
ATOQ: Akasha-Alea's Valentine's Special 2017 (NSFW)

Feb 11th, 2017
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  1. >>ROUTE 0 (most likely non-canon too).
  3. There’s a weight pressing down on your blankets. Your fingers grasp velvet, cold to the touch. Your nostrils taste black powder and lingering embers. The faint of echoes of gunfire and artillery ring throughout the dark room.
  5. Sleep roused, you grudgingly slide open your eyes. From a position of sitting on your chest, the intruder stares down on you, her expression impassive. “Finally, you wake.” She says.
  7. You glare back, unamused. “It’s four in the morning, Akasha.”
  9. “That is correct. I am not letting you go back to sleep, by the way.” Akasha-Alea replies.
  11. “What did I do wrong this time? I didn’t screw up at all in training yesterday.” You grumble, rubbing your sleepy eyes and yawn. This is weird. Akasha-Alea has always respected your sleeping patterns, aside from the time she got pissed at you from getting out of shape. But you can’t think of a reason for her to be irritated at you. You’ve been on decent behavior so far, you think.
  13. “I have a request to ask of you.” Akasha-Alea admits, her tone cool.
  15. “And that couldn’t wait two more hours?” You scowl, resisting the urge to yawn.
  17. “I’m afraid it’s rather urgent.” The look on her face tells you she will brook no resistance. You shut your eyes, roll them in their sockets and open them again.
  19. “Hurry up and tell me so I can go back to sleep already.” You grumble.
  21. “Very well, boy.” Akasha-Alea replies, unblinking. “I wish to sample the human penis.”
  23. A silence so pure it could make angels weep. Outside, the wind blows. A truck honk its horn in the distant streets. Akasha-Alea shifts slightly in her spot, causing her fine black hair to move and settle.
  25. “…what?” You finally say, for a lack of other words due to your currently flabbergasted brain.
  27. “I wish to sample the human penis in a sexual fashion.” Akasha-Alea repeats, with no inflection whatsoever. She inches forward, placing a hand on your chest. “Don’t make me say it again.”
  29. “I…what…why?” You choke out, weakly.
  31. “Because women have cravings, even spirit ones.” Akasha-Alea says, and then replies no more.
  33. You shut your eyes in an effort to prevent your mind from proceeding into further meltdown. In and out go your breaths. You try and calm your pounding heart. It goes from the rate of a cardiac arrest patient to the rate of a patient on verge of cardiac arrest.
  35. “Okay, I understand that. It makes sense for spirit women to have hormones.” You say, staring at your mentor as if she had suddenly grown a second head. It is just you, or do her eyes seem a touch…glazed? “But why are you telling me this?”
  37. “Isn’t it obvious?”
  39. You pause and think. It’s not easy with a head that’s doing a hundred simultaneous somersaults of panic. What’s a reason that would make sense for Akasha-Alea to ask you directly, but is also something that won’t drive you to the edge of hyperventilation?
  41. “You want me to recommend you a prostitute?” You suggest, a tad weakly.
  43. “Now, why would I ever think that? I have not seen you ever enter a brothel before. You are underage and you clearly have interest in women, seeing as how you blush and stammer whenever one of those female companions of yours trips and plants her chest into your face.”
  45. “Then what the heck are you doing here?” You ask, gulping. You suddenly become aware of how much her current position resembles a horse-rider’s straddle. She also doesn’t seem to have any intention to getting up, either. If she moved her legs slightly, then it would give you a good view of her…
  47. “The penis I wish to sample is yours.” She says.
  49. You didn’t think silence could ever be this dead, but you’ve been proved wrong. Any further and it’ll end up as prime summoning material for the necromancers. Akasha-Alea gazes back. It’s more terrifying than you could have ever imagined.
  51. “Akasha-Alea, you…” You let out a strangled whimper. It’s unmanly. You don’t care. “What the fuck?”
  53. “Yes, ‘fuck’ is accurate. Will you comply with my request?”
  55. “No!” You shout back. “Why are you even asking for this?”
  57. “I told you my reasons mere seconds ago.”
  59. “If you wanted to sleep with someone, go and find some guy in the Spirit World!”
  61. “I’m afraid that is not acceptable.” Akasha-Alea explains. “You see, I have heard it is better to fornicate with someone who you are familiar with. In the past it was Yassine and now it is your turn. There is also no small appeal in taking your virginity before any future partners can.”
  63. That last sentence is like a thunderbolt to your heart. You stiffen and lie there in your bed, gaping at your mentor. She takes this opportunity to crawl forward and slip her fingers under your shirt. You shiver as her soft touch caresses your torso.
  65. “Firm and well-built…” She murmurs, tracing over your abdominal muscles. Every gentle touch she makes sends a jolt of something up your soul. It’s sickening, yet at the same time there’s a pleasure about to that, to your horror, is rather enjoyable. “The fruits of your training are ripe. It’s a shame that I cannot take your first kiss.”
  67. “Oh god.” You moan, “You’re really going to do this?”
  69. “It seems you need some consolation, boy.” Akasha-Alea replies, looking up. “Many spirit mentees end up having sexual relations with their mentors. It’s not an unusual tradition; it dates back all the way to the primordial ages. Fear not, there is little chance of me becoming pregnant. Human semen does not react well to spirit wombs.”
  71. “That’s not what I’m worried about! I can’t believe you’re about to rape me!” And now there are tears gathering at the corners of your eyes.
  73. “It’s not rape if we are both consenting.” She points out.
  75. “I am not consenting!” You shriek.
  77. Akasha-Alea directs her gaze downwards. She reaches a hand out fro beneathm your shirt and pokes something between your legs. You stiffen again, hands gripping lumps of your bedsheets. “That barrel of flesh between your trousers says otherwise.”
  79. You confirm this and it is disgusting. Oh god, you can’t believe yourself. Why hormones, why? Why are they reacting like this? Don’t they understand the lethality of the consequences that await you? A thousand cold showers won’t clean the filth your soul is submerged in right now.
  81. “Since this is your first time…” Akasha-Alea begins, licking her lips. She leers—fucking leers, when does the noble spirit of firearms ever leer at anybody—at you, her other hand still brushing up and down your chest. “I will give you a choice. I have heard that human males enjoy having their sexual organs caressed by the gentle touch of a woman. The choice is between my mouth or my foot.”
  83. “The fuck?”
  85. “I am wearing my best thigh-highs today.” Akasha-Alea continues. “Dominance or fellatio? Which one will you choose to start with? I don’t have all day, boy.”
  87. “How the fuck am I supposed to choose?” You exclaim.
  89. Akasha-Alea thinks for a moment. “Fellatio it is.” She concludes. She makes a grab for your underwear.
  91. “Get the fuck away from me!” You scream, kicking Akasha-Alea off your body and scrambling backwards. She lands on the floor with a dull thump. The impact of your blow is comparable to a fly bouncing off riot armor. She stands up, dusts herself off and marches toward you.
  93. “Do not struggle.” Her words bear the weight of seven whole centuries. Your panic makes you resist.
  95. “Hell fucking yes am I going to struggle. You’re crazy, woman!” You yell.
  97. “If you attempt to resist, I will have no choice but to restrain you.” She intones.
  99. “Try me!”
  101. “Then accept the consequences of your decisions.” She replies. Her eyes flash red and her magic flares up. A dark aura, born from the slaughter of both man and spirit, coats her dress. Shadows lick at your limbs. The space you are in seems so much smaller now. “Dominate. You will not move, boy.”
  103. This has gone too far. You need to get away from this crazy bitch as soon as possible. Even jumping out the window from several stories up would be more preferable to whatever your mentor has in store! You force all the magic you can muster into your legs and prepare to run. Then, you realize that you cannot. Your body, specifically all of it from neck down, is not responding.
  105. This…this is domination magic. A type of paralysis, derived form a command layered with powerful enhancement spells. It only works on those that are significantly weaker than the caster. Since Akasha-Alea is a high spirit and you are merely her human mentee, then…
  107. “I’ll scream!” You shout. “I’ll call for Airi!”
  109. “That won’t work.” Akasha-Alea shoots your tactic down, ruthless as she would while wielding a sniper rifle. “I drugged her.”
  111. “You what?”
  113. “I cast a simple illusion spell. She’ll wake feeling refreshed and none the wiser. Until then, she won’t hear anything.”
  115. “You…you…”
  117. “Fear not, boy. I promise to be gentle. You are my student and I have no wish to damage you.” Akasha-Alea responds, grabbing your boxers and tearing them into two with a single mighty rip. You shriek and rush to cover your privates. Or rather, that’s what you would do if your arms could move. Despite every conscious part of your brain screaming at you to run away, your subconscious is being tuned into Akasha-Alea suggestion. As long as the spell is in effect, you can’t do anything about it.
  119. Coldness. A sense of finality. An expanse of white, where nothing is born or raised. This is what it means to be in despair.
  121. You want to weep, but what would that achieve?
  123. Slowly and deliberately, Akasha-Alea’s head descends towards your crotch. She runs a finger on the bundle of flesh there. The less said about what’s coming out from your mouth, the better.
  125. “Now then,” she murmurs, her tone carrying a soft huskiness you never imagined she could ever possess, “Let this daughter of Hephaestus sample the potential of humanity…”
  127. >>
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