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a guest
Feb 27th, 2016
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  1. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:25: Log file started (file "logs\L0227014.log") (game "C:\servers\servechi9\tf") (version "3271684")
  2. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:27: server_cvar: "mp_tournament_readymode_countdown" "5"
  3. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:28: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ""UGC 6v6 TF2 Standard cfg v.05-07-14 executed, reload map once before start""
  4. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:28: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ""CP Rules - Match Winner is first to reach 5 TOTAL Caps""
  5. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:28: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ""CP Rules - Max 4 caps or 30 mins allowed in round 1""
  6. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:28: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ""Exec ugc_off.cfg at match end to reset server.""
  7. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:28: rcon from "": command "users"
  8. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:28: server_cvar: "mp_timelimit" "0"
  9. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:28: server_cvar: "mp_winlimit" "3"
  10. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:29: server_cvar: "mp_highlander" "1"
  11. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:29: server_cvar: "sv_tags" "cp,highlander,nocrits,respawntimes"
  12. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:29: server_cvar: "sv_tags" "cp,highlander,nocrits,respawntimes"
  13. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:29: rcon from "": command "mp_maxrounds 0;mp_timelimit 0;mp_windifference 0;mp_winlimit 3;mp_tournament_whitelist "cfg/item_whitelist_ugc_HL.txt";tf_tournament_classlimit_scout 1;tf_tournament_classlimit_soldier 1;tf_tournament_classlimit_pyro 1;tf_tournament_classlimit_demoman 1;tf_tournament_classlimit_heavy 1;tf_tournament_classlimit_engineer 1;tf_tournament_classlimit_medic 1;tf_tournament_classlimit_sniper 1;tf_tournament_classlimit_spy 1;mp_highlander 1;mp_allowspectators 1;mp_bonusroundtime 0;"
  14. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:30: server_cvar: "mp_respawnwavetime" "10.0"
  15. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:30: server_cvar: "sv_tags" "cp,highlander,nocrits"
  16. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:30: server_cvar: "sv_tags" "cp,highlander,nocrits"
  17. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:30: server_cvar: "mp_tournament_stopwatch" "1"
  18. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:30: rcon from "": command "mp_disable_respawn_times 0;mp_fadetoblack 0;mp_footsteps 1;mp_forcecamera 1;mp_fraglimit 0;mp_idledealmethod 0;mp_match_end_at_timelimit 1;mp_respawnwavetime 10.0;mp_stalemate_enable 0;mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0;mp_tournament 1;mp_tournament_allow_non_admin_restart 0;mp_tournament_stopwatch 1;mp_tournament_readymode 0;sv_allow_votes 0;sv_allow_wait_command 0;sv_alltalk 0;sv_cheats 0;sv_client_max_interp_ratio 5;sv_client_min_interp_ratio 1;sv_client_predict 1;"
  19. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:31: rcon from "": command "sv_consistency 1;sv_gravity 800;sv_maxcmdrate 66;sv_maxrate 0;sv_maxupdaterate 66;sv_mincmdrate 40;sv_minrate 0;sv_minupdaterate 40;sv_pausable 1;sv_pure 2;sv_pure_kick_clients 1;sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov 0;sv_timeout 10;tf_arena_first_blood 0;tf_avoidteammates_pushaway 0;tf_clamp_airducks 1;tf_ctf_bonus_time 0;tf_damage_disablespread 1;tf_flag_caps_per_round 0;tf_teamtalk 1;tf_tournament_hide_domination_icons 1;tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads 1;tf_weapon_criticals 0;"
  20. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:32: server_cvar: "sv_pausable" "0"
  21. L 02/27/2016 - 16:50:32: Log file closed.
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