
Lyra and Nick talk

Nov 22nd, 2015
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  1. snuffshotMartyr [SM] began pestering solemnSketcher [SS]
  2. SM: Hey Nick
  3. SM: Dunno how in-the-loop Faerzen's been keeping you, with regards to the mess they've gotten into with Carl
  4. SM: But supposedly, that might not be an issue anymore
  5. SM: Alex is able to destroy it now. The mask
  6. SS: oh, cool, i hope that goes well or whatever.
  7. SS: so.... long time we haven't talked, i haven't talked that much about the "loop" with faerzen, but i know stuff is still happening
  8. SS: we talk about.... other stuff.
  9. SS: anyways, in a totally unrelated thing.
  10. SS: how have you been?
  11. SM: Well y'know
  12. SM: Died a couple times, made a wish, fought a zombie apocalypse
  13. SM: Coulda been worse
  14. SS: sounds like a regular day in sabath
  15. SS: not much in here, minding my own business in the infinite void and got burned by some lava
  16. SM: Fun stuff. Everything still intact?
  17. SS: dreamself kinda burned, still alive.
  18. SS: how did your problem with ghouls go?
  19. SM: Eh
  20. SM: I died, and Alex's suit is all bloody
  21. SM: But hey, coulda been worse, right?
  22. SS: mind explaining further?
  23. SM: To be perfectly honest, I don't really understand much further
  24. SM: My nose, eyes, and mouth started bleeding, so Alex picked me up again
  25. SM: Then some hallucination showed up and said I was gonna die
  26. SM: Then I did
  27. SS: and you are here.... how?
  28. SM: Come on, I already told you that I can't die, right?
  29. SM: So hard to keep track of who knows what
  30. SS: yeah. kinda forgot about that
  31. SS: the game just wont let you die?
  32. SM: Eeyup
  33. SM: Fifth body so far
  34. SS: for all that is holy and unholy... specially unholy
  35. SS: no way to stop you right?
  36. SS: how is everything going, apart from that?
  37. SM: Well, that was kinda the big thing
  38. SM: Alex and I watched some movies, so I guess that was nice
  39. SM: Actually, d'you know what movies are?
  40. SS: uhhh... kinda checking stuff on the internet on my free time, movies are those really long videos?
  41. SS: getting to know stuff is entertaining, i wonder if fae fae would like to watch a movie
  42. SM: Yeah. Think of it as like going to a play
  43. SM: The set we watched was called Mad Max. Lots of action
  44. SM: And... "Fae Fae"? Seriously dude?
  45. SS: i have all my rights to be a dork. im dating that man... woman... wo/man?
  46. SS: fuck it, i gave up on pronouns a while ago.
  47. SS: ...
  48. SS: a movie sounds quite interesting indeed, ill see what faerzen thinks about watching one
  49. SM: Dude, if you get to call them Fae Fae, *I* get to call them Fae Fae
  50. SM: Nobody wants that
  51. SM: I can't be trusted with that much power
  52. SS: oh lord. what have i unleashed
  53. SS: please, ill refrain myself from that, if you promise not ever using it.
  54. SM: Deal
  55. SM: But that also goes for referring to everyone else in the same way
  56. SM: If I hear anyone call me freaking Ly Ly, Carl won't be the only one getting launched into the sun
  57. SM: :P
  58. SS: you forgot about the fact that ly ly somehow manages to sound even stupider than fae fae.
  59. SM: It's a tough feat, but it does indeed manage
  60. SM: Let's not even get into Byr Byr
  61. SS: just when i though this world was becoming an acceptable place
  62. SM: It's a slippery slope, Nickolai
  63. SM: S'not worth the loss of life that would result
  64. SS: truer words were never said
  65. SM: :P
  66. SM: Okay seriously, I did have a thing to talk about
  67. SS: alright, tell me about it
  68. SM: Alex can kill Carl
  69. SM: I'm obviously biased, and I told Faerzen I'd behave myself. So in the interest of not fitting Sabath's pigeonhole, I'm putting it into your hands
  70. SM: You want Carl dead, just say the word and we'll make it so
  71. SS: if you manage to do it without faerzen realizing you did...
  72. SM: I figure you'll tell them anyway, or one of the Reggies even if you don't
  73. SM: Subterfuge isn't really the issue here
  74. SM: The issue is disposal of a dangerous weapon
  75. SS: im not going to tell anyone.
  76. SS: doing this sort of thing hurts. but.... if you fail in any way. i didn't know about this.
  77. SS: are we clear?
  78. SM: Clear as Pepsi
  79. SM: Crystal Pepsi
  80. SM: Now come on, back to the important stuff
  81. SM: Would Tarane be Tar Tar or Ran Ran?
  82. SS: what is pepsi?
  83. SS: and... i wont answer that, both are horrible nicknames
  84. SM: No. We need to rank things as bad as they can possibly get
  85. SM: You can be Ni Ni.
  86. SS: im so done you dont even know, ly ly
  87. SM: Screw you
  88. SS: screw you too, lyra :p
  89. SM: I swear
  90. SM: I will *find a sun*
  91. SM: And launch you into it
  92. SS: if it makes you feel better, i DID get burned badly on one of my bodies
  93. SS: not everyone is death-proof you know?
  94. SM: Not injury-proof
  95. SM: Just can't stay dead
  96. SM: For long
  97. SS: sigh, lyra, just chill or something... keep watching movies. do... not important stuff
  98. SM: I've been chilling
  99. SM: Then a zombie army tore me to pieces, I got haunted by a ghost genie who tried to act like my dad, and I died. Again.
  100. SM: Chilling doesn't work
  101. SS: what if you... i dunno, asked abyss to help you wth that? i fucking grew wings with some borrowed power, im sure you can get a bit of... less hallucinations
  102. SM: Ooh yeah, another deal with the devil
  103. SM: That can't go poorly at all
  104. SM: Cuz the last three sure went off without a hitch
  105. SS: not a deal if abyss doesn't ask for anything back
  106. SM: Apparently it is
  107. SM: I don't need charity, Nickolai. And I don't want it, especially from something like that
  108. SS: lyra bel, miss i can do everything by myself.
  109. SS: sigh, know what? good luck, ill send you a few codes for stuff later
  110. SM: I can't do everything by myself
  111. SM: I can hardly do *anything* by myself
  112. SM: But if I'm gonna fail either way, no reason to put myself in debt over it
  113. SS: i SO want to slap you right now.
  114. SS: lets just say you are going to try your best to not to die, so i can actually care about your well being ok?
  115. SM: I *have* been trying
  116. SM: I already promised Alex and Tarane, and I'm trying as hard as I can
  117. SM: Okay?
  118. SM: This is basic stuff, I really don't need everyone checking in to make sure I didn't screw everything up again
  119. SS: i didn't say that lyra, faerzen is kind of killing her/himself trying to keep everyone in check, i... it worries me you know? he IS kind of a control freak after all and....
  120. SS: sigh, lyra... look, just stay safe, be cool, kiss alex, i dont know
  121. SM: Yeah.
  122. SM: A lot of people seem to be killing themselves recently
  123. SM: That doesn't make them automatically the authority, y'know?
  124. SM: "In check" by Faerzen's standards doesn't mean correct
  126. *SS: I KNOW!* ((Shakey))
  128. SS: that's how he works. control everything at everytime, care a lot about stuff.
  129. SS: do me a favor, a white lie? things are totally going fine right now, arent they? ;o
  130. SM: Yeah, yeah. Fine and dandy
  131. SM: And I'm gonna go ahead and assume it was Tarane who decided to drop that little tidbit about Alex?
  132. SS: nopes, i just did a bit of a cold read with the help of knowledge i had beforehand.
  133. SS: took my chances, you spend a lot of time with alex, he told me he had feelings for you a while ago, and you were watching a movie together
  134. SS: and you kind of confirmed everything
  135. SM: That was him who did that.
  136. SM: Not me. Alex.
  137. SM: Clear?
  138. SS: clear.
  139. SS: you gave away the whole thing already anyways
  140. SM: Nickolai, listen to me
  141. SM: I had nothing to do with it
  142. SM: I was basically comatose when he...
  143. SS: oh. so you actually kissed?
  144. SM: He did
  145. SM: I mostly lay there like a dead fish
  146. SS: i dont know if its adorable or disgusting and creppy. probably all of those
  147. SM: Well
  148. SM: Considering he jumped miles into the air immediately beforehand, it's very possibly all in my head
  149. SM: And like the rest of this stupid game, now I can't tell if it happened or not
  150. SS: sounds like you are having alex based fantasies//hallucinations...
  151. SS: should i be worried?
  152. SM: That's not funny
  153. SM: Not when I could just as easily be hallucinating this conversation with you
  154. SM: Like the shaky text you did a while back. I didn't even think Pesterchum could *do* that
  155. SM: Nickolai, d'you know what it's like to not be able to tell which parts of your life happened?
  156. SS: kind of. yes, also the shaky text is a thing i can do
  158. *SS: SEE* ((Shakey))
  160. SS: anything i could do right now to help? i got some free time, when was the last time you ate properly?
  161. SM: I don't eat anymore
  162. SM: Or sleep, or need a washroom, or anything
  163. SM: No rest allowed.
  164. SM: S'how it works
  165. SS: fuck that, what do you like? faerzen's kitchen has pretty much anything
  166. SM: I'm not hungry, Nickolai
  167. SM: B'sides, I have more of Maskwraith's food left over
  168. SS: not even going to ask about that.
  169. SS: well, lyra... you sure you dont want a good meal?
  170. SS: this is a one time offer, i have been known to do good food
  171. SM: I'm quite sure I'll pass
  172. SM: But thank you for the offer
  173. SS: lyra. c'mon. just say yes
  174. SM: ...
  175. SM: Yeah. Alright.
  176. SM: Just... later, okay?
  177. SM: Promised I'd get back to Alex again
  178. SM: Only way to get him to let me die
  179. SS: make sure everyone is willing and alive if you are going to kiss again
  180. SS: ill send you the code for food.
  181. SM: Can't promise he didn't touch my corpse
  182. SM: Actually he definitely did because he was carrying me when I died, but you get what I mean
  183. SM: I'll do what I can
  184. SS: well, if im cooking anyways, you could atleast tell me what you like
  185. SM: Um
  186. SM: I... guess I don't know.
  187. SM: I can't remember
  188. SS: ill go the safe way and maje everyone a big stew like dad used to
  189. SS: we had a rough week... It feels like we have been here for months
  190. SM: How do you know we haven't?
  191. SM: There's not exactly a day-night cycle, or sleep
  192. SS: well... yeah, a calendar would be useful in here.
  193. SM: I've been tryna use my watch so far
  194. SM: But the body with it died, so unless Alex thought to loot the corpse, that's gone as an option
  195. SS: i wonder if anyone on prospit knows anything
  196. SM: I've gotta get to Prospit one of these days
  197. SM: If it's half as nice as Derse is bad, that'll be a welcome surprise
  198. SS: well, dont really like royals, but they are... "nice"
  199. SS: you get what im say--
  200. SS: fuck, the meat gonna burn
  201. solemnsketcher has abruptly left the conversation
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