
Lock and Doorbell (Challenge No.18 disqualified entry)

Dec 20th, 2019
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  1. takenoko, March 21, 2013; 20:52 / FB 9805
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >be fluffy lock
  4. >it is bright time
  5. >you are just waking up
  6. >'Ahhhh!', you yawn, stretching your little mouth as wide as it can go
  7. >you raise your weggies and give them a wakies-wiggle
  8. >'Wock wakies?', your best friend Ding asks
  9. >he's a fluffy doorbell, to your left and a bit up
  10. >you've never seen him, but he makes poopies onto Daddeh's flowerpot
  11. >they are not bad poopies because that's where poopies are supposed to go
  12. >flowers smeww pwetty enough to cancel out the nuu smeww petty of poopies
  13. >it works out quite well, in your olfactory expertise
  14. >anyways, he's your best friend because he talks to you a lot!
  15. >'Wock wakies! Din wakies?', you curiously ask
  16. >'Din wakies! Wock wakies?', your best friend asks
  17. >'Wock wakies! Din wakies?', you ask in return
  18. >this continues on for about an hour
  20. >the world gets brighter and brighter as you chat and chat
  21. >'Wock wan be Din', you tell him, 'Din get see Daddeh aww da time'
  22. >it's true
  23. >you look out of Daddeh's safe place, and stop meanie munstas from coming in
  24. >Ding looks in, and tells Daddeh when friends are here
  25. >you help Ding by letting him know what you see about the person
  26. >that way, he can be the bestest fluffy doorbell!
  27. >in exchange, he tells you all about the safe place and Daddeh
  28. >according to him, he sees Daddeh make nummies and take sleepies
  29. >he even gets early-nummies before you do!
  30. >'Nuu, Wock betta', he honestly confides in you
  31. >'Wha? Bu' how? Wock nuu see Daddeh tiww Daddeh go bye-bye!'
  32. >'Ouside haf wotsa pretty. Safe pwace dawk and smeww wike poopies.'
  33. >that can't be
  34. >safe place is best place!
  35. >you've glimpsed it when Daddeh opens the door
  36. >it's always bright and it smells good then
  37. >you make poopies as you think
  38. >'Nuu can smeww wike poopies in safe pwace. Dat nuu is gud fo' safe pwace!'
  39. >this is very confusing
  40. >how could such a thing be possible?
  42. >'Icky, Din smeww poopies 'gain! Nuu smeww pwetty!', your boy friend groans
  43. >oh no
  44. >that bad poopies-munsta is back!
  45. >you didn't know there was a bad-poopies-munsta, but there are poopies
  46. >and munstas are what make all bad things happen to fwends
  47. >therefore, poopies-munsta
  48. >a thought comes to mind, and you quickly give Ding some advice
  49. >'Get hewp, Din! Safe safe pwace fwom poopies!'
  50. >'Hewp, Wock! Hewp, Daddeh! Poopies! Smeww wike poopies!', he begins to yell
  51. >it is a scaredy yell, and you know it
  52. >your only fluffy friend starts making scaredy-poopies into his flowerpot
  53. >it's up to you to be the brave one and fight the monster
  54. >'Nuu wowwy, Wock gif sowwy poopies!'
  55. >you spray sorry poopies as hard as you can into the safe place
  56. >'Din! Munsta gone?', you ask worriedly
  57. >he is silent for a little
  58. >'...Din?'
  59. >you can hear stompies from inside
  60. >Daddeh's stompies
  61. >good, he's coming
  62. >'Who the fuck is ringing my doorbell at 7AM?', he growls
  63. >the stompies get closer
  64. >you hear wakies-sounds coming from Ding
  65. >good, he's alright
  66. >probably just took scaredy-sleepies
  67. >'Doorbell, what happened? Why is there shit all over my mat?' Daddeh asks
  68. >'Sowwy, Daddeh! Dewe was scawy an' poopies, den Din caw fo' Daddeh an' Wock twy gif sowwy poopies!'
  69. >a beat of silence
  70. >'...okay, I guess someone tried to break in?'
  71. >'Wha bweak? Is wike bweak-fas? Is nummies?', your friend asks
  72. >the mention of breakfast gives you both big tummy owwies
  73. >'Bweakfas! Wan bweakfas nummies!', you cry out
  74. >you're so hungry after making all those sorry poopies!
  76. >a sigh from the safe place
  77. >'Fine, fine. Keep up the good work, I guess?'
  78. >you hear Ding giggle, and know what comes next
  79. >the feeling of a hand gently cupping your rump
  80. >'Huggies!', you squeal
  81. >you don't get to have huggies a lot
  82. >but when you do, they are best huggies
  83. >the next hour is a rush for every fluffy involved
  84. >Ding gets to talk to Daddeh a lot
  85. >the meanie door won't let you talk to him
  86. >unless Daddeh's really close, he can't hear you from inside
  87. >nobody behind you can hear you, except for Ding
  88. >and you so rarely have friends in front of you
  89. >they're always either going away or going into the safe place
  90. >either way, they never stop to give you huggies or play with you
  91. >Ding narrates what Daddeh does until Daddeh tells him to quit it
  92. >the two switch to light conversation
  93. >very light, since you only hear Ding's half
  94. >you close your eyes and listen to your friend chat with your owner
  95. >if you try hard enough, you can pretend that it's you talking to Daddeh
  96. >you can mumble what he says, and pretend that you can hear a reply
  97. >sometimes, it doesn't even hurt when you remember the truth
  99. >after a while, you give up on listening to Ding
  100. >you simply stop and stare at the world in front of you
  101. >thise are lots of neat grassies for play, trimmed low
  102. >black bags of nuu smeww pwetty are at the end of the grassies
  103. >to one side of your vision is Daddeh's metal monster-friend
  104. >on the other side, a white fence to keep munstas away
  105. >eventually, humans start coming out
  106. >some ride away in metal munstas
  107. >others walk around, or stay in their safe places
  108. >mailmista comes soon, and you greet him like a good fluffy
  109. >'Hewwo, Maiw-Mista! Haf maiw fow Daddeh?', you ask
  110. >he simply nods with a smile, and puts the mail into the sorry box
  111. >you know what to do
  112. >as mailmista goes to the next house, you tell Ding 'Daddeh haf maiw!'
  113. >he relays the message loudly, only making a bit of poopies with the effort
  114. >'DADDEH HAF MAIW!'
  115. >Daddeh doesn't come, though
  116. >'Din? Daddeh otay?'
  117. >he giggles a little
  118. >'Daddeh makin bweak-fas! Gon get maiw wayta!'
  119. >oh, that's a smarty thing to do!
  120. >until then, you'll protect this mail to your dying breath
  121. >'Wock know maiw is gud maiw. Nuu wowwy, Daddeh save fwom sowwy box!', you tell the mail
  122. >the mail does not respond, but you don't hear any crying from the sorry box
  123. >good, than means that the mail isn't sad
  124. >that's all you can do for it
  126. >soon, Daddeh's friend Raul drops by
  127. >you like him
  128. >he's nice, with big black fluff all over his face!
  129. >'Hewwo, Mista Wa-oow! Sowwy, Wock nuu can wet in.'
  130. >'Nah, fluffy, s'all cool. Lemme ring 'em.'
  131. >he raises his hand up to your fluffy doorbell friend
  132. >mister Raul strokes Ding's ding-dong thingy
  133. >'Daddeh! Daddeh! Daddeh!', Ding calls out loudly
  134. >you hear stompies
  135. >then the door opens and, for a short moment, you are inside the safe place
  136. >'Hey, Raul! Just gonna be a minute, kay?'
  137. >'Yeah, no prob', he tells Daddeh from outside
  138. >inside is bright and it smells pretty
  139. >but there's so much, and your mind is so tiny
  140. >just a little longer, and it'll all come together
  141. >you hear the 'ka-clang' of the mail being saved from the sorry-box
  142. >and before you can process 'inside', the door is closed
  144. >'Nuuuu! Wock nuu get see safe pwace!'
  145. >you tear up a bit, stare down at the ground and pout
  146. >Raul's been following your battle to see inside for a long time
  147. >he never helps you, but he does offer sympathy after your morning failures
  148. >'Hey, little lady. It's not a prob. There's always another time!'
  149. >he stoops down a little and holds your side, his thumb touching your nosie
  150. >his fingers stroke your head and back softly
  151. >with your little hoofsies, you hug the thumb in front of you
  152. >he smiles at you
  153. >you hear the telltale 'numnumnum' of Ding eating a bit of breakfast
  154. >that means Daddeh's about to get out
  155. >'Daddeh comin, back pwease!', you alert your big friend
  156. >he nods and pulls away from you right as you feel Daddeh's finger touch your nonos
  157. >with a stroke, he swipes up to your poopie place
  158. >that means that you have to unlock the door
  159. >you pull in your heavy lock-wingies, grunting just a little
  160. >just a little
  161. >you have to look cool for mister Raul, so you puff your cheeks and close your eyes
  162. >if you can't see your effort, neither can he
  163. >the door swings open
  164. >'All right, ready for another day at the grind!', Daddeh yells
  165. >you can hear th the metal monster-friend's small sorry sticks in his hand
  166. >he also has his big work-thing, which is full of work
  167. >and you can smell your breakfast nummies in his other hand!
  168. >'Another day of getting grinded, you mean', Raul quips
  169. >'Speaking of grind, I'm out of ground coffee. Had to drink that mint mah-tay shit again'
  170. >Daddeh closes the door with a groan, and you open your eyes
  171. >you make some poopies in relief
  172. >Raul's not even looking at you now, so you don't have to act cool
  173. >'So that's the mint smell!', he grins, 'And here I thought you brushed your teeth for once.'
  174. >well, that's not a nice thing to say
  175. >'Daddeh smeww wike pwetty an' nummies!', you offer
  176. >Raul laughs as Daddeh stuffs the nummies-scrap into your moufie
  177. >you grab the edge of it and mumble 'danoo-Daduh' through it
  178. >'Lock, fluffy', he commands as he strides over to his metal monster-friend
  179. >obediently, you flex and your lock-wingies go back into their safe places
  180. >this locks the door
  181. >your work done, you focus on chewing and swallowing your nummies
  182. >soon your tummy is giving huggies to the nummies
  183. >'Tummy owwies aww gone!', you declare to Daddeh
  184. >look around
  185. >Daddeh and Raul are gone
  186. >so is Daddeh's metal munsta
  187. >you didn't even get to say goodbye of give huggies
  189. >later that day, you meet some friends who are mean and not friends at all!
  190. >they decided to take Daddeh's lawn for themselves!
  191. >'Pwease go 'way, nuu-fwend fwends', you ask politely, 'dis Daddeh wand!'
  192. >'Nuu, dis Smawty wand nao! Wand fo' hewd! Weave ow get big owwies!', a purple unicorn tells you
  193. >you are so scared
  194. >'Fwuffy scawed!', you cry as you poop yourself some more
  195. >'Wock', asks Ding, 'why scawed?'
  196. >oh no, Ding somehow knows of your fear!
  197. >you stay silent, and put on a brave face for him
  198. >he can't see you, though
  199. >you put on a brave poopie place too, in case he can see that
  200. >boy fluffies don't like dummeh girl fluffies who can't do their job
  201. >just don't let anyone into the safe place unless it's Daddeh
  202. >that's your role as a fluffy lock
  203. >you'll do it well
  205. >luckily, the scary toughies can't reach you
  206. >it makes it easy to be brave
  207. >'Toughies, gif dummeh fwuffy foevah sweepies!', the Smarty commands
  208. >screaming 'WUV SKETTI', the biggest fluffies all charge at the door under you
  209. >they strike at the door with their weggies
  210. >door breaks all their weggies upon impact
  211. >'Tankoo, Mista Doow!', you tell the door
  212. >door doesn't respond
  213. >maybe it's trying to look brave for you
  214. >'Stupi fwuffies awe stupi!', yells the Smarty. 'Smawty gif foevah sweepies!'
  215. >Smarty Friend tries to give the door big owwies with his pointy thing
  216. >door gives Smarty the forever sleep
  218. >meanwhile, the other bad fluffies are eating up lots of Daddeh's grassies
  219. >the lawn is out of your jurisdiction, but you know Daddeh
  220. >he wouldn't want your not-friend friends making the grassies not pretty
  221. >'Siwwy! Gwassies fo' pway, nuu fo' nummies!', you try to tell them
  222. >the meanies don't listen
  223. >some of the boy fluffies try to give special hugs to their special friends
  224. >they are still chewing grassies, mouths full of ill-gotten nummies
  225. >the girl fluffies don't stop grazing as they are penetrated
  226. >all fluffies involved choke on their grassies
  227. >then they all make last poopies on each other and take the forever sleep
  228. >eating nummies and giving special hugs take a lot of smarty-ness
  229. >doing both at the same time is far too much for any fluffy pony to handle
  230. >that's why you're so happy
  231. >you never have to do that kind of complex stuff
  232. >you just have to be a fluffy lock!
  233. >look down
  234. >some of the toughies who broke their own weggies on the door are still alive
  235. >a toughie mare croaks with all her breath, 'Fwuffy wan die'
  236. >some other fluffy feebly pushes a hoofsie against the door
  237. >it's still trying to get in, so it's time for you to take action
  238. >'Fwuffies nuu fo' in safe pwace', you tell them
  239. >none of the others try to go in once you say that
  240. >they're too busy moaning and twitching and taking forever sleepies
  241. >'Yay,' you congratulate yourself, 'am gud fwuffy wock!'
  242. >'Wock is bes' fwuffy wock', Ding tells you from behind the door
  243. >yay, Ding is there!
  244. >you quickly get back to chatting about nummies and poopies
  245. >fluffy stuff, you wouldn't understand
  247. >it's even later now
  248. >birdie friends have taken away some of the meanie fluffies
  249. >'Tankoo, fwends! Nuu wan Daddeh haf take away sweepy fwends!', you say
  250. >some of the others are still there, but it's better than nothing
  251. >the bright sky ball is starting to go into Daddeh's safe place behind you
  252. >it knows to go to its safe room and take sleepies before Daddeh takes sleepies
  253. >Daddeh taught it to do that, the same way he taught you to be a good lock
  254. >sky ball's silly when it's tired
  255. >the bright it makes turns a funny colour, like booboo juice
  256. >very pretty booboo juice, not scary booboo juice
  257. >it makes you happy
  258. >though it also means that bright time is almost over
  259. >'Pwease mow bwight, mista Skybaww, dawk bad fo' fwuffy!', you ask it
  260. >but you know that's not okay
  261. >sky ball has to go to its safe room, or it'll be a bad sky ball
  262. >then Daddeh will give it the Sorry Stick, and sky ball doesn't want that
  263. >besides, dark time is for sleepies
  264. >and good fluffy locks take sleepies only during dark time
  265. >so you need sky ball to go to the safe room so that you can take sleepies
  266. >and sleepies would be quite nice right now
  268. >you hear Ding yawn from the other side of the door, and yawn yourself
  269. >perhaps dark can be good for fluffies, just this once
  270. >'Sowwy, Mista Skybaww! Wock am siwwy, is otay if dawk time. Wan sweepies!'
  271. >the bright sky ball does not respond, but Ding does
  272. >'Nuu sweepies, Wock! Daddeh nee' Wock fo' be in safe pwace!'
  273. >'Sowwy, Din! Wock nuu gon' take sweepies tiww Daddeh hewe!'
  274. >you stretch your weggies, shake your head and smile
  275. >you've still got a job to do
  276. >and it won't be long until Daddeh comes home now
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