
Submitted by Anonymous

Oct 23rd, 2011
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  1. So after reading this blog for far too many hours, I've decided to share my story of one particularly bad experience with a weeaboo. Its pretty long, and this all happened a number of years ago, so some details might not be clear/left out. Bear with me.
  3. Back in my early high school years, I was pretty into anime. Nothing horrible, I'm not even really embarrassed by it. Point being, a lot of the people I hung around at the time were also into anime. By ninth grade, I had a pretty close group of friends, all of whom were pretty big into it, as well as Japanese culture and all that. So, as we enter into 10th grade, there was this kid I'll call J. We had vaguely known him before, but he was a year older than us. He got held back in 10th grade, so that year he ended up in the same grade as us.
  5. Now, I'm not entirely sure of the timing on this one, but J and a very good friend of mine, E, started dating. I think it may have been that summer or the end of 9th grade, maybe even earlier. This was all a number of years ago (I'm starting college this year) so I don't remember exactly. Anyways. Since they started dating, J kind of gradually joined our group of friends. And we got to know him a bit better. He seemed like a pretty nice kid. Went to my first con with him, he got me into WoW at the time and even helped me pay sometimes when I couldn't, cause he wanted to keep his friends in the game. Everyone in the friend group was cool with him. The only thing is, he acted pretty oddly in any given social situation. You could tell he really didn't know what was and wasn't ok socially, and the majority of the things he did were clearly things he saw in anime. I think he had a bit of a hard time separating fantasy from reality. And thats pretty much the theme of this entire story.
  7. The longer him and E dated though, the more we noticed that he really drew her away from us. She would hang out with us less and less outside of school, and it eventually got to the point where even in school she would stop by and say hi but then spend all her time with J. All of us joked about it, but we never read too much into it or got offended or anything. After all, they seemed like a really happy couple.
  9. Skip to January/February of 10th grade. I had just gotten back from Canada for the weekend, and as I had no internet or phone on the trip, I was a little out of the loop. Apparently, J and E broke up that weekend. Nobody really knew why, and they both just said it was mutual, no details other then that.
  11. This was when we found out how creepy J really was.
  13. While he was dating E, he had talked to all of us, but never really gotten *that* close. But now, he would quite frequently text us at 2 am spouting problems and his depression and angst angst angst. It was pretty damn hard to deal with, but being good friends, we all put up with it. During this time, he and E stayed friends. But heres where it starts going *really* downhill. All that crap about him separating E from us? Yeah, it got worse. We barely ever saw E anymore, he was always with her and they were always alone. And at this point we did start to really think something of it.
  15. After two or three months of this, E comes to us broken down. She spills everything and oh dear god, the things we found out. First off, what actually caused the breakdown was that he had been pushing her about dating again, and actually tried to kiss her.
  17. So she told us everything. Why she had broken up with him (yeah, wasn't mutual at all), and how horrible the relationship had actually been. He was EXTREMELY controlling, emotionally abusive, yelled at her all the time, and even physically abused her once or twice. It was absolutely shocking. He did not seem like that at ALL. I mean yes, he was a little creepy and made up MOUNDS of shit to complain about, but wow. We never thought. Highlights include: not letting her see her relative from Ireland who came to the states ONCE A YEAR because J wanted to see her that day, yelling at her about the shoes she wore to school one day because they "made her look like a slut," and tons of raging about her not liking the anime he showed her.
  19. So naturally, we all called him out on it. Hard. Me and my friend C especially. It got to the point where we would fight every day. And I'm not usually an angry person, but hurt one of my friends and you WILL have to deal with me. And it wouldn't stop. Because every time we would call him on what he did, he didn't try to deny it or explain it. He tried to argue that he didn't do anything WRONG. That he was hopelessly in love with her and couldn't control himself. Sorry man, that excuse only works in anime. And the way he talked when he was trying to defend himself was hilarious. It was like ye olde english shit. I think he thought he was a shining knight or something.
  21. And it didn't even stop there. A few months later, E and I started dating. He took it into his head that I was evil personified and only had it in my heart to hurt my best friend and girlfriend. Back when we were friends I had given him my World of Warcraft password before deleting the account, cause I stopped playing and he wanted to use my character. My Facebook password had happened to be the same, and I forgot to change it. So he hacked in and read my messages.
  23. Two of them, for whatever reason, piqued his interest. One was me describing my new relationship and how happy I was to one of my friends, and I had happened to not use E's name. Which J took to mean it was about some other new girlfriend I apparently must have had. On that wonderful new notion, he found another message with one of my friends, where I was joking around to help cheer her up about her recent breakup. Now, anyone who knows me knows I joke around a lot. And yes, sometimes that could have been misconstrued as flirting or what have you. But this time, it couldn't have been seen as anything but joking in any context whatsoever.
  25. So upon finding these messages, J proceeded to screen cap them and send them to everyone we knew, to try and convince them that I was cheating on E. Which they quickly brought to my attention. My favorite part? None of them even once asked if it was true or not.
  27. The next day I bitched him out so intensely that he ran away whenever he saw me for the next two years.
  29. This is extremely long, for which I apologize, but believe me when I say it could have been more than twice as long if I went into all the details. The saddest part is that I could pretty easily tell that he acted so ridiculously because so much anime really skewed his ideas of whats socially acceptable and what isn't. Don't get me wrong, I still love anime and find nothing wrong with it. It just sucks that there are so many people who take it way too seriously, like J, and it takes them to a really bad place.
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