
#vr discussing samsara

May 10th, 2015
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  1. <Eric> new meta just in
  2. <Eric> bj completely unstoppable on any map with unique
  3. <Eric> literally unkillable
  4. <CactusHege> stopped by a bj
  5. <Eric> chex and ranger don't have shit on this
  6. <Eric> chex's shield is pretty great, but it's not perfect and splash damage just doesn't give a fuck
  7. <Ramen> told
  8. <Eric> ranger can spam like crazy, but you shoot him and he dies like anyone else
  9. <Eric> bj on a map with a unique? it's not even possible
  10. <Eric> you shoot him, but then he teleports off to the other side of the map and gets a free megasphere just in case
  11. <Soundwave> In my defense, dwango 07 is pretty much a map where BJ can rock
  12. <Ramen> no item respawn :^)
  13. <Soundwave> open areas and easy unique+slot 4
  14. <Eric> and you still only barely beat me, had to go into sudden death while constantly sniping me :^)
  15. <Ramen> normally duels are dealt with no item respawn due to berserk's and soulsphere hogging though
  16. <Ramen> and because of shoot
  17. <Eric> how is that even remotely balanced
  18. <Ramen> it's not supposed to be
  19. <Eric> chex gets a free instant soulsphere, sure
  20. <Eric> that's nice and all, it's just a soulsphere
  21. <Eric> fits his role of tank pretty well
  22. <Eric> bj gets something completely and infinitely better than a soulsphere though
  23. <Eric> a teleport to safety and a free megasphere when he gets shot, that can't be bypassed by just doing more damage
  24. <Eric> because, you know, being able to just shit on everyone from afar with hitscans wasn't good enough
  25. <_sink> so I'm about to play painkiller: black edition
  26. <_sink> what should I expect
  27. <Eric> really badass weapons
  28. <Soundwave> Eric, update to BJ
  29. <Soundwave> He is only good with the unique
  30. <Soundwave> If a map lacks unique, you gonna get 15-0'd
  31. <Soundwave> update to BJ's meta*
  32. <Soundwave> i eat words, sorry
  33. <Ramen> chaingun isn't shit you know
  34. <Ramen> it's a half second kill if you can keep you aim on-target
  35. <Soundwave> Good luck getting it when you either don't spawn nearby
  36. <Soundwave> or when there is only ONE spawn
  37. <Soundwave> of chaingun
  38. <Soundwave> also good luck doing this while dealing with a douk with ult
  39. <Ramen> also 5 shots with the MP40 will down someone, good luck with aiming though
  40. <Ramen> also if the map has an ult, it's your game if you adquire it
  41. <Ramen> that spear gets people from across the fukken map like it's nothing
  42. <Soundwave> My last 2 matchs will make me a BJ scrub
  43. <Soundwave> camp unique
  44. <Soundwave> get chaingun
  45. <Eric> spear is a lot like the wraithverge, it looks real scary but if you don't panic it's no biggie
  46. <Soundwave> mow people
  47. <Medicris> unless on nightmare mode
  48. <Medicris> then wraithverge is fucking unstoppable
  49. <Ramen> fuck nightmare
  50. <Eric> yeah, but so is everything
  51. <Soundwave> Chex and ranger are notable to dominate skill 4
  52. <Soundwave> Not sure about BJ
  53. <Medicris> other things dont get double speed homing projectiles that move twice as fast as you do
  54. <Eric> ranger always dominates, regardless of skill level
  55. <Soundwave> But yeah, i think the new meta might be BJ+chex
  56. <Soundwave> Not anymore, recoil is butts
  57. <Medicris> chex is basically the awper to me
  58. <Eric> so turn it off, why would you have it on in the first place
  59. <Soundwave> Snipa waffle
  60. <Medicris> the slz is the awp in function, purpose and trickshotting
  61. <Eric> awp doesn't have SICKASS REBOUNDS tho
  62. <Soundwave> So the SLZ is now superior to the awp?
  63. <Eric> and it can't consistently oneshot anyone except maybe douk
  64. <Medicris> same shit as fapping to some quickscope
  65. <Eric> m8
  66. <Eric> rebounds are infinitely more hype to land
  67. <Medicris> ye
  68. <Medicris> my point just is the slz is like an awp in a lot of ways: it's a onehittable sniper, it has its counters but anyone who can aim well enough is enough to bypass them, and it has trickshot potential
  69. <Ramen> when do we get MLG420YOLO montagues of people using slz
  70. <Medicris> except you get multiple chances to hit with it and you dont need to use other weapons first to earn it
  71. <Eric> slz is probably still the slot 3 weapon that needs the highest skill to use properly
  72. <Ramen> no, that's the fustol.
  73. <Soundwave> Nope
  74. <Soundwave> E.crossbow
  75. <Eric> m8 that just shoots a bunch of projectiles that completely ignore armor
  76. <Medicris> eh, doesnt travel as fast as an slz shot, has smaller hitbox and does 80-100 dmg
  77. <Ramen> slow fucking projectiles, takes 3 hits to kill people and it alerts of your position at all times if you charge the altfire
  78. <Medicris> and doesnt bounce
  79. <Medicris> also ye it's noisy
  80. <Eric> among slot 3s it's kind of weird because it's not a big slow burst damage gun
  81. <Medicris> its altfire is but yeah usually it's not
  82. <Eric> but it's still very powerful and not nearly as punishing to miss with as the SSG or SLZ
  83. <Ramen> you can spam the altfire pretty quickly if you know when it can fire (ie, not at the end of the charge sound)
  84. <Medicris> with the downside of lower range, kinda SO as a whole there
  85. <Ramen> and well, it's more of a high-power suppresion weapon, like most of the SO's weaponry, the thing about it is that it's somewhat more accurate and it's projectiles are slower and visible
  86. * Brzoz_ ( has joined
  87. * ChanServ gives voice to Brzoz_
  88. <Eric> i've said this before but SO's motif seems to boil down to "spam more projectiles" and little more than that
  89. <Medicris> I'd just figure sec to both be really strong and really weak at the same time, and definitely not something I'd call "reliable"
  90. <Ramen> SO is sneaky breeki and spam once you get near
  91. <Medicris> well yeah, sec would be op as fuck if his bullet weps were hitscan
  92. <Ramen> he's situational.
  93. <Ramen> small maps? beast, open fields? you're toast.
  94. <Eric> i mean, dual-wield shotguns, automatic rifle that also shoots grenades at the same time, hard to get spammier than a flamethrower
  95. <Soundwave> Someone said that SecOff is the thinking man's class
  96. <Medicris> it can be, weapon choice at any given moment is extremely important
  97. <Eric> everything about him irritates me and it's why i don't play him at all
  98. <Ramen> hell, his pistols aren't even something to laugh at if you get a few lucky hits from long range
  99. <Soundwave> But in my opinion and in terms of efficiency, the MA-75, TOZT and west-m5 are pretty much the only things you should luck
  100. <Soundwave> wait
  101. <Soundwave> did i said luck instead of use?
  102. <Ramen> ... yes
  103. <Soundwave> Someone slap me
  104. <Medicris> rockets are his ssg, except with way more pronounced strengths and weaknesses
  105. <Eric> like, reloading weapons, okay
  106. <Medicris> a double shot rocket launcher with long reload
  107. <Eric> reloading weapons that i have no control over when i reload them? not okay
  108. <Soundwave> Very
  109. <Soundwave> Long
  110. <Soundwave> Reload
  111. <Ramen> you can shoot both of them and quickly swap to another weapon and it'll be loaded once you rise it again
  112. <Medicris> yeah, marathon was the first fps to introduce reloading so the concept of "reloading" was to just empty the mag to get a new one
  113. <Soundwave> That until Goldeney
  114. <Soundwave> goldeneye
  115. * Brzoz has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  116. <Medicris> yeah, swapping during a rocket reload isnt gonna speed it up, it doesnt lower or raise any faster whether you change to another weapon or are reloading
  117. <Ramen> actually it does reload as you rise it again and switching weapons makes it lower faster.
  118. <Medicris> but it is nice to swap to another weapon when needed and know you have a loaded rl on hand
  119. <Medicris> I never noticed tbh
  120. <Ramen> it's like 1-2 tics faster
  121. <Ramen> nothing really great
  122. <Soundwave> 1-2 tics over maybe 12 tics of reload sounds like a better choise
  123. <Soundwave> Unless i am wrong with the tic count
  124. <Medicris> nah he's saying the difference between the two methods is 1-2 tics
  125. <Soundwave> o
  126. <Medicris> so you dont gain anything
  127. <Medicris> iono, I find sec fun because he has a lot of quirks to his play
  128. <Medicris> and it's a fun challenge getting gud with the shotguns and whatnot
  129. <Soundwave> wstems are gud
  130. <Medicris> zandro netcode doesnt help
  131. <Soundwave> carncode doesnt help"
  132. <Ramen> he is more about when and what to bring on x area and why, proper planning on a engagement is much more important as him rather than your shooting or twitch skill
  133. <Soundwave> fix it for ye
  134. <Ramen> which is what makes him so hard to play as
  135. <Medicris> yeah his entire meta is "USE X WEAPON NOW AND IF YOU USE SOMETHING ELSE YOU'RE FUCKING UP"
  136. <Medicris> and that weapon changes by the second
  137. <Medicris> spnkr's basically his only option that can handle most things but its reload is exploitable
  138. <Ramen> SPNKr's an all-or-nothing weapon most of the time, if you miss, you're fucked.
  139. <Medicris> ye
  140. <Soundwave> The same could be said of most of his weapons
  141. <Soundwave> Hell, SecOff is both the thinking man and the gambler's class
  142. <Medicris> cept ma-75, it's made to not be that
  143. <Soundwave> You gotta go all or nothing while using some of his weapons
  144. <Medicris> get close and personal, hose him down and land grenades where you can
  145. <Medicris> funny because in marathon it's a lot tougher to use
  146. <Medicris> you had to be nearly pointblank to make it count because everyone has 150% health in comparison to this and projectiles move a lot slower
  147. <Soundwave> Y'know
  148. <Soundwave> I hate duel 32
  149. <Soundwave> Most of the maps have wonky layouts
  150. <Soundwave> I will host CGI with samsara and fork out some duels
  151. <Soundwave> tomorrow of course
  152. <Soundwave> but for now
  153. <Soundwave> I am poofing out
  154. <Soundwave> its "light up the night" AM
  155. <Soundwave> (4:00 AM)
  156. <Eric> you know i have to wonder how the laz shield handles bfg tracers
  157. * Soundwave ( has left ("Doomseeker End of Line")
  158. <Eric> is it even possible for an actor to block those?
  159. <Medicris> most of the maps are built for vanilla doom and no freelook/autoaim on
  160. <Medicris> o
  161. <Medicris> quit
  162. <Ramen> eric they're basically hitscans, i don't see how it wouldn't block them
  163. <Eric> yeah but i mean can it effectively block them
  164. <Eric> like if you get a face full of tracers, will it manage to actually absorb all 40 or will some sneak through
  165. <Ramen> some will probably sneak through
  166. <Medicris> kkv is really good in dm buuuuuut
  167. <Medicris> not in maps often
  168. <Medicris> yep
  169. <Ramen> it's advantage is how accurate it is, use it in a hallway and enemies have no escape, the lack of ammo hurts it badly though
  170. <TerminusEst13> <Eric> bj completely unstoppable on any map with unique
  172. <Medicris> so yeah like
  173. <Medicris> new meta is bj + chex are top tier?
  174. <TerminusEst13> With the reflect fixes and new Buddha, they are almost and literally unkillable, respectively.
  175. <Ramen> ... does the reflect fix also work with the push altfire fist?
  176. <TerminusEst13> Yes.
  177. <Ramen> i haven't got time to try it, is it reliable?
  178. <Medicris> well shit
  179. <TerminusEst13> Yes. Yes, it is.
  180. <Eric> new meta is bj with unique > chex with ult > ranger > chex without ult > everyone else > bj without unique
  181. <TerminusEst13> It is so reliable it's not even funny.
  182. <TerminusEst13> rip smarmass dm
  183. <TerminusEst13> you had a good run
  184. * Wandog is now known as Kurashiki
  185. <Medicris> maybe DM isnt so bad'
  186. <Medicris> duel, ehhhhhhhhhhh
  187. <Ramen> are reflect air-shots hype?
  188. <Eric> if duel has been disrupted this bad, you know dm's gotta be a complete and utter shitfest now
  189. <Medicris> like, with dm at least you have multiple people around the map to hunt down blazes and to surround chex ulters
  190. <Eric> not that it wasn't before, with ranger being able to completely destroy games with mindless w+m1
  191. <Medicris> hey eric
  192. <Medicris> wanna fix samsara
  193. <Eric> i almost do want to do just a pvp patch
  194. <TerminusEst13> Be my guest.
  195. <Medicris> I mean, there's a half dozen or a dozen minor-ish bugs to fix afaik
  196. <Medicris> and then the rest is just balance things
  197. <Medicris> then it can be left alone forever
  198. <TerminusEst13> Lord knows it'd probably be refreshing to work on a project that the community actually likes.
  199. <Eric> oh, i doubt they'd like it
  200. <Eric> we would, sure
  201. <Eric> but anyone who mains anything that's on the list to get changed won't be happy
  202. * Brzoz_ has quit (Connection closed)
  203. <Medicris> all I can think of would be fixing ranger's rockets to be more faithful (which would also balance them), fixing a few bugs like nailgun recoil, maybe toning down what you get back when you respawn with an extra life
  204. * Unholypimpin has quit ("Leaving")
  205. <Medicris> hell, respawning with an extra life should probably strip you of weapons and ammo and give you your default stuff back
  206. <Medicris> the ability to deny a frag point to someone is enough of a bonus imo
  207. <Medicris> as is being able to survive with a life in survival
  208. <Eric> yeah, since you can't just bruteforce past it anymore being able to not only keep your current shit but also get a free megasphere is just outrageous
  209. <Ramen> remove megasphere and resistance effect and you're good with the extra life
  210. <Medicris> I'd say so
  211. <Medicris> eric already has a github so we can branch from there iirc
  212. <Ramen> o, nice
  213. <TerminusEst13> So let's start up a list, then.
  214. <TerminusEst13> 1: Slow Ranger's rockets, unique particle trail, not as goddamn many rockets on picking up gl/rl.
  215. <Medicris> iirc rockets were bigger and brighter in quake than they are in smarmass too
  216. <TerminusEst13> 2: Lower radius on Chexshield/allow things to penetrate/remove reflection in PvP/SOMETHING TO NERF THAT FUCKING SHIELD
  217. <Medicris> might have to look ingame again
  218. <Eric> yeah, that's a problem that affects basically ranger's everything
  219. <Eric> dude has natural camo with his non-translatable colors being all dark brown
  220. <TerminusEst13> 3: Remove resistance in PvP for Bjoo's extra life, possibly remove equipment/ammo?
  221. <TerminusEst13> 4: Fulldamageradius for SO's explosions
  222. <Medicris> o fuck god damn fulldamageradius
  223. <Medicris> hello spnkr
  224. <TerminusEst13> sup
  225. <Medicris> damn this stuff is fun though
  226. <Medicris> gotta remind myself to play more
  227. <TerminusEst13> 5: Something for Corvus? Needs a lot of love in PvP.
  228. <Eric> corvus's problem is overreliance on his ult
  229. <Eric> without it, he's really weak
  230. <Eric> with it, he's goddamn unstoppable unless you have the shield
  232. <Medicris> he's like doomguy in a lot of ways, except every single attack has the chance to roll CRITICAL FAILURE
  233. <Eric> phoenix rod is fairly reliable
  234. <Eric> i'd say it's the one weapon that gets hurt the most from the tome
  235. <TerminusEst13> Yeah that flamethrower is 200% shit.
  236. <Medicris> I'd speed up the projectiles
  237. <Medicris> for pvp
  238. <Eric> hellstaff gets hurt pretty bad too, i never once took any damage from the rain even when soundwave spammed it all over the place
  239. <TerminusEst13> Only two rainclouds can be active at the time because ????
  240. <Medicris> it's more for area denial than real combat
  241. <TerminusEst13> Actually I assume because FPS reasons.
  242. <TerminusEst13> If that limit was removed it'd probably be even better for area denial.
  243. <Medicris> well, because otherwise it'd be super easy to do this.
  244. <Medicris> 1. point down
  245. <Medicris> 2. hold m1
  246. <Medicris> 3. run all over the map
  247. <TerminusEst13> Ah, yeah.
  249. <Eric> no easier than doing the same with the firemace and letting everyone choke on your BALLS OF STEEL
  250. <Medicris> yeah but at least you have to sit still to do that
  251. <Eric> really, most of corvus's weapons get weaker when tomed in pvp
  252. <Eric> the only ones that actually get definitive buffs are the crossbow, gauntlets, and wand
  253. <Eric> everything else gets drawbacks and may or may not actually be less effective as a result
  254. <Eric> anyway i gotta sleep, pls to pastebin this stuff so i can read it when i wake up
  255. * Eric has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.91-rdmsoft [XULRunner 32.0.3/20140923175406]")
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