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May 28th, 2013
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  1. [18:43:26] Leopold Caine > Angel Cartel currently has Skarkon under lockdown. Sit down and relax.
  2. [18:43:27] Castor II > ok money first
  3. [18:43:34] Laria Raven > We are indeed here, as promised.
  4. [18:44:15] Saede Riordan > That's nice. Leave.
  5. [18:44:45] Laria Raven > Uh. I believe this is where I say "Make us" and then there's more posturing and everyone looks foolish.
  6. [18:45:08] Laria Raven > But you go first, because I find that business dull.
  7. [18:45:32] Leopold Caine > <b>People of Skarkon II.</b>
  8. [18:45:44] Leopold Caine > <b>It has been precisely five years since you made a wise and brave decision. A cry for help. A cry for liberty.</b>
  9. [18:45:49] Saede Riordan > <b>Leopold Caine, High Queen of Asswipes.</b>
  10. [18:45:53] Saede Riordan > <b>Fuck off.</b>
  11. [18:46:07] Leopold Caine > <b>Five years ago, you voted to leave the crippled, dying, discredited Republic and join the Angel Cartel.</b>
  12. [18:46:31] Saede Riordan > You know, I signed that petition at the time. It really did seem like you guys were legit. Too bad its all lies.
  13. [18:46:35] Leopold Caine > <b>However, the fascist Shakorite regime in Pator and its sycophants decided to deny your choice, decided to give you five more years, decided that their territory was more important than your freedom.</b>
  14. [18:47:12] Skrunkle > preach it brother leo!
  15. [18:47:13] Leopold Caine > <b>5 more years of what? Of war with the Amarr Empire and Caldari State? Of an economy that didn't even start repairing itself? Of famine and poverty?</b>
  16. [18:47:14] Saede Riordan > Except for the part where the Angels abandoned us right after Shakor took power. Shakor had nothing to do with the Angels leaving.
  17. [18:47:46] Saede Riordan > He's selling you snake oil. Writing a check his ass can't cash.
  18. [18:47:47] Leopold Caine > <b>This is all the Republican regime stands for. Empty warmongering, playing on people's basic instincts of bloodlust to hide the fact that the Republic is dying.</b>
  19. [18:47:56] Saede Riordan > Not that I disagree with that.
  20. [18:48:05] Saede Riordan > But Skarkon does not want what the Cartel is selling.
  21. [18:48:16] Leopold Caine > <b>You may have heard in the news that Maleatu Shakor's appetite is relentless and that he has started launching attacks against Gallente Federation space as well.</b>
  22. [18:48:48] Leopold Caine > <b>Where will your tribal pride and warrior spirit be when all of them finally come and knock at your door? </b>
  23. [18:48:50] Saede Riordan > The choice is not between the Republic and the Angels, the choice is between willful self determination and allowing control to be dictated by an external force.
  24. [18:49:24] Nick Volbeat > /emote boos <url=showinfo:1373//92149662>Saede Riordan</url>
  25. [18:49:25] Leopold Caine > <b>We come here again, bearing gifts, 5 years later to remind you. To offer our olive branch to you again, and offer you a chance to leave the sinking ship that is the Republic.</b>
  26. [18:49:35] Saede Riordan > What these men are here today to do is to tell all of you that the Angels are somehow just, and good rulers.
  27. [18:49:44] Hulemand > We come here bearing liberty!
  28. [18:49:49] Saede Riordan > Why don't you ask the people of Rilnais about that?
  29. [18:49:52] Skrunkle > FREEEEEEDOM!!!
  30. [18:49:52] Leopold Caine > <b>We leave the choice to you. Join us and live up to your full potential. Or stay and continue to suffer from the empty words, the broken promises, the endless failure that the Republic has given you so far.</b>
  31. [18:50:07] Saede Riordan > It is not an either or choice.
  32. [18:50:20] Leopold Caine > <b>We'll remain close. Watching and waiting. Just remember.</b>
  33. [18:50:26] Saede Riordan > The Republic has failed us, but we do not need to turn to the next group of thugs with guns who come along.
  34. [18:50:31] Leopold Caine > <b>Angels are never far.</b>
  35. [18:50:33] Sh'toq > <b><i>Angels are never far!</b></i>
  36. [18:50:33] Laria Raven > Angel's are <i>never</i> far.
  37. [18:50:34] Skrunkle > Angels are never far!
  38. [18:50:34] Halvaar > Angels are never far
  39. [18:50:34] Raziel Saston > Angels are never far!
  40. [18:50:34] Streggler > Angels are never far!
  41. [18:50:34] Dieter Hardhausen > Angels are never far!
  42. [18:50:35] Lann Steele > Angels are never far!
  43. [18:50:35] Tiberius Zenon > <b>Angels are never far!</b>
  44. [18:50:35] Vikingbjorn > Angels are never far
  45. [18:50:38] Jezus vanOstade > Angels are never far!
  46. [18:50:38] Saede Riordan > Look what they are doing, right now, blockading the system.
  47. [18:50:38] Joshua Foiritain > Angels are never far
  48. [18:50:39] Hulemand > Angels are ever watching you!
  49. [18:50:57] Saede Riordan > Is that the work of liberators or of invaders?
  50. [18:51:57] Skrunkle > one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter
  51. [18:52:24] Leopold Caine > It's good to see Shakor's lapdogs are trying their best to spread their lies so far away from Pator. I'm sure you'll have the wisdom to ignore them, however.
  52. [18:52:44] Hulemand > To celebrate your coming indepence from the Republic, Coreli is celebrating the new laws to come by hosting a firesale of our well tested well known combat boosters!
  53. [18:52:54] Saede Riordan > It's good to see Vukenda's lapdogs are trying their best to spread their lies so far away from Utopia. I'm sure you'll have the wisdom to ignore them, however.
  54. [18:52:59] Hulemand > Capsuleers will find these boosters in the market already!
  55. [18:53:23] Laria Raven > Skarkon II is a lovely planet.
  56. [18:53:39] Laria Raven > I would say that it was a shame if something happened to it, but too much already has.
  57. [18:53:44] Saede Riordan > The choice is not between the republic and the angels, that choice is between two forms of oppression, two forms of control.
  58. [18:54:11] Hulemand > <b>Commander Takasu, heat up the drop pod engines. Give me status reports.</b>
  59. [18:54:22] Skrunkle > then if there is no moral highground as you say... there there is no reason for us not to fight you
  60. [18:54:52] Laria Raven > We do not oppress. We do not control. We liberate.
  61. [18:54:54] Tiberius Zenon > <b>Drop pods fillrd to max capacity sir</b>
  62. [18:55:00] Hoshi Takasu > Transporter is en-route.
  63. [18:55:01] Saede Riordan > I am not here to fight you. I am here for Skarkon.
  64. [18:55:16] Hulemand > We are bringing what is best for Skarkon
  65. [18:55:21] Leopold Caine > And you are doing it a great disservice.
  66. [18:55:35] Skrunkle > and we have hidden a file inside each cake as well ;P
  67. [18:55:36] Saede Riordan > How about you don't tell us what is best for us, and let us decide for ourselves?
  68. [18:56:05] Saede Riordan > The Angels had their chance. I signed that petition too. You could have made good on your words.
  69. [18:56:13] Leopold Caine > I already have. How about you stop pretending you're some sort of a representative for Skarkon II?
  70. [18:56:15] Saede Riordan > Instead you all fled like cowards when Shakor took power.
  71. [18:56:31] Leopold Caine > Go back to your WH, Riordan. Maybe you can playpretend you have some relevance there.
  72. [18:56:39] Hulemand > Would resistance at the time have been the best for the planet?
  73. [18:56:40] Nick Volbeat > you decide for yourself and let the population of skarkon decide for themselves
  74. [18:56:58] Saede Riordan > Then let them. Create another petition.
  75. [18:57:20] Saede Riordan > We'll see how many people follow your supposed promises the second time around.
  76. [18:58:34] Leopold Caine > Launch the first droppod, Guardian Takasu.
  77. [18:58:42] Leopold Caine > Skarkon II, District 1.
  78. [18:59:04] Hoshi Takasu > Launching first batch of capsules.
  79. [18:59:26] Saede Riordan > This is not liberation. This is not freedom. This is tyranny.
  80. [18:59:57] Laria Raven > They're so pretty. So bright in the atmosphere.
  81. [19:00:04] Leopold Caine > Angel wing, assemble over District 2.
  82. [19:00:10] Nick Volbeat > rgr
  83. [19:00:21] Hulemand > <b>People of Skarkon II, do not be warned. We are not here to hurt you! Stay clear of the drop pods!</b>
  84. [19:00:25] Leopold Caine > Salvation Takasu, proceed the drop launch at your convenience.
  85. [19:00:48] Hoshi Takasu > Launching second wave of capsules.
  86. [19:01:46] Hoshi Takasu > Launching third wave of capsules.
  87. [19:02:11] Laria Raven > We did not forget, Skarkon II. We came back, as we said we would.
  88. [19:02:23] Leopold Caine > Proceed to District 4, Salvation Takasu, proceed with launch.
  89. [19:02:37] Saede Riordan > You should never have came back.
  90. [19:02:46] Hoshi Takasu > Capsules en-route to district 4
  91. [19:03:14] Skrunkle > cowards!
  92. [19:03:43] Radgette > not at all you fight a superior force with subterfuge and misdirection :p i'm not suicidal
  93. [19:04:06] Leopold Caine > Proceed to District 5, Salvation Takasu.
  94. [19:04:24] Hoshi Takasu > Deploying capsules over district 5
  95. [19:05:12] Hoshi Takasu > All drop sequences have been completed.
  96. [19:05:41] Leopold Caine > Enjoy our gifts, people of Skarkon II. We'll be back shortly.
  97. [19:06:34] Hulemand > You are not forgotten!
  98. [19:06:52] Hulemand > Fight for your right to leave the Republic!
  99. [19:07:21] Laria Raven > Skarkon II, we will not forget you. And if you want more of what we offer, ask again. Ask loudly.
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