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a guest
May 21st, 2012
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  1. Specialist Spriggs: Oh jeez
  2. Specialist Spriggs: Mom walks in
  3. Specialist Spriggs: 'Hai'
  4. Realize: dis gon b gud
  5. Specialist Spriggs: "whf? Why are dem Ponis on your screen"
  6. Realize: LMAO
  7. Specialist Spriggs: "cause Friendship is magic, mom"
  8. Specialist Spriggs: "Is this soem Kinda drug game thing?"
  9. Specialist Spriggs: 'NO!
  10. Specialist Spriggs: "You sure, your eyes are really red"
  11. Specialist Spriggs: "NO, THESE ARE PONIES, NOT POT HEADS"
  12. Specialist Spriggs: "You smokin weed up here *sniff sniff*"
  13. Specialist Spriggs: "NOOOOOOO!!!!"
  14. Specialist Spriggs: "and you didn't even invite me" walks off
  15. Specialist Spriggs: Like
  16. Realize: lol
  17. Specialist Spriggs: what
  18. Realize: your life is funny
  19. Specialist Spriggs: *facepalm* I know
  20. Realize: im gonna use that as an explaination for everything now
  21. Realize: why are you late for school
  22. Realize: because friendship is magic
  23. Specialist Spriggs: Absolutley
  25. Shortly after
  26. Specialist Spriggs: Oml
  27. Specialist Spriggs: So my sisters friend just got here
  28. Specialist Spriggs: and my mom waisted no time telling her that I was a brony
  29. Specialist Spriggs: dammit
  30. Realize: ................
  31. Realize: AHAHAHAH
  32. Realize: AH
  33. Realize: AH
  34. Realize: AH
  35. Realize: H
  36. Realize: A
  37. Realize: IT STARTS
  39. Specialist Spriggs: #welcometotheherd
  40. Realize: #cambodia
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