
Return of happening part 2

Aug 25th, 2013
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  1. Day things are looking up for the happening
  3. >You are still Ponybro
  4. >As the war raged on, you began to look into alternative sources of warfare
  5. >You spies told you of how Ron Paul had possessed Twilight's body from beyond the grave
  6. >Maybe with magic, with necromancy, you could bring spitfire back again
  7. >Your first experiment with magic went wild, causing a huge explosion to rip across the western lands.
  8. >While it certainly brought you satisfaction to see so much destruction in Celestia's lands, it wasn't your intended goal
  9. >As the war grew on, it seemed more and more hopless
  10. >You began to feel as if there was no way that this was work
  11. >She would be too far gone, there was no way you could get the old Spitfire back.
  12. >Still every day you tried, and every day you failed.
  13. >It was starting to get hopeless, when you got an idea
  14. >You decided to visit the #1 source of dark magic in Equestria itself to ask for guidance
  15. >You decided to pay a visit to your ally, Ron Paul
  17. >Ron and you talked for some time
  18. >You talked about the war, and how the best course of action would be to eliminate one major nation at a time, rather than focus on all of them at once
  19. >As the conversation dragged on, you decided to cut to the chase
  20. Ron, I didn't come here to talk politics
  21. >"Oh... then what do you need"
  22. I came here to ask for your help, I need to know how to use necromancy
  23. >The look on Ron's face turned sour for a moment before returning to normal
  24. >"Necromancy is forbidden Ponybro, its quite the accusation to accuse me of practising it"
  25. I'm not stupid Ron. The whole world knows about how you died and were brought back.
  26. >"Exactly my friend! While I am definitely a vicitm of necromancy, I'm no practitioner"
  27. >You sigh and look down in defeat
  28. I need her back Ron... I don't know how much more I can take
  29. >He looks at you, as if judging your true intent, before smiling
  30. >"Well then there is somone we can talk to
  32. >Ron leads you to a dark room
  33. >The two of you walk in and he shuts the door behind you
  34. >In the center of the room is a perfect circle, which Ron seats himself in
  35. >As he sits he starts to chant, strange words you had never heard uttered before
  36. >Before long you find yourself succumbing to boredom
  37. >What was this old man doing?
  38. >It was with great suprise when a shape started forming above his head
  39. >As it took form, you could hear it talking directly into your mind
  40. >"For what reason do you wish to inquire with purple smart tulpa?"
  41. A... a tupla? I don't need a tulpa! Spitfire was real, I need her back, not some cheap knock off!
  42. >"Calm down, I can see everything that goes on with Ron now, I know why you are speaking with me"
  43. >"Before trapping myself in Ron out of guilt, I was the head of the world at magical advancement, most importantly necromancy"
  44. So... so you can help me bring her back then? To see Spitfire again
  45. >"Yes... but necromancy of that level requires a great sacrifice"
  46. >"You could take the same path as me, to use your own soul as a bargaining chip, but in death, I have found another way"
  47. >"A large enough sacrifice of other people, their souls condensed into a small form could make a suitable replacement for your own soul
  48. I... I couldn't ask that of my people... they have been through so much with this war and I could not bring myself to do that to them
  49. >"That is okay, for I have found another source you can use"
  51. >Talking with purple smart continued for another hour
  52. >She made sure you knew the incantations perfectly, even a slight fuck up could ruin everything
  53. >As it turns out, the magical destruction of the western isles from the past wasn't an explosion, it was an implosion
  54. >It had created something you could use for your spell, only a small sacrifice from this point would be necessary
  55. >With your forces marching upon them, the grey troops with an anonymous leader stood no chance against your alliance
  56. >Their forces in shambles and their men destroyed, they surrendered totally
  57. >The only land they had left was left of the magic black hole, stranded and slowly starving without the resources from the mainland available.
  58. >Nobody would even know they were gone
  59. >In the dead of the night, you and a crack team of operatives made your move
  60. >Sneaking into the center of their remaining stronghold, you started the incantation
  61. >It took almost an hour, and it left you and your men drained yourselves, but it was over
  62. >The sacrificial stone had been completed, and the last remnants of the Grey army starved to death.
  63. >In your excitement you began the spell right there
  64. >You could see the stone rise up and start changing form
  65. >It got larger and larger until in the end, it resembled a pony
  66. >It had changed into Spitfire
  68. >The next thing that happened was a huge purple explosion.
  69. >While it didnt cause any physical damage, you immediately felt emotionally drained
  70. >At the epicenter of the explosion was a large glowing sphere
  71. >As the glow started to die down, you could see it
  72. >You could finally see Spitfire again
  73. >As you looked into her eye, and she into yours, you could see it
  74. >The flame of determination was back
  75. >The spell had not only brought her back, but brought her true self out as well
  76. >She looked at you with a loving glance before slowly walking over to you
  77. >She rose up on her hind legs, eyes meeting yours again and kissed you
  78. >As the kiss lingered, you started feeling weaker...
  79. >You sat down, no energy left to stand and yet the kiss continued
  80. >You started... to feel... dizzy
  81. >She broke the kiss
  82. I'm.... glad... you are....
  83. >You couldn't finish the sentence before you fell into a deep slumber, never to awaken again.
  85. >You are now Spitfire
  86. >You couldn't believe it, you were alive again
  87. >With just the small amount of energy you took from Ponybro's soul, you felt invincible
  88. >You looked at the small group of men he had brought with him.
  89. >Unable to stop you, you drew their souls from them as well, consuming them one by one
  90. >As the last one fell you stood back up and spread your wings again.
  91. >You felt powerful, like you had the strength to bend the will of the world to your own.
  92. >Flying across the skies again, you were prepared to deal out the revenge you had promised so long ago.
  94. >You are now Ron
  95. >You were marching against Celestia for the last time
  96. >With her allies defeated, she would stand no chance against your might
  97. >Your two armies clashed brutally, the fight would go on for a long time
  98. >Pony had gone silent a while back, and Dash was focusing on her war with Opal making it just you and her
  99. >Little did you know, you would soon have an unexpected ally join the fray
  100. >You are now Spitfire
  101. >The time for your revenge was nigh
  102. >It took a matter of days for you to sweet aside Celestia's forces, something Ron had been trying for months
  103. >In no time at all, you were marching on her capital, nothing but lich magic to protect you and bad intentions on your mind
  104. >With a frown, you looked over at Ron
  105. Know this Ron, this revenge is mine to take. In this finaly bout I want you to stay here
  106. >He looks at you with a grimace on his face, but there is nothing he can do to stop you
  107. >With an unholy smile on your face, you walk into Celestia's capital building...
  109. >You stepped into the room with an angered expression on your face
  110. >"s....spitfire? are you here"
  111. The time for games is over Celestia, I'm here to collect
  112. >A soldier runs in to try and defend, and In an instant he is dead
  113. >You look him over quickly
  114. Yes... this will do nicely
  115. >"wh... what are you talking about"
  116. >"RON CHOP"
  117. >SMACK
  118. >Celestia hits the floor with a resounding thud
  119. Ron, I told you to leave this be, that I would deal with it myself
  120. >"Spitfire, my men have been facing off against Celestia for months now, there is no way that I'm not getting to be a part of this
  121. >With a sigh, you teleport the three of you to a familiar location...
  123. >You are now Celestia
  124. >And your head hurts like hell
  125. >Slightly dizzy you rouse yourself awake enirely, just to find you you can't move
  126. >There was something familiar about the room you were in... somethi-
  127. >Oh no
  128. >Oh god no
  129. >You know exactly what room this is
  130. >Oh dear god no this can not be happening
  131. >"Celestia... celestia... celestia... what am I going to do with you?"
  132. >You swallow in fear, knowing full well what her inentions were
  133. >"Seems familiar doesn't it? Like this has happened before... but where? Oh thats right... I remember..."
  135. >You want to say something, but the words are all caught in your throat
  136. >Spitfire slams her hoof into your face putting you into a daze
  137. >"There will be time for you to speak, when I give you permission to beg for your LIFE"
  139. >You are now Spitfire
  140. >haha, did I really just go there? how fucking edgy can I get
  141. >As you approach Celestia again you can see the fear in her eyes
  142. >A smile grows on your face as your eyes meet
  143. >Your eyes glance down, leading her to look down as well
  144. >Her eyes widen in horror as she spots your newly grown member twiching in anticipation
  145. You like it Celestia? I made it just for you
  146. >And made it you had, finding the biggest cock on one of Celestia's fallen soldiers was the hard part.
  147. >The easy part was making it your own with zombie magic
  148. >"Spitfire... be reasonable... I didn't know what Discord was going to do... I though he was going to kill you!"
  149. You know full well what Discord was going to do to me... Something I'm going to return to you ten fold
  150. >With a purple flash you were behind Celestia
  151. Well 1 is fun... but why not... Double it?
  152. >A purple glow surrounded your junk and when it was done you had not one dick, but two!
  153. >"wh... what do you me-"
  154. >Before she could finish speaking you slammed into her railing both her pussy and asshole at the same time
  155. >The pleasure from fucking Celestia with two dicks is amazing, the tears she was choking out made the act even better!
  156. >With a small surge of energy to your lower dick, ridges grew along the length of the shaft, enhancing the experience even more.
  157. >This was the most amazing fuck you'd ever had
  158. >You aren't sure Celestia shared the sentiment.
  159. >As you felt yourself nearing your edge you pulled out both dicks and flew in front of celestia
  160. >You forced her mouth open with magic and plunged both dicks inside, neither of them able to get far
  161. >With a low groan, you blew your load in her mouth, both dicks shooting off like a hose down her throat
  162. >You plugged her nose with magic, forcing her to take it all or suffocate in the most humiliating was possible.
  164. >When you finally pulled out, Celestia coughed and sputtered, attempting to force the cum out of her throat
  165. >You forced her mouth shut with magic, she would accept the gift you were gracious enough to give her.
  166. >As she grimaced and groaned she swallowed it all, fearing what would come if she were to disobey.
  167. >You stand back and admire your work for a moment
  168. >Celestia bound and forced to your will
  169. >By the end of this day she would beg for death
  170. >And it would not come... you would not give her the comfort that she refused you
  171. >You would use her for as long as you desired... and when you were done?
  172. >You would give her to Ron
  173. >You shudder to think of what Ron's unholy intellect would come up with.
  174. >Yes this was they day... the day you broke celestia for what she did to you
  175. >The day you rose up again, from the ashes to show the world that
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