
Royal Journal Chapter Five

Jun 7th, 2013
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  1. >Another day brings the erratic rising of an artificial dawn.
  2. >The sun is violently pulled into place by a white goddess, as it is every morning in this backwards world.
  3. >Today the princess shines brightly on your darkest day as you crack a single eye open.
  4. >You kiss the final parts of blissful sleep away as you welcome lucidity.
  5. >Well, sort of lucid, you still got that nasty bump on the head that makes thing hazy from time to time.
  6. >Getting out of bed reminds you that you have injuries other than the skull splitting headache.
  7. >Large patches cover your sides from where you gained deep claw marks.
  8. >With mild struggle you make it out of your bed and begin light limping to the bathroom.
  9. >About six feet away from your bed you start to feel something tickling at the back of your mind.
  10. >No, it’s not another migraine, it feels like you’re forgetting something.
  11. >You sit down while in your thoughts, it’s like remembering this is top importance right now and you don’t know why.
  12. >Thinking back on the moments of yesterday nothing other than getting home and sleeping, comes to mind.
  13. >And you haven’t done much today. Other than get up.
  14. >You search memories to figure out what is catching your interest.
  15. >Thinking back on your dreams gives you a small sense that something is wrong.
  16. >Like some bad nightmare it comes back to you in a flash.
  17. >The night’s dream- no, nightmare was of you and the pink witch.
  18. >In your memories she was simply ‘cuddling’ with you while repeating “I love you” softly.
  19. >No one else was there. It was only the two of you. In a dark room.
  20. >What used to be a terror that you have to live through in the day now follows you in the night.
  21. >Right down to the last place you think you’re safe. Your dreams.
  22. >Only the dead can know peace from this evil.
  24. >You continue your limps over to the bathroom.
  25. >In the mirror stares back a mere shadow of what used to be a carefree man.
  26. >Today is the beginning of many that will harbor this same effect.
  27. >After a quick SSS you begin walking out of your room.
  28. >Shining said he’d have something good for breakfast as his own get-well-soon gift.
  29. >Sure smells like a gift.
  30. >You open the door to your room.
  31. >On the other side is the Pink Bruha.
  32. >It’s hard, but you manage to keep a straight face.
  33. >”Hey Anon, how are you?”
  34. >Her words are making your cringe.
  35. “Yeah, I’m fine...”
  36. >”Did you check if your opened any wounds in your sleep?”
  37. >She has a point there. You did forgo that effort this morning.
  38. “No, can’t say I have.”
  39. >”Do you need me to? I’ll help if you want!”
  40. >Damn, you can’t give her any reason to play nurse with you.
  41. “No, I’m fine. I’ll do it after breakfast.”
  42. >”Are you sure? It could be bad!”
  43. “I can do it after lunch!”
  44. >She backs down at your sharper tone.
  45. >That was a bit much. She may start harboring suspicions if you don’t say something.
  46. “Sorry, I’m just in a sour mood from the injuries.”
  47. >Not that! Dammit now she thinks your friendly!
  48. >Her mood brightens as yours tanks.
  49. >”Okay see you at breakfast!”
  50. >You shudder to think that you were friends with her.
  52. >You wheel yourself into the the kitchen with your handy dandy chair that the hospital gave you.
  53. >Opening the door first then getting in was a good idea. The Pink Bruha would be all over you with wheelchair pushes.
  54. >If you make good precautions like that again you may make your stay tolerable.
  55. >You’re rolling down the hallways like it was a race or somthing.
  56. >You make hard turns that screech loudly in the hall.
  57. >Who would have thought that being impaired would be so fun?
  58. >The kitchen is just a sharp turn away, you can smell victory! It smells sort of familiar...
  59. >You take the turn with ease and you see Shining in your path down a long hall.
  60. >He sees you, and gives you a deep glare. You know it’s a game of chicken now.
  61. >You begin to build speed, he sees this and puts on a brave face.
  62. >The gap between you two is slowly closing.
  63. >Damn, he’s good.
  64. >Really good.
  65. >Oh shit, he’s close!
  66. >You pull on your breaks and twist your chair to the right.
  67. >The chair screeches on the crystal floor while sliding forward.
  68. >Armor seems to have chickened out to. He’s got his force field surrounding him while he winces.
  69. >Looks like a tie to you.
  70. >Shining looks at you but just shrugs. Eh, neither of you are up for a “I chickened first” fight.
  71. >”Hey, Anon! You ready for breakfast?”
  72. “Hell yeah I am!”
  73. >You start wheeling yourself next to Armor while you walk.
  74. >He takes you into the dining hall.
  75. >”Okay man take a seat anywhere, oh, I see you’ve brought your own.”
  76. “...”
  77. >”Too far?”
  78. “Just a tad.”
  79. >You roll over to one end of the table and Shining goes into the kitchen to signal that you’re ready to eat.
  80. >While he’s inside talking to the chefs the room feels kinda lonely.
  81. >Then suddenly to doors to the dining hall open up.
  82. >The Pink Menace walks in and waves at you.
  83. >Okay, you take back what you said about it feeling lonely, you’d rather be alone right now.
  85. >She walks over to you.
  86. >Lucky you took the table’s end, there's only room for one per-uh, pony.
  87. >Doesn’t matter to her, she just wants to sit close.
  88. >After a bit of awkward silence the room to the kitchen flies open.
  89. >Shining is leading a group of the waiters into the dining hall.
  90. >He takes his seat as the waiters put plates with silver domes on top.
  91. >”Okay Anon, I know how much you love meat. Well the doc told me you need some protein to heal faster. So I thought, ‘why not put them together?’”
  92. >The waiter pull off the silver dome.
  93. >Under it is a -huge- pile of steak and eggs.
  94. >The steam rises to your nose and makes your mouth water.
  95. >It reminds you of why you’ve missed meat so much.
  96. >You don’t say anything, you just start eating.
  97. >”I’ll take that as a thanks.” Said Shining.
  98. >You keep chowing down in a food filled bliss, ignorant to the Pink Devil staring right at you.
  99. >Despite the incredibly delicious meat, a thought strikes you.
  100. “Hey Shining? What’s this meat made from?”
  101. >”Manticore.”
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