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Oct 17th, 2012
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  1. Regarding your recent videos.
  3. Hello, I am a long-time subscriber of your account and I have, for the most part, find your let's play videos to be very good in quality and very interesting.
  5. However, I am quite surprised that your recent addition of videos has been an attack on another fellow youtuber and personally I seriously disapprove your tactics of doing this.
  7. Before you believe that this is from a fanboy of Pewdiepie and that my response has no merits because of my subscription of him, I want you to consider this: I have watched your videos and subscribed to a lot of other let's players in the past, and so perhaps my viewer experience can help you accept of what little credibility I have.
  9. You will have to pardon me on this because my reasoning will be quite long-winded. But I'm going to do this analysis to be as rigorous as possible.
  11. From my personal experience, let's play has been an extremely niche form of entertainment that relies heavily on not only just the game play of good games, but the charisma of the host. The range of topic that the host talks about may captivate the audience and give the audiences the rewards for paying attention. In fact, many let's plays I have subscribed failed on the fact that the hosts had been absolutely dreadful in terms of communicating and their dedication to the fan base.
  13. Target demographic has also been an extremely important part of all forms of entertainment. In fact, in many commercial ventures, the first goal of product development should be the target demographic: What sort of audience are you trying to communicate with? How are you going to reach the audience? What sort of dedication are you going to give to your audience with respect to how much they paid attention to your product? How about the visual quality of the product and the back-and-forth interaction between you and the fan base?
  15. Now, let us consider this, what is your target demographic? For what I noticed in your video and the degree of conversation between the hosts, your video is more oriented towards adults (21-35 years old). The language, the wit, the emotional connection you have towards your audience is at the level of adults. Now you have to consider this: How much time does these people have to devote on watching your videos? For the most part, these people have other scheduling commitments: They have to make a living, they have friends, families and other commitments to make their livelihood work, they are responsible for many real-life situations that many of the younger, teenage audiences don't have. These responsibilities leaves very little room for entertainment, and what you have is that you have a lot less accessible audiences to watch your channel, in fact, having 50k + subscribers is quite a lot for your channel considering that your demographic is so narrow, and the fact that these fans are so devoted to your cause of complaint is absolutely phenomenal. Pewdiepie's demographic is on a much younger scale: teenagers to young adults. Since these people have more accessibility to free time and the internet, they can watch more and henceforth, more subscribers on his end. So in terms of scale, there is a reason why Pewdiepie has more subscribers than you.
  17. Let's look at your dedication to your fan base: What's on your video list? How much content are you producing on a daily basis? You're producing videos on a weekly, if not monthly basis. In fact, in your last month (an estimate), you produced about 11 videos, yes, that is including your videos attacking Pewdiepie. How much videos does Pewdiepie produces? 2-3 videos on a daily basis. This means he's producing about seven times more video content than you on a monthly basis. You may say that it lack intellectual stimulation or it isn't the type of humor that people want. I digress, because the amount of video production that Pewdiepie does is far more than you, this shows his work ethic, he's doing this not just for fun, but for his fans. Despite how much you loath their intellectual capacity of the fans and the content, Pewdiepie has more dedication to his work than you.
  19. Comparatively, you have created a much smaller content and showed very little dedication to your fan base, giving them very little incentives to checkup on your channel on a daily basis. So why would most people subscribe to you when there are channels that give entertainment on a daily basis? Sure, some people see past that concept, but then again, it is only "some." To say the least, Helloween4545 and HCBailly both have about equal or even less subscribers than you, and they have way more devotion to their fan base with their uploaded content, imagine what you could accomplish if you're more diligent.
  21. Now, let's take a look at your contents, what I see the difference between you and Pewdiepie is the audience involvement with the let's player. The strategy that Pewdiepie deploys is to include his face in the videos while playing. While this detail seems insignificant, it's actually quite interesting, in a sense, it gives people emotional investment to see how the player reacts. If the player can pull off their emotions colourfully whilst playing, it is also a sort of entertainment in itself. People watch movies not just because of how witty or good the effects and the story lines are, but also to experience the emotion of actors, to become involved with the actors in this imaginary adventure called digital entertainment. Your videos lack the sort of emotional involvement that Pewdiepie presents. While for most of your videos, the most part of your lets plays have one let's player communicate to another, Pewdiepie addresses and communicates in such a way that he is actually talking to the audience. This is a very subtle difference between addressing the audience, but the feeling of letting audience be involved despite being a recording is something very special to the audience. In fact, Pewdiepie constantly communicates with the audience, he shares the same emotion that viewers have when encountering something shocking or interesting in the video game. If you get past all the politically incorrect jokes that Pewdiepie's video has and analyze it carefully, you will see that he does make the audiences feel involved.
  23. Now, I'm going to get into something a bit different: advertising and outreach. Take a look at your website, it's absolute shit, where's the accessibility? Where's the content? Where's the part where I can learn more about your group and more about your updated content? How active you are in promoting your product? Advertising is actually a combination of all of what I mentioned above plus more. Sure Pewdiepie "sold out" to to his old fan base by advertising himself to a broader audience, but he's has a bigger audience due to the the amount of self-promotion he has in his videos. The content of the videos, the target viewers, and the diligence of how new stuff is presented on a daily basis gives him an edge in broadcasting himself to even more people. People constantly see new videos uploaded on his subscribed channels, and they will be more dedicated fans.
  25. There are more that I want to say, but I due to time and reading constraints, I will not do that. So here's what I have to say, you should feel good about the amount of subscribers, you have a dedicated fan base and you are an extremely intelligent person. If you think that what you're doing is the absolute correct path to do and my explanations are bullshit, then good on you, you have your ideas and visions, and there's no stopping you. I am writing to you because I see the potential in you to grow and see things at a completely different perspective, from a more rigorous marketing perspective, and trying to be objective is difficult for me, even I don't know if I'm being completely objective. I want you to think about the differences, open your mind. I cannot help but feel that you're bitter and jealous about it. But there are reasons for his success, and by learning from the experience rather than bitching and giving self-pity to yourself and having your ego supported by your fan base, you can produce better content and become a more successful channel.
  27. Bear in mind, your fans love you, but what I'm seeing you right now is absolutely childish and unnecessary. You are actually closing yourself off from outsiders and potential viewers, you come off as being hateful and jealous in the video, and your attitude and response feels like you're absolutely close-minded and having an ego-trip. Don't do that, it will do no good in the long run.
  29. In the end, it is you who have to decide for yourself, do you want growth from analyzing the situations more carefully? Or are you going to have the same attitude you have, and the same business mindset that you have as before. It is up to you to decide. Consider this my time wasted in writing to you about this if I can't let you reconsider your position.
  31. Best of luck for the future.
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