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a guest
Apr 15th, 2014
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  1. Removed:
  2. - Injector.dll,
  3. - TCPReplayC.exe,
  4. - TCPRelayCommon.dll
  5. - Piksele.dll,
  6. - wDetectorPatch.dll,
  7. - msvcp100.dll,
  8. - msvcr100.dll,
  10. This means now code is 100% Delphi. No more required additional things like NET FrameWork 4.0 etc.
  12. mca64Launcher.exe:
  13. - added statistics for recording and upload,
  14. - added CPU usuage info,
  15. - added support for recording SC:BW in windows mode (run first game, start recording. Dont move window when RECORD is ON),
  16. - added audio volume control for sounds notifications (VISTA or higher),
  17. - update list of streams is much faster now (only check for active streams in "StarCraft: Brood War" Twitch channel),
  18. - chnaged default bitrate from 0,6 to 0,75 Mb/s for video,
  19. - mca64Launcher will be added to Windows FireWall exceptions, listed as "mca64Launcher". Now this process upload stream to the Twitch.
  22. ShittyPlugin:
  23. - anty hack on iccup will be turned off for replayes, single games. If You are streaming using mca64Launcher also will be OFF for games.
  24. Still /ah will return that you have ah ON.
  25. - fixed APM restore after turn off OBS mode
  26. - now Twitch box and message box will hide overlay,
  27. - Winamp jump to file will no longer contain others things like obs mode.
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