
Anon and Discord Throw Down

Mar 20th, 2012
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  1. Anon vs. Discord
  3. "There must be /something/ I can do," Celestia said frantically, looking to be reduced to a nervous wreck. Too caught up in her own crisis to notice me, I entered the chamber.
  5. Luna, however, was slightly more composed and did notice. "Anon, what are you doing here?" she asked, evidently just as panicked as her sister.
  7. "Well, I dropped by to ask what the hell was going on with the sun and moon, but..." i trailed off.
  9. "It's Discord," Celestia explained. "He's overrode our control over the sun and moon, along with any sense of... well, sense!" she half-yelled.
  11. "Discord?" I asked, gazing down at the slightly shorter blue alicorn beside me.
  13. "He is Chaos incarnate." She explained.
  15. "Ah. I see." I said. "So... even if he overpowers you both, what has you so worried? Can't you just call in the Elements of Harmony? They're supposed to be around here, anyway." I reasoned.
  17. I did /not/ like the looks on their faces in response to that question.
  19. "Anon," Luna began, voice overflowing with despair."
  21. "He has corrupted the elements." Celestia finished.
  23. ...
  25. "What?! /How/?" I blurted, completely caught flat-footed by this development.
  27. "He has manipulated their minds." Luna explained. "Twisted them into ponies who are the complete opposite of their true selves. They can no longer use the elements of harmony."
  29. "And without them," Celestia finished despondently. "There is no way we can win."
  31. I sat down, mind reeling in shock, horror, confusion. Were we /really/ that screwed. Was this figfht /really/ that hopeless? There was no other way to defeat him? It all comflicted with everything I knew. Isn't there /always/ a way?
  33. "If only I could get a message to Twilight," Celestia began, "If only I could remind her of the importance of friendship, If only I could do something!" she thundered, slamming a hoof onto the floor.
  35. "Why can't you?" I asked, rising and furrowing my brow in concentration, wracking my brain for /something/, /anything/ that I could do.
  37. "He is blocking out both of our magical capabilities with his own." Luna explained. "We cannot so much as lift a pebble."
  39. /Blocking their magic... with his own?/
  41. /And there's our way./
  43. "How long do you need?" I asked.
  45. "Any amount of time, even five minutes would help tremendously..." Celestia muttered. Her eyes then widened as she stood ramrod straight, having realized my intentions.
  47. "Anon, surely you don't mean to--"
  48. Her words fell on deaf ears as I raced out of the room.
  49. I found what could only be the spirit of Chaos lounging in the courtyard, sunning--mooning?--sunning again--whatever the hell he thought he was doing.
  51. Appraising him, I noticed that he appeared to be comprised of parts of different animals, like some fucked up doll sewn together using spare parts from the others.
  53. "Makes sense," I muttered approaching him.
  55. He lazily lifted his shades to meet my eyes. "Well, what have we here?" he said in an amused tone. "An outsider from another dimension?" he guessed.
  57. "Yeah, what's it to you?" I growled, glaring daggers at him. This only served to wring even more amusement out of him.
  59. "Ooh? That a touchy subject?" He cooed. "But surely you miss all your friends, family, loved ones?"
  61. 'Doesn't matter." I growled, giving him no ground. "What /matters/ is that I can't let you tear this world apart with your madness."
  63. "Oh?" he asked, unpreturbed. Really starting to piss me off here. "But what if you could just leave it behind?" he proposed, snapping his fingers.
  65. A very familiar portal opened up before my eyes, a vortex of magical energy swirling in incandescent hues. I gazed in, looking for any signs of home...
  67. And then shook my head, slashing my hand through the portal, my innate anti-magic dirsupting the link.
  69. "Don't play games with me, Discord!" I shouted.
  71. "Oho, veeeery interesting. You're doing as good as dear Fluttershy did." he noted with a crazed grin.
  73. "Oh it is /on/ now, motherfucker." I growled, knuckles popping as I clenched my fist.
  75. "Hee hee, the /mouth/ on this one!"
  77. Taking in a deep breath, I relaxed myself
  78. "Laugh it up, you abomination. You and I both know that your rule can't last forever."
  80. "Oh, can't it?" he asked, snapping his fingers once more.
  82. A plane of light flashed into existence, treating me to the sight of Fluttershy slamming a bucket onto Twilight's head, an expression of creul laughter etched upon her face.
  84. "You see this, my multi-dimensional friend? These six were your last hope of ever defeating me. And look at them now!" he said with a touch of pride. "All of them wonderfully corrupted and chaotic! Without the elements of harmony, there is not a /thing/ that can put me out of power!" he said, laughing a high pitched, crazed giggle.
  86. Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to maintain my composure. I needed to keep a cool head if I wanted to mess with his magic...
  88. "You think so?" I asked, turning to face him. "I'm standing right here. You seem pretty confident for someone who has something unaccounted for right in front of them." I said.
  90. "Oh, and /you/ think you can stop me?" he asked mockingly.
  92. "Stop you? After what you've done?" I said, eyes narrowing. "No," I growled. "I'm gonna /kill/ you."
  93. Now /that/ got a flinch out of him, however momentary. A moment later, however, that same smug smirk of his returned.
  95. "Oh really?" he asked, "I don't think you've got the stomach to take another life. Most don't." he argued.
  97. "Ha!" I scoffed. "I don't think you know what you're dealing with. We humans kill monsters all the time." I said, taking a threatening step forward.
  99. "Is that so? Then how about one of your own?" he asked, as I stopped in my tracks. His body shifted, contorted, glowed with magic...
  101. And then I stared myself in the eyes.
  103. "Ha! I knew it!" he exclaimed triumphantly, sauntering up to me. 'You don't know how to fight yourself, do you? Now be a good little boy and let uncle discord corrupt you." he chided, placing a finger on my forehead.
  105. A moment passed, as I gazed up at the finger undoubtedly pumping destructive energy into me and Discord grinned like a maniac.
  107. And then I burst into motion. Before Discord could react, I grabbed his arm in an iron grip, and twisted, pulling him off balance.
  109. His eyes widened in surprise--
  111. And crossed in agony as I slammed my forearm into his elbow joint, snapping it with a satisfying pop.
  113. "Like I said," I retorted, grabbing him by the shoulders and driving a knee into his Solar Plexus. "We humans kill monsters all the time."
  114. He collapsed, his one good hand clutching his chest as he gasped for breath.
  116. "How?" he wheezed, gazing up at me as I towered over his prone form.
  118. "Because humanity is /nothing/ like the ponies you know. No matter how much I love them for it, I can't help but notice it. These ponies are /soft/. They have it /easy/. And in conquering them, so do /you/." I stated, stepping on his chest and applying a small amount of pressure, enough to elicit a cry of pain from the doppelganger.
  120. "We humans are different. In our world, since time began, we've had to fight tooth and nail to survive, be it with nature or eachother. We didn't have things handed to us on a silver platter. We had to fight for it. Our world has made us a race of warriors, hard as steel forged in the fires of /hell itself/." I said, releasing the wounded spirit.
  122. "And you know what? That's /exactly/ what we are. We haven't merely survived the hell that is our world, we've thrived in it, conquered it, plundered it, and /made it our bitch/."
  124. "Now get up and heal yourself, you worthless piece of shit. It's time I showed you how screwed you are." I ordered.
  126. Slowly, Discord rose, arm snapping back into position as he turned to face me, brow furrowing in concentration.
  128. Rolling my eyes in disbelief, I dashed forward and drove a vicious hook into his ribcage, hearing a distinct crack.
  130. "Don't think I'll let you just teleport off that easy!" I shouted, lauching a palm strike into his pain-contorted face.
  132. Eyes watering on reflex, the opposite me stumbled backward, dazed.
  134. Launching forward, I pressed on the relentless assault.
  135. Once again in close quarters, I threw a swift cross at his chin--
  137. One that he diverted off course with his forearm, simultaneously swiping with his other hand at my head.
  139. /Too used to having claws, I'd reckon./ I thought, weaving under the highly telegraphed strike and responding to an elbow to the temple. He stumbled, probably seeing stars.
  141. "Nice try, I'll give you that." I breathed, as a preadatory smirk emerged onto my face and I advanced once more. "But you'll have to do better than that! Try and actual punch, maybe?" I taunted, throwing a hard kick to his right knee, where he had balanced all his weight.
  143. Though I'd not been so lucky as to break his leg, he did collapse to his knees once more. Knowing better than to allow him to regain himself, I slammed a hammerfist int the back of his head, sending him sprawling face-first onto the ground.
  145. "Had enough?" I asked, turning to face him. To my surprise, he rose to his feet once more. Turning towards me, he glared his indignant rage into my eyes.
  147. "You mad, bro?" I asked with a cocky grin.
  149. "I'll /end/ you!" he roared, lunging at me with a fast cross. Caught me flat footed, I didn't expect that kind of speed from him. Fist slamming into my cheek, he quickly followed with two sledgehammers to the gut, driving the wind out of me as I fell backwards.
  151. Now the /real/ fight had begun.
  152. Regaining myself, I rolled out of the way of a meteoric fist from discord sailing down to meet my face.
  154. Lashing out and wrapping his legs between my shins, I scissor-sweeped my unprepared doppleganger.
  156. "Get on my level." I muttered in a small joke, as my opponent's head cracked against a rock. Getting my feet back under me, I rose in tandem with Discord, as a small cloud of sparkles winked in and out of existence as his skull healed.
  158. "That's more like it," I encouraged, dropping into a fighting stance.
  160. Mimicking me, Discord gave a smirk of his own. "I was always a fast learner." he said with a wry chuckle.
  162. "Good," I replied. "Because I'm more than happy to /school/ you!" I retorted, darting forward and throwing a flurry of jabs his way.
  164. Fast learner or no, Discord had never fought like this before. As such, he made mistakes.
  166. Opening his guard with a block, he knocked a strike off course and lunged at me with a cross and a growl. Stepping inside, I slammed a hook to the jaw as his fist grazed my shoulder.
  168. To his credit, he recovered quickly, sending a palm towards my face with his other hand, intending to do to me what I had so recently done to him.
  170. Of course, I had other plans. Blocking his palm strike, Grabbed him by the shoulders once again and began slamming knees into his solar plexus, gut, and even one in the groin, each hitting his body with every ounce of force I had.
  172. I finally released him with a headbutt to the nose for good measure. He stumbled back in a world of pain, barely able to stay on his feet.
  174. If I wanted to buy time, and exhaust his magic, I could not, /would/ not let him fall.
  176. Driving forward once more, I brutalized his face with another barrage of jabs and crosses. Even as the telltale sparks and sparkles of healing magic clouded around his wounds, More appeared with each passing second as I systematically deconstructed his human body.
  178. Driving an elbow into his nose, I slammed my shin to his right knee again even as he reeled back. I was pleased to hear it respond with a wet snap and a bend at an odd angle. Crippled, Discord dropped to one knee.
  180. I stalked in for the kill--
  182. When what was formerly the base of his statue promptly exploded behind me, peppering my back and side with shrapnel.
  184. /Big/ shrapnel. I fell to my hands an knees, fighting to refocus my eyes after a hit to the back of the head. My breath came in ragged wheezes, my left arm was cut up something fierce, and my side... Fuck, my side. Bastard probably cracked or even broke a few ribs with that one.
  186. And the fact that he was a massive dick didn't help matters either. His foot slammed into my injured ribs, and cried out in pain as I was flipped onto my back.
  188. Discord loomed over me, panting, sweating, and slowly healing as he wore triumphant smirk. Raising one hand, it shone and shifted into the Eagle claws of a griffin, razor sharp and ready to kill.
  190. Lifting me up by my collar, he drew his griffin arm back.
  192. "Now, you pay for making a mockery of me!"
  193. My only response was a groan of pain. Opening my eyes, I stared numbly at him, like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding car.
  195. "Oh, this is /delicious/," he crooned, "You act like a tough guy, but in the end you're just a scared little baby."
  197. "Don't worry," he cooed in a mock-soothing tone. "It'll all be over soon!" he said, laughing that crazed giggle of his.
  199. A low chuckle rose from my throat as well. We shared a moment of amusement before he noticed me and stopped. "What's so funny?"
  201. I smirked. "Because you're a real novice at fighting."
  203. "Hu-OOF!" he blurted, as I threw a swift knee to his groin. "SURPRISE, COCKFAG!" Releasing me, he gargled something in incoherent pain.
  205. Throwing an uppercut like I was trying to launch him into low earth orbit, I kindly explained. "You made a stupid mistake; Thanks for letting me catch my breath!" I said, punctuating the last word with a side kick to his hip, knocking him a good distance backwards.
  207. Adrenaline coursing through my system, I charged my opponent's dazed form.
  208. Opening with a monstrous cross, I barely felt his eagle claws tearing a trio of shallow slashes on my chest as I he stumbled backward.
  210. Grabbing his arm, I yanked the demon forward and slammed a hook into his face, knocking a tootgh or two loose. Twisting the arm as I had before, I broke it a second time in the same manner, catching him with a backfist to the temple before releasing my grip.
  212. Immediately, I brought up my guard, intercepting a nasty cross from the enraged demon. Not wasting momentum, he slashed with his eagle hand even as the arm. I barely dodged it.
  214. Stepping forward, the personification of chaos launched a barrage of punches and slashes, not once letting me make a move to attack.
  216. It was all I could do to dodge them, weaving my head under each strike.
  218. /C'mon, Anon!/ I growled mentally, hopping back to avoid a kick. /He's got you on the ropes! You can't just weave forever! Think of something!/
  220. Discord redoubled his assault, resulting in far too many close calls for yours truly. /Bob and weave, anon! Get in too close for him to use his legs!/ I thought, taking one step forward and throwing a desperate hook.
  222. It all clicked at that moment. Even as the punch collided with his cheekbone in a thunderous crash, I knew the counter to his assault.
  224. Even as my punch hit him, he lashed out with a cross of his own, in some reverse cross-counter kind of thing.
  226. Shaking it off and ignoring the pain, I brought my fist back up into my guards even as he lashed out once more, putting me on the defensive again.
  228. Biding my time, I bobbed and weaved, slowly gaining momentum even as he pushed the speed of his attacks faster.
  230. All I needed was one slipup.
  231. After what felt like an eternity, I got my opening. The spirit of disorder commited too much to a slash, and overextended. I weaved under it eveven as a triumphant glint undoubtedly sparked from my eyes.
  233. "There!" I roared hoarsely, putting my plan into action. Remembering old Sherman's advice, I mentally recited it one last time as I threw the hook.
  235. /Weave my head,/ I thought, as the attack connected perfectly. /Shift my weight,/ I remembered, even as I brought my hips back into a neutral stance and weaved again.
  237. /And from the momentum.../ I thought, throwing another vicious hook with the opposite hand.
  239. /Unleash a storm of punches from left and right!/ I finished, taking the advice to heart, pushing myself faster and faster.
  241. It was all Discord could do to stay on his feet.
  242. Hook, after hook, after devastating hook slammed into his chin, each within a fraction of a second of eachother. Feuled by adrenaline, anger, and desperation, I smashed my punches into him like Fist of the North Star.
  244. After what felt like an hour of thoroughly rearranging his face, I gave one final weave and threw a massive uppercut that threw my doppleganger off his feet.
  246. He crashed to the ground, hard. Laying there, groaning in pain, he looked like he was put through a meat grinder. Even as the sparkles of healing magic surrounded his form, he weakly sat up. "What in the name of--"
  248. "/That/," I panted, cutting him off and walking towards him. "Is something we call 'The Dempsey Roll'."
  250. "Heh, interesting. Too bad you couldn't finish me with it." he chuckled painfully, entire form now glowing. My eyes widened in realization, and I charged forward to grab him.
  252. With a snap of his fingers, the horrendously beaten Discord winked out of existence, just out of reach. And with him, he took the rush of battle from me.
  254. The last thing I saw as I collapsed was a flash of light as Luna's concerned gaze met mine.
  255. And then the world went black.
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