
FoE PNP Group 57 Session 2

Sep 16th, 2012
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  1. [18:17] <Zyrlana> ***Group 57 Session START***
  2. [18:18] * Zen pokes one of the dead bodies with his hoof, "and I thought working in the morgue was bad..." he turns his attention back to the group.
  3. [18:18] <Zyrlana> Okay. As all you zebras mull around after having finished looting your bodies, you hear trotting up behind you from whence you came, and quickly notice it's one of your den-mates! She must've been left behind.
  4. [18:20] * Zephyr slowly walks through the snow, not liking the cold one bit. She shivers underneath her clothing, hoping the others don't mind her because of heritage..
  5. [18:21] * Zen doesn't notice, he's busy trying to figure out what is in the grenade launcher rounds, to no avail, "Maybe its some type of acid?" he says dismissively.
  6. [18:22] * Qindeo shrugs. "I have no idea."
  7. [18:24] * Zazi completely spaces out for a few moments, to the point of not even really perceiving the throbbing pain from his shoulder and side.
  8. [18:25] * Kyva waves a hoof at Zephyr. "You are slow. I send den ally out to wake you. Is important mission, of honour, and you almost miss." The zebra she sent may not have even tried to wake Zephyr -- racism?
  9. [18:26] * Zen shrugs, "Well, its not very good whatever it is, and i'm not too good with explosives so lets keep it far, far away from me..." he pushes the shell far away from himself.
  10. [18:27] * Zephyr stops and takes a breath, waving a hoof at Kyva. "I... I was just told... I've been running here since..." Her breathing was heavy as she rested for a little.
  11. [18:29] * Zen smiles and says, "Not to worry, you only missed us being ambushed by whoever these ponies were...." he nudges one of the bodies with his hoof.
  12. [18:30] * Kyva pokes Qindeo. "Do you want gun? Sword goes 'wiff wiff'. Is maybe broken?"
  13. [18:31] * Zephyr cringes a bit at the body, "I... see. I think it was actually good I wasn't here then..." She looks a bit queasy.
  14. [18:33] * Zen chuckles and picks up the brass hooves, "I don't know about that, I wasn't exactly the best shot myself." He checks to see if the brass hooves fit him, "Kyva, You could probably use the ammo, so why don't you take it and i'll see if I can do a little more damage with these."
  15. [18:33] * Qindeo shakes his head. "No, I do not do well with guns like these comrade. My sword will suffice."
  16. [18:34] * Zephyr kicks the snow a bit, before whispering, more to herself than anyone else "I'm not even sure I /could/ shoot at someone else..."
  17. [18:34] * Zazi snaps out of his daze at the mention of ammo. "Hey now, I need some more ammo, too. I used nearly a full cip in that little ambush."
  18. [18:35] <Zen> "I have 200 rounds, you can each have half."
  19. [18:35] * Kyva encourages Zephyr, "Is eeeasy. It is hitting that is harder."
  20. [18:35] * Zazi blinks a couple of times. "Two-hundred?!" he asks before raising a brow, "Wait, of what? 5.56?"
  21. [18:36] * Zen thinks a moment, "well... you wouldn't have to shoot at anyone with this," he points at the grenade luancher, "just aim near them."
  22. [18:36] * Zen nods to Zazi
  23. [18:36] * Zephyr makes a sick face, "I'd prefer not fighting personally..."
  24. [18:37] * Zen shrugs, "well then we'll be happy to have you along too.... what are you good at?"
  25. [18:38] <Kyva> "Thank you, medic Zen! I need many boolets, and thing to dispense then rapidly."
  26. [18:39] * Zephyr brightens up a bit at that, "I'm a people person really. I sorta had to.. not many are too kind just because of my family.."
  27. [18:39] <Qindeo> "One can not always rely on lead to kill their enemy."
  28. [18:40] * Kyva shares the 200 bullets with Zazi.
  29. [18:40] * Zen chuckles and picks up the assulty rifle, "this is right up your alley then Kyva." He looks back over at Zephyr, "Then you'll be the one doing the talking to anyone we meet whose not trying to kill us... and maybe you can find out what these are." He shows her the weird grenades.
  30. [18:42] * Zephyr nods, "Alright, sounds good to me." She trots over to the mystery grenades. The answer on the tip of her tongue, but she just can't figure it out.
  31. [18:43] * Zazi hums as he starts splitting up the bullets between himself and Kyva, taking note of her weapon. "I think you should take the most," he nods before chuckling, "Though, I can carry them." He was, after all, rather large and stoutly built; it made sense that he'd be the 'pack mule,' figuratively speaking.
  32. [18:46] * Zen picks up on of the Gas masks and looks through it, "this will help..." He slowly straps it on, "mmmph, hudda mm hud mmm...." his speech is now muffled :P
  33. [18:46] * Kyva takes the most salvageable of leather armour, and quickly puts it on. She removes the tabard, and puts the new assault rifle in her pack. "Hmm.. need work bench."
  34. [18:47] * Zephyr just stands next to the grenades awkwardily.. unsure what to do to help.
  35. [18:48] * Zen walks over to Zephyr, "mind helping use carry all of this? it might be worth something."
  36. [18:49] <Zephyr> "Oh, sure.. though I'm only good with light loads really."
  37. [18:50] * Qindeo has remained silent throughout all of this, observing their surroundings while the others worked.
  38. [18:51] * Zazi decides to help himself to one of the sets of leather armour, removing its tabbard before preparing to strip down. He glances up at Zen. "I can carry most of the stuff," the big Zebra states, "No worries. ... Could someone dig this bullet or bullet fragments out of my shoulder and side, though...?"
  39. [18:51] * Kyva had already picked up a lot of the extra stuff they found. She's not known to be strong though. She stands with a grunt, and starts heading north.
  40. [18:52] * Qindeo trots after her, nodding to the others to get a move on.
  41. [18:52] * Zen smiles and pats her on the back, "any help is appreciated." He turns and looks over at Zazi, "Oh fine you big foal, come here..." he walks over to him to examine the wound.
  42. [18:53] * Zephyr looks over at Zazi, "Oh! You're wounded?" She brings her saddlebag to bear, "I have some medical equipment.. not too much though..."
  43. [18:55] * Zen looks at the wound. "mhmmmmm... Hold still." he takes a pair of tweezers and yanks the bullet painfully out, then bandages it up, "there, now lets get a move on." He starts following Kyva, as Qindeo's flank is not much fun to stare at.
  44. [18:56] * Zephyr walks over to Zazi... frowning. "Do you think I could look at the wound?"
  45. [18:57] * Zen nudges Qindeo, "you are aware your still bleeding right?"
  46. [18:57] <Zen> *you're
  47. [18:57] <Qindeo> "I am fine."
  48. [18:57] * Zazi had stripped out of his heavy clothes in order to make Zen's job easier, gritting his teeth and bearing it as he yanks the bullet out, one ye shut. He looks at Zephyr with a wry, if pained, grin. "Please," he nods, "I can't get a good look at my side, either... I'm pretty sure I just took a richochet there, though..."
  49. [18:58] * Qindeo is very clearly not fine though.
  50. [18:59] * Kyva stops and looks back. They weren't following very well. Oh yeah! Other zebras have their own things to worry about sometimes! She sits and waits.
  51. [18:59] * Zen rolls his eyes, "no you're not, drink this." he digs around his bag and brings out a health potion, "You are much less effective to us wounded."
  52. [19:00] * Qindeo grunts, drinking the potion.
  53. [19:03] * Zephyr nods, slowly unwrapping the bandage to look at the wound. After making sure nothing was left, doing her best to treat it before re-wrapping the banadging a bit better than Zen. She looks at his shoulder, treating it to the best of her abilities as well before wrapping it in a regular bandage. "Better?"
  54. [19:08] * Zazi manages to handle the cold without his clothes fairly well for awhile, though by the time Zephyr is done, the large stallion is shivering. He nods in response, though, giving her an appreciative smile. "Much!" With his wounds properly tended, he quickly dons the leather armour he'd salvaged and de-tabbarded before putting his heavy clothes back on over it.
  55. [19:09] * Zen makes sure Qindeo drinks all of it then puts the empty bottle away. "right, everyone ready?"
  56. [19:09] * Kyva has a bruise, where the bullet shot at her failed to penetrate her old armour. It stings, but it'll heal on it's own.
  57. [19:11] * Zephyr smiles warmly, waiting for him to get ready to go once more. "I do have to talk to the one that 'tended' your wounds soon. Speaking of which, what are all your names?"
  58. [19:11] * Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  59. [19:13] * Zen smiles at Zephyr, "I am Zen."
  60. [19:13] <Zyrlana> Zen notices that the harsh howling wind doesn't dry out his big eyes anymore with the gas mask on!
  61. [19:13] * Zazi lets out a content sigh from the warmth of his clothing and armour, despite the extra weight. He then smiles at Zephyr, bowing his head. "My name is Zazi," he introduces himself.
  62. [19:15] * Qindeo nods to Zephyr "And I am Qindeo."
  63. [19:17] * Zephyr nods and smiles, "Okay, got it. My name's Zephyr."
  64. [19:17] * Kyva ignored the pleasantries. She tends to when others are already dealing with it, and she's got a quest in mind.
  65. [19:19] * Zen walks over to Kyva and nudges her, "and she's Kyva, do not mind her silence, shes more of the strong silent type."
  66. [19:20] * Zazi glances at the remaining two sets of leather armour before looking around at the others, aside from Kyva who'd already taken one. "Any of you want one of these?" he asks, gesturing towards them, "Otherwise, I'll just pack them up. No sense leaving perfectly good armour behind."
  67. [19:21] <Kyva> "Ohh no, I am loud." She wiggles her battle saddle.
  68. [19:21] <Zen> "My barding is fine thank you."
  69. [19:21] * Qindeo grunts.
  70. [19:22] * Zen can't help but look at Kyva wiggling her flank... danm his weakness for flanks, it was going to be the death of him...
  71. [19:22] * Zephyr gave Kyra a nod with a smile before looking at the barding and shaking her head. "I'm good."
  72. [19:26] * Kyva wiggles her nose trying to adjust her glasses, until she eventually just uses a forehoof. She's not a social zebra, but she is cute, especially when she does that.
  73. [19:27] * Kyva leads the way north.
  74. [19:27] * Zen is d'aaawing on the inside, "um... I hate to be the one to ask this but.... where are we going?"
  75. [19:27] * Qindeo follows after Kyva.
  76. [19:27] * Zephyr laughs a little. "North it seems." She starts trotting after the other two.
  77. [19:27] * Zazi takes Qindeo's grunt as a 'no.' He then sets about collecting the armour and tucking it into his saddlebags along with any other potentially valuable items that anyone forgot to pick up, if there were any. He then looks to Zen before nodding towards Kyva. "After her," he chuckles, following after the other three.
  78. [19:28] <Kyva> "We are going on quest, yes?"
  79. [19:28] * Zen is following Kyva, "appartently, I'm just concerned about wandering into Stalliongrad or into the arctic circle..."
  80. [19:34] * Kyva trots/slides along the frozen river bed, heading north.
  81. [19:35] * Zen is useing his new brass hooves like ice scakes, he looks like he's having a good time.
  82. [19:35] <Zyrlana> On your way north, you start to see a break in the mountains on the west side of the river, a rows of low quality housing in neat lines, the ones you see first look fine, but as you keep going, more and more of the housing looks increasingly destroyed.
  83. [19:36] * Zen has the urge to pillage those houses....
  84. [19:36] * Zephyr tries to see if anything inhabites the houses.
  85. [19:37] * Qindeo eyes the houses with a suspicious glance.
  86. [19:37] * Zephyr can't make anything out; it's a bit too dark for her to see well enough.
  87. [19:37] <Zyrlana> As a a few thousand steps go by, more and more of this town comes into view, and houses start to cease existing. You can now see a huge crater in the ground, as well as a factory that dimly sticks out in the pale moon/northern light, two of the smoke stacks having collapsed into the building itself. There are other ravaged buildings about, like an aircraft control tower, and
  88. [19:37] <Zyrlana> vast stretches of rusted chain link fence.
  89. [19:38] <Zyrlana> Zen, you can see something fluttering in the wind on top of the good half of the factory, but it's too dark for you to tell what it is.
  90. [19:39] <Zyrlana> There's also more crumpled factories strewn about, it looks like only one is still standing all the way.
  91. [19:39] * Zen squints at the fluttering thing, "Anyone else see that?"
  92. [19:39] <Zyrlana> There's a couple where only one or two floors collapsed, each factory about 4 stories tall.
  93. [19:39] * Zazi blinks at Zen's question before squinting. He huffs after a bit. "I can't see anything. It's too dark."
  94. [19:40] * Zephyr tries to see what it is, looking where Zen is. "No... I can't see a thing."
  95. [19:40] <Zen> "You have a night vision scope, use it."
  96. [19:40] <Qindeo> "It's a flag."
  97. [19:40] * Zazi blinks again before facehoofing. "Oh right. I forgot about that," he chuckles before sitting down and taking out his varmint rifle.
  98. [19:43] * Zen looks at Qindeo, "a flag?" he frowns, then a thought occurs to him, "um... anyone get the feeling we may have found where that little band of ponies trying to kill us came from?"
  99. [19:43] * Zephyr mane itches a bit. She looks for hoofprints in the snow now...
  100. [19:44] * Zazi puts the butt of the rifle to his shoulder and gazes through the scope towards the flag.
  101. [19:44] <Zyrlana> Zephyr, there may have been hoofprints, but the wind here and the snow too thick for you to tell, as any hoofprints would be quickly windswept.
  102. [19:45] * Zen looks to Zazi, "what do you see?"
  103. [19:45] * Zazi gives a small growl before lowering the rifle. "You're a jinx, Zen," he grumbles, "That flag has the same symbol as those raiders' tabbards on it."
  104. [19:45] * Kyva doesn't know what the others behind her are looking at or talking about, so she just finds some decent cover for the moment.
  105. [19:47] * Zephyr chews her lip a bit... really not wanting to take a bullet. "I think we should leave... this is their base," she says in a hushed whisper.
  106. [19:47] <Zyrlana> You guys are now upon the mostly intact houses, many of them have blown in doors, with little piles of snow inside.
  107. [19:47] * Zen groans, "well then... maybe we can talk to them... make a deal." he looks at the size of the settelment, "otherwise... we may need to engage in some more aggressive negotiations or find another place we could obtain what we need."
  108. [19:47] <Qindeo> "Wonderful."
  109. [19:48] * Kyva makes sure her guns are loaded and ready. "Is the arch-nemesis of Team Zebra, standing in path once more!"
  110. [19:48] <Zyrlana> Being in the last row of houses, you guys can see hangars now, and the ruins of many old planes.
  111. [19:49] <Zyrlana> Also, a couple of shipping crates are stacked around some of the hangars.
  112. [19:49] * Zephyr gulps, "Should we look for a house to run to if it goes south before we go deeper in?"
  113. [19:49] <Zen> "It might be best to seek shelter yes..."
  114. [19:50] * Zen looks at a house with no walls, "that might work..."
  115. [19:51] * Zephyr looks around at the houses, unsure of which would be good.
  116. [19:51] * Zazi nods in agreement. "Something sturdy... and preferably with a second floor." He looks at the 'house' Zen suggests before looking at him incredulously. "... Yes. That's a good choice. If you'd like to get shot."
  117. [19:52] * Zen has to agree with that, "yes... maybe we should double back to some of the sturdier houses?"
  118. [19:53] * Zephyr nods at this idea. "Something to get out of the cold would be nice too."
  119. [19:53] <Zyrlana> Zazi, you find a house with the door open, but still attached to its hinges, and the one window is still in place!
  120. [19:55] * Zazi starts to glance around, soon spotting said house. He gestures towards it. "That one should do," he nods approvingly, "Even has a window to snipe from."
  121. [19:55] * Qindeo nods in aggreement.
  122. [19:56] * Zephyr nods, really to just get out of the wind. "I'm ready to get out of the cold."
  123. [19:57] <Zyrlana> Inside, you find a couple of skeletons huddled together next to an incredibly ancient, but surprisingly durable combination stove/oven, with a pipe leading to the roof.
  124. [19:57] * Zephyr walks in before noticing the skeletons and cringing.
  125. [19:58] * Kyva pats Zephyr. "Is okay. She is dead."
  126. [19:59] * Zen regards the skeletons sadly, "kupumzika kwa amani." he says under his breath befor he stats pillaging the fridge and cabinets for possible food
  127. [19:59] <Zyrlana> Oh.
  128. [19:59] <Zyrlana> That's all that was inside, the skeletons and the stove.
  129. [19:59] <Zyrlana> Literally nothing else except dust and snow.
  130. [19:59] * Zazi steps in after her, glancing at the skeletons for a moment before letting out a sad sigh, his attention turning to the window. He sits about a foot or two back from it and takes out his rifle once more, gazing through the scope and watching the street.
  131. [20:00] * Zen is displeased with the amount of things he can take...
  132. [20:00] <Zen> "we may want to sleep in a room without corpses in it."
  133. [20:01] * Qindeo shrugs.
  134. [20:01] * Zephyr slowly opens the stove, staying as far away from the bones as she could.
  135. [20:02] * Zazi glances back at the skeletons, then to Qindeo, before returning his attention to the street. "Maybe. This close to a raider base, though, we're going to want to take turns on watch through the night."
  136. [20:02] <Kyva> "So what is plan of battle? Use elements against them... best element, element of surprise!"
  137. [20:04] <Zyrlana> Zazi, you see the window pointed at the airfield, there is nothing out there at all except ruined planes.
  138. [20:04] <Zyrlana> And hangars and stuff, you see no flags on top of the hangars or watchtower.
  139. [20:05] <Zen> "We will decide that later... for now we must rest. In the morning we shall make plans... possibly a way to get in with no conflict."
  140. [20:07] * Qindeo nods. "Yes, though we should have one of us keeping watch during the night."
  141. [20:07] <Zyrlana> (It's 11 in the morning right now.)
  142. [20:07] * Zephyr frowns, closing the stove back up. "Nothing in the stove.. though we may be able to hide something in it.." She shrugs.
  143. [20:08] <Qindeo> [Night, day, whatever :P]
  144. [20:09] * Zazi gives a small sigh at the lack of view the house offered. "Are there any other windows? Or a second floor?"
  145. [20:09] * Kyva starts unpacking her bedroll. "Is nighttime for a while, but okay. See you in two months!"
  146. [20:10] * Zen shrugs, "lets all get at least 4 hours of sleep... and yes... lets have one of us keep watch, any volunteers?"
  147. [20:11] * Zephyr shakes her head, "There might be a crawl space hiddin by the ceiling though..."
  148. [20:11] * Qindeo voulunteers with a grunt.
  149. [20:12] <Zyrlana> The four hours pass by uneventfully, nopony even seems to notice you're there, as nobody comes knocking, and there is no sound, or anything.
  150. [20:13] * Kyva volunteers in front of Qindeo. "Wimpy Z warriors lob rock at me with gun. I am fine. I can watch."
  151. [20:15] * Zazi stretches out after waking up, rubbing at his eyes. Hopefully that little bit of rest would pay off. "Everyone ready to move out?"
  152. [20:15] <Zyrlana> Alright, after a four hour break, you're all healed!
  153. [20:15] <Zyrlana> Of whatever minor damage was left.
  154. [20:16] * Zephyr slowly stretches with a yawn. "I'm good whenever."
  155. [20:16] * Zen is a very heavy sleeper and will require a good kick to be awoken.
  156. [20:17] * Kyva packs up her bedroll. She kept herself decently warm, even while she kept an eye out the window.
  157. [20:18] * Qindeo is standing near the doorway already, waiting for the others to wake.
  158. [20:18] * Zen is still sleeping in a corner, curled up in a ball and snoring.
  159. [20:18] * Zephyr moves over to Zen, shaking him a bit. "Time to wake up Zen."
  160. [20:19] * Kyva is up, and waiting at the door now too. "Wakey-wakey, medic Zen!"
  161. [20:20] * Zazi glances over at Zen before snickering and then clearing his throat. "KYVA, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CLOTHES, AND WHY IS YOUR FLANK ALL WET?" he loudly asks.
  162. [20:20] * Zen grumbles, "... the klungs were not supoused to be removed you foool..... put back the kindneies.... just one... doesn't need all that blood...." He lazily opens one eye, "hm? what?"
  163. [20:21] * Kyva looks down at her clothes, and then back up at Zazi, confused. "...Is snow?"
  164. [20:21] * Zephyr looks at Zazi questionably before back at Zen. "It's time to go; we don't want to be found."
  165. [20:22] * Zazi waves a hoof at her dismissively and then gesturing towards Zen. "Don't mind me. I thought that'd be more effective at waking him up than it apparently was."
  166. [20:23] * Zen is rather disapointed that Kyva isn't wet...
  167. [20:23] * Zephyr rolls her eyes a bit, looking out the window.
  168. [20:23] * Zen yawns and stretches out, "alrighty... lets do this shall we?" he looks out the window, what nshall be the best way to get in?"
  169. [20:26] <Kyva> "Our Z warrior friends are prancing about with our Dandy Colt Zebra Cakes, all hot to trot mocking us! Is time for action!"
  170. [20:26] * Zazi lets out a small yawn before looking to the window. "Well... if I can find an elevated position nearby, I can try to pick a few of them off before we go in."
  171. [20:28] <Zephyr> "What about talking? We may not have to make an enemy of them..."
  172. [20:30] <Kyva> "Yes! We talk to them, and they see futility of battle. And while they are doing that, we line up shot!"
  173. [20:30] * Zazi raises a brow at Zephyr. "... I think if they were in the business of making allies, they wouldn't have shot at us the second they were spotted."
  174. [20:30] * Qindeo nods. "That is what I was thinking."
  175. [20:32] * Zephyr looks at Kyva and nods with a frown. "Well, maybe they thought you'd attack them." She gulps, "I'm willing to try to talk if you want to line up a shot..." She looks really nervous.
  176. [20:32] * Zen has been sitting in silence... thinking, "what if we just looked like them and snuck in?"
  177. [20:32] * Kyva trots out of the house, and looks around towards the factory. "Head to factory, look for cake and bad zebras."
  178. [20:33] * Zazi stares at her for a short while before glancing at Zen. "Well, Kyva and I took the tabbards off the armour we took from them," he states before perking his ears up, "Ah! But, I didn't remove them from the other two I grabbed!"
  179. [20:33] * Zen grabs Kyva's tail, "woah there, slow down."
  180. [20:34] * Kyva furrows her brows. "Okay. Slowly head to factory, look for cake and bad zebras..?"
  181. [20:35] * Zen attempts to pull Kyva back inside by her tail, "Yes, exactly, me and Zephyr will where those. try to talk our way inside."
  182. [20:36] <Kyva> "...But you are not them. Is silly!"
  183. [20:36] * Zephyr nods, still looking a bit worried. "I'd prefer no blood shed if we can..."
  184. [20:36] <Zen> "We are tricking them to think we are them Kyva..."
  185. [20:38] * Kyva gives a flat look. She understood that, she just thinks it's silly.
  186. [20:40] * Zen sits down and sighs, "so how are we doing this befor Kyva walks into a killing floor or mine field or into a snipers field of vision?"
  187. [20:41] * Zazi sits down and sets about taking the two sets of armour out of his bags, tossing one to Zen before offering the other to Zephyr. "Try to get them to talk outside. I'll try to find a good vantage point. Kyva, Qindeo, you find some cover relatively nearby the factory to hide behind."
  188. [20:41] * Kyva sighs. "Alright... And we will take cover in house across street from building."
  189. [20:41] * Qindeo nods.
  190. [20:41] * Zen nods and starts pulling the barding on, "we'll have to ditch out cloaks to look the part..."
  191. [20:43] * Zephyr takes the armor and begins swapping her clothing for the armor. "Okay, get some outside, try to get through peacefully... or shoot them if fighting breaks out. Right?"
  192. [20:43] * Zazi nods, taking Zen's clothing and placing it into his bag for the time being, waiting for Zephyr to don her armour before doing the same. "We wouldn't happen to have another one of those gas masks, would we?" he asks.
  193. [20:44] * Zen nods as he gets all his gear together and looks himself over, "how do I look?"
  194. [20:44] * Zephyr stands up, making sure the armor is fitting her correctly.
  195. [20:44] * Kyva pulls the other one from her pack.
  196. [20:45] * Zen makes sure his gasmask is on correctly.
  197. [20:45] <Kyva> "When you are done imitating enemy you know nothing about, what will you do so we do not shoot you on return?"
  198. [20:45] * Zephyr takes the other, putting it on.
  199. [20:46] * Zazi chuckles at Zen. "Like you might need something to distinguish you from them," he grins, "Don't worry... I'll try to memorize where you're at so I don't accidentally shoot you." He then nods to Zephyr as she puts hers on. "If they become hostile or you start to feel threatened, give us a signal, and keep your backs to us at all times. Kyva, Qindeo, if you hear any gunshots, rush in."
  200. [20:48] * Kyva shrugs. "If problem, tear off tabard. Easy peasy to see."
  201. [20:49] * Zen chuckles, "I'm the other sexy one." he has the smugest smirk under his gasmask.
  202. [20:49] * Zazi nods in agreement with Kyva. "Or if you have trouble with that, take off your gas mask."
  203. [20:49] * Qindeo snorts.
  204. [20:50] * Zephyr nods, taking a deep, shaky breath.
  205. [20:50] * Zen shrugs, "I also have my shotgun, look for the stallion with the shotgun."
  206. [20:50] * Zazi starts towards the door, giving Zen a curious look. "... What if one of them has a shotgun?" he chuckles.
  207. [20:51] <Zen> "I'll shoot him and take it, I require more gun."
  208. [20:51] * Kyva doesn't know who Zen was calling the first sexy one. She looks at Zazi, then back at Zen, and shrugs.
  209. [20:51] <Zephyr> "I have a silenced pistol... I don't think many of them would have one."
  210. [20:52] * Zen pats Zephyr on the back, "don't worry, now remember, confidence and be assertive like them...." he thinks, "or maybe I should do the talking."
  211. [20:53] * Kyva leads out the door, because no zebra else was. "Assertive like them? ...That was my plan."
  212. [20:53] * Zephyr breaths another sigh. "We'll both do the talking, though a male lead may make things easier," she says, looking down a bit.
  213. [20:53] <Qindeo> "Just go already. We are wasting time."
  214. [20:54] * Zephyr nods, trotting out the door.
  215. [20:55] * Kyva trots along near the houses, looking for signs of movement.
  216. [20:56] * Zen nods, "a good observation." he takes the lead, "but please watch my back... I don;t want to get clubbed over the head."
  217. [20:56] * Zazi trots out of the door as well. "If any of you spots a good tower or tall building, let me know."
  218. [20:56] * Qindeo follows after Kyva.
  219. [20:57] * Zephyr follows behind Zen, "Got it, I'll do my best."
  220. [20:58] * Zen smiles and bumps her with his flank, "Do not worry, we will be fine."
  221. [20:58] * Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  222. [20:59] * Zephyr sighs once more, "I hope so.. I don't have that many medical supplies. Do you have any?"
  223. [21:00] * Kyva spots more armour and gas masks. "Hmph.. well, could all play dress-up?"
  224. [21:00] <Zyrlana> The two of you come upon a few guard zebras dressed in uniform posted at the entrances, one of them speaks up. "Pretty cold out today, right? What're you hear for, food? You look pretty empty."
  225. [21:03] <Zyrlana> You notice this zebra guard is actually pretty nice, he's decked out with an assault rifle, but you can't really see his armor under the tabard, he just stands in front of the door as he waits for an answer.
  226. [21:03] * Zazi fails, along with his companions, at finding a good vantage point. Instead, he takes attempts to crudely camouflage himself on amidst some of the corpses in a position where he can at least see Zephyr and Zen.
  227. [21:05] * Zen just nods and heads, "yeah, we got a bit lost out in the blizzard."
  228. [21:05] * Zephyr nods to the guard, smiling under the gasmask. "Were here to resupply before we head out on patrol again. That blizzard nearly got us."
  229. [21:07] * Kyva finds a house across from the factory building. She also picked up the gas mask, and attempts to fix it up with one of the other broken ones while she waits.
  230. [21:09] <Zyrlana> The zebra guard nods. "Yeah, they tend to knock you off guard, the three month nights don't help. So, would you folks mind taking up some supplies up fort Rebellion? You can take one of the pallettes of food, and just eat from that on your way there. If you need some help loading it up on skis, just ask around. They also need a couple weapons shipped up."
  231. [21:10] <Zyrlana> "We lost two groups of two earlier, we've no clue where they went, they left about three weeks ago, and they never reported in, they had some rounds of our experimental ammo on them, and a prototype grenade launcer, have you seen that about?"
  232. [21:11] * Zephyr nods again, "Sure thing. And we did find one of the groups; they were all torn up by enemy fire." She shook her head. "This group just had ammunition."
  233. [21:14] * Zen nods, "yeah, we can do that."
  234. [21:16] * Zen scratches his head, "I think I saw some more of our guys wandering around in the storm too... not sure though." he shrugs, "I'm sure they'll find their way back here like we did."
  235. [21:16] <Zyrlana> "Ah, that's a shame you couldn't find the launcher. We've been having a lot of dissapearances lately, There's a mountain pass slightly south of here, and most of our patrols from there go missing, we're planning on launching a bigger group down there later to find any, this latest blizzard has been pretty intense."
  236. [21:18] <Zyrlana> "We actually had a couple people come up in our own armor, they launched something explosive at the side of the building here, dunno if it was grenades or rockets. But... be careful out there, okay?"
  237. [21:18] * Zephyr nods once again, looking to Zen on what to do.
  238. [21:19] * Zen nods, "yeah, i'll watch my flank. now can you let us in, i'm freezing."
  239. [21:19] <Zyrlana> He steps to the side to let you in. "You'll find the launcher in lot 14, food in 16." You can see past him, and there's neat little square lots, all marked with overhead signs, they start at 11, because half the building was blown up."
  240. [21:20] * Zephyr nods again, "Thank you for the info."
  241. [21:20] * Zen nods and walks in, "thanks, you want anything since we're heading that way?"
  242. [21:21] * Zephyr slowly starts following him in.
  243. [21:23] <Zyrlana> You guys see some posters as you walk in, with saying like. "Zebra Anarchist Overland! Every zebra gets his own slice of the ice!"
  244. [21:25] <Zyrlana> But you easily find the palettes he was talking about, hundreds and hundreds of them actually, all dandy colt zebra cakes and assorted other snacks, this one's loaded up on its skis already, and it was a variety pack, but at least half of it was dandy colt. In lot 14, you see another pony guarding a small room, what used to be a manager's office.
  245. [21:26] * Zephyr follows behind Zen, trying to listen in on any conversations to pick up some information.
  246. [21:27] * Zen doesn't look at them, he is an actor on a stage right now and doesn't want to get a spot light on him, he looks for the way to where the launchers are.
  247. [21:28] <Zyrlana> There's a crudely drawn sign in the office. "Munitions."
  248. [21:29] * Zephyr is pretty good at not sticking out... avoiding others back in the den to not deal witht he rascism.
  249. [21:29] * Zen nudges Zephyr "lets head over to muntions then grab this heavy thing."
  250. [21:30] * Zephyr nods, "Okay. What of the others though?"
  251. [21:31] * Zen looks at her, "what others? the other guys we saw in the storm?" He is a very good actor.
  252. [21:32] <Zephyr> "Nevermind.." She looks away, glad they didn't have to fight...yet.
  253. [21:33] * Zen shrugs and walks toward the muntions room.
  254. [21:34] * Zyrlana ( Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  255. [21:35] * Zen rolls his shoulders, "sooooo... you didn't get out much back home? I barely saw you around."
  256. [21:35] * Zyrlana ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP3
  257. [21:36] <Zyrlana> "I got word on the radio 'bout you." says the pony in front of the munitions department. "Wait right here." After a few moments, he walks his way back out, a grenade launcher on a strap. He droops it over Zen's neck, and loads him with a closed pack. "There, launcher and ammo, you can go ahead and leave through the garage." He says, opening the garage with a button press,
  258. [21:36] <Zyrlana> letting the cold in.
  259. [21:36] * Zephyr sighs, "My heritage works against me."
  260. [21:37] * Skyhoof ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP3
  261. [21:38] <Skyhoof> (I'm Zyrlana)
  262. [21:38] * Zen nods, "thanks, i'll grab that pallet and we'll be outta your mane." he nods to Zephyr and walks back over to the pallete of snack cakes.
  263. [21:39] * Zephyr continues to follow him, not really knowing what to do with the pallets currently.
  264. [21:39] <Skyhoof> Okay, it takes you all the rest of the day to get back to your Den, which you find with nary a problem, and Zyrlana thanks you for your swift delivery of her cakes. However, you all still have half a pallet of food and a grenade launcher.
  265. [21:40] * Zyrlana ( Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  266. [21:40] * Zen is quiet pleased with himself that his plan went flawlessly.
  267. [21:41] * Skyhoof is now known as Zyrlana
  268. [21:42] * Zen thinks, "perhaps we could alley ourselves with this faction..." he suggests to Zyrlana, "they seem friendly enough was probably a case of mistaken identity our first encounter."
  269. [21:42] <Zen> *. it was probaly
  270. [21:43] * Zephyr is just happy to not have any violence. She stayed quiet and didn't look up from the ground, not wanting to start anything.
  271. [21:45] <Kyva> "They are armed, and with grenades and boolets. Have trouble shooting their own is not reason to trust."
  272. [21:46] <Zen> "we could use the heavy artilery."
  273. [21:46] * Zazi examines one of the pieces of armour with the anarchist tabbards on it, brow furrowed slightly. After hearing that tale, he couldn't help but feel a little bad for killing those patrols. Kyva had a point, though. "... Next time we find ourselves around there, maybe we should try approaching them with a white flag?"
  274. [21:47] * Zephyr continues to look down, talking in a whisper, "They have ample amounts of supplies..."
  275. [21:48] <Zen> "they said they patrol in groups of two... we met a group of 4."
  276. [21:49] * Zazi nods slowly before raising a brow. "It was a blizzard, though... two patrols could of found one another and decided to stick together through it."
  277. [21:49] <Zen> "that might not have been them, just some oppertunistic ponies in their armor. I say we set up a line of trade with them, it would help our home out alot, and we could also benifit them, its a good deal for both sides."
  278. [21:51] <Zazi> "And if they were transporting a prototype weapon and some special ammo, they could of just been that much more alert and wary of any other groups they came across..."
  279. [21:52] <Kyva> "They shot first."
  280. [21:52] <Zephyr> "And the fact they have prototype weapons means they have a research and devolopment team..."
  281. [21:53] * Qindeo sits off to the side, sharpening his sword and listening to the others' conversation.
  282. [21:53] <Zen> "they are sending a big group down toward our home, more then just 4. I say we aproach them peacefully now." he nods to Zephyr, "EXACTLY! think of the things we could get with that kind of team."
  283. [21:54] * Zazi nods in agreement with that. "They did. It could of just been an unfortunate misunderstanding... all the same, better to err on the side of caution. Next time we're near their factory, or find one of their patrols, we should have a white flag ready so they know we're peaceful."
  284. [21:56] * Zen nods in agreement, "that would be best yes." he looks at Zyrlana, "what is your opinion on this?"
  285. [21:57] <Zen> (redact that last bit....]]
  286. [22:00] * Kyva hmphs. "Is not misunderstanding to shoot gun. Is kill-shots. They would be trained to know that if they are friendly group."
  287. [22:01] <Zephyr> "Forging an alliance will be the only way to survive," she says to the side.
  288. [22:02] * Zen nods in agreement with Zephyr, "We need what they have, they want what we make"
  289. [22:03] <Zephyr> "And if we don't, they'll take."
  290. [22:05] <Zen> "by force. so lets try the diplomatic approach. they don't like our deal, we kill them all."
  291. [22:05] * Zephyr cringes a bit.
  292. [22:05] * Zen smiles, "so... who's up for going back?"
  293. [22:06] * Zazi raises a brow. "Didn't you say they wanted you two to deliver something for them?"
  294. [22:07] * Zephyr looks at the supplies. "I say we finish the task, then ask. We'll have more trust if we bring the goods we took to their intended location." She fidgets a bit, wanting to get going soon.
  295. [22:10] * Zen sighs, "so... too fort rebelion then?"
  296. [22:10] * Kyva doesn't like this at all. "What is their plan? They take special weapons up to base nearer our home, and we are looking to ally?" She sighs. "We will go, and meet, and see who they are, but our home is secret until we know they can know secret."
  297. [22:11] * Zen nods in agreement with Kyva, "thats the plan, We will probably never have to tell them about our home.
  298. [22:11] * Zazi nods slowly in agreement with the plan.
  299. [22:12] * Qindeo nods as well.
  300. [22:13] * Zephyr sighs, just wanting to leave. The den was obviously not one of her favorite places. "We'll need to mark a place for exchanges to happen."
  301. [22:14] * Zen nods "all righty.... who want to ride on the pallete on the way there?" he starts walking east, toward where this fort rebellions was.
  302. [22:14] * Kyva is trotting ahead as the rest talk.
  303. [22:14] <Zen> "we could just deliver things back and forth."
  304. [22:15] <Zephyr> "We'd need an exchange point so they don't find our home Zen."
  305. [22:15] * Qindeo is trotting along next to Kyva, silent.
  306. [22:16] * Zen sighs, "we'll figure that out later."
  307. [22:16] <Zyrlana> You all easily find the whistling ravine, the snow isn't so bad here, it's blowing off the tops of the mountain, just leaving a cold wind blowing in your faces.
  308. [22:17] * Zen is glad he has his cloak and gas mask, he checks his armor to make sure the anarchy emblom is visible.
  309. [22:18] * Zephyr is just waiting for the others to leave.
  310. [22:18] * Zazi follows a short distance behind, a pole with a lengthy white flag on the end of it in his mouth.
  311. [22:20] * Kyva shrugs and puts a gas mask on.
  312. [22:21] <Zyrlana> You guys can hear lots and lots of gunshots now echoing through the ravine.
  313. [22:21] * Zephyr looks to Zen, "We good to go?"
  314. [22:21] * Zen humms a little, "maybe me and Zephyr should lead, let us do the talking..."
  315. [22:21] <Kyva> "Is civil war! Or ringing in new year!"
  316. [22:21] <Zyrlana> It's pretty amplified through the close walls of the ravine, though even with the amplified noise, it still sounds far away.
  317. [22:22] * Zephyr just shrugs, okay with anything that refrains from violence really.
  318. [22:22] * Zazi blinks at the two of them, dropping the white flag for the moment. "... You two *do* hear that, don't you?" he asks a little incredulously.
  319. [22:22] * Zen face hooves, "Kyva, please go to the back with Zazi..." he falls into step with Qindeo
  320. [22:23] * Qindeo doesn't need a gas mask. He grunts, continuing forward.
  321. [22:25] * Zen makes sure his shotgun is loaded...
  322. [22:26] * Zephyr is feeling a lot better now that they had some distance between them and the den.
  323. [22:27] * Zen nudges Zephyr, "you ok?"
  324. [22:27] * Kyva comments at the gunfight noises again, "Maybe is bad day for diplomacy?"
  325. [22:28] <Zyrlana> As you folks emerge out of the ravine, you can see smoke in the distance, illuminated by the dim lights in the sky, gunfire and flashes lighting up either side of a battlefield. There's a big dugout in the south, and what looks like a big power plant in the west, with the familiar flags waving wartorn atop the power plant.
  326. [22:28] <Zen> "Just don't shoot the ponies we're delivering this shit too Kyva."
  327. [22:29] * Zephyr looks away, "I just don't like others in the den.."
  328. [22:29] * Zen chuckles, "and us?"
  329. [22:29] * Zazi hums in thought. "Maybe I should scout ahead, see if I can't scope out who's shooting at who," he suggests.
  330. [22:30] * Zen rolls his eyes, "the ones to the west are the ones are the ones we're delivering too."
  331. [22:30] <Kyva> "I take second shot, medic Zen."
  332. [22:31] * Zephyr sighs, "Well, none of you have insulted or hit me, so there's that."
  333. [22:32] * Zazi looks to Zen with a raised brow. "What if there's another organized group fighting with these anarchists? We may end up having to pick a side if we get involved... we should at least see what the other one is."
  334. [22:33] <Qindeo> "I do not think it is wise to approach without knowing who is shooting who. I shall go investigate, while you bicker amongst yourselves."
  335. [22:33] <Zyrlana> Speaking of scouting, it appears a group is here to meet you, and it notices that some of you are wearing the zebra anarchists armor and carrying supplies! They don't like that very much, and start to run towards you, it doesn't look like they have noticable guns on.
  336. [22:33] * Zen can't help but feel bad for Zephyr, "well... we need to look out for each other and you are a great help." he looks at Zazi, "Ok, you, Qindeo and Kyva go talk to them, me and Zephyr will make the dilivery to the other side."
  337. [22:33] <Zyrlana> (They're not in zebra armor by the way, they're in a strange black leather with crazy horns on the top.
  338. [22:34] <Zyrlana> They were coming from the south, camped out at the edge of the ravine, but due to the echoing from the warfare, you couldn't hear them.
  339. [22:35] * Zen waves to the welcome party, "hey! you order some food?" he smiles and starts walking toward them, motioning for the others to follow.
  340. [22:35] <Zazi> (( Really? Another perception roll? ))
  341. [22:35] <Qindeo> "Or not. Here comes our welcoming party."
  342. [22:35] * Kyva backs up and readies herself. She waits for the others, not really sure what to do about this.
  343. [22:36] * Zazi blinks at the approaching potential enemies and quickly snatches up the white flag, waving it a few times. "Jen, Jephyr, ge' behin' us!"
  344. [22:36] * Zephyr sighes, calling out to the other group, "Please, no violence. We're here to negotiate terms."
  345. [22:37] <Zyrlana> The one in the middle stops. "Terms? Terms for surrender? We need that power plant to run our factory, and your kind are in it."
  346. [22:38] * Zazi lets out a relieved sigh, keeping the flag up. At least they weren't going to outright attack them. He looks to Zephyr and Zen; it was entirely up to them to handle this delicate diplomatic situation.
  347. [22:38] * Zephyr trots ahead. "Maybe. But nothing will change if you attack us, only more fighting. I'm willing to listen to your side and do my best to settle this.
  348. [22:38] * Qindeo stands there silently.
  349. [22:39] * Zen raises an eyebrow, "and who are you? you with the ZZA?"
  350. [22:40] * Zen is grabbing at straw here, he's figuratively chomping at his bit, though soon he may literally be.
  351. [22:40] <Zyrlana> "Ha! Surely you jest, we are the Pacific Front, these "Zebra Anarchists" are just snooping up all over like...annoying pimples on Zeberia's great face."
  352. [22:41] * Zen dead pans, "and who or what is this zebraia?"
  353. [22:42] <Zephyr> "Sorry, we're just from a movement trying to stop the fighting. We're not too keen on the sides. Could you fill us in on what's going on?"
  354. [22:44] <Zyrlana> "Like I said, these zebra anarchists they call themselves, are claiming a lot of old bases around here, we didn't mind at first, it was in the useless mountains, but as they make their way to the great delta, our security is threatened. They want to hold this power plant, their first territory on this side of the mountains. I'm amazed they managed to make it through the
  355. [22:44] <Zyrlana> chokepoint."
  356. [22:46] * Zephyr nods, "So, they want the power plant, and so do you? How are you on resources?"
  357. [22:47] <Zyrlana> "That information is confidential, why do you want to know about our resources?"
  358. [22:48] <Zephyr> "Well, the Anarchists have a large surplus of resources; maybe we could do a trade agreement while sharing the power from the powerplant."[22:50] <Zyrlana> "You've been to see the anarchists have you? What else do you know? And no, they took the powerplant, we never owned it, and it doesn't work...but their territorial acquisitions have been...a bit brash, so we will quash them here, and hold them to this ravine."
  359. [22:52] * Zen raises an eyebrow, "they probaly just want the power, once they release its futile to try and fix it they'll probably leave."
  360. [22:53] <Qindeo> "And what if they manage to fix it Zen?"
  361. [22:53] * Zephyr shuts her eyes, nodding, "Like I said, we're a movement trying to negotiate peace. The Anarchists have vast land and resources; enough to the point that they can have research and devolopment set up. They're a powerful force; you've already lost the advantage of the chokepoint... best bet to to make an agreement. Less loses on your side."
  362. [22:53] * Kyva looks over to Qindeo and shrugs. She has no idea which side to take.
  363. [22:54] * Zen eye twitches under his gas mask.
  364. [22:54] <Zyrlana> "The power doesn't matter, they step too close to our boundaries. Do you say we cannot take them? Do you sympathize with them?
  365. [22:54] * Qindeo falls silent once more.
  366. [22:55] * Zen pulls off his gasmask and smiles, "of course not."
  367. [22:55] <Zephyr> "I'm a neutral party. The Anarchists are very well armed and have the people and resources to fight a long war. Even if you do beat them, you'll be in ruin. You should take the peaceful approach and set up boundaries."
  368. [22:56] * Zen slowly pushes Zephyr to one side, "We are merely trying to understand what the situation is and obviosly you are the larger and more powerful. now, let me m
  369. [22:57] <Zen> *make one thing clear."
  370. [22:58] * Zephyr is pushed to the side. She bites her tongue a bit.
  371. [22:58] * Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  372. [22:59] <Qindeo> "Zen, unless you want a sword through your gut, I'd suggest standing down."
  373. [23:01] <Zyrlana> "You are a strange group, but...I will talk, and see to my superior with this...information."
  374. [23:01] <Zyrlana> They turn and leave you free to go whichever way.
  375. [23:02] * Zephyr breaths a sigh of relief.
  376. [23:04] * Zen ( Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  377. [23:05] <Qindeo> "...ya'll suck."
  378. [23:05] <Zyrlana> ***Group 57 Session 2 END***
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