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AATA Rages after getting demodded from /r/con

a guest
Sep 15th, 2015
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  1. <Flytape> AATA your cart is on the wrong side of your horse.
  2. <illogicalexplanation> i thought I was the horse?
  3. <Flytape> If you're wrong about the admins finding something huge I suggest you step down as mod of conspiracy.
  4. <fractal> greetings conspirators :)
  5. <illogicalexplanation> the question is not am I right or wrong Flytape
  6. <illogicalexplanation> the question is how will they approach the situation
  7. <illogicalexplanation> hey fractal
  8. <illogicalexplanation> if you give them an opening to burn me and get me demodded
  9. <illogicalexplanation> theyll take it with open arms
  10. <illogicalexplanation> so stop being stupid
  11. <Flytape> You've lost the trust of conspiracy mods.
  12. <Flytape> You won't tell them what you think you know
  13. <Flytape> Its all hocus pocus.
  14. <Flytape> And chances are you're probably wrong about this HUGE thing.
  15. <Flytape> And you've talked it up too much now.
  16. <Flytape> You've already sold yourself on it.
  17. <Flytape> I've been trying for days now. Even weeks. Since you took on this "nigga nigga yo" persona... to bring you back to reality.
  18. <Flytape> I just don't see what you stand to gain from all this risk you're taking.
  19. <illogicalexplanation> you cannot hermentucially reconstruct my motives
  20. <illogicalexplanation> because you're not on my level tbh
  21. <illogicalexplanation> but they are benvolent
  22. <illogicalexplanation> and you need to fucking ask ghostofdusty
  23. <illogicalexplanation> about my source
  24. <illogicalexplanation> before I slap you with a trout
  25. <Flytape> No I'm definitely NOT on your level.
  26. <Balthanos> I always have an extreme dislike for those type of comments.
  27. <illogicalexplanation> so do I
  28. <illogicalexplanation> but it had to be said
  29. <Balthanos> It's illogical
  30. * illogicalexplanation notes the irony
  31. * illogicalexplanation created this account years ago
  32. * kaalaaaa has joined
  33. <illogicalexplanation> wb kaalaaaa
  34. <kaalaaaa> thanks
  35. <illogicalexplanation> GamerGateFan, ops plsss
  36. <illogicalexplanation> fritzly,
  37. <illogicalexplanation> I have never been so angry in my life
  38. <illogicalexplanation> I am about to break my computer screen
  39. <illogicalexplanation> thank god sarach connor emailed me
  40. * GaTeKeePeR gives channel operator status to illogicalexplanation
  41. * GaTeKeePeR sets mode +a on #/r/conspiracy illogicalexplanation
  42. * illogicalexplanation sets ban on
  43. <illogicalexplanation> make channel owner pls GamerGateFan
  44. <illogicalexplanation> or can we not do that?
  45. * GaTeKeePeR sets ban on *!*@flytape
  46. * GaTeKeePeR has kicked Flytape from #/r/conspiracy (User has been banned from the channel (akick))
  47. <fritzly> wait whats happening?
  48. <illogicalexplanation> flytape you are all being removed
  49. <illogicalexplanation> sorry
  50. <illogicalexplanation> fritzly,
  51. * Flytape has joined
  52. <illogicalexplanation> flytape
  53. <illogicalexplanation> its over man
  54. <illogicalexplanation> youre all being removed
  55. <illogicalexplanation> sorry
  56. <illogicalexplanation> you can come back
  57. <illogicalexplanation> and AI
  58. <Flytape> Lol
  59. <illogicalexplanation> and creq
  60. <illogicalexplanation> and AP
  61. <Flytape> Tantrum much?
  62. <illogicalexplanation> nope
  63. <illogicalexplanation> cant let SM
  64. <illogicalexplanation> cant let sm do it
  65. <illogicalexplanation> youre looking the other way man!
  66. <illogicalexplanation> stop it!
  67. <illogicalexplanation> fuck you flytape
  68. <Flytape> We will just make a new IRC channel that is operated consistently.
  69. <illogicalexplanation> no
  70. <illogicalexplanation> if you back SM because youre his friend
  71. <Flytape> Yeah
  72. <illogicalexplanation> and compromise your ethics
  73. <illogicalexplanation> ill ruin you
  74. <Flytape> The sidebar is easy to edit.
  75. <illogicalexplanation> not if youre not a mod
  76. <illogicalexplanation> now
  77. <illogicalexplanation> lets be calm here
  78. <illogicalexplanation> and discuss this like adults
  79. <illogicalexplanation> SM is clearly the trump card for ae911 truth
  80. <Flytape> Good advice!
  81. <illogicalexplanation> and you, flytape, are covering for him
  82. <illogicalexplanation> because you like him
  83. <illogicalexplanation> that is not happening
  84. <illogicalexplanation> respond
  85. <illogicalexplanation> fytape
  86. <illogicalexplanation> Flytape, damn it man
  87. <Balthanos> the hell are you guys doing
  88. <fritzly> SM?
  89. <illogicalexplanation> flytape you fucker
  90. <illogicalexplanation> answer me now god damn it
  91. <illogicalexplanation> theyre all so fucked fritzly
  92. <illogicalexplanation> see im fucking ethical
  93. <illogicalexplanation> and thats why i always win
  94. <illogicalexplanation> but this fuck wanted to go half assed
  95. <illogicalexplanation> and let soverignman stay on the mod team
  96. <illogicalexplanation> so i forced soverignman into a bad chess position
  97. <illogicalexplanation> and he played a bad card, going to dong to remove me without a vote
  98. <illogicalexplanation> and now theyre all fucked
  99. <illogicalexplanation> its a no win for them
  100. <Flytape> They demoted you man
  101. <illogicalexplanation> and now youre all being demoted
  102. <Flytape> They invited you right back to the bottom of the list
  103. <illogicalexplanation> and now youre al being demoted
  104. <illogicalexplanation> you fucks
  105. <illogicalexplanation> answer me question
  106. <illogicalexplanation> right now
  107. <Flytape> The vote has been executed.
  108. <illogicalexplanation> why are you protecting soverignman?
  109. <illogicalexplanation> and the vote was manipulated
  110. <illogicalexplanation> flytape you will be shadowbanned if you protect them
  111. <Flytape> Because he has done nothing wrong
  112. <illogicalexplanation> LIAR!
  113. <illogicalexplanation> you fucking faggot
  114. <Flytape> Accept your mod invite and get comfy with your new role.
  115. <illogicalexplanation> suck my dick
  116. <illogicalexplanation> and accept your new role
  117. <Flytape> At the bottom of the list.
  118. <illogicalexplanation> on your knees
  119. <illogicalexplanation> forever as a yes man
  120. <Flytape> Tonight I educate myself on all things IRC and fix this mess in here.
  121. <illogicalexplanation> tongith you realize who GamerGateFan
  122. <illogicalexplanation> and why you have already lost
  123. <illogicalexplanation> faggot
  124. <Flytape> I don't care
  125. <illogicalexplanation> then eave
  126. <illogicalexplanation> and never come back to reddit
  127. <illogicalexplanation> youre not wanted
  128. <Flytape> I don't give a flying fuck about who anyone is.
  129. <illogicalexplanation> your ethically comrpimsed piece of shit
  130. <illogicalexplanation> you went 80% of the way
  131. <illogicalexplanation> could have been one of the greats
  132. <illogicalexplanation> and then let one friendship stop you
  133. <illogicalexplanation> you faggggg
  134. <Flytape> I wasn't required to even do that.
  135. <illogicalexplanation> it doesnt matter what you feel you were supposed to do
  136. <illogicalexplanation> the second you gave me those docs it became about mroe than you
  137. <illogicalexplanation> faggot
  138. <illogicalexplanation> and you fucked me
  139. <illogicalexplanation> and now ill fuck you
  140. <Flytape> I have no evidence that SM is [PI REMOVED] or whatever you think is going on.
  141. <Flytape> My virgin ass?
  142. <illogicalexplanation> shut up
  143. <Flytape> How dare you!
  144. * illogicalexplanation gets trout
  145. <Flytape> You haven't even bought me dinner!
  146. * illogicalexplanation cooks rout
  147. <illogicalexplanation> *trout
  148. <Flytape> Lol
  149. <illogicalexplanation> man stop protecting him
  150. <Flytape> Is that your pinky?
  151. <Flytape> I expected more
  152. <fritzly> when are you guys going to mod me to conspiracy?
  153. <fritzly> because it sounds like a lot of fun lol
  154. <illogicalexplanation> luv you fritzly
  155. <fritzly> d'aww
  156. <fritzly> ilu2 qt3.14
  157. <Flytape> Hall I'm under AATAK!
  158. <Balthanos> did orang get unmodded in that kerfuffle?
  159. <Flytape> Yes
  160. <fritzly> twice
  161. <Balthanos> people get getting randomly shot for being in the room?
  162. <illogicalexplanation> you got both sides coming for you flytape
  163. <illogicalexplanation> you fucking idiot
  164. <illogicalexplanation> you. are. not. me.
  165. <illogicalexplanation> stop it
  166. <Balthanos> I feel like im only watching half a movie and my popcorn has no butter.
  167. <Flytape> Aata, bro... I love you man but if both sides come for me then someone should open a food truck outside my house. There's gonna be a lot of lunches needed.
  168. <Flytape> Don't make me break out BIGBOI daddy fat saks again.
  169. <Flytape> O J
  170. <Flytape> Not Guilty
  171. <Flytape> That's how they found him.
  172. <illogicalexplanation> there is nothing you can do
  173. <illogicalexplanation> literally nothing
  174. <illogicalexplanation> ive seen it all
  175. <illogicalexplanation> every move is already played out
  176. <Flytape> There is nothing I need to do.
  177. <illogicalexplanation> i know every outcome
  178. <illogicalexplanation> i win all of them
  179. <illogicalexplanation> so shut the fuck up
  180. <illogicalexplanation> before I run you the fuck over with my words
  181. <Flytape> My drink tastes fine so I'll just relax here by the river.
  182. <illogicalexplanation> fine stay the fuck out of my way
  183. <illogicalexplanation> you fuck me over again illburn you nigga
  184. <Flytape> Until my drink gets too watered down.
  185. <Flytape> Then I'll make a fresh one.
  186. <illogicalexplanation> itll be like VA
  187. <Balthanos> seriously
  188. <illogicalexplanation> times seven thousand
  189. <illogicalexplanation> hell you might make the gray lady bro
  190. <illogicalexplanation> what is not clear about this
  191. <illogicalexplanation> I am uncomrposminig in my ethics
  192. <illogicalexplanation> if you fuck around on reddit and let friendships or money guide your actions
  193. <illogicalexplanation> I shove my nuts down your throat
  194. <illogicalexplanation> who the fuck is surpsied by this
  195. <illogicalexplanation> fritzly, am I in an episode of the fucking twlight zone?
  196. <illogicalexplanation> what the fuck is going on
  197. <Flytape> Oh stop it Randy!
  198. <illogicalexplanation> you caused this shit
  199. <illogicalexplanation> because you like sm
  200. <illogicalexplanation> and I dispise you for it
  201. <illogicalexplanation> I loathe you actually
  202. <illogicalexplanation> you know my stance on transperence
  203. <illogicalexplanation> you allowed the sub to be censored
  204. <illogicalexplanation> you know my stance on nepotism
  205. <illogicalexplanation> you allowed the sub to be censored
  206. <illogicalexplanation> you know my stance on ethis
  207. <illogicalexplanation> you allowed the sub to be censored
  208. <illogicalexplanation> fuck
  209. <illogicalexplanation> you
  210. <illogicalexplanation> flytape
  211. <Balthanos> who talks like that irl.. you sound like
  212. <illogicalexplanation> i dont give a fuck what I sound like bro
  213. <illogicalexplanation> step off me
  214. <Balthanos> or
  215. <illogicalexplanation> use your real reddit name
  216. * illogicalexplanation prepares ban hammer
  217. <Balthanos> you should care what others think about you.
  218. <illogicalexplanation> I care that Sm just sold out for ae911truth
  219. <illogicalexplanation> and is censoring discussion of Orangtuans bribery
  220. <illogicalexplanation> I am sensative
  221. <illogicalexplanation> this breaks my heart
  222. <illogicalexplanation> and when i get heartbroken
  223. <illogicalexplanation> I act out
  224. <illogicalexplanation> fuck the champsions league
  225. <illogicalexplanation> fuck driving anywhere
  226. <illogicalexplanation> im gonna go ham
  227. <illogicalexplanation> right with this keyboard and my beautiful prose
  228. <Flytape> Hypertension is real.
  229. <illogicalexplanation> clarity is painful
  230. <illogicalexplanation> you fucking whore
  231. <illogicalexplanation> i dont care if my raw emotion is outside your comfort zone
  232. <illogicalexplanation> suck my dick
  233. <Balthanos> If I had a headache I might. I hear it gets rid of them.
  234. * illogicalexplanation has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  235. * illogicalexplanation has joined
  236. * AssuredlyAway has joined
  237. <AssuredlyAway> guys
  238. <AssuredlyAway> im sorry to say I fuigured it out
  239. <AssuredlyAway> but it may be too late
  240. <AssuredlyAway> the admins set you up Flytape
  241. <AssuredlyAway> so youd compromise your ethics to cover for SM
  242. <AssuredlyAway> and now theyre gonna ban the sub
  243. * illogicalexplanation has quit
  244. * AssuredlyAway is now known as illogicalexplanation
  245. <Flytape> Absolutely none of that is true.
  246. <Flytape> This whole thing was discovered by me, my research and nobody else's.
  247. <Flytape> I know the full extent of it.
  248. <Flytape> I know more than I have even released as of yet.
  249. <Flytape> And the situation does not call for any further action.
  250. <Flytape> Gamergatefan
  251. <Flytape> Restore order to this IRC or it will be replaced.
  252. <Flytape> There is no need for all these theatrical tantrums
  253. <GamerGateFan> I made him aware that it would be. If you do replace it, I do strongly suggest avoiding snoonet
  254. <illogicalexplanation> GamerGateFan,
  255. <illogicalexplanation> flytape does not understand how the admins took his work
  256. <illogicalexplanation> and played him
  257. <illogicalexplanation> into a position wherein he comrpsomised his ethics by letting sm
  258. <illogicalexplanation> stay
  259. <Flytape> Snoonet is not an option
  260. <illogicalexplanation> so that they could ban the sub
  261. <illogicalexplanation> flytape they are setting you up
  262. <illogicalexplanation> and when they burn you im not going to feel bad
  263. <illogicalexplanation> because im telling you right the fuck now
  264. <illogicalexplanation> you thick skulled imbecile
  265. <Flytape> How long have you had access to my research on this AATA?
  266. <illogicalexplanation> its not the access that matters
  267. <illogicalexplanation> its how the admins responded
  268. <illogicalexplanation> you fucking idiot bro
  269. <Flytape> I've been working this since coincidence theory
  270. <illogicalexplanation> chess. game.
  271. <illogicalexplanation> you dont play chess
  272. <illogicalexplanation> you do work
  273. <illogicalexplanation> let me play the chess
  274. <Flytape> Really?
  275. <illogicalexplanation> Lets all watch this together and be friends
  276. <illogicalexplanation>
  277. <GamerGateFan> you two could try a voice chat and perhaps talk some sense with each other instead of at each other
  278. <GamerGateFan> perhaps there is something being lost in the typing
  279. <GamerGateFan> 90% of communication is inflection and body language, and all that
  280. <Balthanos> You just gave me tech support flashbacks
  281. <illogicalexplanation> lolol
  282. <illogicalexplanation> flytape lets skype after city destorys juve
  283. * illogicalexplanation is ctiy fan
  284. <Flytape>
  285. <illogicalexplanation> you stand firm my friend
  286. <illogicalexplanation> but I do so differently
  287. <Flytape> You just need to consider one thing. When you stop acting like part of the team for a while, the team becomes distant. And then you look up and you're no longer a part of the team.
  288. <Flytape> Is it the team's fault?
  289. <Flytape> We did abandon you for the backrooms.
  290. <Flytape> Didn't.
  291. <Flytape> You've been gone for a while now
  292. <illogicalexplanation> irrevelant
  293. <illogicalexplanation> SM is the only thing that matters now
  294. <illogicalexplanation> you care about the sub
  295. <illogicalexplanation> i care about the sub
  296. <illogicalexplanation> he cares about ae911truth
  297. <illogicalexplanation> i have to go
  298. <illogicalexplanation> bye
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