
Dolan meets the fluffies

Sep 20th, 2012
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  1. > b dolan
  2. > teh best fukken duk 2 evr liv
  3. > go round tawn looking 4 gooby
  4. > gon put ur duk dick in hes ass
  5. > gon be rel funneh
  6. > sudenlly smaw flufy pnoy shos up
  7. > “Fwend? Huggies?”
  8. > “holy fuk wtf is dat” u say
  9. > is smaw an gren an shit
  10. > sudenlly gooby
  11. > “hay dolan”
  12. > “gooby wtf is dat”
  13. > “dat mai flufy” he sez
  14. > u lok @ gooby den flufy
  15. > “wtf is flufy”
  16. > “flufy reel cuet pnoy wit fluf an stuf”
  17. > “Fwuffy wuv daddeh!” da litle shit sez an huegs goobys leg
  18. > “dat not pnoy. dat retiurded pig-shep-ting”
  19. > “fak u dolan, is not”
  20. > not kno wut do
  21. > “who teh fuk wuld wan flufy execpt retiurd”
  22. > “evry1. I haz most.” sez gooby
  23. > “daddeh get fwuffy wots and wots of fwends!” the shit sez
  24. > “fien” u say an walk way, all diveyous an shit
  25. > latr u fill up ur pool wit watur
  26. > an maek spergetty taril 2 ur haws
  27. > how u kno flufys like spergetty?
  28. > cuz u dolan an u fakin smart
  29. > fluffy fagets cum 4 spergettys and dron in pool
  30. > lol
  31. > den u cut dem up all grusum an make sexyz wit wats left
  32. > gooby appochez, cryn lik bish
  33. > “fak u dolan y u do dis”
  34. > “cuz u stpud hogbuxer faget”
  35. > gooby sniffs and crys sum moar. Lolfag
  36. > “an im abusfag” u say
  37. TEH END
  39. (Authors note: You guys will never fully comprehend the amount of braincells I lost writing this. Seriously. It’s like I committed mental suicide for half an hour.)
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