
Iron Anon: Tables be turned

Sep 9th, 2012
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  1. >You wake up like usually, still drained and up way too early in the morning
  2. >Leaving you wondering how you had been able to get that one good night’s sleep back in the cave…
  3. >Gus isn't there when you come to, so you assume he was off to chase some tail
  4. >Or just to escape this pent up little prison of shrubbery you had been boxed into
  5. >In fact, you wouldn't mind getting out of here too
  6. >You haven’t done much to stretch your legs in past day
  7. >But you weren't a sly and slippery wolf
  8. >The market place opens up a few hours later, not very busy like the day before
  9. >Because you are so bored, you decide to try your luck
  10. >Making sure no pony is looking in your direction, you quickly scurry from the bush and cling to the side of a cottage
  12. >Hanging in the shadows, you secretly begin plucking items of interest from the vending stalls
  13. >Petty theft really wasn't going to change your public image by much
  14. >After about an hour of patient looting, you sneak happily back into your hedge with a head of cabbage, two ears of corn, a pitcher of a purple drink and two 'premium' dog treats
  15. >Your forced to enjoy your spoils of thievery without any silverware or precooking, eating it all raw
  16. >Still, it tasted fine and the purple drink washed it all down pretty well
  17. >You had noticed a severe lack of meat in the marketplace, reminding yourself that you were probably the only carnivorous thing here
  18. >Wondered how these ponies would react to that...
  19. >Rainbow had held up a pretty good poker face when you implied it to her, but you definitely saw the fear in her eyes
  20. >Just then you hear the clamor of hooves and excited voices moving into town, coming from the direction where you had seen the fillies go yesterday
  21. >Speaking of Rainbow...
  22. >Poking your eyes through the bush, you see a small group of ponies following in a semi circle around a cyan pegasus with a flowing rainbow mane
  23. >They must have given her a bath too, because she looked a lot cleaner and her colors seemed to be incredibly defined
  24. >Rainbow was actually looking surprisingly happy and relaxed for a change
  25. >Though not being tied up alone in cave might have something to do with it…
  26. >They were too far away to hear, but you saw that a lot of them were asking questions... including the trio of fillies
  28. >They are all sporting tiny press hats on their heads as well as holding little yellow notepads in one hoof
  29. >You'll never understand how they do it
  30. >Were the bottom of their hooves sticky or something?
  31. >Rainbow was talking happily to the crowd, obviously loving the attention
  32. >No wonder she had a fan club, probably established it herself...
  33. >Her wing was no longer bandaged and appeared to be fully healed
  34. >On the other hand, she had a small gauze patch on her hind leg as well as a thick wrapping around her whole front hoof
  35. >She doesn't seem to be limping anymore, or was just doing well to hid it from the crowd
  36. >Soon enough, Rainbow and her posse leave your sight heading across town
  37. >Almost everyone they pass stops what they are doing just to wave and say hi
  38. >These ponies... really had a sense of community here
  39. >You couldn't help but imagine that was how you must have looked like after winning the derby
  40. >Seem like such a long time ago
  41. >Later that night, Gus returned with Winona, each carrying an apple for you in their mouths
  42. >You all exchange your gifts of fruit and dog treats
  43. >Winona's apple is (sad to say) the best as she somehow avoided drenching it in spit
  44. >As soon as you finish, you feel something nudge you in the side
  45. >You turn and look down to see Winona holding a stick in her mouth, tail wagging
  46. >Oh... but where could you possible go to play fetch?
  47. >Almost reading your mind, she takes off with the stick out the back
  48. >You and Gus hesitantly follow her, you sticking as low to the ground as possible
  51. >She leads you two around the back of the cottages, eventually coming to stop alongside a patch of the river that ran by Ponyville
  52. >Though it was nighttime by now, there was still the off chance a pony would come by and see you
  53. >So you take to sitting beside a few bushes about 20 yards from the river cliff, hiding yourself from the nearby bridge's view
  54. >You were familiar with the concept of fetch but Gus... He hadn't got a clue
  55. >His bloodline made him a natural survivor and hunter, while his nurturing by the hands of your father had formed him into a hard working sled dog
  56. >He had never actually 'played' before, except for the occasional fight with a rival pup or tug-of-war between the swing and wheel dogs
  57. >He sat between you and Winona as you threw the stick down the length of the river’s side
  58. >Winona promptly retrieves it and come back to drop it at your feet
  59. >You reward her with a pat on the head and then repeat
  60. >Gus only follows the stick with his eyes, honestly not knowing what the hell was going on
  61. >Finally, Winona gives me a agitated bark for just sitting there and he finally decides to jump in
  62. >It doesn't take him long to get the game
  63. >Every time you threw the stick, the two dogs would take off in hot pursuit trying to get it first
  64. >Gus, the biggest and fastest of two, only won a handful of times
  65. >He for the most part gave the fake illusion of a race only to let Winona win at the last second, only winning for himself sometimes in order keep the game alive
  66. >After they had gotten the hang of it, you decided to have a bit of fun with it too
  68. >You try to psych them out, play a bit of tug-of-war with the stick and throw it in different patterns
  69. >You even, at the end, threw the stick into the river to see if they'd go after it
  70. >You let out a chuckle as Winona emerged victorious head held high while Gus walked out behind her. His white fur was drooping over his body, matted and drenched
  71. >Your laugh is cut short as they both shake their themselves dry
  72. >Nearly every drop lands on you
  73. >Way to kill the mood guys…
  74. >Though you could have survived without that last part, tonight had been fun
  75. >You had never seen Gus so… happy
  76. >Stress-free for a change
  77. >It was like there was something in the air that made everything here so pleasant
  78. >You fall onto your back and stare again into the stars above while the two continued to play like new-born pups
  79. >In the corner of your eye, you spot a falling star
  80. >You try to think of a wish but can't settle on a single one
  81. >The one that comes most to mind is to wish to be sent home... But something holds you back from actually saying it
  82. >Eventually, you all head back to the hedge
  83. >Winona, this time before leaving, yaps for Gus to follow
  84. >He takes a step forward before turning to you, asking for permission
  85. >A quick nod of your head and they were off
  86. >Looks like you'd have to sleep alone tonight,
  87. >You'd live
  88. >As you lay there, a slight frown comes to your mouth
  89. >You couldn't live off slobbery apples and stay hidden in the hedges forever
  90. >And it didn’t seem those ponies were turning over bushes in search of you
  91. >Tomorrow, you'd think of something
  92. >You'd have to…
  93. >Another day ends as you drift into unconsciousness
  95. >The last few seconds of a falling Moon signals another early day
  96. >You continue to lay there, trying to fake an impression of sleep
  97. >Not long after, a bright Sun shines through the hedges, slowly warming you up
  98. >Finally, the heat become too much on your eyelids so you move to open them
  99. >Another day in Ponyville
  100. >Well, another day of hiding in the bushes of Ponyville
  101. >But today was different
  102. >Today, you were going to try and reach out to these ponies
  103. >You couldn't just run out into the streets though,
  104. >They still might try to stumble you to death
  105. >You had no idea what they would do when they found you…
  106. >So you needed to start small or at least find some kind of leverage for the situation
  107. >No matter what way they spin it, you had saved the pegasus's life in the woods
  108. >Even if Rainbow was the only one that knew it
  109. >You stretch your back, setting off a few popping joints
  110. >Ok, then
  111. >Let's see if anything in the market can help us...
  112. >You stare through the crevices of leaves
  113. >It was still earlier morning and the vendors weren't even set up yet
  114. >You'd have to wait-
  115. >The brush behind you shakes
  116. >To your relief, Gus pops out
  117. >He was back already
  118. >Wait, the bush was still moving
  119. >On cue, out came Winona trotting beside the wolfdog
  120. >Well, she had never come this earl-
  121. >The whole bush rattles now as something big pushes through
  122. >Had Gus found another-
  123. >...
  124. >Your heart skips a beat as the brown stetson appears first above the hedge line
  125. >Then the first orange hoof finds its way onto the other side
  126. >You feel a empty pit form in your stomach
  127. >You stumble as you nervously start to get to your feet
  128. >Finally, a head and the rest of a pony finds its way into your sanctuary
  130. >http://youtu.be/WzxQeDWZMl0?t=20s
  131. >Applejack:"Where are ya’ll takin’-"
  132. >Both the orange mare and human freeze in their places, agape mouths matching up perfectly
  133. >In that single instance, it was over
  134. >Looks like fate had other plans for you then ‘starting off slow’
  135. >Those green eyes look blankly into yours as she slowly pieces together what you are
  136. >Applejack:"AH' FOUND IT!"
  137. >She shouts so loud that all of Ponyville must of been awake now
  138. >But it wasn't the volume that caused you to jump out of the bush and run for the closet bridge out of town
  139. >It was the toxicity of her voice
  140. >There was no doubt in your mind she'd snap your neck if given the chance
  141. >You're fucked,
  142. >and you know it
  143. >[spoiler]She knows it[/spoiler]
  144. >You pump your legs and arms as fast as possible, passing ponies who either stare at you in naked shock or scream their heads off
  145. >Already the sound of her furious hooves are closing in on you
  146. >Fuck!
  147. >You been penned up in the hedge for so long that your legs were now already cramping from the sudden movement
  148. >'Pain is nothing more than the fear of weaker men, but you are not a weak man... you are a weak BOY'
  149. >Shut up, Ned! This is not the time!
  151. >You quick pass over the bridge and make your way down a dirt road towards a large barn and farm house, which were both right next to the apple orchard
  152. >What to do?! What do you do?!
  153. >You decide to try and lose her in the orchard
  154. >That is, until, you see the hulky red pony in front of you
  155. >He drops an apple he had in his mouth and stares at you, like he had seen a ghost
  156. >Applejack[REALLY FUCKING CLOSE NOW]:”Big Mac, that’s the monst’ar! Get ‘um!”
  157. >You almost shit your pants when he emits steam from his nostrils as he roughly kicks up dirt with his one hoof
  158. >Skidding to a stop, you turn for the house
  159. >If you got in there maybe-
  160. >Applejack:”You ain’t getting away!”
  161. >That hesitation at the orchard had cost you the small lead you had before
  162. >Her voice was practically in your ears
  163. >She going to ram herself right into you
  164. >You spin around just in time to catch her leaping at you
  165. >You fall on your back, and using her momentum against her, throw her over your head
  166. >She lands a yard from you with a grunt
  167. >You scramble to your feet but it’s not fast enough
  168. >A set of hind hooves find their mark right into your back
  169. >You hear something crack as the raw energy of the Big Mac’s buck transfers into your body
  170. >You’re instantly winded as you go flying into the nearby barn’s side
  171. >For a second, your vision flashes black and your body goes numb
  172. >You slide down the barn’s wall to the ground, landing square on your ass
  173. >Then the pain starts seeping from every joint in your body
  174. >You pick up your head to see Big Mac beginning to walk over to you, cautiously
  175. >But before he can take another step, Applejack comes galloping around in front of him, still furious
  177. >The look in her eyes… terrifies you
  178. >You thought ponies were nice?!
  179. >Big Mac:”Applejack!”
  180. >She doesn’t stop coming right for you
  181. >The pain mixed with the fear of her intentions is enough for you to pull out the revolver
  182. >You line her up in the sights
  183. [woozily]“Stop!”
  184. >You manage only a single word in your breathless state
  185. >She stops about 10 feet from you
  186. >Applejack:”Aw’ ha! So ya can talk!”
  187. >The hick pony seems to have no fear in what you are pointing at her
  188. >You might as well have been jabbing the air with a stick
  189. “I mean it *gasp* stay back!”
  190. >She drops her head while pinning her ears back
  191. >Applejack[bitter]:”Or wat? You’r the one that hurt Rainbow…”
  192. >Her words are as cold as ice
  193. >She walks up slowly to you now while cracking her neck, trying to intimidate
  194. >Before you can react, you hear it
  195. >Rainbow:”Applejack, Stop!”
  196. >You all turn to see Rainbow flying over the dirt path
  197. >Only you two share eye contact however
  198. >She might not know what it is you’re holding or how it works… but she saw what it could do
  199. >The two members of the apple family had no idea what the black metal thing was
  200. >Looks like this was the crossroads of your fate…
  201. >You had to choose now
  202. >…
  203. >You stare long into Rainbow’s eyes before giving a loud audible sigh
  204. >The pegasus body physically relaxes as you let the gun fall to the ground
  205. >Hopefully, this had been the righ-
  206. >A hard, solid orange hoof cracks against your face like a bag of bricks
  207. >Your head is dragged along with its path, twisting your whole body to the side
  210. >Applejack is revering up for another haymaker when a lasso soars over her head and lands over you
  211. >It instantly tightens, binding your arms to your side
  212. >The orange pony’s potential blow is redirected into the ground instead
  213. >Applejack[frustrated]:”Gosh Darnit’ Big Macintosh! I can’t hit it if it kan’t defend itself!”
  214. >What a twisted set of morals…
  215. >She won’t attack you if you’re not able to defend yourself, but she’s perfectly fine sucker punching you
  216. >You could easily get out of the rope, but for now its keeping you from getting hit again
  217. >Big Mac tosses the rest of the rope from his mouth to Applejack
  218. >By that time, Rainbow had made her way over to you all, putting herself down next to Big Mac before walking over to you and Applejack
  219. >Applejack begins wrapping you up in a coil of rope
  220. >You don’t resist however, no reason too
  221. “…So”
  222. >Rainbow:”…”
  223. >Applejack:”…”
  224. >Big Mac:”…”
  225. >There a heavy silence until you notice Rainbow has a satisfied grin on her face
  226. >Looks like the tables had been turned…
  227. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
  228. >Rainbow:”Kind of”
  229. >An orange hoof claps against your cheek
  230. >Applejack:”No talkin”
  231. “What a nice friend you got here, Rainbow”
  232. >Rainbow [firm]:”I thought I told you not to call me that…”
  233. “And why is-”
  234. >Rainbow:”My friends call me ‘Rainbow’, NOT you”
  235. >She turns from you and begins talking to Applejack
  236. >Rainbow:”Where’d you find him?”
  237. >Applejack:”Winona and her new friend lead me right to it… the thing was hiding in the middle of Ponyville”
  238. >Rainbow:”What ‘new friend’?”
  241. >Applejack:”Oh nop0ny ‘s told you yet, right? Well, Winona brought this furry white critter home the other day… Ah’ think it’s sum kind of diamond dog, but it’s real friendly and helps out around the farm when it can”
  242. >You begin to smile as Rainbow slowly frowns
  243. >Applejack:”A really big fellow but he gets along great wit’- And what the hay are you smilin’ at?!”
  244. “His name’s Gus”
  245. >She looks to you and raises an annoyed eyebrow
  246. >Applejack:”Ah’ thought I told ya-“
  247. >You let out a short whistle,
  248. >Gus pops out of a nearby bush, landing swiftly besides you and Applejack
  249. “and he’s my dog”
  250. >You see Rainbow start to slightly sweat as she tries to slowly and discreetly back away
  251. >Applejack:”You ok thair’, Rainbow?”
  252. >You cock your head to one side
  253. “You mean she never told you?”
  254. >Applejack:”Told me wat?”
  255. “How she got that nasty wound on her one leg”
  256. >Applejack:”Yeh, she said you tried to eat her!”
  257. >You give a dirty glare to Rainbow
  258. “Really?”
  259. >Rainbow:”Ah yeah-h, Applejack, about that…”
  260. >Applejack:”Wat do ya mean Rainb-“
  261. “Gus is the one who tore up her front hoof”
  262. >Only after it came out of your mouth did you realize how badly you just screwed Gus over
  263. >He had somehow gotten on this pony’s good side and you both needed that right now
  264. >Before Applejack can say anything, you try and save the situation
  265. “on my command”
  266. >You were afraid that wouldn’t be enough…
  267. >Almost on cue, Winona comes trotting over to sit happily next to Gus, diffusing any potential conflict
  268. >Even Rainbow eases up a bit when she sees how Winona goes so willingly to Gus’ side
  269. >Applejack:”It don’t matter, Ah’ ain’t believen a word you say”
  271. >Finally Applejack finishes and pulls the rope taut with her teeth, almost crushing you
  272. >Applejack[to Rainbow]:”We need ta go get Twilight and the others now that we got it captur’ed”
  273. >Applejack[to Big Mac]:”Can ya keep an eye on him while me and Rainbow go-“
  274. >Rainbow flares up her briefly wings
  275. >Rainbow[outburst]:”No!”
  276. >Everyone looks at her
  277. >Rainbow:”I-I mean… I’ll watch him while you and Big Macintosh go get the egghead”
  278. >Applejack and Big Mac give Rainbow a concerned look
  279. >Applejack:”Ah’ don’t think that’s such good idea, sugarcube“
  280. >Rainbow:”I’ll be fine…”
  281. >Applejack gives you a glance and then one back to Rainbow
  282. >Applejack:”Fine. We’ll be as fast as ah mockin’jay in august”
  283. >They both take off down the road leaving you, Rainbow and the two canines to yourselves
  284. >Rainbow watches them go, finally folding her wings back after they had disappeared into Ponyville
  285. >For a moment, you’re worried that you were about to receive a beat down from a rightfully pissed off pony
  286. >Without a word, she goes over and ever so carefully picks up the revolver
  287. >…Oh, fuck what is she doing?!
  288. >Rainbow:”This is what did…THAT…to the manitcore, isn’t it?”
  289. >She holds it like it was going to blow up at anytime
  290. >You calm down, it seemed she wasn’t going to murder you just yet
  291. “Yes…The one that I saved you from, remember?”
  292. >Rainbow looks down at you with a scowl
  293. >Rainbow:”You kidnapped me, had that flee-bag of yours attack me, tied me up in a cave and kicked me down a hill right into that frickin’ manitcore-!”
  294. “Who was about to sink his claws into you before I… intervened”
  295. >Rainbow withdraws her glare and looks to the ground
  297. “I could have left you for dead and got the hell out of there… but I came back. That has to amount to something”
  298. >Rainbow:”you… you just needed me for-“
  299. “It wasn’t about that, dammit!”
  300. >For a second, you almost lose your temper but you quickly cool back down
  301. >You give a deep shrug and look to the ground in front of her
  302. “I already told you, I never liked how things played out… and I have no idea what they are going to do with me now”
  303. >You look up but she’s still intensely looking away
  304. >A little breeze passes by as you stare at her for an answer…
  305. >She however ignores it and looks back to the hunk of steel in hoof
  306. >Rainbow:”…what is it?”
  307. >Might as well oblige her with an explanation
  308. “It’s called a revolver from where I come from. It’s a weapon… you ponies have weapons, right?”
  309. >As she inspects it, one of her eyes peers curiously down the barrel
  310. “Don’t do that”
  311. >The mare freaks out and accidentally throws the gun up in the air
  312. [frantic]“DON’T DO THAT EITHER!”
  313. >You manage to awkwardly but skillfully catch it with your foot
  314. >You give her a dirty look and she nervously laughs off her own clumsiness
  315. >Rainbow:”Hehe…ugh…well, the Royal Guards at Canterlot have those spears”
  316. >Spears?
  317. >You’d pay to see an equine try and hold a spear
  318. “But nothing like this?”
  319. >Rainbow:”No… Hey, didn’t you say before you didn’t know anything about magic?!”
  320. “I don’t”
  321. >Rainbow:”Then what the-“
  322. “It’s not magic, anything that can pull a tiny lever can use it”
  323. >She seems a bit curious by this and goes to retrieve it off your boot
  324. >Rainbow:”So how does it-“
  325. >Just before she can touch it, you use every fiber of your being to kick your foot up
  326. >You can almost feel the tendons in your leg tear from the amount of force you use
  328. >The gun, the only thing you had that could defend yourself against all these ponies, goes flying up in the air
  329. >You let out a sharp whistle and Gus leaps into action, grabbing the gun in his mouth like a stick and running off towards the forest
  330. >Rainbow watches him disappear into the woods and then turns angrily to you
  331. >Rainbow:”What the hay was that for!?”
  332. “Sorry but where I’m from you shouldn’t let little kids play with guns”
  333. >She narrows her eyes, trying to get a read on you
  334. >You didn’t need any of these ponies taking an interest in your gun
  335. >If they only had measly pointed sticks, then there was no doubt that one of them would try to study and recreate it
  336. >You couldn’t let that happen…
  337. >For all sorts of reasons, both personal and moral
  338. >Within a few minutes, Gus comes trotting back to you, carrying nothing with him
  339. >Wolves, you knew, would often hide their own extra bits food from the rest of the pack
  340. >Making Gus naturally skilled at concealing all sorts of things
  341. >Now only he knew where it was and he’d never forget it
  342. >The coward of a pegasus takes to hovering as he approaches, on edge
  343. >Applebitch and her other pony friends would be here any minute and you didn’t need Rainbow completely petrified when you tried to explain yourself
  344. >Another whistle and Gus stops in his tracks
  345. “Go on Gus, get out of here… This pony looks like she’s about to have a heart attack”
  346. >He complies, taking off towards the orchard with Winona falling behind
  347. >Rainbow immediately calms down, dropping back to the ground
  349. >You try to take advantage of the moment and lighten the mood
  350. [jokingly]“Geez Rainbow, didn’t know you were such a scaredy cat”
  351. >Rainbow[coldly]:”Call me ‘Rainbow’ one more time and I’ll tape your mouth shut…”
  352. >Backfire.
  353. >Rainbow:”Maybe I should do it anyways since you had no problem doing it to me. Heck, while I’m at it, might as well get Tank to chew on YOUR leg!”
  354. “Who’s Tank?”
  355. >Rainbow:”None of your business, monkey…”
  356. >Dead silence hangs in the air as diplomatic relations reach an all time low
  357. >Perhaps you should try to ease the tension again?
  358. “…”
  359. >Rainbow:”…”
  360. “…I spy, with my little eye, something-“
  361. >Rainbow slams a hoof to your lips before tying an over-the-mouth gag using a torn piece of her excess bandage
  362. >It’s not really preventing you from talking but you feel it’s best to be quiet now
  363. >Fuck today
  364. >Making progress with these ponies sucks
  365. >As if to save you from more painful silence, you hear the sound of hooves approaching
  366. >Rainbow leaves you and flies over to met them about 50 yards away on the road
  367. >You can make out the ponies you have come to know as Twilight, Applejack, Big Mac, and Rarity all stopping in front of her
  368. >They talk for a good 10 minutes in which you hear nothing of the conversation
  369. >The purple one keeps trying to look around Rainbow to get a better view of you
  370. >Eventually Twilight takes the lead and walks towards you, flanked by the others
  371. >They all either have an expression of repulsion or resentment except for the purple unicorn, who studies you curiously
  372. >They all stop a few feet from you
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