
Sylvia is somewhere fuckin' crying

Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: I'm just fixing up the basement lol
  2. Covet: [Lol okay!]
  3. Tsaaq: ((They'd be here already orrr?))
  4. Covet: [Yeah they probably got here morning/afternoon-ish.]
  5. Tsaaq: ((Okay cool.))
  6. Tsaaq: ((I'll post then.))
  7. Tsaaq: "Remy I need to you shovel the fucking driveway." Jacqueline's voice was muffled by the cigarette she was holding between her lips. She was cleaning from dinner. "And Hayley do the dishes please." She commanded. "And somebody take out the trash. I don't care who does it." She nagged, almost like she missed bossing both her kids around. // "Easy." He called out. Sasha was already in the living room watching television as he smoked his after dinner cigarette. // Hayley was playing with Hera as she got acquainted with the other kitties. "Okay." She said with a shrug as she stood to her feet, going towards the kitchen. // Remy groaned as he slouched in his spot on the couch. "Don't make me do things please." He yelled, smoking as well.
  8. Covet: Cadence was on the couch in the living room with Remy and Sasha, giving him a smirk, "If you shovel, I'll take out the trash?" Cadence offered as she leaned down to put her comfy uggs back on because traveling in uncomfortable clothes was completely ridiculous. She stood up and pulled her hoodie back down over her ass, before she held her hand out, "Plus, I want to go outside and watch the snow for a little bit." She said to him.
  9. Tsaaq: "Don't let Cadence do chores I gave you two. Don't embarrass us." Jacqueline called out and went to wedge herself between Sasha and Remy. With a heavy hand she smacked his neck and kicked him off the couch. "Go!" She yelled before lazily leaning against Sasha. "What are we watching babe?" She asked, her voice and demeanor changing completely. // "South Park." He replied, completely unfazed by her actions. He put an arm around her. // Hayley already rolled up her sleeves and went to wash the dishes. She sputtered her lips, filling the bowls and plates to the top with soapy water. She'd do the rest later. "It's fine. I'll just do it." Hayley announced. Most of the kitties had been following behind her as she went to close the plastic garbage bags around the kitchen. She grunted and began to schlep it towards the front door. // Remy fell to the floor and dusted himself off. "Fine!" He scoffed. "You just wanna see the snow... Just take Petey out with us. He'll occupy you." He went to the closet to grab the shovel and whistled loudly. "Petey!" He called out. The dog barked loudly and bolted down the stairs, excitedly jumping to put his front paws on Remy.
  10. Covet: "It's really alright, I don't mind. I can do my fair share around here too." Cadence said with a laugh, "Snow is magical, okay. Don't judge me because I like it." She followed behind Remy and went to pet the puppers, "Does he need a leash? Or have a ball?" She asked tucking her hands into the pouch on her hoodie. She looked at Hayley bringing the bags to the front door, "I'll take them from here, I'm already ready to go outside anyways." She said quietly so that Jacque couldn't hear them.
  11. Tsaaq: Jacque and Sasha were cuddled up on the couch as they watched TV. // "Yeah grab his nasty ball." He pointed to the gross spit covered worn tennis ball near the door. He went to pet Petey as he licked his hand. "Come on you guys." He sighed as he went to open the door and started down the small set of steps that were on the porch. // Hayley handed off the garbage bags and went to pick up the nasty ball as she went outside into the cold, shivering as she went to toss Petey's ball.
  12. Covet: Cadence took the bags and brought them around to the trash bin. She walked along the snow that obviously wasn't shoveled or anything yet and was staring up at the sky as she made her way back over to the steps, leaving footprints in the snow. She saw Hayley come out with them, "I can help you with the dishes when we get back inside if you want, Sis."
  13. Tsaaq: Remy grunted as he went to shovel the walkway angrily, tossing the snow over his shoulder // "Why? It's basically done." Hayley's lazy ass replied as she waited for Petey to come and faithfully hand the ball over once more so she could toss it.
  14. Covet: Cadence watched Remy be all mad about the snow, then looked back at Hayley, "Oh, okay. I just thought I'd be helpful." She looked between the two of them, then directed her words at Hayley, "You okay?" Her words were soft and sincere.
  15. Tsaaq: "Anybody can help... Whenever they feel like it." He said in a grumpy voice. Still shovelling irritably. // "I mean I guess we can actually do the dishes." Hayley shrugged. She was already bored of playing with Petey. "Nah, you look like you've got it covered." She said to Remy. Hayley only turned her head when she heard the door open in the house next door.
  16. Covet: "There's not that many there and with two of us it should be easy." Cadence said to her, then also called out to Remy, "But you look so hot and manly while you do it. If I help, I can't watch at the same time." She laughed then turned her head to see Hayley's attention diverted, "Who lives there?"
  17. Tsaaq: He huffed and took a breath. Remy wiped the sweat from his forehead. Remy held onto the shovel and pulled his cardigan closer to his form. "You can even see my muscles under my clothes I don't understand." He grumbled. He went quiet and shot Hayley an angry glare with his eyes wide. // "Uhhh... Some girl and her weird parents." Hayley answered. Her eyes flicking between Remy and Cadence. "Nothing important." // A vuluptous goth girl emerged from the house with dramtic black and white makeup and dark hair walked down her own path towards their yard. "Wow Remy. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." Sylvia said. "Oh and Hayley's here too. Like your hair." She ran her hands along her corset and walked towards them despite the snow.
  18. Covet: "Shhh, I have a great imagination. Don't worry I'll help you rub your sore arms later, Babe." Cadence said to Remy then turned her attention back to the Neighbor as she uttered a soft 'huh' when Hayley explained. As she watched the girl come over to the Berkoff yard, and strike up conversation. Cadence reached for the ball for Petey and gave it a toss across the yard, watching the broad's hands as she tried to make a show of herself.
  19. Tsaaq: Remy's eyebrows rose then he immediately looked down at the snow as he began to shovel again. "Hey Sylvia uh, yeah. Back for Thanksgiving. Like every year." He said in a loud awkward tone. "You know. With my family and shit." He cleared his throat. // She nodded and crossed her arms over her chest. "Thanks Sylvia." She responded curtly. "Tomorrow everybody will be over. Is your family doing anything?" // She waved her hand and she went to stand by Remy. "You know my parents hate Thanksgiving and other holidays." She laughed before brooding near Remy. "You got bigger. And I didn't know you could even grow facial hair-" She paused and pointed to Cadence. "Who's this?" She asked innocently.
  20. Covet: She listened to them talk then put on a smile as Sylvia asked who she was while pointing. Standing up she walked over to Remy with a smile, "I'm Cadence. This sexy, bearded, stud muffin's wife. Nice to meet you Sylvia." She said as she introduced herself, with a friendly smile.
  21. Tsaaq: "Yeah uh. We got married last month." He stopped shovelling and went to put his arm around Cadence's shoulders. Petey came running in the snow over to the two of them. "This is our son." He whispered as the dog went to jump up to get Remy's attention. // She pursed her lips and nodded. "Yeah." She whispered. // The goth girl's pale face went blank as she looked between the two of them. "Oh." She said. At first assuming it was a joke. Then her face was visually upset. "But Remy... When we were twelve you told me that weddings were a funeral for individuality when I asked if we'd ever get married?" She asked tenderly.
  22. Covet: Cadence leaned against Remy, wrapping her arm around his waist. Then looked up at him with a smile, amused with the words of his younger self. "It's a strange thing what growing up and maturity does to people, isn't it.? I never thought I'd be the type to settle down, but then someone comes a long and his broken pieces just fit well with your own."
  23. Tsaaq: "Aw." He whispered and went to kiss her head. "Yeah. We're actually going on our honeymoon this weekend." He said, sounding a little more confident now. // She went to take the shovel so she could continue doing the walkway at the very least. Her parents would be mad. "Welp." She whispered. // Sylvia looked sad then angry. "That's not growing up. That's selling out." Sylvia said with a jealous look as she teared up. "I've known you since we were kids." She whispered.
  24. Covet: "It's going to be amazing." Cadence said then looked over at Sylvia, "Selling out? That sounds a little macabre. I think everyone else calls it falling in love." She said then stood up on her tip toes to give Remy one of their normal obnoxious sloppy kisses.
  25. Tsaaq: He nodded his head and messed her hair playfully. Remy frowned as he glanced to Sylvia. "Well... I mean. I can't help who I fell in love with. We're still friends Syl. It's okay." Remy said with his eyebrows furrowed before having to take in Cadence's tongue. // Hayley had been whistling as she finished the walk way. All the better since the snow had stopped. She looked over to the group. "Soooo..." She trailed off. // Sylvia huffed and puffed like a brat. "You don't know about girls like this cause you didn't go to high school Rem. They're butter princess prom queen cheerleaders who take all of the weird and amazingly abnormal guys cause they're easy to manipulate!" She yelled. Sylvia whipped around. "And don't think nobody is looking for you Hayley Berkoff. Connor Delaney is in town for Thanksgiving too. And he came by with a bone to pick." She scoffed, just wanting to hurt feelings now.
  26. Covet: "Girls like me?" Cadence asked as she broke away from his kiss, "You don't even know me, or the crazy abnormal shit I've been through. I was never prom queen, but I'm a damn good cheerleader. I'm sorry all of this is so hard for you to process, but I'm not someone's who's manipulated him into anything. In fact, I still feel like he deserves better, because of how amazing he is to me. He humbles me and I just want to be the best person and wife I can be for him. But if you want to hold his childhood against him, by all means, see how far that gets you. Don't you dare start in on my sister either, just because your mad and feel the need to bring everyone else down with you." Cadence said amazed at this broad's attitude.
  27. Tsaaq: ((Lmao.))
  28. Covet: *you're ...woops XD]
  29. Covet: [She should have z snapped at the end of all that. XD]
  30. Tsaaq: "Syl it's not even that serious." He said with his voice raised. "Hey! She's a cheerleader but it's better than a female coked up Edgar Allen Poe reincarnate" Remy said. "Cadence is beautiful and a beautiful on the inside. And I'd be fucking damned if you fucking disrespect her." He said as he stepped to stand between them. // "What the fuck Forsythe!" She shouted at Syvlia with her eyebrows furrowed. "I'm a cheerleader too bitch. What?" She shouted. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Hayley asked in a lower voice, her face stern. "No it's okay Cay. I got this. What the fuck is Connor looking for me for?" She asked again. // Sylvia sniffled and pursed her lips while her eyes continued to water. "Your cousin has been blabbing all over town. Teaneck isn't a huge place. Everybody knows about your... Situation." She said. "You sure changed huh?" She asked with a slow shake of her head. "Both of you did. You guys used to be cool. Now you're fuckin' posers." Sylvia pulled her coat over her body looking very emotional. "I'm not starting anything! Just saying!:
  31. Covet: Cadence heard Sylvia's snarky comments about what whichever fucking cousin was blabbing about anything. She picked up a handful of snow from the ground and stepped around Remy, to take Sylvia by her head and shoved the ball of show right into her face and mouth. Her other hand holding her head close. "Let me show you how the west coast handles people who like to run their fucking mouths. You don't know shit. James, Eugene, Connor, You...none of you know shit. And none of you are going to say shit, because you'll be writing checks your ass can't cash. So... from here on out if any one has anything to say, about Hayley or any of the Berkoff's, tell them they can choke on their words and either be supportive, or be wastes of fucking skin and judemental bone, left to rot with the rest of society, that thinks She or anyone else who's gone through what she has, deserved it. or asked for it. Your make up is running, maybe you should go get out of the weather before the rest of you melts too. Bitch." Cadence said letting her go with a shove.
  32. Tsaaq: Remy went to grab Cadence by her shoulders and pulled her back. "Babe it's okay." He whispered to her. "She's not worth it." Remy went to forcibly turn Cadence around before this got worse. // Hayley stood there, biting the inside of her cheek. Once her brother and Cadence started inside she flipped Sylvia who basically ran home crying. Petey ran into the house, tracking snow into the kitchen as he went for his bowl. The cats came to party as well. // "What happened?" Jacqueline asked from the living room. Still cuddled up with a sleeping Sasha.
  33. Covet: Cadence felt Remy grab her and turn her around. Her hand freezing and bright red from holding onto the snow that long. She took a few deep breaths and stomped her boots off as she went up the stairs and followed Petey in. She looked over at Jacque and brushed her slightly wet hair out of her face, " Just making friends with the neighbors." She said flatly, taking her boots off to set them by the door.
  34. Tsaaq: "Yeah uh. She just met Sylvia." Remy announced as he went to look down at the floor. He groaned at the wet floor. "Petey!" He complained. "Well, we should probably just get ready for bed. Since tomorrow Grandmas and Grandpas are coming." Remy declared. "And uncles." // Hayley pursed her lips. "Yeah..." She trailed off. "Mommy." She went to stand behind the couch. "Hera needs to sleep downstairs with the kitties." Hayley said. "So I'm just gonna let them play in the basement." She told her. // "Those people are weird. And that's saying a lot coming from me." She said to Cadence. Jacqueline nodded her head. "Fine. I like Professor to sleep with me and your dad but whatever." She waved her hand. "Hey Rem. There's sleepy time tea in the cabinet. I need you to make yourself some." She tried to say casually.
  35. Covet: "I don't think she'll second guess me again, though so it's good." Cadence said with a smile, then looked at the floor, with a laugh as Remy yelled at him. "Sleepy time tea?"She asked then looked at Remy, "I can dry up the floor, and dry off Petey, while you do that."
  36. Tsaaq: Remy looked skeptically as he went to stand next to Hayley and looked Jacque in the face. He rose his hand to Jacque. "He only makes me do that when she has bad news." Remy declared. // Hayley rose her hands, knowing the volcano of emotions that would occur. And she didn't want to stick around to find out what the reason would be. She immediately went to the kitchen. // "Remy... Your cousins on my side are going to be at dinner tomorrow." Jacqueline. "I know, I know. They're awful and they almost ruined your wedding but they're still family and... Just stay away from each other. It won't be hard. James is my only brother. I can't isolate him cause he's horrible at raising children." Jacqueline said.
  37. Covet: Cadence watched Hayley walk off, "I'm going to go get some water to bring to bed with me..." She said a convenient excuse to follow Hayley, "Hayley?" She asked softly, "I know that Eugene and James and them have ran their mouths, so...if you don't want to stay here, We can get you back to Portland Early, or... I might be able to swing a trip to Kansas for you, if being here is too much."
  38. Tsaaq: "WHAT?" Remy yelled. Sasha jumped as he was rudely awakened. "Why do we do this? Why does this happen? I don't want to see those garbage cans!" He argued. // She turned to Cadence then shrugged. "I'd love to see Adam but..." Hayley trailed off. "Whatever Connor has to say or whoever else? Can kind of eat a bag of dicks. I'll be with Abs for Christmas. This is my time to be home." She said to Cadence.
  39. Covet: Cadence could hear Remy yelling in the other room. She could assume what he was yelling about and gave a sigh, before she stepped forward and gave Hayley a hug. "Okay. Are you going to be okay while Remy and I are gone? I can call and check in everyday. Or if you need anything we'll still be in contact."
  40. Tsaaq: She nodded her head and gave Cadence a hug. "I'll be okay. I promise. I'll..." She paused. "I'll try to find my old friends and hang out with them I guess." Hayley said, neglecting to mention that her old friends in town are basically her exes who are nice to her. "You don't have to call me during your honeymoon it's okay!" // Remy came into the kitchen and went to grab a mug and filled it with water. He deliberatedly didn't get sleepy time but got straight green tea. "Fuck." He whispered. "Sorry about that. I'm fine." He said.
  41. Covet: "Okay. I just don't want you feeling like you're here with nobody on your side while we're gon." She said then looked at Remy as he came in, "You're fine, Babe. I completely understand. We can talk about it when we go to bed." She told him, then looked at Hayley, "We'll bring you back something awesome, I promise." She told her. "I should head upstairs and get ready for bed."
  42. Covet: *gone
  43. Tsaaq: "It's okay." Hayley nodded he rhead again. "I promise." She gave a thumbs up and actually went to "Yeah you guys go. I'll be up with the animals." // "My dog is coming with me, actually. Come on Petey." Remy said to Hayley and doggo who began to follow him. "Are we going to bed.... Or bed?" He used a montone and sexy whisper to describe the two with a raise of his eyebrow.
  44. Covet: "Bed" Cadence said with a wink to him as she headed up the stairs, "I need to get changed, so give me a couple of extra minutes." She said to him as she dashed upstairs to his room to get into their suitcase to pull out the set of lingerie she intended to wear tonight, as well as the thigh high boots.
  45. Tsaaq: "Oh. OH! I'll be downstairs in the basement for that!" He called out to her. He'd be damned if they got caught. Even though they'll get caught anyways.
  46. Covet: "Okay." Cadence called back to him, thankful that she'd brought a few things to help conceal her outfit until she was downstairs, giving a knock on the door mumbling against the frame, "Can I come in Daddy?" She asked, clearly setting the mood for their night early.
  47. Covet: [CAUSE EAT YOUR HEART OUT SYLVIA! bahahaha]
  48. Tsaaq: Remy had been taking off his glasses and went to sit on the bed. He turned at the sound of her voice and looked over to her. "Oh uh... Yeah." His eyebrows rose. "Get in here Cupcake." Remy smirked.
  49. Covet: Cadence stepped inside and closed the door behind her, but didn't think to lock it. She walked over to him then leaned down to give him a kiss. Close your eyes, for just a moment..." She told him so that she could get undressed out of her sweatshirt and the pj bottoms she had on. Leaving her in just the strappy outfit beneath, "Okay, open them.
  50. Tsaaq: He covered his eyes even though he was a blind ass. "Um. Okay." He muttered and remained seated on the edge of the bed. "Uhhhhh alright lets do this." He uncovered his eyes and his eyes went wide. He went to pick her up by her waist and pulled her onto the bed with him. "Oh my fucking god. I'm gonna die if you're going to dress like this every chance you get. " He murmured.
  51. Covet: Cadence gave a squeal as he grabbed her and pulled her down on the bed. She leaned her head back and and gave a shrug, " Every chance I get while on this vacation." She told him as she leaned into give him a kiss, leaning over. "And we're just getting started, Daddy." She told him as she bit his lip and started to undress him pulling at the buttons on his shirt.
  52. Tsaaq: "Oh my god." Remy groaned but it was finally the pleasureful groan he deserved after a night of stress. "How can this just be the start? How much better could this possibly get?" He asked as he went to grab her ass and gave it a firm slap then a tight squeeze.
  53. Covet: Cadence gave a squeal as he slapped her ass arching against him, then pushed his shirt and jacket off of his shoulder. "Because I love you, and because that's what a honey moon is for." She told him as she raked her nails down his chest, watching him. "Spank me again, Daddy..." She told him with a grin.
  54. Tsaaq: Remy hissed with pleasure and smirked. He held onto her waist with one hand a smacked her ass hard a few more times. "I love you more I bet." he retorted playfully then went to fiddle with the front of his pants.
  55. Covet: She tensed up as he smacked her ass hard a few more times, her breath hitching in her throat as she moaned. "I dunno, you might just have to show me how much" She said as she helped him take his pants off. She leaned in to give him a wet sloppy kiss as she whined against his lip.
  56. Covet: *lips
  57. Tsaaq: "Oh. I'll show you." He said cheerfully and went to toss her onto her back. He kissed below her breasts before rubbing his hands on her bra. "It's okay to take this off now right? I can do things to these again?" Remy asked already his hand hovered over the snaps in the back.
  58. Covet: Cadence laughed as he tossed her on to her back, then looked down at her breasts, "They're still a little tender, but you should be fine. You know I don't mind a little pain." She said to him, as she felt his hand at her back, "They're all your's Daddy." She told him
  59. Tsaaq: He smirked and opened up her bra and tossed it aside. Not even realizing the door was wide open. He grave her pierced bewbs a good squeeze before laughing and kissing down her tummy to her thighs abover her stockings. Remy went to hover once more and grabbed Cadence's legs to wrap around his waist. He rubbed himself against her before actually contemplating penetration. "You want it? Huh?" He asked, gripping her thighs and slapping her ass in that position as well.
  60. Covet: Hissing out she arched into his hands, giving a heavy panted moan, shuddering as his mouth moved down her body then moved between her thighs, pulling her legs up. She let the heels of her boots press into his ass, digging in a little as she arched her hips and whined, "Yes.. please Daddy... I want it!" She whined at him loudly as she squirmed beneath him, enjoying the stings from his smacking.
  61. Tsaaq: "Don't fucking yell. My parents are upstairs." He said to her through his teeth as his hands gripped her neck. "Fine. You'll get it then." Remy said, as if he was actually thinking he wouldn't pound the vag with her in this outfit. His other hand went to guide himself inside of her in one hard thrust. He moved his free hand to her ass once more as he smacked it. "Think you can just walk around. Wearing sexy shit like this and not get fucked?" Remy asked between his own moans. His member pumping into Cadence at a steady pace that caused the old mattress of the basement bed to squeak.
  62. Covet: Her eyes looked up at him and she felt his hands at her neck. She closed her eyes as he thrusted nearly moaning out but stopped and bit her lip, stiffling the sound. Her breathing getting sharp as she let her legs squeeze around him. She hissed through her teeth again and whispered loudly, " n-No- Daddy.." She paused to stiffle another moan, "I wanted you...Needed... f-fuck." She said, her hands wrapped up over his shoulders digging into his shoulders leaving deep scratches.
  63. Tsaaq: Remy nodded his head. "Yeah well you got me." He squeezed her throat but really Remy made her he wasn't gripping too tight lest he hurt her. He began to piston his hips speedily into her. Arching his back with each deeper thrust. "You got it." He shut his eyes, laying forward and kissing her neck as he kept pounding her. He bit her hard and let his mouth kiss along her neck to her chin then mouth in a passionate kiss.
  64. Covet: Cadence leaned her head back feeling him squeeze tighter, her legs shaking around his waist. Her noises weren't even audible at this point as she tried her best to keep quiet, WHen he bit her neck she cried out, in a shuddered sound until he muffled her with his own lips. "d-Daddy.. don't stop...please.." Her noises were more pitched the harder he went as she held him close to herself.
  65. Tsaaq: "I'm not fucking stopping." Remy went to drag her to the edge of the bed and unravelled her legs from his waist, holding them both up by her ankles and gritting his teeh so he himself would not moan with his parents in ear shot. But again. Open door. So in the morning they're boned. He groaned under his breath and took longer more calculated thrusts in an attempt to tease her, and subdue his impending climax. But once that seemed to be taken care of he went back to pounding away.
  66. Covet: [SO BONED lmao....]
  67. Tsaaq: (LMAOOOO))
  68. Covet: She gave a squeal as he pulled her to the end of the bed and held her legs up, her hands moving to the pierced nipples holding on to her breasts as she looked up at him with a slight concerned look as he slowed down, teasing her. She let herself come back down, as hard as that was, then had to move her hands quickly to her mouth as he picked back up to keep herself from getting any louder than she'd already been.
  69. Tsaaq: He began to breath hard as he pumped harder into Cadence. "Come on baby, cum for daddy. Do it. Cum for daddy." He urged her quietly cause bro, he wanted to get off and pass the fuck out.
  70. Covet: Cadence closed her eyes and kept her hands tightly over her mouth, as her chest rose and fell quickly, her toes curled and her body tensed up beneath him, every muscle squeezing tightly as she peaked and climaxed, tembling through it. Her body glistening with sweat.
  71. Tsaaq: "Oh shit." Remy's eyes widened since she'd been tightening against him. He twitched and moved every which way through his climax, gritting his teeh so he wouldn't shout or anything then let go of her legs. He pulled her further up the bed and put the covers over her body before laying beside her and putting an arm around her as he kissed her cheek and neck. Remy yawned. "Told you." He whispered as he closed his eyes.
  72. Covet: Cadence couldn't quiet talk yet as he pulled her up the bed and joined her under the covers, closing her eyes. she smiled. " You did... I love you, Remy..." She said as she felt herself starting to drift off, because god damn that was a good time, and she was just as exhausted.
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