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Feb 10th, 2014
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  1. [10.02.2014 00:25:38] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Happa. Are you a woman?
  2. [10.02.2014 00:25:48] Hitogata.Happa: What differance does it make?
  3. [10.02.2014 00:25:54] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: He needs a woman
  4. [10.02.2014 00:25:57] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Oh it doesn't.
  5. [10.02.2014 00:26:04] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: But i need to know if i can sexually harass you.
  6. [10.02.2014 00:26:08] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: He has a condition where he gets sick if he dosn't have half naked women applied to him
  7. [10.02.2014 00:26:16] Hitogata.Happa: Without me killing you? No you may not.
  8. [10.02.2014 00:26:22] Hitogata.Happa: Fufu
  9. [10.02.2014 00:26:23] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Welllll~
  10. [10.02.2014 00:26:39] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Depends how good looking you are. That might be worth it.
  11. [10.02.2014 00:26:54] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: So send me a picture please.
  12. [10.02.2014 00:26:54] Hitogata.Happa: But I did not contact you for Jokes.
  13. [10.02.2014 00:26:58] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Of you naked, if possible.
  14. [10.02.2014 00:26:59] Death: Kormann was killed by Flaming~Wheel (Gun)
  15. [10.02.2014 00:27:02] Hitogata.Happa: You have a mission.
  16. [10.02.2014 00:27:03] Traffic control alert: [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru has requested to dock
  17. [10.02.2014 00:27:07] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Oh mission.
  18. [10.02.2014 00:27:12] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I do the mission.
  19. [10.02.2014 00:27:14] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Give up Maru, or I will kill you myself, consequences be damned.
  20. [10.02.2014 00:27:29] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Come on. Everyone hates me today, or what?
  21. [10.02.2014 00:27:32] Hitogata.Happa: There is an old ammo dump in the Okinawa system.
  22. [10.02.2014 00:27:50] Hitogata.Happa: We need you to find it, recover the advanced technology aboard, and bring it to Kansai.
  23. [10.02.2014 00:28:05] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Grayson.Burrows
  24. [10.02.2014 00:28:18] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Okinawa? That's kinda off limits, pretty.
  25. [10.02.2014 00:28:20] [KNF]Aichi: Uhm. Why don't the Kempeitai send their own agents?
  26. [10.02.2014 00:28:35] Hitogata.Happa: I cannot reveal that information at this time.
  27. [10.02.2014 00:28:53] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: So your essentially telling us we're expendable
  28. [10.02.2014 00:28:56] Hitogata.Happa: You will simply have to avoid the Guild. If you are detected, we will come up with a cover story.
  29. [10.02.2014 00:29:00] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: We would need the big Admirals authorization for this.
  30. [10.02.2014 00:29:02] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Seriously.
  31. [10.02.2014 00:29:10] Hitogata.Happa: Not... this time.
  32. [10.02.2014 00:29:13] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Why not?
  33. [10.02.2014 00:29:25] Hitogata.Happa: Because you are a base supply ship.
  34. [10.02.2014 00:29:27] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
  35. [10.02.2014 00:29:27] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
  36. [10.02.2014 00:29:29] Death: Lyre. was killed by XA-Arafura (Gun)
  37. [10.02.2014 00:29:29] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: So?
  38. [10.02.2014 00:29:41] Hitogata.Happa: The cover story is you are acquiring supplies for the Naval Forces Installation.
  39. [10.02.2014 00:30:02] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Well alright.See, Happa-chan, i would love to help you out. No really, babe.
  40. [10.02.2014 00:30:11] Hitogata.Happa: But we cannot make it apparent that the Kempeitai is involved in this one.
  41. [10.02.2014 00:30:14] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: But you were so mean with me since the beginning.
  42. [10.02.2014 00:30:29] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I felt very sad.
  43. [10.02.2014 00:30:54] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: So how about you do something for me?
  44. [10.02.2014 00:30:59] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: And i return the favor.
  45. [10.02.2014 00:30:59] Hitogata.Happa: Tell you what. If you do this. For me. I will take you on a Date.
  46. [10.02.2014 00:31:10] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Not worth it, Maru.
  47. [10.02.2014 00:31:10] Hitogata.Happa: Myself and my very poofy hat.
  48. [10.02.2014 00:31:10] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Really?!
  49. [10.02.2014 00:31:16] Hitogata.Happa: Yes. Really.
  50. [10.02.2014 00:31:22] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: W...What kind of date?
  51. [10.02.2014 00:31:29] [KNF]Aichi: Oh wow.
  52. [10.02.2014 00:31:32] [KNF]Aichi: I did not expect that.
  53. [10.02.2014 00:31:37] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Me neither!
  54. [10.02.2014 00:31:44] Hitogata.Happa: Well, that all depends on how much of a sweethart you are... fufu~
  55. [10.02.2014 00:31:48] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Guess she really wants it.
  56. [10.02.2014 00:31:56] Hitogata.Happa: Get me that cargo.
  57. [10.02.2014 00:32:00] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: She sounds to cute.
  58. [10.02.2014 00:32:03] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Alright i will do it!
  59. [10.02.2014 00:32:10] Hitogata.Happa: Good.
  60. [10.02.2014 00:32:15] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Hey Araki. I can count on you to cover my ass, right? Right?!
  61. [10.02.2014 00:32:25] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: no.
  62. [10.02.2014 00:32:25] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You must help me, sis'.
  63. [10.02.2014 00:32:27] Hitogata.Happa: Go to the Okinawa system. You are to broadcast the Activation code for the Ammo Dump.
  64. [10.02.2014 00:32:32] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Sis?
  65. [10.02.2014 00:32:36] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Yes.
  66. [10.02.2014 00:32:41] Hitogata.Happa: I will transmit it to you now.
  67. [10.02.2014 00:32:43] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: So that love triumphs
  68. [10.02.2014 00:32:43] Traffic control alert: [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru has requested to dock
  69. [10.02.2014 00:32:47] Hitogata.Happa: Bring the cargo back to me.
  70. [10.02.2014 00:32:57] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Alright, Happa-chan~
  71. [10.02.2014 00:33:22] Hitogata.Happa: (the 'code' is the opening stanza to Bohemian Rhapsody)
  72. [10.02.2014 00:33:33] Hitogata.Happa: (just broadcast "is this the real life?" and await a response)
  73. [10.02.2014 00:33:39] Traffic control alert: Hitogata.Happa has requested to dock
  74. [10.02.2014 00:33:50] Hitogata.Happa: Ensure your escort is close by.
  75. [10.02.2014 00:33:55] Hitogata.Happa: I want no slip ups.
  76. [10.02.2014 00:33:58] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Come on Araki.
  77. [10.02.2014 00:34:02] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Don't be a bitch!
  78. [10.02.2014 00:34:07] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I want this date.
  79. [10.02.2014 00:34:07] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I'm under orders of Aichi.
  80. [10.02.2014 00:34:18] Hitogata.Happa: I will depart so as not to arouse suspicion. End of Line.
  81. [10.02.2014 00:34:33] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Aichi? Help me out, bro
  82. [10.02.2014 00:34:41] [KNF]Aichi: What is the matter.
  83. [10.02.2014 00:34:49] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Araki has to help!
  84. [10.02.2014 00:34:53] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: For my date.
  85. [10.02.2014 00:34:56] [KNF]Aichi: Why.
  86. [10.02.2014 00:34:56] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: That's important
  87. [10.02.2014 00:35:35] [KNF]Aichi: What do you need her for?
  88. [10.02.2014 00:35:50] Death: Flaming~Wheel was killed by Klon (Mine)
  89. [10.02.2014 00:35:50] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: He wants a threesome obviously.
  90. [10.02.2014 00:35:51] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: To cover my ass, kinda... Y'know.
  91. [10.02.2014 00:35:59] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Lots of GMG there.
  92. [10.02.2014 00:36:04] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I need someone to protect me!
  93. [10.02.2014 00:36:14] [KNF]Aichi: We'll both go...
  94. [10.02.2014 00:36:21] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Okay~
  95. [10.02.2014 00:36:29] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I plan to use Okinawa hole.
  96. [10.02.2014 00:36:33] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Because sneaky.
  97. [10.02.2014 00:36:35] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I'm so smart!
  98. [10.02.2014 00:36:59] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: So meet me at E7
  99. [10.02.2014 00:41:30] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Zeus.Porter
  100. [10.02.2014 00:42:04] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Hurry up! I can't wait to see her tits!
  101. [10.02.2014 00:42:13] [KNF]Aichi: You should learn restraint.
  102. [10.02.2014 00:42:19] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Hmm...
  103. [10.02.2014 00:42:24] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: You are aware I'm still here
  104. [10.02.2014 00:42:31] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: and don't really like to hear your annoying voice
  105. [10.02.2014 00:42:34] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Don't be jealous, Araki.
  106. [10.02.2014 00:42:43] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You didn't want to go out with me.
  107. [10.02.2014 00:42:46] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Your fault!
  108. [10.02.2014 00:43:02] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: What?
  109. [10.02.2014 00:43:18] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I didn't want to walk around a cosplay with a very boring outfit
  110. [10.02.2014 00:43:36] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You could have chosen the outfit!
  111. [10.02.2014 00:43:42] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: But you decided to be mean.
  112. [10.02.2014 00:43:46] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: And i cried silently.
  113. [10.02.2014 00:43:49] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Now let's go.
  114. [10.02.2014 00:43:50] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I don't like choosing
  115. [10.02.2014 00:43:53] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I have a date.
  116. [10.02.2014 00:43:59] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: It's not interesting when I choose
  117. [10.02.2014 00:44:07] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I prefer creative guys anyway.
  118. [10.02.2014 00:44:27] Death: bigillusions was killed by an NPC
  119. [10.02.2014 00:44:37] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: So alright.
  120. [10.02.2014 00:44:45] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I gotta broadcast this weird thing.
  121. [10.02.2014 00:44:49] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Hold on.
  122. [10.02.2014 00:44:57] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Don't get me tourtured
  123. [10.02.2014 00:45:08] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Broadcast : Is this the real life?
  124. [10.02.2014 00:45:22] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Did you have to do it so early
  125. [10.02.2014 00:45:26] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::Is this just Fantasy
  126. [10.02.2014 00:45:31] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: //say "caught in a landslide"
  127. [10.02.2014 00:45:38] Death: 'Umber.Reaver was killed by Cerulean~Reaver (Mine)
  128. [10.02.2014 00:45:38] [KNF]Aichi: //watsas <.<
  129. [10.02.2014 00:45:43] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Broadcast : Caught in a landslide?
  130. [10.02.2014 00:45:49] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: // Oh. This is going to be so fun.
  131. [10.02.2014 00:45:52] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::No escape from Reality
  132. [10.02.2014 00:45:54] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: // So very fun
  133. [10.02.2014 00:46:11] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::"WE OBEY"
  134. [10.02.2014 00:46:39] Death: 'Umber.Reaver was killed by an NPC
  135. [10.02.2014 00:46:41] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::Transmitting location code. C-D 2-3.
  136. [10.02.2014 00:47:00] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Broadcast :
  137. [10.02.2014 00:47:03] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I got it!
  138. [10.02.2014 00:47:20] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: // ignore the last one <_<
  139. [10.02.2014 00:47:40] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Alright alright... It's quite far away. Let's be sneaky sneaky...
  140. [10.02.2014 00:47:55] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Meanwhile, Araki. Tell me what kind of things you like to wear.
  141. [10.02.2014 00:47:58] Death: \W/~Oda.Izumi committed suicide
  142. [10.02.2014 00:48:02] Death: Busy.Bee committed suicide
  143. [10.02.2014 00:48:34] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Miniskirts, half shirts, high heels and earings. Did I miss anything?
  144. [10.02.2014 00:48:50] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Oh yeah... But what about the underwears.
  145. [10.02.2014 00:49:04] [KNF]Aichi: // ._.
  146. [10.02.2014 00:49:08] [KNF]Aichi: //good that Teta is not here
  147. [10.02.2014 00:49:12] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: // \:
  148. [10.02.2014 00:49:12] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Do you really need to ask?
  149. [10.02.2014 00:49:16] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Yes!
  150. [10.02.2014 00:49:22] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: // qq everyone mean to Araki.
  151. [10.02.2014 00:49:35] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I'll show you one day, if your lucky, now stop asking.
  152. [10.02.2014 00:49:43] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: When.
  153. [10.02.2014 00:49:48] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: When I decide.
  154. [10.02.2014 00:49:54] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: That sucks.
  155. [10.02.2014 00:50:07] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Fine, I'll never show you
  156. [10.02.2014 00:50:20] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: That's even worse.
  157. [10.02.2014 00:50:27] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
  158. [10.02.2014 00:50:53] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Why are you doing this to me? Wasn't i nice all the time with you?
  159. [10.02.2014 00:51:10] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: You threatened to take me to a cosplay convention. That's evil.
  160. [10.02.2014 00:51:21] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: It was an invitation, damnit.
  161. [10.02.2014 00:51:28] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I thought you would like it.
  162. [10.02.2014 00:51:33] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: It's awesome
  163. [10.02.2014 00:51:50] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: No. No it's not. Even with the sometimes pretty girls, every guy looks like a fool.
  164. [10.02.2014 00:52:11] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Wellllll~ That way you won't be looking at anyone but me.
  165. [10.02.2014 00:52:14] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Ahahah
  166. [10.02.2014 00:52:21] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I'll try not to.
  167. [10.02.2014 00:52:37] IC|Mercana.Shirou: Anything wrong Naval Forces?
  168. [10.02.2014 00:52:49] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Yes.
  169. [10.02.2014 00:52:55] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Everything is wrong. This guy is scaring me.
  170. [10.02.2014 00:52:59] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: That woman refuses to show me her... Well.
  171. [10.02.2014 00:53:01] IC|Mercana.Shirou: What would that be?
  172. [10.02.2014 00:53:42] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: // At the Location
  173. [10.02.2014 00:53:44] IC|Mercana.Shirou: I see... well then
  174. [10.02.2014 00:53:51] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Can't you help out a bro?
  175. [10.02.2014 00:53:55] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Find some drug.
  176. [10.02.2014 00:54:03] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: //Wait no. It's D-E 2-3
  177. [10.02.2014 00:54:11] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: //orbit of Planet Niiza
  178. [10.02.2014 00:54:12] [KNF]Aichi: Get that stupid mission done already.
  179. [10.02.2014 00:54:14] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I'm getting angry again.
  180. [10.02.2014 00:54:40] IC|Mercana.Shirou: Oh well, good luck to you! Safe skies!
  181. [10.02.2014 00:54:40] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I messed up with the coordinates~
  182. [10.02.2014 00:54:49] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Too busy gazing at her tits aha.
  183. [10.02.2014 00:54:51] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Her fault.
  184. [10.02.2014 00:55:45] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: It must be that!
  185. [10.02.2014 00:56:00] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::Threat detected... pattern [error/invalid IFF]
  186. [10.02.2014 00:56:13] [KNF]Aichi: Whatever this is...
  187. [10.02.2014 00:56:13] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Hey. This wreck emitted something
  188. [10.02.2014 00:56:19] Death: ODF|Lars.von.Szombathy was killed by [RM]Fl.L.Tchaykovsky (Missile/Torpedo)
  189. [10.02.2014 00:56:33] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::Entity... $2187 [datatype mismatch]
  190. [10.02.2014 00:56:44] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::Override enabled.
  191. [10.02.2014 00:56:47] Death: FcZonerCo was killed by Cosmic_Unicorn55 (Gun)
  192. [10.02.2014 00:56:50] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::Cargo transfer in progress.
  193. [10.02.2014 00:57:00] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Ha well...
  194. [10.02.2014 00:57:02] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::We Obey.
  195. [10.02.2014 00:57:18] Death: Cerulean~Reaver killed himself (Mine)
  196. [10.02.2014 00:58:42] Death: FcZonerCo was killed by Cosmic_Unicorn55 (Gun)
  197. [10.02.2014 00:59:27] [KNF]Aichi: Is it done...?
  198. [10.02.2014 00:59:36] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: In transfer...
  199. [10.02.2014 00:59:48] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: So many things.
  200. [10.02.2014 00:59:51] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Well hurry it up. After talking to you I feel like I need a shower.
  201. [10.02.2014 00:59:56] \CS\-Heiki.ko-[L]: <::Transfer Complete
  202. [10.02.2014 00:59:59] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Alright it's done! Happa-chan here i come!
  203. [10.02.2014 01:00:17] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Alright let's go back.
  204. [10.02.2014 01:00:24] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I have a date to collect.
  205. [10.02.2014 01:00:42] [KNF]Aichi: ...
  206. [10.02.2014 01:00:53] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: What..?
  207. [10.02.2014 01:01:27] [KNF]Aichi: //man. To imagine your aden maru thing and watsas char on a date. must be hilarious
  208. [10.02.2014 01:01:31] Death: 'Umber.Reaver was killed by CL}Cipriano'Adimari (Gun)
  209. [10.02.2014 01:01:42] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: // <_<
  210. [10.02.2014 01:01:45] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: //XD, yup.
  211. [10.02.2014 01:01:50] [KNF]Aichi: //I hope you will rp it
  212. [10.02.2014 01:01:53] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: // will be beyond weird
  213. [10.02.2014 01:01:53] [KNF]Aichi: //and post on forums
  214. [10.02.2014 01:02:42] Death: yespleaselubeit was killed by CL}Cipriano'Adimari (Gun)
  215. [10.02.2014 01:02:54] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Alright so. I wonder how this Happa-chan does look like.
  216. [10.02.2014 01:03:04] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Prolly better looking than you, Araki.
  217. [10.02.2014 01:03:06] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: ahahah
  218. [10.02.2014 01:05:03] Death: Cosmic_Unicorn55 was killed by Not.Quite.Freeroamer (Gun)
  219. [10.02.2014 01:05:52] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Do I get paid for this? I need some new clothes.
  220. [10.02.2014 01:06:06] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I can go buy some clothes with you!
  221. [10.02.2014 01:06:15] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Suggest something/
  222. [10.02.2014 01:06:19] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I will tell you how well they look on you
  223. [10.02.2014 01:06:32] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: What do you think I should buy, anything at all?
  224. [10.02.2014 01:06:42] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Bikinis.
  225. [10.02.2014 01:06:47] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: A lot of them.
  226. [10.02.2014 01:06:54] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: And that is why your not coming wit hme
  227. [10.02.2014 01:06:59] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: With me*
  228. [10.02.2014 01:06:59] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Why?!
  229. [10.02.2014 01:08:23] [KNF]Aichi: At least this is over.
  230. [10.02.2014 01:08:26] Death: Cosmic_Unicorn55 was killed by LPI-Zeeroi.Talbot[RO] (Gun)
  231. [10.02.2014 01:08:27] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Yes.
  232. [10.02.2014 01:08:31] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I won.
  233. [10.02.2014 01:08:40] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: And i will get the girl.
  234. [10.02.2014 01:08:46] [KNF]Aichi: Have fun...
  235. [10.02.2014 01:09:07] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: And Araki will cry because she will be alone tonight while i will be drinking Gaul champaign with Happa-chan
  236. [10.02.2014 01:09:09] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Ahah
  237. [10.02.2014 01:09:23] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I can pick up any guy I want. Why would I ever choose you?
  238. [10.02.2014 01:09:33] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Sure you can, sweety.
  239. [10.02.2014 01:09:37] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Ehehehe
  240. [10.02.2014 01:11:19] Hitogata.Happa: Excellent. I assume the materials are present.
  241. [10.02.2014 01:11:23] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
  242. [10.02.2014 01:11:26] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Happa-chan! Look at me! I succeeded this mission alone!
  243. [10.02.2014 01:11:37] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Dodged thousands of criminals!
  244. [10.02.2014 01:11:51] Hitogata.Happa: Transfer the materials. Immediately.
  245. [10.02.2014 01:12:03] Hitogata.Happa: Only then will I consider discussing matters of the heart~
  246. [10.02.2014 01:12:05] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Alright, alright. Don't be so hurried, sweetie.
  247. [10.02.2014 01:12:25] Hitogata.Happa: Hmm... these Farmer and Hogosha bodies... they were tortured.
  248. [10.02.2014 01:12:27] Hitogata.Happa: Experimented on.
  249. [10.02.2014 01:12:36] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Is that so?
  250. [10.02.2014 01:12:39] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Are we done here?
  251. [10.02.2014 01:12:39] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Kinky.
  252. [10.02.2014 01:13:04] Hitogata.Happa: Only once I have confirmed all of the experimental weaponry is safe and intact.
  253. [10.02.2014 01:13:28] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: And your allowed to tell me about them>
  254. [10.02.2014 01:13:41] Hitogata.Happa: No. I am not.
  255. [10.02.2014 01:13:52] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: So secret this Happa-chan.
  256. [10.02.2014 01:13:59] Hitogata.Happa: The less you know about this, the better.
  257. [10.02.2014 01:14:07] [KNF]Aichi: The weirdest thing I've ever been involved in...
  258. [10.02.2014 01:14:16] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: In that case why did you order a transport and escort and not just the transport?
  259. [10.02.2014 01:14:18] Death: Dayson was killed by an NPC
  260. [10.02.2014 01:14:29] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: More mouthes.
  261. [10.02.2014 01:14:29] Hitogata.Happa: Because. This is a dangerous cargo.
  262. [10.02.2014 01:14:30] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Trust me. It can can even weirder~
  263. [10.02.2014 01:14:46] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: It is done!
  264. [10.02.2014 01:14:46] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Then send the Kempetai under KNF IFF.
  265. [10.02.2014 01:14:52] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: where is my date now.
  266. [10.02.2014 01:15:09] Hitogata.Happa: Cargo is secured and will be transferred aboard Kansai.
  267. [10.02.2014 01:15:11] Death: FcZonerCo was killed by Cosmic_Unicorn55 (Gun)
  268. [10.02.2014 01:15:12] Traffic control alert: Hitogata.Happa has requested to dock
  269. [10.02.2014 01:15:32] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: She didn't speak about our date did she?! I'm pretty sure she didn't.
  270. [10.02.2014 01:15:43] /fi hitogata.
  271. [10.02.2014 01:15:57] [KNF]Aichi: Yes?
  272. [10.02.2014 01:16:06] /fi [knf
  273. [10.02.2014 01:16:07] Hitogata.Happa: Oh, well normally I don't keep my word you see.
  274. [10.02.2014 01:16:12] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: What?!
  275. [10.02.2014 01:16:12] Hitogata.Happa: But I think the boy is cute~
  276. [10.02.2014 01:16:17] Hitogata.Happa: Fufufu~
  277. [10.02.2014 01:16:17] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I am!
  278. [10.02.2014 01:16:20] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: What's going on?
  279. [10.02.2014 01:16:22] [KNF]Aichi: Oh god.
  280. [10.02.2014 01:16:33] [KNF]Aichi: Alright. Have fun then.
  281. [10.02.2014 01:16:35] Hitogata.Happa: Ahh, but perhaps a bit too perverted for my tastes.
  282. [10.02.2014 01:16:42] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Come on.
  283. [10.02.2014 01:16:45] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Don't say that.
  284. [10.02.2014 01:16:48] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You know you want it.
  285. [10.02.2014 01:17:01] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You want a piece of ADEN MARUUU~
  286. [10.02.2014 01:17:03] Hitogata.Happa: And sexist! Unnessescarily so.
  287. [10.02.2014 01:17:05] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I think Aden just fell for one of the oldest tricks a girl can use.
  288. [10.02.2014 01:17:19] Death: Cosmic_Unicorn55 was killed by Freeroamer! (Gun)
  289. [10.02.2014 01:17:26] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You mean she never planned to go out with me?
  290. [10.02.2014 01:17:30] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: In the first place?
  291. [10.02.2014 01:17:33] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: That's rude.
  292. [10.02.2014 01:17:38] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Probably
  293. [10.02.2014 01:17:41] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: But it's alright.
  294. [10.02.2014 01:17:42] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: It's something I'd do
  295. [10.02.2014 01:17:46] Death: StarShimmer was killed by LPI-Zeeroi.Talbot[RO] (Gun)
  296. [10.02.2014 01:17:46] Hitogata.Happa: So is everything you've ever said to Katsuki.
  297. [10.02.2014 01:17:55] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: She knows i'm joking.
  298. [10.02.2014 01:17:59] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Thank you. Even Happa is on my side
  299. [10.02.2014 01:18:09] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Come on, don't be like that, girls!
  300. [10.02.2014 01:18:14] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You know i like you!
  301. [10.02.2014 01:18:18] Hitogata.Happa: Oh, well that convinces me.
  302. [10.02.2014 01:18:24] Hitogata.Happa: Perhaps we should both go out with him!
  303. [10.02.2014 01:18:27] Hitogata.Happa: At once!
  304. [10.02.2014 01:18:30] Death: Bull_Island was killed by JM|-Hfuel.Hound-[H] (Gun)
  305. [10.02.2014 01:18:32] Hitogata.Happa: =w=
  306. [10.02.2014 01:18:32] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: E..Eh?
  307. [10.02.2014 01:18:37] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Who? Both? You an Aichi?
  308. [10.02.2014 01:18:39] Death: FcZonerCo was killed by Freeroamer! (Gun)
  309. [10.02.2014 01:18:44] Hitogata.Happa: Well maybe all three.
  310. [10.02.2014 01:18:54] [KNF]Aichi: No. Thank. You.
  311. [10.02.2014 01:18:55] Hitogata.Happa: Just to make sure he behaves himself.
  312. [10.02.2014 01:18:56] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Eh no... I didn't sign for that!
  313. [10.02.2014 01:19:21] Hitogata.Happa: Besides. I can always have him assassinated if he makes a nuisance of himself~
  314. [10.02.2014 01:19:36] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Then why do you need us there?
  315. [10.02.2014 01:19:40] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I don't have anything to wear
  316. [10.02.2014 01:19:44] [KNF]Aichi: I think I will just
  317. [10.02.2014 01:19:47] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Why are you so mean, Happa-chan. All i ever wanted was to see you happy.
  318. [10.02.2014 01:20:00] Hitogata.Happa: Happy isn't in the Job description.
  319. [10.02.2014 01:20:05] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Happy in bed.
  320. [10.02.2014 01:20:06] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: With me.
  321. [10.02.2014 01:20:11] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: YEAHHHHH~
  322. [10.02.2014 01:20:13] [KNF]Aichi: ugh.
  323. [10.02.2014 01:20:22] Hitogata.Happa: Fufu, that seems an oxymoron~
  324. [10.02.2014 01:20:33] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Come on, pretty.
  325. [10.02.2014 01:20:38] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I'm not that bad.
  326. [10.02.2014 01:20:40] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I mean. What am I ment to wear on a date on such short notice? And why would I want to talk to Aden face-to-face
  327. [10.02.2014 01:20:54] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You are not forced to wear anything
  328. [10.02.2014 01:20:55] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: eheheh
  329. [10.02.2014 01:20:58] Hitogata.Happa: I think he likes us because of our uniforms~
  330. [10.02.2014 01:21:05] Hitogata.Happa: He has a thing for women of power.
  331. [10.02.2014 01:21:06] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: My uniform isn't form fitting
  332. [10.02.2014 01:21:16] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Well yes. Uniforms. And whips.
  333. [10.02.2014 01:21:16] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: I think he has a thing for women without power.
  334. [10.02.2014 01:21:28] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You know you want it, Happa-chan. Punish me.
  335. [10.02.2014 01:21:31] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Ahahah
  336. [10.02.2014 01:21:32] Hitogata.Happa: Ahh, nono~
  337. [10.02.2014 01:21:36] Hitogata.Happa: I only punish girls you see.
  338. [10.02.2014 01:21:42] Hitogata.Happa: Boys aren't allowed any
  339. [10.02.2014 01:21:51] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: You mean you're lesbian?!
  340. [10.02.2014 01:22:02] Hitogata.Happa: That's "classified information".
  341. [10.02.2014 01:22:08] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Yeah yeah.
  342. [10.02.2014 01:22:09] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Is...that why I'm going? Maru, did you drag me into this?
  343. [10.02.2014 01:22:18] Hitogata.Happa: Yes he did.
  344. [10.02.2014 01:22:30] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Well alright. I sell you Araki. In exchange of the date.
  345. [10.02.2014 01:22:34] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: How does that sound?
  346. [10.02.2014 01:22:39] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Answer! Answer now!
  347. [10.02.2014 01:23:05] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: What? Sell me? For what exactly?
  348. [10.02.2014 01:23:11] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: To who? I'm confused.
  349. [10.02.2014 01:23:12] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Duh.
  350. [10.02.2014 01:23:24] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: For what you do best, babe.
  351. [10.02.2014 01:23:26] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Of course.
  352. [10.02.2014 01:23:29] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Eheheh
  353. [10.02.2014 01:23:33] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Steal your dates?
  354. [10.02.2014 01:23:42] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I hate you.
  355. [10.02.2014 01:23:56] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: WELL ALRIGHT
  356. [10.02.2014 01:24:04] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: SINCE YOU WANT TO PLAY IT THAT WAY
  357. [10.02.2014 01:24:10] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: I'm going home.
  358. [10.02.2014 01:24:14] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Never to see me again.
  359. [10.02.2014 01:24:16] Death: LPI-Jonas.Valent[O] was killed by Cosmic_Unicorn55 (Gun)
  360. [10.02.2014 01:24:19] [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru: Good bye.
  361. [10.02.2014 01:24:21] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Oh. Well. Okay.
  362. [10.02.2014 01:24:23] Hitogata.Happa: Oh... and I was this close to actually dating him~
  363. [10.02.2014 01:24:24] Traffic control alert: [KNF]KDS-Aden.Maru has requested to dock
  364. [10.02.2014 01:24:26] [KNF]Ni.Katsuki.Araki: Good bye.
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