
Logica del HoloCUENTO

Nov 3rd, 2013
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  1. A ver si lo entiendo…
  3. Así que en 1941 unos nazis estaban sentados alrededor de una mesa cuando uno de ellos repentinamente dijo: “¡Esperen!, nos olvidamos que debemos exterminar a 6 millones de judios.”
  5. Entonces otro nazi dijo: “Oh no, realmente necesitamos exterminar a esos 6 millones de judios, pero ¿cómo?”
  6. Entonces un tercer nazi habla: “Yo sé, Vamos a exterminar a esos 6 millones de Judios de la manera más engorroso y difícil que posiblemente podamos imaginarnos. Gastaremos un sinfín de tiempo, dinero y horas de trabajo en construir cámaras de gas disfrazadas de morgues con duchas falsas en ellos. Luego obligaremos a esos 6 millones de Judios a entrar a las cámaras y los gasearemos con gas cianuro del pesticida Zyklon B que podemos pedir de nuestro amigo Farben.
  8. Y luego vamos a cremarlos en hornos nuevos que vamos a construir, aplastaremos los huesos con una máquina trituradora de huesos que vamos a pedir de Bone Trituradoras Inc., y luego enviaremos las cenizas de los judíos y los huesos triturados al espacio exterior con la ayuda de Werner von Braun."
  10. No vamos a gasear a los Judios en los túneles ferroviarios que ya están en uso para el gaseamiento de trenes. Lo haremos en los campamentos densamente poblados. Mientras que al mismo tiempo nos aseguraremos de mantenerlo en secreto para que nadie lo sepa.
  12. Vamos a elegir a los 6 millones al azar de entre los incontables millones de Judios disponibles. Gasearemos a un grupo de hombres jóvenes sanos, mientras que dejaremos a los niños, inválidos, ancianas y mujeres embarazadas en perfecto estado de salud para que los aliados puedan fotografiarlos más adelante.
  14. Después de todos los gaseamientos, nuevamente usaremos la tecnología espacial de Werner von Braun, esta vez para lanzar todo el equipo técnico de los gaseamientos al espacio para que nuestro enemigo no los pueda encontrar. Aunque, por supuesto, continuarán diciendo que gaseamos a un montón de judios.
  16. Así es, mantendremos los gaseamientos en secreto sin dejar rastros de la operación. Aunque a pesar de esto los libros de historia dirán que gaseamos a un montón de judios.
  18. Al optar por utilizar tan extremadamente mucha más energía en el gaseamiento de estos 6 millones de Judios, por supuesto perderemos la guerra. ¿Pero a quien le importa esto? Si no gaseamos a estos 6 millones de judios, Hollywood no podrá hacer películas como la Lista de Schwindler 50 años después.”
  20. Entonces otro nazi dice: “Estos Judios son pacíficos y algunos de ellos incluso nos ayudaron en Auschwitz-Monowitz. ¿Por qué no gasearlos después de que hayamos ganado la guerra?”
  22. Entonces Hitler entro a la reunión ultra secreta y dijo lo siguiente:
  24. "Nosotros, los alemanes siempre hemos sido conocidos por nuestra racionalidad, pero no arruinemos una buena historia. A Pesar de que la historia es absolutamente irracional.”
  26. Después de esta última afirmación se levantó de la mesa, se sirvió una taza de té y se sentó en su sillón favorito. Mirando cuidadosamente en el aire y pensando en acuarelas armoniosas.
  29. ===================================================================
  31. Primero aclaremos algo, yo no estoy negando NADA, pues el negar está supeditado a que el evento en cuestión en efecto sucedió, y yo por alguna razón lo niego.
  33. Así que NO, yo no estoy negando el “holocausto” judío, estoy AFIRMANDO que jamás paso, colocando a parte todas las contradicciones, idioteces muy al estilo Hollywood de cabezas reducidas, los jabones, el abono humano y demás estupideces, solo con unas simples operaciones matemáticas de primaria se puede destapar está MUY RENTABLE falsificación histórica conocida como el “holocausto®” – Marca registrada, contradicción prohibida…
  35. Veamos:
  37. Según los “testigos” (judíos obviamente) 24 mil personas POR DIA (en grupos de 3 mil) eran gaseados hasta la muerte en una habitación de 400 metros cúbicos, es decir, 8 PERSONAS POR METRO CUADRADO, esto es físicamente IMPOSIBLE.
  39. NOTA: 24 mil por día es imposible en grupos de 3 mil, pues 24 mil / 24 horas =1 mil por hora; y 3 mil * 24 horas = 72 mil al día. Pero oye que importa, estoy seguro que la Tv no miente.
  41. Una cabina telefónica tiene 91,44 cm2, casi los 100cm (es decir el metro2), ¿Seria alguien capaz de colocar a 8 personas promedio de pie en una cabina telefónica?, UNA FISICA IMPOSIBLE ya que requeriría que cada una de las 8 personas ocuparan 0,08 cm2 de espacio y eso que les estoy regalando 9cm2 mas de espacio.
  43. Pero, parafraseando al gran L. Degrelle; Si el milagro de las 8 personas, de pie, plantadas como espárragos en una cabina telefónica, en efecto se hubiera realizado, entonces, un segundo milagro debió ocurrir de inmediato, ya que las 3 mil personas (el equivalente a 2 regimientos) hacinadas en esa fantástica habitación en Auschwitz, hubieran muerto INSTANTANEAMENTE sofocadas por la falta oxigeno.
  45. ¡Los “nazis” no hubieran necesitado las cámaras de gas en primer lugar! Todos hubieran simplemente dejado de respirar, incluso antes de terminar de abarrotar a las ultimas personas, cerrar las puertas y lanzar el gas para que se esparciera por la habitación.
  47. Por cierto, los historiadores oficiales (es decir mentirosos) nos dicen que 6 millones de judíos fueron gaseados en el Holocuento… De los cuales 4 millones fueron asesinados de esta manera en Auschwitz. Bueno aquí nos encontramos con otra imposibilidad aritmética, ¿Porque?
  49. Bueno, si tomamos la imposible cifra oficial de los 24 mil gaseados POR DIA, y (a favor de los judíos) asumimos que los gaseamientos iniciaron con la erupción de la guerra (lo cual es falso), entonces los 24 mil multiplicado por 365 dias al año (asumiendo que las cámaras estuvieron en función 24/7 sin parar durante 6 años), nos da un total de 8.760.000, esta cifra es IMPOSIBLE, ya que la cantidad de judíos en los territorios bajo control alemán durante la guerra era inmensamente menor que incluso la cifra oficial de los 6 millones.
  51. Ah y por cierto, 8.760.000 debe ser multiplicada por los 6 años de la guerra, dándonos un total de 52.560.000 de judíos “gaseados” SOLO en Auschwitz, sin tomar en cuenta Dachau, Majdanek, Birkenau, etcétera.
  53. La cifra 52.560.000 es alrededor de 5 veces la cantidad de judíos a nivel MUNDIAL, eso quiere decir que Hitler era tan malo, que gaseo a todos los judíos del planeta, luego utilizo su magia hiperbórea “nazi” para crear la misma cantidad 4 veces después de la primera. Los judíos realmente creen que todos los “Goyims” somos un montón de estúpidos.
  55. El “holocausto” es IMPOSIBLE, matemática, demográfica, física y químicamente IMPOSIBLE, El “holocausto®” es una farsa muy, muy RENTABLE.
  57. Gritar sin cesar “¡nazi!”, a nuestro pasó, sin admitir el menor examen objetivo de los hechos, no es historia, ES HISTERIA. Cualquier persona razonable tiene que decirse: “Si no tienen más argumentos, sino solo insultos, está claro que no pueden más”.
  59. Y eso que no estoy tomando en cuenta el tiempo de la cremación pos “gaseamiento”, y claro que 24 mil al día durante 6 años NO son 6 millones sino 52.560.000, supongo que la lógica es “anti-semita” cuando se trata de los “elegidos” de dios.
  61. Para alguien como los judíos que son tan buenos en las finanzas, son patéticos en matemática básica, con razón Albert Einstein tuvo que robar “su teoría” a Olinto De Pretto, Henri Poincaré, George FitzGerald, Hendrik Lorentz, etc. no olvidemos que este estafador trabajaba en la oficina de patentes.
  63. Como regalo les dejo también un vídeo que demuestra la IMPOSIBILIDAD química del holoCuento judío.
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  69. 6 million jews?? oh vey... I guees you also believe that the jew Moshe Peer was gassed SIX TIMES... JE JE JE... Please girl, the holohoax is LIE
  73. (...)
  75. The Jewish population numbers in1933 was: 15,315,000, and in and 1948 was: 15,753,000...
  77. In other words, according to the World Almanac the world population of Jews increased... And the source used by the W.A is none other than the "America Jewish Committee".
  81. (...)
  83. You obviously do not know how to do math, or chemistry:
  85. The assertions about an explicit plan for genocide, and in particular, the alleged entombing of millions of Jews in phantom ZyMon B gas chambers at Auschwitz, have been hurled and hurled again in an incredible din for so many years. They do not, however, stand up to the slightest serious scientific examination. In thirty years not a single document has been able to furnish the slightest official proof.
  87. It is ridiculous to imagine, and above all to pretend, that 24,000 people could have been gassed at Auschwitz each day - in batches of 3,000 at a time - in a room of 400 cubic metres. Still less could this have happened, in batches of 700 or 800, in buildings with a floor space of 25 square metres and a height of 1.9 metres, as has been claimed with regard to Beizec. Twenty-five square metres is equivalent to the floor space of a bedroom! Would you succeed, in putting 700 or 800 people in your bedroom?
  89. Seven hundred to 800 people on 25 square metres works out at 30 people to the square metre. A square metre 1.9 metres high is the size of a telephone box! Can you picture, thirty people piling into a telephone box, Or on a simple shower stand?
  91. If the miracle of thirty human bodies planted like asparagus in the goldfish bowl of a telephone-box, or the one of the 800 people crowded around your camp-bed, had ever been realised, a second miracle would have immediately been indispensable. Otherwise the 3,000 people - the equivalent of two regiments -crammed together so fantastically in the Auschwitz chamber, or the 700 to 800 people piled up at Belzec (on account of having 30 occupants to the square metre), would have perished almost immediately as they would have been asphyxiated by the lack of oxygen!
  93. There would not even have been any need for gas! Before one had finished piling up the last arrivals, bolting the doors and dropping the gas into the room, most would have already stopped breathing! ZyMon B would reach only corpses. (This gas was supposedly either dropped into the room through slits,, through holes, by chimney, in the form of hot air, in a vapour, or was discharged along the ground: you can take your pick)
  95. As anyone interested in science can find out, this Zyklon B was, in any case, inflammable, adhesive and dangerous to use. A twenty-one hour wait would consequently have been necessary, even indispenclable, before the first corpse was pulled out of the wondrous chamber.
  99. ===================================
  101. En una carta con fecha de Noviembre 22 de 1944 a los funcionarios del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU.
  103. "No hemos sido capaces de descubrir cualquier rastro de instalaciones para el exterminio de civiles prisioneros. Esto corrobora un informe que ya habíamos recibido de otras fuentes"
  105. -- USA Today, Friday, May 2, 1997 page, 14A
  107. (...)
  109. In a November 22, 1944 letter to U.S. State Department officials about their visits the Red Cross said:
  111. "We had NOT be able to discover ANY TRACE of installations for exterminating civilians prisoners. This corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources. . ."
  113. -- USA Today, Friday, May 2, 1997 page, 14A
  115. =========================
  117. A jew on Facebook admits the Holocaust™ is a fraud
  119. What Is The One Subject We Are NOT Allowed To Discuss? ~ Damned If I Do And Damned If I Don't
  121. by Jeff Prager
  122. Wednesday, June 9, 2010
  124. It isn't abortion. It isn't illegal immigration. No, it isn't sex either. No, it isn't health problems, it isn't personal finance and it isn't marriage or anything like that. It's not crime, fraud, war or racism. It isn't 9/11 and it isn't Kennedy's death. It also isn't Martin Luther Kings death. None of those things. We, as adults, are allowed to ask questions about all of them. Well, maybe not 9/11 but we still discuss it openly.
  126. We are not allowed to question the Holocaust and the 6 million Jews that were killed. NO Questions allowed. WE know the facts.
  128. OR do we?
  130. I was born a Jew. An Ashkenazi Jew, a Khazar. I had, as a child, very elderly relatives with numbers tattooed on their upper arms. A dozen of them. So I have EVERY RIGHT to ask questions and of course I was certain that I would confirm everything I had been taught in my very American schooling. I was wrong. I confirmed NOTHING and found a wealth of evidence that discredits the mainstream perspective so much so that it appears that at this point a Holocaust as it's described historically just NEVER happened.
  132. I know, I can hear you, call me a Holocaust denier. It's OK. I can handle it. I prefer exhaustive research and the truth as opposed to living a lie. I also realize it's difficult, virtually impossible, to admit to oneself that you may have been deceived on such a grand scale. It hurts, quite frankly. I know.
  134. So, rather then go into great detail I'm going to leave it to you to investigate this yourself by providing many links described below. But before I do that I want to point out a few things for everyone, especially for those that may have visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, or Treblinka.
  136. The evidence I have used and examined is from trial testimony, photographs, investigations by Jewish authors and testimony from military personnel and civilians that were there. This information is NOT easy to find because no one wants you to find it but thanks to the internet it is available.
  138. Everything below is TRUE. Here is just a SMALL portion of what I've found. A VERY SMALL PORTION.
  140. There was NEVER an order from Hitler to exterminate the Jews.
  142. World Jewry declared war on Hitler well before there were any wars and they did this publicly in Newspapers and with Boycotts and Rallies to prevent people globally from buying anything made in Germany. This was done while the US was still supporting German commerce and business through our banks and financial institutions. The Zionists DID NOT support this Boycott.
  144. Auschwitz had a large outdoor swimming pool INSIDE the prisoners quarters, the prisoners played soccer, put on shows in the theater and had stores of various types. There was even a brothel located INSIDE the prisoners quarters, inside the fenced in housing area. The prisoners were afforded a half hour for lunch and worked 8 hours each day. They bought jellies, jams, stamps, cards and paper at a kanteen.
  146. During the war prisoners in concentration camps received 1700 calories a day in rations or meals, far greater then the average 700 calories a day the German people were able to get. Food was scarce but these prison camps weren't Concentration Camps, they were Work Camps and the German War Machine required a huge wealth of human labor and they had every reason to preserve life.
  148. To prevent disease the Germans fumigated the shoes, bedding, mattresses and clothing of prisoners regularly with Zyclon-B, a cyanide gas used in Britain and America for the very same purpose.
  150. It was only towards the end of the war that food became scarce and that's why we've all seen pictures of very skinny emaciated prisoners. Also towards the end of the war prisoners were not cared for quite as well and diseases began to spread as a result of fleas and other infestations.
  152. The pictures we've all seen of the many bodies piled in makeshift gullies are prisoners that died of disease and hunger, not prisoners that were tortured or murdered. These bodies piled up faster then they could be disposed of and they were routinely placed in ditches and burned to prevent the spread of Typhus and other communicable diseases.
  154. The entire theme of soap, lampshades and other things "made from Jewish prisoners" was proven to be a totally fabricated story and none of this is true. It just never happened.
  156. The plaque on display at the Auschwitz camp until 1989 noted "4 million" victims. The plaque currently on display at Auschwitz (2002) was suddenly reduced and the number of victims is now 1.5 million - a casual reduction in the number of deaths by 2.5 million which never appeared in the American "free press."
  158. I've checked out Churchill's Second World War and not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war. This is astonishing. How can it be explained? Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.
  159. Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus,
  160. University of Ulster, December 5, 2005
  162. What about the population of Jews? Per World Almanac figures, it INCREASED by 584,549 between 1941 and 1948. So, this being the case, where did the 6,000,000 dead go?
  164. All world almanacs show that during WWII the number of Jews in Europe remained flat, but Britannica Book of the Year reports that the number of Jews in the world increased by 600,000, or 4%. How could 6 million Jews (40% of all Jews and 64% of those in Europe) have died in the Holocaust if their worldwide population increased by 4%?
  166. Each year for decades, tens of thousands of visitors to Auschwitz have been shown an execution "gas chamber" in the main camp, supposedly in its "original state." In January 1995 the prestigious French weekly magazine L'Express acknowledged that "everything” about this "gas chamber” is “false,” and that it is in fact a deceitful postwar reconstruction but the American media said nothing about this.
  168. Many thousands of secret German wartime documents dealing with Auschwitz were confiscated after the war by the Allies. But not a single one refers to a policy or program of extermination. In fact, the familiar Auschwitz extermination story cannot be reconciled with the documentary evidence.
  170. It is often claimed that all Jews at Auschwitz who were unable to work were immediately killed. Jews who were too old, young, sick, or weak were supposedly gassed on arrival, and only those who could be worked to death were temporarily kept alive.
  172. But the evidence shows otherwise. In fact, a very high percentage of the Jewish inmates were not able to work, and were nevertheless not killed. For example, an internal German telex message dated Sept. 4, 1943, from the chief of the Labor Allocation department of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA), reported that of 25,000 Jews held in Auschwitz, only 3,581 were able to work, and that all of the remaining Jewish inmates — some 21,500, or about 86 percent — were unable to work.
  174. This is also confirmed in a secret report dated April 5, 1944, on "security measures in Auschwitz" by Oswald Pohl, head of the SS concentration camp system, to SS chief Heinrich Himmler. Pohl reported that there was a total of 67,000 inmates in the entire Auschwitz camp complex, of whom 18,000 were hospitalized or disabled. In the Auschwitz II camp (Birkenau), supposedly the main extermination center, there were 36,000 inmates, mostly female, of whom "approximately 15,000 are unable to work."
  176. The evidence shows that Auschwitz-Birkenau was established primarily as a camp for Jews who were not able to work, including the sick and elderly, as well as for those who were temporarily awaiting assignment to other camps. That is the considered view of Dr. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University, who also says that this was an important reason for the unusually high death rate there.
  178. Jewish scholar Arno Mayer, a professor of history at Princeton University, acknowledges in his 1988 book about the "final solution" that more Jews perished at Auschwitz as a result of typhus and other "natural" causes than were executed.
  182. Now, there is A LOT of data to read and several videos to watch that have led me to these conclusions so if you intend to argue with me I would suggest you examine the very same data that I have. Personally, I believe we all owe it to ourselves to do so, rather then just accept a part of history that may not be true. How many of you know that George Washington NEVER chopped down a Cherry Tree? There are MANY episodes throughout history that we take for granted because, well just because we do. And there are many instances where these episodes were conjured up as propaganda, took on a life of their own and became history when in fact they are not. If we are to hold an opinion that something happened as severe as the Holocaust are we not fully responsible to investigate the data to be sure it's true?
  184. Here are just a few of my references:
  186. Pages From The Auschwitz Death Registry Volumes
  187. Long-Hidden Death Certificates Discredit Extermination Claims
  191. An official Polish report on the Auschwitz 'gas chambers'
  192. Krakow Forensic Institute Confirms Leuchter's Findings
  196. The 'Problem of the Gas Chambers'
  200. The Leuchter Report: The How and the Why
  201. Scroll down to: Auschwitz and Birkenau
  205. Auschwitz: Myths and Facts
  206. By Mark Weber
  210. 'Did Six Million Really Die?'
  211. Report of the Evidence in the Canadian 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel
  215. Judea Declares War on Germany - Google Video
  216. Presents factual data regarding the war and the camps
  220. German Trial proves 300,000 Die At Auschwitz
  224. The Holocaust: Let's Hear Both Sides
  228. The Swimming Pools at the Camps
  232. Auschwitz - Myths and Facts
  236. The Money used in the Camps
  240. Now, I am not saying that Jews weren't killed, they were.
  242. I'm saying that the Holocaust didn't happen the way I've been taught, that most of the deaths were from diseases and starvation because allied bombing prevented commerce and food was severely rationed. I'm saying that towards the end of the war bodies piled up far more quickly then they could be disposed of and that they were hurriedly disposed of in ditches and burned to prevent the further spread of disease. I'm saying that I don't like being lied to and this myth has been used to extract millions of dollars from Western and European Countries.
  244. I'm saying the truth comes with a burden and that it's as heartbreaking as the lies, maybe more so. There are many more links. I'll leave it to you, the reader, to find them.
  246. The truth is NOT elusive, it's just not discussed.
  249. ==========================
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