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Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. "The way to love someone is to lightly run your finger over that person’s soul until you find a crack, and then gently pour your love into that crack." - Keith Miller
  3. "Cand zambesti, e ca si cum vad prima data soarele dupa decenii de ierni amarnice."
  5. "Folclorul e oxigen pentru un popor astmatic." - Subcarpati
  7. "Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or an idiot from any direction." - Cowboy saying
  9. "Live when you live! Death loses its terror if one dies when one has consummated one's life! If one does not live in the right time, then one can never die at the right time." - Irvin D. Yalom
  11. "We are here to change the world. Not just follow rules, earn money and die."
  13. "I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker." - Voltaire
  15. "Placerile trupesti se uita, pier cat ai clipi din ochi, dar prietenia dintre noi, increderea, bucuriile inimii, incantarile sufletului, toate acestea raman si nu pot fi distruse. Te voi iubi pana cand voi muri." - Voltaire catre Doamna Denis
  17. "Cand singura, uneori, raman noptile, pernele noastre raman alaturare - una este a iubitului meu domn, o strang in brate si lunec in somn." - Cantec popular japonez
  19. "Toate placerile mele se injumatatesc daca nu le traiesc impreuna cu tine." - Clara Ortega
  21. "Dar cel mai bine e atunci cand ploaia care - in ropotul apei si tropotul picaturilor alergand prin jgheaburi - iar noi, ne incalzim adapostindu-ne unul in bratele celuilalt." - Pam Brown
  23. "Cand doi oameni se iubesc, nu se privesc unul pe altul, ci cauta, impreuna, in aceeasi directie." - Ginger Rogers
  25. "Vacantele? Pot fi oriunde. Pe plajele lungi, arigintii. Prin labirintul aleilor romantice. Privind templele plutind pe linia orizontului... si biserici vibrand de liturghii. Calare pe caluseii din balciuri. Intr-o pensiune modesta din Provence: n-are importanta. Dar e important ca peste tot sa oriunde sa existe o camera linistita, cu tavanul inalt, inundata in lumina si un pat mare, alb. Si tu!" - Pam Brown
  27. "De cate ori am vrut sa impart bucuria cu cineva, ori am avut nevoie de un sprijin atunci cand existenta mea se spargea in bucati, tu erai acolo. Si stiu ca acolo vei fi mereu - maine, totdeauna." - Maya V. Patel
  29. "Te iubesc mai ales pentru lucrurile marunte: pentru buburuzele de pe catedra, pentru mana care ma mangaie pe cap atunci cand tin o conferinta lamentabila, pentru ceasca de ceai ce risipeste panica dinaintea termenului de predare si pentru ca esti singurul care-mi spune ca fusta cea verde ma face sa arat ca un sac de cartofi. Si te mai iubesc pentru lucrurile mari: pentru ca-mi oferi mereu tot ce-i mai bun din viata ta, ca esti partas bucuriilor mele, pentru ca esti tandru cu esecurile mele si-mi dai curajul de a merge mai departe." - Hellen Thompson
  31. "A iubi inseamna a-ti asuma cel mai mare risc. Sa-ti pui viitorul si fericirea in mainile altcuiva. Si nimeni n-ar trebui sa se increada neconditionat in cineva strain. Asta inseamna sa devii, cu buna stiinta, vulnerabil. Acum intelegi cat de mult te iubesc?" - Hellen Thompson
  33. "Prin tenbrele spatiului si timpului simt mana ta pe umarul meu si nu ma mai tem." - Pam Brown
  35. "Ploaia cade fara rost - am iubirea adapost." - Cantec Japonez
  37. "Iubirea este clipa in care doua singuratati se recunosc, se apropie una de cealalta fiindu-si de-atunci, pavaza si mangaiere, mereu." - Han Suyin
  39. "Invaluie-ma cu acea nobila tandrete pe care numai la tine am gasit-o..." - Marry Wollstoencraft
  41. "Sunt barbati care - zice-se - i-au vazut pe ingeri; eu te-am vazut pe tine si-mi e de-ajuns." - George Moore
  43. "Atat de fine, in trecere, atingerea mainii tale, discreta si linistitoare - nimeni altcineva n-ar banui cata dragostea poarta - atingerea aceasta mi-e calauza prin zilele cele mai intunecate, prin soarta" - Marion C. Garretty
  45. "I’m the hero of this story. I don’t need to be saved." - Regina Spektor
  47. "If you are good at something, never do it for free." - Joker
  49. "It's not the mountains that we conquer, but ourselves. This curious analog mountain in which we call our soul - the mountain ranges you have seen throughout your days, were only guideposts to show your imagination a hint of how grand the skyline of your soul can be. We are the mountain, and no mountain was built in a day." - chrisxp
  51. "To live content with small means. To seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion. To be worthy not respectable, and wealthy not rich. To listen to stars and birds and babes and sages with an open heart. To study hard, think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions. Never hurry. In a word, to let the spiritual, the unbidden and the unconscious rise up through the common. This is my symphony." - William Henry Channing
  53. "Waking up early gives you time to think before the buzz of the day begins. To put it simply, the early morning is 'your time' - a time to lay out your priorities for the day and make progress against them, before others are demanding your time and attention. It puts you firmly in control of each day." - Andrew Merle
  55. "Somehow she knows what I'm good at and what I'm not so good at and she instinctively fills in the gaps." - James Altucher
  57. "And even with that sight up there that no one would ever miss, I still found the sight of you staring at it more beautiful." - A. E.
  59. "Be patient. Look at the trees. Are they in a hurry to ripen their fruit?" - Nikos Kazantzakis, The Last Temptation of Christ
  61. "I wear all black to remind you not to mess with me, because I'm already dressed for your funeral."
  63. "The happiest people are those who think the most interesting thoughts. Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental develelopement, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world. And they are not only happy in themselves, they are the cause of happiness in others." - William Lyon Phelps
  65. "Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."
  67. "Open your mouth only if what you are going to say is more beautiful than silence." - Arabic proverb
  69. "I'm still kind of a mess. But I think we all are. No one's got it all together. I don't think you ever do get it totally together. Probably if you did manage to do it you'd spontaneously combust." - Michael Thomas Ford
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