
Anon the Valet I (Luna the Tease)

Nov 3rd, 2014
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  1. >"Anon?"
  2. >"What could you want at this time?"
  3. >Congratulations, Private Anon.
  4. >Looks like you just lost your job.
  5. >"Go get the princess," they said. "She's late for the banquet," they said.
  6. >Like a good guard, you obeyed your orders and set off in your big stompy guard boots.
  7. >"Be quick about it," your officer shouted after you. He didn't mention that Luna would still be asleep.
  9. >You usually don't mind getting an eyeful (on escort duty, you usually go for rear guard, hurhur), but walking in on her like this is going to get you fired.
  10. >"Pardon me, your majesty," you croak. "I was supposed to inform you that your presence was requested at...the..."
  11. >Your eyes may have slipped.
  12. >Apparently Luna got done rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, because her face WHICH YOU ARE DEFINITELY FOCUSING ON YESSIR turns a deep shade of red.
  13. >"EEK!"
  14. >She tries to cover herself properly, but her robe seems awfully airy.
  15. >"I am terribly sorry, your majesty!"
  16. >"Lech! Avert your eyes! Turn away! OUT!"
  17. >You try to do all that at once, and mostly succeed at tripping over your own feet.
  18. >Luna gets up from her bed and hides behind one of those screen dressing things people with more money than you always seem to have.
  19. >"MAIDS!", she shouts. "Where are my handmaidens?"
  20. >Nobody responds.
  21. >A sigh comes from behind the screen.
  22. >"How grand. You, guard! What is your name?"
  23. >"Anon, your majesty."
  24. >Well, Anon, it seems I have a new assignment for you." Her robe lands on the screen's top.
  25. >"Help me dress."
  29. >What.
  30. >You get up and approach the folding screen slowly. Is she screwing with you? This can't be proper protocol.
  31. >"Your majesty, are you sure that..."
  32. >"Entirely," she snaps. "I'm late already, aren't I? They wouldn't have sent you otherwise."
  33. >"Uhm," you say. Maybe you should've become a poet.
  34. >"And my handmaidens are nowhere to be found," she continues. "Which means I have no choice but to use you."
  35. >Some part of your brain goes "hubba hubba" at the thought of Luna /using you/, but your forebrain takes over in time.
  36. >"I'm sure there's somebody around somewhere," you say. "Somebody more...qualified."
  37. >She snorts. "If there was, they'd be here already."
  38. >She looks around the screen's edge, and while all you can see is her head and a little peek of her shoulder and collarbone, your face feels like someone set fire to it.
  39. >To be fair, Luna has quite the blush going on as well. She brushes a strand of hair out of her face, and stares decidedly at your chin.
  40. >"This is an order. Your princess has ordered you to help her dress, now hop to it."
  41. >Now that's something you can deal with. Orders. Orders are good. Even if they come from a half-naked woman hiding behind a screen, blushing like a school girl.
  42. >"Yes, your highness. How should I, ah, start?"
  43. >Luna retreats behind the safety of the folding screen. "You can start by getting my dr...Blast, where is that thing?"
  44. >"Pardon, your majesty, your whatnow?"
  45. >"Anon, look over to my bed."
  46. >You do. Her bed is approximately ten miles away on the other side of the room and the size of an average courtyard. Still looks kinda disheveled.
  47. >"Is there something lying on it?"
  48. >You squint. There's something lying next to the mountain of pillows, yes, but you can't make it out.
  49. >"There is, your highness."
  50. >"Is it...lacy?"
  51. >It would appear to be.
  52. >Oh.
  53. >"It is, your highness. Shall I bring it?"
  54. >"Yes, Anon."
  55. >You walk over to get Luna's bra.
  58. >Once arrived at the bed, you look behind you.
  59. >You can't see behind the screen, which should mean Luna can't see you.
  60. >Do you dare?
  61. >Hell, you're probably getting fired or worse when this is over. Might as well use the opportunity.
  62. >You grab the bra - is that real silk? - and hold it up in front of you.
  63. >Black and lacy. Looks like you won that bet with Thomas.
  64. >Feels nice, too. You rub your thumb over the fabric briefly. The image of Luna in that bra mixes with what you've seen of her when you entered.
  65. >Then the image of her taking it off. And your thumb brushing over her nipple. Other things, beautiful things.
  66. >"Anon, what's taking so long?"
  67. >Your imagination screeches to a halt. Dammit, you have a job to do here, soldier.
  68. >Besides, these uniforms were not designed for raging boners.
  69. >"Pardon me, your highness," you say, in a very manly voice and not at all squeaking.
  70. >You walk back to the screen and pass it to Luna via turning your head away and stretching your arm behind the screen.
  71. >The little sliver of paradise passes over to your princess.
  72. >"Thank you." Oh, she sounds huffy. Must be the first time some random guard dude handed her underwear. "Now, my dress, and quicker this time."
  73. >"Yes, your highness." You lumber over to her wardrobe, which is only slightly bigger than your room in the barracks.
  74. >The one you share with three other people.
  75. >"Which one, if I may ask?"
  76. >Oooh, etiquette. Your superiors would be proud.
  77. >"Just the blue one."
  78. >Haha, very funny. "Excuse me?"
  79. >"The one on the left."
  80. >You open the wardrobe. Blue dresses on the left change into slightly darker blue dresses on the right.
  81. >"Your majesty, I may need more precise orders."
  82. >"Oh, you oaf. Step away."
  83. >You try to, but have suddenly become transfixed by the little...thing lying at the bottom of the wardrobe.
  84. >God, has she ever worn that? If she has, you didn't see. Not that you'd see it anyway, because you'd probably be staring at the interesting things it likely does to her chest.
  87. >Maybe under her usual clothes?
  88. >Maybe on some lonely evening, noone but her in her chambers, fantasizing about that one handsome new guard...
  89. >Snap out of it, soldier!
  90. >You step away from the wardrobe. Yes, orders, good.
  91. >You hear steps behind you. Wait, what?
  92. >You turn around and see Luna stomping towards the wardrobe, blushing furiously.
  93. >She didn't even bother to put the robe back on, and you silently thank whatever god operates above her for that.
  94. >The word "bouncy" comes to mind.
  95. >You get a good look at her. She apparently decided that matching panties and garter belts were in order. Everything south of your upper lip approves vigorously.
  96. >She stops before you and shoves you to the side.
  97. >"I'd rather not wait until you decide to grow a brain, Anon. Don't stare, it's not becoming."
  98. >She bends down, giving you a rather nice view of a lovely backside in the process, and retrieves the right dress from the depths of her wardrobe.
  99. >Yeah, it was on the left side, and it's kind of blue, you guess.
  100. >Luna turns towards the folding screen, but seems to realize something mid-turn.
  101. >She stays where she is, and just slips on the dress instead of retreating. It's a simple one, none of her usual poofy sleeves and stuff.
  102. >The process of her wriggling into position is captivating, however. Wait, did she just smile?
  103. >"Zip me up?"
  104. >That didn't sound like an order. Weird.
  105. >Anyway, you do your duty. But you are very cautious and slow, because you don't want to ruin the zipper.
  106. >Also, Luna is right there and you're here and she's probably done dressing and her hair smells nice and you're trying your damnedest not to caress her back right now.
  107. >"Very good," she says. She turns around and walks towards the door.
  108. >"Was that all, your highness?" You did not just say that. You should probably bite off your tongue sometime.
  109. >"I don't intend on staying at the festivities very long," Luna says as she ruffles her hair. It looks like she just rolled out of bed - well, duh - but it's oddly fitting for the Princess of the Night.
  110. >"You don't?"
  111. >"Not at all. However," she turns back to you, "you will escort me to the hall and we will talk about your behavior today." Just for a moment, there is a wicked smile on her face.
  112. >You gulp and set off towards the banquet, hoping you'll survive the evening.
  115. >You spend the banquet off to the side, doing guard things.
  116. >Your comrades try to talk to you, but focusing on that is hard given that you're probably still in deep shit.
  117. >No, there were no problems. Yes, the princess took a few minutes, that's all. No, the sweating is normal. Yes, you always look this terrified.
  118. >Not enough time later, Luna leaves the hall again, several guards in tow.
  119. >You and the contingent surrounding you follow them and escort her back to her room.
  120. >She dismisses the guards. FREEDO-
  121. >"Except you, Private Anon."
  122. >Oh.
  123. >The other guards go "Ooooh" as they leave. Jackasses.
  124. >"Your highness?", you ask stiffly.
  125. >"Don't think I've forgotten what happened earlier, Anon." Hey, she dropped your rank again. "Now, you see, I discussed this /incident/ with my beloved sister-"
  126. >She did what? Dammit, you're going to have to learn how to tie a noose.
  127. >"-and we have decided that certain consequences are in order."
  128. >She steps closer to you. Your heart picks up its pace.
  129. >"I'm sure you'll understand," Luna says. "I cannot have royal guards intruding on my privacy like that."
  130. >"O-of course."
  131. >"Now, despite that, you were quite helpful when needed. Therefore I have decided to abstain from a dishonorable discharge..."
  133. >"...and instead you'll simply be transferred to a new position within the palace."
  134. >Yes, your highness," you say. "Thank you, your highness." Hey, maybe you'll get to clean the barracks' latrines or something!
  135. >"Don't thank me yet. As you'll recall, my handmaidens have proven themselves useless again today."
  136. >There's that wicked grin again.
  137. >"By royal decree, you are therefore my valet henceforth."
  140. >Wonderful! Anon, former royal guard, now a glorified butler.
  141. >Hell, it's better than being thrown in the dungeon, but it's not exactly what you signed up for.
  142. >Why would she even do that? You just stumbled into her chambers, and happened to see Her Royal Highness half-nude.
  143. >Okay, so there's that.
  144. >And apparently you were so good at handing her her bra that the appropriate punishment is to make you do it again?
  145. >Every day from now on?
  146. >Alone with her in that room?
  147. >Maybe the position has its merits.
  148. >Wait, she's talking again. Focus, Anon!
  149. >"...and will include seeing to my needs, personally."
  150. >"Yes, of course," you hear yourself say. "This punishment is effective immediately?"
  151. >"It is." She leans in a bit closer still. My, she's close. Her face is only inches from yours.
  152. >"Try not to dwell on the negatives too much, Anon," she whispers. "Think of the benefits. No more dangerous guard work."
  153. >She puts a single finger on your chest. "Although it does tend to leave one rather hale and healthy."
  154. >You try to come up with something to say, but the finger weighs you down like an anvil. Not to mention the scent of her hair distracting you.
  155. >Luna traces the outline of your chest with her finger, trailing upwards, and ends up on your chin. She lets go with a little flick.
  156. >"Now go. You have a new uniform to change into." She turns on her heel and enters her room. "Meet me here in ten minutes," she says over her shoulder.
  157. >The door clicks closed, and it takes you a moment to remember how to walk.
  159. >Your head still kind of spins when you walk back changed into your new uniform - a suit, surprisingly comfortable, colored a deep, dark blue.
  160. >What /was/ that? Did a freaking princess just come on to you?
  161. >What was that talk about punishment, then?
  162. >Maybe she was just leading you on, and when you'd arrive, all you'd find was the whole castle laughing at you or the headsman waiting.
  163. >Anyway, there's not much you can do except...obey your orders, you guess.
  164. >You arrive back at Luna's room.
  165. >Noone to be seen. Not surprising, given that it's the middle of the night, but them's your new working hours.
  166. >You knock on the heavy oak, sharply. You're still - well, former military, at least.
  167. >She opens, still in the outfit from before, but it seems a bit ruffled now. She's slightly red on the cheeks, as well.
  168. >"Ah, Anon, very good. I see the new uniform suits you."
  169. >Oh my. "Thank you, your highness."
  170. >"Now, you're aware of the night's agenda?"
  171. >"Can't say that I am. Your majesty."
  172. >"Really," she says. She raises an eyebrow. "It appears you'll have to listen better, then. I explained already."
  173. >"As you have witnessed, I overslept today and had to hurry to greet our guests." She brushes past you, and you try to keep up.
  174. >"So the first item on the agenda is?", you ask.
  175. >"The one I missed when I got up. You'll need to draw me a bath."
  178. >A bath. Of course, silly Anon. Princess gotta be clean.
  179. >Nevermind the mental image of a very naked and very wet Luna keeping you from putting one foot in front of the other.
  180. >"Anon? Is there a reason you stopped walking?"
  181. >Quick, brain, remember words!
  182. >"Pardon me, your majesty. I merely...I don't even know how to do that. Properly, I mean."
  183. >She snickers a bit. "Oh, don't worry. As long as it's hot and steamy enough, I'm sure I'll enjoy it."
  184. >That little...
  185. >"Very well. There we are."
  186. >Luna stops in front of a tall doorway.
  187. >"You go in there and get the water running."
  188. >She points to a little door to the right. "I'll be in here, undressing in the meantime."
  189. >Hey, when did your mouth get so dry?
  190. >"Now get to it, Anon, we don't have all night."
  191. >She scampers off into the little chamber, while you step into a bathroom the size of a small house. The tub might as well be a swimming pool.
  192. >At least it looks that way to you. In the barracks, you had a bucket sometimes.
  193. >You get to work. After making sure the water is the right temperature, you sit down on a little stool you found in the corner.
  194. >Not even an hour since this job started, and you're already close to a heart attack.
  195. >The thought of Luna undressing right next door does not help matters.
  196. >The thought of that blue dress sliding to the floor. Revealing the body of a goddess, clad in nothing but black, black silk...
  197. >Is it just you or is it getting hot in here?
  198. >Well, there's quite a bit of steam, but it's mostly you.
  199. >You take off your jacket. How is this going to go down, anyway? There's no way she's just going to walk in here stark naked.
  200. >Is there?
  201. >You look around, but there's just normal bath stuff around. Lots of fancy bottles, a bathrobe that probably cost more than you make in a year, mountains of towels.
  202. >This should be interesting.
  204. >The door opens. The show begins.
  205. >Luna steps in. Unfortunately for you, she's still wearing something.
  206. >"Something" is a very, very tiny towel, which at least gives you a good look at her legs, long and shapely as they are.
  207. >Luna dips a toe in the water. "Oh, wonderful, Anon. Just right."
  208. >"I added some of this." You wave towards one of the bottles. "It smelled good."
  209. >Truly, you are a wordsmith without peer.
  210. >"I see. How nice. Now, please, avert your eyes."
  211. >You do, kind of. It's hard not to crack your eyes open just a tiny bit as you hear the towel fall to the ground.
  212. >"I said don't look." Luna tries to sound stern, but there is a faint amusement tinging her voice.
  213. >Wait, if she saw you look, that means she's turned towards you.
  214. >Like, in front of you, entirely naked.
  215. >It takes every ounce of self control you have to keep your eyes shut.
  216. >Then you hear water splashing, and Luna doing something between a gasp and a moan.
  217. >Hopefully she does that every day.
  218. >"You may look now, Anon."
  219. >You don't need to be told twice.
  220. >She is completely submerged, except for her head, and the foam is thick enough to block your view. Great going there, Anon, really knocked that one out of the park.
  221. >But Luna is looking at you, and you don't really have time to be mad with yourself when she looks at you that way.
  222. >Hair wet and tousled, eyes half-lidded, lips slightly parted...
  223. >You're a lucky man, anon.
  224. >"The water is perfect, thank you," she says. "But I'll need your help for my back."
  226. >Why wouldn't she? Fits with her whole act.
  227. >Not that you mind the act, oh no, you don't mind at all.
  228. >So you grab a brush and get to work.
  229. >You settle behind the tub and lean over towards your boss.
  230. >"Your highness, if you want me to scrub your back, you need to actually sit up."
  231. >"I suppose I do." Luna does that little moan again, stretches a little - and slides back down. "But I'll expose myself!"
  232. >Yes, that is what she was supposed to do. You weep for your blood pressure.
  233. >"Maybe if you'd lean forward," you say. "I'd be able to reach, and the foam will still cover you."
  234. >"That is a possibility, yes. Very well."
  235. >She sits up again, and raises herself very deliberately and carefully. You can almost feel the muscles in her back stretching beneath that smooth alabaster skin.
  236. >"Like this?" She sits upright now, and if you had to guess, she's hugging her legs to her chest. The upper half of her back is exposed to you. She brushes her hair aside, raising her arm, and for a moment you can see the outline of her breast pressing against her thigh.
  237. >This woman is going to kill you.
  239. >You resign yourself to the inevitable stroke tonight, and start scrubbing.
  240. >Well, not so much scrubbing as languidly dragging the brush back and forth across her back.
  241. >Luna shivers a little. Oh yes, two can play at this game, missy.
  242. >"Am I doing it right, your highness?" A little glee sneaks itself into your voice.
  243. >"Don't stop."
  244. >Oh my, that was direct. And her voice is so rough all of a sudden.
  245. >You continue. Down, up, left, right, all in little circles. It gives you an excuse to savor the moment.
  246. >"Ooh, yes." She's purring by now. Apparently you have a talent.
  247. >"My former handmaidens were never this thorough. Or dexterous."
  248. >It takes a moment or two for the sentence to reach your brain. You blame your blood for being elsewhere.
  249. >"Former?"
  250. >"Yes, former. Didn't you pay attention when we talked?"
  251. >Luna shoots you a little glance over her shoulder.
  252. >"They've always been inept, and today was the last straw. I decided to let them go."
  253. >Her grin widens.
  254. >"It's only you attending me now, Anon."
  255. >"I am...honored, your majesty."
  256. >And you are, kind of. You're also trying to not break out into song.
  257. >Sure, you just happened to decide it was time to fire your entourage when Anon came along, Princess.
  258. >That is in no way related.
  259. >Now, what would she have her handmaidens do that's your job now?
  260. >You're afraid to ask.
  261. >Your heart might not survive it.
  262. >Scenes play out in your mind, too quick to catch more than an impression of each.
  263. >Luna dragging you into the tub with her.
  264. >Frantic, desperate kisses.
  265. >The feeling of her body pressed against yours.
  266. >The look in her eyes when she tells you she wants you.
  269. >"I think that's enough." Again, her voice snaps you out of your daydreams.
  270. >Good thing, too, or you might have started drooling.
  271. >She smirks at you over her shoulder again. "Really, Anon, you're a natural. Or have you had practice?"
  272. >There goes Luna, taking the "sub" out of subtext.
  273. >"I've only ever been a soldier, your highness," you answer."Not much time for such things."
  274. >The smirk widens. "A pity. We'll have to rectify that."
  275. >Your heart stutters a little.
  276. >"Now, hand me a towel, would you?"
  277. >"Of course." You get up, glad that Luna's back is turned towards you, and fetch one. It feels more like a cloud than like the things you've had to dry yourself off with usually.
  278. >"Put it here?" She points to a hook near the tub. You dutifully hang the towel there.
  279. >"Wonderful. Now turn around."
  280. >It almost physically hurts to do so, but you obey.
  281. >You can hear splashing, and drops of water hitting the floor.
  282. >"You may turn back."
  283. >You do, and there she is again, wrapped in a towel, everything covered, with just enough freedom to get your imagination going again.
  284. >Luna looks you up and down - you probably look more flushed than she does, as hard as that is - with the same grin she's been wearing the last few minutes.
  285. >She grabs the bathrobe off its hook and walks towards the dressing room.
  286. >"Meet me outside, Anon."
  288. >You clean up, while savoring the images this experience has left you with.
  289. >Who'd have thought a back could get to you this much? Learn something new every day.
  290. >Then again, it has more to do with the entire package than with just the view, gorgeous as it was.
  291. >Who knows what she'd demand next.
  292. >Hell, who knows how long you'd be able to hold back.
  293. >Or her, now that you're thinking about it.
  294. >It does seem like it's a game to her.
  295. >In which case you're down to play, as you've proven.
  296. >You finish your work in the bath, and step outside into the cool air of the palace.
  297. >Luna is already waiting for you, clad in the bathrobe she took with her.
  298. >Yes, that's definitely hers. The dark blue is already a giveaway, but there is an actual crescent stitched onto it.
  299. >Besides, noone could afford that thing. For all you know about fabrics, it's silk too.
  300. >And it fits her snugly, as you can see now.
  301. >Very snugly.
  302. >And the air out here is far colder than inside the bath.
  303. >You risk a quick glance. Yep, them's nipples.
  304. >It sinks in that Luna is, in fact, naked beneath the robe.
  305. >Did you mention she was going to kill you already?
  306. >"About time you showed up." She taps her foot, trying to look like she's frowning.
  307. >"Had to clean up, your highness. What's next?"
  308. >She raises a slender finger to her chin in thought.
  309. >"Let's see...The bath was very relaxing, and there's nothing pressing to take care of right now. I think I'll relax in my chambers a bit."
  310. >"I'll escort you, then."
  311. >"Yes, please do. Besides, I need you to help me relax."
  314. >Will this torture never end?
  315. >Anyway, you do your duty and escort Luna back to her room. You're good at escorting, it's basically like relaxed guarding.
  316. >You keep silent during the short walk. You'd probably only say something stupid.
  317. >After a few minutes, you reach your destination.
  318. >You open the door for her, like the true gentleman you are.
  319. >And, you know, her valet, so you're pretty sure this is in the job description.
  320. >Luna steps in and stretches. Her breasts make a lovely outline against the thin fabric of her robe.
  321. >A moan that is not at all subtle anymore escapes her.
  322. >"You said you wanted me to help you relax?", you ask. "I'd love to, but how should I-"
  323. >"I did say that, didn't I. Say, Anon, before we get to that, you could help me with something else."
  325. >"I'll just be a minute. I need your opinion on something. I'm not sure how I..." She puts a finger to her lips in thought.
  326. >And then starts, very slowly and deliberately, sucking on it.
  327. >You don't even pretend anymore, you just stare.
  328. >Those lovely lips, puckered and wrapped around that finger...
  329. >You can only imagine what her tongue could be doing right now.
  330. >Still, you try to pull yourself together.
  331. >"I'll help where I can, your highness." Why, why would she do this to you?
  332. >"In the meantime, you can prepare the room. See this cabinet over there?" She nods to her left.
  333. >"I do." It's short, rectangular, and it stands next to a cot.
  334. >"Light the candles on it, please. I'll be right back."
  335. >She walks over to the little doorway on the far end of the room, hips swaying.
  336. >You take note of the lovely way the robe outlines her butt and set to lighting the candles.
  339. >Deep breaths, Anon.
  340. >Everything is fine.
  341. >You only almost died. You'll live, whatever it is she throws at you next.
  342. >The candles are lit.
  343. >You can only wait.
  345. >The door Luna walked through creaks.
  346. >She steps in.
  347. >Apparently she ditched the bathrobe, because she is standing there in only the tiniest suggestion of underwear.
  348. >It looks a lot like the lacy combo you first met her in, only there's far less of it.
  349. >She takes note of the stunned look on your face and grins.
  350. >"I've been thinking about wearing this tomorrow. Do you think it'll do, Anon?"
  351. >You nod your approval. Wow.
  352. >You thought you'd gotten a good glimpse before, but this...
  353. >Luna even spins around on her toes, allowing you a long view of her body.
  354. >"I'm glad you approve," she purrs. "Now, onto the relaxing."
  355. >She glides by you and bends down at the cabinet. You just take in the sight of her supple buttocks, and the little thong she's wearing.
  356. >She comes back up with a handful of bottles and sets them down on top of the cabinet.
  357. >She looks back at you with a look that just about sets you on fire, and lies down on the cot.
  358. >"You see, Anon, being a princess can be very stressful. I'd love a little massage to help me unwind."
  360. >You practically jump from your seat.
  361. >You look at the bottles. Expensive oils, lotions and such.
  362. >"I." You swallow heavily. "I see."
  363. >"Luna lies on her stomach, looking at you over her shoulder with her eyes half closed.
  364. >"Please, Anon. Just pour a little of this-" she nods at the bottle in your hands,"-on me and work your magic. I need this."
  365. >Funny how three words can make your heart stop.
  366. >You take the bottle, and pour a few drops on Luna's back.
  367. >You start working it in, slowly.
  368. >Up. Down.
  369. >Left. Right.
  370. >All in little circles.
  371. >"Yes," Luna hisses.
  372. >You try to go a little farther now - she squirms a little everytime you reach her sides.
  373. >You go further up her back, but there's a strap in the way.
  374. >Right. There was that.
  375. >"Just take it off," she breathes.
  376. >You didn't know she could sound this way. So desperate. So enticing.
  377. >You open the clasp and Luna removes the bra deftly.
  378. >She keeps lying on her stomach, however.
  379. >Fine by you.
  380. >You explore the new areas that have just opened up to you.
  381. >You start between her shoulder blades, and yes, she really is a bit tense there.
  382. >You solve that problem, and Luna rewards you with a moan that makes you weak at the knees.
  383. >Time to up the ante. You pour a bit more oil on her upper back and start working it in.
  384. >Keep it slow, keep it steady, always in circles.
  385. >You work your way towards her sides, and get just far enough to touch her breasts, as lightly as you can.
  386. >She shudders.
  387. >Anon, you really are a natural.
  388. >"Keep going," she begs, but no. You have other plans for now.
  389. >Instead, your hands travel downwards.
  392. >Again, fabric in your way.
  393. >This time, you don't hesitate. You give Luna's butt a squeeze and start pulling on her thong.
  394. >Luna lifts her hips and it slides off.
  395. >"Are you-"
  396. >You hush her. It's your turn to tease now.
  397. >You keep your hands on her rear, squeezing and circling and almost, almost slipping inwards and going where she wants you to.
  398. >But not quite.
  399. >She's going to have to hold out for a little longer.
  400. >Your hands travel towards the inside of her thighs, just close enough to her sex to feel the heat.
  401. >You stay there for a while, slowing your movements even further.
  402. >Luna wriggles a little closer, but you're having none of that.
  403. >You smack her rear.
  404. >"Now now. Have some patience."
  405. >"You little-" you interrupt with the tiniest touch on her folds. Luna's protest dissolves into a moan.
  406. >You almost plunge your fingers in there, desperate to feel more of her, but your work isn't done yet.
  407. >You go back up.
  408. >Again, working from the inside to the outside, except this time you leave her back entirely.
  409. >Luna arches her back and your hands find her breasts.
  410. >You keep squeezing, going in circles, but she turns her head and finds your lips and the world stops turning.
  411. >You were right about her tongue. It does things that you didn't think were possible to you.
  412. >After the kiss ends, she turns around, and you see her in all her glory.
  414. >The looks she gives you is heavenly, all swollen lips and heavy eyes.
  415. >Her breasts heaving, she pulls you close.
  416. >"Anon?"
  417. >"Yes?"
  418. >"Take me. Please."
  419. >Oh, the sound of her voice, raw with desire.
  420. >You half-carry, half-drag her over to her bed.
  421. >You lose your shirt in the process.
  422. >Luna lies on the bed now, and gives a pleading look.
  423. >What else can you do but comply?
  424. >You bend down, kissing her again.
  425. >You break the kiss after a moment, and your lips start traveling down.
  426. >Her neck. A kiss.
  427. >Her collarbone. A kiss.
  428. >Her nipple. A kiss. You use your teeth a little, too, and it gets the desired reaction.
  429. >Luna hisses and arches towards you.
  430. >Still, you have something to do.
  431. >Down, down, farther down.
  432. >Her bellybutton gets another kiss, and then you've reached your goal.
  433. >Luna spreads her legs for you, and your mouth finds her.
  434. >She tastes sweet, and tangy, and like a thousand things you can't name.
  435. >Everything you do with your tongue and lips gets a little gasp from her. You decide to go further.
  436. >You risk using your fingers, too, and Luna approves.
  437. >The gasps are getting more frequent now. She gets louder, as well.
  438. >You increase your tempo, a steady, quick rhythm forming.
  439. >Then, she takes a deep shuddering breath and tenses against you.
  440. >You keep at it, savoring her taste, her scent, the little sounds she makes.
  441. >Luna relaxes, though there are still little twitches running up and down her body.
  442. >That gorgeous, beautiful body that she wants you to take.
  443. >You're so hard it almost hurts, and free yourself from your pants.
  444. >When Luna recovers, all it takes is a look between the both of you.
  445. >"Now," she says, and you enter her.
  446. >She feels slippery and hot around you.
  447. >Something tells you to just have your way with her, but she deserves more than that.
  448. >You try to go slower, but Luna is having none of your teasing anymore.
  449. >She wraps her legs around you and pulls you deeper inside her.
  450. >You understand.
  451. >She pulls you down, finding your mouth again, hungry for more.
  452. >You meet her halfway, and the both of you settle into a steady, pumping rhythm.
  453. >Luna digs her nails into your back, arching against you.
  454. >You can feel her whole body melding to yours, and nothing could be better.
  455. >She whispers your name between breaths.
  456. >She rolls her hips in time with your thrusts.
  457. >The pressure keeps building.
  458. >Just when you think you can't keep it together anymore, Luna's eyes fly open, and the next gasp catches in her throat.
  459. >"Don't hold back, Anon. Now. Together. Don't hold back."
  460. >You don't plan to.
  461. >You both reach the edge at the same time.
  462. >For a small eternity, there is nothing but the two of you, joined together.
  463. >You press your lips to hers again, and remain that way for a while.
  465. >Later, when the candles are dying down and Luna snuggles up against you, you smile.
  466. >"And what, pray tell, is so funny, Anon?"
  467. >"Look at me," you say. "When I got up today, I didn't even dream of this." You wave your hand around the room.
  468. >"I see." Luna traces a little pattern only she can see on your chest. "Neither did I."
  469. >"Say, your, ah, your maje- highness..."
  470. >"Luna."
  471. >"Luna." You smile again. "Shouldn't the valet have his own room? This doesn't seem like proper etiquette."
  472. >She laughs at that. "I suppose it isn't. We'll have to look for one tomorrow." She cuddles up a bit closer. "Besides, if you keep sleeping in my room, I may have to punish you again."
  477. FIN
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