
Witch meets Morrigan

Oct 7th, 2015
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  1. [12:55:21] — Witch is typing speedily on her laptop
  2. [12:56:17] — Morrigan opens the from door and steps into the main living area
  3. [12:56:27] — Witch looks up
  4. [12:56:35] <Morrigan> "Um. Hello."
  5. [12:56:47] <Witch> "Are you Morrigan?"
  6. [12:57:08] <Morrigan> "Y-yes. And you're Witch."
  7. [12:57:22] <Witch> "Indeed I am. Nice to meet you"
  8. [12:57:44] — Witch extends a hand for a handshake
  9. [12:57:50] <Morrigan> "Ah, yeah."
  10. [12:57:55] — Morrigan shakes hand
  11. [12:58:11] <Morrigan> "Sorry to bother you, I was just going to get something."
  12. [12:58:11] <Witch> "You seem nervous"
  13. [12:59:07] <Morrigan> "I'll be out of your hair in a few minutes, don't mind me."
  14. [12:59:37] <Witch> "Well I'd like to get to know you a bit better"
  15. [12:59:49] <Morrigan> "Um... alright."
  16. [13:00:06] <Witch> "Is something wrong? You seem nervous"
  17. [13:00:56] <Morrigan> "No, no, nothing's wrong, I was just coming to get a few things."
  18. [13:01:12] <Morrigan> ((She's uncomfortable being in this building))
  19. [13:01:34] <Witch> "Something about coming here making you uneasy?"
  20. [13:02:04] <Morrigan> "No, no, I just would rather get back to work."
  21. [13:02:11] <Morrigan> ((Lying))
  22. [13:02:29] <Witch> "You know how my power works, Morrigan"
  23. [13:02:53] <Witch> "You know I can tell when people lie"
  24. [13:03:47] <Morrigan> "I'm not *lying*, I just would rather stay at home."
  25. [13:03:53] <Morrigan> ((Truth))
  26. [13:04:22] <Witch> "I didn't say you were lying, per se, and I don't doubt that you would feel more comfortable at home"
  27. [13:04:41] <Witch> "Can I help you with this errand?"
  28. [13:05:23] <Morrigan> "Oh, no, no need to worry. I'm just picking up a few things I had put here last time."
  29. [13:05:56] <Morrigan> "Shouldn't take more than a minute."
  30. [13:06:05] <Witch> "Mor, is there a reason you spend so much time cooped up at your house?"
  31. [13:06:27] <Witch> "I mean, compared to the others"
  32. [13:06:59] <Morrigan> "I, um, don't think so? I mean, you know what my power is, so I kind of need to."
  33. [13:12:56] <Witch> "You could set up a monitoring station at base"
  34. [13:13:06] <Witch> "In your own private room"
  35. [13:13:24] <Witch> "It would be a lot more convenient for the rest of us"
  36. [13:13:53] <Morrigan> "No, no, I'm not sure that would work... Easier to stay with the one at home, I think."
  37. [13:14:32] <Morrigan> "I quite like the quiet there."
  38. [13:14:32] <Witch> "Do you have any phobias Morrigan?"
  39. [13:14:54] <Witch> "Specifically Claustrophobia or Social anxiety?"
  40. [13:15:00] <Morrigan> "I, ah, don't believe so, no."
  41. [13:15:30] <Witch> < Telling the truth? >
  42. [13:15:35] <Morrigan> ((Yes))
  43. [13:15:40] <Witch> < Huh >
  44. [13:15:49] <Witch> "Huh"
  45. [13:16:00] <Morrigan> "I prefer to work in the quiet. Makes it easier to keep up with everything."
  46. [13:16:26] <Morrigan> "But I don't believe I have any phobias or other problems."
  47. [13:16:35] <Witch> "So you're really just a pretty big introvert at heart?"
  48. [13:17:03] <Morrigan> "I suppose?"
  49. [13:17:06] — Witch begins typing a note to herself on her desktop
  50. [13:17:37] <Witch> "Take Rapture and Morrigan out on girl's night. Civvie clothes occasion"
  51. [13:17:53] <Witch> < She isn't saying that out loud >
  52. [13:18:26] <Morrigan> "Alright, if you're getting back to work then I'll leave you alone. Sorry to bother."
  53. [13:18:26] <Witch> "You /do/ get out though at times, right?"
  54. [13:18:43] <Morrigan> "Um, yes. On occasion, when I need to."
  55. [13:19:11] <Witch> "Morrigan, I know it's a habit of tinkers to forget to eat meals when caught up in work sometimes"
  56. [13:19:11] <Morrigan> "If there's nothing urgent happening, I can usually multitask."
  57. [13:19:54] <Morrigan> "Eating is easy, usually."
  58. [13:20:29] <Witch> "When was the last time you spent most of a day in the presence of a friend or group of friends?"
  59. [13:21:17] <Morrigan> "I, um, usually AM with you guys. Just not in person."
  60. [13:22:14] <Witch> "Is it ok if I continue to ask some questions for psychological analysis?"
  61. [13:22:34] <Morrigan> "I, um, a-alright."
  62. [13:23:10] <Witch> "How long would you say are you inside of your house on a given week?"
  63. [13:23:38] <Morrigan> "I don't really..."
  64. [13:23:50] <Morrigan> "Keep track, I don't think."
  65. [13:24:00] <Morrigan> "Most of the time?"
  66. [13:24:07] <Witch> "How long outside of the house?"
  67. [13:24:53] <Morrigan> "I, um, sometimes need to go get supplies. Or if the others need me for something, usually."
  68. [13:25:12] <Witch> "Would you say..."
  69. [13:25:20] <Witch> "10 hours a week?"
  70. [13:25:39] <Morrigan> "Maybe, about that. A bit less, maybe."
  71. [13:25:50] <Morrigan> "Or more. I'm not sure."
  72. [13:26:02] <Witch> "You seem very uncertain about this"
  73. [13:26:11] <Witch> "Do you have a tendency to lose track of time?"
  74. [13:26:39] <Witch> "Days and nights blurring together?"
  75. [13:27:12] <Morrigan> "I guess so, sometimes. Usually I can tell which is which, but the specific days don't really make a difference."
  76. [13:27:25] <Morrigan> "Or exact clock times."
  77. [13:27:55] — Witch nods thoughtfully and sets her laptop aside to divert her full attention to Morrigan
  78. [13:28:24] <Witch> "How much would you say your team mates spend outside their homes on a given week?"
  79. [13:28:38] <Morrigan> "I don't really..."
  80. [13:28:48] <Morrigan> "Rapture is always out and about."
  81. [13:29:02] <Witch> "More or less than you and to what degree"
  82. [13:29:42] <Morrigan> "Koan stays in a lot."
  83. [13:29:55] <Witch> "Let me rephrase"
  84. [13:30:12] <Witch> "How long does the average person spend outside relative to you?"
  85. [13:30:34] <Morrigan> "I... a lot?"
  86. [13:30:53] <Witch> "Are you happy?"
  87. [13:31:10] — Morrigan nods vigorously
  88. [13:31:40] <Morrigan> "I get to see the outside too, just not the same way."
  89. [13:31:41] <Witch> "Do you ever feel lonely?"
  90. [13:32:16] <Morrigan> "I, um. I'm not sure what you mean."
  91. [13:32:33] <Morrigan> "Every day, thousands of people all around."
  92. [13:32:35] <Witch> "Wishing there were other people in the room with you"
  93. [13:32:49] <Witch> "Wanting to talk to them directly, not through external sources"
  94. [13:33:00] <Morrigan> "Oh, goodness no. I like it being quiet when I work."
  95. [13:33:07] <Witch> "Wanting the comfort of human touch?"
  96. [13:33:57] <Morrigan> "Um... No, my birds can detect that for me."
  97. [13:34:39] <Witch> "Would you say you live a healthy lifestyle?"
  98. [13:35:37] <Morrigan> "I think so?"
  99. [13:36:02] <Witch> "Is that a question?"
  100. [13:36:15] <Morrigan> "Um..."
  101. [13:36:22] <Morrigan> "Maybe?"
  102. [13:36:40] <Witch> "I'm going to be straight with you Morrigan"
  103. [13:36:56] <Witch> "You don't seem like you have time to excersise"
  104. [13:37:25] <Morrigan> "I, no, not really."
  105. [13:37:55] <Witch> "Do you eat healthily?"
  106. [13:38:06] <Witch> "Make your own meals, balance calories...?"
  107. [13:38:50] <Morrigan> "I, um, usually Koan or Rapture picks me up something."
  108. [13:39:24] <Morrigan> "I'm not much good at making food."
  109. [13:39:29] <Witch> "Has anybody other than myself asked about your health, physical or social?"
  110. [13:40:46] <Morrigan> "Y-yes, sometimes. Koan was trying to get me to go outside like you said, with you and Rapture."
  111. [13:41:26] <Witch> "One last thing"
  112. [13:41:30] <Witch> "Morrigan"
  113. [13:41:42] <Witch> "I am about to hug you"
  114. [13:41:48] <Witch> "To see how you respond"
  115. [13:41:59] — Witch stands up and hugs Morrigan
  116. [13:42:25] <Morrigan> "Did, um, did you want me to hug you back, or...?"
  117. [13:42:47] — Witch doesn't respond
  118. [13:43:27] <Morrigan> "Oh, um, okay."
  119. [13:43:59] <Morrigan> "I'll just, um... wait until you're finished, I guess?"
  120. [13:44:21] — Witch breaks free of the hug
  121. [13:44:36] <Witch> "Alright, here is what my test results indicate"
  122. [13:45:29] <Witch> "You are a socially awkward recluse who isn't incredibly confident in themselves and needs to get outside and do something more often"
  123. [13:45:52] — Witch takes out a sketch pad and pen
  124. [13:45:57] <Morrigan> "No, no, I don't think so."
  125. [13:46:01] — Witch begins drawing a symbol
  126. [13:46:09] <Morrigan> "I'm perfectly happy staying inside."
  127. [13:46:10] <Witch> "How would you describe yourself?"
  128. [13:46:26] <Morrigan> "Um. In what sort of way?"
  129. [13:46:41] <Witch> "Your lifestyle"
  130. [13:47:00] <Witch> "Tell me the truth and don't sugarcoat anything"
  131. [13:48:10] <Morrigan> "I'm, um, introverted, and I stay inside because that's how I can help people most."
  132. [13:48:45] <Witch> "Morrigan, I'm about to say something mean but I think you are able to take it"
  133. [13:49:12] <Morrigan> "Okay?"
  134. [13:49:12] <Witch> "And I'm only doing it because you don't realize the full extent of how this is a problem"
  135. [13:50:21] <Witch> "You're an overweight, secluded hermit who prefers machines to people, and while its true you can help people better from home, you're throwing your life away by doing it"
  136. [13:50:46] <Witch> "Would you disagree?"
  137. [13:51:01] <Morrigan> "I'm... I'm not that overweight..."
  138. [13:51:29] <Witch> "I know, but you will be if you don't start taking care of yourself Mor"
  139. [13:52:10] <Witch> "I really think you're failing to live up to your potential here, failing to enjoy life to its fullest"
  140. [13:52:23] <Morrigan> "I am enjoying life."
  141. [13:52:38] <Witch> "I didn't say you weren't"
  142. [13:52:38] <Morrigan> "Just not the same way you do."
  143. [13:52:58] <Witch> "I get that, I understand introversion very well"
  144. [13:53:22] <Witch> "But what you don't realize, is that you're enjoying this lifestyle you have right now too much"
  145. [13:53:41] <Witch> "Do you trust me Morrigan?"
  146. [13:54:03] <Morrigan> "Yeah."
  147. [13:54:15] <Morrigan> "I've been watching you."
  148. [13:54:21] — Witch holds up a symbol in front of Morrigan
  149. [13:54:35] <Witch> "This will change the way your brain works somehow"
  150. [13:54:44] <Witch> "I want you to take it with you"
  151. [13:55:30] <Morrigan> "I... I don't want to... change, like that."
  152. [13:55:48] <Morrigan> "I know the sort of things they do."
  153. [13:56:49] <Morrigan> "I'm happy like this. Why do I have to be happy some other way?"
  154. [13:57:07] <Morrigan> "Especially if it hurts the team."
  155. [13:57:16] <Witch> "Because you're unhealthy Morrigan"
  156. [13:57:37] <Witch> "The team cares more about your welfare than running at maximum efficiency"
  157. [13:58:48] <Morrigan> "I'm not that unhealthy."
  158. [13:59:06] <Morrigan> "People spend more time playing computer games and sleeping."
  159. [13:59:08] <Witch> "You will be if you don't change"
  160. [13:59:13] <Morrigan> "I've seen them."
  161. [13:59:36] <Witch> "Morrigan, how many fat people are full time gamers compared to skinny people?"
  162. [13:59:53] <Morrigan> "I, I don't"
  163. [13:59:58] <Morrigan> "Some?"
  164. [14:01:06] <Witch> "A lot."
  165. [14:01:09] <Morrigan> "Not that many..."
  166. [14:01:28] <Witch> "Morrigan, please do this for me"
  167. [14:01:59] <Witch> "Just one month and then we can get rid of this if you don't like it"
  168. [14:02:15] — Witch adds a few lines to the symbol
  169. [14:02:52] <Morrigan> "A day. I've already- I should get back to work."
  170. [14:03:12] <Witch> "Two weeks"
  171. [14:03:26] <Witch> "For the good of your health"
  172. [14:03:30] <Morrigan> "One week."
  173. [14:03:42] <Morrigan> "What even does this one do?"
  174. [14:03:46] <Witch> "Fine"
  175. [14:03:48] <Witch> "One week"
  176. [14:03:58] <Witch> "If I tell you it will be less effective"
  177. [14:04:21] <Witch> "Deal?"
  178. [14:04:26] <Morrigan> "Stop me from working?"
  179. [14:04:46] <Morrigan> "Make me more receptive to a 'girls night out'?"
  180. [14:04:58] <Witch> "Nope. You can still work your crazy 12 hour shifts and it doesn't affect your social life"
  181. [14:06:13] <Witch> "Just trust me and don't ask what it does?"
  182. [14:06:19] <Witch> "Please?"
  183. [14:07:15] <Morrigan> "I don't..."
  184. [14:07:23] <Morrigan> "Only one week?"
  185. [14:07:40] <Witch> "Only one week"
  186. [14:07:51] <Witch> "You probably won't even notice the changes"
  187. [14:08:13] <Morrigan> "So it won't do anything."
  188. [14:08:22] <Witch> "It's subtle"
  189. [14:08:50] <Morrigan> "I *know*, but I'll be looking for it, won't I?"
  190. [14:09:29] <Witch> "Well, we'll see if you discover what all it does then"
  191. [14:11:09] <Morrigan> "I really don't think..."
  192. [14:11:28] <Witch> "What have you got to lose?"
  193. [14:12:32] <Morrigan> "Well I mean... I don't really..."
  194. [14:13:20] — Morrigan sighs
  195. [14:14:00] <Morrigan> "If it turns out you did something bad, Rapture won't be happy."
  196. [14:19:50] <Witch> "You know I would never do anything I think would upset Rapture
  197. [14:19:56] <Witch> "Ever."
  198. [14:20:12] <Morrigan> "... Yeah."
  199. [14:20:18] <Morrigan> "Alright."
  200. [14:21:07] — Morrigan takes the symbol
  201. [14:21:42] <Witch> "Thank you Morrigan, for trusting me"
  202. [14:22:17] <Morrigan> "I don't really feel any different."
  203. [14:22:52] <Witch> "Like I said"
  204. [14:22:55] <Witch> "Subtle"
  205. [14:23:25] <Morrigan> "A-alright. I, um, should really go get back to work."
  206. [14:23:32] — Witch is thinking to herself of how to formulate a plan to get healthy foods to Morrigan's house
  207. [14:23:52] <Witch> "Sure, I won't keep you here anymore with my questions"
  208. [14:24:02] <Witch> "It was nice to meet you Morrigan"
  209. [14:24:26] <Morrigan> "You too I guess, even though I already knew you."
  210. [14:24:40] <Morrigan> "I'm just gonna..."
  211. [14:24:47] <Witch> "Well thank you for humoring my social pleasantries"
  212. [14:25:00] — Morrigan absconds to her room
  213. [14:25:36] — Witch immediately dials Rapture on her phone
  214. [14:26:31] <Rapture> "Hello dear."
  215. [14:26:41] <Rapture> "Is everything alright?"
  216. [14:27:07] <Witch> "I just got Morrigan to willingly take one of my symbols after hearing about her lifestyle"
  217. [14:27:13] <Witch> "Long story short;"
  218. [14:27:36] <Witch> "I need a way to get home cooked, healthy meals to her as opposed to take-out"
  219. [14:28:04] <Rapture> "I'll see what I can do."
  220. [14:28:28] <Witch> "If you give me her address I'll show up myself and make the meals"
  221. [14:28:39] <Witch> "I'm not a great cook but I should suffice"
  222. [14:29:45] <Rapture> "I think she usually tries not to let the information get out. I'll take care of it, don't you worry."
  223. [14:30:29] <Witch> "I want to know the details when you have them arranged please"
  224. [14:31:15] <Witch> "Of the food and who is bringing it to her"
  225. [14:31:40] <Rapture> "Of course, darling. I'll ensure you have the information."
  226. [14:31:50] <Witch> "wonderful"
  227. [14:31:56] <Witch> "Oh, and one more thing"
  228. [14:32:03] — Morrigan scurries out of her room, holding a cardboard box under one arm
  229. [14:32:17] — Witch covers phone speaker
  230. [14:32:34] <Witch> "Bye Morrigan! I'll see you again later!"
  231. [14:32:50] <Morrigan> "Um, b-bye."
  232. [14:32:58] — Morrigan absconds
  233. [14:33:25] <Witch> "I suspect Mor will end up being a bit irritated tonight"
  234. [14:33:32] <Witch> "A bit antsy"
  235. [14:33:47] <Rapture> "I see. Is it worth being concerned about?"
  236. [14:33:53] <Witch> "I would like you or somebody else from the team to ask her if she wants to go on a walk"
  237. [14:34:06] <Witch> "It's part of the rune"
  238. [14:34:29] <Rapture> "Compulsed breaks?"
  239. [14:34:47] <Witch> "Yeah, pretty much"
  240. [14:35:12] <Witch> "Loses concentration when she hasn't been outside all day"
  241. [14:35:46] <Rapture> "I see."
  242. [14:35:59] <Witch> "nothing too intrusive"
  243. [14:36:13] <Witch> "Just a bit of a poke to get up and do something"
  244. [14:36:21] <Rapture> "Perhaps, child, would it be better to provide a benefit rather than a penalty?"
  245. [14:36:40] <Witch> "Probably"
  246. [14:36:41] <Rapture> "Encouragement to rest instead of discouragement to work?"
  247. [14:37:00] <Witch> "I wanted the walk to be self satisfying"
  248. [14:37:12] <Witch> "I'll see if she lets me modify the rune"
  249. [14:37:26] <Witch> "The rest of the effects are as follows"
  250. [14:37:57] <Witch> "She feels a lot less hungry after 2000 calories"
  251. [14:38:33] <Witch> "And she wants to eat healthy foods far more than junk foods"
  252. [14:38:56] <Rapture> "Ah, child?"
  253. [14:39:24] <Rapture> "Morrigan doesn't tend to eat very much at all."
  254. [14:39:24] <Witch> "Did I screw up?"
  255. [14:39:32] <Witch> "Well"
  256. [14:39:49] <Witch> "Now she should want to eat this healthy stuff we're providing"
  257. [14:40:40] <Rapture> "Very well. I suppose there's no harm done in removing a non-issue."
  258. [14:41:59] <Rapture> "This is temporary, yes?"
  259. [14:43:30] <Rapture> "I'm not particularly keen on the idea of permanently affecting anyone."
  260. [14:44:36] <Witch> "One week"
  261. [14:45:01] <Witch> "Augh, that was stupid of me"
  262. [14:45:15] <Witch> "I should've just said eaten a normal 2000 calorie diet"
  263. [14:45:38] <Witch> "Stupid to assume I knew the cause of her... weight"
  264. [14:46:28] <Rapture> "Oh, my child. Assumptions are the bane of capes."
  265. [14:46:39] <Rapture> "Recall how we met."
  266. [14:46:54] <Witch> "Yeah"
  267. [14:47:10] <Witch> "True enough I suppose"
  268. [14:48:37] <Rapture> "It's always better to triple check than assume you know what you're talking about."
  269. [14:49:00] <Witch> "I'm sorry for what I said back then"
  270. [14:49:15] <Witch> "It keeps replaying over and over in the back of my head"
  271. [14:49:24] <Witch> "How I could've handled it better"
  272. [14:49:53] <Rapture> "Don't be sorry, my sweet child. People make mistakes."
  273. [14:50:12] <Witch> *sniff*
  274. [14:50:21] <Rapture> "Koan's initial 'recruitment attempt', for instance."
  275. [14:50:50] <Witch> *sniff* "y-yeah"
  276. [14:51:04] <Rapture> "Is everything okay?"
  277. [14:51:25] <Rapture> "I can come over there if you like."
  278. [14:51:33] <Witch> "Emotional scars that haven't healed"
  279. [14:51:43] <Witch> "Don't come over, I should be fine"
  280. [14:52:10] <Witch> "I can't keep relying on you to help take away the pain or the wounds won't close over"
  281. [14:53:18] <Rapture> "You can, my darling. As I said, I'll always be there for you."
  282. [14:53:32] <Witch> "Stop please"
  283. [14:53:37] <Witch> "Let me do this"
  284. [14:53:58] <Witch> "It doesn't mean I don't want you to help, on the contrary, I do"
  285. [14:54:28] <Witch> "But I can't get better if I keep having you support me"
  286. [14:54:51] <Rapture> "... If you insist."
  287. [14:55:23] <Rapture> ((Rapture sounds almost disappointed))
  288. [14:55:27] <Witch> *sniff* "thanks"
  289. [14:55:59] <Rapture> "Is there anything else I can help you with, dear child?"
  290. [14:56:44] <Witch> "Not right now"
  291. [14:58:00] <Rapture> "Very well. If there's anything I can do..."
  292. [14:59:40] <Witch> "Rapture, you are an amazing person who I love as a motherly figure and team mate and believe me when I say I will tell you immediately if and when something comes up"
  293. [15:00:57] <Rapture> "Thank you."
  294. [15:01:04] <Rapture> ((Holding back tears))
  295. [15:01:21] <Witch> *sniff*
  296. [15:01:27] <Witch> *sniff*
  297. [15:01:39] <Witch> "I-I'm gonna go now, o-ok?"
  298. [15:01:50] <Rapture> "I suppose you had better."
  299. [15:02:24] <Witch> "Love you Rapture, goodbye"
  300. [15:02:29] <Rapture> "I l-"
  301. [15:02:44] — Witch hangs up
  302. [15:03:11] <Witch> "Oops"
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