
Penny's Trial of Heart

Jul 11th, 2013
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  1. [23:47] * Dr_Bob is weary of what's to come, but is ready
  2. [23:47] <Ikea> [sorry, Penny?]
  3. [23:47] * Mary_ONette_ fell asleep
  4. [23:47] * Hearth gives Bob a reasuring hug, but is nearly shaking at how nervous she is
  5. [23:48] <GoldenTouch> [YOU SHALL NOT PASS]
  6. [23:48] * Mary_ONette_ is mumbling in sleep
  7. [23:48] <Ruin> "Oh Hearth, don't get nervous, you guys are up next!"
  8. [23:48] <PrettyPenny> *meets up with the rest of the group* "Everyone, these two fine stallions have passed the test of mind! All that's left is the test of the heart."
  9. [23:48] <Dr_Bob> "No traps, right?"
  10. [23:49] * GoldenTouch whispers to ikea "Remind me to never come back to any sort of house party"
  11. [23:49] <PrettyPenny> *raises hoof* "No traps I swear."
  12. [23:49] <Ikea> [pretty damn bad ass, though... get's snatched by a fucking troll, spits in it's face getting it to drop her, runs, gets caught again but the troll tumbles over and pulls them both into an abyss...]
  13. [23:50] <Ikea> [oops. Again, sorry Penny, stopping now]
  14. [23:50] * Mary_ONette_ wakes up drooling
  15. [23:50] == Bob_ [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  16. [23:51] * PrettyPenny taps her hoof impatiently, "For this test we'll need to get back in the house. Those of you who aren't taking the test can wait in the living room."
  17. [23:51] <Ikea> "I call couch!"
  18. [23:51] * Bob_ helps Hearth up, walking inside the house
  19. [23:51] == Dr_Bob [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  20. [23:51] == Bob_ has changed nick to Dr_Bob
  21. [23:52] * Ruin heads for the living room
  22. [23:52] * Mary_ONette_ walks to the living room "One more challenge."
  23. [23:52] * Hearth walks with Bob inside the house as she is wracking her mind thinking of what the challenge could
  24. [23:52] <Hearth> be
  25. [23:52] * Dr_Bob could really use a mood lifter right now
  26. [23:53] <PrettyPenny> While the triumphant four rest in the living room, Penny takes Bob and Hearth to a mostly empty room while a servant hands her a couple of odd herbs which she hands to the couple. "Take these so we can begin."
  27. [23:53] * Dr_Bob looks at the herbs "You giving these to a doctor and NOT expect any questions?"
  28. [23:54] * Hearth sniffs the herb a bit "These are safe, right?"
  29. [23:54] * GoldenTouch was in the living room the whole time!
  30. [23:54] <Dr_Bob> [hue]
  31. [23:55] <PrettyPenny> "Okay, you got me. Those are meant to put you to sleep. Don't worry, my servants will take care of you while I prepare the things needed."
  32. [23:55] * Hearth looks over to Bob with a concerned look on her face
  33. [23:55] * Dr_Bob returns the look to Hearth "...Are we doing this
  34. [23:56] <Dr_Bob> ?"
  35. [23:56] <Hearth> "I...are you okay with this?"
  36. [23:56] <Dr_Bob> "Well... I trust Penny won't harm us..."
  37. [23:57] <GoldenTouch> [i wish i could have that same trust]
  38. [23:57] * Hearth looks back at the herb " long as you trust Penny..."
  39. [23:57] <PrettyPenny> Two servants walk in the room, putting cots on the ground for the couple to sleep in before shuffling out.
  40. [23:57] * Dr_Bob cautiously nibbles at the herb
  41. [23:58] * Hearth slowly inserts the herb into her mouth and begins to chew
  42. [23:59] <PrettyPenny> i really have to leave for probably half an hour..uhh sit tight i suppose. after this last 'test' the game will be over)
  43. [23:59] * Hearth swallows after several moments of chewing and looks back to Bob
  44. [23:59] <Hearth> [Meh.]
  45. [23:59] * Dr_Bob gulps it down
  46. [00:05] <Ikea>
  47. [00:06] <Hearth> lol
  48. [00:06] * Dr_Bob is dreaming of lewd things
  49. [00:09] <GoldenTouch> [SHHHH THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART]
  50. [00:15] == GreenSleeves [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  51. [00:17] <Mary_ONette_> ".."
  52. [00:17] * Dr_Bob whistles the Jeopardy theme in his sleep
  53. [00:17] == Detective_Hardboil [] has left #FourCannonERPnP []
  54. [00:18] <Dr_Bob> [>mfw everyone leaves before the ERP]
  55. [00:18] <Hearth> [welp]
  56. [00:18] <Dr_Bob> [Also I'm oddly glad/disappointed at how the herbs were *just* sedatives]
  57. [00:18] <Hearth> [>inb4 they're actually aphrodisiacs]
  58. [00:18] <GoldenTouch> [no post in a while, four cannon is dead
  59. [00:22] <Dr_Bob> [8 minutes remain]
  60. [00:22] <Dr_Bob> [Oh shit]
  61. [00:23] <Dr_Bob> [Penny claims that for the most part this is noncanon]
  62. [00:23] <Dr_Bob> [Thus we can assume it's all an illllusion]
  63. [00:23] <Dr_Bob> [And thus anything can happen right now]
  64. [00:23] * Dr_Bob shudders
  65. [00:24] <Mary_ONette_> [wait intensifies]
  66. [00:24] <Mary_ONette_> [inb4 orgy with Penny]
  67. [00:25] <Dr_Bob> [Oh God]
  68. [00:25] <Dr_Bob> [>Heart]
  69. [00:25] <Dr_Bob> [>Penny hints about being alone]
  70. [00:26] <Mary_ONette_> [wants us to make her feel like a mare]
  71. [00:26] <GoldenTouch> [where is this going on?]
  72. [00:26] <Hearth> [0______________0]
  73. [00:27] <Hearth> [WELP]
  74. [00:27] <Dr_Bob> [Don't worry Hearth, THIS doctor's monogamous!]
  75. [00:29] <Dr_Bob> [>Inb4 Penny spills spaghetti, and passes us after we reject her offer because we showed true heart]
  76. [00:30] <GoldenTouch> [this is all a dream]
  77. [00:31] <Ikea> [shitstorm is starting over at the inn, and I'm IC stuck here... damn it Penny! COME ON]
  78. [00:31] <Dr_Bob> [>tfw]
  79. [00:31] <Dr_Bob> [>mfw she spends 3 minutes on Hearth and I to hurry things up]
  80. [00:31] <Mary_ONette_> [I used to read word up magazine]
  81. [00:35] <Hearth> [Technically this is not cannon Ikea, so you really could be there if you wanted to]
  82. [00:35] <Ikea> ... I figured the party with Penny was canon, just not what happened there
  83. [00:35] <Dr_Bob> [I'm lurking just not IC]
  84. [00:35] <Dr_Bob> [This IS canon, we just are prolly in an illusion]
  85. [00:36] <Hearth> [OHHHHHH, okay]
  86. [00:36] <Ruin> [mushroom trip]
  87. [00:36] <Dr_Bob> [Man, I wish there wasn't so much drama]
  88. [00:36] <Hearth> [Trying to save feels until I get to the Inn, having a hard time]
  89. [00:36] <Dr_Bob> [Also where are you Pennay....]
  90. [00:37] <Ikea> [>Recon happening at the same time]
  91. [00:37] <Ikea> [damn it, recon....]
  92. [00:37] <Hearth> [>Implying anyone cares about recon]
  93. [00:38] <Ikea> [still shitting up chat...]
  94. [00:38] == Bob_ [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  95. [00:38] <Hearth> [truth]
  96. [00:38] == Dr_Bob [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  97. [00:38] <Bob_> [tfw want to go on group date but not sure now because of feels IC]
  98. [00:38] == Kaiasha [webchat@] has left #FourCannonERPnP []
  99. [00:39] <Hearth> [Dat feel]
  100. [00:39] == Bob_ has changed nick to Dr_Bob
  101. [00:39] <Dr_Bob> [Why is Bob STILL being used...]
  102. [00:41] <Mary_ONette_> "........ I so.... BORED!!!"
  103. [00:41] <Hearth> [Because someone out there on IRC hates your guts]
  104. [00:41] <Dr_Bob> [;_;]
  105. [00:42] <Dr_Bob> [I thought I was erryone's friend...]
  106. [00:42] <Hearth> [I joke I joke]
  107. [00:42] <Hearth> [*nuzzles Bob*]
  108. [00:42] <Dr_Bob> [rusemans rusing rusemans here, Hearth :P]
  109. [00:42] <Dr_Bob> [*Nuzzles back]
  110. [00:43] <Mary_ONette_> [how much longer?]
  111. [00:43] <Hearth> [I know, but I don't like to see you fake upset either.]
  112. [00:43] <Dr_Bob> [d'awwww]
  113. [00:43] * Ikea is not at all jealous... nope... not at all...
  114. [00:44] <Dr_Bob> [Fugg I want to do something not FEELS worthy tonight]
  115. [00:44] <PrettyPenny> back
  116. [00:44] <Dr_Bob> [You have Golden!]
  117. [00:44] <Ruin> [wb]
  118. [00:44] <Hearth> [YAY!]
  119. [00:44] <Ikea> [hehe]
  120. [00:44] <Dr_Bob> [Yay!]
  121. [00:44] <PrettyPenny> okay, sry bout that
  122. [00:44] <Ikea> [PENNY!]
  123. [00:44] <Ikea> [np]
  124. [00:44] <Mary_ONette_> [yay]
  125. [00:44] <PrettyPenny> where did we left off?
  126. [00:44] <Hearth> [Bob and I ate the herbs]
  127. [00:44] <GoldenTouch> [nope]
  128. [00:45] <Dr_Bob> [yup]
  129. [00:45] <Hearth> [leave*]
  130. [00:45] <Hearth> [I'm a grammar nazi btw]
  131. [00:45] <Dr_Bob> [Heil~
  132. [00:45] <Ruin> [Yew is? the grammer nazi are pikin on the town jew?]
  133. [00:46] <Dr_Bob> [hue]
  134. [00:46] <Bacon_Grease> (We're discussing whether or not Recon should be given a second chance in #FOURCANNON join if you want to make your voice heard)
  135. [00:46] <Hearth> [LOOOOOOL Didn't even notice that]
  136. [00:46] <Dr_Bob> [Gave my vote!]
  137. [00:47] <Ruin> [It's cool Penny, I don't judge by race, or English skill!]
  138. [00:47] <Dr_Bob> [I judge by grammar]
  139. [00:47] <Hearth> ^
  140. [00:47] <Dr_Bob> [And qtness]
  141. [00:47] <Ikea> ^^
  142. [00:47] <Dr_Bob> [hue]
  143. [00:48] <PrettyPenny> Bob and Hearth fell unconcious soon after eating the herbs given by Penny. "Help me place them correctly!" Penny called to the houseworkers. They put the sleeping ponies in the cots and moved the cots in front of each other headwise. Then a maid followed by some unicorns went in with a purple crystal, placing the crystal on the ground near the couple's heads. Penny did her trademark smirk.
  144. [00:48] <Hearth> [SOON]
  145. [00:48] <Dr_Bob> [HABBEDING]
  146. [00:51] <GoldenTouch> [its happening!!]
  147. [00:51] <Dr_Bob> [Lel, Ikea ain't stoppin this train this time]
  148. [00:52] <PrettyPenny> "I paid good money for this, so I hope this works." Penny commented, she nodded to the unicorns and they powered up the crystal. It emanated energy that seem to affect the sleeping pony's brainwaves, affecting their dreams...Bob and Hearth find themselves together in a dark place. (Roll to begin adventure)
  149. [00:52] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20
  150. [00:52] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  151. [00:52] <Dr_Bob> Kek why
  152. [00:52] <Hearth> !roll d20
  153. [00:52] <GameServ> 11 == 11
  154. [00:54] <PrettyPenny> Hearth sees that there are two exits, left or right, to the room, there's an odd inscription on the wall but it's in another language.
  155. [00:55] * Hearth tries to see if she can decipher the inscription in any way.
  156. [00:55] <PrettyPenny> roll to decipher
  157. [00:55] <Hearth> !roll d20
  158. [00:55] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  159. [00:55] <Hearth> [NOPE!]
  160. [00:55] <Dr_Bob> [Waifu pls]
  161. [00:55] <PrettyPenny> The text visibly changed to Korean in front of both of their eyes.
  162. [00:56] <GoldenTouch> [tfw hearth knows korean]
  163. [00:56] * Hearth decides to give up on trying to read the inscription and slowly opens the door on the right
  164. [00:56] <Hearth> [T'would be funny if I did, but sadly no]
  165. [00:57] <PrettyPenny> The right door opens to a blinding light. It's impossible to know where it leads to.
  166. [00:57] <Dr_Bob> [>Heart]
  167. [00:58] <Dr_Bob> [Some joke about going into the light]
  168. [00:58] * Hearth shields her eyes and closes the door, then walks over to the left door and does the same.
  169. [00:58] <PrettyPenny> Same result. This isn't regular circumstances, the couple finds themselves in.
  170. [00:59] <Dr_Bob> [We're separated right now, right?]
  171. [00:59] * Hearth thinks for a moment before going back to the right door, opening it, and slowly walking through.
  172. [00:59] <PrettyPenny> you're together
  173. [00:59] <Hearth> [OH!!!!]
  174. [00:59] <Dr_Bob> [I did not know that..]
  175. [00:59] <PrettyPenny> sry)
  176. [00:59] <Hearth> [I redact my last statement then]
  177. [01:00] * Dr_Bob walks through the door regardless, cuz that was literally what he would've done. Not kidding]
  178. [01:00] * Dr_Bob gives Hearth a reassuring nuzzle despite being super scared
  179. [01:00] <PrettyPenny> The couple finds themselves in the same room, except the inscription went back to it's original form.
  180. [01:00] * Hearth walks beside Bob, maintaining contact the entire time and returns the nuzzle
  181. [01:01] * Dr_Bob tries to examine it this time
  182. [01:01] <PrettyPenny> roll for it
  183. [01:01] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20
  184. [01:01] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  185. [01:01] <Dr_Bob> BASED
  186. [01:01] * Hearth looks over Bob's shoulder
  187. [01:01] <PrettyPenny> "The inscription reads 'Fool me once...' "
  188. [01:01] <Dr_Bob> "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice..."
  189. [01:01] * Dr_Bob gulps
  190. [01:02] <PrettyPenny> Suddenly, a voice calls out. "Go left."
  191. [01:02] <Dr_Bob> "Fool me once, shame on me!"
  192. [01:02] <Dr_Bob> "Hearth?"
  193. [01:02] <Hearth> "No. It's fool me once shame on you...right?"
  194. [01:03] <Hearth> "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on you, fool me thrice shame on me."
  195. [01:03] * Dr_Bob flattens his ears "You deserve that 17 INT more than me"
  196. [01:03] * Hearth laughs and nuzzles Bob "It's okay, now, left we go?"
  197. [01:03] <Dr_Bob> "Well... Sure, why not?
  198. [01:04] * Hearth opens the left door and walks through, side by side with Bob
  199. [01:04] <PrettyPenny> The couple went to the left and finds themselves in the same room but with the inscription already translated. The voice calls out again, "Go left."
  200. [01:05] <Dr_Bob> "Fool me twice..."
  201. [01:05] <Hearth> "...shame on you."
  202. [01:05] <Dr_Bob> "Right?"
  203. [01:05] <Hearth> "So, left again?"
  204. [01:05] <Dr_Bob> "Ahh... Sorry, I'm kinda discombobulated!"
  205. [01:05] <Dr_Bob> [>Bob]
  206. [01:05] <Dr_Bob> [hue]
  207. [01:05] <Hearth> [Wait, is the inscription the same?]
  208. [01:06] <Dr_Bob> [Yeah]
  209. [01:07] <Hearth> "Okay, so based on the inscription, we follow the voice twice and if we are wronged twice we don't listen to it on the third time. Got it?"
  210. [01:07] * Dr_Bob begins to head left, unsure but trusting Hearth fully "Got it!"
  211. [01:07] * Hearth nods to Bob and walks through the left door with him
  212. [01:08] <PrettyPenny> The couple went to the left and finds themselves in the same room but the inscription is back to gibberish again. No voice speaks.
  213. [01:08] * Hearth looks at the inscription and tries to decipher it.
  214. [01:09] * Dr_Bob does the same
  215. [01:09] <PrettyPenny> roll for it
  216. [01:09] <Hearth> !roll d20
  217. [01:09] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  218. [01:09] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20
  219. [01:09] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  220. [01:09] <Dr_Bob> Welp
  221. [01:09] <Dr_Bob> "Go Hearth!"
  222. [01:09] <Hearth> "I got this one, hun."
  223. [01:09] <PrettyPenny> Hearth reads 'Shame on you'
  224. [01:09] <PrettyPenny> "Go right."
  225. [01:09] <Dr_Bob> "W-what does it say?"
  226. [01:09] * Hearth hangs her head in dissapointment
  227. [01:10] <Hearth> "Shame on you...go right"
  228. [01:10] <Dr_Bob> "Well... We went twice to the left and was fulled..."
  229. [01:10] <Dr_Bob> "Right?"
  230. [01:11] <PrettyPenny> Penny sees the crystal glow red for a second. "My, off to a bumpy start now aren't they?" *she shakes her head and continues to observe*
  231. [01:11] <Hearth> "...but did the first time count?" *sits and scratches at her head with her hooves* "Gah, I don't know"
  232. [01:12] * Dr_Bob nuzzles Hearth "Hey, we can do this! Let's think..."
  233. [01:12] <Dr_Bob> "We were really only fooled twice..."
  234. [01:12] * Hearth returns the nuzzle "Right, just have to calm down and think"
  235. [01:13] <Dr_Bob> "The first time, we had no idea of knowing! That means we couldn't have been fooled, right?"
  236. [01:13] <Hearth> "Right! So, left it is!...right?"
  237. [01:13] * Dr_Bob smiles "Right!"
  238. [01:14] * Hearth walks through the door on her left once again, Bob at her side
  239. [01:14] <Dr_Bob> "I'm sure this is the right door..."
  240. [01:14] <Hearth> "...left door."
  241. [01:14] <Dr_Bob> "Right!"
  242. [01:14] <Hearth> "Wait, right as in correct, right?"
  243. [01:15] * Dr_Bob can't help himself "Right!"
  244. [01:15] * Hearth giggles
  245. [01:16] <Dr_Bob> [#waitingforGM]
  246. [01:16] <Hearth> [novel incoming]
  247. [01:16] <Dr_Bob> [ruh roh]
  248. [01:16] <Dr_Bob> [This was way quicker than the others... Twist upcoming?]
  249. [01:17] <Dr_Bob> [Or impatient GM? Haha]
  250. [01:17] <Hearth> [I don't think it's over yet]
  251. [01:17] <Dr_Bob> [The ride never ends
  252. [01:17] * Dr_Bob imitates a Conducter "Choo choo!"
  253. [01:17] <Dr_Bob> *Conductor
  254. [01:17] <Hearth> [good]
  255. [01:18] <Dr_Bob> [singlebeadofsweat.jpg]
  256. [01:18] <PrettyPenny> The couple finds themselves in a new dark room with an exit locked. A few seconds later, a hologram of Penny appeared in front of them speaking, "This is a pre-recorded message. Welcome to my dream crystal where you go through the obstacles programmed into it. If you're listening to this then that means you are on Strike one, two more and you fail the test! Thank you and have nice day now!" The door opens before Bob and Hea
  257. [01:18] <Dr_Bob> [>Cut off]
  258. [01:18] <Ikea> [cut off at 'the door opens before Bob and Hea']
  259. [01:19] <Dr_Bob> "Waugh! I'm sorry Hearth..."
  260. [01:19] <Hearth> "Damn..."
  261. [01:20] * Hearth sighs "It's okay, I should've counted the first one."
  262. [01:20] <PrettyPenny> (I'm not gonna torture yall with a continuous looping puzzle)
  263. [01:20] <PrettyPenny> there is no fool me thrice in that phrase)
  264. [01:20] == Dr_Bob [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  265. [01:20] == Dr_Bob [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  266. [01:21] <Hearth> [Derp]
  267. [01:21] <Dr_Bob> [What's the situation?]
  268. [01:21] <Mary_ONette_> [...]
  269. [01:21] <Dr_Bob> [Internet: 8, cockblockers: 5, Bobfire: 2]
  270. [01:21] <Hearth> [Phrase actually goes "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"]
  271. [01:21] <Dr_Bob> [Whoops]
  272. [01:21] <Dr_Bob> [It's fine!]
  273. [01:22] <PrettyPenny> (u two may proceed to the next area when yer ready)
  274. [01:22] * Dr_Bob gives Hearth a reassuring kiss "Hey, let's do this!"
  275. [01:22] <GoldenTouch> [fool me thrice, i kill your family]
  276. [01:22] * Hearth returns the kiss back and holds him there for several moments "Alright!"
  277. [01:23] * Hearth heads towards the door before them
  278. [01:23] * Dr_Bob advances, nervous but steeling dem nerves
  279. [01:25] <Dr_Bob> [monologue incoming]
  280. [01:25] <PrettyPenny> On passing the door, the couple finds themselves by the doors of an abandoned hospital, the sky outside is red and there are some disturbing moaning noises coming from inside the hospital. It looks like a scene from a horror movie. The doors of the hospital are rusted yet functional.
  281. [01:25] <PrettyPenny> outside*
  282. [01:25] * Hearth is stalk still as she takes in the scene.
  283. [01:25] * Dr_Bob gulps
  284. [01:25] <Dr_Bob> "This... A hospital??"
  285. [01:26] * Hearth just stands staring directly foward, eyes wide.
  286. [01:26] * Dr_Bob hears the moanings and jumps onto Hearth "ZOINKS!"
  287. [01:26] * Hearth falls to the ground as Bob jumps on her "AHHHH!"
  288. [01:27] * Dr_Bob is shaking "I... couldn't finish the first Silent Hill..."
  289. [01:27] <Dr_Bob> "S-s-s-s-sorry Hearth!"
  290. [01:27] <PrettyPenny> Penny's voice fills the air, "Your objective for passing this test is to locate and return to me my precious pocketwatch."
  291. [01:27] * Dr_Bob gets up, embarrassed
  292. [01:28] * Dr_Bob hears the voice, and remembers what's happening-
  293. [01:28] * Hearth curls up on the ground, shuddering "I-I...never really took scary games well"
  294. [01:29] * Dr_Bob laughs nervously "Hearth, remember Ikea and Golden? We aren't in danger! We just need to remind ourselves of that... Plus, I have you. We will conquer this! ...And my fear of Hellish hospitals..."
  295. [01:29] * Dr_Bob holds out a hoof to Hearth
  296. [01:30] <Hearth> "...right..." *takes Bob's hoof and stands up to face the hospital* "I-In we go?" *she starts to push open the doors, stiff in her movements*
  297. [01:30] * Dr_Bob walks in, muttering "wecan'tgethurtwecan'tgethurt..."
  298. [01:31] <Dr_Bob> [mfw I thought this was gonna be ERP ;_;]
  299. [01:31] <Hearth> [lel]
  300. [01:31] <Ruin> [inb4 spooky skeletons]
  301. [01:31] <Dr_Bob> [I want to get off Ms. Penny's Wild Ride]
  302. [01:31] * Hearth walks in beside Bob, eyes wide and nervously looking about
  303. [01:31] <GoldenTouch> [hue hue hue bob]
  304. [01:32] <PrettyPenny> Once the two get inside, there are some stairs that go up or there's a hall that leads to the main lobby..where some moaning noises can be heard. The place looks quite livid.
  305. [01:32] * Hearth breathes heavily
  306. [01:32] * Dr_Bob shudders "L-let's check out the stairs and work our way down?"
  307. [01:33] * Hearth slowly nods, eyes still wide and stiff as all hell
  308. [01:34] * Dr_Bob walks up the stairs, never leaving Hearth's sides
  309. [01:34] <Dr_Bob> [>1 hour my ass]
  310. [01:34] <Hearth> ^
  311. [01:34] <Dr_Bob> [hue]
  312. [01:35] * Hearth bumps into Bob as she walks beside him, letting out a sharp yelp, then getting embarrased. She then continues to walk almost glued to Bob's side.
  313. [01:36] <PrettyPenny> A couple flights up, the stairs is barricaded shut with wood planks and a dirty note in front that says, "What you seek is down below inside the Operating Room."
  314. [01:36] <Dr_Bob> "Welp... Nurse Angie, care to assist me in the OR?"
  315. [01:37] * Dr_Bob nervously jokes
  316. [01:37] <Hearth> "O-Operating room?! Wh-where those moans were coming from?" *shivers as she thinks of what could pssibly be down there*
  317. [01:37] <Hearth> possibly*
  318. [01:37] <Dr_Bob> "We have to! I want to get off this ride..."
  319. [01:38] * Dr_Bob nervously runs with Hearth to the OR
  320. [01:39] <PrettyPenny> A map on the way shows that the OR can be reached after passing the main hall followed by cafeteria and administrative offices.
  321. [01:39] * Hearth runs with Bob, heart racing and eyes wide, daring not to look back fearing the worst
  322. [01:40] * Dr_Bob looks at Hearth, and proceeds to sprint fuckall to the OR
  323. [01:40] <PrettyPenny> ...are you sure you want to do that?)
  324. [01:40] <Dr_Bob> [...]
  325. [01:40] <Hearth> [What's done is done]
  326. [01:40] <Dr_Bob> "W-what would you suggest Hearth?"
  327. [01:41] <Dr_Bob> [>tfw not wanting to mix OOC hints into IC]
  328. [01:41] <PrettyPenny> you're kinda moving too fast for me here
  329. [01:41] <Dr_Bob> Welp
  330. [01:42] * Hearth stares into empty space in front of her "Get to the OR, get what we want, get out, and not get noticed by...whatever's making that moaning sounds"
  331. [01:42] * Dr_Bob nods "Sounds like a plan!"
  332. [01:42] * Dr_Bob sneakily books it to the OR with Hearth
  333. [01:42] <PrettyPenny> The main hall is filled with moaning can roll to look at what they are
  334. [01:43] <Dr_Bob> [Not gonna look]
  335. [01:43] <Hearth> !roll d20 peek at what the moaning noises are coming from
  336. [01:43] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  337. [01:43] <Dr_Bob> [Based Hearth]
  338. [01:43] <Hearth> [WELP I get a damn good peek at them]
  339. [01:44] <Mary_ONette_> [based]
  340. [01:44] <Dr_Bob> [>yfw you get a game-breaking hint]
  341. [01:44] <Ruin> [I love it, Bob doesn't want to know, Nova sees EVERYTHING]
  342. [01:44] <Dr_Bob> [>Nova]
  343. [01:44] <Dr_Bob> [YOU WOT M8]
  344. [01:44] <Ruin> [Hearth, sorry]
  345. [01:45] <Hearth> [...]
  346. [01:45] <Ruin> [I was thinking about something from the trhead]
  347. [01:46] <Dr_Bob> [*Gives Hearth the kawaiies nuzzle ever]
  348. [01:46] <Ruin> [again my bda]
  349. [01:46] <PrettyPenny> They be zombie ponies! They're wearing mostly decayed staff scrubs or patient gowns. They have sharp teeth and unnaturally long toungues. Some of their eyesockets are empty and just dripping with blood, their hooves, have blackened and gotten sharper. You can see some of their exposed flesh. The stumble around in the open but something tells you that they can sprint if they want to.
  350. [01:46] <PrettyPenny> In the main hall, there's got to be at least 20 of them.
  351. [01:46] <Dr_Bob> "... Can we get past them?"
  352. [01:47] <PrettyPenny> sneak rolls to pass undetected
  353. [01:47] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20 for please Kek
  354. [01:47] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  355. [01:47] <Dr_Bob> NO
  356. [01:47] <Dr_Bob> nononononono
  357. [01:47] * Hearth 's breath stammers and heart races as she goes wide eyed at what she sees and starts to freeze up
  358. [01:47] <Hearth> !roll d20 to sneak and not panic
  359. [01:47] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  360. [01:47] <Ruin> [Fly, you fools!]
  361. [01:48] <Dr_Bob> [Based qt 3.14 waifu]
  362. [01:48] <PrettyPenny> Heath successfully sneaks by while Bob trips halfway. The zombies shriek and begin running towards Bob, leaving Heath safe.
  363. [01:48] <Dr_Bob> [I'M A UNI SHE'S A EARTH PONE!]
  364. [01:49] <Ruin> [Fly as in FUCKING RUUUUUUUUUN]
  365. [01:49] <Dr_Bob> [No egrets]
  366. [01:49] * Hearth turns to see Bob trip as she is petrified in terror
  367. [01:49] <Ruin> [ ]
  368. [01:50] <Dr_Bob> "Run Hearth! I'll be okay! Trust me, and RUN!"
  369. [01:50] <PrettyPenny> perception roll heath
  370. [01:50] <Hearth> !roll d20
  371. [01:50] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  372. [01:50] <PrettyPenny> derp, bob's on his own
  373. [01:51] <PrettyPenny> don't try combatting the zombies since..they're already dead. just focus on survival
  374. [01:51] * Dr_Bob is trying
  375. [01:51] * Hearth tears start to stream down her face, as she begins to run down the hall. Thinking of nothing else but getting that damned pocket watch and getting the fuck out.
  376. [01:52] <Dr_Bob> [Based waifu, time to clutch it out]
  377. [01:52] <PrettyPenny> Is bob gonna just stand there and get mauled?
  378. [01:52] * Dr_Bob is running the FUCK to the OR
  379. [01:53] <PrettyPenny> okay then roll a -2 to attempt that, aka following his beloved
  380. [01:53] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20+-2
  381. [01:53] <GameServ> (1) + -2 == -1
  382. [01:53] <Dr_Bob> .........................................
  383. [01:53] <Hearth> [;_;]
  384. [01:53] <Dr_Bob> ......................................................
  385. [01:53] <Hearth> [I'll miss you Bob]
  386. [01:53] <Dr_Bob> [I fail so hard I run the other way?]
  387. [01:54] <Dr_Bob> [mfw so glad it's nonlethal
  388. [01:54] <Hearth> [More like sputter backwards and fall instead of run]
  389. [01:54] <PrettyPenny> Bob gets up and tries to follow but trips again and gets dogpiled by zombies who systematically tears at his limbs. His screams echo across where Heath can hear them.
  390. [01:54] <Dr_Bob> [WHY]
  391. [01:54] <Hearth> [;____;]
  392. [01:54] <Dr_Bob> [I never asked for this]
  393. [01:55] <Dr_Bob> [I thought it was gonna be ERP...]
  394. [01:55] <Ikea> [brb bio, if I'm not back before I need to act, just NPC me]
  395. [01:55] <Mary_ONette_> [oh my]
  396. [01:55] <Dr_Bob> [also ow]
  397. [01:55] <PrettyPenny> Heath makes it past the main hall and is in a safe room to pass is the cafeteria which also has some moaning noises coming from it.
  398. [01:56] == Bacon_Grease [~Bacon@] has quit []
  399. [01:57] == Bob_ [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  400. [01:57] == Dr_Bob [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  401. [01:57] == Bob_ has changed nick to Dr_Bob
  402. [01:57] * Hearth breaks down the moment she is safe, bawling as she hear's Bob's screams over and over in her head. It takes a minute before she remembers this is all just a dream and gets back up to face the next room. She makes her way slowly to the cafeteria, still lightly crying and shaken from the experience
  403. [01:58] <PrettyPenny> roll for stealth dear
  404. [01:58] <Hearth> !roll d20 to sneak
  405. [01:59] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  406. [01:59] <Ruin> [they smell your tears]
  407. [01:59] <Hearth> [nonononononono]
  408. [02:00] <Dr_Bob> [I want to get off Ms. Penny's Wild Ride]
  409. [02:00] <PrettyPenny> A zombie heard your crying and alerts her zombie friends. They all do their battle cry which fills the air with dread before they start chasing you. Roll perception
  410. [02:00] <Hearth> !roll d20
  411. [02:00] <GameServ> 6 == 6
  412. [02:00] <Hearth> ;__;
  413. [02:00] <Dr_Bob> [2 strikes]
  414. [02:01] <PrettyPenny> Roll to run, -1
  415. [02:01] <Hearth> !roll d20+-1
  416. [02:01] <GameServ> (10) + -1 == 9
  417. [02:01] <Ruin> [you should roll for a yakety sax filled chase scene]
  418. [02:01] <Hearth> [kek is not pleased]
  419. [02:02] <Dr_Bob> [Kek wants the ride to end ;-;
  420. [02:02] <PrettyPenny> A zombie managed to grab your leg when you almost made it to the safe room. Tch, roll a -2 for gm's generousity
  421. [02:02] <Hearth> !roll d20+-2 THANK YOU GM
  422. [02:02] <GameServ> (10) + -2 == 8
  423. [02:02] <Dr_Bob> [>generosity]
  424. [02:02] <Dr_Bob> [#blameGM]
  425. [02:03] <Hearth> [fffffffffffffffffff]
  426. [02:03] <Dr_Bob> [Our horns shall pierce the heavens... together]
  427. [02:03] <Mary_ONette_> [oh shit my sides]
  428. [02:04] <PrettyPenny> You died...The two of you respawn in that same dark room where the hologram was. "If you're listening to this, then you're on strike two. One more and you fail this test! Bye now." The holo-Penny states.
  429. [02:04] * Dr_Bob wakes up, startled and crying
  430. [02:04] <Dr_Bob> "I... felt that..."
  431. [02:05] * Dr_Bob cries "Every bite... Every..."
  432. [02:05] <Dr_Bob> "HEARTH!!! Are you okay..."
  433. [02:05] * Hearth wraps her front two hooves around Bob's neck as she sobbs deeply into his chest, trying to speak but only comes out as incoherent garble
  434. [02:06] * Dr_Bob stops thinking about the game for a second, wondering just why this was happening as he cries with Hearth
  435. [02:07] <PrettyPenny> Back in the real world, Penny sees the crystal glow red once again. "Tsk, tsk, looks like they need some encouragement." *places a blue crystal near the two unconcious ponies*
  436. [02:07] * Dr_Bob chokes out "We're... Okay, Hearth... We have to do this..."
  437. [02:07] * Hearth continues to sob deeply, her breaths staggered and irregular as she struggles to breathe pouring her heart out
  438. [02:07] * Hearth looks up at Bob, eyes still watering
  439. [02:08] * Dr_Bob smiles "I'm sorry I wanted to come here... I'll make it up to you, okay?"
  440. [02:09] <Hearth> "I...I...B-Bob, you were...and I..." *takes a few deep breaths as she starts to calm down as she sniffles and wipes her face* "...okay"
  441. [02:10] <Hearth> [Is there a door again?]
  442. [02:10] <PrettyPenny> yea
  443. [02:11] * Dr_Bob mans the fuck up, clearly scarred however. "Shall we?"
  444. [02:11] * Hearth just nods, still teary eyed
  445. [02:11] * Dr_Bob walks through the door, wishing Hearth didn't have to go through all this
  446. [02:12] * Hearth walks with Bob through the door, still thoroughly shaken
  447. [02:12] <PrettyPenny> The two find themselves in the safe room Hearth was able to get into before the Cafeteria, but something else happened. Assault rifles and protective vests appeared from a blue light in that room. Very odd indeed.
  448. [02:12] <Hearth> [OH SHIT!]
  449. [02:12] <Dr_Bob> [WE NAZI ZOMBIES NOW]
  450. [02:13] * Dr_Bob gulps in fear, not wanting to experience death again as he puts on the protective vest and equips an assault rifle
  451. [02:14] == Bacon_Grease [~Bacon@] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  452. [02:14] == mode/#FourCannonERPnP [+o Bacon_Grease] by Dicector
  453. [02:14] * Hearth slowly picks up the assault rifle, confused at first, but the confusion slowly turns to quiet intensity as she dons the vest and rifle
  454. [02:14] <Dr_Bob> "... I don't want to die again. Let's do this..."
  455. [02:14] <PrettyPenny> roll stealth to begin
  456. [02:14] * Hearth looks over to Bob with a fire in her eyes "Ready to kill some zombie bitches?"
  457. [02:14] <Hearth> !roll d20
  458. [02:14] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  459. [02:14] <Ruin> (meanwhile, in the living room )
  460. [02:15] * Dr_Bob is so ready.
  461. [02:15] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20
  462. [02:15] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  463. [02:16] <GoldenTouch> "pass me the needle ruin"
  464. [02:16] <Hearth> [What am I watching and why can't I stop?]
  465. [02:17] <PrettyPenny> Bob successfully stealths while Heath attracts the zombie's attention. The unicorn dr. can either leave her to secure the saferoom or help her mow down an escape route.
  466. [02:17] * Hearth starts mowing down zombies, guns ablazing and screaming "GET OFF OF ME YOU FUCKERS!!!"
  467. [02:18] <Ruin> "holla holla get dolla"
  468. [02:18] * Dr_Bob helps Hearth out, determined not to let her die!
  469. [02:19] <PrettyPenny> roll for shooting zombies heath and bob
  470. [02:19] <Hearth> !roll d20 to fuck zombies up
  471. [02:19] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  472. [02:20] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20
  473. [02:20] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  474. [02:20] <Dr_Bob> BASED
  475. [02:20] <PrettyPenny> Her ruthless gunning along with bob clears the cafe from the undead horde, they both safely make it to the safe room.
  476. [02:20] * Hearth huffs as she clears the last of the zombies
  477. [02:20] <Dr_Bob> "Let's GO!"
  478. [02:21] <Hearth> "Right!"
  479. [02:21] <PrettyPenny> All they need now is to pass the administrative area and they've made it to their destination. the zombies in this room at least wear some ties. roll stealth to begin
  480. [02:21] <Hearth> !roll d20
  481. [02:21] <GameServ> 7 == 7
  482. [02:21] <Hearth> [Nope, kek wants me to mow down zombies]
  483. [02:21] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20
  484. [02:21] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  485. [02:22] <Dr_Bob> RAMBO TIME
  486. [02:22] <Hearth> !roll d20 to go rambo on these zombies
  487. [02:22] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  488. [02:24] == PrettyPenny [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  489. [02:25] == PrettyPenny [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  490. [02:25] <PrettyPenny> yeah i froze
  491. [02:25] <Ruin> eet happens
  492. [02:25] <Dr_Bob> .............
  493. [02:25] <PrettyPenny> did u roll stealths?
  494. [02:25] <Hearth> [7 and 5]
  495. [02:26] <PrettyPenny> Roll to mow down zombies
  496. [02:26] <Hearth> [I did and got a 10]
  497. [02:26] <PrettyPenny> and your partner?
  498. [02:26] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20
  499. [02:26] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  500. [02:26] <Dr_Bob> brb
  501. [02:27] <PrettyPenny> Zombies ate his gun. You have the chance to beeline for the next saferoom. roll for it
  502. [02:27] <Hearth> !roll d20
  503. [02:27] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  504. [02:27] <Hearth> [GAHHHHH]
  505. [02:28] <PrettyPenny> let's wait for bob)
  506. [02:28] <Hearth> [;_; okay]
  507. [02:29] <PrettyPenny> my brain's kinda getting loopy at this point in time..i so underestimate how long this takes
  508. [02:31] <GoldenTouch> [i r tired, but i like house parties...]
  509. [02:33] <Ikea> [b]
  510. [02:33] <PrettyPenny> i hope the zombies didn''t spoil your fun )
  511. [02:34] <Hearth> [IC I'm shooken up like nobody's business, OOC I'm fine mostly...;_;]
  512. [02:34] <Ikea> [sorry... I'm going to head over to the inn IC, don't like it but it looks like the storm is about to die and I feel I need to get in on it]
  513. [02:35] <PrettyPenny> no prob)
  514. [02:35] <Ikea> [just ping me when the Heart thing is done]
  515. [02:35] <Mary_ONette_> [way ahead of you]
  516. [02:36] <Ruin> [Paging Dr_Bob , we've got an impromptu bullet surgery in administrative area]
  517. [02:40] <Dr_Bob> [back]
  518. [02:41] <Dr_Bob> [Sorry!]
  519. [02:41] <PrettyPenny> roll to escape
  520. [02:41] <Ruin> [Actually, I think everyone is watching the inn for a bit. What happened anyway?]
  521. [02:42] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20
  522. [02:42] <GameServ> 8 == 8
  523. [02:43] <Hearth> [Last 6 rolls: 7,5,10,8,9,8]
  524. [02:43] <PrettyPenny> Bob's vest gets torn off, heath roll to use your gun again
  525. [02:43] <Hearth> !roll d20
  526. [02:43] <GameServ> 18 == 18
  527. [02:44] <Hearth> [BASED, also you do realize there's an r in my name, right?]
  528. [02:44] <Dr_Bob> [BASED WAIFU]
  529. [02:44] <PrettyPenny> bob roll again to escape (whoops)
  530. [02:44] <Dr_Bob> !roll 1d20
  531. [02:44] <GameServ> 5 == 5
  532. [02:44] <Dr_Bob> WHY
  533. [02:44] <Dr_Bob> Kek wants the ride to end
  534. [02:45] <Hearth> [Because glue ain't cheap]
  535. [02:45] <PrettyPenny> Hearth's gun gets eaten by're running outta rolls here
  536. [02:46] <PrettyPenny> roll to escape
  537. [02:46] == Dr_Bob [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  538. [02:47] <Hearth> !roll d20 to get the fuck out
  539. [02:47] <GameServ> 19 == 19
  540. [02:47] == Bob_ [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  541. [02:47] <PrettyPenny> roll bob
  542. [02:48] <Bob_> !roll 1d20
  543. [02:48] <GameServ> 10 == 10
  544. [02:48] <PrettyPenny> YAY YOU TWO EXCAPED
  545. [02:49] <Bob_> YAY
  546. [02:49] <PrettyPenny> For your efforts, a top hat appears on bob.
  547. [02:50] <Hearth> [Top...hat?]
  548. [02:50] * Bob_ looks confused
  549. [02:50] <PrettyPenny> anways)
  550. [02:50] * Hearth breathes heavily as they barely make it out alive, then looks to Bob and sees the top hat on his head
  551. [02:50] <Hearth> "..................WHAT!?"
  552. [02:51] * Bob_ has no jokes
  553. [02:51] <PrettyPenny> The two finally made it to the Operating Room..the doors open and that similar bright light shines from inside it, waiting for them to come forth.
  554. [02:51] * Bob_ follows it stumbling
  555. [02:51] * Hearth has had it with these games and walks through the light
  556. [02:52] == Bob_ has changed nick to Dr_Bob
  557. [02:53] <Ruin> [Fool me once]
  558. [02:53] <Dr_Bob> [OH HELL NO]
  559. [02:53] <PrettyPenny> The two find themselves in a white sterilized room. There's a sound of a filly crying and she's curled up in a corner. It looks like...a younger version of Pretty Penny.
  560. [02:54] <Dr_Bob> "P... Penny?"
  561. [02:54] * Hearth takes many deep breaths trying as hard as she can not to lose her shit
  562. [02:55] * Dr_Bob places the Top Hat on Penny, trying to cheer her up with his based bedside manners
  563. [02:55] <Ruin> [oh, it's worse than recursion, it's an escort mission.]
  564. [02:55] <PrettyPenny> "Uuwaah..It hurts, it hurts." She cries but stops to look up at Bob after he gives her the hat. "Wha?"
  565. [02:56] * Hearth remembers this is all just a game and can wait until later to flip her shit. She walks up behind Bob, still trying to compose herself.
  566. [02:57] <PrettyPenny> "Who're you?"
  567. [02:58] <Ruin> [ ]
  568. [02:58] <Hearth> [Ruin pls]
  569. [02:59] == Dr_Bob [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  570. [02:59] <Hearth> [Internet OP]
  571. [03:00] <PrettyPenny> kay, guess bobsinternet doesn't wanna work..doesnt heather wanna talk to filly?
  572. [03:01] <Hearth> [Hearth*]
  573. [03:01] <Ruin> [I'm not gonna lie, I'm happy for Penny's sake that I wasn't on the heart mission. I would have derailed that like a train in Quebec.]
  574. [03:02] <PrettyPenny> im happy too yup, but i rly want to finish this soon)
  575. [03:03] * Hearth eventually calms down enough to work out a smile to the little filly "Hi, my name's Hearth, and this is Bob. What's your name?"
  576. [03:04] <PrettyPenny> "Uh, Pretty." *wipes tears away* "Pretty Penny. I was hurting but mr. unicorn here made me feel better."
  577. [03:05] * Hearth smiles even more "Glad to hear it. Now, what are you doing here all alone?"
  578. [03:05] == Dr_Bob [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  579. [03:05] <Dr_Bob> [UGH Recap?]
  580. [03:05] <Hearth> [03:03] * Hearth eventually calms down enough to work out a smile to the little filly "Hi, my name's Hearth, and this is Bob. What's your name?" [03:04] <PrettyPenny> "Uh, Pretty." *wipes tears away* "Pretty Penny. I was hurting but mr. unicorn here made me feel better." [03:05] * Hearth smiles even more "Glad to hear it. Now, what are you doing here all alone?"
  581. [03:06] == Ruin_ [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  582. [03:06] <Dr_Bob> thx
  583. [03:06] <Ruin_> (Sorry, muh crap be glitching hard, what did I miss?)
  584. [03:06] == Ruin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  585. [03:06] == Ruin_ has changed nick to Ruin
  586. [03:07] <PrettyPenny> "I was being treated here since I'm sensitive to sunlight, making it hurt. What is this hat anyway?"
  587. [03:07] <Dr_Bob> "It's a top hat! Only for those of the utmost fancy!"
  588. [03:07] * Hearth nods to Bob then turns to the filly "And we feel you deserve it!"
  589. [03:08] <PrettyPenny> "F-fancy?" *looks at hat* "Fancy..." *smiles*
  590. [03:08] <Dr_Bob> [Can someone Pastebin this whole thing?]
  591. [03:09] * Dr_Bob smiles as well
  592. [03:09] <PrettyPenny> *she stops for a second and hands it back* "I can't...this belongs to you Mr. Unicorn. Besides, no one's ever given me anything like this before."
  593. [03:11] <GoldenTouch> [goodnight]
  594. [03:12] <Hearth> [Night, and I fear Bob may be having technical difficulties :/]
  595. [03:12] <PrettyPenny> night gold
  596. [03:13] * Dr_Bob fake scoffs "Nonsense! You deserve it, being so brave to be here alone..."
  597. [03:14] <Dr_Bob> [I am...]
  598. [03:14] <Hearth> [NEVERMIND]
  599. [03:15] == GoldenTouch [Mibbit@] has left #FourCannonERPnP []
  600. [03:16] <PrettyPenny> "Well, thank you! You're so kind." She pulls out something from her pillow. The pocketwatch! "I do believe you're looking for this." *happy face*
  601. [03:16] * Dr_Bob takes it "Thank you so very much!!"
  602. [03:16] * Hearth smiles back "Yes, yes we are. Thank you!"
  603. [03:18] <PrettyPenny> "I'm glad to have such good friends." She says before the whole place gets bathed in white light. Mission complete..
  604. [03:19] == Bob_ [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  605. [03:19] == Dr_Bob [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  606. [03:19] * Ruin wakes up from the massive salt party in the living room
  607. [03:19] <PrettyPenny> Bob and Hearth awaken and the pocketwatch is in Hearth's hoof. Penny pulls them up from their cots and congratulates them.
  608. [03:19] <Mary_ONette_> "whoo hoo"
  609. [03:19] * Bob_ buckles to his knees, breaking down while clutching onto Hearth
  610. [03:20] == Bob_ has changed nick to Dr_Bob
  611. [03:20] <PrettyPenny> "You have proven yourself to have the courage to face your fears while having the compassion to comfort those in need. Well done you two."
  612. [03:20] * Hearth looks at Pretty Penny, conflicted between her frustration and anger at what has happened to them and the words of the filly
  613. [03:20] * Dr_Bob gives no response
  614. [03:21] * Hearth tosses the pocketwatch to Penny, before turning around, seething in anger, but trying to hold herself back
  615. [03:22] <PrettyPenny> "Now, why don't we wrap this up so you can all go back home? I'll gather everyone to the living room."
  616. [03:22] * Dr_Bob hangs his head low
  617. [03:22] * Hearth just stands where she is, staring at the wall in front of her
  618. [03:24] * PrettyPenny goes to the living room and pulls out gift boxes to give to each of the teams that participated this day. They're wrapped with ribbons and scented with perfume.
  619. [03:24] <Mary_ONette_> "oh prizes"
  620. [03:25] <Ruin> "Aw shit, Four course meal, Hangman, a timberwolf fight, and NOW IT'S CHRISTMAS? I love today!"
  621. [03:25] * Hearth stands there, breathing deep stammered breaths, trying to clear her mind
  622. [03:25] * Dr_Bob stares at nothing, holding Hearth close
  623. [03:26] * PrettyPenny notices Bob and Hearth's peculiar manners. "Is something wrong?"
  624. [03:26] <Ruin> "Mary, is it just me, or do those two look like they've seen some shit?"
  625. [03:26] <Mary_ONette_> "I think so."
  626. [03:26] <Dr_Bob> "...I felt everything."
  627. [03:26] * Hearth starts to flip her shit [Rant incoming]
  628. [03:27] <Dr_Bob> [Go waifu!]
  629. [03:27] <PrettyPenny> "It's only a stimulation. None of it was real, please calm down."
  630. [03:28] <Dr_Bob> "The pain, the bites, my limbs being torn apart..."
  631. [03:28] <Dr_Bob> "...I felt it all."
  632. [03:28] <Ruin> "Aw shit, those two got video games?"
  633. [03:29] <Dr_Bob> "...Hearth felt the same things... and had to watch me die..."
  635. [03:30] <Hearth> [tell me where it cut off]
  636. [03:31] <PrettyPenny> AGAIN YOU
  637. [03:31] <PrettyPenny> i didnt know it cuts off
  639. [03:32] * Hearth is about 1 inch from Penny's face as her anger starts to melt to sorrow
  640. [03:32] * Dr_Bob sobs into Hearth
  641. [03:32] <Dr_Bob> [Holy shit I may be tired but I'm feeling the feels hard right now.]
  642. [03:33] * Hearth 's head drops as tears fall to the ground
  643. [03:34] <PrettyPenny> "I-I'm sorry." *crys a bit while offering the present to bob and hearth* "I didn't know that simulation was that extreme."
  644. [03:35] * Hearth pushes the present away as she clutches onto Bob and continues to let it all out
  645. [03:35] <Ruin> "So what console has graphics that good anyway? I gotta try it sometime."
  646. [03:35] <PrettyPenny> i kinda wanted this to end early but this feels thing is dragging it out some more..
  647. [03:35] * Dr_Bob holds Hearth to his chest, tears streaming down his face
  648. [03:36] <Mary_ONette_> ".."
  649. [03:36] <Hearth> [Sorry! Not trying to drag it out, just rolling with all of this]
  650. [03:37] <Dr_Bob> [IC does what IC feelz yo]
  651. [03:37] <Dr_Bob> "... that damn present better be worth it..."
  652. [03:37] <PrettyPenny> "Ruin and Mary, each gift has a wooden heart in them and 50 bits worth of vouchers in my special currency. You're all always welcome to come visit anytime. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to go, my butler will escort you all out."
  653. [03:38] <PrettyPenny> (brain shutting down..byez)
  654. [03:38] <Ruin> "Sweet."
  655. [03:38] <Ruin> [l8r]
  656. [03:38] <Hearth> [Welp, bye]
  657. [03:38] <Dr_Bob> [welp, bye]
  658. [03:38] <Dr_Bob> [What about us?]
  659. [03:39] == Ruin [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  660. [03:39] <PrettyPenny> "well, your emotions made penny sad
  661. [03:39] == Mary_ONette_ [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  662. [03:40] <Dr_Bob> [...]
  663. [03:40] <Hearth> [We can just roll with Penny left and her butler has come to escort us out]
  664. [03:40] <Dr_Bob> [Aight]
  665. [03:40] <Hearth> [SORRY! I get into character and just go. DON'T FEEL BAD!]
  666. [03:40] <Dr_Bob> [OOC I LOVE YOU PENNY!]
  667. [03:40] <Hearth> [IC you have every right to feel bad though]
  668. [03:40] <Dr_Bob> [Eeyup]
  669. [03:41] <Dr_Bob> [Someone pastebi all this pls]
  670. [03:41] * Hearth clutches onto Bob as tears stream her face onto the floor as Penny's butler walks in to escort them out.
  671. [03:41] <PrettyPenny> here's my opinon tho
  672. [03:42] <Hearth> [I only have halfway through the second challenge until now :/]
  673. [03:42] <PrettyPenny> you tricked filly penny didn't u?
  674. [03:42] <PrettyPenny> if so, you cheated on the heart test
  675. [03:42] <Hearth> [Tricked? How so?]
  676. [03:42] <Dr_Bob> "...Hearth, I need to go to the Clinic... Would you mind afterwards?"
  677. [03:42] <Dr_Bob> [Did I clutch it out with the hat?]
  678. [03:42] <PrettyPenny> your actions looked so..insincere
  679. [03:43] <Dr_Bob> "I DIED!"
  680. [03:43] <Hearth> [Wait, you speaking IC or OOC Penny?]
  682. [03:44] <Dr_Bob> [whoops]
  683. [03:44] <PrettyPenny> "It's fake death though, it's all in your head. Like a nightmare."
  684. [03:44] <Dr_Bob> "I felt it as real as anything, though..."
  685. [03:45] <Dr_Bob> "I dare you to find someone who would've truly acted any better..."
  686. [03:45] * Hearth holds tightly onto Bob, trying her best to calm herself, but doing rather poorly
  687. [03:46] <PrettyPenny> how did u know putting the hat on her was the solution bob? i was
  688. [03:46] <PrettyPenny> u must be a very good doctor
  689. [03:46] <Dr_Bob> "I'm not an idiot...I know how to cheer people up!"
  690. [03:48] * Dr_Bob glares "And I know you. Empty praise and materials are what you seek in life."
  691. [03:48] * Hearth starts to calm down, no longer crying, but breathing heavily and head still buried in Bob
  692. [03:48] <Dr_Bob> [#rektangle]
  693. [03:48] <Hearth> [OUCH]
  694. [03:50] <PrettyPenny> good thing this isn't happening otherwise she's slap your shit for that
  695. [03:50] <Hearth> [Is or isn't happening? I'm confused]
  696. [03:51] <Hearth> [First thought it was OOC, then was IC, and is now OOC?]
  697. [03:51] == Bob_ [] has joined #FourCannonERPnP
  698. [03:51] == Dr_Bob [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  699. [03:51] <Bob_> [Dangit Penny this better be canon!]
  700. [03:52] <Hearth> [I'd really like this to be canon too! Please!]
  701. [03:52] <PrettyPenny> Penny wants others to not judge her just cause she's glitzy. She's nice and just wants teh luvs
  702. [03:53] <Hearth> [Well, she failed and now has to live with the consequences]
  703. [03:53] <Bob_> [Canon, sorry Penny.]
  704. [03:53] <Bob_> [This gives you a chance to learn from mistakes and develop character!]
  705. [03:53] <Hearth> [Sorry if it seems like I'm being harsh. I just really like all this character shit and don't want it to go to waste.]
  706. [03:53] <Bob_> ^
  707. [03:54] <PrettyPenny> you'll have to get bacon's approval for this whole Party to be canon. too much stuff here is expensive/advanced
  708. [03:55] <PrettyPenny> she'd still havetests but it's not as elaborate
  709. [03:55] <Bob_> [Canon in my mind~]
  710. [03:55] <Bacon_Grease> (the crisp one is busy, and can't take your call right now)
  711. [03:55] <Hearth> [If you're really that tired, feel free to say that you slapped Bob and kicked us out, if that's what you'd do. Don't wanna keep you up]
  712. [03:55] <Bob_> "...Hearth, would you care to help me to the Clinic after?"
  713. [03:56] == PrettyPenny [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  714. [03:56] * Hearth doesn't move from where she is before replying as best she can "...sure..."
  715. [03:57] <Hearth> [Penny is mad and we are escorted out of her house, cool]
  716. [03:57] <Bob_> [Cool]
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