
Mind of Matter - Chapter 13

Jan 7th, 2013
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  1. MoM 13
  2. You are ANon
  3. And you hate heights.
  4. Course, you don't mind being up high, hell, flying up with Celstia that one time wasn't bad.
  5. Its just, ever go on a balcony and fear looking over the edge?
  6. Its like that.
  7. Which is worse and also chicken of you.
  8. But hell, its high up, and you really can't see yourself growing wings.
  9. You step back, just as you hear a yelp from below.
  10. Quickly you get down on your stomach and crawl to the egde, the only 'safe' way you can.
  11. There, down below, you can see Cermina pinned by two guards, each one atop either arm as she struggled violently below them.
  12. And a third
  13. Approaching Twilight with dead set ambitions.
  14. Odd, wouldn't any royal guard know of Twilight sparkle? SHe was Celestia's student...
  15. then again, this was Bluebloods guard.
  16. And chance he had to strike at his auntie certainly would be taken, and with Celestia unable to do anything, you can't help but feel anger building deep inside of you.
  17. You stand up, wanting to get down there, but seeing no real way off the tower you were stuck on without dropping down to a rather narrow battlement lined balcony.
  18. You clench your first, powerless to help your friends.
  19. What kind of a guy were you to just do that, it wasn't fair, it wasn't right.
  20. But, for whatever reason, you suddenly start feeling a tingle in your right hand, and a faint blue light suddenly catches your eye as what you thought was a short black stick materialize in your hand.
  21. "What the hay?" You mutter as you study the new addition to your wardrobe.
  22. It looked like a sword's handle as you study it, slick black fabric of sorts with a blade shield on one end, and a hexagonal butt on the other.
  23. You grip it tightly, feeling its feather weight in your hand as you look it over, but, where was the blade?
  24. From all the movies you've seen with a tool like this, you can only guess it requires some means to activate, like an energy sword or a light saber. You take another look at the blade and notice the center grip is a light shade of grey with a rather unusal feel to it.
  25. Pointing the blade with its shield guard away from you, you gently begin to squeeze it, tightinging your grip just as a large blue energized blade flashes forward from the tip.
  26. "Whao..." You grin, holding the blade firmly as you sweep it left and right.
  27. One thing comes to your mind now, you now posses a means of malice in your hand
  28. Not a tool, a weapon.
  29. You can almost hear the PG-13 rating screaming in your ear as you look at the blade.
  30. Despite it being a weapon, it is a sword, it is something noble, something worthy of a knight wishing to save those he cares for.
  31. Fitting... if you do say so yourself.
  32. You grip tighter, noticing the blade getting slightly longer.
  33. First Short sword, then broad, then longsword.
  34. "Well, this is certainly useful..." you mutter as you twirl the blade and let the energize end of it fizzle out before looking back down.
  35. "Now, to get down there, and fast." you think as you can see the guard getting close just as you hear Twilight yelp again.
  36. The bastard.
  37. No other options
  38. Its Hero time.
  39. You toss away your fear, ease back, and then with a running start, leap right off the towers top.
  40. Perhaps not thinking the whole thing through as you whip the blad forward, gripping it tightly as the sword grows from a short sword, to a broad sword, a great sword, then eventually a long sword as you feel your leaping momentum slow and then a sudden drop as you twist the blade downward, right towards the guard moving towards Twilight.
  42. You are Twilight Sparkle
  43. And for the first time, you're rather shocked by the roughness of the guard before you.
  44. Never had you seen such brutality, and certainly nothing from the guards you knew of Celestia and Luna's own regiments.
  45. These ones...these one's were different, more so than you'd ever remember or even reading about as these heavy clad...war ponies...seem to trod over to you without hesitation or remorse.
  46. The fact they took down a tough fighter like Cermina was...even more unsettling as the guard loomed over you.
  47. "Justice...shall be done." it muttered in a monotone voice.
  48. "Wh-what justice?" Twilight replies, well, through a near squeak.
  49. "Assisting a criminal and engaging those set to apprehend him, such is a crime in seek your punishment."
  50. It rose a hoof as you close your eyes and brace.
  51. Only to hear a rather sickening...stabbing noise as you look up to see the guard immobile, its eyes glazed as it masked face seemed to contort and then vanish into the helmet as it seemed to
  52. Anon...
  53. He was holding tight to a extra long blade jammed right through the neck and into the ground, himself being held up almost eight feet off the ground with the blade rammed right into the dirt.
  54. "A-anon!?" you exclaim as the human dangles from the blades handle as your expression brightens.
  55. The sword slowly shrinks before dissipating and the human lands beside the now headless...armour husk.
  56. But you don't care you leap at him, embracing him.
  57. "Oh its so good to see you alright!"
  58. 'Uhhh...Twi?'
  59. "Yeah?" you ask as you notice the other two slowly ease from Cermina towards you.
  60. Big mistake on their part.
  61. The drake is up instantly, leaping atop one and grabbing its head, twisting it and yanking the helm right off, exposing nothing but armour as the second neighs and starts to take flight.
  62. "Not dis time..." She muttered one and threw the helm of the first right at it, smashing it square into its gut as it collapsed to the floor.
  63. She didn't give it a chance to recover as she went upon him next, dragging him down and yanking his helm off the same as the first, exposing nothing but shadows beneath armour plates.
  64. "V"HAT DIS?" Cermina exclaimed as she was left with nothing but a helmet in her claws "V'ere is soft squishy inside?" she demands, sniffing about the suit.
  65. "Wait...I've seen this before!" you exclaim, trotting over to the first guards unmoved form that ANon beheaded, you could tell this armour was definitly not anything Celestia or Luna had on their guards.
  66. It looked older
  67. Heavier, built around a time when armour was more for protection rather than show.
  68. Even its slight details were impressive, but that wasn't what you sought.
  69. Your gaze travels about the head to the neck and torso, noticing a small symbol along the metal plate connecting the body armour to with the upper sections of the neck guard.
  70. "Aha!" you exclaim as you plucked the piece of armour with your magic and showing it to ANon and Cermina "look at this, maybe this can help you with why there are no ponies inside them."
  71. There, upon the plate was a marking of sorts, a royal seal that looked like a shield surrounded by an elaborate vine and a sword cut through the center.
  72. "Celestia once told me that Princess Platinum was able to animate suits of armour with magical energy...its..." You pause "a reanimation spell, it turns whatever is inanimate into a living, moving object, hence the armours emotionless...traits." You huff as you toss the piece aside "its a very powerful spell, perhaps done by Platinum herself for her son...but, according to what modern wizards had said of it, its considered dark magic."
  73. "Dark, dat does not seem dark." Cermina huffed "Good v'ay to make up for lack of numbers yah?"
  74. Twilight nods "perhaps...militarily, uses the wielders own essence to animated it, basically, if this was done by Platinum, then part of her spirit is in each one of these.
  75. 'And I take it she was very powerful, considering what she did.' ANon adds as you nod.
  76. "EXACTLY, Perhaps why they follow Blueblood so willingly, its almost frightening to think just how many he has at his hoof and call."
  77. "I'vould guess many, considering dat is coming." Cermina said as she pointed to what could only be described as a chariot being pulled by two of those armoured guards with Blueblood seated within...and several more guards at each of his side.
  78. "Too many..." Cermina huffed as she looked over to ANon "V'ith dat glow stick, perhaps v'e can take em?"
  79. "I wouldn't try it this time Cermina." you speak out, concern in your voice "his forces would be limitless if this spell was done by his mother, we better withdraw and hide."
  80. 'I have to agree...even though my sword and yhour claws would be effective, ther'ed be too many to take on by ourselves.'
  81. Cermina growls, hissing a bit before she swatted her tail "Fine, tactical v'ithdrawl."
  83. You are Celestia
  84. You've just been given a letter from ANon sent to your sister and no sooner had she given it to you that you trotted off to your quarters to read it.
  85. leaving Luna and Professor Sketch in a flurry of wings, almost too quickly perhaps as you settled down atop your plush pillow.
  86. You eye the letter intently, how ANon was able to send it to your sister was a matter in itself, but knowing Luna, she always had a way to slip something past even your watchful eye.
  87. Ever since she was a fillie, she was capable of sneaky feats and certainly made your head spin.
  88. But you valued it.
  89. Now, time and again, she had done so with ANon.
  90. Ever since his first time here she had be willing to side with him, was only...fitting...she was able to sneak another means of aid for him under your nose.
  91. You giggle a bit at the though, reminiscing a bit as you unfold the letter.
  92. It wasn't written like Twilight's letters.
  93. It was...different, the writing was unusual not just in style, but...
  94. It didn't even read properly.
  95. You blink, somewhat upset that his writing style was...drastically different, in fact, not just different, how much incorrect wording he was using, an extra letter there, a missing one over there...
  96. Wait...
  97. You ponder your thoughts for a moment, Anon would do much more than just send you a letter, considering BlueBloods desire to capture him
  98. Perhaps... Code?
  99. You scramble over to your bookshelf, slowly pulling fourth the few books you had on such matters.
  100. Code breaking itself was a rarity among your collection, very few times had it been called upon for assets that affect royalty.
  101. You can recall during the earlier Griffin wars that plaid during your earlier reign that many of the griffins orderes and plans were transferred via code, and you had certainly your fare share of trying to crack them.
  102. Anon's was no different, albeit perhaps a little more...complex.
  103. It was a wonder why you never considered that instantly.
  104. TO think ANon had poor literacy, to be such a poor scriptwriter?
  105. Preposterous!
  106. Still, he was indeed full of surprise as you flip open a few books, browsing each one quickly and decisively in ways that would make your prized student envious.
  107. Sure enough, the code slowly starts to come through, and the once poorly written letter turns into something else.
  109. 'Dearest Celestia
  110. I hope this letter finds some joy in the insanity that has befallen your kingdom.
  111. By know, word of Bluebloods 'confinement' of Ponyville in his search for a criminal has run many of its inhabitance thin, and though we left in a hurry, I wish to let you know that I'm still alive and well.
  112. I've come to realize just how important the value of friendship and strength of the elements of harmony are, they alone had hid me from BlueBlood during my period of illness, risking hoof and neck to keep me away from Bluebloods prying eyes. I owe them much, but sadly, there is little I can do at this point considering I am on the run.
  113. I must give a double thank you to your student, Twilight Sparkle, by her own choice and desire, she has fled with myself and Cermina from Ponyville into the Everfree forest. We plan to draw Blueeblood and every single one of his guards from the place and see if we can't get them good and lost to ease tensions around town.'
  115. You pause, he certainly didn't hold any quarter on his wording of the situation, and indeed it was dire.
  116. Bringing Twilight along was even more perplexing, had faith in your pupil.
  117. "At least they are well."
  118. You say to yourself as you breath a sigh of relief and read on.
  120. 'I do not ask of your aid at this point, getting you involved here would be disastrous, considering BlueBlood may not hesitate to hold back against you; being away from Canterlot would put you at a sever disadvantage, considering how many guards we've seen as the prince's entourage.
  121. Hopefully, what you can do there would be enough. Convince the council of Bluebloods actions, certainly most 'un-prince like'' of him to go around like this, especially towards the element bearers. If at all possible, try and get him reigned in, perhaps even punished for his actions.'
  123. "Oh ANon..." You sight as you pause again "if only it were that simple."
  124. Despite the logic behind ANon's idea and the value of pressing this uncoth situation to the council, the majority support still favoured the prince over yours and Luna's, and though you had tried before, the only result was needless squabble.
  125. It was beginning to look like that nothing would be solved in any way possible by 'conventional means'
  126. but
  127. You arE Princess Celestia.
  128. You alone can change this, and despite the council and your nephew and even the title you bared, you were still ruler of Equestria.
  129. ANd if your subjects were set in harms way, to be forced like wild animals under the scrutinizing eye of a prince, it certainly would not be something worth standing by and letting pass.
  130. You exhale, looking back at the letter.
  132. 'I hope whatever word that can get out about this be said, Blueblood crossed the line when he marshaled the citizens of ponyville under law to let his ponies tear up the place in search of me. I feel at the heart responsible for it, and if i have to face Blueblood mono eh mono, then at least I can be satisfied knowing little will stop me from showing him his place.
  133. I wish you best speed on this Princess.
  134. May your sun shine and guide all.
  135. Sincerely yours.
  136. -Anon'
  138. You sigh again, folding the letter and easing it away from view, hidden into your desk as you rise from your cushion and trot over to the window.
  139. Gazing out over Canterlot as the sun was hidden behind the veil of clouds that hung over your city.
  140. A dreary day for a dreary mood.
  141. You can't help but feel, for the first time in many many years, powerless to help Anon.
  142. His words were true, had you or your sister gotten involved, then the consequence to the court would be astronomical.
  143. Celestia, the princess of the sun and ruler of Canterlot aiding a criminal?
  144. Pray Luna had been relived of such titles, being aided by ANon as her defense was enough to merit her aid to him, but it would only make things worse.
  145. Blueblood could spin a tail of torment about her reasoning and even more so, bring about how she may try to overthrow....
  146. You shook your head, passing another sigh from your maw as you let the chill wind of the coming winter season touch your skin, closing tour eyes to revel in the calm.
  147. *Knock knock*
  148. Oh, who could that be?
  149. You turn, trotting towards the door as you magic the balcony doors closed and brush a comb through your mane for a quick touch up.
  150. "Yes? May I ask who it may be knocking upon my door.'
  151. "Dear Sister!' chirped Luna "it is I, I was worried when you left in a flutter, are you well?"
  152. You open the door to see your sister, a look of concern on her face as you smile.
  153. "I am well enough Sister...just...surprised ANon finally sent us a letter."
  154. Luna looks at you with interest "Yes, I do agree, in light of recent events, his ability to keep us informed is well kept." she smirked T you, obviously suggesting something else.
  155. "DO you not think I care deep for him?"
  156. "Enough to whisk away with the letter to your quarters, almost as a star crossed lover...yes?"
  157. She nudged closer to you "certainly questionable towards the princess and ruler of Equestria to fall for a human hrmm?"
  158. You blush " is nothing of the sort! I simply care for him as he had done for you and I. He is no threat to our kingdom..." you huff "a shame Blueblood thinks not."
  159. Luna eased back, sighing "Is there nothing we can do? Surely something of the prince's actions cannot be condone. I understand wanting to pursue Anon, but, marshal law on Ponyville?"
  160. You pause for a second as an idea came to mind.
  161. What Anon said
  162. And what Luna mentioned.
  163. "Sister dear?" You ask, the confidence returning to your voice.
  164. "Yes? What is it?" She replied.
  165. "Take yourself and whoever able to the royal archives, check if there is any law that could in fact condone Bluebloods actions, search as deep as you can."
  166. You trot back to your balcony, swinging opening the doors as you step out.
  167. With a swift whistle, you summon two pegasi, armour clad as the swoop beside you.
  168. "and what of you Sister?" Luna asked
  169. You huff, smirking "anon and mys student are in danger, and even though I cannot aid ANon, my student is with him, and she however is entitled to my care and protection." she smiled as Luna returned it, nodding quickly.
  170. 'yes, yes of course!' she replied as she turned about "i shall get on this immediately!' and she was out the door as you turn towards the everfree, closing the door behind you as you and your two guards take flight.
  171. "Be safe ANon, `I shall be there as soon as able."
  173. --
  174. Back inna woods
  175. You are ANon.
  176. Cermina was dusting her claws from the magical sand Luna gave you to send letters to her.
  177. "let us hope dat v'orks comrade, I do not know how v'ell dese ponies are for combat tactics."
  178. 'we can only hope they don't get noticed.'
  179. "I doubt they would" Twilight assured "Luna and Celestia are very capable, both as royalty and warriors."
  180. You smirk
  181. 'That's good to know, least we can be certain they won't have an issue back in Canterlot, considering Bb is out here with us somewhere.'
  182. "Dah, but tis best v'e do not give him chance to find us, come, v'e dally long enough." Cermina muttered as you pick up your things and pack them away, helping Twilight with her hooded robe as you start walking through the wilderness, Cermina on the other hand was busy making a false trail. If Blueblood saw himself as any sort of a tracker, he'd find these breaks and claw marks as pointers in the direction he thought they were going.
  183. 'Least it gives us a bit of breathing room, the harder it is for him to find us, the better.'
  184. Cermina chuckles, but pauses quickly, raising a fist as she hisses "V'e have company, take cover!" she whispers in a high voice as you all get down, just in time to hear the clop clop clop of armour ponies and a carriage.
  186. Not too far off, Blueblood studied yet another tree with claw markings that could only have been made by that dastardly dragon.
  187. It was clever how she would be leading them about like this, and he had to question the...stupidity...of her method.
  188. But, that wasn't for HIM to bother with, he had more important matters to deal with.
  189. His eyes scanned the tree marked up, gazing in the direction the claws marked, different from the last, but still pointing in a direction away from them.
  190. He looked the other way, then back the other, and sighed.
  191. "They must be careful, they could get lost, then something horrid shall become of them!" Blueblood said as he chuckled "Such a shame to lose my quarry to some ravage beast."
  192. He looked around, easing back to his chariot as he points in the direction of the claw marks.
  193. "They must have gone this way, hurry!"
  195. You figured something else about Bb's guards compared to the others that served the Celestial Sisters.
  196. They lacked self thought; simple husks had no mind of their own to study the situation and respond to their master with advice, they just followed suit.
  197. A pity.
  198. Such things were little more than dolls to him, moving and working by his command.
  199. Pathetic if you look at it, how cocky he was to lead his men especially when they never tire or complain.
  200. "Comrade." Cermina muttered as you watch Blueblood trot off in another direction, seeing his grand entourage follow as you crouch low, eying them leave before falling back to the other two.
  201. "It certainly was a stroke of genius ANon, I never would expect to use the inability of the guards simple mindset to avoid Blueblood being steered in the right direction." Twilight said in surprise as you smirk.
  202. 'he wants to find us, never said it'd be easy for him, least he isn't using dogs.'
  203. "Dogs?"
  204. You chuckle 'when we, humans, hunt, we sometimes bring dogs to sniff out the trail.'
  205. "Ah...I see..."
  206. 'He doesn't have one, so best not to bother with him finding us unless he really tries.'
  207. "I hate to interrupt party comrade, but you should see dis." Cermina muttered as she stood on the crest of the hill behind you, gazing out over the Everfree as you step up beside her.
  208. There
  209. Not too far away, stood a sole tower.
  210. It was made of black stone, and stuck up straight into the air.
  211. Nothing about it seemed familiar, and even the castle of the Celestial Sisters bared no resemblance top it, not even the palace in Canterlot.
  212. "Strange...." Twilight said, trotting up beside you "I don''t ever remember reading about a black tower."
  213. 'I think its more of an obelisk than a tower, something rather...'
  214. "Un'velcoming..." Cermina muttered "But, dat v'ould be v'ise place to go tor rest, dusk shall be coming soon and it is not v'ise to stay out here."
  215. You nod, looking at Twilight as she was perusing her book.
  216. "NOTHING!" she exclaimed, fliping forward and back through pages as she looked about for any site of this tower "It has nothing in here."
  217. 'Perhaps it was never discovered? We are pretty deep.'
  218. Twilight shakes her head "Impossible, the author of this book had been all over, and that obelisk as you called it certainly stands out... if it has never been discovered, then it must have either been built recently...or he needed to get his eyes checked."
  219. "I hope for latter on dat comrade, dat tower does not bode v'ell in design..." Cermina hissed "Strange feel of it, and dat black colour... somting bout dat does not bode well."
  220. "I can agree to that..." Twilight mutters, closing the book and slipping it back into her saddle bag "Nothing mentioned about some black tower, definitely a creepy one though..." she remarked, looking back at the unusual structure as the sudden shouts of Blueblood rippled the air behind them
  221. 'we better gt moving...' you mutter, kicking your shoes against the tree to knock some dirt off them 'I say we make a bee line for it, the only real adaquet shelter we can find at this point right?'
  222. "Wel...I guess..." Twilight replied, feeling a tad uneasy about the tower, it was like it wasn't suppose to be there, and she felt it to the very tip of her horn that it wasn't a pleasant sight.
  223. "I agree, Blueblood may not be as inclined to follow us yah?" Cermina noted "if coward is as coward does, sight should be intimidating."
  224. 'That or its an open invitation to our location.' you mutter.
  225. "tink positive!" Cermina hissed "BETTER Den nothing."
  226. ---
  228. You are Blueblood
  229. and you swear you've never seen that tower before
  230. that dark tower
  231. that scary tower.
  232. ANypony in their right mind would never dare venturing there
  233. why, one could get a hoof splinter.
  234. such nasty things.
  235. all those thickets were brush with thorns.
  236. despite what he felt about it, the criminals wouldn't nearly have the sense to go about such a trifle of a thing.
  237. "guard"
  238. one trods dorward 'm'lord?'
  239. "Search down there, see what may b around that abomination."
  240. he was off without a word.
  241. --
  243. "Im not to...sure of this one guys..."
  244. 'Then turn back, you don't need to risk it.'
  245. "I...I wouldn't mind that..."
  246. "Hah, only cowards shrink from opportunity comrade, dis is discovery you v'ould like yah?"
  247. Twilight scrunched her nose as she looked at Cermina, a rather unimpressed expression on her face.
  248. "Its not that I'd turn down a discovery such as this...just."
  249. 'not prepared for the unknown.' you note aloud as you pause for a bit. The thicket had been getting lesser and lesser as you approached the tower; nothing but thorn bushes all around the obelisk.
  250. Cermina had been kind enough to take point, her heated talons easily cleaving through the brush as you slowly made your way closer and closer to the base of the tower.
  251. Twilight was quiet uneasy about the whole thing, resisting the 'temptation of discovery' as she had said because she knew nothing of what they were approaching.
  252. "You not able to ever find new tings if you do not take risks."
  253. Cermina had said, making Twilight feel rather...inadequate in her role as guide.
  254. "F-fine..." she muttered "only because the promise of a new discovery makes it worth it."
  255. "Yah...maybe dey write book bout it."
  256. "Really!?"
  257. That got her, you didn't feel like getting Twilight into trouble.
  258. Lord knows Celestia would have your head
  259. but she was still a part in this, an asset, and of course, your friend; and friends don't abandon friends in the middle of the wood.
  260. You cleave your way forward still, right behind the drakess as the thicket begins to clear, opening to small mounds of the same black stone.
  261. "Amazing...its...sheen is quite remarkable." Twilight exclaims, studying a slab as she finds a small fragment and takes it, plopping it into her saddle bag.
  262. "Certainly a lot of refuse for v'one tower."
  263. 'I'd guess so too, but perhaps it was more than just a tower?'
  264. "I doubt dat, no foundation to say it, dis refuse, perhaps...carved...from bigger stone?"
  265. "IF thats true....this...." Twilights legs wobbled "WHo would hav such a skill or technological level to do that?"
  266. 'Aliens.'
  267. "ALiens?"
  268. 'yeah, ancient ones, maybe they came down on some big space ship and carved it out with a laser beam.'
  269. "Space ship? Laser beam?" Twilight said in awe, and almost dumbfounded ignorance "I take it your kind has already explored such exotic things?"
  270. 'Sorta, we always like to believe something we couldn't do was done by aliens.'
  271. "Odd..."
  272. 'Well, we don't use magic, keep that in mind.'
  273. "No, you don't, but you do use technology correct?"
  274. 'Now you're getting it.'
  275. Twilight seemed a tad chipper with that though and trotted right on with you before stopping to see they had cleared the thicket and the base of the obelisk was before them.
  276. It was gigantic, far larger than you expected when you looked at it from afar.
  277. It certainly was much bigger than the front gate to the castle.
  278. And far more intimidating.
  279. "Dat big castle, who suppose it for?" Cermina ask, standing with you and Twi at least a good twenty meters from the towers front entrance; displayed in a lifeless courtyard of tangled bushes and long eroded mounds of rubble.
  280. "Nice digs yah?"
  281. 'I wouldn't mind some redecorating.'
  282. "Bah, it has its own unique charm."
  283. 'Its dreadful.'
  284. "aww v'ere is your appreciation for art?"
  285. 'Reserved for art that has meaning.'
  286. "Uh...guys?"
  287. "What?" You both shout at a surprised and rather startled Twilight.
  288. "Uh, just w-wanted to know if we were going inside?"
  289. Cermina looks at you.
  290. You look back
  291. and both crack uo.
  292. Twilight is confused "What?"
  293. 'Heh, its nothing Twi, lets...just go inside okay?"
  294. You approach the doors, Cermina smirking as she feels a slight hint of triumph for convincing Twilight.
  295. You thought the same thing, for her sake.
  296. It was best she stayed with you, last thing anypony would have wanted was her to be captured or worse.
  297. 'The sooner we get inside the better, I would rather take my chances in there then with anything Prince BlowBlood may have in store.'
  298. "I can agree to dat." Cermina added, easing her claws against the door as you push your hands to it.
  299. Twilight eased her hooves up to.
  300. "It will be a team effort then, friends all work together."
  301. You smirk, nodding.
  302. 'Alright, on
  303. Three.
  304. The door heaved, its ancient hinges whining as it swept open inwards to the desolate foyer that greeted you.
  305. Dark...lifeless, certainly not fitting for anypony, but you weren't just anypony.
  306. You were Anon.
  307. "Dat va'sn't so hard." Cermina said as she peered inside "Certainly not best vacation spot, but make do yah?"
  308. You smirk, looking at Twilight as she gazes about "Wow...I've never seen such a large building before, not since my time in Canterlot...and maybe then this would still be bigger."
  309. She was about to step further inside when Cermina lashed out, gently grabbing the mares fore shoulder and pulling her back.
  310. "I v'ould be careful little v'one, dis not place for simple minded adventure, v'ho knows v'hat traps lay dere."
  311. "T-traps? Oh goodness m I never even consider such a thing!" she said with a start as she smiled at Cermina.
  312. The drakess grinned "Dat smart girl, al'vays good to let ladies first." The drakess added as Twilight nodded.
  313. "Exactly....hay Wait!' She retorted, only to get the tail end of the drakess before she vanished into the darkness.
  314. 'C'mon Twinkle toes, lets go in before she gets lost, shes not too good with directions.'
  315. "I heard dat!"
  316. You nudge Twilight, she smiles a bit, feeling a bit better as she trotted inside before you.
  317. 'LAdies first' you assure as she blushed, casting a slight glow with her horn before you follow her inside, unaware of the prying eyes of the guard from above, watching...waiting.
  319. --
  321. Cermina took point as you glance around the towers entrance, the outside light illuminating a great deal of the masonry work, carved black stone, smooth and perfect all around as all three of you kep your heads about you.
  322. "Fascinating...I never seen such work before...despite the black stone, I can't help but find it very curious who built this."
  323. 'Well somepony did, not like it sprung up overnight.'
  324. Twilight paused, turning to you as she had the brightest smile.
  325. "Then, that means we're first at this new discovery, oh yay!"
  326. She grabs a scroll and quill from her saddlebag and begins to write, turning from you as she monolouges.
  327. "The discovery of the Dark Obelisk, by Twilight Sparkle."
  328. 'Better put me in there too.'
  329. "Dah, as v'ould I comrade." Cermina calls from ahead "V'e did push you into dis yah, best give credit v'hen credit due."
  330. Twilight blushed in embarrassment.
  331. "Ah..hehe...right...sorry, caught up in the moment." She crossed it out and did the corrections.
  332. "Discovery of the black Obelisk by Twilight Sparkle, Anon, and Cermina."
  333. 'Better.'
  334. "V'hy do I be last?"
  335. Twilight rolls her eyes, sighing as you shake your head.
  336. 'Don't bother with that, keep going.'
  337. Twilight smiles and does so.
  338. "Our adventures in the Everfree forest had led us towards an unusual structure, a tower, not seen within any travel guide or text of even the sharpest ponies, ANon, myself and Cermina set about searching within this giant structure." she paused, trotting slowly from left to right as you follow her inward.
  339. "At first, we assumed it to be an ancient tower of the Celestial sisters, but the interior architect is both stunning and disturbing; the stones are dark as night, carved to the utmost smoothness of perfection, spanning upowards, higher than any of those seen within the walls of Canterlot." she smirked as she pressed forward, the room slowly growing darker the deeper you came.
  340. "As impressive as this may seem, the intimidation on the outside with its design and the lack of light within brings a foreboding...uneasiness to our discovery."
  341. Cermina pauses with those words passing Twilights lips as she felt a sudden chill.
  342. Turning back, her eyes caught yours.
  343. "You feel dat?" She asked.
  344. 'feel what?' you reply, just as the whine of the big double doors slowly begin to close behind you, slamming shut and pitching the room into complete darkness.
  345. Silence for a moment before Twilights horn began to glow steadily.
  346. "Oooo...just like one of the ghost stories we told at a campfire. ow exciting!" Twilight exclaimed as you start to see things again.
  347. Your eyes catch the red glow of Cermina's eyes as she huffed
  348. " fluke...or chance...somting v'ants us here."
  349. you shake your head as Twilight jotted down more notes.
  350. 'Considering it could be something like Twilights ghost story...I wouldn't be surprised.'
  351. You trod on, Twilight leading the way as Cermina held your back, she didn't trust this, and it made you nervious.
  352. Twilight couldn't care, she was too deep into the prospect of a new Nd exciting discovery to notice her face walking right into a stone tablet.
  353. "Ow!" she exclaimed, stepping back as she dropped her quill and scroll as she stumbled onto her rump and rubbed her nose.
  354. "ah...that hurt!" she whinned as you help her up.
  355. "Best to v'atch v'ere you goi-" Cermina was about to say until she saw what Twi bumped into it.
  356. " see dat?"
  357. You look up.
  358. Holy shit.
  359. It was a massive statue of what looked like a coiling dragon doing battle with an Alicorn.
  360. Twilight looked up in awe as she trotted over to the tablet.
  361. "This statue..." She read from the tablet "Depicts the fierce battle between Princess Platinum of Euqestria against Dragoon Silverslash of the dragon tribes. The only ever dragon/pony conflict to ever happen before the Ancients pacified both sides."
  362. 'Thats strange...' You mutter as you look at the statue 'No one ever mentioned any battle happening, the ancients came before it started and brought peace to both parties.'
  363. "I know...Which is rather concerning since there is no record of any actual conflict such as this." She tapped her chin as she grabbed her scroll.
  364. "Our findings have been rather curious as of recent within thia tower, a statue unlike any other depicts confrontation between the late princess Platnium battling a dragon of the tribes, such a conflict was mentioned in our records, but this fight, this battle, is news to me."
  365. You nod in compliance, from what Celestia and even Granny Smith had said, no fight like this ever happened, which could only mean one thing.
  366. 'I have a very bad feeling about this place...'
  367. "join de club comrade, heavy door closing on own, no lights, giant statue of fake battle... makes no sense."
  368. You suddenly start to feel a chill, something easing an almost embrace like hold around you as you feel your sense dull, everything began to grow dark as you see Cermina turn, her eyes alight with sudden panic.
  369. "Anon!!!!" she called.
  370. That was the last you heard of her.
  371. --
  373. Darkness becomes you.
  374. At least for a few moments as the sense of weightlessness passes on.
  375. Its funny really, you and castles just have of way of getting los together, be it by choice or accident.
  376. And this was definitely not by choice.
  378. Soon, as you start to regain yourself, the black slowly begins to fade into a deep blue, almost like a haze as sounds start echoing in the distance, you can't tell what, but whatever brought you here certainly would want you to see.
  379. You proceed forward, more and more the darkness subside to the deep blue and haze thickens more and more before you start to identify the sound.
  380. Water
  381. Running water.
  382. Impossibur!
  383. There weren't any rivers for miles!
  384. Least not above ground, you can safely say that this place has undeground springs.
  385. Considering this who or whatever built this thing had location in mind.
  386. Though another thought pops into your head.
  387. Doesn't the hero of these adventure type things get a few more try outs with his new toy before he's dropped with another quest or teaching?
  388. Certainly felt a bit too soon for these ancient folk to call you nbgack, but the further you go into the abysee, the less concern you become that its the same thing.
  389. Because someone...or singing.
  390. You just start to hear it.
  391. Th softest tune and melody nplaid by a wonderful voice as the mist slowly clears and you find yourself in an oddly familiar cavern with a single stone passageway to a large center platform.
  392. Along the walls however, you can see several waterfalls pouring down into the cavern, filling a deep pool below you as the mist and haze wafs back towards the way you came as above the center platform, three giant crystal hang embeded at their bases by the rock.
  393. However, that wasn't what caught your attention the most.
  394. There
  395. On that platform
  396. Stood a beautiful figure, one you could only guess by its size and presence of a horn and wings upon a tall, well thinned mare, to be an alicorn.
  397. Her hide was snow white and her mane a deep blue with a glinting effect of silver.
  398. For a moment you thought it to be Princess Celestia, but something about that mane, extending right from the lenght of the horn down to her tail end was...
  399. Offish...didn't seem 'normal'
  400. Her voice however sounded as sweet and clear as the sun princess, and her golden eyes flash as she fixates her gaze upon you, turning to face you head on.
  401. "Ah, at last, the great Human..ANon, you have come. It has certainly been long since whispers of your triumph whisked into my ears, it is finally a pleasure to meet you."
  402. Her voice was quiet soothing, sounding almost along the lines of Celestia's, but not quiet, indeed her beauty could match however, and you slowly take a few steps forward.
  403. 'I think you may have me at a disadvantage m'lady, I do not think any word had spoken of you.'
  404. "Ah, dear my manners ANon, you are correct." she trotted in place a bit.
  405. "My name is Kamilia." she bowed her head "it has been many cycles since such guests blessed this place. To see that you, ANon, were set to be here, such a thing could only have been done by the wheels of fate."
  406. 'Fate? What brings that into this?'
  407. Kamilia smiled, easing forward from her platform before pausing at the edge of connected to the bridge you stood on, clearly she could not venture any further, why, you hadn't the slighest.
  408. "I have listen to the rumors of a creature unlike any other to bless the realm of Equestria with his...talents. You abilities as both a friend...and a fighter...were quite impressing to hear. How you saved Princess Luna's demise within the Trial and...even confronting Princess Celestia in battle is no easy feat, let alone nearly claim victory over her."
  409. You blush a bit, looking away 'she had the advantage, being flying and magical, all that you know?'
  410. "Indeed I do, which is why such a creature as I am glad to bear witness to you ANon, and why I say only fate could have brought you here."
  411. She swept her mane a bit, letting it ebb and flow over her body as she showed you her flank, her cutie mark to be a silver shield crested by a vine of the same colour.
  412. 'Well...thank you for the compliment, it certainly holds much considering I've neveer heard much of you.'
  413. The alicorn sighed "I would imagine, few words of alicorns other than the princess exist within tomes long forgotten, it is a shame that only she has set to be see as the ruler of a land at one time was ruled by many."
  414. You quick your head 'What do you mean by that?'
  415. Kamilia smiled "long before Celestia, before Canterlot was rhe seat of power, Equestria was ruled by several ALicorn families, each one granted a peice of this beautiful land to watch over and mantain. However, not all families were peaceful in this design; selfishness and greed took hold, and a terrible war between all the families erupted, ripping the world ashunder. From the remains, only two families remained, that of Celestial bodies, such as Celestia and Luna, and those of the Land and Minerals."
  416. 'Like...Platinum?'
  417. Kamilia nods "so you know of her, Princess Platnium?"
  418. 'From what Celestia told me, she was a powerful leader, shame she was too...militarisitc.'
  419. Kamilia huffed slightly as she turned back to you.
  420. "In time, both families worked together to rebuild our world, Celestia's parents set about creating the sun, moon and stars while the Mineral family built the land and shaped the mountains. We made Equestria what it is, though, since Celestia acenstion to the throne, many have forgotten the old tales of such things."
  421. You rub your head, certainly an interesting story to hear, you can bet that Kamilia was probably from the Alicorn family of Earth, though, why she seemed to dislike Celestia so was....unsettling.
  422. "My family was soon left in the shadows by the Celestial's, and soon, like the ground all ponies walk upon, uncared for, and left as dust."
  423. 'That sounds upsetting....I'm sorry to hear that.'
  424. "Sorry?" She said with a start " kind of you ANon, such kindess no doubt stemming from your unqiue heart, but sorry cannot return the mineral families rule to the land they built."
  425. 'It wouldn't be possible either, to suddenly sweep the rule of Celestia aside would be a big undertaking, let alone close to impossible.'
  426. "A big undertaking indeed...but not impossible."
  427. You look at her 'You don't say, and how can you be sure of that?'
  428. "Because every great leader as a weakness, no matter how poweerful they are, they all have a flaw for their greatness, her's...just happens to be her inability to rule as those before her had."
  429. You get upset, this conversation just got sour.
  430. Celestia was a good princess.
  431. 'Celestia is a fair and kind ruler, I doubt thats any sort of flaw among her subjects, especially how kind she was with me. I dount Platinum would have been as gehnerious.'
  432. Kamilia eyed you, her expression a mixture of uncertainty and shrew disconent, but that was hidden behind a smile.
  433. "kindess may be good for a princess, but a queen demands strenght of herself and her subjects, should ever conflict break towards Equestria, then Celestia would not have much hope to rally her kin. That is why I seek your help ANon."
  434. 'My help? FOr what?'
  435. "Returning the true strenght of Equestria to its rightful queen, and ruler."
  436. 'Hold on...' you extend both hands 'are you suggesting that you... take the ruling crown of Canterlot?'
  437. "I am ANon, it would be best for all of Equestria for a ruler to be as strong as neeeded, and I am more than capable of such a thing."
  438. You pasue for a moment, the sheer weight of her request slams on you, but you don't buckle.
  439. ALl you do is simply stare.?
  440. Blink.
  441. ANd then crack out laughing.
  442. You laugh so hard your sides ache, coughing eventually as you pause, Looking at the 'ex princess' and whipe away a tear.
  443. 'Ah, that's rich...real good on yeh to want to go against had me there.'
  444. She is not amused.
  445. "Truly such boystrious natrue of the princess resides in you, perhaps your lack of the truth shall be beneficial in my explanation."
  446. you whipe a tear away 'truth?' you ask between coughs 'what truth? You want to overthrow the rightful princess.'
  447. "Ah but you are mistaken, she is not."
  448. 'She's not?' You look quizzical 'And praytell why not?'
  449. Kamilia shook her head "Such is the ignorance of our subjects since my time, truly she had done little to better them."
  450. 'Hey now, I don't think she's dumbed down her subjects, but you're spewing a bit of nonsense yourself missy, what does Celestia have to do with you?'
  451. The alicorn smirked, her expression both of dispair and perhaps some ingenious pride.
  452. "Because she imprisoned me here and took the crown for herself."
  453. You rub your head...there was only one other royal figure in Equestrian history, Princess Platinum, BlueBloods mother, but...according to Celestia, she dissapeared after she succeded the crown to live out her days.
  454. This certainly didn't look like some ancient Alicorn of old.
  455. In fact, she looked as young as Celestia.
  456. 'SHe took the crown from you? SHe never even mentioned somepony like you.'
  457. "Thats because she chose to hide it, the rightful Queen of Equestria silenced to this forsaken tower to live out her unlimited days." She eased away from your walkway, trotting to the other end of the platform, back to you as she sighed.
  458. "It is not pleasant to be stuck here, but once I heard of your...exploits, all I could do was hope you'd come, and as you stand before me, my hope has been answered."
  459. You step forward 'and I take it you want me to take the crown back for you?'
  460. "Oh, such a task would be most appre-"
  461. 'Not happening.'
  462. Kamilia paused, blinking a bit before she grinned "i thought as much, Anon, friend and aide of Princess Celestia, Knight of Princess Luna, a title most fitting a warrior such as yourself, but surley you know it will not last."
  463. You exhale, taking guard as you look at her.
  464. 'Why'zat?'
  465. "You are a human, not a pony, nor an alicon for that matter, you are...lesser...then they are."
  466. You can't help but feel...insulted as you turn 'screw this...screw you, I'm out of here.'
  467. You start to walk away, back the way you came, or you though as you hear the charge of magic...and a zap as the path before you is destroyed in a sudden strike as the ALicorn stood behind you.
  468. "You are mistaken Anon, when I ask you for aid, you shall give it to me.
  469. "Not on your life.' You say, whipping around, blade drawn as the ALicorn backs away.
  470. 'I don't plan on betraying my friends of companions Kamilia, so stand down.'
  471. She laughed, easing closer.
  472. "You are in no position to order me around human, you shall either help me..." she lowered her horn. "or be destroyed."
  474. You are Cermina.
  475. And you're rather annoyed with ANon.
  476. "i do not get dis comrade." you ask as Twilight is pacing about in a panic "each time v'e go to castles, Anon is taken.... dat is craxy yah? Maybe he has secret crush on castle."
  477. You go about making kissing faces "ohh dark obelisk, your valls or so soft and smooth." you say in your best ANon impression.
  478. "OH ANon, your frail exterior is simply devine..." you reply, in a female voice before you clack your claws together like two kissing lovers.
  479. "How can you be so calm at a time like this!" Twilight shouts as she looks over at you.
  480. You shrug "I know Anon, he handle himself v'ell, sides. saved you did he not?"
  481. Twi blushed a bit "Aha...thats not the point, he shouldn't keep vanishing like that."
  482. "You saw darkness engulf him, dere v'as little v'e could do when rooms own shadows dance...I am dragon, not mage!"
  483. "But you're the one with the most combat prowess!"
  484. "Dat not mean I can fight v'hat I cannot hit!"
  485. You glare at eachother for a moment before Twilight moaned "ugh, fine, we couldn't do anything, but we can't just sit here."
  486. SHe was right, you knew that much; a moment of lax such as this, with comrade Anon taken, was a moment longer his captors had him.
  487. Dat would not do.
  488. "Come, v'e must get moving, dere is no time to v'aste."
  489. Perhaps it was the tone of your voice, the sudden burst of confidence, or perhaps Twilight would much rather do something than sit around, never the less, she looks at you with intent.
  490. "Alright...then were to?"
  491. You pause.
  492. "I...had not thought of dat."
  493. Twilight does an anime-esq fall as she lays there for a moment.
  494. "What do you meean you didn't think of where to go?"
  495. "Do I look like adventure dragon? No, I do not know dis zone, dis tower, v'ere are stairs, perhaps you find dem?"
  496. Twi grumbled a bit before she huffed "FINE, ill' go find them!"
  497. Lighting up her horn, Twilight sets off with you bhind her, truth be told, you prefered it.
  498. Not because you thought Twilight knew navigating a bit better.
  499. But because if something attacked Twilight, you woul react with the utmost speed to protect her.
  500. It was what Anon would want, you just didn't want to admit it.
  502. Carefully you pass into the next chamber, a smaller, but wider corridor that led to two flights of stairs spiraling upwards.
  503. "There." Twilight said with pride as you study the stairs, clearly only wide enough for them to go one at a time.
  504. you didn't like it.
  505. Too vulnerable.
  506. "Hrmm, dis seems a bit v'isky..." you mutter "doubt dere is any oder vay either."
  507. "Its the only way we got, I think we should take it."
  508. You pause, you feel like arguing the matter at how exposed you'd be, but the sudden clunk of metal on stone caused you to pause.
  509. "Twilight..."
  510. "Yes Cermina?"
  511. "Start going up dose stairs, I tink v'e may have company." you turn slowly, gazing back towards rhe way you came.
  512. "But...we should stick together!"
  513. Twilight protested
  514. "Yah, but if dis is a big monster, do not v'ant it getting to you...get climbing."
  515. "Cermina! I won't leave you.... i...i'm afraid to go alone."
  516. You look back and smile. "do not v'orry for me comrade, you brave pony, you handle yourself v'ell, besides, if ANon at top, I do not v'ant bad guy stopping your 'romantic encounter.'
  517. Twilight blush "w-what?"
  518. You grin "I joke comrade, but...I serious too, get climbing, find ANon is big issue."
  519. Both flustered and slightly embarrised, Twilight nods, slowly pacing up a step, then another, then seveeral more before she is out of site.
  520. You turn back and start walking towards the statue room, rolliing your shoulders.
  521. "Ah, so dere is somting in here dat v'ishes to play v'ith Cermina?" You bark "Den show yourselv ,v'e make dis quick!"
  522. You smirk, cracking your knuckles, just in time to catch a glimps of one of Blueblood guard ponies bearing down at you.
  523. HAd you not seen it at that momeent, you may have been crushed.
  524. You raise your guard quickly, clasping onto the neck peice and fore chest opening of the enchanted husk, slowing its bull rush into you as you are pushed across the floor.
  525. You smiirk "So, he did send v'one here, maybe he not so du;b after all."
  526. You grip into the metaol pony, quickly pulling him into you and then down to the floor, but its a lot quicker than you thought, and it quickly pushes its head right into your gut.
  527. You tumble back, feeling the sudden impact as you land on your backside, glancin g up just in time to see the pony leap and nearly slam down onto you as you tumble away in the last moment.
  528. It was intense, you quickly revocer as you sharee glares with this husk.
  529. "You good fighter, epxected armour to v'eighyt you down, hehe, dis be a good fight!"
  530. The husk says nothinhg, its stalee blue eyes gleaminbg back at you as it lunged.
  531. You did in return.
  532. Smashing head on with it as you grip into its shoulder armour.
  533. Locked in struggle as you hiss.
  534. "Lets see how tough you are v'henh I remove dis sardine can!"
  535. You bark, digging your claws into the shoulder plates, slowly starting to tug at them before the stallion whines and botts forward, knocking you back.
  536. You fall onto your rump but look up just in time to see the guard raise its rear hooves.
  537. Then everything starts to shake.
  538. The whole room begins to vibrate violently as the gard tumbles to the floor in a heap.
  539. You get up, staring at the statue in the center of the room as the movements of the stone begin to cdause it to crumble until suddenly.
  540. BOOM
  541. Debris fly everywhere, nearly knocking you out as you see a sla of stone smash into the guard pony, sending it towards the wall with a thud as you look over at the ruble it lay under.
  542. "heh..." You mutter "LUCKY Break."
  543. You suddenly turn back to the statue just in time to see what ripped through it.
  544. There, being propelled upwards was Anon, sword at the defense against what you would guess as an Alicorn, but it looked different.
  545. Like it was...part dragon too.
  546. Only for a few moments before the dueling pair shoot upwards further, and you realize that Twilight is trotting up the stairs.
  547. You pray she doesnt fall from this as you rush towards the stairwell to give chase.
  549. You are Anon
  550. ANd you're in the shit.
  551. At least thats what you can call the situation.
  552. You swear a million movie tropes can fill this scene as you stand atop the towers platued steeple.
  553. Sword drawn, defensive stance ready.
  554. Across from you is a giant hole you and your assailant made your way through to the top.
  555. Now, she stood across from that, her dragon like wings splaying as her horn glinteed with magic and her mane, which looks more like a very long, elogent frill from her horn, down her spine.
  556. To the tail
  557. It was pretty, but so evil.
  558. You wish it wasn't.
  559. Kamilia, a hybrid of ALicorn and Dragon by the look of it wantss to rule Equestria.
  560. She wanted you to help her overthrow Celestia.
  561. Of course, you weren't going to let that happen.
  562. She was persistant.
  563. The bitch.
  564. "As I said before Anon, I always make my desires furition. you will help me, or I shall destroy you."
  565. 'Heh, I'd like to se you try, besides, you won't have me if you destory me.'
  566. She blinked obviously she didn't think that through.
  567. Dumb broad.
  568. "You are correct, but I certainly cannot allow you to foil what I plan on doing, and being the only human here, your importanhce to my plot is paramount."
  569. 'Well, it aint happening.'
  570. SHe smirked "Refuse all you want, it shall happen."
  571. 'Over my dead-'
  572. "Anon!"
  573. A familiar voice.
  574. No...not good.
  575. You glance to your flank just enought to see Twilight out your perhiperhal.
  576. "Anon...wh whats going on, who is that?" she asked, already shocked at what she was seeing.
  577. 'Twi, keep back, this isn't a good place to be.'
  578. "Deear me, is this THE Twilight Sparkle, student of Celestia? Oh what a treat to have such folley in my reealm."
  579. Twilight is slightlhhy suprised "how do you know me?'
  580. Kamilia smirks "Twilight deary, I know so much mor than you think, and its certainly hard to miss out on the fillie protigiy of Celestia...a perfect treat to prey on!"
  581. She lungd quickly, too quikcly for you to rect as Kamilia went for Twilight.
  582. Only to hit...right into the Cermina.
  583. The drakess huffed, having just narrowly caught the beasts neck as its horned flailed inches from Twilight, the mare clearly scared witless doubled back as cermina hissed .
  584. "No v'one hruts friends of Cermina!"
  585. she barked and with one swift movement, through the Alicorn back.
  586. Kamila neearly twisted in mid air as she landed back on all fours.
  587. "insolent little..." she paused eyeing Cermina "ooo, I finally get to see the mysterious dragon spawn."
  588. Cermina growels as you ease between them.
  589. "Little is said about the one named Cermina, the draconis that was said to have come from ANons very that right dear ANon?"
  590. Both you and Cermina freeze.
  591. "How...did she know comrade?" Cermina asked as you huff.
  592. 'I don't know...but that can't be good.'
  593. She starts to laugh ''ahah, so it is true.''
  594. Twilight blinked ''what is she talking about?''
  595. 'Don't bother with it Twilight...'
  596. yiou mutter.
  597. ''oh no, please do...'' Kamilia ushurd Twilight, her eyes glowing steadily as she turned to face Twilight.
  598. ''Anon...'' she asked again, Cermina sighed.
  599. ''Tell her ANon...better you den dis v'ench.''
  600. Kamilia smirked as you look back at Twilight and sigh.
  601. 'I createed Cermina...she is a...product...of my imagination.'
  602. ''Oooh so it is true!" Kamilia interjects as Cermina hisses at her.
  603. ''I...don't made Cermina?''
  604. You exhale again 'Not eactly, she...origonally was a figment of my imagination, a guide that was given existance as a spirit to me, its what kept me alive and protected when I first came here. WHen I went to Canterlot to help LunA, I got into some very bad issues with BlueBlood which led to my fighting Celestia. As punishment, Celestia was to read my mind.'
  605. " can't be serious?"
  606. "He is comrade, just listen."
  607. 'After she did...without much choice, she was meet by Cermina inside my head. They fought, and when she tried to leave, Cermina followed her out.'
  608. Twilight is shocked, you glance over quickly to see she is dumbfounded, spellbound by the new information given.
  609. " created Cermina?"
  610. "That he did, to think, Humans have such a power, to think ANon had such a power, isn't it something worth...mentioning?' Kamilia slyly implied as you huff.
  611. 'I didn't want to get you mixed into all tis Twi.'
  612. "Dat is right, v'e kept it from you to protect you."
  613. "Anon...I...I don't know what to say." Twilight began "the fact you didn't say such an important aspect of your species exitsed...or the fact you lied to us, all of us."
  614. 'Twi....' yhou begin.
  615. '' can't just talk out of this."
  616. "Twilight, it v'as not someting you need to know.''
  617. ''Yes it was....we...we should have been told that you creeated cermina, the whole thing of being able to do that....''
  618. 'Is something even I didn't know how to explain...' you blurt out, pausing a bit as Twi keep continuen .
  619. 'I didn't know I could do that, humans...we can create ideas, dreams, fantasies, our imaginaion is limitless, I guess when I came to a land of magic, that sorta thing came standard with the ideas in my head....I'm sorry Twi...'
  620. you add, looking at her 'I;m sorry if i did lie to you, i will explain everything i can to you when this is all done, but please...don't hate me now, we have bigger fry here.'
  621. ''Yah...comrade, dis not time for ocmplaints, let us do dis before we dispense your anger to us, v'e can take it.''
  622. Twilight looks down, then back at both of you.
  623. "A...aliright, but you owe me a big explination Anon, friends...don't lie or keep sec,rets unless its important, and...i guess you were entitled to it.''
  624. She smiled, as did you before turning back....just in time to see Kmailia charging right at you.
  625. You cannot react in time
  626. It feels...cold.
  627. Her horn...penetrationg your gut, just below the vest Rarity made to protect you, narrowly missing your sensative bits as your vision blurs and nyou hear her chuckle.
  628. " shall die for your neglegince." she whispered as Cermina yanks her from you, smashing her into a wall and pinning her against it.
  629. "You v'ittle betch..." she muttered just as she slammed the alicorn to the ground.
  630. She starts to laugh.
  631. her mind confirmed of her action.
  632. You topple down as she smashes Kamilia to the tower, but she...just laughs.
  633. An insane, menacing laugh as she stands, completely unphased by Cermina' assault as she kicks her back without a second thought.
  634. "Haha...yes...victory is mine...and soon...all of Equestria shall burn by the hand of ANon, how will those who see him so highly react when all he sees is death and hate....hahah...yhou shall all die!"
  635. SHe suddenly flashd away in a bright blaze of light just as you start to fall from your field of view
  636. everything goes downhill from here.
  637. You feel yourself falling, litteraly, down into the abysee of subconcious.
  638. Several feet happen before a sudden abmber glow encased you in a tight bubble.
  639. Eyeing the exterior, the world is in a soft yellow hue as your eyes see the sky above your head.
  640. And there.
  641. High above,c was the figure of the alimare.
  642. Prehaps of course she had been the one to sspike hyou.
  643. `you bitch.'
  644. Fuck this shit, yah know.
  645. not a good day when you start by being corrupted by an evil entity.
  646. Fuck, felt like a proxy.
  647. An aracnid act, if you do say so yourself.
  648. Least mind control gave some privacy to the outter realms.
  649. You slowly start to rise, acending towards the lip as your eyes gaze upon the horizion, the sun dettings tinto a blanket of clouds, sourring it on both sizes.
  650. Turning its rays into a wonderful hnue of crimson red.
  651. Blood.
  652. "Such a fine experiment of the darkness in your heart.
  653. Clouds lining of the seams with a matching thread.
  654. 'The pulsating heart sinking into the abysee at night.
  655. feels like something out of a fictional movie.
  656. You know for certain it's the same.
  657. These mares just get power from it.
  658. She was a hybrid of earth and fire.
  659. Celestia's weakness is her ability at night, that what is when we are
  660. to see the sun slowly setting....the sky turning a deep hue of red...and the sound of heavy wing beats echoing in the distance.
  662. Anon...
  663. Anon?
  664. Your eyes slowly open to your name being called as you see yourslef laying on the floor, your shirt lifted as bandgages are wrapped upon your gut.
  665. Above you, Cermina and Celestia look down as her guards are escorting Twilight onto a chariot.
  666. "Ah, praise the sun, ANon I was worried about you." Celestia says, her voice not as a poorly riped furit.
  667. You eye her slowlyc then lower your head.
  668. No happy thoughts whisp past your mind, only the sudden desire to hurt her.
  669. Harm her.
  670. You slowly rise, feeling weakness in your limbs
  671. What did she d to you?
  672. " careful, you are in no shape to movee."
  673. Cermina eased her claws on you.
  674. Her....claws
  675. on.
  676. You.
  677. No one
  678. and you mean No One touches you.
  679. You gripped her claw tightly as she blinks "Anon...v'hat is..."
  680. SHINK!
  681. Celesita's eyes go wide.
  682. Cermina's are dinner plates as she looks down to see your sword.
  683. your sword.
  684. in her...gut.
  685. "Anon..." She worded before you yank your sword from her gut and with the handle, you push her back as she falls, collapsing to the floor with an almost vacant stare in her eyes.
  686. "Anon! what is the meaning of this?"
  687. Celestia's voice rings in your ears as you turn tp her, lifless expression as your eyes are hidden by your hat. You bring your sword forward as the two guards quickly double back from Twilight to porotect their princess.
  688. The step forward.
  689. Your sword sinks into the left one instantly. SLicing into his neck as you pull it through in one smooth motion.
  690. HE falls, eyes glazed overf as the other lu nges at you.
  691. He dies too, a slice through his abdomen and neck end his patheti,c life as Celestia trots back
  692. "GO"
  693. She shouts to the chariot pulling ponies as thney rush off with Twilight, leaving you...and the princess...alone.
  695. "Anon"the princess began, the utmost pain in her voice.
  696. Suffering.
  697. Great loss.
  698. You only smirk.
  699. 'Princess.' you reply, like always 'it seems we are again in this position of battle, only this time, I am not willing to be defated by you.'
  700. "Anon, what folley is this, why have you turned this way?" she looked at the fallen body of Cermina, the drakess wounded but her breath still in her.
  701. 'Because I've come to realize something princess. myself...we do not care for such things as kindess, we do not see any benefit in being 'nice' or 'helpful' when everyone simply walks upon one another.' You chuckle 'there is a saying. Do a million good things and get a gold star, do one bad thing...' you pause, drawing up your sword 'and live with the fact you did it, people only ever remeber the worst of us...and I guess I would much rather be remebered as the onee who brought you down.'
  702. "Are you listening to yourself Anon? What atrocities are you spewing forth about what you've done? Have your accomplishments ment nothing to you?" Celestia barks back "What has happened to te noble, kind Anon, the anon who has done so much for my subjects...for me...?''
  703. You snort, slowly advancing 'a change of heart, thats what.' you lunge at her.
  704. SHe is prepared, albet sloppy as your sword clinks against her horn as a field of brilliance surrounds it.
  705. 'Consider it a realization, you, princess, had allowed such things as that pathetic prince go behind your back, putting myself and your six royalest subjects at risk! You are not fit to lead.'
  706. You push closer, pressing your blade closer nto hyer as weoo as your body, resting right into her 'chest' area.
  707. Warmth
  708. Softness.
  709. You had felt it before, but now it was disgusting.
  710. She was trying to distract yu.
  711. Brandishing the sxword you strolke again.
  712. SHe blocks
  713. again and again, you press close and attack, yet she blocks as vigilantly as ever.
  714. Yu're impressed
  715. But annoyed.
  716. You get close yet again, you can see her expression shift from worry to defiance, then back to concern as your attacks keep coming.
  717. "Anon...please...what has happened, this is not who you are."
  718. You huff 'you don't know a lick of me,and you never will.'
  719. You rush her, and like before she blocks, but yours strike takes her wude asw yhoi nraise a fisdt and smash her in the side the side of the head.
  720. the first time you ever hit her.
  721. You can see the bruise on her cheek as she staggers back.
  722. A fist to the face.
  723. Nothing, not even an alicorn can contend with the strenghr you just pushed into her.
  724. "A-anon..." she says, her face losing its colour slightly as those eyes.
  725. They look for answers.
  726. You give none.
  727. Your sowrd draws forward.
  728. You attempt one lasts strike.
  729. SHe takes wing, quickly flying above you.
  730. "Anon..." she said, a stifled sniffle as you glare and point at her.
  731. 'I shall come for you.'
  732. SHe closes her eyes, slowly exhaling before opening them, her look of determination recovering.
  733. "Then I shall be ready." she said and flew off
  734. shedding....a few tears as she turned away with full wing.
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