

Aug 11th, 2012
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  1. >You are a unicorn fluffy pony named Jester with white fluff and a yellow mane
  2. >But your life is far from normal, even for a fluffy
  3. >When you were a baby, your daddy, King, said you were a bad babbeh
  4. >You didnt do anything so why were you a bad babbeh?
  5. >But mommy loved you
  6. >Mommy took you and ran away from daddy
  7. >Momma might have been odd but you still loved her
  8. >But a few months ago, when she was looking for nummies for the two of you, she died
  9. >She came back and said to you “Stay way fwom hoomans.”
  10. >This shocked you! You didnt know hoomans were dangerous. “Why?” You asked her
  11. >”Bad nummies! Bad hoomans give Sunrise bad nummies. Stay safe. Momma wuves you Jesta!”
  12. >She fell right in front of you. She died in your wegs.
  13. >You knew where daddeh lived so you went there
  14. >It was on the other side of the park
  15. >Many other fluffies were looking at you, but when one come near you, you ran off.
  16. >When you finally made it to your new home, you saw that daddeh had a new speciaw fwiend
  17. >They never even noticed you!
  18. >And when they did, they kicked you and hurt you and called you bad names
  19. >They said you were a bad babbeh and that you always would be
  20. >But you never did any thing wrong
  21. >Daddehs new speciaw fwiend is called Queen
  22. >She has one babbeh named Princess and a fwiend named Coal
  23. >You hate them both
  24. >You hate them all
  25. >They always treat you like crap, never let you go anywhere and attack anyone that tries to help
  26. >You have ran off a few times but kept coming back
  27. >You wish someone would come and take you to a better place
  28. >You have even thought of asking humans
  29. >But after seeing some fluffies get killed by them, you dont dare think of it
  30. >One day, while you are out eating, you lose sight of them for a minute
  31. >Thats when you meet Shadow
  32. >He is a black wingie friend with a red, black and white mane
  33. >He is really nice and when you told him about your family he asked why you havent left them yet
  34. >You told him that you have nowhere to go if you do leave them
  35. >He said to wait it out for a while and then he hugged you
  36. >Thats when daddeh saw you and he chased Shadow off
  37. >He said “That fwuffy a dum fwuffy. He a bad fwuffy. He twy huwties.”
  38. >You dont belive him and ran back to the bush
  39. >You saw Shadow again the next day but only for a second
  40. >That night daddehs speciaw fwiend, Queeny, kicked you in your poopies place
  41. >It hurted for a few days, and it hurted even worse if you had poopies
  42. >Over the next few days, you didnt see Shadow
  43. >And Queeny, daddeh, Coal and Princess treated you even worse
  44. >Then, you saw Shadow again, and he had fwiends!
  45. >From what it looked like, about ten
  46. >That night, another fluffy came over and gave spechiaw huggies to Coal
  47. >It looked like it hurt!
  48. >But from what you heard Queeny and daddeh talk about, Coal will be having babbehs soon!
  49. >So thats how babbehs are made!
  50. >But when you ask if you could have babbehies, daddeh hit you!
  51. >He said “Nuuu! You bad fwuffy! Onwy good fwuffies can hav babbehies!”
  52. >This made you sad, but then you remeber what Shadow had said to you
  53. >If you wait, you could make it
  54. >The next few days, when you go out to eat, you would see Shadow, and just him
  55. >When you would approach him, he would run
  56. >You didnt know why
  57. >And you were forced to give some of your food to Coal
  58. >You wish she never had been given spechiaw huggies!
  59. >This continues for a few more days
  60. >One day, back at home, Coal says out “Big poopies!”
  61. >Sudenly, everyone runs over to here
  62. >Oh no! She is having her babbehies!
  63. >She pulls something out of here no-no place
  64. >She then licks it
  65. >Gross
  66. >Oh wait! Thats her babbeh!
  67. >She then does the same thing two more times
  68. >You look at the babbehies, they are so cute!
  69. >Then you hear something behind you
  70. >When you turn around, you see a fwuffy
  71. >You were scarred, but then they said in a wisper “Sha’dou say we com to’marra to hewp you.”
  72. >Then daddeh runs after the fwuffy who barely gets away
  73. >Then he looks at you and says, “Wha fwuffy say to yoo?”
  74. >”He ask foo spechiaw huggies.” You lie to him
  75. >”Otay.” He says, and walks back to Coals babbehies
  76. >Tomorrow could not come soon enough!
  77. >You want Shadow to hug you
  78. >You want to be safe
  79. >But you dont know what to do right now
  80. >When you poke your head out to look for the big light, you see its near the tall places
  81. >Dark time is coming
  82. >You know that if you dont go to bed soon, you will be hurt by either a bad fwuffy or daddeh or Queeny
  83. >When you go to lay down, you wish for tomorrow to come as soon as it can
  84. >You just woke up. You hear a very loud noise!
  85. >You go wake up daddeh to go check on it, for sake of the babbehies
  86. >When he hears the word babbehies he springs up and runs outside
  87. >Now the others are waking up
  88. >You hear daddeh and someone talking outside
  89. >Thats when Shadow and a few others walk into the tent
  90. >”Sha’dou!” You cry out, glad to see him again and you hug him with all of your force
  91. >”Jesta!” He says to you
  92. >You turn around to blow everyone rasberries when you see the other fluffies are hurting Queeny, Princess, and Coal
  93. >Then you remember
  94. >”BABBEHIES!” You scream out
  95. >Shadow looks at you and says “We fwind them and take care o’ them. Aww fo’ o’ them.”
  96. >Four? You thought she only had three!
  97. >When you look at one fluffy, you see that she has four babbehies that look alot like Coal on her back
  98. >So she did have four!
  99. >You begin to walk outside, when you hear Coal scream out “Tink o’ babbehies!”
  100. >You say to her, “Babbehies gone b’ o, k! Evin dumb babbeh!”
  101. >”NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” She screams out, almost hurting your ears
  102. >You walk outside where you see Shadow talking to your daddeh
  103. >Daddeh looks at you and says “But King wuv Jesta! That wight?”
  104. >You look at him, then at Shadow, then back at him
  105. >”I no no you.”
  106. >You then walk up too Shadow and say to him in a whisper, “Wet me kiww him.”
  107. >”Ok.” Shadow says, then turns around and kicks King in his face
  108. >He falls back and starts to cry and beg
  109. >Shadow then kick him on his side to where King is lying on the ground
  110. >”You tuwn.” Shadows says to you
  111. >You walk up to the thing you used to call your Daddeh
  112. >”Jesta,” He says to you in a raspy voice, “Daddeh, sowwy. Sowwy, King nuu…”
  113. >For one second, you think he really is sorry.
  114. >”Sowwy…Sowwy foo’ not kiww yoo, when YOO BABBEH! YOU DUMB BABBEH!”
  115. >You look at him with pure hate
  116. >”May be bad babbeh but me goos fwuffy. Yoo may b’ King but to me yoo King Nothin’.”
  117. >You say those words, and then stab King in the throught with your horn
  118. >You wait until you know he is dead and then pull your horn out of his still twiching body
  119. >You turn around to come face to face with Shadow
  120. >And you hug him with all of your power
  121. >”Take Jesta hoom.” You say to him
  122. >”Gwadwie.” He says
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