Guest User


a guest
Aug 16th, 2016
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text 9.09 KB | None | 0 0
  1. RTNO
  2. A I&p
  3. whwhx
  4. whwhp@-
  5. whwh
  6. whwh
  7. ATp@-
  8. #EgvT2
  9. QZ^&@
  10. RTNO
  11. @ #!
  12. !1C "
  13. 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef
  14. n;rqg
  15. |o/=-f
  16. QkkN
  17. Zjz>jm
  18. knq6l
  19. ju?6
  20. wn>MGiI
  21. n;^
  22. Qkkbal
  23. i]Wb
  24. 9a&g
  25. MGiI
  26. wn>Jj
  27. #.zf
  28. +o*7
  29. tsize
  30. 0!0
  31. bootm
  32. boot application image from memory
  33. [addr]
  34. - boot application image stored in memory
  35. tftp
  36. tftp [loadAddress] filename
  37. tftp load file from server
  38. start read image file to DDR...
  39. FLASH_ADDR = 0x%x, DATA_LEN = 0x%x, SUBAREA_LEN = 0x%x
  40. Err Erasing %s Flash
  41. Err Writing %s Flash
  42. Write %s Flash at add 0x%x size 0x%x OK!
  43. read flash err!
  44. GET UPG FLAG: %s
  46. MAINSS
  47. change double system boot flag, ccs 0[main] | 1[slave]
  48. get double system boot flag
  49. load_boot
  50. load boot into nand/spi flash
  51. load_image
  52. load image into nand/spi flash
  53. Dev Manuf : %s
  54. Dev Manuf : UNKNOW
  55. Toshiba
  56. Samsung
  57. Fujitsu
  58. National
  59. Renesas
  60. ST Micro
  61. Hynix
  62. Micron
  65. MXIC
  66. ATMEL
  67. Winbond
  68. Unknown
  69. %-*s- %s
  70. %s=%s
  71. .%ld
  72. %d.%d.%d.%d
  73. %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x
  74. <NULL>
  75. (null)
  76. octet%c
  77. timeout%c
  78. %u%c
  79. blksize%c
  80. ipaddr
  81. serverip
  82. tftpblocksize
  83. tftptimeout
  84. TFTP from server %pI4;
  85. our IP address is %pI4
  86. Filename '%s'.
  87. Load address: 0x%08x maxsize: 0x%x
  88. Loading: *
  89. Timeout for low speed! Please check your network.
  90. tftp transport timeout ! Retry count :%d
  91. tsize
  92. blksize
  93. blksize = %u
  94. cur_rate=
  95. load_byte=
  96. rem_byte=
  97. %10s
  98. done
  99. bytes transferred=%u file size =%u
  100. bytes tick=%u(hz)
  101. ave_rate=
  102. Not retrying...
  103. ethaddr
  104. netmask
  105. gatewayip
  106. hostname
  107. Pinging %s with %d bytes of data:
  108. Request timed out.
  109. Reply from %s : byte=%d time=%dms TTL=%d
  110. eth0
  111. idle
  112. used
  113. [%08d] status:%s length:%d extra:%d
  114. total mem:%d used:%d usedlen:%d idle:%d idlelen:%d
  115. PANIC: out of memory size:%d type:%d!
  116. DRAM :
  117. SYS : 0x%08x
  118. STACK DATA : 0x%08x STACK SVC : 0x%08x
  119. STACK FIQ : 0x%08x STACK ABT : 0x%08x
  120. STACK UND : 0x%08x STACK IRQ : 0x%08x
  121. Memory :
  122. total
  123. Memory : start 0x%08x
  124. available
  125. code
  126. bss
  127. highmem
  128. 0x%08x
  129. bootdelay
  130. Hit <ctrl+c> to stop autoboot: %2d
  131. HG633
  132. WS860s
  133. %2d
  134. unsupport chip type 0x%08x
  135. Boot Sel :
  136. BOOTROM
  137. NAND
  138. ERROR
  139. nas1
  140. Hi-Boot %s ( %s - %s )
  141. 2014-12-01
  142. 22:35:28
  143. sfc chip ID:%x %x %x
  144. flash status:0x%x
  145. AT25fs010
  146. AT25fs040
  147. AT25df041a
  148. AT25df641
  149. AT26f004
  150. AT26df081a
  151. AT26df161a
  152. AT26df321
  153. MZ25l4005a
  154. MX25L8006E
  155. MX25L1606E
  156. MX25L3206E
  157. MX25L6406E
  158. MX25L128
  159. MX25L25635E
  160. MX25l1655d
  161. MX25l12855e
  162. S25sl004a
  163. S25sl008a
  164. S25sl016a
  165. S25FL064P
  166. S25sl064a
  167. S25FL032P
  168. S25FL032A
  169. S25FL128P-0
  170. S25FL128P-1
  171. S25FL129P0
  172. S25FL129P1
  173. SST25vf040b
  174. SST25vf080b
  175. SST25vf016b
  176. SST25vf032b
  177. SST25wf512
  178. SST25wf010
  179. SST25wf020
  180. SST25wf040
  181. M25p05
  182. M25p10
  183. M25p20
  184. M25p40
  185. M25p80
  186. M25p16
  187. M25P32
  188. M25p64
  189. M25P128
  190. M45pe10
  191. M45pe80
  192. M45pe16
  193. M25pe80
  194. M25pe16
  195. M25Q032
  196. M25Q064
  197. M25Q128
  198. M25PX16
  199. M25PX32
  200. M25px64
  201. W25x10
  202. W25x20
  203. W25x40
  204. W25x80
  205. W25x16
  206. W25x32
  207. W25x64
  208. W25Q80BV
  209. W25Q16
  210. W25Q32BV
  211. W25Q64BV
  212. W25Q128BV
  213. EN25F80
  214. EN25F16
  215. EN25Q32B
  216. EN25Q64
  217. EN25Q128
  218. =====bootm=====
  219. Booting Failed ...
  220. atp.img
  221. checkok boot from ram
  222. args_spi
  223. args_nand
  224. verify
  225. bad magic num
  226. bad header checksum
  227. bad data crc
  228. unsupported architecture 0x%x
  229. err: can't get kernel image!
  230. kernel data at 0x%08lx, len = 0x%08lx (%ld)
  231. Loading Kernel Image ... OK
  232. Uncompressing Kernel Image ...
  233. Unimplemented compression type %d
  234. Overload load %08lx load_end %08lx blob_start %08lx blob_end %08lx
  235. ## Transferring control to Linux (at address %08lx) ...
  236. Starting kernel ...
  237. MAINFF
  238. SLAVEFF
  239. Read partno error !
  240. read partinfo error from flash !
  241. Both systems cannot start up !
  242. slave
  243. main
  244. Boot from %s system ...
  245. bootm 0x%x
  246. mupg
  247. muilt upgrade wait...
  248. fnt-HGW
  249. multi upgrade total block num %d load mem %x
  250. Update completes successfully!
  252. check tag crc error crc:%x, newcrc:%x
  253. check ramfs crc error crc:%x, newcrc:%x fs_len=0x%x
  254. get flashinfo error %x!
  255. main_offset
  256. main_size
  257. slave_offset
  258. slave_size
  259. jffs2 format:%x_%x
  260. system_type
  261. multi_upg_start_type
  262. global
  263. 010001
  264. 10040=
  265. 20040=
  266. 40010=
  267. %s %d %s
  268. HTTP/1.1
  269. Server: %s
  270. httpd
  271. Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d GMT
  272. Content-Type: %s
  273. Connection: close
  274. text/html
  275. <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%d %s</TITLE></HEAD>
  276. <BODY BGCOLOR="#cc9999"><H4>%d %s</H4>
  277. <HR>
  278. <ADDRESS><A HREF="%s">%s</A></ADDRESS>
  279. </BODY></HTML>
  281. httpd parse_post_data datalen:%d posfile:0x%08x
  282. HTTP POST start bound field not found
  283. web error: HTTP POST start bound field not found.
  284. HTTP POST no image data
  285. web error: HTTP POST no image data.
  286. HTTP POST end bound field not found
  287. web error: HTTP POST end bound field not found.
  288. Not Found
  289. File not found.
  290. Bad Request
  291. Can't parse request.
  292. POST
  293. Not Implemented
  294. That method is not implemented.
  295. No Content-Length
  296. No Content-Length.
  297. httpd : recv post data len: *
  298. webserver: recv post data len:%d startmem:0x%08x contextlen:%d !!!
  299. move image data to 0x%08x
  300. /info.html
  301. webserver: accept connection from %s port:%d.
  302. /index.html
  303. SPI ID : 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X
  304. Spi Spec : Chip[%sB x %d]
  305. Sector[%sB]
  306. Rcmd[0x%02x]
  307. Wcmd[0x%02x]
  308. Ecmd[0x%02x]
  309. Chip Name : %s
  310. sfc_write: offset[0x%08x] size[0x%08x]
  311. sfc_erase: start = 0x%08x, len = 0x%08x
  312. Erasing at 0x%08x complete.
  313. timer01
  314. hi #
  315. %.*s
  317. %s phyid:0x%x status:%s
  318. DOWN
  319. 10Mbps HALF
  320. 10Mbps FULL
  321. 100Mbps HALF
  322. 100Mbps FULL
  323. 1000Mbps FULL
  324. stat
  325. (((((
  326. AAAAAA
  327. BBBBBB
  328. default
  329. WS550-10
  330. HG633
  331. HG658V2-10
  332. HG255e-10
  333. HG630V2-12
  334. bootdelay=3
  335. args_nand=mem=108M console=ttyAMA1,115200 l2cache=0 root=mtd:rootfs ro rootfstype=jffs2
  336. args_spi=mem=108M console=ttyAMA1,115200 l2cache=0 root=/dev/mtdblock0 ro rootfstype=squashfs
  337. bootfile=uImage
  338. baudrate=115200
  339. ethaddr=00:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e
  340. ipaddr=
  341. serverip=
  342. gatewayip=
  343. netmask=
  344. hostname=localhost
  345. stdin=serial
  346. stdout=serial
  347. stderr=serial
  348. verify=n
  349. mupg=y
  350. yr2}
  351. Y`jQ
  352. d8Ra.
  353. uTL!
  354. HZ(k
  355. <html>
  356. <head>
  357. <meta HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
  358. <script language="javascript">
  359. <!-- hide
  360. var progress = 0;
  361. function isInProgress() {
  362. if ( progress == 0 ) {
  363. progress = 1;
  364. return true;
  365. }
  366. alert('Upload software is in progress. Please wait for a minute.');
  367. return false;
  368. // done hiding -->
  369. </script>
  370. </head>
  371. <body>
  372. <blockquote>
  373. <form method='post' ENCTYPE='multipart/form-data' action='upload.cgi' onSubmit='return isInProgress();'>
  374. <b>Update Software</b><br>
  375. <br>
  376. <b>Step 1:</b> Obtain an updated software image file from your ISP.<br>
  377. <br>
  378. <b>Step 2:</b> Enter the path to the image file location in the box below or
  379. click the &quot;Browse&quot; button to locate the image file.<br>
  380. <br>
  381. <b>Step 3:</b> Click the "Update Software" button once to upload the new image
  382. file.<br>
  383. <br>
  384. NOTE: The update process takes about 2 minutes to complete, and your DSL Router
  385. will reboot.<br>
  386. <br>
  387. <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  388. <tr>
  389. <td>Software File Name:&nbsp;
  390. </td>
  391. <td><input type='file' name='filename' size='15'></td>
  392. </tr>
  393. </table>
  394. <p align="center"><input type='submit' value='Update Software'></p>
  395. </form>
  396. </blockquote>
  397. </body>
  398. </html>
  399. <html>
  400. <head>
  401. <meta HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>
  402. <script language="javascript">
  403. <!-- hide
  404. var msg = new Array();
  405. msg[0] = 'New software is being programmed to the flash memory. The DSL Router will reboot upon completion. This process will take about 2 minutes.';
  406. msg[1] = 'Image uploading failed. The system is out of memory. The DSL Router is rebooting.';
  407. msg[2] = 'Image uploading failed. No image file was selected.';
  408. msg[3] = 'Image uploading failed. The selected file contains an illegal image.';
  409. msg[4] = 'Image uploading failed. The selected file contains an illegal image.';
  410. msg[5] = 'Image uploading failed. The selected file contains an illegal image.';
  411. msg[6] = ' ';
  412. msg[7] = 'Image uploading failed. The selected file contains an illegal image.';
  413. var idxStr = '<%%>';
  414. function getMsgIndex() {
  415. var idxNum = parseInt(idxStr);
  416. if ( isNaN(idxNum) || idxNum < 0 || idxNum > 7 )
  417. idxNum = 7;
  418. return idxNum;
  419. function reboot() {
  420. var loc = 'index.html';
  421. var code = 'location.assign("' + loc + '")';
  422. eval(code);
  423. function frmLoad() {
  424. setTimeout('reboot()', 40000);
  425. function btnBack() {
  426. var code = 'location.assign("' + 'index.html' + '")';
  427. eval(code);
  428. // done hiding -->
  429. </script>
  430. </head>
  431. <body onLoad='frmLoad()'>
  432. <blockquote> <b>DSL Router Software Upgrade</b><br>
  433. <br>
  434. <script language="javascript">
  435. <!-- hide
  436. document.write(msg[getMsgIndex()]);
  437. // done hiding -->
  438. </script>
  439. <br>
  440. <br>
  441. <center>
  442. <input type='button' onClick='btnBack()' value='Back'>
  443. </center>
  444. </blockquote>
  445. </body>
  446. </html>
  447. eth0.2
  448. eth0.3
  449. eth0.4
  450. eth0.5
  451. nas1
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