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Jul 14th, 2013
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  1. <19:44:56> "Ogre": sfe
  2. <19:45:08> "Tanzim": ogre
  3. <19:45:11> "Tanzim": do u wanna play 2day??
  4. <19:45:22> "chuckie": ogre can AM
  5. <19:45:24> "chuckie": chuckie fwd
  6. <19:45:39> "Ogre": i can barely be arsed to play hax wiv my own team nvm urs
  7. <19:45:49> "chuckie": cause ur team is shit
  8. <19:45:57> "Tanzim": & ur team is nevre on bro
  9. <19:46:00> "chuckie": what happened to hesur btw
  10. <19:46:03> "chuckie": swear he's never on
  11. <19:46:08> "Tanzim": lold
  12. <19:46:09> "Ogre": fk knows
  13. <19:46:11> "Tanzim": he aint been on 2 days
  14. <19:46:20> "Ogre": he fled da sinkin ship
  15. <19:46:22> "chuckie": l0l
  16. <19:46:26> "chuckie": r.i.p. jake harris
  17. <19:46:26> "Jai": <19:45:53> "TehBeast1": just heard my aunt fell off the stairs
  18. <19:45:57> "TehBeast1": fuckin bitch
  19. <19:46:30> "Tanzim":
  20. <19:46:32> "chuckie": loooooool
  21. <19:46:32> "Tanzim": lets go bros
  22. <19:46:37> "rolex": looooooooool
  23. <19:46:38> "Ogre": is this fs or propa game
  24. <19:46:40> "chuckie": brbrb
  25. <19:46:55> "Tanzim": fs
  26. <19:46:57> "rolex": ogray i beg u play for me fam
  27. <19:47:00> "rolex": oh its fs
  28. <19:47:01> "rolex": nvm
  29. <19:47:03> "rolex": no1 join
  30. <19:47:22> "Tanzim": jai join fam
  31. <19:47:58> "Tanzim":
  32. <19:48:02> "Jai": as who
  33. <19:48:06> "rolex": loool
  34. <19:48:09> "Tanzim": any1
  35. <19:48:10> "Tanzim": its a fs
  36. <19:51:15> "Tanzim": WTF
  37. <19:51:18> "Tanzim": y did i get banned
  38. <19:51:20> "Jai": lol
  39. <19:51:21> "chuckie": shuk
  40. <19:51:29> "rolex": loool
  41. <19:51:44> "Tanzim": jonni
  42. <19:51:46> "Tanzim": is ur host any gd???
  43. <19:51:52> "chuckie": joni gets a sick host
  44. <19:51:58> "jonni": yea but i get bad fps
  45. <19:51:58> "chuckie": 20 ping guaranteed
  46. <19:52:09> "Tanzim": need 2 find a decnet host 4 da league match smh
  47. <19:52:13> "Tanzim": dey r bosnaisn aswell
  48. <19:52:18> "chuckie": FFS
  49. <19:52:21> "chuckie": bosnian cunts
  50. <19:53:00> "Tanzim": i think soc can host
  51. <19:57:47> "Tanzim": guys
  52. <19:57:49> "Tanzim": whos a gd host??
  53. <19:58:51> "chuckie": smh
  54. <20:01:35> "Jai": gl
  55. <20:01:53> "rolex": gl jai
  56. <20:02:00> "jonni": bl jai
  57. <20:02:11> "Jai": fanks
  58. <20:02:16> "jonni": np
  59. <20:02:55> "chuckie": who r u impersonatin 2day ogre
  60. <20:03:04> "Tanzim": hes ina league mtch 2day i think
  61. <20:03:05> "Ogre": i neva impersonated any1
  62. <20:03:35> "chuckie": do we have a host yet
  63. <20:03:50> "Tanzim": bro
  64. <20:03:51> "Tanzim": i cant find any1
  65. <20:03:52> "Tanzim": atall
  66. <20:03:55> "Tanzim": im asking every1 i kno
  67. <20:03:59> "Tanzim": some1 help me
  68. <20:04:07> "chuckie":
  69. <20:05:32> "Jai": loool
  70. <20:05:45> "Tanzim": perkins told me dey wer bosnains
  71. <20:09:12> "Gord": sfe
  72. <20:09:22> "Psykout22": i think they about to start gord
  73. <20:09:24> "Psykout22": if you just joined
  74. <20:09:34> "rolex": sfe gord
  75. <20:09:36> "rolex":
  76. <20:09:38> "rolex": join every1
  77. <20:09:40> "Gord": who and what
  78. <20:09:42> "rolex": fm 4v4
  79. <20:09:43> "Psykout22": even me
  80. <20:09:44> "Psykout22": ok
  81. <20:09:51> "rolex": join as deerhaunter pls
  82. <20:09:52> "rolex": @psy
  83. <20:10:16> "Tanzim": psykout
  84. <20:10:18> "Gord": lol is there games
  85. <20:10:18> "Tanzim": is ur host any good??
  86. <20:10:32> "Gord": hope u lot get murded
  87. <20:10:35> "Psykout22": uh ok
  88. <20:10:37> "Psykout22": no it isn't
  89. <20:10:38> "Psykout22": good
  90. <20:10:40> "Tanzim": oh
  91. <20:10:56> "rolex": lol
  92. <20:11:03> "rolex": sum play for me pls
  93. <20:11:03> "Psykout22": casual
  94. <20:11:05> "Psykout22": is casual
  95. <20:11:06> "Psykout22": fuk no
  96. <20:11:11> "Psykout22": i'm no cheter
  97. <20:11:16> "Gord": i dont even remmeber the hax buttons tbh
  98. <20:11:23> "rolex": even h esur impersonated me once
  99. <20:11:23> "Psykout22": use the mouse
  100. <20:11:24> "Gord": lol psyk plays as maddude all the time
  101. <20:11:25> "rolex": no1 is innocent
  102. <20:11:26> "Psykout22": much easier now
  103. <20:11:59> "Gord": i dont even have a mouse l0l
  104. <20:12:11> "Psykout22": lol
  105. <20:34:21> "chuckie": too ez
  106. <20:34:25> "Tanzim": ok safe
  107. <20:34:31> "rolex": lol me first fm match
  108. <20:34:32> "Tanzim": jonni can u leave da replay link on da cahnnel description??
  109. <20:34:38> "chuckie": he's not on ts
  110. <20:34:42> "Tanzim": oh
  111. <20:34:45> "Tanzim": can u tell him i sed dat
  112. <20:34:48> "Tanzim": im gna get some food now
  113. <20:34:48> "chuckie": joni's goal looooooool
  114. <20:34:54> "chuckie": literally just walked thru defence
  115. <20:35:07> "rolex": who recorded?
  116. <20:35:15> "jonni": jonni
  117. <20:35:19> "rolex": thank @allah
  118. <20:35:21> "rolex": i closed me comp
  119. <20:35:22> "jonni": l0l
  120. <20:35:25> "chuckie": ur goal @joni l000l
  121. <20:35:35> "jonni": unstoppable
  122. <20:35:49> "chuckie": they all moved out the way for u
  123. <20:35:54> "jonni": l0l
  124. <20:36:07> "chuckie": woodberri4div1
  125. <20:36:31> "chuckie": how the fuk did u lose to ajhax
  126. <20:37:04> "jonni": ajhax are 3rd wtf
  127. <20:38:45> "jonni": how cute is pedi on stream
  128. <20:39:06> "mlfaijati": voice better than soc and griff put together
  129. <20:40:16> "chuckie": ren's voice makes me want to punch him in the face and i've never even met him
  130. <20:40:37> "mlfaijati": he once read out the henry 5th speech
  131. <20:40:53> "chuckie": i bet he gets wedgied at school
  132. <20:41:00> "Ogre": woodberri score???
  133. <20:41:02> "rolex": loooooool
  134. <20:41:05> "chuckie": 3-0
  135. <20:41:09> "Ogre": nice
  136. <20:41:15> "Ogre": ders hope 4 u yet
  137. <20:41:20> "rolex": who was momo
  138. <20:41:31> "Ogre": not me i was playin for seeds tbh
  139. <20:41:42> "chuckie": thought it was jai but he's playin 4 ducks
  140. <20:42:05> "rolex": l0l
  141. <20:42:41> "jonni": it wasnt momo? :s
  142. <20:42:50> "chuckie": lol we didn't concede
  143. <20:43:46> "jonni": cheeki
  144. <20:44:01> "mlfaijati": gd admininin jon
  145. <20:45:04> "rolex": r we 1st in div 2 a b 3
  146. <20:45:11> "rolex": wots our pos
  147. <20:45:24> "chuckie": midtable i think
  148. <20:45:28> "chuckie": we've played 1 less game
  149. <20:46:07> "chuckie": l0l pedi parrin perkins
  150. <20:47:17> "jonni": l0l
  151. <20:47:22> "Jai": smh
  152. <20:47:49> "rolex": where?????
  153. <20:47:55> "chuckie": on stream
  154. <20:47:57> "chuckie": finished now
  155. <20:51:16> "Ogre": LoL
  156. <20:53:37> "Jai": :-(
  157. <20:58:27> "rolex": lol????????///
  158. <20:58:34> "Ogre": ^
  159. <20:58:39> "Ogre": gotta get dem lvls up tbh
  160. <20:58:47> "rolex": need dat flash
  161. <20:58:54> "Ogre": ye all da pros use it
  162. <20:59:06> "Ogre": i been watchin sum yt vids of the world championships n stuff
  163. <20:59:25> "Gord": da fuk u chattin
  164. <20:59:26> "Ogre":
  165. <20:59:28> "Ogre": dis was sik
  166. <21:00:11> "jonni": 1:00 snm
  167. <21:00:41> "chuckie": lol
  168. <21:00:41> "Gord": lel
  169. <21:01:49> "jonni": chuki u wanna stat em?
  170. <21:01:52> "Gord": lol zizou bare mad in that chat
  171. <21:01:56> "chuckie": lol nah
  172. <21:02:05> "jonni": fun beatin ziz tbh
  173. <21:02:18> "chuckie": why is he at that team
  174. <21:02:21> "Gord": ziz is cool but he gets mad way easy
  175. <21:02:22> "Gord": lol
  176. <21:02:24> "chuckie": did he get kicked out of deja
  177. <21:02:41> "Gord": yeh he called ussops mum a nigga
  178. <21:02:47> "chuckie": l0l
  179. <21:02:48> "Gord": so i heard they booted him
  180. <21:02:49> "Ogre": l0l
  181. <21:02:54> "rolex": srs????????/
  182. <21:02:57> "rolex": he said dat to uspp[p
  183. <21:03:00> "Gord": swear down i dont know
  184. <21:03:08> "Ogre": fkin ban for lyfe tbh
  185. <21:03:17> "rolex": real spit
  186. <21:03:21> "Ogre": u dun diss usopp or his mama
  187. <21:03:21> "Gord": l0l remember when he was mad at rolex
  188. <21:03:24> "rolex": dat is the most hurtfulest fing i ever heard
  189. <21:03:35> "rolex": even worse wen he called me afroamerican shit
  190. <21:03:35> "chuckie": lmao
  191. <21:03:41> "Gord": l0l
  192. <21:05:34> "jonni": chat bare active
  193. <21:05:45> "chuckie": full of retards
  195. <21:06:45> "rolex": SPARTA DREW WITH HOBA
  196. <21:06:45> "Gord": sup
  197. <21:06:48> "rolex": lost all my coins
  198. <21:06:50> "Gord": l0l
  199. <21:07:05> "Ogre": shudda bet on seeds tbh
  200. <21:08:34> "chuckie": fm always makes these weird plop noises l0l
  201. <21:08:43> "rolex": l0l wtf
  202. <21:08:48> "chuckie": lol
  203. <21:08:56> "chuckie": like the PM noise
  204. <21:09:01> "chuckie": but i don't get any messages
  205. <21:09:18> "rolex": the chat fing is buggy as fuk tbh
  206. <21:09:31> "chuckie": ye
  207. <21:10:12> "jonni": wot noise?
  208. <21:10:31> "chuckie": a plop one
  209. <21:10:40> "jonni": from chat?
  210. <21:10:43> "Gord": the chat noise
  211. <21:10:49> "Gord": wats a plop
  212. <21:10:53> "chuckie": the regular chat has a clicky noise
  213. <21:10:57> "chuckie": then there's the plop noise lol
  214. <21:11:03> "Gord": not heard the plop one
  215. <21:11:13> "Gord": if i have i dunno
  216. <21:11:20> "jonni": u havent turned chat noise off? l0l
  217. <21:11:27> "Gord": lol who can be bothered
  218. <21:11:32> "chuckie": lol usually chat isn't very active
  219. <21:11:41> "chuckie": and i'll know when someone replies when i'm tabbin
  220. <21:12:53> "chuckie": ffs just heard it again
  221. <21:13:02> "Gord": u sure its on fm
  222. <21:13:03> "Gord": lol
  223. <21:13:08> "chuckie": ye i'm sure
  224. <21:13:12> "chuckie": i tested it earlier
  225. <21:13:14> "chuckie": only had fm open
  226. <21:13:20> "Gord": maybe when chat cant refresh
  227. <21:13:22> "Gord": ?
  228. <21:13:30> "Gord": swear it does some next sound for that though
  229. <21:13:58> "jonni": just turn the sounds off, problem solved
  230. <21:14:15> "Gord": that is not the answer
  231. <21:15:22> "fappy": ????
  232. <21:16:14> "chuckie": no joni i need to get to the bottom of it
  233. <21:16:18> "chuckie": i'm gna find out what it is
  234. <21:16:26> "jonni": ok
  235. <21:16:34> "jonni": go offline on the fb chat thing
  236. <21:16:35> "Gord": i bet its not fm
  237. <21:16:35> "Gord": lol
  238. <21:16:42> "fappy": lol
  239. <21:16:44> "rolex": lool
  240. <21:16:44> "fappy": ??
  241. <21:16:46> "Gord": just ur computer randomly ploppin
  242. <21:16:58> "chuckie": lol it's happened on both laptops
  243. <21:17:03> "Gord": lol wtf
  244. <21:17:10> "rolex": plop noises on laptops????????
  245. <21:17:12> "rolex": da fukkk
  246. <21:17:14> "chuckie": it's from fm
  247. <21:17:18> "Gord": looool
  248. <21:17:55> "rolex": lol??????????????
  249. <21:21:02> "BANKS": niggas
  250. <21:21:32> "fappy": l0l im bare rich nw
  251. <21:21:35> "fappy": went al in on pablo
  252. <21:21:41> "fappy": fank god banks dnt play
  253. <21:21:44> "Gord": kl banks
  254. <21:22:10> "fappy": lol???
  255. <21:22:24> "BANKS": alright gordon mate
  256. <21:22:28> "BANKS": was asking about you last night
  257. <21:22:34> "Gord": naughty boy
  258. <21:22:40> "BANKS": xxx
  259. <21:22:44> "Gord": just peep in my window whever u like xxx
  260. <21:22:47> "Gord": how ya doing
  261. <21:22:54> "BANKS": not so bad sir, yourself?
  262. <21:23:06> "Gord": yeh not to bad cheers mate just cant breath
  263. <21:23:08> "Gord": this humididty
  264. <21:23:11> "Gord": smh
  265. <21:23:19> "BANKS": haha i've been working too much to see it
  266. <21:23:36> "BANKS": apart from i had the day off yesterday, first pre season training session
  267. <21:23:42> "BANKS": fitness training in 28 degree heat
  268. <21:23:57> "Gord": i was chillin in the oark with food n beers yesterday mate dont be jelly
  269. <21:24:00> "Gord": park even
  270. <21:24:06> "BANKS": :(
  271. <21:24:38> "Gord": i got a sexy tan atm
  272. <21:24:48> "Gord": finally no longer milky snm
  273. <21:25:50> "chuckie": l0l fap
  274. <21:25:54> "BANKS": i went bare red yesterday and dats it
  275. <21:28:05> "fappy": wtf
  276. <21:28:09> "fappy": wer is tht post @
  277. <21:28:16> "chuckie": lmao
  278. <21:28:31> "chuckie": one of the schedule threads
  279. <21:28:31> "fappy": i dnt remember doin tht l0l
  280. <21:28:39> "Jai": renhan
  281. <21:28:46> "fappy": wtf i came home earlier than i thought...
  282. <21:30:50> "jonni": l00l
  283. <21:36:38> "Tanzim": gd games 2day lads
  284. <21:36:48> "CircleBoy": heya
  285. <21:36:53> "Jai": #woodberry
  286. <21:36:54> "BANKS": hello cb
  287. <21:36:56> "BANKS": how was italia
  288. <21:36:59> "Tanzim": ^
  289. <21:37:00> "CircleBoy": awesome
  290. <21:37:08> "CircleBoy": swam in lakes, climbed mountains, drank wine
  291. <21:37:08> "BANKS": good to heer
  292. <21:37:14> "BANKS": all at once?!
  293. <21:37:17> "BANKS": good effort
  294. <21:37:24> "CircleBoy": ye...I'm an overachiver
  295. <21:37:38> "BANKS": goes without saying
  296. <21:37:40> "mlfaijati": wherd u go in itali
  297. <21:37:41> "mlfaijati": cb
  298. <21:37:43> "BANKS": everyone around heer knows that
  299. <21:38:04> "CircleBoy": Riva del garda
  300. <21:38:05> "Tanzim": guys
  301. <21:38:13> "mlfaijati": which is near
  302. <21:38:15> "Tanzim": did jonni give haxballtube link???
  303. <21:38:20> "Jai": have you got both
  304. <21:38:24> "CircleBoy": lake garda?
  305. <21:38:35> "mlfaijati": gimme closet city
  306. <21:38:42> "mlfaijati": my gcse geography aint up to this
  307. <21:38:48> "Tanzim": ROLEX MANI???
  308. <21:38:50> "chuckie": dunno
  309. <21:38:59> "Tanzim": did u tell jonni
  310. <21:39:01> "chuckie": no
  311. <21:39:02> "Tanzim": wen he logged bck in
  312. <21:39:03> "Tanzim": WTF BRO
  313. <21:39:05> "CircleBoy": just search riva del garda on google earth?
  314. <21:39:06> "Tanzim": shit tier player smh
  315. <21:39:08> "mlfaijati": if only there was some way of finding tings out easily...
  316. <21:39:12> "chuckie": l0l he's in the chan
  317. <21:39:17> "Tanzim": hes away tho init
  318. <21:39:24> "fappy": na
  319. <21:39:28> "fappy": hes pretendin cos hes a cunt
  320. <21:40:04> "Tanzim": jonni?????????
  321. <21:42:09> "CircleBoy": @mlf
  322. <21:42:30> "mlfaijati": o aye
  323. <21:42:31> "mlfaijati": nice
  324. <21:42:39> "mlfaijati": what was the temperature like?
  325. <21:42:58> "CircleBoy": mid/low 30s
  326. <21:42:59> "CircleBoy": all week
  327. <21:43:08> "BANKS": is dat it? its been 45 heer
  328. <21:43:11> "CircleBoy": except in the lake
  329. <21:43:13> "CircleBoy": was freezing
  330. <21:43:17> "CircleBoy": all that snowmelt
  331. <21:45:23> "Tanzim": jonny???????/
  332. <21:45:43> "CircleBoy": wines so was like 5 euros for stuff that costs 20 quid here
  333. <21:46:09> "CircleBoy": mostly because it was growl like 50 miles away >_>
  334. <21:46:57> "rolex": wot
  335. <21:46:59> "rolex": ???????????????????
  336. <21:47:09> "CircleBoy": *grown
  337. <21:47:15> "CircleBoy": growl makes no sense
  338. <21:47:21> "Tanzim": did jonni
  339. <21:47:23> "Tanzim": give haxballtube link??
  340. <21:47:37> "rolex": y u askin me bro
  341. <21:47:42> "rolex": i aint capt
  342. <21:47:47> "Tanzim": BOR
  343. <21:47:48> "Tanzim": WTF
  344. <21:47:50> "CircleBoy": weak captain innit
  345. <21:47:52> "Tanzim": did u even record??
  346. <21:47:57> "rolex": no i forgot
  347. <21:47:59> "Tanzim": im gna cry
  348. <21:48:07> "rolex": jonni recorded it tho
  349. <21:48:11> "Tanzim": BRO WTF
  350. <21:48:12> "Tanzim": did i tell u tho
  351. <21:48:15> "Tanzim": b4 da game starteed
  352. <21:48:19> "rolex": yeh i did record
  353. <21:48:23> "Tanzim": ye???
  354. <21:48:24> "Ogre": rolex did u actually play 2day
  355. <21:48:26> "rolex": but then wen da game finished i closed ma comp
  356. <21:48:32> "Tanzim": fml
  357. <21:48:38> "rolex": yeh ogray l0l for 3 min
  358. <21:48:44> "rolex": dw
  359. <21:48:47> "Ogre": wit ur injured arm as well, wot a soldier
  360. <21:48:47> "rolex": jonni recorded tho
  361. <21:49:04> "rolex": i kno fam me thumb was bare sore
  362. <21:49:04> "Jai": lol
  363. <21:49:10> "rolex": i fink da only cure is 2 play sum lol
  364. <21:49:11> "rolex": as annie
  365. <21:49:12> "rolex": right
  366. <21:49:13> "rolex": now
  367. <21:49:20> "rolex": lol????????????
  368. <21:49:24> "Jai": fs
  369. <21:49:27> "Ogre": LoL
  370. <21:49:31> "rolex": l0l
  371. <21:49:38> "Tanzim": vs bots???
  372. <21:49:40> "Ogre": i been watchin sum pro vids
  373. <21:49:47> "Ogre": dey all gang up in teams of 5 to fk other champs up
  374. <21:49:53> "CircleBoy": isnt Dota 2 meant to be like LoL but better?
  375. <21:49:55> "Tanzim": WTF?
  376. <21:49:59> "rolex": me 2 dey r fukin dench
  377. <21:50:02> "Tanzim": is dota 2 any gd??
  378. <21:50:07> "CircleBoy": dunno
  379. <21:50:16> "CircleBoy": just what heard....I hate games like that
  380. <21:50:19> "rolex": der aint alot ppl who play annie tho
  381. <21:50:27> "rolex": which sux
  382. <21:50:29> "Tanzim":
  383. <21:50:32> "Tanzim": looks exactly like
  384. <21:50:34> "Tanzim": lol
  385. <21:50:35> "Tanzim": WTF
  386. <21:50:47> "Tanzim": even da map is da same
  387. <21:50:51> "Ogre": u guys heard of SMITE
  388. <21:50:54> "rolex": loooooool
  389. <21:50:58> "rolex": it looks like a shitter lol
  390. <21:51:04> "rolex": smite the summoner spell??
  391. <21:51:07> "rolex": aint dat wot junglers use
  392. <21:51:12> "Tanzim": bros smite
  393. <21:51:14> "Tanzim": and ignite
  394. <21:51:15> "Ogre":
  395. <21:51:15> "Tanzim": doesnt work
  396. <21:51:21> "Ogre": nahSMITE is another similar game
  397. <21:51:24> "Tanzim": oh lold
  398. <21:51:38> "CircleBoy": I'm tying to find a LoL vid someone showed me...baisialy a team gets ambushed and react so fast they reverse it =/
  399. <21:51:52> "CircleBoy": might have been dota though
  400. <21:51:55> "Tanzim": family guy RPG
  401. <21:51:56> "Tanzim": WTF
  402. <21:52:11> "rolex": ewwwwww that ccamera movement on smite
  403. <21:52:16> "rolex": looks like id get a headache asap
  404. <21:52:35> "rolex": tanzim fam
  405. <21:52:35> "Tanzim":
  406. <21:52:38> "rolex": set up an fs now
  407. <21:52:42> "Tanzim": ok elmme login
  408. <21:52:46> "rolex": we need to practice for thuur
  409. <21:52:48> "Tanzim": CB r u gna join da lol crew??
  410. <21:52:49> "CircleBoy": fak its dota 2 ah well
  411. <21:52:55> "Tanzim": wats happening thursday??
  412. <21:52:59> "Tanzim": lol clan match
  413. <21:53:01> "Tanzim": against fap??
  414. <21:53:25> "CircleBoy": maybe some other day bit not now
  415. <21:54:18> "Tanzim": CB bro
  416. <21:54:23> "Tanzim": i gotta tell u something
  417. <21:54:24> "rolex": bro wheres this fs
  418. <21:54:29> "CircleBoy": stuff like this seems sick though
  419. <21:54:41> "CircleBoy": ye?
  420. <21:55:08> "Tanzim": well we dont play haxball anymore
  421. <21:55:10> "Tanzim": we only play lol
  422. <21:55:20> "Jai": addicted
  423. <21:55:31> "Tanzim": rolex invited
  424. <21:55:36> "Tanzim": where is every1 else??
  425. <21:55:58> "Ogre": gimme a sec
  426. <21:56:00> "CircleBoy": whats actualy fun about LoL?
  427. <21:56:04> "CircleBoy": sell me on it
  428. <21:56:05> "BANKS": nothing
  429. <21:56:05> "rolex": BRO IM IN UR ROOM STOP POKIN ME
  430. <21:56:09> "CircleBoy": and I might play
  431. <21:56:16> "CircleBoy": not tonight but at some point
  432. <21:56:19> "rolex": its better than hax
  433. <21:56:21> "rolex": now dl it now
  434. <21:56:21> "Psykout22": uh k
  435. <21:56:22> "rolex": asap
  436. <21:56:26> "Tanzim": wat rolex sed
  437. <21:56:30> "Tanzim": it'll take cpl hours 2 dl
  438. <21:56:51> "CircleBoy": I'be played it I know how long it takes...but what actualy makes it worth playing?
  439. <21:56:57> "CircleBoy": convince me
  440. <21:57:02> "rolex": cus its better than hax
  441. <21:57:08> "CircleBoy": why
  442. <21:57:22> "rolex": cus hax is worse than lol
  443. <21:57:29> "CircleBoy": bulletproof logic
  444. <21:57:53> "Tanzim": PSYKOUT
  445. <21:57:54> "Tanzim": WHERE R U
  446. <21:58:05> "fappy":
  447. <21:58:07> "fappy": need 1 to fil in
  448. <21:58:08> "fappy": fs
  449. <21:58:12> "rolex": srs fap???????
  450. <21:58:14> "rolex": u not gna lol fam
  451. <21:58:15> "Tanzim": fap bro
  452. <21:58:16> "Tanzim": WTF
  453. <21:58:18> "fappy": ??
  454. <21:58:19> "Tanzim": how am i gna duppy ur clan
  455. <21:58:21> "Tanzim": if ur not even playing
  456. <22:00:50> "Tanzim": psy bro
  457. <22:00:53> "Tanzim": r u comin??
  458. <22:00:58> "fappy": k il come on
  459. <22:01:00> "fappy": my fs died
  460. <22:02:09> "fappy": inv
  461. <22:02:43> "rolex": i left fam
  462. <22:02:44> "rolex": invi me
  463. <22:04:31> "rolex": SMH
  464. <22:04:34> "rolex": who didnt accept
  465. <22:04:34> "Ogre": l0l
  466. <22:04:38> "fappy": l0l ders always 1
  467. <22:04:39> "Ogre": psykout was afk wasnt he
  468. <22:04:55> "Tanzim": ohh
  469. <22:05:08> "CircleBoy": shouldnt you guys mic up, doesnt lol need communication and shit?
  470. <22:05:20> "BANKS": cb has a voice fetish
  471. <22:05:22> "BANKS": aid it pls
  472. <22:05:28> "fappy": we mentally connect
  473. <22:05:28> "rolex": IS THIS REAL LIFE??????????
  474. <22:05:29> "Ogre": ffs
  475. <22:07:53> "fappy": brb in 30 mins
  476. <22:07:56> "fappy": while w8 for tanz
  477. <22:07:58> "rolex": llooooool
  478. <22:08:07> "Ogre": ye gonna get drink n read sum of war and peace
  479. <22:08:11> "BANKS": faps goin shop 4 his mum
  480. <22:08:16> "BANKS": or goin takeaway
  481. <22:08:17> "fappy": lol
  482. <22:08:27> "rolex": l0l
  483. <22:08:30> "fappy": m8 u shuda came leigh las nite
  484. <22:08:37> "fappy": was off da chud
  485. <22:08:39> "BANKS": woz it goin off yh
  486. <22:08:42> "fappy": yeye
  487. <22:09:07> "fappy": i kepe havin lil flashbaks
  488. <22:09:31> "Ogre": faps on 6 and tanz on 4 percent smh
  489. <22:09:54> "BANKS": go 4 a poo 2 waste time
  490. <22:10:15> "Ogre": actually my game is prolly froze
  491. <22:10:21> "Psykout22": yeah
  492. <22:10:27> "Psykout22": you aren't connected on my screen
  493. <22:10:30> "CircleBoy": nah banks its just it seems like a game that rewards communication and timing
  494. <22:10:32> "Ogre": reconnectin now
  495. <22:10:52> "CircleBoy": looks like you need to warn of missign heroes, set up ganks and first stuns. Needs mica rly
  496. <22:11:00> "BANKS": i didn't legit think you have a voice fetish dw
  497. <22:11:12> "CircleBoy": one must know
  498. <22:11:12> "BANKS": but if u hav its cool also
  499. <22:11:25> "BANKS": i'll whisper 2 u if u wnt
  500. <22:11:57> "CircleBoy": waint til I'm goin 2 sleep
  501. <22:12:23> "BANKS": ok xx
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