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drakexb the ground type gym leader in the chronos league

a guest
Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. bio: drakexb is the son of the crazy scientist who is also named drakexb. drakexb (father) was trying to combine pokemon dna with together to create a new pokemon. one day one of his experaments went wrong and he got transformed into a shiny sylveon. this made his mind forget every thing about being a human and made him think like a wild pokemon. his son witnessed this and tryed to grab a pokeball so that his father would not get away. he threw the pokeball with his small arms but missed. his father got away. drakexb (son) then lived his life dreaming to find his father and capture him so that they would always be together. he captured a group a ground type pokemon witch were always his favorite and trained them with love and trust hoping to some day find his father. along his way he made many friends and became a ground type gym leader for the Chronos league. when not looking after the gym he adventures looking for his father.
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