
Cadance/PinkPone Story Thing

Nov 20th, 2014
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  1. >Be Anon (and Cadance)
  2. >Due to a misfired spell, you wound up sharing the same body. You got the higher head, she got the... lower head.
  3. >It was unbearable for a few days for the both of you, her being frustrated at not being able to go back to her old life, you being frustrated at having a possessed dick.
  4. >You both were also frustrated for "other reasons"
  5. >your hand and Cadance quickly became best friends as a result, though it took some effort convincing her that it wasn't cheating anymore
  6. >But after a few months, the both of you got used to it
  7. >you went on your daily life, you two talked sometimes (telepathically, somehow), and she got some attention in the morning and the evening
  8. >but even ridiculous amounts of Vaseline and your hand couldn't sate her forever, as you found out one night as you were conversing over dinner
  9. >you were making small talk about Twilight's ascension to become a princess in Cadance's absence, when, out of the blue, she asks
  10. >"Anon, are you ever going to get a girlfriend?"
  11. >after a spittake and a coughing fit and a ton of her giggles, you finally get the courage to ask her,
  12. Yeah, eventually, but why does that matter?
  13. >She hmms for a minute, but then states simply
  14. >"because hands don't feel great"
  15. >after a while, her attraction to mares became obvious -- you didn't know how she could stand Shining Armor
  16. >but you didn't know she was this horny
  17. >no pun intended
  18. >even the thought, the scent, the sight of a mare made her go crazy
  19. >She continued on, though, relentlessly
  20. >"Hands aren't as satisfying as a mare's pussy though. The texture, the scent, the feelings."
  21. >"Besides, did you know mares can control every muscle in their vag?"
  22. >That did it for you, too.
  23. >It had been a decade since you came to Equestria, and you hadn't gotten any poon here
  24. >same on Earth, but whatever
  25. "How do we start?"
  26. >she purred in your mind, "I wasn't expecting it to be this easy, Anon. I must say... I like it."
  27. >that didn't sound ominous at all, but at the time you didn't notice anything.
  28. >"Well, I expect that one of the Elements of Harmony would be willing. Specifically, Pinkie, she... definitely lives up to her name."
  29. "Really? She's a slut?"
  30. >well, that did it (hyuk)
  31. >(the next day)
  32. >as you were riding the train to Ponyville, you and Cadance made small talk in the car
  33. >thank God you had telepathy with her, or you'd be sent to an institution
  34. >but living with a sentient dick that used to be a princess was life for you now, and you didn't think it unusual anymore
  35. >"Last stop! Ponyville! Now get the fuck out!"
  36. You quickly gathered yourself and walked out, eyes adjusting to the bright light
  37. >at least you knew where Sugarcube Corner is.
  38. >after some walking, you arrive at the front entrance
  39. >Cadance is already a little excited, but you politely ask her to calm down, and she tries to oblige
  40. >steadying yourself, you walk in
  41. >Walking in, you find everything in the usual state it would be on a Saturday morning
  42. >ponies drinking coffee, eating a morning breakfast pastry
  43. >Pinkie Pie rushed up to you at near supersonic speeds, hugging you intensely
  44. >"Oh, Nonny! It's been so long! How's Canterlot been treating you!"
  45. >you, after a moment of surprise, ruffle Pinkie's hair, causing absolutely no change to its looks
  46. "Heh, it's going well Pinkie! I just wanted to drop in for a while and chat."
  47. >a total lie, but stating your true intent would be dumb at this point
  48. >Pinkies squees slightly and runs off without a word
  49. >a few seconds later, she runs back
  50. >"I let the Cakes know that you're here and I'm taking a break for a while!"
  51. >amazing how this girl doesn't get out of breath
  52. >this makes everything a bit easier
  53. >you stop zoning out to find yourself being pulled up the stairs by your arm
  54. >as Pinkie reaches her room, she invites you in and plops down on her bed
  55. >you sit down next to her
  56. >this will be awkward
  57. >(10 years ago, in Ponyville)
  58. >be Pinkie
  59. >you were walking along to Sugarcube Corner one day, looking up to the sky and lightly singng a tune
  60. >"Have a big dinner, have a light snack
  61. >If you don't like it, you can't send it back"
  62. >you didn't even know what you were singing, but you enjoyed it
  63. >suddenly, there was a flash
  64. >that's odd, there aren't any clouds nearby and it isn't raining, couldn't be lightning
  65. >looking up, you see a green and black blur falling from what must be the upper atmosphere
  66. >your Pinkie Sense kicked in immediately, your head vibrating and your ear tingling, letting you know that whatever was up there could die any minute
  67. >and he might have three minutes before that happened at best
  68. >you sprinted as fast as your overcaffeinated legs could take you towards Twilight's house
  69. >no time to lose
  70. >you headbutted the door, not even recoiling
  71. >you didn't even acknowledge the existence of Spike, focusing on your destination
  72. >you ran upstairs, threw Twilight off the bed with a shriek, took the bed, and ran out the door
  73. >"What the Celestia just happened!"
  74. >Twilight ran out the door, maybe a few dozen yards behind you
  75. >whatever that thing was, it maybe had 10 seconds tops before it met its demise
  76. >you gathered all your strength and hurled the small mattress overhead, hoping it landed in the right place
  77. >THUMP
  78. >with a giant cloud of dust, you ran over, surveying the results
  79. >and... though quite unconscious and twisted at a weird angle at the legs, the person lying there was certainly alive, breathing quite intensely too
  80. >Twilight finally caught up with you
  81. >fucking fat bookhorse, that's what you get for not running or walking anywhere
  82. >"What in Equestria happened here!"
  83. >she didn't sound as annoyed, knowing that you may have just saved someone's life, but apparently she needed her coffee
  84. >you just said, calmly, controlling your anxiety
  85. >"Twilight, do you have any healing spells?"
  86. >a few hours later, the person was still out cold, but healed a bit
  87. >still be Pinkie
  88. >after you saved Anon, the both of you grew very close
  89. >not quite in a relationship, but very close friends
  90. >the two of you could share anything with each other, and you often did
  91. >he worked for the Cakes with you, earning a living and getting free room and bored
  92. >he never complained, even when he had to watch the twins for a weekend
  93. >after a few years, though, he grew restless
  94. >you were still very close friends, but he was anxious
  95. >he felt he hadn't achieved very much, and he was upset with himself
  96. >so this started
  97. "You're moving to CANTERLOT?!"
  98. >he had broken the news that he was moving just a few seconds ago
  99. >you were trying to control yourself, but this was... emotional, to say the least
  100. >you were working up the courage to let him know how you felt, but that was... unexpected
  101. >"Yes, Pinkie. I love Ponyville and I enjoy spending time with you, but this is the way it has to be, for my own sake."
  102. >you couldn't handle this anymore
  103. "W-well, thanks for letting me know, Anon. See you later."
  104. >you ran off
  105. >a few hours later, you were ready
  106. >you were working up the courage for a while now, but... this was enough
  107. >you finished writing the letter, put it on your dresser, and leaned back
  108. >it had been years and you didn't have enough guts
  109. >you were ready
  110. >XANAX 2mg
  111. >Quantity: 90
  112. >you held the bottle in your hands, weighing your options
  113. >the Cakes had given these to you a few weeks ago, but you had never used them
  114. >it had been years since Pinkamena came out, but now she was again, full force
  115. >dammit, Anon, why did you want to join the Guard?!
  116. >you had made up your mind
  117. >you finished the glass of whiskey you held in your hands, took a deep breath and brought the bottle to your lips.
  118. >then...
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