
Dear Mr. President.

Apr 16th, 2017
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  1. Here are a few words aimed at Donald J. Trump. They'll not be pretty.
  3. Dear Mr. 'President', I can't even begin to fathom the anger and disappointment I have built up directed at you. I don't have the strength, I just don't. Everyday, in the news, I see something that you or someone you've picked out, do something, say something, or just in general, BE somewhere, and it's like a nightmare.
  4. It's like I'm in hell.
  5. But my hearts beating.
  6. My lungs take in air.
  7. I think.
  8. I'm alive, but you and your cohorts, your group of robbers have stolen away something precious. Something of value. The very idea that being President of the United States is something that only heroes could do. That only those ENTRUSTED by the American people ALONE could become.
  10. You've stolen that.
  11. Tainted the very idea.
  12. Made it so virulent, so sickening, so disturbed and twisted and disgusting, that, now, when before I used to think great thoughts, now? All I think of is how you keep edging us closer and closer and closer to nuclear annihilation, that you might actually BE the fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Not Famine, War, Pestilence, or Death...
  14. But Ignorance. Bold faced ignorance.
  15. Mr. president, I'm going into the Navy, but I do have serious concerns, and though there are those out there that might seek to demean my serious concerns, I don't really care for their thoughts on the matter. After all, you are the one with the finger on the nuclear button. The one that could wipe all of us out in a heartbeat.
  17. Yeah, different kind of post all together. Before, I was enraged, angry, scared, fearful, paranoid, and absolutely lost in the emotions tied in with the results of your travesty of a Presidency. But I do have these concerns.
  19. Please note, Donald, that this isn't about red vs blue, Republican victory over Democratic. I no longer care that Hillary didn't win, I no longer am upset that you did. I just want justice. That's all. I'm not some cute little girl with a plethora of questions with surprising weight to them, asked in a cute adorable way. I'm a grown, 32 year old man.
  21. I'm wondering if the first time I'm deployed, the first time I set foot on a boat, will be the last time I see my family, my loved ones, my friends again. I'm wondering if it'll only be a few months, weeks, or days until a North Korean boat attacks the one I'm on, or if it'll even get that far into the future before they light up the Base I'm being trained at with a Nuclear missile.
  23. I'm wondering if you're smart enough to actually do this job which you killed a king to get without taking humanity down in the process, due to your own ego being bruised. I'm scared that, no matter what I say, no matter what protests I launch, or pages made, or support gathered, no matter what news reveals about your past, about you dealings, about anything that might grab your attention, if before you get out of office, you end up being the cause for the end of the American Dream?
  25. these are intense thoughts and questions, these are valid fears, coming from someone that feels invisible, that feels passed over, someone that feels like most days their voice is silenced, not from opposition, but from trying not to become a storm of insults and accusations, as I have been in the past.
  27. Donald, I'm wondering when the moment is, when you'll forget about your duties as Leader of the Free World, forget about the power you wield, forget about the face of your son, and launch us in a third world war with every single one of our enemies all at the same time. I'm wondering about how far you'll go down the rabbit hole to tear away at the Obama's Legacy before to tear a layer too deep and create something that might haunt you for the rest of your life.
  29. This is genuine concern, no longer fueled by rage. concern. I want to know, directly from your mouth, whether you are going to be the one who destroys the greatest country in the world, the one who breaks the United States into a disbanded union. I want to know if you'll be ready to comprehend the magnitude of horror that might be unleashed upon you, each potentially challenging you more than the next.
  31. I am simply a man with concerns, a man simply worried about his country and fellow countrymen and women, worried about those who've sacrificed so much to protect this great land of ours. I'm worried about the disenfranchised, the poor, the homeless, the destitute, the children who've yet to say their first words, the teenagers who've yet to have their first dance, the college students who've yet to accomplish their goal of graduating.
  33. I'm worried about the legacy you'd be leaving Baron. I worried that you'll act without thinking, led astray by those that aren't with you to guide you, but rather, guide the White House into their own demented fold.
  35. My name is Dr3arms, I don't fear or respect you. but I do fear for what you're beginning to turn the Presidency itself into:
  37. A mockery.
  39. Sincerly, Me
  41. P.S:
  43. I will concede only this:
  44. While in the Navy, while I don't like you in any capacity, my job will be to fight for the interests of the United States of America. If that means for four years you're in the White House, so be it. You'll be replaced.
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