

Sep 28th, 2017
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  1. [21:43:38] +nadeko¨̮: how u feel abt ous greatest villain
  2. [21:43:48] +nadeko¨̮: u tryna get infected, catch this ban
  3. [21:46:02] sedertz: lmfao
  4. [21:49:03] +nadeko¨̮: dude tell me how i got rmt ro
  5. [21:49:04] +nadeko¨̮: ct mod
  6. [21:49:06] +nadeko¨̮: am driver
  7. [21:49:13] +nadeko¨̮: bc if ou has anything to say
  8. [21:49:20] +nadeko¨̮: im an offensive rude CANCER user
  9. [21:54:29] sedertz: btw
  10. [21:54:34] sedertz: i wanna get involved in ct more
  11. [21:54:37] sedertz: any advice
  12. [21:55:13] +nadeko¨̮: not rly lol
  13. [21:55:17] sedertz: none
  14. [21:55:19] sedertz: nothing
  15. [21:55:23] +nadeko¨̮: ps is all about contribution and not making staff hate u
  16. [21:57:01] +nadeko¨̮: in seriousness
  17. [21:57:09] +nadeko¨̮: as an esteemed staff member
  18. [21:57:15] +nadeko¨̮: the biggest thing is just being noticeable
  19. [21:57:28] +nadeko¨̮: my road in any room other than ou has been super easy
  20. [21:57:38] +nadeko¨̮: bc as long as the staff dont hate u
  21. [21:57:42] +nadeko¨̮: all u have to do is just be a normal user
  22. [21:57:45] +nadeko¨̮: and just do u
  23. [21:57:48] +nadeko¨̮: like literally no advice
  24. [21:57:51] +nadeko¨̮: u have ou staff
  25. [21:57:55] +nadeko¨̮: so u know how getting staff works
  26. [21:58:30] sedertz: ye but i know literally nothing
  27. [21:58:33] sedertz: about lower tiers
  28. [21:58:38] sedertz: so i gotta wait in ct
  29. [21:58:44] sedertz: until the conversation hits something
  30. [21:58:46] sedertz: i know about
  31. [21:59:15] +nadeko¨̮: yeah thats the case w/ anything tho
  32. [21:59:22] +nadeko¨̮: i mean think abt for ou staff
  33. [21:59:26] +nadeko¨̮: who are entirely clueless abt ou
  34. [21:59:29] +nadeko¨̮: and sit there modding the chat
  35. [21:59:39] +nadeko¨̮: they have to wait until some1 brings up clefableso they can say
  36. [21:59:44] +nadeko¨̮: I RUN LEFTOVERS ON THAT
  37. [21:59:54] +nadeko¨̮: and then they feel like theyve accomplished smth
  38. [22:00:19] sedertz: srry was helping sabella test
  39. [22:00:22] sedertz: ok i can talk now
  40. [22:00:34] sedertz: um
  41. [22:00:36] sedertz: yea
  42. [22:00:39] sedertz: in ou
  43. [22:00:45] sedertz: i feel like i know what im talking about
  44. [22:00:48] sedertz: p much all the time
  45. [22:00:50] sedertz: unless dpp
  46. [22:00:53] +nadeko¨̮: yeah so its easy bro
  47. [22:00:54] sedertz: but in ct
  48. [22:00:57] +nadeko¨̮: u do the same shit for ct
  49. [22:01:02] +nadeko¨̮: u wait until som1 says
  50. [22:01:02] sedertz: idk what to say
  51. [22:01:06] +nadeko¨̮: FUK i need ADVICES
  52. [22:01:09] +nadeko¨̮: WHAT GOOD
  53. [22:01:14] +nadeko¨̮: KELDEO OR PHIONE
  54. [22:01:17] +nadeko¨̮: and u say
  55. [22:01:17] sedertz: "lando mage"
  56. [22:01:17] sedertz: ez
  57. [22:01:18] +nadeko¨̮: keldeo bruh
  58. [22:01:48] sedertz: yea ok thx
  59. [22:01:51] sedertz: ive talked in ct
  60. [22:01:54] sedertz: like a few times
  61. [22:01:55] sedertz: but like
  62. [22:03:06] +nadeko¨̮: like what kind of advice
  63. [22:03:09] +nadeko¨̮: are u looking for
  64. [22:03:28] sedertz: how often should i be in ct
  65. [22:03:33] sedertz: if im looking to get
  66. [22:03:35] sedertz: involved
  67. [22:03:38] sedertz: what qualifies as
  68. [22:03:40] sedertz: activity
  69. [22:03:49] +nadeko¨̮: activity is rly more abt being noticeable
  70. [22:03:55] +nadeko¨̮: be on when staff are on
  71. [22:04:02] +nadeko¨̮: give good advice when staff are there
  72. [22:04:06] +nadeko¨̮: be presentable
  73. [22:04:20] sedertz: mm ok thanks appreciate it
  74. [22:05:31] +nadeko¨̮: if u ever want advice for any of that kinda stuff feel free to let me know
  75. [22:05:36] +nadeko¨̮: despite what the ou staff might tell u
  76. [22:05:41] +nadeko¨̮: im actually a good guy and i know whats going on
  77. [22:05:42] +nadeko¨̮: L
  78. [22:05:48] sedertz: yeah def thanks appreciate it
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