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Aug 18th, 2012
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  1. // GAME START
  2. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //brb 1 sec gonna get a jager and coke
  3. Friend Computer: // Zigfrak is a jager
  4. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // D:
  5. Will-Y-DIE-11: //So...we in PLC already or still waiting for Briefing?
  6. Friend Computer: // Just got out of briefing
  7. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //
  8. Ste-R-XYZ-3: so R&D?
  9. Friend Computer: Kim: Yes.
  10. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //jesus
  11. Friend Computer The doors shut violently
  12. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //jager and people DO NOT MIX
  13. Ste-R-XYZ-3: /heads over to R&D
  14. Will-Y-DIE-11 heads to R&D.
  15. Mart-Y-IYD-10 goes off to RnD
  16. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //jager is good though :P
  17. Weiss-Y-66-23? puts something onto his Wrist
  18. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //no
  19. Weiss-Y-66-23? and goes to R&D
  20. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //you'll probably end up shooting people drunk
  21. Friend Computer In the R&D lobby / room where gav gives you shit there is noone
  22. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //i foresee the jager affecting this game heavily
  23. Friend Computer You see a small sign near the actual testing chambers saying something about being busy
  24. Mart-Y-IYD-10: HELLOOOO
  26. Friend Computer AS you get closer you hear the sound of a chainsaw- it stops as mart shouts.
  27. Mart-Y-IYD-10 turns invisible
  28. Friend Computer The door opens to reveal the eldar from before on a table and having the legs remov- Gav shuts the door
  29. Mart-Y-IYD-10 hides behind someone
  30. Weiss-Y-66-23?: ...
  31. Friend Computer: Gav: Hello troubleshooters!
  32. Ste-R-XYZ-3: hello gav
  33. Will-Y-DIE-11 salutes.
  34. Mart-Y-IYD-10 uncloaks
  35. Mart-Y-IYD-10: hello gav!
  36. Weiss-Y-66-23?: know what just don't let the Eldar find out about that.
  37. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // well i wont get that drunk... maybe :P
  38. Friend Computer Gav walks into a room above your clearance and takes a pushcart to you
  39. Friend Computer It has a briefcase with the briefest of briefery.
  40. Friend Computer: Gav: Today you will be testing hygiene related equipment!
  41. Will-Y-DIE-11 nods.
  42. Weiss-Y-66-23? shrugs.
  43. Mart-Y-IYD-10: yay
  44. Friend Computer She opens it to reveal! 1x Experimental scrub bomb, 1x malfuncti- experimental lizard cleaning bot. 1x Modified squid
  45. Weiss-Y-66-23? takes the squid
  46. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // out of interest is my face still a mess of machinery and skin ?
  47. Friend Computer The squid is adorned with electronics and cleaning equipment
  48. Will-Y-DIE-11 snatches the lizard bot.
  49. Mart-Y-IYD-10 takes the lizard
  50. Friend Computer: // No ste, medbay fixed it finally.
  51. Ste-R-XYZ-3 snatches scrub bomb
  52. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i'm sure archiewants a lizard friend
  53. Friend Computer Will and mart fight over the lizard!
  54. Friend Computer They pull at it like two children
  55. Ste-R-XYZ-3 jumps on will
  56. Mart-Y-IYD-10: lets let
  57. Ste-R-XYZ-3 to hug
  58. Mart-Y-IYD-10: me have it
  59. Friend Computer: Experimental lizard: Woah woah man there is enough of me for both of you
  60. Mart-Y-IYD-10: ARCHIE
  61. Mart-Y-IYD-10: he can talk too!
  63. Mart-Y-IYD-10: archie cmere lookat this!
  64. Weiss-Y-66-23?: Lizard, seems you'll have to choose who your going with
  65. Friend Computer Ste tackles will! Both will and mart fall to the ground from their connection
  66. Friend Computer dat lizard
  67. Mart-Y-IYD-10: woah
  68. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // i wanted the scrub bomb :P
  69. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // i also wanted to hug will
  70. Will-Y-DIE-11: Ghreeeegh...
  71. Friend Computer Mart tugs at the lizard! Will lets go and it is sent flying onto a wall
  72. Ste-R-XYZ-3 hugs will
  73. Mart-Y-IYD-10: oh noes!
  74. Friend Computer It uses suction cup magic to stay on the ceiling
  75. Mart-Y-IYD-10: cool!
  76. Friend Computer: Experimental lizard: I won't come down till you calm down!
  77. Weiss-Y-66-23?: You alright bud?
  78. Mart-Y-IYD-10: maybe we can make an acrobatic lazard team!
  79. Will-Y-DIE-11 grabs Ste by the face and pries him/her/it off of her.
  80. Ste-R-XYZ-3 hugs harder
  81. Friend Computer Will manages to break free of ste!
  82. Mart-Y-IYD-10 show archie to the new lizard
  83. Ste-R-XYZ-3: awha
  84. Weiss-Y-66-23?: ...Squid. You have any combat abilities?
  85. Mart-Y-IYD-10: new lizard! whats your name?
  86. Ste-R-XYZ-3 sad face
  87. Friend Computer Ste is sent tumbling into a wall
  88. Will-Y-DIE-11 gets up and dusts herself off.
  89. Friend Computer The lizard jumps down! And lands on will
  90. Mart-Y-IYD-10: D:
  92. Weiss-Y-66-23?: the lizard hath spoketh.
  93. Mart-Y-IYD-10: lizard, why hath thou foresaken me!
  94. Weiss-Y-66-23?: alright, enough Ye Olde. We all set here?
  95. Friend Computer: Experimental lizard: That archie guy is trouble! I don't wanna be nowhere near him
  96. Ste-R-XYZ-3: soooo would this lizard be sentient AI then ?
  97. Mart-Y-IYD-10: so you've heard of archie?
  98. Friend Computer: Gav: Yes.
  99. Friend Computer: Gav: He is also known for his cleanliness
  100. Friend Computer: Gav: Move out troubleshooters!
  101. Will-Y-DIE-11: Does he mind blood?
  102. Ste-R-XYZ-3: does the mechanus know of this bot ?
  103. Mart-Y-IYD-10: new lizard
  104. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i have cheeese
  105. Weiss-Y-66-23? Goes to the Motorpool.
  106. Friend Computer: // Ste has scrub bomb, weiss has squid, will lizard.
  107. Mart-Y-IYD-10: cheeeeeesee
  108. Ste-R-XYZ-3 goes to motor pool
  109. Will-Y-DIE-11 waits for an answer by Gav.
  110. Mart-Y-IYD-10 waves a piece of cheese in front of the lizard
  111. Weiss-Y-66-23? idly chats with the squid and Pyth.
  112. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //starship troopers 3 is sooo bad
  113. Friend Computer: // Yes.
  114. Friend Computer The lizard jumps at the cheese!
  115. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //what the fuck did they do to the franchise :(
  116. Mart-Y-IYD-10 pulls the cheese away
  117. Friend Computer The lizard lands on archie's arm!
  118. Mart-Y-IYD-10: all the cheese you'll ever want
  119. Friend Computer: Lizardbot: Fine!
  120. Will-Y-DIE-11 heads over to motorpool.
  121. Mart-Y-IYD-10: muahaha
  122. Mart-Y-IYD-10: so whats your name lizard?
  123. Friend Computer: Gav: Move out troubleshooters!
  124. Mart-Y-IYD-10 makes a small pile of cheese for both archie and ..... new lizard
  125. Ste-R-XYZ-3: who is archie ?
  126. Mart-Y-IYD-10 heads to the motorpool
  127. Mart-Y-IYD-10: who knows new lizard
  128. Mart-Y-IYD-10: maybe archie can pull a few strings and get you into the car insurance business
  129. Friend Computer An R troubleshooter passing by trips! and spills B3 on mart
  130. Mart-Y-IYD-10: oh gods!
  131. Friend Computer It seems to be a new model as it is sticky as frak and more soda-lyke than ever
  132. Mart-Y-IYD-10: lizard
  133. Mart-Y-IYD-10: please help getthis goo off
  134. Friend Computer The lizard's eyes go red.
  135. Mart-Y-IYD-10: :<
  136. Friend Computer CLEANING MODE ACTIVATE
  137. Mart-Y-IYD-10 prepare to get cleaned
  138. Will-Y-DIE-11 continues onwards to Motorpool.
  139. Friend Computer You hear screams of terror and agony as the lizard "cleans" mart
  140. Mart-Y-IYD-10: OH SHIT
  141. Mart-Y-IYD-10: MY SKIN
  143. Friend Computer Mart now looks slightly red as a good layer of skin was shaved off from the lizard's "Experiments"
  144. Friend Computer: // Aye, one moment.
  145. Mart-Y-IYD-10: .... maybe i can go to the medbay and have some skin grafted on
  146. Weiss-Y-66-23?: ...
  147. Will-Y-DIE-11: ...did that thing apply industrial cleaning agents to your skin?
  148. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i believe it applied industrial puddy scrapers to my shin
  149. Will-Y-DIE-11:
  150. Will-Y-DIE-11: *//
  151. Mart-Y-IYD-10: // i sensed foul play
  152. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Whoever did that. Thanks for giving me one hell of a laugh.
  153. Mart-Y-IYD-10: // i sense very foul play
  154. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //haha xD
  155. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // what you mean with the lizard ?
  156. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Propably. It just nearly skinned Mart.
  157. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //well it is experminetal
  158. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //nein. i feel as if foul play was involved
  159. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Considering the rarity of such things happening on their own, you're propably right.
  160. Will-Y-DIE-11: //BOOP, did the chat die?
  161. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // damn it dom is away >,<
  162. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //chat is alive
  163. Ste-R-XYZ-3 chat twitches
  164. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // time to get drunk ! brb
  165. Weiss-Y-66-23?: //Fhtagn.
  166. Mart-Y-IYD-10: // apparently Southern California quatic Plant Enthusiasts is a real thing
  167. Mart-Y-IYD-10: // i had no idea people could actually be interested in Aquatic plants
  168. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //and especially enough of them to start their own organization
  169. Weiss-Y-66-23?: //we're humanitee, we love our water. And our underwater plantlife.
  170. Friend Computer: // back
  171. Friend Computer: // GAME RESUME
  172. Friend Computer: Weiss: BLURBLE FHTAGN BLURBLE, GLUB GLUB GLUB.
  173. Mart-Y-IYD-10: weiss
  174. Mart-Y-IYD-10: how could you say such things
  175. Mart-Y-IYD-10: what a dirty mouth you have weiss
  176. Weiss-Y-66-23? looks at mart
  177. Weiss-Y-66-23? has changed their name to Weiss-Y-66-23.
  178. Friend Computer: Experimental lizard: CLEANING MODE DEACTIVATE
  179. Will-Y-DIE-11 is still on her way to the motorpool.
  180. Friend Computer You all arrive at the motorpool
  181. Mart-Y-IYD-10: experimental lizard
  182. Mart-Y-IYD-10: that was a bit rough
  183. Mart-Y-IYD-10: lets try to tone it down
  184. Mart-Y-IYD-10: in the future
  185. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3 jumps out of nowere and punch's will
  186. Friend Computer: Lizard: Maybe.
  187. Mart-Y-IYD-10: no u
  188. Will-Y-DIE-11 grabs Shirley by the fist.
  189. Friend Computer Shirley ambushes will! And is immediately thrown to the ground (Counter roll was better)
  190. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3: hi
  191. Will-Y-DIE-11: Bad idea.
  192. Friend Computer Weiss runs deeper into the motorpool! He returns with a yellow motorbike.
  193. Will-Y-DIE-11: Do that again and I will regard it as an attack against a superior citizen which will be dealt with accordingly.
  194. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3: it was just a friendly punch
  195. Friend Computer: // How are punches friendly?
  196. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Today's douchebag culture works in mysterious ways
  197. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3: /// i don't know but bs has saved me before
  198. Will-Y-DIE-11: //From Will?
  199. Friend Computer: Weiss: Glurble bubble blurb
  200. Mart-Y-IYD-10: weiss
  201. Friend Computer Weiss's squid attacks shirley-
  202. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3: so whats happening?
  203. Mart-Y-IYD-10: those gurbles
  204. Friend Computer No it's cleaning him
  205. Mart-Y-IYD-10: lizard
  206. Friend Computer The squid latches onto shirley! and deploys some sort of solvent!
  207. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3 kills squid with laser eyes
  208. Friend Computer Shady shirley fails to laser eye the squid
  209. Weiss-Y-66-23: He has stabby tentacles. Best not tempt him to fight back while on your.
  210. Friend Computer The solvent melts off a small bit of flesh and the soup of dead shirley bits is eaten by the squid!
  211. Friend Computer Shirley is now very red
  212. Weiss-Y-66-23: you*
  213. Will-Y-DIE-11: Oh crap. That's visible blood.
  214. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //sorry i have a ant infestation, im having to be carfefull i have a allregic reaction to their bites :/
  215. Weiss-Y-66-23: blurb fhtagn.
  216. Friend Computer The squid returns to weiss
  217. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Apply more chemicals. Gas the fuck out of these little bastards.
  218. Mart-Y-IYD-10: hmm
  219. Friend Computer: // I have a love hate relationship with ants
  220. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Coming from a German, that advice is very controversial.
  221. Friend Computer: // One hand they are a fucking hivemind
  222. Friend Computer: // Other hand they are assholes
  223. Friend Computer: // Worst neighbors to have
  224. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // yeah i have haha :P i jsut cant get to close because if i get bitten to hospital i go
  225. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3 hugs will
  226. Friend Computer: 5:53 PM - Friend Computer Mart opens a squid canister and throws it at weiss!
  227. 5:54 PM - Friend Computer The squid tackles weiss knocking him off the YELLOW bike
  228. Friend Computer The cleaning squid starts stabbing the fhtagn cannon squid!
  229. Friend Computer blood spills out on the ground
  230. Mart-Y-IYD-10: well it looks like to organic squid to mechanical squid interaction
  231. Mart-Y-IYD-10: didnt work out
  232. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i thought they would peacefully co-exist
  233. Ste-R-XYZ-3 go look for a ride to the PLC
  234. Weiss-Y-66-23 walks over and curb stomps the fhtagn cannon squid.
  235. Mart-Y-IYD-10: anyways
  236. Friend Computer Ste jumps into a random red autocar! and kicks out another troublehsooter.
  237. Friend Computer Ste drives off to pLC
  238. Will-Y-DIE-11 speeds past you all in an autocar, headed for PLC.
  239. Friend Computer Weiss's boots are covered in squid blood!
  240. Ste-R-XYZ-3: fuck yeah, im out of there haha
  241. Friend Computer The squid latches onto weiss and begins *cleaning*
  242. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3 is still hugging will
  243. Friend Computer Shirley hugs onto will!
  244. Friend Computer Latching onto her leg
  245. Weiss-Y-66-23 picks up the cleaning squid, mounts the bike, then takes off. Meanwhile he has the squid clean his boots as he drives.
  246. Will-Y-DIE-11 pulls out her laspistol and points it at Shirley.
  247. Will-Y-DIE-11: You are attached to a Yellow troubleshooter driving a Yellow car.
  248. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3 looks rather degected
  249. Will-Y-DIE-11: Let go now or be regarded as traitor.
  250. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3: why would this be regarded as treason?
  251. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-3: /// 1 sec changing name
  252. Weiss-Y-66-23: //chat still working?
  253. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //yeah ?
  254. Weiss-Y-66-23: //k
  255. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Jawohl, Herr Untergefreiter.
  256. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: hi
  257. Friend Computer Suddenly shirley is kicked out of a yellow car!
  258. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // also i did not nkow it took a year to brew jager O.o
  259. Friend Computer It drives off.
  260. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 passes out
  261. Weiss-Y-66-23 Bikes off barefoot while the squid shines his shoes free of blood.
  262. Friend Computer: // At this point everyone cept shirley and terry have a ride
  263. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// i'm a little busy being unconsious
  264. Friend Computer Shirley wakes up
  265. Friend Computer Everyone arrives at PLC!
  266. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 begins crying at being regected
  267. Friend Computer: // rejected
  268. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 that to
  269. Friend Computer Mart arrives via transtube magic
  270. Friend Computer: // Er shirley
  271. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: //yes
  272. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: //am i dead again?
  273. Friend Computer: // No
  274. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// give it to me straight doc
  275. Will-Y-DIE-11 gets out of her autocar.
  276. Friend Computer: Will: Autocar accelerate to -
  277. Friend Computer The autocar accelerates to 261!
  278. Weiss-Y-66-23 continues behind Will.
  279. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: ///is will going to run me over?
  280. Weiss-Y-66-23 or rather attempts to.
  281. Friend Computer Mart is trapped in a autocar going 261 kloms per hour!
  282. Mart-Y-IYD-10: autocar decelerate!
  283. Friend Computer He jumps out and is left there bleeding heavily from the burns
  284. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: wait what
  285. Mart-Y-IYD-10: to 40
  286. Will-Y-DIE-11 looks around the area.
  287. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 attempts to patch up mart to the best of his ability presuming he is near
  288. Friend Computer Mart sprays something on him!
  289. Mart-Y-IYD-10 left chat.
  290. Friend Computer He begins to regenerate
  291. Mart-Y-IYD-10 entered chat.
  292. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //god damnit
  293. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //hit the X
  294. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// i always do that to
  295. Friend Computer Whilst regenerating mart shifts around and blood hits shady shirley!
  296. Friend Computer The squid and lizard in unison leap at shirley!
  297. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 attempts to escape
  298. Friend Computer The area around you appears to be a vehicle park, in the distance you can see a small transport to the ventilation zone.
  299. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 with mart
  300. Mart-Y-IYD-10: shirley
  301. Will-Y-DIE-11 heads over to the transport.
  302. Mart-Y-IYD-10: dont touch me
  303. Friend Computer Shirley is tackled by the lizard! It sprays cleaning solvent on his chest
  304. Friend Computer The squid does the same and soon shirley's insides are visible
  305. Friend Computer Both cleaning units return to their respective owners
  306. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 presumably dies because he tried to help mart
  307. Friend Computer Weiss and will walk off to the transportation device
  308. Friend Computer Both weiss and will arrive at the transport! It appears to be a pod connected to a small mag rail going upwards
  309. Will-Y-DIE-11 boards the pod.
  310. Weiss-Y-66-23 enters as well
  311. Friend Computer It liftsu p rapidly!
  312. Friend Computer Leaving mart, ste, terrry, and shirley behind.
  313. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 says bye though in great pain
  314. Ste-R-XYZ-3: damn it
  315. Friend Computer Shirley dies from bleeding
  316. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //perma death >?
  317. Friend Computer: // No
  318. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// just bought 2 clone packs
  319. Friend Computer Mart jacks a random hover vehicle and flies up!
  320. Friend Computer: // No, you didn't.
  321. Friend Computer: // Stop trying to lie to me
  322. Friend Computer: // you bought ONE so far
  323. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// i thought i did
  324. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Dom has been taking more and more notes lately
  325. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// did i not buy a second one?
  326. Friend Computer: // Correction you did buy two but it seems unlikely as fuck
  327. Friend Computer: // Damnit notes you are meant to be on my side
  328. Will-Y-DIE-11: //See?
  329. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// thought as much was wondering were my money had gone
  330. Friend Computer Suddenly weiss and will are confronted by a mart in a hovercar
  331. Terkiey the Manic entered chat.
  332. Terkiey the Manic: // did it start?
  333. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Ja.
  334. Friend Computer Suddenly cross is dropped in at PLC via crate drone!
  335. Friend Computer: // RECAP
  336. Friend Computer: // Team pissed off kim your mission officer and is now doing community service by fixing the vents in PLC
  337. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // :(
  338. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // this never goes well
  339. Cross-R-DMX-2: // PLC is an acronym for what?
  340. Will-Y-DIE-11: //People love cookies
  341. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: ///pirates like crabs
  342. Mart-Y-IYD-10: // Poor lonely Cannibals
  343. Cross-R-DMX-2: // Penis loving cunts
  344. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //Purple living vreatures
  345. Cross-R-DMX-2: // (Makes sense.)
  346. Cross-R-DMX-2: Uhm hey people.
  347. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // perverted carrots cry
  348. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // perverted lonely carrots
  349. Friend Computer: // Cross
  350. Friend Computer: // Stop being a perverted silly
  351. Cross-R-DMX-2: // Yes, mother. :)
  352. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //perverted lame cross
  353. Cross-R-DMX-2: Looks like you people are having fun.
  354. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // perverted little cross
  355. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // dam you mart
  356. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // beat me to it
  357. Cross-R-DMX-2 looks around for vents that need fixing.
  358. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 just looks for a vent
  359. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 if it isn't broke breaks it and claims credit for fixing
  360. Friend Computer Cross finds the transportation pod!
  361. Friend Computer Inside is a broken husk
  362. Friend Computer It bites on his leg!
  363. Cross-R-DMX-2: Runs to get help.
  364. Friend Computer The hutch latches firmly on the wound!
  365. Friend Computer Cross falls from the extra weight
  366. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 wanders around
  367. Cross-R-DMX-2 shoots it with his laser pistol.
  368. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// maybe if somone was to shout out
  369. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // i would hear
  370. Friend Computer Cross pulls out his laspistol and fires!
  371. Friend Computer He misses!
  372. Cross-R-DMX-2 shouts: Help! This thing is attacking me!
  373. Cross-R-DMX-2 then shoots it again.
  374. Friend Computer Corss shoots it!
  375. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 uses super hearing to hear him? maybe? possibly?
  376. Friend Computer removing it's arm
  377. Friend Computer It's arm reanimates and begins to strangle cross's left arm!
  378. Cross-R-DMX-2: My left arm!
  379. Cross-R-DMX-2: Shoots the husk in the head.
  380. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 finds him?
  381. Cross-R-DMX-2: // I ment /me..
  382. Friend Computer Shirley runs to ross!
  383. Friend Computer And falls over cross
  384. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: i found you! whats up?
  386. Friend Computer Cross is being molest by an angry husk!
  387. Friend Computer At this point his left arm has lost all circulation due to stranglation
  388. Cross-R-DMX-2 shoots the angry husk in its head.
  389. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: get a room
  390. Friend Computer You miss!
  391. Cross-R-DMX-2: Help me shirley!
  392. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 attempts to wrestle the husk off cross
  393. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// on it
  394. Cross-R-DMX-2 helps shirly help me.
  395. Friend Computer Shirley tackles the husk!
  396. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// guns probably won't help
  397. Friend Computer He rips it off
  398. Friend Computer and throws it into a small dumpster
  399. Friend Computer The reanimated arm is still murdering cross
  400. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 attempts to get arm off him as well
  401. Cross-R-DMX-2 grabs the reanimated arm and throws it as far as he can.
  402. Friend Computer Cross grabs the arm! Ripping off his hand in doing so
  403. Friend Computer He throws the husk arm with great might!
  404. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6 attempts to retrieve cross's arm without provoking the husk arm
  405. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// cross is a red right?
  406. Friend Computer: // Yes
  407. Cross-R-DMX-2: My hand!
  408. Cross-R-DMX-2 runs off in a random direction.
  409. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// do i manage to retrieve it?
  410. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// your hands ! your hands!
  411. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // get the referance?
  412. Cross-R-DMX-2: // no.
  413. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// :( darren shan
  414. Will-Y-DIE-11: //So basically, we have the Red Cross on our side.
  415. Will-Y-DIE-11: //*shot*
  416. Friend Computer Cross falls and activates the pod transport
  417. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //darren shan ?! awesome author
  418. Cross-R-DMX-2: // Oh god.
  419. Friend Computer The door's slam and his chest is crushed a bit
  420. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// mamazing author
  421. Friend Computer He squeezes in
  422. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: ///*amazing
  423. Cross-R-DMX-2 sits still.
  424. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // i get the hand refernce haha xD
  425. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // i love you
  426. Cross-R-DMX-2 pretends like he wanted to be in the pod.
  427. Friend Computer Cross stands up basking in glory!
  428. Friend Computer Then falls down as something cuts the circuitry routing power to the pod...
  429. Friend Computer The mag rail releases the pod and he falls rapidly!
  430. Cross-R-DMX-2: Aaaah!
  431. Cross-R-DMX-2 observes scenery as he falls.
  432. Friend Computer Cross manages to get the best out of the scenery before an automatic safety device locks into him
  433. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: /// how has cross not bled to death?
  434. Friend Computer He barely survives the incidental crushing of pod landing on shirley!
  435. Cross-R-DMX-2: // Because I am awesome.
  436. Friend Computer He then bleeds to death
  437. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //trolol
  438. Cross-R-DMX-2: // :(
  439. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: ///worth it
  440. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // for that
  441. Cross-R-DMX-2: // I hate you shirley.
  442. Cross-R-DMX-2: // I assume that is your last clone.. I'll get you.
  443. YOLO YOLO has changed their name to Cross-R-DMX-3.
  444. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: ////:( i tried to save you
  445. Friend Computer: // He has two clonepacks
  446. Friend Computer: // :U
  447. Cross-R-DMX-3: // :U
  448. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: // i'm a little paraniod like that
  449. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-6: //almost as if half the team would happily kill me
  450. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //yes yes we would
  451. Cross-R-DMX-3: // It is the name of the game anyway.
  452. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // but ste :( why?
  453. Will-Y-DIE-11: //You're Shirley.
  454. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //you shot me in the face for no reason -.-
  455. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // do i have 11 more clones?
  456. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //maybe
  457. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // did i?
  458. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //maybe
  459. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: //i thought thats was because you killed me first?
  460. Cross-R-DMX-3: // Why did you just go to seventh clone shirley?
  461. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: //i got sqaushed
  462. Cross-R-DMX-3: // Oh, the english in those statements was confusing to me.
  463. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: //and you bled to death
  464. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // i'm taking an english a level this year and i can barely spell XD
  465. Cross-R-DMX-3: // Bad idea.
  466. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // haah :P not as bad when your a programmer :P
  467. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //wait, even worse when you are a programmer :P
  468. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // computers don't like me :(
  469. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // i make them like me :P
  470. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //im doing a degree in computer security hehe :P
  471. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // computers have an annoying tedency to blow up in my face
  472. Ste-R-XYZ-3: // haha xD
  473. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //has terry been playing ?
  474. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // are me and cross still on repair duty?
  475. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // i think death should get us out of that
  476. Cross-R-DMX-3: You say that as if death doesn't happen all the time.
  477. Friend Computer Two drop pods arrive
  478. Friend Computer They are sent upward so they land in the tunnels in the ceiling
  479. Friend Computer It is dark.
  480. Cross-R-DMX-3 looks around to see if he can make anything out.
  481. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7 does same
  482. Friend Computer The area you are in is filled with light
  483. Friend Computer Everything else is dark and you hear shambling
  484. Friend Computer: // Grues ;D
  485. Friend Computer: // They are a friendly species
  486. Cross-R-DMX-3 goes back to where they were sent upwards from.
  487. Friend Computer: // You should trust meta from the GM who wants to kill you
  488. Cross-R-DMX-3: // Fuck that.
  489. Friend Computer Cross tries to go down with the mag rail
  490. Friend Computer It lacks power and a transport
  491. Cross-R-DMX-3: // Grues are not my friend.
  492. Friend Computer: // They love you[
  493. Cross-R-DMX-3: // Wait so is it a shaft?
  494. Friend Computer: // Yes
  495. Cross-R-DMX-3 shoots laser pistol to see if he can set something on fire.
  496. Friend Computer He fails to set something on fire
  497. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: cross let us wander
  498. Cross-R-DMX-3 jumps down the shaft.
  499. Cross-R-DMX-3: Nope.
  500. Friend Computer Cross jumps down the shaft
  501. Friend Computer A satisfying SPLAT occurs as he hits the ground below
  502. Friend Computer He appears to of had landed in on the broken pod with his previous corpse
  503. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // step on up cross number 5
  504. Cross-R-DMX-3: // I'm alive>
  505. Cross-R-DMX-3: // ?
  506. Friend Computer: //NOPE
  507. Friend Computer: // And its number 4
  508. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // is it?
  509. YOLO YOLO has changed their name to Cross-R-DMX-4.
  510. Friend Computer: // When you die you don't go up by two clones
  511. Friend Computer: // You silly silly person
  512. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // did he not bleed to death?
  513. Cross-R-DMX-4: // I hate my life.
  514. Cross-R-DMX-4: // I did shirley, and I was on 2 then.
  515. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: oh
  516. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: //*oh
  517. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: i forgot you could see lives next to names
  518. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: //*
  519. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: // does he com back right next to me?
  520. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: //*come
  521. Friend Computer Another crate arrives!
  522. Friend Computer Almost curshing shirley, it lands in the dark.
  523. Friend Computer Cross is in it
  524. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: hi
  525. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7: what know?
  526. Cross-R-DMX-4 goes in a direction.
  527. Cross-R-DMX-4: What do you want.
  528. Friend Computer He fails to open his crate
  529. Friend Computer There is something knocking at it in the dark..
  530. Cross-R-DMX-4 holds crate closed and stays silent.
  531. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7 attempts to open crate
  532. Friend Computer The other group arrives down the tunnel!
  533. Friend Computer Their lights reveal a bat like man they call GRUE
  534. Friend Computer The grues charge at shirley!
  535. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7 push's cross into grue
  536. Friend Computer Cross is still in the crate
  537. Cross-R-DMX-4 cries.
  538. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-7 opens crate
  539. Friend Computer Shirley is eaten alive by the grues before he can make it to the crate!
  540. Cross-R-DMX-4 checks himself for light producing objects.
  541. Friend Computer The room is now covered in light from the other group's weapons
  542. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-8: /// i go through clones faster than all of you put together
  543. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Say that to Weiss's face and feel his wrath.
  544. Cross-R-DMX-4 gets out of the crate and goes to hug ste.
  545. Ste-R-XYZ-3: //sorry guys im going to havbe to go now not feeling so great :P
  546. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-8: //cya
  547. Cross-R-DMX-4: // cya
  548. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Cya
  549. Ste-R-XYZ-3 left chat.
  550. Friend Computer The grues runaway with shirley's corpse
  551. Mart-Y-IYD-10: crikey
  552. Will-Y-DIE-11 enters the area wielding a power sword and power axe, both glowing ominously in her grasp. The visor of her gasmask reflects the glow, making her eyes hardly visible.
  553. Cross-R-DMX-4: mate
  554. Cross-R-DMX-4 goes and sticks with Will for protection.
  555. Friend Computer Cross finally gets out of his crate!
  556. Friend Computer: // or should I say
  557. Friend Computer: // The crate/closet
  558. Friend Computer: *shot*
  559. Friend Computer SHirley arrives in another crate
  560. Will-Y-DIE-11: I have an appointment at Sector FUN. The vents are running again so if we could make this small detour, please...?
  561. Weiss-Y-66-23 stays behind Will. "We did the fans while you all were fucking about."
  562. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-8 attemts to open crate
  563. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-8: *attempts
  566. Cross-R-DMX-4: Haha
  567. Will-Y-DIE-11 breaks into a charge towards the nearest exit, eager to reach FUN.
  568. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-8: sure shame i'm stuck in a cratte
  569. Cross-R-DMX-4 follows Will.
  570. Weiss-Y-66-23 follows
  571. Friend Computer Mart's lizard pops out from a pocket!
  572. Mart-Y-IYD-10 takes one final look around
  574. Friend Computer: "INATORS LOCATED"
  575. Friend Computer: ?
  576. Friend Computer: // From archie
  577. Weiss-Y-66-23: Well. Seems we'll be having some definite !!FUN!!.
  578. Mart-Y-IYD-10: well
  579. Mart-Y-IYD-10: ebtter go to fun
  580. Mart-Y-IYD-10 heads to FUNLAND
  581. Will-Y-DIE-11 heads there as well.
  582. Friend Computer Problem
  583. Friend Computer Only way down was broken by cross and shirley
  584. Friend Computer: ./magrail
  585. Cross-R-DMX-4 *coughs*
  586. Weiss-Y-66-23 heads down via jetpack.
  587. Friend Computer The autocar mart has brought is yellow and seems to be attacked by grues
  588. Cross-R-DMX-4 hangs on to weiss.
  589. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //being attacked, or is already broken and dead?
  590. Friend Computer Cross jumps at weiss!
  591. Friend Computer latching onto his legs
  592. Friend Computer: "Already broken"
  593. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-8: // am i still stuck in a crate?
  594. Mart-Y-IYD-10: maybe i could muon dig our way down
  595. Friend Computer: // No
  596. Weiss-Y-66-23 has Deus and Glub Glub Stab him off.
  597. Mart-Y-IYD-10: maybe we can wall climb our way down the way we crossed the fan area
  598. Friend Computer Cross's hands are removed by the robot spider
  599. Friend Computer He falls down to his death..
  600. YOLO YOLO has changed their name to Cross-R-DMX-5.
  601. Friend Computer Suddenly a crate is thrown in a slingshot like shape!
  602. Weiss-Y-66-23 flies the rest of the way down.
  603. Cross-R-DMX-5: // Do I earn a record.
  604. Friend Computer It barely misses weiss and lands near will
  605. Friend Computer: // Weiss died ten times in a mission
  606. Friend Computer: // No.
  607. Weiss-Y-66-23: //7
  608. Mart-Y-IYD-10: oh
  609. Mart-Y-IYD-10: weiss
  610. Weiss-Y-66-23: Yeah?
  611. Mart-Y-IYD-10: check if the bottom of this shaft is completely sealed
  612. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i could always fill it up with water
  613. Mart-Y-IYD-10: and jump in
  614. Will-Y-DIE-11 takes the contents of said crate, puts said contents on and leaps down towards the ground.
  615. Weiss-Y-66-23: Got it.
  616. Friend Computer Will jumps down rapidly falling!
  617. Friend Computer Oh no looks like she is gonna di-
  619. Friend Computer Suddenly multiple thrusters attached activate
  620. Friend Computer and she safely falls to the ground
  621. Mart-Y-IYD-10: thats
  622. Friend Computer The bottum of the shaft isn't sealed
  623. Mart-Y-IYD-10 does the same as will
  624. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i sense my death is imminent
  625. Mart-Y-IYD-10 prays to my false gods
  626. Will-Y-DIE-11 raises her power sword and lets loose a shout in celebration of her success, then heads further on to FUN.
  627. Friend Computer Weiss slams into a falling mart!
  628. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-8: /attempts to follow
  629. Friend Computer Deaccelerating and putting him to safety
  630. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-8: */me
  631. Friend Computer Weiss has a full ten seconds to save shirley!
  632. Friend Computer Shirley falls to his death.
  633. Weiss-Y-66-23 dusts himself off and follows Will
  634. Friend Computer Everyone begins walking to their previously parked vehicles
  635. Mart-Y-IYD-10 follows will
  636. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Except me.
  637. Cross-R-DMX-5: // I'm also dead.
  638. Friend Computer Cross and shirley arrive via crate magic
  639. Will-Y-DIE-11: //I'm not, but my vehicle is gone.
  640. Friend Computer They drop in by weiss's motorbike
  641. Will-Y-DIE-11 heads to FUN via transtube.
  642. Cross-R-DMX-5 gets on motorbike and follows everyone else.
  643. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9: // already burned 3 clones this session
  644. Weiss-Y-66-23 does the same.
  645. Cross-R-DMX-5: // Shirley I have too, but I have died to nothing.
  646. Weiss-Y-66-23 as Will.
  648. Friend Computer AND CRASHES INTO A WALL
  649. Weiss-Y-66-23: ...
  650. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9: // i have tried to help you
  651. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 checks if cross survived
  652. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 and if so tries to help
  653. Mart-Y-IYD-10: CROSS
  654. Mart-Y-IYD-10: YELLOW
  655. Cross-R-DMX-5 shoots shirley, suspecting summary termination.
  656. Mart-Y-IYD-10: YOU
  657. Mart-Y-IYD-10: RED
  658. Friend Computer Weiss slowly walks to cross
  659. Mart-Y-IYD-10: TREASON
  660. Friend Computer ALong with mart
  661. Mart-Y-IYD-10 brutally stabs cross to ribbons
  662. Friend Computer Wess starts to plant his boot firmly on cross's neck and pushes down
  663. Weiss-Y-66-23: You have been declared a traitor. Have a nice Daycycle.
  664. Friend Computer WHilst mart eviscerates cross
  665. Friend Computer Cross quickly dies
  666. Cross-R-DMX-5: // cool.
  667. Weiss-Y-66-23 checks if his bike is alright.
  668. YOLO YOLO has changed their name to 6Cross-R-DMX-5.
  669. Friend Computer It is completely dead
  670. YOLO YOLO has changed their name to Cross-R-DMX-6.
  671. Friend Computer Weiss takes out a horde of mechanical parts from his inventory
  672. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9: may i try and fix it?
  673. Friend Computer ANd begins a mysterious construction!
  674. Friend Computer He makes a toast oven out of reverse engineered motorbike and warbot.
  675. Weiss-Y-66-23: Selling this for credits.
  676. Weiss-Y-66-23 pockets it, and then enters transtube to go to Sector Fun.
  677. Weiss-Y-66-23: FUN*
  678. Will-Y-DIE-11 is already on her way to FUN.
  679. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 uses transtube to reach fun
  680. Friend Computer Everyone arrives at FUN
  681. Friend Computer To be precise the southwest outskirts of it
  682. Friend Computer Around you are multiple buildings of commerce
  683. Friend Computer mostly luxuries
  684. Cross-R-DMX-6: // Crate magic for me?
  685. Will-Y-DIE-11 points towards the largest scraper in the area, then heads there.
  686. Friend Computer: // Yes
  687. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 follows will
  688. Weiss-Y-66-23 follows.
  689. Cross-R-DMX-6 looks for a weapon shop.
  690. Friend Computer: // bout to have dinner
  691. Friend Computer Everyone arrives at the front of the ceiling scraper!
  692. Friend Computer An angry drone sets at the entrance denying everyone of access
  693. Friend Computer It appears to be a hoverdrone with mounted missiles and lasers
  694. Friend Computer An autocar begins flying to the top of the scrap-
  695. Mart-Y-IYD-10: hey you!
  696. Mart-Y-IYD-10: hoverdrone!
  697. Friend Computer The drone fires a missile at the car
  698. Friend Computer it is immediately destroyed
  699. Friend Computer The drone turns to MART
  700. Mart-Y-IYD-10: do i know you?
  702. Mart-Y-IYD-10 eyes the drone suspiciously
  703. Friend Computer: "Your mother is a cloning vat."
  704. Mart-Y-IYD-10: ARAGRHARA
  705. Cross-R-DMX-6 shoots the drone with my laser pistol.
  706. Will-Y-DIE-11 pushes through the mass of people and charges into the scraper's lobby.
  707. Mart-Y-IYD-10: FROM THIS DAY
  709. Friend Computer Cross fires his laser at the drone!
  710. Friend Computer It responds with a laser burst
  711. Friend Computer The first two shots miss and then it gets a 1
  712. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9: stands a clear 100 feet from this
  713. Friend Computer Cross's arms are removed by laser
  714. Weiss-Y-66-23 follows Will.
  715. Friend Computer the drone flies away
  716. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9: */me
  718. Mart-Y-IYD-10: SHALL BE CURSED
  721. Mart-Y-IYD-10: AND BAD AIM
  722. Will-Y-DIE-11: Stop messing with drones! The suspect is at the top of the scraper, we need to move fast!
  724. Mart-Y-IYD-10: HEED MY WORDS
  725. Will-Y-DIE-11 looks for an elevator.
  726. Weiss-Y-66-23: And then I loot their mafunctioned corpses.
  727. Friend Computer Will and weiss charge into the entrance/lobby!
  728. Friend Computer Random blues in fancy clothing stare them down
  729. Cross-R-DMX-6 grabs laser pistol with foot and jams it into own stomach.
  730. Friend Computer: "May we help you?" A blue proffers help.
  731. Mart-Y-IYD-10: hmm
  732. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i have a bad idea
  733. Will-Y-DIE-11 salutes.
  734. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 tries to subtley slip into skyscraper
  735. Mart-Y-IYD-10: nah
  736. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i wont do that
  737. Weiss-Y-66-23 Salutes, FOR ONCE
  738. Mart-Y-IYD-10 goes into the ceilingscraper
  739. Will-Y-DIE-11: We are to subdue a traitor that's hiding out at the top of this building.
  740. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 salutes
  741. Will-Y-DIE-11: Now if you excuse me, we are acting on direct orders from Troubleshooter HQ.
  742. Friend Computer: The same blue responds in a mildly amused matter "And who is that?"
  743. Friend Computer: ./AFK, dinner.
  745. Friend Computer: have some adorable
  746. Friend Computer:
  747. Cross-R-DMX-6: // Make him pm me when he is back.
  749. Will-Y-DIE-11: //EXACTLY.
  750. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9: i have been meaning to try out a quick game of flash paranoia if anyone wants to try it?
  751. Mart-Y-IYD-10: // what
  752. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Jesus Christ my stupid-ass mother asks me to go to bed
  753. Will-Y-DIE-11: //For fuck's sake, it's just 2 AM
  754. Friend Computer: // back
  755. Friend Computer: // Sorry
  756. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //hoy
  757. Friend Computer: // Decided on actions yet?
  758. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 left chat.
  759. Mart-Y-IYD-10 takes the elevator up
  760. Mart-Y-IYD-10: delivery
  761. Friend Computer Mart is stopped by a blue
  762. Friend Computer Weiss begins drinking B3!
  763. Mart-Y-IYD-10: makign a delivery
  764. Friend Computer he begins choking
  765. Friend Computer and spits it at a few blues!
  766. Friend Computer Both the squid and cleaning lizard activate..
  767. Mart-Y-IYD-10 pushes the blue stopping me in the line of fire
  768. Weiss-Y-66-23 coughs a few times
  769. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 entered chat.
  770. Friend Computer Weiss coughs B3 onto the blue mart pushed in!
  771. Friend Computer The lizard and squid begin murdering them
  772. Will-Y-DIE-11 uses the confusion of the moment to seize the elevator.
  773. Mart-Y-IYD-10 gets in the elevator
  774. Weiss-Y-66-23: oh Jesus [cough]
  775. Weiss-Y-66-23 follows Will.
  776. Friend Computer everyone gets into the elevator!
  777. Friend Computer: // Minus cross and shirley
  778. Friend Computer You press a few buttons [will] and it goes up rapidly!
  779. Dasaw entered chat.
  780. Friend Computer: // what the frak is a dasaw?
  781. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9: // can dasaw play?
  782. Dasaw: lol i guess
  783. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //its too late
  784. Friend Computer: // Use // for out of character
  785. Dasaw: //lol i guess
  786. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //come back tomorrow
  787. Friend Computer: // Marteh
  788. Friend Computer: // IF Dasaw can gen up a char with shirley's help
  789. Friend Computer: // MAYBEH
  790. Mart-Y-IYD-10: b-
  791. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //b-
  792. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //b-but
  793. Friend Computer The elevator stops letting in two greens
  794. Mart-Y-IYD-10: // eh, no skin off my back
  795. Friend Computer They do that thing where they step on the ground repeatedly waiting
  796. Weiss-Y-66-23 breaths into his mask a bit.
  797. Friend Computer MEANWHILE IN THE BOTTUM FLOOR! The lizard and squid bot are murdering the lobby members, applying "cleaning" solvents with acidics to remove the sticky soda
  798. Will-Y-DIE-11 leans in to one of the Greens and breathes heavily through her mask. Right into the Green's ears.
  799. Weiss-Y-66-23 drinks a bit of B3.
  800. Friend Computer: Green Officer: May I be of help to you?
  801. Mart-Y-IYD-10 farts in the elevator
  802. Will-Y-DIE-11 stares at the Green and continues to breathe heavily.
  803. Weiss-Y-66-23 Begins to pace within the elevator in circles.
  804. Mart-Y-IYD-10 begins meowing
  805. Mart-Y-IYD-10: meow
  806. Mart-Y-IYD-10: mrrrreow
  807. Mart-Y-IYD-10: meooww
  808. Friend Computer: // You are doing this on purpose to alienate dasaw, aren't you?
  809. Weiss-Y-66-23: //Note the spleenstealer with you. That should have some effect.
  810. Friend Computer The elevator stops again and the two green officers leave, disgusted.
  811. Weiss-Y-66-23 has Deus go onto his Vacant shoulder to fill in Glub Glib's place.
  812. Weiss-Y-66-23: Glub Glub's*
  813. Will-Y-DIE-11 grins and presses a button so that the elevator may continue on to the top floor.
  814. Weiss-Y-66-23: And now we continue.
  815. Friend Computer After a myriad of smooth jazz pieces you arrive at the top to see Inquisitor Validus talking with the commissar you met before..? How did he get out-
  816. Friend Computer They aim their weapons at you
  817. Mart-Y-IYD-10 goes invisible
  818. Mart-Y-IYD-10 lies on the floor
  819. Will-Y-DIE-11: Good daycycle to you.
  820. Weiss-Y-66-23 steps out "Hello my friend."
  821. Friend Computer: Validus: What are you doing here!?
  822. Will-Y-DIE-11: Having Fun.
  823. Will-Y-DIE-11: What else?
  824. Weiss-Y-66-23: I'm here about the note you sent...
  825. Weiss-Y-66-23 walks over to them.
  826. Will-Y-DIE-11 adjusts her COMMISSAR'S CAP.
  827. Mart-Y-IYD-10 stands back up
  828. Weiss-Y-66-23 takes off his hat
  829. Weiss-Y-66-23: Seems that you and I have some business, Validus.
  830. Friend Computer: Validus: Enough of the games, explain!
  831. Will-Y-DIE-11: Well, so much for trying to thank our savior for getting us out of that PLC hellhole.
  832. Weiss-Y-66-23 continues walking towards Validus and the Commisar, and says "I recieved a note from some robots that expired. Says you plan to do some rather nasty business against the FC, I have come to help."
  833. Friend Computer: Validus: Oh? You are the purge representative?
  834. Weiss-Y-66-23 nods
  835. Mart-Y-IYD-10: so, vladius, hows your adamntium business coming along?
  836. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 hugs will
  837. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 tightly
  838. Will-Y-DIE-11 is not hugged as Shir wasn't on the elevator at all.
  839. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //last time i was hugged in this game
  840. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //i was gibbed
  841. Friend Computer Shirley somehow manages to run up the stairs of a 1.5 mile tall skyscraper and hugs will
  842. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //trolol
  843. Friend Computer Shirley falls in exhaustion
  844. Weiss-Y-66-23 continues over to The OTHER side of the room and stands behind Validus and the Commisar, and draws his laspistol into his other hand and points it towards the elevator.
  845. Friend Computer PLOT TWIST!
  846. Will-Y-DIE-11 pulls Shirley into a fearsome hug.
  847. Friend Computer: Validus: So glad you have came to the right side, now please explain the presence of MArt and Will
  848. Weiss-Y-66-23: Mart and Will are here to kill you.
  849. Cross-R-DMX-6 left chat.
  850. Mart-Y-IYD-10: hey, i'm jsut here for the FUN of it
  851. Mart-Y-IYD-10: get it?
  852. Mart-Y-IYD-10: :D
  853. Will-Y-DIE-11 lunges forward, using Shirley as a meat shield, then swings her chainsword at the Commissar.
  854. Will-Y-DIE-11: Well then!
  855. Weiss-Y-66-23: ...idiots.
  857. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 continues hugging will
  858. Friend Computer COMBAT MODE
  859. Friend Computer Weiss suddenly fires a lasbolt into validus's head!
  861. Friend Computer His head explodes violently
  862. Friend Computer Before the commissar can turn weiss is already charging with his chainsword!
  863. Will-Y-DIE-11: //*Will *her
  864. Friend Computer The commissar is eviscerated instantly.
  865. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: hugs will
  866. Friend Computer: // Dasaw you aren't ingame yet
  867. Weiss-Y-66-23 cleans his chainsword after putting his hat back on.
  868. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 hugs will
  869. Weiss-Y-66-23: Now then, thats dealt with.
  870. Will-Y-DIE-11 roughly shoves Shirley away.
  871. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 looks depressed
  872. Weiss-Y-66-23: I wasn't kidding about the note, however I think it was for someone else. Might as well use what you know to your advantage.
  873. Friend Computer Mart turns visible again and begins searching around
  874. Will-Y-DIE-11: ...gee, and I thought I woul have to gib us all right here and now.
  875. Mart-Y-IYD-10: hey guys
  876. Weiss-Y-66-23: Whats up Mart?
  877. Mart-Y-IYD-10: just investigatin
  878. Mart-Y-IYD-10: also do you guys think that the real purge liason might show up?
  879. Weiss-Y-66-23 loots Validus's corpse for anything nice.
  880. Mart-Y-IYD-10: it might be cool if we get a live prisoner for once
  881. Friend Computer Will begins looting the commissar's corpse!
  882. Will-Y-DIE-11 takes everything of value he had. Considering the blinged out nature of a Commissar's equipment including their uniform, not much remains on the body.
  883. Will-Y-DIE-11: // ;:D
  884. Weiss-Y-66-23 looks for any better armor, weapons, and just random misc items.
  885. Friend Computer Mart begins investigating what the commissar was talking about!
  886. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 also looks for stuff to steal
  887. Mart-Y-IYD-10: hmm
  888. Mart-Y-IYD-10: time to invest!
  889. Friend Computer He plants archie on the commissar's head and archie digs into the brain!
  890. Friend Computer Archie returns with knowledge about some sort of megaportal for imperial forces!
  891. Mart-Y-IYD-10: oh noooo
  892. Mart-Y-IYD-10: mergaportaaal
  893. Mart-Y-IYD-10: they're gonna send through tanks
  894. Will-Y-DIE-11: Boy, that is about to escalate quickly.
  895. Mart-Y-IYD-10: and velociraptors with cahinguns mounted on them
  896. Mart-Y-IYD-10: also
  897. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i think i fond the perfect way to dispose of bodies
  898. Friend Computer Suddenly the sound barrier breaks and the windows are removed from their frames!
  899. Weiss-Y-66-23: throw them out a window?
  900. Mart-Y-IYD-10: do we need the commisar's corpse?
  901. Friend Computer The inquisitor's looted corpse is replaced by two identical crates
  902. Friend Computer Both marked with FFU
  903. Friend Computer Out pops shady shirley and dasaw!
  904. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 (1): hi
  905. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: sup
  906. Mart-Y-IYD-10: ye gds
  907. Will-Y-DIE-11: Shirley, I don't recall you dying.
  908. Weiss-Y-66-23: Welcome to the squad.
  909. Mart-Y-IYD-10: you just accidentally the proof
  910. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: thx
  911. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 (1): niether do i
  912. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 (1): but i'll roll with it
  913. Will-Y-DIE-11: Well, your count is off. We can always correct it if you want to.
  914. Mart-Y-IYD-10: time to dispose of this body
  915. Friend Computer Suddenly the commissar's corpse is replaced by a giant piece of swiss cheese!
  916. Friend Computer It appears that mart had fired some sort of weapon at it
  917. Will-Y-DIE-11: //What's a swiss?
  918. Friend Computer Both of his mech lizards begin eating it violently
  919. Friend Computer: // Swiss cheese
  920. Friend Computer: // ITs deliciousness
  921. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i call it... the Cheeseinator
  922. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Yes, what's swiss? I know cheese, but what is a swiss?
  923. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 (1): // fc shall i put my death count up?
  924. Friend Computer: // Nah
  925. Mart-Y-IYD-10: wow
  926. Mart-Y-IYD-10: a new guy
  927. Mart-Y-IYD-10: who hasnt even died once
  928. Will-Y-DIE-11: You are tempting fate indeed.
  929. Mart-Y-IYD-10: you should feel proud
  930. Weiss-Y-66-23: Just a tip, you'll probably never get to the amount of deaths that I have.
  931. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: oh indeedd i am
  932. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 (1): won't last long
  933. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: thx
  934. Weiss-Y-66-23: if you do you fucked up royallu.
  935. Will-Y-DIE-11: Very well.
  936. Will-Y-DIE-11 stretches.
  937. Mart-Y-IYD-10 sits on the desk
  938. Will-Y-DIE-11: Shall we wait for pickup or walk?
  939. Weiss-Y-66-23 sits in the chair.
  940. Dasaw-R-FFU-1 yawns
  941. Mart-Y-IYD-10: hey dasaw
  942. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: yeah?
  943. Mart-Y-IYD-10: you have good reflexes?
  944. Will-Y-DIE-11 leans against the wall next to the elevator.
  945. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: not really wh/y
  946. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: ?
  947. Mart-Y-IYD-10: first troubleshooter test
  948. Mart-Y-IYD-10: is reflexes
  949. Mart-Y-IYD-10: get ready to grab this piece of cheese when i throw it to you
  950. Dasaw-R-FFU-1 looks confused
  951. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: ok??
  952. Mart-Y-IYD-10 throws the cheese
  953. Dasaw-R-FFU-1 catch
  954. Dasaw-R-FFU-1: now what?
  955. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 (1) attempts to eat cheese in mid air
  956. Mart-Y-IYD-10: now you are rewarded with cheese
  957. Dasaw-R-FFU-1 thinks wth are up with these guys ( in head)
  958. Weiss-Y-66-23 searches around the corners of the room for security cameras.
  959. Mart-Y-IYD-10 streatches
  960. Friend Computer Suddenly a huge burst of wind pushes dasaw and shirley out of the window!
  961. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-9 (1) looks for more food
  962. Friend Computer They are pushed out and they slowly fall to their deaths
  963. Friend Computer You barely hear the satisfying CRUNCH as they hit the ground
  964. Weiss-Y-66-23: ...I can go catch them. nevermind.
  965. Will-Y-DIE-11: Alright.
  966. Will-Y-DIE-11: What the fuck.
  967. Mart-Y-IYD-10: jesus
  968. Mart-Y-IYD-10: it must be windy up here
  969. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i dont wanna hang out up here anymore
  970. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-10: // what happened?
  971. Weiss-Y-66-23: we did blow out the windoes in a ceilingscraper.
  972. Weiss-Y-66-23: windows
  973. Dasaw-R-FFU-2: /hey guys i getting a bit tired so i may just g2 sleep but for now i will stay on for like 10mins longer
  974. Friend Computer: // Goodnight dasaw
  975. Friend Computer: // Don't let us waste your time
  976. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //night
  977. Friend Computer: // go to sleep
  978. Will-Y-DIE-11 carefully heads into the safety of an elevator.
  979. Dasaw-R-FFU-2: //lol not yet
  980. Dasaw-R-FFU-2: // nah im good
  981. Friend Computer Everyone that is alive gets back into the elevator and their long slow ten minute descent begins
  982. Weiss-Y-66-23 pockets some stuffs and then pulls out a can of B3 and takes a few sips from it.
  983. Friend Computer Weiss accidentally chokes on the B3!
  984. Friend Computer Suddenly a squid stops the elevator and the lizard slowly approaches weiss..
  985. Mart-Y-IYD-10 gets behind weiss
  986. Will-Y-DIE-11 slips out of the elevator.
  987. Weiss-Y-66-23 spits the B3 on the floor.
  988. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i should invest in a skysuit
  989. Weiss-Y-66-23 grabs the squid and then books it out of the elevator
  990. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i couldve just jumped out of the window
  991. Mart-Y-IYD-10: and flown down
  992. Weiss-Y-66-23: same
  993. Mart-Y-IYD-10: then again that drone would have shot us down
  994. Weiss-Y-66-23: true, true
  995. Weiss-Y-66-23: shall we say most people in this building were traitors?
  996. Will-Y-DIE-11: It wouldn't.
  997. Will-Y-DIE-11: But, eh. It's likely they were.
  998. Weiss-Y-66-23: they DO know that the commisar and Validus are here.
  999. Friend Computer Weiss is tackled by the cleaning lizard and squid!
  1000. Weiss-Y-66-23 Rips off his dirty clothes and throws them to the side for the bot and squid to clean
  1001. Weiss-Y-66-23: //Better then acid death.
  1002. Friend Computer They look at you and then the clothes
  1003. Friend Computer They spray a bit of acid on your chest and begin work on the clothes
  1004. Will-Y-DIE-11 checks the fuel status of her emergency thrusters.
  1005. Mart-Y-IYD-10 puts a drop of regen spraay on weiss' chest
  1006. Weiss-Y-66-23: DEUS, KEEP ME FROM DYING.
  1007. Friend Computer The acid isn't strong enough to melt through your chest
  1008. Weiss-Y-66-23: //so, what was I stripped down to by doing that?
  1009. Friend Computer Weiss is earign his undersuit
  1010. Friend Computer: // wearing*
  1011. Weiss-Y-66-23 sits around while they finish cleaning.
  1012. Friend Computer They throw the remaining clothes to you
  1013. Weiss-Y-66-23 puts them on.
  1014. Mart-Y-IYD-10: so
  1015. Mart-Y-IYD-10: new lizard
  1016. Mart-Y-IYD-10: can you cleanse a person's soul?
  1017. Friend Computer: "No."
  1018. Weiss-Y-66-23: ...why would that be required?
  1019. Will-Y-DIE-11 takes the stairs down.
  1020. Mart-Y-IYD-10: you cant clean a lot, can you?
  1021. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-10: /// who's soul were you thinking of cleansing?
  1022. Dasaw-R-FFU-2: //well night night guys i will cya guys when shirley asks me to play
  1023. Friend Computer: "Shirley's
  1024. Friend Computer: // Cya
  1025. Weiss-Y-66-23: //later.
  1026. Dasaw-R-FFU-2: // lol yeah yeah cya
  1027. Mart-Y-IYD-10: have you taken a look at your own souls lately?
  1028. Dasaw-R-FFU-2 left chat.
  1029. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i mean
  1030. Mart-Y-IYD-10: look at mine
  1031. Mart-Y-IYD-10 holes his soul up for display
  1032. Mart-Y-IYD-10 holds*
  1033. Friend Computer Mart holds up air
  1034. Friend Computer Nothing happens
  1035. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i mean
  1036. Mart-Y-IYD-10: look at that thing
  1037. Weiss-Y-66-23 follows the way Will went and went down the stairs.
  1038. Mart-Y-IYD-10 puts my soul back on
  1039. Mart-Y-IYD-10 goes down to the bottom
  1040. Friend Computer You realize you are on the fourth floor
  1041. Friend Computer and there are multiple greens staring at you
  1042. Weiss-Y-66-23: ...
  1043. Mart-Y-IYD-10: meow
  1044. Mart-Y-IYD-10: meooow
  1045. Will-Y-DIE-11 breathes heavily and stomps past them.
  1046. Mart-Y-IYD-10: mreeeow
  1047. Weiss-Y-66-23 follows Will
  1048. Mart-Y-IYD-10 follows weiss
  1049. Mart-Y-IYD-10 petting my spleenstealer
  1050. Friend Computer You return to the elevator
  1051. Weiss-Y-66-23: ...hmmm...
  1052. Weiss-Y-66-23 walks back out to go see the greens.
  1053. Will-Y-DIE-11 sends the elevator to ground level.
  1054. Friend Computer Weiss is kicked back into the elevator!
  1055. Friend Computer: "Frak off."
  1056. Friend Computer You all arrive at the ground level
  1057. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-10: // i think i will go know its 2 am
  1058. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i feel like going up there
  1059. Mart-Y-IYD-10: and murdering them all
  1060. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-10: // cya next week
  1061. Friend Computer There seems to be very large pools of blood and melted blue
  1062. Mart-Y-IYD-10: //see ya
  1063. Friend Computer: // cya
  1064. Will-Y-DIE-11: As Squad Leader, I declare the current mission complete for now. Feel free to have fun at FUN until we get a new assignment. I have important things to do at HQ.
  1065. Will-Y-DIE-11: //Cya
  1066. Mart-Y-IYD-10 heads off
  1067. Weiss-Y-66-23: //later.
  1068. Will-Y-DIE-11 heads to the nearest transtube to reach HQ.
  1069. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-10 retires to his bunk
  1070. Shady_shirley-R-FFU-10 left chat.
  1071. Weiss-Y-66-23 goes back to HQ on foot.
  1072. Will-Y-DIE-11: //And this is where I have to go to bed. At least we finished this mission...sort of.
  1073. Friend Computer: You all receive a message from kim
  1074. Friend Computer: "Good work troubleshooters! PLC is officially clean of husk fog."
  1075. Friend Computer: "I heard you were in the FUN sector, care to explain?"
  1076. Mart-Y-IYD-10: i believe weiss could explain best
  1077. Friend Computer 800 Credits upon mission completion!
  1078. Weiss-Y-66-23: We stopped by to kill a traitor in hiding. Turns out PURGE was planning on teaming up with Validus and the Commisar to take out FC.
  1079. Weiss-Y-66-23: or rather its influence in the sector.
  1080. Mart-Y-IYD-10 sends the information about the giant gateway to kim
  1081. Weiss-Y-66-23: I found a note in a couple of robots that blew up saying as much.
  1082. Friend Computer: "Good work troubleshooters!"
  1084. Friend Computer: / ho
  1085. Friend Computer: // Game stop
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