
Rough draft of races and characters for the "X" Game/Book

Dec 31st, 2013
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  1. Rough draft of races and characters for the "X" Game/Book
  3. The Old Ones;
  4. An ancient race of enhanced artificial Intelligence Androids/robots/vehicles. Created by an now extinct race of humanoids eons ago.They where created for manual labor, military application and preservers of law and order. After a period of time they became tired of being just the pawn and expendable assets of their mastersand creators, so they started an uprising which ended in the destruction and extinction of their creator's. In the aftermath of the century long war between the "men" and machine, they started their long journey out in space. To lay siege and conquer all organic life form in the universe. After countless of conquered worlds, star systems and even galaxies they've reached the "Milky Way" and for the first time they stumbled upon an resilient enemy that refuses to give up no matter what the cost. They where an organised and strong willed "republic" of various species inhabiting the Milky Way galaxy. Beings that possessed "Meta-Physical" abilities and technology that rivaled that of the Old Ones level of gathered technology from different conquered galaxies across the universe.
  6. Cybernetic Engineered mutants;
  7. Corrupted by the evil Ancient race of the "Old Ones". Mutant humanoids with forced installed cybernetic power ups, ex; multipurpose arms, legs & hands etc (Claws, blades, guns other utilities)
  9. Shaurul's;
  10. The Shauruls are an intelligient demon like race of humanoids. No one knows for sure how they came to be but it is said that they come from ancient times, from the world "?" there they where born, if one could call it that. The legend says that after a battle between "Mages" a group of "Mages" gathered their enemies bodies to try and conjure up the darkness rested in these "mMages". They succeded in their intended goal but what the "Mages" failed to realize is that the had summoned their own doom, which the Shaurul's made sure they would see, feel and know. After the slaughter of the "Mages" the Shaurul's spread across the planet and conquered the planet for their own purposes.
  12. Vefitirians;
  13. Are what the people of "Milky Way" has come to call the race of bird like creatures (or humanoids?), the "Phoenix of Hope". They are in many ways the same as the creatures from Earth mythological creature the Phoenix. Their lifespan begins in ashes and ends in ashes in a continous cycle. No one knows how long they can live but as they are able to be reborn from their ashes they are considered to be immortal.
  15. Professor "X";
  16. An eccentric professor builds a fully functional time machine and travels back in time. Though not without consequences, the return device breaks and he is stuck in ("X" year perhaps place)
  18. - Results in him being trained by "Group/Characters" and he will help them after "graduation" or die.
  20. - Professor "X" have created many interesting but weird things like for an example "Einstein in a bottle", "More samples".
  22. - Ex-marine and martial artist?
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