

Aug 10th, 2012
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  1. [22:07:00] * Revas ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  2. [22:07:37] <Lewys> Frustrated, Lewys makes for the door, still trying to find where the Criterion might have fled to. "Agh. Damn it. Again?"
  3. [22:08:31] <Klaus> Can pokemon use things like thermal goggles? Well, time to find out. Klaus lets out Laplace. "Okay, so here's the plan. You think you can use this to locate heat signatures and then take a look to see if anyone looks like they're trapped but alive in here? If the place starts crumbling, just phase straight out."
  4. [22:08:46] * @RioCadaro Malahn: It was a set-up from the beginning. They unloaded on us the second we walked in...*heavy in breath, he sighs* A few of the locals tried to get in and help but...well..."
  5. [22:09:43] * @RioCadaro Klaus: Hypatia and Char have done a pretty good job dousing things. An awkward looking Laplace goggled makes his way into the room, pausing at each of the bodies he sees, looking for survivors.
  6. [22:11:02] * @RioCadaro Slater (to Lewys): Yeah...again. *under breath swear* We should've known that this was going to happen. Well. I had a FEELING it was going to happen, but we went into anyway.
  7. [22:11:15] * @RioCadaro Slater's attitude is definitely about as heated as the flames were at this point.
  8. [22:12:05] * @RioCadaro Lewys: About the only way they could've fled without crossing paths with you would be through the tunnels to the south of town.
  9. [22:12:15] * Lewys slams a fist against some debris. "Agh. I should have been faster. Damn it. Where are they going next? We have to beat them there."
  10. [22:13:04] * @RioCadaro Slater: The hell if we know! Fuck! We're just on a wild fuckin' goose chase at this point!
  11. [22:13:11] <Klaus> "Jambale, maybe." Klaus is carefully watching Laplace, ready to recall him if there's trouble and he can't phase fast enough.
  12. [22:13:31] : Klaus fumbles in his pockets and then slips Slater his phone, the schedule pulled up.
  13. [22:13:49] <Klaus> "Although, you guys heard that entire conversation Serafino was having with Revas, right?"
  14. [22:14:18] * @RioCadaro Sel'si: Conversation? Amongst the gunfire and the...well, fire, no.
  15. [22:14:19] * Ephraim 's ears perk up at the sound of that town name
  16. [22:15:04] <Klaus> "You at least heard Serafino mention the meeting in Jambale tomorrow evening, right?"
  17. [22:15:07] * @RioCadaro Slater narrows his eyes as he glosses over the list, a shocked look crossing his face. "So're telling me...some FUCKTARD has it written down like a goddamned to do list!?"
  18. [22:15:20] * Lewys gathers up her pokemon and goes to watch the doors while listening to the Ronin and her teammates. She seems agitated and ready to get out of there.
  19. [22:16:07] <Klaus> "Serafino...wants something. Part of a stone tablet with writing on it. And he told Revas he'd call off the next attack if he got it for him. Well, no fucking clue what it is, but it buys us some time."
  20. [22:16:17] * @RioCadaro Char wraps one arm around your right leg, frowning as he looks at the devastation. "Quag...."
  21. [22:17:10] * @RioCadaro Klaus: Laplace returns to you on his own, giving you a less than satisfied look. It doesn't appear that he's found anything amongst the battlefield.
  22. [22:17:13] * Lewys puts a hand absently on his head. "Figures I'd get a boost and it's still not enough... Too fucking slow, again."
  23. [22:17:17] <Klaus> "At least that means we can prepare for the attack if we can't find some fake to fool Serafino with. I'm not even counting on finding the real deal, though I think we're in agreement it'd be a terrible idea to hand it over."
  24. [22:18:24] * @RioCadaro Slater slams his foot into the ground, walking away from the group. Sel'si and Triton, however, nod in agreement to Klaus's proposal as they look over Clayton.
  25. [22:19:32] <Klaus> "Lewys..." Klaus turns to the girl. "Are you...alright?"
  26. [22:19:35] * @RioCadaro Malahn approaches Lewys, seeing her staring into the room. He groans to himself, looking at the charred battlefield, guilt riddling him as well. "'d think we'd know better than to not expect that here. They must've gotten to him before us, leaked the info."
  27. [22:20:33] * Lewys looks confused and also a little surprised that a sibling of Revas would willingly talk to her. "Wait, who got to who now?"
  28. [22:21:42] * @RioCadaro The feeding of similar emotions seems to be what's brought him to talk to you in particular. It's almost like he's ...using you to vent? "The informant, the person we were meeting before the shit hit the fan."
  29. [22:22:27] <Lewys> Informant? Now, that's Lewys's language. "Oh, yeah? Who was this informant guy?"
  30. [22:22:41] * Ephraim 's resting on his own a few feet off, curiosity piqued at what he just overheard. He takes a pair of stones out to look at, thinking to himself. (They're wrapped up of course, careful not to touch either one)
  31. [22:24:15] * @RioCadaro Malahn: One of the locals, pretty renowned around these parts for his posse and diplomatic immunity of sorts for the underground on Egondra. He was on the inside with Criterion, so we tried to touch base with him, see what we could find out about what they're planning."
  32. [22:24:29] : Klaus gives Laplace a reassuring pat and takes the goggles back, replacing them on his head with a sigh as he looks over the destruction in the building.
  33. [22:26:05] * Lewys snorts derisively. "And you let him get the jump on you? Why didn't you make him meet you on your terms?" Then she stops and sighs. "Sorry. I don't want to put this off on you guys. I'm getting tired of them always slipping away though. I had Lexi in my fucking fingers, and now Serafino just walks right by me."
  34. [22:26:10] * @RioCadaro Klaus: Burnt humanoid figures lay scattered as well as melted shipping containers and blackened wooden cinders litter the area. The quiet is eerie compared to the action you heard over teh radio.
  35. [22:27:10] : Klaus quickly looks away now that it's not the heat of the moment and the adrenaline's worn off. It's harder to look at when everything is slowed back to a normal pace again.
  36. [22:27:18] * @RioCadaro Malahn: It wasn't him that got the jump on us....They got here first and used him as bait. I'm not sure if any of his crew was here, as it was supposed to be only him and us.
  37. [22:27:29] * @RioCadaro He seems to go into thought after mentioning this, as if getting an idea.
  38. [22:29:32] <Lewys> "Yeah. I getcha. They've just always got the upper-hand somehow. They got Xander... uh... MacHarlock's son, and then that psychic bitch spirited Lexi right out of my hands, and then they lay a trap for you. What's fucking next? God, if we could just get a damn foothold. I thought we were pushing back once we got done with the last fight."
  39. [22:31:09] * @RioCadaro Malahn: Well....if we know where they're headed next, then we can get the upper hand on them then. That....and we do have reinforcements coming in.
  40. [22:32:00] <Klaus> "It's Jambale tomorrow evening either way." Klaus chimes in. "Whether or not they do attack. I suspect they'll have the resources ready for one, and demonstrate their capability for it before we appear for the deal."
  41. [22:32:57] * Lewys nods. "Then we gotta be there before they get there. I'm gonna show them not to fuck around anymore."
  42. [22:32:59] <Klaus> "Specifically I'd expect bombs set to blow the moment one of us lets on we don't have what they're looking for. Or a massive pokemon set to be unleashed at a trigger, like the Conkeldurr earlier."
  43. [22:34:05] <Klaus> "It'd be either that or...they hold an entirely different city hostage. Have us all in Jambale, and we make the deal else somewhere else out of our reach gets hit." Klaus frowns as he mulls over the possibilities. "That one's unlikely though. We know they crossed the desert with a small crew, so they've dedicated resources to Jambale already."
  44. [22:34:34] * Lewys slams a fist against the wall of the building, surprisingly hard, too. (Channel Element: Steel, yo.) "So what do we do?"
  45. [22:34:41] * @RioCadaro Sel'si: How much is what we're in the dark with.
  46. [22:36:17] * @RioCadaro Slater: Who cares, we've got Unova and Kanto inbound right now. Unless they've taken the time to tap every resource Egondra has in this short of time, they won't know what hit them! We can use their resources to help us gain the upper hand and catch them off guard!
  47. [22:37:04] <Klaus> "Good. Manpower is something, but we still have to know where to direct it. So far, we don't have anything as far as a base location goes."
  48. [22:38:09] <@RioCadaro> Slater: We know that Ramtaban is their main headquarters. If we can overwhelm, they might direct their attack on Jambale and pull back on the deal if we do that...
  49. [22:38:16] <@RioCadaro> Slater: Fuck.
  50. [22:39:02] <Klaus> "Do we have any idea what this stone tablet could be?"
  51. [22:39:06] * @RioCadaro Lewys: Your punch has not gone unnoticed, by the way. Malahn's eyes have widened significantly at the fact that you punched a dent into the wall and your hand is definitely not killing you.
  52. [22:39:26] * Ephraim Oh what the heck, *click* them together
  53. [22:40:12] * @RioCadaro Ephraim: Ssssssst! That light from before in the stone seems to crease over the etchings momentarily before going away. The two pieces seem to fuse together in the process.
  54. [22:40:59] * Lewys shakes her hand, feeling slightly better that she got to hit something. Her attention get caught by Ephraim, suddenly. "Wait, are those the..."
  55. [22:41:08] <Ephraim> "Hmmm, nifty, should have tried that earlier"
  56. [22:41:26] * @RioCadaro Sel'si: More than likely that's what we'd find out about today with the informant. Though upon first thought one would think it's something of a religious background.
  57. [22:41:53] * @RioCadaro Malahn also shifts his attention to Ephraim at this point. "hm?"
  58. [22:42:26] <Klaus> "Oh for fuck's sake, is THAT what we're looking for?"
  59. [22:42:40] <Klaus> "Well, we know where it is to keep it out of their hands then."
  60. [22:42:42] * Lewys snorts. "That's convenient."
  61. [22:43:06] * Ephraim holds it up a bit "You mean these stones you kept telling me to stop worrying about and leave behind?"
  62. [22:43:10] : Klaus is making assumptions but come on, glowing writing on a half-broken stone? Yeah.
  63. [22:43:37] * @RioCadaro the assumptions seem pretty sound, considering the circumstances and what you just saw.
  64. [22:43:37] <Klaus> "Hindsight's 20/20. There was no way to know their significance at that time."
  65. [22:44:34] * @RioCadaro "Grrrgh...." Clayton begins to stir from his position on the ground.
  66. [22:44:37] <Lewys> "Well, now we have leverage. We can show them the goods, if we have to."
  67. [22:45:42] <Klaus> "If they know we have them, they can try to steal them. If they think we don't...Well, the question is if they'll react worse if we're refusing to give them to them or if we just show up empty handed."
  68. [22:46:08] * @RioCadaro His teammates converge on him, helping him up to his feet upon his gestured request. Immediately, his head whips around.
  69. [22:46:30] <@RioCadaro> Clayton: W-where is he!?
  70. [22:46:31] * Ephraim slips it away "Well, you didn't know it was here up till now, I'm sure you could just conveniently forget again"
  71. [22:47:08] <@RioCadaro> Sel'si: They used a diversion and got away, Clayton...we're planning our next route of stri....
  72. [22:47:21] <@RioCadaro> Clayton: The next round of STRIKING is ME DRIVING his head into the DIRT.
  73. [22:47:57] * @RioCadaro Clayton is exerting extremely angered breaths. So much that Slater's anger has vanished completely with stir of concern for his leader's uncharacteristic behavior.
  74. [22:48:06] <Lewys> "Klaus, I know how it's supposed to work. I grew up doing that kind of shit. I just don't do it much anymore, and oh!"
  75. [22:48:36] * Lewys stops, seeing Clayton up and about.
  76. [22:49:03] * @RioCadaro Clayton pushes away his comrades, looking all about, gritting his teeth. "Where did the COWARD go?"
  77. [22:49:36] * @RioCadaro Malahn: What the hell has gotten into you? Did you lose your head in the fire?
  78. [22:49:50] * Lewys stares Clayton down. "He got away. Welcome to the club."
  79. [22:50:29] <Klaus> "We lost hi-..." Klaus pauses and takes out his cell phone. "Hold on, someone mentioned Serafino tried some sort of dirty trick. Did you mean anything beyond the ambush itself? This could be important to note, strategically. You all know how the Criterion operate, but we're still in the dark."
  80. [22:51:52] * Lewys continues to stare at Clayton, focusing sharply.
  81. [22:53:03] <@RioCadaro> Clayton: Asshole! In the midst of our fight has the nerve to drop a flashbang at my feet after a right hook to the chest! That's his dirty trick!
  82. [22:53:54] * @RioCadaro It seems like as he was saying this, the fatigue of the moment caught up with him. He's got less volume to his voice, and his body is less tense as he breathes deeply.
  83. [22:54:47] * Lewys gasps involuntarily.
  84. [22:55:43] <Klaus> "Slow down there Clayton. Shit, we should get you to medical treatment and finish talking later."
  85. [22:56:04] <Lewys> "Klaus, wait."
  86. [22:56:17] * Lewys continues to stare directly at Clayton.
  87. [22:56:25] <Klaus> "Something wrong?"
  88. [22:56:37] * @RioCadaro Clayton: F-Fine...*He grits his teeth, then looks to Lewys* What the....are you looking at me for?
  89. [22:56:53] : Klaus turns to stare too, with a quick confused glance at Sel'si and Malahn.
  90. [22:57:30] <Lewys> "I... Shit. I can't focus..." She shakes her head clear of something. "Shut up for a moment."
  91. [22:58:19] * @RioCadaro Sel'si, Malahn, and Titon each have puzzled look, each glancing to Clayton now. Sel'si chimes up. "Is he hurt in some way or..." She hastily looks over him, suddenly worried, but then look back to Lewys as she doesn't see anything initially.
  92. [23:00:11] * Lewys is silent for a bit more, waving furiously for the rest to shut up.
  93. [23:00:22] * @RioCadaro Clayton's eyes widen a bit as he looks at Lewys silently, as if trying to figure out what the hell she's doing.
  94. [23:01:32] * Lewys seems like she's trying to maintain a mental grip on something that's quickly slipping away.
  95. [23:02:05] * @RioCadaro Clayton's eyes ease towards shut and his legs give away, Titon barely catching him before he loses consciousness again.
  96. [23:02:41] * Lewys finally relaxes and catches her breath. "Well, I think I found what I was looking for though. That was fast."
  97. [23:03:10] <Klaus> "What the hell did you do?"
  98. [23:03:15] * @RioCadaro Sel'si: D-did he get a concussion I didn't knwo about?
  99. [23:03:22] <Lewys> "Uh... long story. He's fine, I think."
  100. [23:03:38] * @RioCadaro Malahn: Wait, you're telling me SHE did something to him? I thought only the Ronin here could do weird shit like that....
  101. [23:03:55] * Lewys turns to Ephraim first. "You remember that shell thing we dug up at the oasis?"
  102. [23:04:44] <Klaus> "Are you a psychic...?" Klaus seems incredibly confused, then he turns to Melahn. "Well, she was concentrating and staring at him. I've seen how some psychics work."
  103. [23:05:01] <Lewys> (Uhh... Ephraim?)
  104. [23:05:03] <Ephraim> ". . .The shell? I think . . . was more focused on the stone, honestly"
  105. [23:05:29] <Lewys> "Oh... Well, we got a shell thing too. Hang on. I have it here somewhere..." She hunts through her bag for the container.
  106. [23:05:40] * @RioCadaro Klaus: You didn't get any of the same vibes your sister normally gives off when performing psychic stunts....
  107. [23:06:23] : Klaus is more confused. "No, really, what the hell just happened? That's almost on par with the demon summoning shit."
  108. [23:06:34] <Lewys> As she fishes it out, she chuckles. "This is gonna sound insane, but I guess no more insane than anything else we've seen so far. I got it to open, and then somehow, this... spirit? essence? I dunno... something of Jirachi came out and I guess gave me power."
  109. [23:07:41] <Lewys> "Those legends I was reading about? The ones were I was trying to find the best way to get Ronin stuff without all that medical bullshit? Well, they're real. I was supposed to find this warrior person from the legend. I think... I think Clayton is it."
  110. [23:08:18] * Lewys giggles as she imagines herself as some priestess or shrine maiden for Jirachi. What would that even look like?
  111. [23:09:11] <Klaus> "..." Klaus thinks on this, then turns to Malahn. "...Where is Revas? I might take up his offer for a drink." He walks toward his pokemon to take proper care of them after that long trip, throwing his arms up in the air in a "the fuck is this even" sort of way.
  112. [23:09:53] <Lewys> "I'm not the one with a techno arm, man!" Lewys calls jokingly after Klaus.
  113. [23:10:08] * Lewys is in a far better mood after her mental encounter with Clayton.
  114. [23:10:12] * @RioCadaro Revas and Malahn both have a sort of vacant stare. They're both in the halfway house on this. They've seen weirder shit but....what the hell, a drink sounds good right about now.
  115. [23:10:42] * Ephraim tilts his head in curiosity "Warrior from Legend? Which one?"
  116. [23:10:43] * @RioCadaro Slater seems to have a similar reaction, but Sel'si's narrowed eyes and Titon's confused look seems to be pulling interest, or at the very least, curiosity to the subject Lewys has just brought to light.
  117. [23:12:20] <Lewys> (Oh, shit. It's been forever, OOC.)
  118. [23:12:55] * @RioCadaro (As weird as it is, after a little bit of rehash I do need to get to bed for work tomorrow. Hang on)
  119. [23:13:09] <Klaus> (ah, alright)
  120. [23:13:51] <Lewys> "Hang on. I have my book here, too..." She hunts through her book and locates the particular legend in question.
  121. [23:14:15] <Lewys> (I really should just take Lore Master via HGWT and spontaneously know everything about Jirachi)
  122. [23:19:23] <@RioCadaro> (Rehashing given :P)
  123. [23:19:38] <@RioCadaro> (Sorry it was a bit rough/fast paced tonight. Next time's structure seems to be like this)
  124. [23:19:59] <@RioCadaro> (One half of the time planning, the other half of the time is based on the decision made from the planning)
  125. [23:19:59] <Lewys> (Yup. Everything smoothed out in the end. No worries, Rio.)
  126. [23:20:14] <@RioCadaro> (So you'll be choosing your fate, pretty much)
  127. [23:20:46] <Lewys> (Cool. I'mma spiel, then.)
  128. [23:21:14] <@RioCadaro> Though I do have a question
  129. [23:21:27] <@RioCadaro> Anyone know Gabe's work schedule?
  130. [23:21:43] <Lewys> (Uh... should I save the legend for next time if we're done?)
  131. [23:21:48] <Klaus> I'm not quire sure on specifics.
  132. [23:21:51] <Klaus> DRAMATIC PAUSE FOR LEWYS
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