR]unable to create start log event\r\n
  716. .text:8000651C 0000003C unicode [EnableHtcDebugService] +++\r\n
  717. .text:80006208 0000003C unicode [EnableHtcDebugService] ---\r\n
  718. .text:80006598 0000005A unicode [EnableHtcDebugService] return directly!!!\r\n
  719. .text:8000B510 0000000A unicode [K]
  720. .text:80015168 0000004E unicode [K] !!! MddiWaitPacketSent Fail [%x]\r\n
  721. .text:80025670 00000052 unicode [K] !!!SHUTDOWN-POWER_STATE_SUSPEND!!!\r\n
  722. .text:8001FC14 00000032 unicode [K] %s's method > %d ?\r\n
  723. .text:80004974 00000022 unicode [K] (%x,%x,%x)\r\n
  724. .text:80025A30 00000024 unicode [K] (((M2A_3)))\r\n
  725. .text:80025A0C 00000024 unicode [K] (((M2A_4)))\r\n
  726. .text:800259E8 00000024 unicode [K] (((M2A_6)))\r\n
  727. .text:800258C8 00000024 unicode [K] (((POWER)))\r\n
  728. .text:8000C420 00000026 unicode [K] ** FIQ %d **\r\n
  729. .text:80006D64 0000003C unicode [K] ++ Go Tcxo Shut Down %d\r\n
  730. .text:800057E8 00000052 unicode [K] +++ OEMHaltSystem, reset system...\r\n
  731. .text:80006EFC 00000030 unicode [K] ++DoSuspend... %d\r\n
  732. .text:80029E88 00000032 unicode [K] +CheckWakeUpSource\r\n
  733. .text:800265C8 00000064 unicode [K] +FC: CSI=%d, NSI=%d, NPL=%d, PLL:%x, Clk:%x\r\n
  734. .text:800044A8 00000034 unicode [K] +GetHardwareVersion\r\n
  735. .text:8000A378 0000003C unicode [K] +InitHtcHookUserDbgTrap\r\n
  736. .text:80005840 0000004C unicode [K] +OEMHaltSystem, reset system...\r\n
  737. .text:80029EBC 00000034 unicode [K] +OEMInitDebugSerial\r\n
  738. .text:800060F0 0000001E unicode [K] +OEMInit\r\n
  739. .text:800072D4 00000026 unicode [K] +OEMPowerOff\r\n
  740. .text:800043F0 00000048 unicode [K] +OS version %s, BL Version %a\r\n
  741. .text:80029EF0 00000028 unicode [K] +PlatformInit\r\n
  742. .text:80015338 00000022 unicode [K] +SoftReset\r\n
  743. .text:8000C060 0000004E unicode [K] +T,A9=0x%x, A11=0x%x Lmt(%d)\r\n
  744. .text:800151F0 00000038 unicode [K] +mddi_Change_Speed=%x\r\n
  745. .text:80006DA0 0000003C unicode [K] -- Go Tcxo Shut Down %d\r\n
  746. .text:80006DDC 00000030 unicode [K] --DoSuspend... %d\r\n
  747. .text:800262C0 00000056 unicode [K] -FC: PLL:%x, Clk:%x, M:%x,G:%x,B0:%x\r\n
  748. .text:80004518 00000034 unicode [K] -GetHardwareVersion\r\n
  749. .text:8000A3B4 0000003C unicode [K] -InitHtcHookUserDbgTrap\r\n
  750. .text:80006CA8 00000026 unicode [K] -OEMPowerOff\r\n
  751. .text:800067B0 00000020 unicode [K] -i(%d,%d)\r\n
  752. .text:800151B8 00000038 unicode [K] -mddi_Change_Speed=%x\r\n
  753. .text:80006E0C 00000030 unicode [K] -s(%d, %d, %d)sec\r\n
  754. .text:80003A74 00000038 unicode [K] 1a.ucWakedUpByBT1a=%d\r\n
  755. .text:80003C2C 00000034 unicode [K] 1a.ucWakedUpByBT=%d\r\n
  756. .text:80025B50 00000044 unicode [K] 1st GetHTCUserIdleTime() %d\r\n
  757. .text:800040B8 00000042 unicode [K] <<< Key sense detected >>>\r\n
  758. .text:8000AFA0 00000042 unicode [K] ==== DFVM Freq. Table ====\r\n
  759. .text:8000BE58 0000005E unicode [K] ========================================\r\n
  760. .text:8000AF10 00000042 unicode [K] ==========================\r\n
  761. .text:80006910 00000066 unicode [K] =============Dump Idle GPIO End=============\r\n
  762. .text:800068A0 0000006A unicode [K] =============Dump Idle GPIO Start=============\r\n
  763. .text:80024004 0000003E unicode [K] >> RD config now setting\r\n
  764. .text:800245E0 0000005E unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] +CheckMFGPowerTestMode\r\n
  765. .text:80024350 00000054 unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] +Debounce Pwr btn\r\n
  766. .text:80024248 00000052 unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] +Disable Display\r\n
  767. .text:80024408 00000056 unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] +Enter Limit Sleep\r\n
  768. .text:80024130 0000005C unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] +Enter Power Collapse\r\n
  769. .text:800244B8 0000005A unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] +Wait for TCXO ready\r\n
  770. .text:80024558 00000086 unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] -CheckMFGPowerTestMode Signature not match\r\n
  771. .text:800241F0 00000054 unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] -Debounce Pwr btn\r\n
  772. .text:800242A0 00000052 unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] -Disable Display\r\n
  773. .text:80024460 00000056 unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] -Enter Limit Sleep\r\n
  774. .text:80024190 0000005C unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] -Enter Power Collapse\r\n
  775. .text:800242F8 00000052 unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] -Leave idle test\r\n
  776. .text:800243A8 0000005A unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] -Wait for TCXO ready\r\n
  777. .text:800240E0 0000004C unicode [K] >> [MFG PWR TEST] Reboot device\r\n
  778. .text:80006790 00000020 unicode [K] @@> %c %d\r\n
  779. .text:80006978 0000001E unicode [K] @@> B %d\r\n
  780. .text:80006E60 0000004C unicode [K] @@> Get PostSuspend tick failed\r\n
  781. .text:80006EB0 0000004A unicode [K] @@> Get PreSuspend tick failed\r\n
  782. .text:80006E3C 0000001E unicode [K] @@> S %d\r\n
  783. .text:80005D00 0000002A unicode [K] ARM9 DEX READY\r\n
  784. .text:8000AE90 0000003C unicode [K] Activate Region Protect\r\n
  785. .text:8002727C 0000002C unicode [K] BAHW_ChargeFull\r\n
  786. .text:80025D38 00000042 unicode [K] BackupHTCUserIdleTime() %d\r\n
  787. .text:80025CA0 00000092 unicode [K] BackupHTCUserIdleTime() Error!! Failed to Set LastUserIdleTimeMs!!\r\n
  788. .text:80003D2C 00000034 unicode [K] Battery Remove Intr\r\n
  789. .text:800247F4 00000036 unicode [K] Battery removed!!,%d\r\n
  790. .text:800282F8 00000072 unicode [K] Batterylife is running--> wmv9decoder.dll hooked!!\r\n
  791. .text:8000B0D0 00000068 unicode [K] Batterylife is running-->can't turn off BPLL0\r\n
  792. .text:8000B030 00000070 unicode [K] Batterylife is running-->disable BPLL0 from Radio\r\n
  793. .text:8000B1C8 0000007A unicode [K] Batterylife is running-->force run at 320MHz for turbo\r\n
  794. .text:8000B248 00000066 unicode [K] Batterylife is running-->force run at 528MHz\r\n
  795. .text:800291B0 0000004C unicode [K] CHK ARM9Status=0x%x, dwCount=%d\r\n
  796. .text:80025754 0000002A unicode [K] CPLD GPO: 0x%X\r\n
  797. .text:80025780 0000002C unicode [K] CPLD INT4: 0x%X\r\n
  798. .text:800256C4 0000002E unicode [K] CPLD MISC1: 0x%X\r\n
  799. .text:800256F4 0000002E unicode [K] CPLD MISC2: 0x%X\r\n
  800. .text:80025724 0000002E unicode [K] CPLD MISC3: 0x%X\r\n
  801. .text:80006110 00000030 unicode [K] CSP_VERSION is %d\r\n
  802. .text:80027AFC 00000034 unicode [K] Cable: ChinaAC. ,%d\r\n
  803. .text:80027AC8 00000034 unicode [K] Cable: Not USB. ,%d\r\n
  804. .text:800049C8 00000032 unicode [K] Cfg 1 Addr=0x%x\r\n
  805. .text:80004A2C 00000032 unicode [K] Cfg 2 Addr=0x%x\r\n
  806. .text:80026260 0000005A unicode [K] Change voltage fail, target=%d, get=%d\r\n
  807. .text:800247A8 0000004A unicode [K] Charge cable was unplugged ,%d\r\n
  808. .text:800248F0 00000062 unicode [K] Charging not qualify, set to normal state.\r\n
  809. .text:800257AC 00000032 unicode [K] ClockEnabled: 0x%X\r\n
  810. .text:80009868 0000005C unicode [K] Could not find gpio int offset (int=%d)\r\n
  811. .text:80009EC0 00000048 unicode [K] DEX:PmicVregOnOff(%x,%x) FAIL\r\n
  812. .text:80009F08 00000044 unicode [K] DEX:PmicVregOnOff(%x,%x) OK\r\n
  813. .text:80009D80 00000050 unicode [K] DEX:TASK_LOCK_BUS_CLK 0x%x FAILED\r\n
  814. .text:80009DD0 00000048 unicode [K] DEX:TASK_LOCK_BUS_CLK 0x%x OK\r\n
  815. .text:800072FC 00000030 unicode [K] DEXCore completed\r\n
  816. .text:80003EAC 00000034 unicode [K] DEX_AUD_REC_GET_BUF\r\n
  817. .text:80004004 0000001E unicode [K] DEX_BATT\r\n
  818. .text:80003F30 0000004E unicode [K] DEX_M2A_NOTIFY_ARM9_AT_CMD_READY\r\n
  819. .text:80003EE0 0000004C unicode [K] DEX_M2A_NOTIFY_ARM9_REQ_RESTART\r\n
  820. .text:80003FBC 00000028 unicode [K] DEX_RTC_ALARM\r\n
  821. .text:80003F80 0000003A unicode [K] DEX_UNKNOWN_NOTIFY(%x)\r\n
  822. .text:80004024 00000020 unicode [K] DEX_USBID\r\n
  823. .text:80003FE4 0000001E unicode [K] DEX_VBUS\r\n
  824. .text:800058D4 00000028 unicode [K] DFVM Disabled\r\n
  825. .text:800281D4 0000002A unicode [K] DFVM(%d -> %d)\r\n
  826. .text:80026478 0000004C unicode [K] DFVM: MPLL not enabled, ignore \r\n
  827. .text:8000B0A0 0000002C unicode [K] DFVM: lock=0x%x\r\n
  828. .text:8000B2B0 0000005A unicode [K] DFVMSetCpuSpeedLock error. UserID = %d\r\n
  829. .text:800249A0 00000040 unicode [K] Detect Cable: ChinaAC in \r\n
  830. .text:80024958 00000048 unicode [K] Detect Cable: NOT ChinaAC in \r\n
  831. .text:80025F0C 0000003E unicode [K] Detect Speed: cpu_khz=%d\r\n
  832. .text:80005920 00000054 unicode [K] Disable TCXO-shutdown for USB KITL.\r\n
  833. .text:80029150 0000005A unicode [K] EARLY_EXIT ARM9Status=0x%x, dwCount=%d\r\n
  834. .text:80023A50 00000068 unicode [K] ERROR --> GetOEM_ModelName, Buffer not enough\r\n
  835. .text:80005CB8 00000046 unicode [K] ERROR : ARM9 DEX NOT READY!!\r\n
  836. .text:800238A0 00000082 unicode [K] ERROR : Cannot find SC_LoadLibraryExW at Win32Methods[148]\r\n
  837. .text:800237B0 0000005E unicode [K] ERROR: CheckDllLoadMode reject(%s,%s,%s)\r\n
  838. .text:80008D04 00000036 unicode [K] EXT_MIC_DETz Disable\r\n
  839. .text:80009C10 0000004A unicode [K] Fail to disable Alarm to ARM9.\r\n
  840. .text:80009A10 00000040 unicode [K] Fail to get RTC from ARM9\r\n
  841. .text:80009D30 00000050 unicode [K] Fail to get sleep clock from ARM9\r\n
  842. .text:80009998 00000040 unicode [K] Fail to notify A9 reboot.\r\n
  843. .text:80009B28 0000004C unicode [K] Fail to set Alarm 0x%x to ARM9.\r\n
  844. .text:80009A90 00000046 unicode [K] Fail to set RTC 0x%x to ARM9\r\n
  845. .text:80025A98 00000022 unicode [K] FakeSleep+\r\n
  846. .text:80025864 00000022 unicode [K] FakeSleep-\r\n
  847. .text:80009C60 0000004E unicode [K] Finish to disable Alarm to ARM9.\r\n
  848. .text:80009B78 00000050 unicode [K] Finish to set Alarm 0x%x to ARM9.\r\n
  849. .text:80009AD8 0000004A unicode [K] Finish to set RTC 0x%x to ARM9\r\n
  850. .text:800258EC 00000018 unicode [K] GPIO1\r\n
  851. .text:80025888 00000018 unicode [K] GPIO2\r\n
  852. .text:80008E90 00000034 unicode [K] GSENSOR_MOT Disable\r\n
  853. .text:80009468 00000042 unicode [K] GSENSOR_MOT Done HIGHLEVEL\r\n
  854. .text:800094B0 00000040 unicode [K] GSENSOR_MOT Done LOWLEVEL\r\n
  855. .text:800087F8 00000046 unicode [K] GSENSOR_MOT Enable HIGHLEVEL\r\n
  856. .text:80008840 00000044 unicode [K] GSENSOR_MOT Enable LOWLEVEL\r\n
  857. .text:80009A50 00000040 unicode [K] Get RTC 0x%x from ARM9 ok\r\n
  858. .text:80008EF8 00000024 unicode [K] Gkey Disable
  859. .text:80009518 0000001C unicode [K] Gkey Done
  860. .text:800088D4 00000024 unicode [K] Gkey Enable\r\n
  861. .text:80024730 0000003A unicode [K] Go on reset procedure.\r\n
  862. .text:8000ABB0 0000009E unicode [K] HTCdbg: +Backup_ThreadStack SP: %08X, Sbase: %08X, SSize: %08X, Depth:%d\r\n
  863. .text:8000AC50 00000056 unicode [K] HTCdbg: Backup Stack limit to 64KB!!\r\n
  864. .text:80004808 0000003C unicode [K] Hardware Board ID is %x\r\n
  865. .text:80023858 00000044 unicode [K] HookRelocateInInitModule=%d\r\n
  866. .text:800254D0 0000007E unicode [K] HtcCeLog: Register logging functions with kernel success\r\n
  867. .text:80025550 0000008A unicode [K] HtcCeLog: Unable to register logging functions with kernel(%d)\r\n
  868. .text:8002724C 0000002E unicode [K] IMIN Counter %d.\r\n
  869. .text:800076DC 00000034 unicode [K] IOCTL_CUST_SPY_APIS\r\n
  870. .text:80026680 00000060 unicode [K] IOCTL_DIFF_TIMEZONE_CLK invalid arguments\r\n
  871. .text:800266E0 00000060 unicode [K] IOCTL_DIFF_TIMEZONE_CLK: malloc failed !!\r\n
  872. .text:80007C58 00000052 unicode [K] IOCTL_DUMP_REGISTERS_OF_EACH_PHASE\r\n
  873. .text:80007B58 00000042 unicode [K] IOCTL_HAL_IDLE_TIME_BACKUP\r\n
  874. .text:80007B18 0000003C unicode [K] IOCTL_HAL_IDLE_TIME_GET\r\n
  875. .text:80007AD8 00000040 unicode [K] IOCTL_HAL_IDLE_TIME_RESET\r\n
  876. .text:80007450 0000003E unicode [K] IOCTL_HTC_FOREMAN_SYSTEM\r\n
  877. .text:8000799C 00000032 unicode [K] IOCTL_REGDUMP_MISC\r\n
  878. .text:80007490 0000004A unicode [K] IOCTL_SIM_PIN_PROMOTION_UNHOOK\r\n
  879. .text:8000C380 0000003E unicode [K] IRQ_S0=0x%x, IRQ_S1=0x%x\r\n
  880. .text:80003BF8 00000032 unicode [K] ISR_SYSINTR_USB_ID\r\n
  881. .text:800045B4 00000032 unicode [K] InitDriverGlobals+\r\n
  882. .text:8000454C 00000032 unicode [K] InitDriverGlobals-\r\n
  883. .text:8000AECC 0000003E unicode [K] InitRegionID: Check pass\r\n
  884. .text:800051C0 0000006E unicode [K] Input_Level0 (0......15) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  885. .text:80005230 0000006C unicode [K] Input_Level1 (16....42) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  886. .text:800052A0 0000006C unicode [K] Input_Level2 (43....67) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  887. .text:80005310 0000006C unicode [K] Input_Level3 (68....94) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  888. .text:80005380 0000006A unicode [K] Input_Level4 (95..106) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  889. .text:800053F0 0000006C unicode [K] Input_Level5 (107..121) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  890. .text:80005460 00000066 unicode [K] Intr_EN0 (0......15) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  891. .text:800054C8 00000064 unicode [K] Intr_EN1 (16....42) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  892. .text:80005530 00000064 unicode [K] Intr_EN2 (43....67) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  893. .text:80005598 00000064 unicode [K] Intr_EN3 (68....94) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  894. .text:80005600 00000062 unicode [K] Intr_EN4 (95..106) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  895. .text:80005668 00000064 unicode [K] Intr_EN5 (107..121) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  896. .text:8000BF10 000000A2 unicode [K] IsARM9ReadyToPutARM11InSleep> Error: NOT ENTER A9state=0x%x, A11state=0x%x\r\n
  897. .text:80003D84 00000028 unicode [K] KEY_END_INTz\r\n
  898. .text:80004468 00000040 unicode [K] Kernel Built on %s at %s \r\n
  899. .text:80023810 00000026 unicode [K] LoadHigh(%s)\r\n
  900. .text:80026FB0 0000001C unicode [K] Lock=%x\r\n
  901. .text:80026F80 0000002E unicode [K] LockSpeed(%x,%x)\r\n
  902. .text:800249E0 00000048 unicode [K] Loop in System-Init charging.\r\n
  903. .text:8000AFE8 00000042 unicode [K] Lv Freq. HTh LTh HIt LIt\r\n
  904. .text:80009270 0000002A unicode [K] MISC INTR Done\r\n
  905. .text:80005D30 00000048 unicode [K] MainMemoryEndAddress = 0x%08X\r\n
  906. .text:8000C220 0000005A unicode [K] NOT ENTER: A9state=0x%x, A11state=0x%x\r\n
  907. .text:8000C280 0000005A unicode [K] NOT ENTER: time too close=%d, count=%d\r\n
  908. .text:8000C330 00000032 unicode [K] NOT ENTER: time=%d\r\n
  909. .text:800099D8 00000036 unicode [K] Notify A9 to reboot.\r\n
  910. .text:80003E18 00000034 unicode [K] Notify A9 to reboot\r\n
  911. .text:8000BFF0 0000006A unicode [K] Notify_Modem_Break_State: ERROR:null pointer~~\r\n
  912. .text:80005C90 00000022 unicode [K] OEMInit 10\r\n
  913. .text:80005B04 00000022 unicode [K] OEMInit 11\r\n
  914. .text:80005B28 00000022 unicode [K] OEMInit 12\r\n
  915. .text:80005A48 00000022 unicode [K] OEMInit 13\r\n
  916. .text:80005A6C 00000022 unicode [K] OEMInit 14\r\n
  917. .text:800059F8 00000022 unicode [K] OEMInit 15\r\n
  918. .text:800058FC 00000022 unicode [K] OEMInit 16\r\n
  919. .text:8000588C 00000022 unicode [K] OEMInit 17\r\n
  920. .text:800058B0 00000022 unicode [K] OEMInit 18\r\n
  921. .text:80005DF8 00000020 unicode [K] OEMInit 1\r\n
  922. .text:80005E18 00000020 unicode [K] OEMInit 2\r\n
  923. .text:80005E38 00000020 unicode [K] OEMInit 3\r\n
  924. .text:80005BD0 00000020 unicode [K] OEMInit 4\r\n
  925. .text:80005BF0 00000020 unicode [K] OEMInit 5\r\n
  926. .text:80005C10 00000020 unicode [K] OEMInit 6\r\n
  927. .text:80005C30 00000020 unicode [K] OEMInit 7\r\n
  928. .text:80005C50 00000020 unicode [K] OEMInit 8\r\n
  929. .text:80005C70 00000020 unicode [K] OEMInit 9\r\n
  930. .text:80007940 0000005A unicode [K] OEMIoControl - REGION ID check failed.\r\n
  931. .text:80004298 00000048 unicode [K] OEMKDIoControl: KD_IOCTL_INIT\r\n
  932. .text:80004338 0000005E unicode [K] OEMKDIoControl: KD_IOCTL_KERNEL_CONTINUE\r\n
  933. .text:800042E0 00000056 unicode [K] OEMKDIoControl: KD_IOCTL_KERNEL_HALT\r\n
  934. .text:80007290 00000044 unicode [K] OEMPowerOff reset device!!!\r\n
  935. .text:800043A0 00000036 unicode [K] OS version PosX = %d\r\n
  936. .text:80004CA8 0000006A unicode [K] Output_EN0 (0......15) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  937. .text:80004D18 00000068 unicode [K] Output_EN1 (16....42) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  938. .text:80004D80 00000068 unicode [K] Output_EN2 (43....67) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  939. .text:80004DE8 00000068 unicode [K] Output_EN3 (68....94) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  940. .text:80004E50 00000066 unicode [K] Output_EN4 (95..106) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  941. .text:80004EB8 00000068 unicode [K] Output_EN5 (107..121) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  942. .text:80004F20 00000070 unicode [K] Output_Level0 (0......15) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  943. .text:80004F90 0000006E unicode [K] Output_Level1 (16....42) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  944. .text:80005000 0000006E unicode [K] Output_Level2 (43....67) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  945. .text:80005070 0000006E unicode [K] Output_Level3 (68....94) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  946. .text:800050E0 0000006C unicode [K] Output_Level4 (95..106) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  947. .text:80005150 0000006E unicode [K] Output_Level5 (107..121) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  948. .text:80004A60 00000062 unicode [K] Owner0 (0......15) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  949. .text:80004AC8 00000060 unicode [K] Owner1 (16....42) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  950. .text:80004B28 00000060 unicode [K] Owner2 (43....67) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  951. .text:80004B88 00000060 unicode [K] Owner3 (68....94) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  952. .text:80004BE8 0000005E unicode [K] Owner4 (95..106) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  953. .text:80004C48 00000060 unicode [K] Owner5 (107..121) --- Addr=0x%x, Val=0x%x\r\n
  954. .text:800257E0 0000003A unicode [K] PMICClockEnabled: 0x%X\r\n
  955. .text:80004998 0000002E unicode [K] Page1 Addr=0x%x\r\n
  956. .text:800049FC 0000002E unicode [K] Page2 Addr=0x%x\r\n
  957. .text:80005D78 0000003E unicode [K] PmemHeapPhyAddr = 0x%08X\r\n
  958. .text:80024880 00000048 unicode [K] Power-Button pressed ,%d.....\r\n
  959. .text:80024B28 00000028 unicode [K] PowerOnReason:
  960. .text:800039D0 0000002A unicode [K] Proximity Intr\r\n
  961. .text:80009534 00000020 unicode [K] Qkey Done\r\n
  962. .text:800088B0 00000024 unicode [K] Qkey Enable\r\n
  963. .text:80003E8C 0000001E unicode [K] Qkey Int\r\n
  964. .text:80009BC8 00000048 unicode [K] RTC alarm interrupt is locked\r\n
  965. .text:80005A90 00000072 unicode [K] RTC is lost, we will restore saved RTC in OEM_MISC\r\n
  966. .text:80025820 00000044 unicode [K] RTC: %d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d \r\n
  967. .text:80009958 0000003C unicode [K] Release RTC alarm lock.\r\n
  968. .text:80003E4C 0000003E unicode [K] Reset button triggered!!\r\n
  969. .text:80025B98 00000090 unicode [K] ResetHTCUserIdleTime() Error!! Failed to Set LastUserIdleTimeMs!!\r\n
  970. .text:80025A58 00000040 unicode [K] S0: status0=0x%x,en0=0x%x\r\n
  971. .text:800259A8 00000040 unicode [K] S1: status1=0x%x,en1=0x%x\r\n
  972. .text:800048C0 00000034 unicode [K] SKUID PCB ID is %x \r\n
  973. .text:80004848 00000040 unicode [K] SKUID PCBA PN is %x %x %x\r\n
  974. .text:800048F4 00000030 unicode [K] SKUID RF SKU ID is
  975. .text:80004888 00000036 unicode [K] SKUID SKU Num is %x \r\n
  976. .text:8000BD88 0000003E unicode [K] SMEM_SMSM_INT_INFO: 0x%X\r\n
  977. .text:8000BE10 00000044 unicode [K] SMEM_SMSM_LIMIT_SLEEP: 0x%X\r\n
  978. .text:8000BD28 0000005E unicode [K] SMEM_SMSM_SHARE_STATE: A11:0x%X, A9:0x%X\r\n
  979. .text:8000BDC8 00000044 unicode [K] SMEM_SMSM_SLEEP_DELAY: 0x%X\r\n
  980. .text:80025904 00000026 unicode [K] STATUS0=0x%x\r\n
  981. .text:800258A0 00000026 unicode [K] STATUS1=0x%x\r\n
  982. .text:8002592C 00000026 unicode [K] STATUS2=0x%x\r\n
  983. .text:80025954 00000026 unicode [K] STATUS3=0x%x\r\n
  984. .text:8002597C 00000026 unicode [K] STATUS4=0x%x\r\n
  985. .text:80008F1C 0000003A unicode [K] STYLUS_DETz Disable...\r\n
  986. .text:80008D88 00000042 unicode [K] SYSINTR_AUD_HP_INz Disable\r\n
  987. .text:80009318 0000003C unicode [K] SYSINTR_AUD_HP_INz Done\r\n
  988. .text:800085F8 00000040 unicode [K] SYSINTR_AUD_HP_INz Enable\r\n
  989. .text:80009390 00000032 unicode [K] SYSINTR_BATTERY Done
  990. .text:80008700 0000003C unicode [K] SYSINTR_BATTERY Enabled\r\n
  991. .text:80008D40 00000042 unicode [K] SYSINTR_CABLE_IN2z Disable\r\n
  992. .text:800092DC 0000003C unicode [K] SYSINTR_CABLE_IN2z Done\r\n
  993. .text:80008680 00000040 unicode [K] SYSINTR_CABLE_IN2z Enable\r\n
  994. .text:80003A00 00000066 unicode [K] SYSINTR_CABLE_IN2z, reset unattened timer %d\r\n
  995. .text:80008DD0 00000040 unicode [K] SYSINTR_CABLE_INz Disable\r\n
  996. .text:80009354 0000003A unicode [K] SYSINTR_CABLE_INz Done\r\n
  997. .text:800086C0 0000003E unicode [K] SYSINTR_CABLE_INz Enable\r\n
  998. .text:80003CC8 00000038 unicode [K] SYSINTR_CABLE_INz, reset
  999. .text:8000929C 0000003E unicode [K] SYSINTR_EXT_MIC_DET Done\r\n
  1000. .text:80008638 00000042 unicode [K] SYSINTR_EXT_MIC_DET Enable\r\n
  1001. .text:80003C60 00000068 unicode [K] SYSINTR_EXT_MIC_DET, reset unattened timer %d\r\n
  1002. .text:80003998 00000036 unicode [K] SYSINTR_GSENSOR_MOT\r\n
  1003. .text:80008CCC 00000036 unicode [K] SYSINTR_MISC Disable\r\n
  1004. .text:800085C0 00000034 unicode [K] SYSINTR_MISC Enable\r\n
  1005. .text:80008C90 0000003C unicode [K] SYSINTR_SDC_1_0 Disable\r\n
  1006. .text:80008C54 0000003C unicode [K] SYSINTR_SDC_2_0 Disable\r\n
  1007. .text:80008E10 00000048 unicode [K] SYSINTR_SERIAL_UART3 Disabled\r\n
  1008. .text:800093C8 00000040 unicode [K] SYSINTR_SERIAL_UART3 Done\r\n
  1009. .text:80008740 00000046 unicode [K] SYSINTR_SERIAL_UART3 Enabled\r\n
  1010. .text:80008E58 00000038 unicode [K] SYSINTR_TSIF Disabled\r\n
  1011. .text:80009408 00000030 unicode [K] SYSINTR_TSIF Done\r\n
  1012. .text:80008788 00000036 unicode [K] SYSINTR_TSIF Enabled\r\n
  1013. .text:80003D60 00000024 unicode [K] SYSINTR_UP\r\n
  1014. .text:80009438 00000030 unicode [K] SYSINTR_USB_ID Done
  1015. .text:800087C0 00000038 unicode [K] SYSINTR_USB_ID Enable\r\n
  1016. .text:80003DAC 0000002E unicode [K] SYSINTR_VOL_DNz\r\n
  1017. .text:80003DDC 0000002E unicode [K] SYSINTR_VOL_UPz\r\n
  1018. .text:80009E18 0000004C unicode [K] Set ARM9 run in low speed fail!\r\n
  1019. .text:80009E68 00000052 unicode [K] Set ARM9 run in low speed success!\r\n
  1020. .text:800279FC 00000032 unicode [K] Set BA_CHARGE_I_AC\r\n
  1021. .text:80027A30 0000004C unicode [K] Set BA_CHARGE_I_BOOT or default\r\n
  1022. .text:80027990 00000038 unicode [K] Set BA_CHARGE_I_FAULT\r\n
  1023. .text:800279C8 00000034 unicode [K] Set BA_CHARGE_I_USB\r\n
  1024. .text:800248C8 00000028 unicode [K] Set to 192MHz\r\n
  1025. .text:80026654 00000028 unicode [K] Set to 384MHz\r\n
  1026. .text:8002662C 00000028 unicode [K] Set to 528MHz\r\n
  1027. .text:8000C3C0 00000060 unicode [K] Should sleep=%d, wakeup=%d, after exit=%d\r\n
  1028. .text:80007204 00000030 unicode [K] ShutDownDevice...\r\n
  1029. .text:8002476C 00000038 unicode [K] Shutdown device .....\r\n
  1030. .text:80006F98 00000070 unicode [K] Skip OEMPowerOff due to radio is in reset process\r\n
  1031. .text:80007008 0000009C unicode [K] Skip OEMPowerOff due to unattended mode timer not expired(%d,%d,%X) ...\r\n
  1032. .text:80007118 00000078 unicode [K] Skip OEMPowerOff due to unhandled power key press ...\r\n
  1033. .text:800070A8 0000006E unicode [K] Skip OEMPowerOff due to unhandled sliding out...\r\n
  1034. .text:80004100 0000006C unicode [K] Skip VICWakeupHandler becuase OS is not started\r\n
  1035. .text:80006810 0000001E unicode [K] SkipTCXO\r\n
  1036. .text:800152B8 0000002E unicode [K] SoftResetting...\r\n
  1037. .text:80023924 00000032 unicode [K] StackHigh Disabled\r\n
  1038. .text:80023958 00000030 unicode [K] StackHigh Enabled\r\n
  1039. .text:80005978 0000007E unicode [K] TCXO-shutdown locked, will be enabled when boot to today\r\n
  1040. .text:8000C2E0 00000050 unicode [K] TCXO: time too close=%d, count=%d\r\n
  1041. .text:80006A68 00000056 unicode [K] Time[%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d]\r\n
  1042. .text:800152E8 0000004E unicode [K] Total wait A9 EFS flush time: %d\r\n
  1043. .text:80008EC4 00000032 unicode [K] UP_Intr Disable...\r\n
  1044. .text:800094F0 00000026 unicode [K] UP_Intr Done\r\n
  1045. .text:80008884 0000002A unicode [K] UP_Intr Enable\r\n
  1046. .text:80009554 00000020 unicode [K] Ukey Done\r\n
  1047. .text:800088F8 00000024 unicode [K] Ukey Enable\r\n
  1048. .text:80023838 00000020 unicode [K] VA(%x,%x)\r\n
  1049. .text:800057BC 00000026 unicode [K] VBUS removed\r\n
  1050. .text:80005778 00000044 unicode [K] Voltage doesn't reach...,%d\r\n
  1051. .text:80024830 00000050 unicode [K] Voltage(%d) < 3550, keep charging\r\n
  1052. .text:8000416C 00000032 unicode [K] WAKEUP BY VIC 0x%X\r\n
  1053. .text:80023B30 00000078 unicode [K] WARN: OALIoCtlHalGetDeviceInfo: Feature not supported\r\n
  1054. .text:80023AB8 00000074 unicode [K] WARN: OALIoCtlHalGetDeviceInfo: Insufficient buffer\r\n
  1055. .text:80007190 00000072 unicode [K] Wait ARM9 shutdown device failed...power off reset\r\n
  1056. .text:80007238 00000052 unicode [K] Waiting ARM9 to shutdown device...\r\n
  1057. .text:8000AF58 00000046 unicode [K] [%d] %6d %1d %3d %3d %3d %3d\r\n
  1058. .text:800272A8 00000078 unicode [K] [BAHW_IsChargeFull] time overflow: Cur[%d], Last[%d] \r\n
  1059. .text:80027CC0 00000056 unicode [K] [BAT] Charge over 8hr. Stop Charger.\r\n
  1060. .text:80027C58 00000064 unicode [K] [BAT] HTC_NO_BAT_RECHARGE (dwDebugBattery) \r\n
  1061. .text:8000ACD8 00000040 unicode [K] [DVFM] 2 Track %08X(%08X)\r\n
  1062. .text:800035A0 00000016 unicode [K] _UR3\r\n
  1063. .text:800044DC 00000036 unicode [K] byHWBoaredVersion=%x\r\n
  1064. .text:80004948 0000002A unicode [K] change clk_src\r\n
  1065. .text:80004924 00000022 unicode [K] clk_src ok\r\n
  1066. .text:80005DB8 0000003E unicode [K] dwPmemHeapSize = 0x%08X\r\n
  1067. .text:8000A338 00000040 unicode [K] dwSystemPowerState = 0x%x\r\n
  1068. .text:8000BFB4 00000038 unicode [K] end, m=0x%x,bits=0x%x\r\n
  1069. .text:80006878 00000022 unicode [K] i(i,%d,%d)\r\n
  1070. .text:800067D0 00000022 unicode [K] i(n,%d,%d)\r\n
  1071. .text:80006854 00000022 unicode [K] i(p,%d,%d)\r\n
  1072. .text:80006830 00000022 unicode [K] i(t,%d,%d)\r\n
  1073. .text:80006140 00000038 unicode [K] page pool size = 0x%x\r\n
  1074. .text:80004230 00000034 unicode [K] risk copying string\r\n
  1075. .text:8001FBC8 00000040 unicode [K] set Event %s (set id: %d)\r\n
  1076. .text:800046F8 0000005A unicode [K] sizeof(PV_DRIVERGLOBAL->config)is 0x%x\r\n
  1077. .text:80004758 00000058 unicode [K] sizeof(PV_DRIVERGLOBAL->debug)is 0x%x\r\n
  1078. .text:800047B0 00000058 unicode [K] sizeof(PV_DRIVERGLOBAL->power)is 0x%x\r\n
  1079. .text:800046A0 00000052 unicode [K] sizeof(pDriverGlobals->eth)is 0x%x\r\n
  1080. .text:800045E8 00000060 unicode [K] sizeof(pDriverGlobals->fixAddress)is 0x%x\r\n
  1081. .text:80004648 00000054 unicode [K] sizeof(pDriverGlobals->misc)is 0x%x\r\n
  1082. .text:8000BEB8 0000002A unicode [K] smem_log_init+\r\n
  1083. .text:8000BEE4 0000002A unicode [K] smem_log_init-\r\n
  1084. .text:8001FC90 0000004C unicode [K] store %s to index %d (#. %d) !!\r\n
  1085. .text:8002607C 00000036 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk-C0.a\r\n
  1086. .text:80026044 00000036 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk-C0.b\r\n
  1087. .text:80025FB4 00000036 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk-C0.d\r\n
  1088. .text:8002617C 00000036 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk-C1.a\r\n
  1089. .text:80026144 00000036 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk-C1.b\r\n
  1090. .text:800260B4 00000036 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk-C1.d\r\n
  1091. .text:800261B4 00000034 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk. 01\r\n
  1092. .text:80025F80 00000034 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk. 02\r\n
  1093. .text:80025F4C 00000034 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk. 03\r\n
  1094. .text:80025FF0 00000052 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk.S0-M:%x,G:%x,B0:%x\r\n
  1095. .text:800260F0 00000052 unicode [K] switch_acpu_clk.S1-M:%x,G:%x,B0:%x\r\n
  1096. .text:80005BA8 00000026 unicode [K] system time :
  1097. .text:8000C0B0 0000002E unicode [K] tcxo enter, t=%d\r\n
  1098. .text:8000C364 0000001A unicode [K] tl(%x)\r\n
  1099. .text:8001FC48 00000048 unicode [K] too many HT-based API sets !!\r\n
  1100. .text:80028630 0000003C unicode [K]Change to ALT Func error\r\n
  1101. .text:8002866C 00000032 unicode [K]Change to GPI error\r\n
  1102. .text:800286D8 0000004A unicode [K]I2C controller alreayd deactive\r\n
  1103. .text:8001D7E0 00000054 unicode [K][4K] allocated aligned address: %08x\r\n
  1104. .text:8001D718 0000006C unicode [K][4K] failed to reserve top-down memory (err: %u)\r\n
  1105. .text:8001D788 00000056 unicode [K][4K] new-reserved address: %08x, %08x\r\n
  1106. .text:80025260 00000078 unicode [K][ChkTmail] met creation of tmail.exe, signal failed !!\r\n
  1107. .text:800252D8 0000009E unicode [K][ChkTmail] met creation of tmail.exe, signal to check and kill zombies !!\r\n
  1108. .text:8001D838 000000BA unicode [K][DLL] %s(base: %08x, low: %08x, high: %08x, diff: %08x, start_ip: %08x, MODULES? %s) !!\r\n
  1109. .text:8001B2A0 00000062 unicode [K][EarlyProfiler] Monte Carlo profiler, go !!\r\n
  1110. .text:8001DD08 0000006C unicode [K][FakeFSHeap] changing memory blk.%02d to %08x !!\r\n
  1111. .text:8001DC98 0000006E unicode [K][FakeFSHeap] restoring memory blk.%02d to %08x !!\r\n
  1112. .text:8001DD78 00000092 unicode [K][FakeFSHeap] storing memory blk.%02d (%08x) to HTC kernel buffer !!\r\n
  1113. .text:8001DE10 00000068 unicode [K][FakeFSHeap] validating memory on log pages !!\r\n
  1114. .text:8001B308 0000008C unicode [K][FileHit] FileCacheHitKernThrd - duplicate handle failed (%d) !!\r\n
  1115. .text:8001B428 00000096 unicode [K][FileHit] FileCacheHitKernThrd - free memory from %08X failed (%d) !!\r\n
  1116. .text:8001B4C0 0000009A unicode [K][FileHit] FileCacheHitKernThrd - init lpfnKLocalFreeInProcess failed !!\r\n
  1117. .text:8001B398 0000008E unicode [K][FileHit] FileCacheHitKernThrd - memory leak at the addr. %08X !!\r\n
  1118. .text:8001B588 00000076 unicode [K][FileHit] create file cache hit thread failed (%d) !!\r\n
  1119. .text:8001B730 00000086 unicode [K][FileHit] create memory-mapped file hit thread failed (%d) !!\r\n
  1120. .text:8001B600 00000088 unicode [K][FileHit] meet exception when pre-paging memory-mapped file !!\r\n
  1121. .text:8001B6E0 00000050 unicode [K][FileHit] pre-pagin in %u bytes !!\r\n
  1122. .text:8001B7B8 00000072 unicode [K][FileHit] start memory-mapped file pre-paging in !!\r\n
  1123. .text:8001B688 00000058 unicode [K][FileHit] the mapped file NOT found !!\r\n
  1124. .text:8001C068 00000092 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s is still a null section, and hence bypass dumping it\r\n
  1125. .text:8001B8A8 00000084 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> 'real-committed' by memory-mapped files: %uk\r\n
  1126. .text:8001B9E8 00000084 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> 'real-reserved' for memory-mapped files: %uk\r\n
  1127. .text:8001BB80 000000BC unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> (D) commit: total(%uk)[ro(%uk), rw(%uk), rx(%uk), rwx(%uk), others(%uk)]\r\n
  1128. .text:8001BD08 00000054 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> (D) free: total(%uk)\r\n
  1129. .text:8001BC40 000000C4 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> (D) reserve: total(%uk)[image(%uk), mapped(%uk), private(%uk), others:(%uk)]\r\n
  1130. .text:8001BE08 000000BC unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> (U) commit: total(%uk)[ro(%uk), rw(%uk), rx(%uk), rwx(%uk), others(%uk)]\r\n
  1131. .text:8001BF90 00000060 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> (U) might-free: total(%uk)\r\n
  1132. .text:8001BEC8 000000C4 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> (U) reserve: total(%uk)[image(%uk), mapped(%uk), private(%uk), others:(%uk)]\r\n
  1133. .text:8001BD60 000000A4 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> === Dll Low: 0x%08X ========================================\r\n
  1134. .text:8001B930 000000B4 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> commit: total(%uk)[ro(%uk), rw(%uk), rx(%uk), rwx(%uk), others(%uk)]\r\n
  1135. .text:8001BB30 0000004C unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> free: total(%uk)\r\n
  1136. .text:8001BA70 000000BC unicode [K][FlexMemRx] %s> reserve: total(%uk)[image(%uk), mapped(%uk), private(%uk), others:(%uk)]\r\n
  1137. .text:8001C2B0 0000007A unicode [K][FlexMemRx] can NOT create necessary internal events !!\r\n
  1138. .text:8001C348 00000074 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] create FlexMemRx kernel thread failed !!\r\n
  1139. .text:8001C198 00000092 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] exception happened while flex-dumping on proc index: %d\r\n
  1140. .text:8001C110 00000084 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] exception happened while flex-dumping on slot %d\r\n
  1141. .text:8001B830 00000078 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] exception has taken place in _DoFlexDump()\r\n
  1142. .text:8001BFF0 00000078 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] fail to dump memory info. for %s (err: %u)\r\n
  1143. .text:8001C230 00000080 unicode [K][FlexMemRx] to wait internal events got st. wrong, exit...\r\n
  1144. .text:80019EE0 00000092 unicode [K][ForeMan] ERROR: %s's ForeMan thread got st wrong (err code: %d) !!\r\n
  1145. .text:80019D90 000000C2 unicode [K][ForeMan] ERROR: timeout when %s's ForeMan thread is waiting for any of objects signaled !!\r\n
  1146. .text:8001A888 0000008A unicode [K][ForeMan] NEVER adjust CORP_EXCEPT_DLLS during critical time !!\r\n
  1147. .text:8001A9F8 00000086 unicode [K][ForeMan] NEVER adjust INCLUSIVE_DLLS during critical time !!\r\n
  1148. .text:8001AB68 00000096 unicode [K][ForeMan] NEVER adjust PARTIAL_INCLUSIVE_EXES during critical time !!\r\n
  1149. .text:8001ACF8 00000094 unicode [K][ForeMan] NEVER adjust _CHANGE_WHOLE_EX_EXE_ during critical time !!\r\n
  1150. .text:8001A360 00000054 unicode [K][ForeMan] NOT supported command (%u)\r\n
  1151. .text:8001A918 0000005A unicode [K][ForeMan] change CORP_EXCEPT_DLLS to %s\r\n
  1152. .text:8001AA80 00000056 unicode [K][ForeMan] change INCLUSIVE_DLLS to %s\r\n
  1153. .text:8001AC00 00000066 unicode [K][ForeMan] change PARTIAL_INCLUSIVE_EXES to %s\r\n
  1154. .text:8001AD90 00000062 unicode [K][ForeMan] change WHOLE_EXCLUSIVE_EXES to %s\r\n
  1155. .text:8001A170 00000076 unicode [K][ForeMan] create ForeMan thread for %s failed (%d) !!\r\n
  1156. .text:8001A0D0 0000009A unicode [K][ForeMan] create ForeMan thread(%08X) for %s successfully (ip: %08X) !!\r\n
  1157. .text:80019E58 00000086 unicode [K][ForeMan] dude, I'm %08X, being keeping eye on %s(%08X, %08X)\r\n
  1158. .text:80019B48 000000A0 unicode [K][ForeMan] failed to resume thread %08X(%08X) for mod: %s(%s), cnt: (%u,%u)\r\n
  1159. .text:80019C90 0000008E unicode [K][ForeMan] failed(%u) to suspend thread %08X(%08X) for mod: %s(%s)\r\n
  1160. .text:80019BE8 000000A2 unicode [K][ForeMan] failed(%u) to suspend-if-needed thread %08X(%08X) for mod: %s(%s)\r\n
  1161. .text:8001A780 00000078 unicode [K][ForeMan] invalid parameters for _DUMP_FOREMAN_ALL_ !!\r\n
  1162. .text:8001A6F8 00000082 unicode [K][ForeMan] invalid parameters for _DUMP_FOREMAN_SPEC_ONE_ !!\r\n
  1163. .text:8001A7F8 00000090 unicode [K][ForeMan] invalid parameters/owner for _CHANGE_CORP_EXCEPT_DLL_ !!\r\n
  1164. .text:8001A978 0000007E unicode [K][ForeMan] invalid parameters/owner for _CHANGE_IN_DLL_ !!\r\n
  1165. .text:8001AAD8 0000008E unicode [K][ForeMan] invalid parameters/owner for _CHANGE_PARTIAL_IN_EXE_ !!\r\n
  1166. .text:8001AC68 0000008A unicode [K][ForeMan] invalid parameters/owner for _CHANGE_WHOLE_EX_EXE_ !!\r\n
  1167. .text:8001A040 0000008C unicode [K][ForeMan] met thread creation at critical time, pulse event '%s'\r\n
  1168. .text:8001AFF0 000000A0 unicode [K][ForeMan] proc: %s, thrd: %08X(%08X) can NOT enter critical time (%08X) !!\r\n
  1169. .text:8001B200 0000009E unicode [K][ForeMan] proc: %s, thrd: %08X(%08X) can NOT get time critical tickets !!\r\n
  1170. .text:8001ADF8 000000A0 unicode [K][ForeMan] proc: %s, thrd: %08X(%08X) can NOT leave critical time (%08X) !!\r\n
  1171. .text:8001AE98 000000A2 unicode [K][ForeMan] proc: %s, thrd: %08X(%08X) failed to release critical time (%08X)\r\n
  1172. .text:8001A1E8 000000A8 unicode [K][ForeMan] proc: %s, thrd: %08X(%08X) got tickets to enter time critical (%08X)\r\n
  1173. .text:8001B090 000000BC unicode [K][ForeMan] proc: %s, thrd: %08X(%08X) is NOT the onwer of critical time tickets (%08X) !!\r\n
  1174. .text:8001B150 000000AC unicode [K][ForeMan] proc: %s, thrd: %08X(%08X) is asking for entering critical time (%08X)\r\n
  1175. .text:8001AF40 000000AA unicode [K][ForeMan] proc: %s, thrd: %08X(%08X) is asking for leaving critical time (%08X)\r\n
  1176. .text:8001A2B0 000000AA unicode [K][ForeMan] proc: %s, thrd: %08X(%08X) releases critical time successfully (%08X)\r\n
  1177. .text:80019948 000000A0 unicode [K][ForeMan] resume thread %08X(%08X) for mod: %s(%s) successfully (%u,%u,%u)\r\n
  1178. .text:8001A3B8 00000066 unicode [K][ForeMan] retrieve CORP_EXCEPT_DLLS failed !!\r\n
  1179. .text:8001A420 0000005A unicode [K][ForeMan] retrieve CORP_EXCEPT_DLLS(%s)\r\n
  1180. .text:8001A480 00000062 unicode [K][ForeMan] retrieve INCLUSIVE_DLLS failed !!\r\n
  1181. .text:8001A4E8 00000056 unicode [K][ForeMan] retrieve INCLUSIVE_DLLS(%s)\r\n
  1182. .text:8001A540 00000072 unicode [K][ForeMan] retrieve PARTIAL_INCLUSIVE_EXES failed !!\r\n
  1183. .text:8001A5B8 00000066 unicode [K][ForeMan] retrieve PARTIAL_INCLUSIVE_EXES(%s)\r\n
  1184. .text:8001A620 0000006E unicode [K][ForeMan] retrieve WHOLE_EXCLUSIVE_EXES failed !!\r\n
  1185. .text:8001A690 00000062 unicode [K][ForeMan] retrieve WHOLE_EXCLUSIVE_EXES(%s)\r\n
  1186. .text:800198B0 00000094 unicode [K][ForeMan] sry, can NOT dump ForeMan for %s coz exceptions occured !!\r\n
  1187. .text:80019D28 00000064 unicode [K][ForeMan] stop running ForeMan thread for %s\r\n
  1188. .text:80019AA0 000000A2 unicode [K][ForeMan] suspend thread %08X(%08X) for mod: %s(%s) successfully (%u,%u,%u)\r\n
  1189. .text:800199E8 000000B6 unicode [K][ForeMan] suspend-if-needed thread %08X(%08X) for mod: %s(%s) successfully (%u,%u,%u)\r\n
  1190. .text:800196C8 00000078 unicode [K][GuardDog] GuardDogChangeParamDispatcher(cFunc: %d) !!\r\n
  1191. .text:8001EF78 00000070 unicode [K][GuardDog] GuardDogEnHandler(en: %d, cFunc: %d) !!\r\n
  1192. .text:800195F0 00000074 unicode [K][GuardDog] No support on 'All' process spy for VM !!\r\n
  1193. .text:80018A28 00000084 unicode [K][GuardDog] Wrong command in GuardDogChangeParamDispatcher !!\r\n
  1194. .text:8001EF08 00000070 unicode [K][GuardDog] Wrong command in GuardDogKernHandler !!\r\n
  1195. .text:800192D8 00000064 unicode [K][GuardDog] change 'dump reset cstk' to %d !!\r\n
  1196. .text:80019578 00000074 unicode [K][GuardDog] change 'enable VM overlap alarm' to %d !!\r\n
  1197. .text:80019450 000000B0 unicode [K][GuardDog] change 'enable showing memory operations taken in slots 33-58' to %d !!\r\n
  1198. .text:80018E00 0000007A unicode [K][GuardDog] change 'load DLLs non-preemptively' to %d !!\r\n
  1199. .text:80018E80 0000008A unicode [K][GuardDog] change 'show the elapsed time and pageable' to %d !!\r\n
  1200. .text:800193A0 000000AE unicode [K][GuardDog] change 'threshold(in bytes) for dumping cstk for SMEM_3358' to %08X !!\r\n
  1201. .text:80018B10 0000005A unicode [K][GuardDog] change Chk DumpCstk to %d !!\r\n
  1202. .text:80018AB0 0000005C unicode [K][GuardDog] change Chk2 DumpCstk to %d !!\r\n
  1203. .text:80018D30 0000006C unicode [K][GuardDog] change DevIoctl spied device to %s !!\r\n
  1204. .text:80019270 00000062 unicode [K][GuardDog] change Event spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1205. .text:800190C8 00000070 unicode [K][GuardDog] change ExtractIcons spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1206. .text:80019138 0000006A unicode [K][GuardDog] change Interrupt spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1207. .text:80019340 0000005C unicode [K][GuardDog] change PM spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1208. .text:80018DA0 00000060 unicode [K][GuardDog] change Page spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1209. .text:800191A8 00000068 unicode [K][GuardDog] change Registry spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1210. .text:80018BE0 00000072 unicode [K][GuardDog] change SWI API set bit mask to 0x%08X !!\r\n
  1211. .text:80018C58 00000076 unicode [K][GuardDog] change SWI sampling interval to %u (ms) !!\r\n
  1212. .text:80018CD0 0000005E unicode [K][GuardDog] change SWI spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1213. .text:80018B70 0000006C unicode [K][GuardDog] change UserNotify spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1214. .text:80019500 00000076 unicode [K][GuardDog] change VM overlap alarm range to 0x%08X !!\r\n
  1215. .text:80019668 0000005C unicode [K][GuardDog] change VM spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1216. .text:80019060 00000064 unicode [K][GuardDog] change Window spied proc to %s !!\r\n
  1217. .text:80019210 0000005C unicode [K][GuardDog] change ignore events to %s !!\r\n
  1218. .text:80018FF8 00000068 unicode [K][GuardDog] change the disabled module to %s !!\r\n
  1219. .text:80018F10 00000078 unicode [K][GuardDog] change the force-non-pageable DLLs to %s !!\r\n
  1220. .text:80018F88 00000070 unicode [K][GuardDog] change the force-pageable DLLs to %s !!\r\n
  1221. .text:8001F1C0 00000078 unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_DevIoctl on the spied device %s\r\n
  1222. .text:8001F328 000000A4 unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_DisableModule and force loading DLLs non-preemptively\r\n
  1223. .text:8001F3D0 000000BA unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_DisableModule and show the elapsed time as well as pageable info\r\n
  1224. .text:8001F490 00000080 unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_DisableModule on the module list %s\r\n
  1225. .text:8001F908 0000006E unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_Event on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1226. .text:8001F6D0 0000007C unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_ExtractIcons on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1227. .text:8001F798 00000076 unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_Interrupt on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1228. .text:8001F9B0 00000068 unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_PM on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1229. .text:8001F280 0000006C unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_Page on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1230. .text:8001F850 00000074 unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_Registry on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1231. .text:8001F100 0000006A unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_SWI on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1232. .text:8001F040 00000078 unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_UserNotify on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1233. .text:8001FA68 00000068 unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_VM on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1234. .text:8001F620 00000070 unicode [K][GuardDog] enable SxxK_Window on the spied proc %s\r\n
  1235. .text:8001EFE8 00000054 unicode [K][GuardDog] try to exec. SxxK (%d) !!\r\n
  1236. .text:80019740 00000058 unicode [K][GuardDog] uninstall Guard Dog done !!\r\n
  1237. .text:80019798 00000054 unicode [K][GuardDog] uninstalling Guard Dog...\r\n
  1238. .text:800177B8 000000E4 unicode [K][GuardDog][CALL_WNDPROC] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hwnd: %08X, msg: %08X, WndProc_addr: %08X\r\n
  1239. .text:800188D0 000000C4 unicode [K][GuardDog][CeRunAppAtEvent][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, app: %s, event: %s\r\n
  1240. .text:800187F8 000000D8 unicode [K][GuardDog][CeRunAppAtTime][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, app: %s, time: %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n
  1241. .text:80018670 00000186 unicode [K][GuardDog][CeSetUserNotification][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, notification_type: %s, event_type: %s, app: %s, arg: %s, start_time: %02d:%02d:%02d, end_time: %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n
  1242. .text:800183B0 0000007E unicode [K][GuardDog][DevIoctl] can't NOT find the index for W32D !!\r\n
  1243. .text:80018240 00000092 unicode [K][GuardDog][DevIoctl] exception raised during parsing device info !!\r\n
  1244. .text:800182D8 000000D8 unicode [K][GuardDog][DevIoctl][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, dev: %s, dev_type: %04X, func: %03X\r\n
  1245. .text:80017C28 000000EE unicode [K][GuardDog][Disable_Module] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, mod_name: %s, hi_flags: %08X, lo_flags: %08X\r\n
  1246. .text:80017D18 000000D2 unicode [K][GuardDog][Disable_Module] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, proc_name: %s, add_flags: %08X\r\n
  1247. .text:800176F0 000000C4 unicode [K][GuardDog][EX_ICONS] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, file: %s, id: %d, HICON: %08X\r\n
  1248. .text:800168F8 00000100 unicode [K][GuardDog][Event_CREATE][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, manual_reset: %d, initial_state: %d, event_name: %s\r\n
  1249. .text:80016A40 000000EA unicode [K][GuardDog][Event_MODIFY][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hEvent: %08X, event_name: %s, action: %s\r\n
  1250. .text:80016B30 000000F4 unicode [K][GuardDog][Event_MODIFY][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hEvent: %08X, event_name: %s, action_id: %08X\r\n
  1251. .text:80017478 000000B4 unicode [K][GuardDog][Interrupt_DISABLE] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, int_id: %08X\r\n
  1252. .text:800173C8 000000AE unicode [K][GuardDog][Interrupt_DONE] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, int_id: %08X\r\n
  1253. .text:80017530 000000C6 unicode [K][GuardDog][Interrupt_MASK] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, int_id: %08X, masked? %s\r\n
  1254. .text:80017608 000000E4 unicode [K][GuardDog][KERN_EX_ICONS] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, file: %s, id: %d, (# of large+small): %d\r\n
  1255. .text:80017B28 00000100 unicode [K][GuardDog][Load_Library][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, mod_name: %s, elapsed time: %08u (ms), pageable? %s\r\n
  1256. .text:80018120 00000120 unicode [K][GuardDog][PAGE_FAULT][FAILED] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, Reason: Page fault occured while in power handler! addr. = 0x%08X\r\n
  1257. .text:80017EF8 0000014A unicode [K][GuardDog][PAGE_FAULT][FAILED] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, Reason: Page in failed or no Access to the specified address (AKY: %08X, addr: 0x%08X)\r\n
  1258. .text:80018048 000000D8 unicode [K][GuardDog][PAGE_FAULT][FAILED] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, Reason: Unmapped addr. 0x%08X\r\n
  1259. .text:80017DF0 00000106 unicode [K][GuardDog][PAGE_FAULT][OK] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, Page in for addr(0x%08X) successfully. Writable page? %s\r\n
  1260. .text:800162A0 0000009C unicode [K][GuardDog][PM_IDLE_TIMER_RESET] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X\r\n
  1261. .text:80016538 000000C2 unicode [K][GuardDog][POWER_POLICY][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, policy: %s, data: %u\r\n
  1262. .text:80016C28 000000AE unicode [K][GuardDog][REGKEY_CLOSE][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hKey: %08X\r\n
  1263. .text:80016CD8 000000D0 unicode [K][GuardDog][REGKEY_CREATE][FAILED] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hKey: %08X, subKey: %s\r\n
  1264. .text:80016DA8 00000104 unicode [K][GuardDog][REGKEY_CREATE][OK] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hKey: %08X, subKey: %s, handle_for_RegCloseKey: %08X\r\n
  1265. .text:80016EB0 000000CC unicode [K][GuardDog][REGKEY_OPEN][FAILED] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hKey: %08X, subKey: %s\r\n
  1266. .text:80016F80 00000100 unicode [K][GuardDog][REGKEY_OPEN][OK] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hKey: %08X, subKey: %s, handle_for_RegCloseKey: %08X\r\n
  1267. .text:80017180 0000010A unicode [K][GuardDog][REGVAL_SET][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hKey: %08X, value_name: %s, data_to_store(REG_DWORD: %08X)\r\n
  1268. .text:80017080 00000100 unicode [K][GuardDog][REGVAL_SET][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hKey: %08X, value_name: %s, data_to_store(REG_SZ: %s)\r\n
  1269. .text:80017290 00000136 unicode [K][GuardDog][REGVAL_SET][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hKey: %08X, value_name: %s, data_to_store(not-supported type(%08X) by Guard Dog)\r\n
  1270. .text:800178A0 000000F8 unicode [K][GuardDog][REPLACE_WNDPROC][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, hwnd: %08X, (old_addr: %08X, new_addr: %08X)\r\n
  1271. .text:80016438 000000A0 unicode [K][GuardDog][RLS_POWER_REQ][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, %s\r\n
  1272. .text:80016348 000000EC unicode [K][GuardDog][SET_POWER_REQ][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, dev: %s, dev_state: D%d, dev_flags: %08X\r\n
  1273. .text:8001EE10 000000F6 unicode [K][GuardDog][SET_POWER_STATE][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, (pwr_state: %s, state_flags: %s), opt: %08X\r\n
  1274. .text:8001E978 000000FC unicode [K][GuardDog][SMEM_3358_ALLOC] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, alloc addr: %08X, alloc size: %08X, alloc type: %s\r\n
  1275. .text:80015E78 000000CE unicode [K][GuardDog][SMEM_3358_COPY] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, [%s%08X -> %08X], size: %08X\r\n
  1276. .text:80016070 000000F4 unicode [K][GuardDog][SMEM_3358_FREE] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, free addr: %08X, free size: %08X, free type: %s\r\n
  1277. .text:80018528 000000A4 unicode [K][GuardDog][SWI] (%02d, %5s, %03d)>> owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X\r\n
  1278. .text:80018440 000000E8 unicode [K][GuardDog][SWI] Exception is raised coz API trap (owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, (%02d, %5s, %03d))\r\n
  1279. .text:80018998 00000082 unicode [K][GuardDog][UserNotify] can't NOT find the index for W32S !!\r\n
  1280. .text:800185D0 000000A0 unicode [K][GuardDog][UserNotify] exception raised during parsing device info (%d) !!\r\n
  1281. .text:8001EAD8 00000114 unicode [K][GuardDog][VM_ALLOC][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, VM base: %08X, alloc addr: %08X, alloc size: %08X, alloc type: %s\r\n
  1282. .text:80015F48 000000E6 unicode [K][GuardDog][VM_COPY][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, VM base: %08X, [%s%08X -> %08X], size: %08X\r\n
  1283. .text:8001ECE0 0000010C unicode [K][GuardDog][VM_FREE][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, VM base: %08X, free addr: %08X, free size: %08X, free type: %s\r\n
  1284. .text:80017A60 000000C6 unicode [K][GuardDog][WINDOW_CREATE][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, class: %s, hwnd: %08X\r\n
  1285. .text:80017998 000000C6 unicode [K][GuardDog][WINDOW_CREATE][%s] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, title: %s, hwnd: %08X\r\n
  1286. .text:8001E448 000000BE unicode [K][GwesPowerDown] activating the workaround for device hang in gwes power-down sequences !!\r\n
  1287. .text:8001E070 00000094 unicode [K][GwesPowerDown] clean flags and continue gwes power down sequence...\r\n
  1288. .text:8001E198 000000D0 unicode [K][GwesPowerDown] failed to change current thread priority to lgt startup screen thread (err: %d) !!\r\n
  1289. .text:8001E108 00000090 unicode [K][GwesPowerDown] failed to get current thread priority (err: %d) !!\r\n
  1290. .text:8001E268 00000098 unicode [K][GwesPowerDown] failed to restore current thread priority (err: %d) !!\r\n
  1291. .text:8001E3E0 00000066 unicode [K][GwesPowerDown] meet target event, FAKE it !!\r\n
  1292. .text:8001DF48 000000F8 unicode [K][GwesPowerDown] there's another thread(%08x) being going thru device suspend process, skip event fake for this time !!\r\n
  1293. .text:8001DE78 000000D0 unicode [K][GwesPowerDown] thread(%08x) got the first suspend ticket, fake next reset event of this thread !!\r\n
  1294. .text:8001E300 000000E0 unicode [K][GwesPowerDown] yielding to startup screen thread until creation of device/key lock screens is finished...\r\n
  1295. .text:8001E508 0000007C unicode [K][HeapUp] change block #%03d alk to 0x%08X from 0x%08X !!\r\n
  1296. .text:8001E588 00000078 unicode [K][HeapUp] create slot %d (null: %08x, created: %08x) !!\r\n
  1297. .text:8001E658 0000009E unicode [K][HeapUp] failed to load heap to high address (cur_proc: %08x, err: %d) !!\r\n
  1298. .text:8001E800 0000009C unicode [K][HeapUp] failed to release 'pre-allocated' heap (addr: %08x, err: %d) !!\r\n
  1299. .text:8001EBF0 00000072 unicode [K][HeapUp] failed to release load-high heap 0x%08x !!\r\n
  1300. .text:8001E600 00000052 unicode [K][HeapUp] hit load-high threshold !!\r\n
  1301. .text:8001E8A0 000000D6 unicode [K][HeapUp] load-high heap address: 0x%08x, (own_proc: %08x, cur_proc: %08x, addr: 0x%08x, size: 0x%08x)\r\n
  1302. .text:8001EC68 00000078 unicode [K][HeapUp] release load-high heap 0x%08x successfully !!\r\n
  1303. .text:8001E6F8 00000080 unicode [K][HeapUp][Alloc] failed to release load-high heap 0x%08x !!\r\n
  1304. .text:8001E778 00000086 unicode [K][HeapUp][Alloc] release load-high heap 0x%08x successfully !!\r\n
  1305. .text:80023180 00000056 unicode [K][HtcSpyDMan] __history__ %-10s%-10s%s\r\n
  1306. .text:800231D8 00000048 unicode [K][HtcSpyDMan] __version__ %s.%d\r\n
  1307. .text:800090FC 00000032 unicode [K][INT-Dis]SYSINTR_55\r\n
  1308. .text:80008FF0 00000046 unicode [K][INT-Dis]SYSINTR_ADSP_A11_ISR\r\n
  1309. .text:80009168 00000038 unicode [K][INT-Dis]SYSINTR_ATCMD\r\n
  1310. .text:80009130 00000036 unicode [K][INT-Dis]SYSINTR_DATA\r\n
  1311. .text:80009038 0000003E unicode [K][INT-Dis]SYSINTR_GRAPHICS\r\n
  1312. .text:80009078 00000046 unicode [K][INT-Dis]SYSINTR_MDDI_PRI_ISR\r\n
  1313. .text:800090C0 0000003C unicode [K][INT-Dis]SYSINTR_MDP_ISR\r\n
  1314. .text:800091A0 0000003A unicode [K][INT-Dis]SYSINTR_SMD_RX\r\n
  1315. .text:800091DC 0000003A unicode [K][INT-Dis]SYSINTR_SMD_TX\r\n
  1316. .text:80009574 00000034 unicode [K][INT-Done]SYSINTR_55\r\n
  1317. .text:80008AF0 00000030 unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_55\r\n
  1318. .text:800089A8 00000044 unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_ADSP_A11_ISR\r\n
  1319. .text:80008B54 00000036 unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_ATCMD\r\n
  1320. .text:80008B20 00000034 unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_DATA\r\n
  1321. .text:80008AA8 00000048 unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_DATA_EXCHANGER\r\n
  1322. .text:800089EC 0000003C unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_GRAPHICS\r\n
  1323. .text:80008A28 00000044 unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_MDDI_PRI_ISR\r\n
  1324. .text:80008A6C 0000003A unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_MDP_ISR\r\n
  1325. .text:80008B8C 00000038 unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_SMD_RX\r\n
  1326. .text:80008BC4 00000038 unicode [K][INT-En]SYSINTR_SMD_TX\r\n
  1327. .text:80004064 00000020 unicode [K][INT]M2A_0\r\n
  1328. .text:80004044 00000020 unicode [K][INT]M2A_1\r\n
  1329. .text:8001C558 00000066 unicode [K][LowMemManager] +low: %08x, critical: %08x !!\r\n
  1330. .text:8001C4F0 00000066 unicode [K][LowMemManager] -low: %08x, critical: %08x !!\r\n
  1331. .text:8001C3C0 000000A6 unicode [K][LowMemManager] Invalid parameter! Failed to inject HTC low memory handler !!\r\n
  1332. .text:8001C940 0000009C unicode [K][LowMemManager] commence to get echo data from HTC low memory handler !!\r\n
  1333. .text:8001C5D8 00000084 unicode [K][LowMemManager] commence to inject HTC low memory handler !!\r\n
  1334. .text:8001C768 00000082 unicode [K][LowMemManager] commence to strip HTC low memory handler !!\r\n
  1335. .text:8001C660 0000007E unicode [K][LowMemManager] failed to strip HTC low memory handler !!\r\n
  1336. .text:8001C468 00000086 unicode [K][LowMemManager] inject HTC low memory handler successfully !!\r\n
  1337. .text:8001C8C8 00000076 unicode [K][LowMemManager] proc %d(%s, %08x): obselete record !!\r\n
  1338. .text:8001C858 00000070 unicode [K][LowMemManager] proc %d(%s, %08x): valid record !!\r\n
  1339. .text:8001C7F0 00000062 unicode [K][LowMemManager] proc %d: invalid process !!\r\n
  1340. .text:8001C6E0 00000084 unicode [K][LowMemManager] strip HTC low memory handler successfully !!\r\n
  1341. .text:80006CD0 00000092 unicode [K][OEMPowerOff] Cannot enter Tcxo shut down, ignore suspend this time\r\n
  1342. .text:80006F30 00000062 unicode [K][OEMPowerOff] Error, Unknown power off mode\r\n
  1343. .text:80026C90 0000004A unicode [K][REGDUMP] DumpGPIOCfgsToSMEM !!\r\n
  1344. .text:80026B78 00000074 unicode [K][REGDUMP] GetClockCfgs(DUMP_CLK_ENA_PERIPHERALS): %d\r\n
  1345. .text:80026BF0 0000004C unicode [K][REGDUMP] GetGPIOcfgsFromRegs !!\r\n
  1346. .text:80026C40 0000004C unicode [K][REGDUMP] GetGPIOcfgsFromSMEM !!\r\n
  1347. .text:80007BA0 00000050 unicode [K][REGDUMP] Output size NOT match !!\r\n
  1348. .text:80026CE0 00000072 unicode [K][REGDUMP] PV_DRIVERGLOBAL->power.dwClockEnabled: %d\r\n
  1349. .text:80007BF0 00000064 unicode [K][REGDUMP] Start to dump SMEM register data..\r\n
  1350. .text:8001D978 0000008E unicode [K][SMemKicker] exception is raised while proc(%08x) is suiciding !!\r\n
  1351. .text:8001DAE8 00000096 unicode [K][SMemKicker] exception is raised while querying foreground process !!\r\n
  1352. .text:8001DB80 00000060 unicode [K][SMemKicker] foreground process is %08x !!\r\n
  1353. .text:8001DA40 000000A4 unicode [K][SMemKicker] process(%08x) suicided successfully [proc: %08x, size: %08x] !!\r\n
  1354. .text:8001DBE0 000000B2 unicode [K][SMemKicker] reserve memory on slots 33-58 failed.. start to kick out fat eaters !!\r\n
  1355. .text:8001D908 00000070 unicode [K][SMemKicker] target process(%08x) is NOT ACTIVE !!\r\n
  1356. .text:80020580 000000BE unicode [K][SpyAPI] (%s, %d) >> owner_proc: %08X('%s'), current_proc: %s, thrd: %08X, eAPI addr:%08X\r\n
  1357. .text:80020E20 000000D4 unicode [K][SpyAPI] (hid, mid)=(%d, %d) >> owner_proc: %08X('%s'), current_proc: %s, thrd: %08X, eAPI addr:%08X\r\n
  1358. .text:80015B48 000000C0 unicode [K][SpyAPI] HTC_CreateDialog: change thread(proc: %s, class: %s, title: %s)'s priority failed\r\n
  1359. .text:80015C08 0000012A unicode [K][SpyAPI] HTC_CreateDialog: change thread(proc: %s, class: %s, title: %s, style: %08X, ex_style: %08X, hwnd: %08X)'s priority to %u successfully\r\n
  1360. .text:80015D38 00000052 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Hide SIM pin dialog failed\r\n
  1361. .text:80015D90 0000005E unicode [K][SpyAPI] Hide SIM pin dialog successfully\r\n
  1362. .text:80020218 0000008E unicode [K][SpyAPI] Hook CreateDialog ERROR: can NOT change page property !!\r\n
  1363. .text:800201C8 0000004A unicode [K][SpyAPI] Hook CreateDialog done\r\n
  1364. .text:800202A8 00000072 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Hooking CreateDialog for SIM pin promotion\r\n
  1365. .text:80021870 0000005C unicode [K][SpyAPI] Leave SpyCmd_UNHOOK_CUST_API !!\r\n
  1366. .text:80020B28 00000062 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Leave SpyCmd_UNHOOK_CUST_API_HT !!\r\n
  1367. .text:80020380 000000B0 unicode [K][SpyAPI] RollBackSIMPinHook ERROR: can NOT change page property of CreateDialog !!\r\n
  1368. .text:80020328 00000052 unicode [K][SpyAPI] RollBackSIMPinHook done !!\r\n
  1369. .text:80021DA0 00000054 unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyAPIEngine_COMMAND: %d !!\r\n
  1370. .text:80021DF8 0000004C unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyAPIEngine_INSTALL !!\r\n
  1371. .text:80021EC8 00000050 unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyAPIEngine_UNINSTALL !!\r\n
  1372. .text:80021E48 0000007E unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyAPIEngine_UNINSTALL - start uninstallation !!\r\n
  1373. .text:800210B0 00000060 unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyCmd_NOISE_SPEC_API (%d, %d) !!\r\n
  1374. .text:80020750 00000066 unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyCmd_NOISE_SPEC_API_HT (%s, %d) !!\r\n
  1375. .text:80021160 00000058 unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyCmd_NOISE_SPEC_SET (%d) !!\r\n
  1376. .text:80020F48 00000064 unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyCmd_SILENCE_SPEC_API (%d, %d) !!\r\n
  1377. .text:80020690 0000006A unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyCmd_SILENCE_SPEC_API_HT (%s, %d) !!\r\n
  1378. .text:80021000 0000005C unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyCmd_SILENCE_SPEC_SET (%d) !!\r\n
  1379. .text:80021C88 00000050 unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyCmd_UNHOOK_ALL done !!\r\n
  1380. .text:80020D70 00000056 unicode [K][SpyAPI] SpyCmd_UNHOOK_ALL_HT done !!\r\n
  1381. .text:80021748 00000054 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start InstallBootCustSpy !!\r\n
  1382. .text:80021C38 0000004E unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_HOOK_ALL !!\r\n
  1383. .text:80020D18 00000054 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_HOOK_ALL_HT !!\r\n
  1384. .text:80021810 00000060 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_HOOK_CUST_API(%d) !!\r\n
  1385. .text:80020AC0 00000066 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_HOOK_CUST_API_HT(%d) !!\r\n
  1386. .text:80021448 0000006A unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_HOOK_SPEC_API (%d, %d) !!\r\n
  1387. .text:80020888 00000070 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_HOOK_SPEC_API_HT (%s, %d) !!\r\n
  1388. .text:80021CD8 00000052 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_UNHOOK_ALL !!\r\n
  1389. .text:80020DC8 00000058 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_UNHOOK_ALL_HT !!\r\n
  1390. .text:80021948 00000064 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_UNHOOK_CUST_API(%d) !!\r\n
  1391. .text:80020C08 0000006A unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_UNHOOK_CUST_API_HT(%d) !!\r\n
  1392. .text:80021658 0000006E unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_UNHOOK_SPEC_API (%d, %d) !!\r\n
  1393. .text:800209D8 00000074 unicode [K][SpyAPI] Start SpyCmd_UNHOOK_SPEC_API_HT (%s, %d) !!\r\n
  1394. .text:80021D30 0000006E unicode [K][SpyAPI] Wrong command in SpyAPIEngine_COMMAND !!\r\n
  1395. .text:80015E10 00000068 unicode [K][SpyAPI] _DBG_(proc: %s, res: %08X, title: %s)\r\n
  1396. .text:80029618 00000074 unicode [K][SpyAPI] deregister hook func done (%08X -> %08X) !!\r\n
  1397. .text:800296E8 000000B2 unicode [K][SpyAPI] deregister hook func failed coz page property can NOT be changed to rwx !!\r\n
  1398. .text:80029690 00000058 unicode [K][SpyAPI] deregistering hook func... !!\r\n
  1399. .text:800211B8 000000B4 unicode [K][SpyAPI] dude, plz use another hook mechanism to install spy on handle-based APIs !!\r\n
  1400. .text:800214B8 000000BA unicode [K][SpyAPI] dude, plz use another unhook mechanism to remove spy from handle-based APIs !!\r\n
  1401. .text:800217A0 00000070 unicode [K][SpyAPI] hook customized func. on (%d, %d) done !!\r\n
  1402. .text:80020A50 00000070 unicode [K][SpyAPI] hook customized func. on (%s, %d) done !!\r\n
  1403. .text:800216C8 0000007A unicode [K][SpyAPI] install boot customized spy on (0, %d) done !!\r\n
  1404. .text:80021AF0 000000B4 unicode [K][SpyAPI] met handle-based API set, use another hook mechanism to do what u'd like...\r\n
  1405. .text:80021060 0000004A unicode [K][SpyAPI] noise (%d, %d) done !!\r\n
  1406. .text:80020700 0000004A unicode [K][SpyAPI] noise (%s, %d) done !!\r\n
  1407. .text:80021110 0000004A unicode [K][SpyAPI] noise set (%d) done !!\r\n
  1408. .text:800295C8 0000004C unicode [K][SpyAPI] producing catFunc... !!\r\n
  1409. .text:800294A8 00000070 unicode [K][SpyAPI] register hook func done (%08X -> %08X) !!\r\n
  1410. .text:80029518 000000AE unicode [K][SpyAPI] register hook func failed coz page property can NOT be changed to rwx !!\r\n
  1411. .text:800215E8 0000006C unicode [K][SpyAPI] remove specific spy on (%d, %d) done !!\r\n
  1412. .text:80020968 0000006C unicode [K][SpyAPI] remove specific spy on (%s, %d) done !!\r\n
  1413. .text:80020008 00000062 unicode [K][SpyAPI] replace TAPI set with new one %s..\r\n
  1414. .text:800200E8 00000062 unicode [K][SpyAPI] replace WFLD set with new one %s..\r\n
  1415. .text:80021BA8 00000048 unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %d has %d methods\r\n
  1416. .text:80021360 00000074 unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %d method %d changed property failed !!\r\n
  1417. .text:80021A08 00000090 unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %d method %d is ignored cause NO_ACCESS/GUARD/MASKED.\r\n
  1418. .text:80021270 0000008A unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %d method %d is masked or ignored coz access right\r\n
  1419. .text:80021A98 00000052 unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %d method %d is masked\r\n
  1420. .text:800213D8 0000006C unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %d method %d was initialized before\r\n
  1421. .text:80021578 0000006E unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %d method %d was registered to cust.\r\n
  1422. .text:80021BF0 00000042 unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %d' PCINFO: %x\r\n
  1423. .text:80020CD0 00000048 unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %s has %d methods\r\n
  1424. .text:80020818 0000006C unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %s method %d was initialized before\r\n
  1425. .text:800208F8 0000006E unicode [K][SpyAPI] set %s method %d was registered to cust.\r\n
  1426. .text:80020EF8 0000004E unicode [K][SpyAPI] silence (%d, %d) done !!\r\n
  1427. .text:80020640 0000004E unicode [K][SpyAPI] silence (%s, %d) done !!\r\n
  1428. .text:80020FB0 0000004E unicode [K][SpyAPI] silence set (%d) done !!\r\n
  1429. .text:80021300 0000005E unicode [K][SpyAPI] spy on specific (%d, %d) done !!\r\n
  1430. .text:800207B8 0000005E unicode [K][SpyAPI] spy on specific (%s, %d) done !!\r\n
  1431. .text:800219B0 00000058 unicode [K][SpyAPI] spy set %d' method %d done !!\r\n
  1432. .text:80020C78 00000058 unicode [K][SpyAPI] spy set %s' method %d done !!\r\n
  1433. .text:80020430 00000054 unicode [K][SpyAPI] start RollBackSIMPinHook !!\r\n
  1434. .text:80020070 0000006C unicode [K][SpyAPI] start to replace the default TAPI set..\r\n
  1435. .text:80020150 0000006C unicode [K][SpyAPI] start to replace the default WFLD set..\r\n
  1436. .text:800218D0 00000074 unicode [K][SpyAPI] unhook customized func. on (%d, %d) done !!\r\n
  1437. .text:80020B90 00000074 unicode [K][SpyAPI] unhook customized func. on (%s, %d) done !!\r\n
  1438. .text:8001CE38 000000C6 unicode [K][X Hammer] 64k-alignment load_high_addr: %08x [inAddr: %08x, inAllocType: %08x, inProt: %08x]\r\n
  1439. .text:8001FFCC 0000003C unicode [K][X Hammer] Activating...\r\n
  1440. .text:8001FF48 0000004A unicode [K][X Hammer] Activation failed !!\r\n
  1441. .text:8001FD60 00000076 unicode [K][X Hammer] Load object header failed, err = %8.8lx !!\r\n
  1442. .text:8001CD18 00000098 unicode [K][X Hammer] MSFT BH slots are full, try to load dll to HTC high slot !!\r\n
  1443. .text:8001D290 0000006E unicode [K][X Hammer] NOT find any reserved memory blocks !!\r\n
  1444. .text:8001D190 00000058 unicode [K][X Hammer] NOT the first page/block !!\r\n
  1445. .text:8001FF94 00000036 unicode [K][X Hammer] Running...\r\n
  1446. .text:8001CA50 000000A0 unicode [K][X Hammer] can NOT find corresponding load-high module to load resource !!\r\n
  1447. .text:8001D300 00000084 unicode [K][X Hammer] can NOT find the first memory block in section !!\r\n
  1448. .text:8001CDB0 00000088 unicode [K][X Hammer] change block #%03d alk to 0xFFFFFFFF from 0x%08X !!\r\n
  1449. .text:8001D668 000000AE unicode [K][X Hammer] compatible loading for old version of X Hammer, current Force list: %s\r\n
  1450. .text:8001CFB0 0000007C unicode [K][X Hammer] create slot %d (null: %08x, created: %08x) !!\r\n
  1451. .text:8001D5E8 0000007C unicode [K][X Hammer] enum all subkeys done, current Force list: %s\r\n
  1452. .text:8001D548 0000009A unicode [K][X Hammer] enumerating all subkeys under [HKLM\\Software\\HTC\\XHammer]...\r\n
  1453. .text:8001D130 0000005A unicode [K][X Hammer] failed to release dll memory\r\n
  1454. .text:8001CC48 000000A0 unicode [K][X Hammer] load %s(%08x, %08x) to HTC high slot as %s dll successfully !! \r\n
  1455. .text:8001CF00 000000B0 unicode [K][X Hammer] load FILES DLL to slot %d failed !! redirect to load it onto slot %d !!\r\n
  1456. .text:8001CBC8 0000007E unicode [K][X Hammer] loading resource from HTC load-high modules...\r\n
  1457. .text:8001C9E0 0000006A unicode [K][X Hammer] mapping pointer to caller process...\r\n
  1458. .text:8001D388 00000040 unicode [K][X Hammer] null section !!\r\n
  1459. .text:8001FCE0 0000007A unicode [K][X Hammer] processing exclusive r/w data is finished !!\r\n
  1460. .text:8001FEE0 00000062 unicode [K][X Hammer] processing exclusive r/w data...\r\n
  1461. .text:8001FE28 0000005E unicode [K][X Hammer] re-addressing all r/w sections\r\n
  1462. .text:8001FDD8 00000050 unicode [K][X Hammer] reading section data...\r\n
  1463. .text:8001D1E8 00000060 unicode [K][X Hammer] release dll memory successfully\r\n
  1464. .text:8001D3C8 0000006E unicode [K][X Hammer] releasing memory for not-in-use dll !!\r\n
  1465. .text:8001D030 0000007C unicode [K][X Hammer] relocate rva for non-pageable module %s %s !!\r\n
  1466. .text:8001D0D8 00000052 unicode [K][X Hammer] relocating module rva...\r\n
  1467. .text:8001CAF0 00000048 unicode [K][X Hammer] resource%s found !!\r\n
  1468. .text:8001D248 00000046 unicode [K][X Hammer] returning pages...\r\n
  1469. .text:8001CB48 0000007C unicode [K][X Hammer] searching resource in HTC load-high module...\r\n
  1470. .text:8001FE88 00000056 unicode [K][X Hammer] size of r/w data: %u bytes\r\n
  1471. .text:8001D480 00000070 unicode [K][X Hammer] subkey '%s' can NOT be loaded (err: %d)\r\n
  1472. .text:8001D4F0 00000046 unicode [K][X Hammer] subkey '%s' loaded\r\n
  1473. .text:80028FF8 00000042 unicode [SleepSettings]ARM9Status=0x%x\r\n
  1474. .text:80029268 00000042 unicode [WakeupProcess]ARM9Status=0x%x\r\n
  1475. .text:80029A34 0000003E unicode [usb] PC wake up -> suspend \r\n
  1476. .text:80029A08 0000002C unicode [usb] handle reset \r\n
  1477. .text:80029A74 00000030 unicode [usb] handle suspend \r\n
  1478. .text:80022B48 00000050 unicode [x] fix SIM pin class name mis-matching
  1479. .text:800227F8 0000008C unicode [x] fix Sniffer bug which might cause device hang while re-scheduling
  1480. .text:80022FB0 0000006E unicode [x] fix configuration of memory block alk for X Hammer
  1481. .data1:800938CD 00000006 unicode \"@
  1482. .data1:8009537D 00000006 unicode \"@
  1483. .text:80003044 00000014 unicode \\Release\\
  1484. .text:800032D0 0000001C unicode \\Release\\reg:
  1485. .text:80024F28 00000010 unicode \\System
  1486. .text:80002B64 00000014 unicode \\Windows\\
  1487. .text:800027AC 00000026 unicode \\windows\\wince.nls
  1488. .data1:80093A8D 00000006 unicode \b@
  1489. .data:80446662 00000006 unicode \b\a
  1490. .data:804469F6 00000006 unicode \b\n\r
  1491. .data:80446A4C 00000006 unicode \b\n\r
  1492. .text:80005718 0000005C unicode \n**********Dump GPIO configuration**********\n
  1493. .text:800056D0 00000044 unicode \n[K] In DumpGpioConfig function \n
  1494. .data:80446AF8 00000006 unicode \n\v\r
  1495. .text:800017E4 00000006 unicode \r\n
  1496. .text:80004580 0000002C unicode \r\nSKUID Check Sum is
  1497. .text:800063B0 0000005C unicode \t1. Change DebugMethod=0x%x, DebugFlag=0x%x\r\n
  1498. .text:80006410 00000070 unicode \t2. Calling KernelIoCtontrol to init HTC debug stuffs\r\n
  1499. .text:80006480 0000003A unicode \t3. call driver's callback\r\n
  1500. .text:800062BC 00000036 unicode \t4. Start logging thread\r\n
  1501. .data1:8009632D 00000006 unicode ^@
  1502. .text:8001FB34 0000001C unicode _AlarmOverlap
  1503. .text:8001FB1C 00000018 unicode _AlarmRange
  1504. .text:80019FDC 00000020 unicode _CREATE_THREAD_
  1505. .text:80019F9C 0000001E unicode _DUMP_FOREMAN_
  1506. .text:80008000 00000022 unicode _ENABLE unlock\r\n
  1507. .text:8001C32C 00000018 unicode _FLEX_DUMP_
  1508. .text:8001FC08 0000000A unicode _HTC
  1509. .text:80019FFC 00000022 unicode _PLEASE_SUICIDE_
  1510. .text:80025378 0000001E unicode _TMAIL_LAUNCH_
  1511. .text:8001A020 0000001E unicode _WHO_IS_AWAKE_
  1512. .data1:800930E5 00000006 unicode `@
  1513. .text:80023458 0000001E unicode amr_writer.dll
  1514. .text:800284B8 0000001E unicode authmatrix.dll
  1515. .text:800282E0 00000012 unicode battAuto
  1516. .text:800235E0 0000001A unicode battdrvr.dll
  1517. .text:800234B4 00000016 unicode camera.exe
  1518. .text:8001650C 00000028 unicode
  1519. .text:800028B8 0000000C unicode cbLow
  1520. .text:800261E8 00000076 unicode clk_regime_apps_switch_acpu_clk, out of range, new_clk=%d\n
  1521. .text:8000A538 00000018 unicode continuable
  1522. .text:8001DA08 00000010 unicode coredll
  1523. .text:80002574 00000018 unicode coredll.dll
  1524. .text:80002894 0000000C unicode cpLow
  1525. .data:8044699C 00000006 unicode d2
  1526. .text:80023780 0000001A unicode debuglog.dll
  1527. .text:80002464 00000016 unicode device.exe
  1528. .text:80002A38 0000007E unicode dwAddr = 0x%x, dwLen = 0x%x, dwStkBeg = 0x%x, dwStkEnd = 0x%x\n
  1529. .text:8001D0AC 0000000E unicode failed
  1530. .text:80002910 00000018 unicode filesys.exe
  1531. .text:80028408 0000000E unicode gdiapi
  1532. .text:8002341C 0000001C unicode gsmamrenc.dll
  1533. .text:8001C5C0 00000012 unicode gwes.exe
  1534. .data1:80094925 00000006 unicode h@
  1535. .text:80002248 0000000E unicode hd.dll
  1536. .text:80019D20 00000008 unicode htc
  1537. .text:8002379C 00000014 unicode htcpm.dll
  1538. .text:80023654 00000020 unicode htcservices.dll
  1539. .text:8002315C 0000000E unicode ian.wy
  1540. .text:80023478 0000001A unicode iexplore.exe
  1541. .text:800021DC 00000016 unicode kcover.dll
  1542. .text:80002208 0000000E unicode kd.dll
  1543. .text:80023690 00000016 unicode keypad.dll
  1544. .text:800281C4 0000000E unicode loader
  1545. .text:80007DB4 00000020 unicode lpInBuf 0x%x.\r\n
  1546. .text:80007EA8 0000009E unicode lpInBuf=0x%x,nInBufSize=%d,lpOutBuf=0x%x,nOutBufSize=%d,lpBytesReturned=0x%x\r\n
  1547. .text:800034F0 00000032 unicode mask0=0x%x, mask1=0x%x\r\n
  1548. .text:80002BA8 00000018 unicode mscoree.dll
  1549. .text:80023618 00000022 unicode msm7500usbfn.dll
  1550. .text:800284A8 00000010 unicode ndt.dll
  1551. .text:80028498 0000000E unicode ndt_2c
  1552. .text:8000258C 0000000E unicode nk.exe
  1553. .text:8001D8F4 00000006 unicode no
  1554. .text:8001CCE8 0000001A unicode non-pageable
  1555. .text:80015B3C 0000000A unicode null
  1556. .text:80023368 0000001A unicode obexfile.dll
  1557. .text:80002230 00000018 unicode osaxst0.dll
  1558. .text:80002218 00000018 unicode osaxst1.dll
  1559. .text:8001CD04 00000012 unicode pageable
  1560. .text:8002847C 0000001C unicode perf_winsock2
  1561. .text:800034C0 0000002E unicode raw0=0x%x, raw1=0x%x\r\n
  1562. .text:800236C4 0000001A unicode rilphone.dll
  1563. .text:80023494 00000020 unicode rtsphandler.dll
  1564. .text:800164D8 00000034 unicode sdev: %s, sdev_state: D%d
  1565. .text:800281B0 00000012 unicode security
  1566. .text:80023350 00000018 unicode service.exe
  1567. .text:80023674 0000001A unicode services.exe
  1568. .text:8000B984 0000002E unicode services.exe;cprog.exe
  1569. .text:8000255C 00000018 unicode shimeng.dll
  1570. .text:8001C0FC 00000014 unicode slot %02d
  1571. .text:8002363C 00000018 unicode smd_com.dll
  1572. .text:80001BA0 00000088 unicode sp_abt=%8.8x sp_irq=%8.8x sp_undef=%8.8x OEMAddressTable = %8.8lx\r\n
  1573. .text:8001D0BC 0000001A unicode successfully
  1574. .text:8000B9B8 000000E0 unicode taskservice.dll;PushInternetEngine.dll;NotificationManager.dll;STK_Service.dll;App_Service.dll;USSD_Service.dll
  1575. .text:80023320 00000014 unicode tmail.exe
  1576. .data:80446AC0 0000000A unicode uY<>9
  1577. .text:800167F4 00000028 unicode unknown_flags(0x%X)
  1578. .text:800166F4 00000022 unicode unknown_id(%08X)
  1579. .text:800236FC 00000018 unicode wavedev.dll
  1580. .text:8002836C 00000020 unicode wmv9decoder.dll
  1581. .text:800063A8 00000008 unicode x\r\n
  1582. .text:8001D8FC 00000008 unicode yes
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