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Washii novel chapter 8 summary

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Nov 30th, 2014
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  1. rough translation Chapter 8 summary on niconicopedia
  3. Ch.8 friends
  4. ==battle==
  5. With shikoku forestize, Sumi and Sonoko's spirit come out and Sumi's spirit is 青坊主 and Sonoko's is 鴉天狗.
  6. Sumi's new weapon is a sniper riffle named Shirogane, as upgraded from her previous bow and arrow.
  7. After few talks, both of them walk toward the bridge.
  9. This time there are 3 vertexes, include: Aries, Leo, Pisces.
  10. With update implemented on the yusha system, radar have been added and position of enemy can be captured.
  11. In oracle, Vertex are shown with the image of star. And there is also a strange scene where there are star born from the sea of virus. but Taisha does not give a clear answer to what that mean.
  13. With the faraway Leo not moving, there are just Aries rushing to the bridge. Sumi sniped it and then Sonoko cut it into pieces. while Sonoko's weapon is still spear but its sharpness seems to be increased.
  14. But Aries' feature is growth and those cut apart parts regenerated into 6 Aries.
  15. and then it start proliferate no mateer how they attack it, but then it is found that all other are dummy and they focus their attack on it and make it retreat, and then Sumi's mankai gauge fully filled and make it possible to use mankai. Yusha side have its predominance.
  17. There remain 2 vertexes, Pisces began rushing to the bridge and Leo start moving forward.
  18. By the time Pisces leap from the sea, Sumi sniped it and again once it hit Sonoko slide it and its sliced body fall back to the sea.
  19. but in the gap, Leo directly snipe Shinju, but luckily because Leo is faraway from Shinju so its laser cannon unable to reach the Shinju. However the next fire would be a sure hit and thus must be stopped so Sumi went Mankai.
  21. Sumi in Mankai status is like a battleship floating in sky and she snipe Leo in air. With Sumi's huge firepower, Leo fall to the sea. But it do not seem like it is retreating, and more like it is regenerating in the sea.
  22. and now Sumi ended its mankai status and its foot can longer move.
  23. then in turn Sonoko went mankai and Sumi support her. With her mankai attack and Sumi's accurate shooting, 3 enemies sank to the sea again. But on sumi's radar, there're still no sign of their retreat. Sonoko also tried to read from radar but one of her eye lost the vision. And one of Sumi's leg also unable to move. Initially it is suspect to be enemy's curse but that does not make sense as they are now in possess of Shinju's power.
  25. Sonoko "(So it is not enemy's attack...?)"
  27. Sumi's mankai gauge become full again with supporting shoot like previous and when Sonoko still wondering about the situation, Sumi went Mankai for the second time. With attacks that going to destroy the Leo before it fall to the sea, nearly pulverized it, then Sumi see a sun-like object coming out from the center of Leo. Believing it to be the key, and when Sumi want to add her last attack onto it before her mankai end, the sun suddenly attack on Sumi and she can't respond to it and thus being flicked away and fainted.
  29. On the other hand, Pisces start destroying the Seto Ohashi bridge. Sonoko bring Sumi back to land and cannot wake her up.
  30. Seeing this, she recognize it is the hateful part of the yusha system, the price of Mankai.
  31. And she figured it is not needed to wake Sumi up and only she herself need to mankai. then Sonoko mankai again to fight against enemies.....
  34. ==After the battle==
  35. At the day, there are large scale hazard happen in Shikoku, that caused 2 death and 12 injuries. The 2 death are a couple working in Taisha. The accident is reported as also causing the detruction of the Seto Ohashi bridge.
  36. After the battle, Sumi and Sonoko are immediately moved. Judging from their situation, Sonoko have mankai'ed 10+ times.
  38. And it have been discussed in Taisha. According to oracle, after such heavy hit on vertexes they won't come for a while, but they are nearly certain will be coming back after 1 or 2 years. By analyzing Sumi's battle record, Taisha found out the existance of heart of vertex 御魂(soul). Yusha system have also been updated to allow yusha take out the soul and destroy it, but this time there are not enough yusha. Therefore, instead of selecting from people who are affiliated with Taisha, this time they select candidates from all over Shikoku. Taisha dispatch people to contact with those who are of high aptitude, so they can be selected by Shinju to fight against Vertex when necessary. Different from Sumi's time, because the yusha system is strong at the beginning, therefore training is not necessarily. But with this degree of powerful, the system cannot be produce massively. So among those candidate, only about 5 people would actually fight.
  39. And all of these are done in secret because people live under the guard of Shinju can live comfortably without need of knowing the cruel truth.
  41. After body check across whole Shikoku, it have found out all those people with yusha aptitude.
  42. They send Washio Sumi to be neighbor of the one with highest yusha aptitude, which is the most possible candidate, and then they dispatch Inubozaki's daughters to there as Taisha's agent.
  43. Also, to reuse Minowa Gin's Terminal(phone), a candidate whose characteristic being close to Minowa have been selected and that yusha would be arranged with training and when vertexes reemerge she will be added as support force after final adjustment.
  45. Sonoko after multiple mankai she would have difficulties in her daily life and thus directly managed by Taisha.
  46. As Sumi have only expensed "function of her both legs" and "memory for a few years" as mankai's price, it have been decided that she will join the front again when there are battle. With those memory losses, it have been decided that she would be return to her original family using the name she born with, and reasoned to them there is an accident that cause her memory lost.
  47. Originally Sumi with high yusha aptitude were made as an adopted daughter of the Washio family because the family have some prestigious within Taisha and until now the yusha selection were limited to those within Taisha. But now it is no longer needed because the scope of yusha selection have been widened.
  48. Taisha hope Sumi who have experience of being a yusha could help new yusha when she turn into yusha again.
  50. Now, after a series of vertex attack, the story about the 3 yusha is now come to an end.
  51. But yusha's fight will still continue. THey will contiue to provide their own body as offering to god. When yusha's parent heard about it they would tear for it. In the era of god, their daughter being selected as yusha is something very honored and they must accept this.
  53. And by the time flow, in era of god year 299's spring, the girl called Washio Sumi start to live on a new land. Obscured by memory lost and foot immobility, she encountered a friendly girl.
  54. The girl introduce herself as Yuki Yuna with smile, ask about her name.
  55. The girl who formerly named as Washio Sumi, answered with her inborn name.
  57. The name is, Togo Mimori.
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