
Endtown Mini-RPG Session #21.5

Jan 26th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Hey!
  2. Martin Baron: Hey man. You doing alright?
  3. Oh hey, do you want me to take log of this, put it with next week's log? Or just keep it entirely hidden from the others?
  4. Chat can't hold much of the texts, so not much will be revealed
  5. GM (GM): How do you keep logs of these things anyway?
  6. Martin Baron: Copy and paste them into new pastebins.
  7. GM (GM): Just ctrl+a, ctrl c?
  8. Martin Baron: Drag and rightclick.
  9. Reason I take a bit to respond some times is to copy and paste.
  10. GM (GM): Right.
  11. Martin Baron: Anyway, so log or no log?
  12. GM (GM): Sure, let's log.
  13. Martin Baron: Alright, cool.
  14. By the way, you said this was 11 A.M. your time? If you got stuff to do, we can hold off on this till later if need be.
  15. GM (GM): Nah, I'm going to be busy later
  16. in like three hours
  17. Then you got dinner and such.
  18. If you wanna have it at 5pm/7pm I'm fine with that.
  19. Martin Baron: Right, but I got 2 extra hours to go there on the weekdays. Weekends are cut off at 6.
  20. Fine either way, but this shouldn't be that long anyways.
  21. GM (GM): True.
  22. Seems like now is the moment then
  23. Martin Baron: Let's get rolling on breaking Martin.
  24. GM (GM): Sure.
  25. I'm not sure this will be a good story, but what the hey.
  26. Martin Baron: Oh yeah, I saw the drawing Walker did. Real nice of them to draw the whole group
  27. GM (GM): I had not seen that!
  28. Martin Baron:
  29. GM (GM): Neat!
  30. Martin Baron: But nah, it's fine. It's an out of the blue story without any beforehand preparation, I'm not expecting a masterpiece.
  31. Let us begin!
  32. the wimps have run to the hospital. Walker is off somewhere, as she usually does, and Clayton is chinwagging with duck in yet more of his attempts to inject self importance.
  33. night cycle has fallen on the colony.
  34. Martin Baron: Damn, darkness so thick you can cut a knife through it.
  35. GM (GM): Might not be a bad idea
  36. Martin Baron: Eeugh, suddenly everything was dittos.
  37. GM (GM): You have the compulsion to get a drink. You understand that topside missions usually come with these sorts of benies
  38. Or sleep.
  39. Forever...
  40. Martin Baron: "I think I'll take up your offer on that drink, Mallard." Martin speaks up, trying to draw him from his conversation.
  41. GM (GM): ((You still have 1 hp right?))
  42. Martin Baron: No sorry, that's DJ
  43. GM (GM): ((That makes things easier.))
  44. You take a shot.
  45. Martin Baron: I'm at a reasonably decent 61
  46. GM (GM): Good good.
  47. Mallard says that he's done all he can right now. If there is anything he'll call his elite group of assassins, ie you.
  48. Martin Baron: ((Oh yeah, next week, I'll try to repeat what I said near Clayton before walking off into the night))
  49. GM (GM): Of course.
  50. Proceed to wander around slightly buzzed?
  51. Martin Baron nods, waving goodbye to Mallard and Clayton before stepping out of the lab. The scotch was good, but he can still remember the rats and the grenade. More alcohol probably wouldn't hurt.
  52. GM (GM): You have one for the road.
  53. Would you say you are drunk at this point?
  54. Tough, you cannot argue with your tiny rabbit liver
  55. Martin Baron: (( I can't really say, if it works for you if I say yes then yes it is))
  56. GM (GM): You now have the drugged/drunk condition.
  57. Martin Baron: ((Ooh, that a new condition?))
  58. GM (GM): -15 to attack, 0 intiative.
  59. Actually no.
  60. It's just been listed as 'drugged'
  61. Although I admit there is a difference, huh?
  62. Martin Baron: ((Huh. Yeah, kind of.))
  63. GM (GM): We'll work on it.
  64. Martin Baron: ((Peh, being drunk lowers aim and initiative but gives attack boost, drugged does the same but endurance boost rather than attack))
  65. GM (GM): Depends on the drink if you wanna go that far!
  66. Martin Baron: ((Anyways, I'll continue to shamble through the streets. Possibly towards home, the hospital seems like an option that he wouldn't consider at this time.))
  67. GM (GM): ((Go full fallout where whiskey and beer give different buffs.))
  68. Martin Baron: ((Ooh, ooh, and drunk decreases mind but lowers stress during engagement.))
  69. GM (GM): Maybe.
  70. Anyway
  71. Martin Baron: ((One of the characters I've made has glue just for being drugged, actually))
  72. Anyways, I'll continue onwards into the night. If the buzz is starting to wear off, I'll fix it.
  73. GM (GM): You ramble through the dark streets...
  74. suddenly!
  75. Martin Baron: I can't see 'em, it's too dark.
  76. ((Ooh, neat.))
  77. two individuals block your path
  78. GM (GM): ((This was the scareiest picture I could find of a dog..)
  79. Martin Baron: ((Concerning Endtown, a poodle would work just as well.))
  80. Dog: You!
  81. You: are going to pay for busting our gang!
  82. Martin Baron: "Wuh? Who... the hell are you?"
  83. ((Oh shit, I'm fighting me.))
  84. PunkRat: You beat the crap out of us last week? You got shot? Anything?
  85. GM (GM): ((Indeed, a philosophical fight.))
  86. They approach.
  87. Martin Baron: "... That was a week ago?" Martin rambles, still clearly drunk from the two shots of scotch. He silently spites himself for being weak blooded.
  88. GM (GM): The dog produces two knives
  89. Martin Baron: ((Oh man, drunk and insanity, they're gonna shank me before I get to do anything))
  90. The dog throws one knife at your feet and brandishes the other.
  91. Dog: We are going to settle this.
  92. Endtown only has room for one gang.
  93. Martin Baron: "What, by... playing darts or sometin'?"
  94. GM (GM): The dog's lips curl.
  95. Martin Baron: ((I'm sorry, time is precious.))
  96. Martin Baron picks up the knife, taking a weak fighting stance. While still drunk, he looks ready to fight. And throw up.
  97. Dog: We having it out right here. Winner leaves feet first.
  98. GM (GM): ((Knife: 10+1d10))
  99. Martin Baron: "Couldn't a... couldn't find a pistol? Get a ten paces?"
  100. GM (GM): ((Also I was going to change all damage so dice goes first in the writing.
  101. Martin Baron: ((Pardon?))
  102. GM (GM): ((Make is so that it reads 1d10+10, for example.))
  103. ((Other books do it like that.))
  104. ((Anyway!))
  105. Martin Baron: ((Sorry, I still don't follow. Oh well, it's fine.))
  106. Dog: He also produces a rag.
  107. African Tug-a-War, you know it?
  108. Martin Baron: ((There's an Africa in Endtown-verse?))
  109. the rat leizurely leans agains the wall.
  110. Martin Baron: "No... Can't say I have. What, whoever tugs the hardest gets a free shank at the other?"
  111. GM (GM): ((I, I don't know! I just assumed!))
  112. Martin Baron: ((I need to slur the words))
  113. Eastern Alliance tug-a-war, you know it?
  114. Martin Baron: "No... Haven't ev'r heard of it."
  115. The dog ties one end of the rag around his free and and points it at you. He says, we tie a our hands together so neither can run away. Then we fight.
  116. The loser is the first to let go, that's you when I stab your [cotton tail]
  117. Martin Baron: "That sounds... dumb." Martin slurs out, somehow able to understand that this was a bad idea.
  118. ((I can see this ending very poorly. Wish it was the rat though, he probably has weaker hands to cut off.))
  119. GM (GM): ((You also exceed the rat in every measure.))
  120. Martin Baron: ((Aw crud, this would be alright if my armor didn't get shredded. Man, everything is just becoming worse and worse.))
  121. GM (GM): It appears these guys are what remains of Feesh's gang, although part of you probably would recognize them without the drink goggles.
  122. ((You asked for a adventure to put you over the limit! Don't blame me! Okay, you can blame me.))
  123. Martin Baron: ((I really do want to play this death tug game, despite having an essay explaing why that's a poor choice.))
  124. ((And I'm not being sarcastic))
  125. GM (GM): Of course it is!
  126. Anything involving these yutz' is a bad idea.
  127. In any case, Dawg is clearly boiling over.
  128. Martin Baron: "And what about the rat? How do I know if thisssssss... guy, wont stab me while youssstabbin' me?"
  129. Rat: Ha! Nah, I want to just watch. Gotta... 'officiate.'
  130. Martin Baron: ((Ok, how long is the rag? Just a small one that covers one hand? I have a very poor plan))
  131. GM (GM): The rat clearly looks beaten and wounded from a prior engagement.
  132. Long enough to wrap both your hands
  133. obviously
  134. Martin Baron: ((Oh right, sorry. Was trying to picture how far away the two would be.))
  135. ((My plan was to grab the rag, tie it, and before he says go, stab him in the throat. Not so sure about that now.))
  136. GM (GM): ((Ever see that Van Dam movie Bloodsport?))
  137. Martin Baron: ((Sort of a "Choose your weapon", and I choose surprise.))
  138. GM (GM): Okay, what do you do?
  139. Martin Baron: ((Can't say I have, is it good?))
  140. GM (GM): ((Er, was kind of good in the 90s.
  141. Martin Baron silently takes the rag, holding the knife in the other as cautiously as he can. Either he can abide to the crazed dog's game, risk taking both on, or try his best to run while being completely drunk.
  142. GM (GM): ((Its a cheesey action movie through and through.))
  143. Roll intiative!
  144. Martin Baron: ((That can be DJ's solo session))
  145. ((Plain 100? Even with the -49 / 60 MP?))
  146. GM (GM): Yes
  147. Martin Baron: ((Thank you.))
  148. rolling 1d100
  149. (69)= 69
  150. GM (GM): Despite clearly insane and drunk, you go first!
  151. Martin Baron: ((-15 for drunk?))
  152. GM (GM): Yes
  153. Martin Baron: ((Speed boost of 45))
  154. rolling 1d100+30
  155. (63)+30= 93
  156. GM (GM): He'll try to parry.
  157. rolling 1d100+20
  158. (69)+20= 89
  159. Martin Baron: ((Hoho))
  160. GM (GM): Nope!
  161. Martin Baron aims for the opponents tied hand!
  162. Martin Baron: rolling 1d10+10
  163. (10)+10= 20
  164. ((Sheeeit))
  165. GM (GM): Ouch!
  166. Martin Baron: ((Oh hey, I found some music that might fit.))
  168. GM (GM): ((Add your strength))
  169. Martin Baron: ((Oh, sorry. Let me check real quick.))
  170. ((+8))
  171. GM (GM): Good music choice!
  172. Martin Baron: ((If I roll to attack again, so I have to beat his parry again or is it done for?))
  173. (*do)
  174. GM (GM): You gash his hand!
  175. GM (GM): You gash his hand!
  176. Nope, parries are just for that attack
  177. Martin Baron: ((Cool.))
  178. GM (GM): Dodges are for the whole turn
  179. Dodges are supposed to automatically end your turn as well.
  180. Martin Baron: I'll attack one more time, then end with an action left to try parrying.
  181. rolling 1d100+30
  182. (79)+30= 109
  183. GM (GM): He'll try to parry.
  184. 'try'
  185. Martin Baron: Like to see him try
  186. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+20
  187. (66)+20= 86
  188. Roll damage!
  189. Martin Baron: rolling 1d10+18
  190. (1)+18= 19
  191. ((Huh, a perfect attack and a horrible attack within the same turn.))
  192. GM (GM): You gash his hand badly!
  193. Martin Baron: Oh wait, wait, before I end my turn
  194. GM (GM): Without getting colorful, let's say that its the one color Endtown has! All over!
  195. Martin Baron: I'm assuming I can't dodge because of the rag? And parries last for one attack. Does his attempt at parries eat up his actions?
  196. GM (GM): Yep.
  197. Martin Baron: So essentially when I end my turn it's my turn again? Radical.
  198. GM (GM): You are way to fast for him to keep up.
  199. It means that... Huh, yeah!
  200. He's on full defense!
  201. Martin Baron drunkedly continues to aim for the dog's hand!
  202. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+30
  203. (43)+30= 73
  204. GM (GM): He has no actions.
  205. Martin Baron: rolling 1d10+18
  206. (7)+18= 25
  207. GM (GM): Roll to cut!
  208. Martin Baron: I'm full on shanking, cutting's for kiddos
  209. GM (GM): Shank his hand off!
  210. Martin Baron: Precisely what I'm doing
  211. rolling 1d100+30
  212. (30)+30= 60
  213. And I still got 2 actions left, somebody stop me!
  214. Martin Baron: rolling 1d10+18
  215. (4)+18= 22
  216. GM (GM): You cut his hand free!
  217. Dawg screams in pain
  218. Martin Baron: ((Is it still attached to the rag?))
  219. ((asking the important questions here.))
  220. Foam from his mouth shows that he has lost it!
  221. GM (GM): (Yes, congrats on your new keychain.)
  222. He renews his actions.
  223. Your turn
  224. Martin Baron: ((This just turned from a horror story to an 90's over the top action flick didn't it?))
  225. GM (GM): (Believer it or not it still is.)
  226. (Welcome to endtown!)
  227. Martin Baron: ((I'm saying it's a mix of both, like Evil Dead.))
  228. ((Ugh, I don't know. I could finish him off, or I can try to not to, but that's gonna be REALLY hard to do.))
  229. ((Ok, firstly, I'm gonna disarm (heh) his weapon))
  230. GM (GM): Okay.
  231. Disarm strike?
  232. Martin Baron: ((Yeah.))
  233. rolling 1d100+30
  234. (29)+30= 59
  235. Whiff?
  236. GM (GM): Yep.
  237. Technically it's a -30 to hit
  238. So just short.
  239. Martin Baron: Really? So only 15 bonus?
  240. GM (GM): If you weren't drunk.
  241. Martin Baron: Anyways, what doesn't work once for a drunk person, try again and hope you're lucky enough to not fuck it up harder.
  242. rolling 1d100
  243. (44)= 44
  244. GM (GM): There you go.
  245. Martin Baron: Any damage points I can roll or is it straight disarm?
  246. Sorry, it's been forever since I've used disarm attacks.
  247. GM (GM): Nope, it's just a knocking thing.
  248. Martin Baron: Can I pick up the knife with my other hand?
  249. GM (GM): You have disarmed him.
  250. Martin Baron: Become ultimate rabbit warrior Two Shanks
  251. GM (GM): You have one action left.
  252. Martin Baron: And he doesn't have a knife
  253. GM (GM): Sure.
  254. Martin Baron: Even if this is a stupid decision by me, it still somewhat works because I'm completely wasted.
  255. his turn!
  256. Martin Baron: Until he reveals he's a lying skank and pulls out two knives of his own
  257. GM (GM): He uses his claw to strike at you!
  258. Martin Baron: I already won, it no longer matters. I got the upperhand, and his hand.
  259. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+20
  260. (37)+20= 57
  261. That is true, But whole point of this was too kill you.
  262. And you cut off his freaking hand.
  263. He's very upset!
  264. Martin Baron: I'll go down in thug history as a badass still
  265. GM (GM): So are you going to parry?
  266. Martin Baron: What's the damage, doc?
  267. I spent my actions, I can still parry?
  268. GM (GM): Oh right, no,
  269. Sorry, I'm off my game today.
  270. Martin Baron: I'm so badass I get to parry whenever I want.
  271. GM (GM): 1d10+28
  272. rolling 1d10+28
  273. (5)+28= 33
  274. Martin Baron: His claws are harder hitting than knives? Damn son, I'm dealing with Wolverine.
  275. GM (GM): Yeah, I'm wondering about that now.
  276. I suppose there isn't much of a distinction.
  277. Martin Baron: They're just five, smaller knives. Or three, depending on how his hands are.
  278. GM (GM): Welp, four finger knives versus one!
  279. Martin Baron: Four versus two knives, shit, I lost the upper hand.
  280. No wait, I'm gonna use his own hand against him. I'm gonna strike with his dismembered hand
  281. GM (GM): True.
  282. Martin Baron: I kid. Unless I can seriously do that.
  283. Least damaging physically. Mentally, he'd be devastated.
  284. GM (GM): Anyway, it is indeed your turn now.
  285. Martin Baron: Being drunk as well as insane, what's my roll on an intimidation? I'm soaked in his blood, got two knives, and his bloody hand.
  286. As well as being drunk and insane.
  287. GM (GM): I'd say it's you mind bonus +30 at this point.
  288. Not like he's in a good situation.
  289. Martin Baron screams out loudly "DON'T MAKE ME CUT OFF YOUR OTHER HAND YOU #&$@ !"
  290. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+30
  291. (13)+30= 43
  292. :(
  293. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+20
  294. (65)+20= 85
  295. Martin Baron: Damn, this bastard's got nerves of steel.
  296. GM (GM): He's just slightly madder than you are
  297. You have two actions left
  298. Martin Baron: What about the rat? He spooked any?
  299. GM (GM): Ah.
  300. rolling 1d100+20
  301. (1)+20= 21
  302. He is.
  303. Martin Baron: WOW
  304. GM (GM): He's running away!
  305. Still have two actions
  306. Martin Baron: I throw my knife into his back! No, I continue to shank the dog. Preferably his other hand, just for shits and giggles.
  307. rolling 1d100+30
  308. (75)+30= 105
  309. Does me having two knives help any with damage or is it just one knife?
  310. GM (GM): That's a hit.
  311. There are no rules for dual wielding.
  312. Martin Baron: I'm still playing Bloodsport music here, this is surreal
  313. Can't say if it should be added or not. Not really a fighting RPG, but dual wielding is a staple in crazy fighting antics.
  314. GM (GM): The glory of stan bush.
  315. Exactly!
  316. Really tough call.
  317. Martin Baron: Hm. I guess you can add it in? Like for thugs fighting players
  318. GM (GM): Maybe.
  319. Martin Baron: Players can try, but their aim is reduced
  320. Anyways
  321. rolling 1d10+18
  322. (8)+18= 26
  323. Akimbo stun blasters
  324. Akimbo zero guns
  325. GM (GM): "Everybody get down!"
  326. Get funky!
  327. One action left!
  328. Martin Baron: I'M... Gonna run!
  329. GM (GM): His other hand is badly damaged!
  330. Martin Baron: Is that a fence past doggo?
  331. GM (GM): Yes.
  332. Martin Baron: I'm gonna leap past that, screw these guys.
  333. GM (GM): And last action?
  334. Martin Baron: Keep on running.
  335. Was considering throwing the hand back to him, but that's cheesy
  336. GM (GM): You have left.
  337. Dawg: I'm gonna get you bastards one day!
  338. Martin Baron: I'll give him a fair chance next we meet, I'll tie one hand behind my back.
  339. Dawg: Someone is gonna die and it's gonna be you!
  340. GM (GM): ((Why did I laugh at that?))
  341. He might get a hook or something.
  342. Martin Baron: ((I'm just real handy with these jokes, I guess.))
  343. GM (GM): ((Oh god.))
  344. Martin Baron: ((A zero gun on one stump and a knife in the other
  345. GM (GM): Okay,
  346. You have fled the fight!
  347. You lose -10mp from your wounds!
  348. Martin Baron: Just one point, teetering on the edge of madness.
  349. Can you give me a hand with that?
  350. GM (GM): Well, you purposely didn't kill the guy!
  351. Martin Baron: Yeah, but I hope I don't look now, because I still have something attached to my wrist.
  352. GM (GM): As horrible as dismemberment is it's still much better than bloodguilt!
  353. Martin Baron: And hey, I got two knives for free! What a great night.
  354. GM (GM): Your sprayed in blood with a detatched limb! Your a mp loss for everyone else!
  355. Martin Baron: Seriously though, I'm at -59, I'm really close.
  356. GM (GM): So what is your mp right now?
  357. Martin Baron: Out of 60
  358. GM (GM): And you were -49 before the fight?
  359. Martin Baron: Yep.
  360. GM (GM): Okay, would say that this slaughter fest counted as tragedy?
  361. Martin Baron: I'm sorry for being so goofy earlier when I asked for some horrible shit, but that Bloodsport music really didn't help.
  362. GM (GM): I found it entertaining!
  363. Martin Baron: I'd say still having the guy's hand a foot from your own is good enough for a few extra MP. At least I didn't swallow it.
  364. GM (GM): Okay then!
  365. -20
  366. Martin Baron: Fug
  367. GM (GM): You cut that guy like a turkey and left him to hobble home.
  368. Martin Baron: Okay, - 79 out of 60, we're completely on board the crazy train
  369. GM (GM): Good job!
  370. Martin Baron: Wait, I thought cops were busting in on us?
  371. GM (GM): No, I was making a joke about using two stun blasters.
  372. Martin Baron: Because of the shanking, him screaming, and me yelling about shanking the other arm off.
  373. GM (GM): I forgot to use []
  374. Martin Baron: That's why I ran, I was probably gonna kill him.
  375. GM (GM): Which, would have been some mp loss.
  376. Martin Baron: Enough to send me over, which I'd be OK with.
  377. GM (GM): Also he was a known criminal that had a beef with you, not a shock it broke out in violence.
  378. Martin Baron: Even though I tried intimidation. But I was mainly going by rule of cool at the moment before I realized that was out of the question.
  379. GM (GM): True.
  380. Anyway!
  381. You now suffer:Madness: Every miss is now a critically miss! On an actual critical miss you target yourself or your allies by accident. You cannot score a critical hit. -10 to skill rolls.regardless of the character’s conscious beliefs they are now prone to schism syndrome!
  382. Martin Baron: Alright, so do I gotta roll to see if I get a 2-10 or 20, see if I go feral? Hit a 1 and I become a god?
  383. GM (GM): Yes.
  384. Martin Baron: Nice use of early villains, by the way. Really like seeing them again.
  385. Alright then.
  386. rolling 1d100
  387. (57)= 57
  388. Martin Baron: Escaped going kookoo, but I still got problems.
  389. Plus I'm out in the street drunk, clearly mentally unstable as if the multiple wounds, two knives, and severed hand doesn't already indicate.
  390. Wanna get discussing on the negative traits?
  391. Police are approachging you!
  392. Martin Baron: Oh crap
  393. Let's see which one throws up first.
  394. He looks you over.
  395. Martin Baron: Oh, a policeman, thought it was a crew.
  396. without a word he just grabs you by the shoulder and tries to escort you to a cell.
  397. you got lucky, no rats.
  398. Martin Baron silently complies. His mind too drunk and broken to act out.
  399. Martin Baron: Well there's a great intro for the others next week. I wave goodbye, they buy gear, one day passes, Mallard calls them all and says "Your psychotic rabbit friend was found on the street soaked in blood, drunk, carrying two knives, and a severed hand attached to a rag on his wrist!"
  400. Did he at least remove the hand or is that still on me?
  401. GM (GM): ((Please tell me you wave with your normal hands?))
  402. Martin Baron: ((No, I'm far beyond the realm of reason. I doubt I'll even notice I got the hand still there.))
  403. GM (GM): Yes, he removed the hand.
  404. Okay. Well, I think that's a good stopping point.
  405. +10 xp for the fight.
  406. Martin Baron: Hoorah
  407. GM (GM): Let's see.
  408. +10 xp for making an enemy.
  409. Martin Baron: Next session: A one handed dog gets thrown in the cell with you!
  410. GM (GM): That guy really hates you guys now!
  411. Martin Baron: I'll cut off his foot next time, make it real funny when he tries making a return after that.
  412. GM (GM): And +10 for mvp.
  413. You're making him a pirate at this rate
  414. Alright, I gotta catch lunch.
  415. Martin Baron: Please tell me he's a Golden Retriever
  416. GM (GM): ...Maybe
  417. True.
  418. Martin Baron: Excellent
  419. GM (GM): There is also the consideration you just ticked off a guy that can literally find you anywhere in town.
  420. Martin Baron: Oh, right, what about the negative traits?
  421. GM (GM): About what?
  422. Martin Baron: Considering he had the chance to shank me within kissing distance with a rag tied to my other hand and a second guy there and NOW he's missing a hand, he's really not that spooky unless I try sleeping somewhere.
  423. Unless he has a gun, then that changes things.
  424. But the competiveness, fearlessness, agressiveness?
  425. Also, you're schism prone now.
  426. Martin Baron: Something that gets added on and wont get removed, even if you go back to full MP
  427. Mind explaining that real quick or pointing me to where I can read that?
  428. GM (GM): Maybe that should be schism syndrome.
  429. Martin Baron: What should be? Aggressiveness?
  430. GM (GM): Madness: Every miss is now a critically miss! On an actual critical miss you target yourself or your allies by accident. You cannot score a critical hit. -10 to skill rolls.regardless of the character’s conscious beliefs they are now prone to schism syndrome!
  431. regardless of the character’s conscious beliefs they are now prone to schism syndrome!
  432. Martin Baron: I'm guessing every time I lost MP below 100%, I gotta make a roll against schism? Or is it every MP loss?
  433. GM (GM): Hmm.
  434. Really thought I had it down.
  435. Martin Baron: Hey, good thing I'm here to help test it out
  436. GM (GM): Ah right. I was talking about that to Neathery.
  437. Basically Schism syndrome is the whole animal body=self kind of thing.
  438. Martin Baron: Right
  439. GM (GM): It can be subtle
  440. Martin Baron: Subtle? Like the hippo?
  441. GM (GM): Apparently when you're developing it you can recover and be normal but if you go full blown schism you are forever lost to insanity.
  442. Eye-baller, can apparently possess someone who has gone full schism but it's like a time and place kind of thing.
  443. Like if he's around some different plane physcially where ever your mind is floating around there.
  444. What I was trying to suss out of neathery is if Schism should be a thing that sticks with you when your mp is full or if it should only be around when your mp is negative.
  445. Martin Baron: No luck?
  446. GM (GM): Well, I learned alot of lore out of it.
  447. Aaron just kind of handwaves mechanics and such. He only thinks about the story.
  448. Technical bits he approves.
  449. But the basic here is that you can have schism and you can recover or get over it.
  450. Or you can completely flip out and be a monster.
  451. If you flip, you're gone forever, literally equivalent to monster mutants.
  452. Martin Baron: Right, like the hot dog.
  453. GM (GM): ((Oh god that's accurate.)
  454. So, I think, lets have it that when stress out and get schism you don't get stress like normal.
  455. You're off that table.
  456. Martin Baron: Ooh, that sounds interesting.
  457. GM (GM): You now operate on the schsim table alone.
  458. Martin Baron: That's pretty cool.
  459. GM (GM): I'm going to revise that so that it's clear on the recovery option and getting possessed by "I"
  460. That's another thing that came out of that inquiry.
  461. There are I stats now.
  462. Martin Baron: I'm guessing the chance of possession gets higher and higher the longer you have schism?
  463. GM (GM): Also, mp resets and the roll over is added.
  464. Martin Baron: What are those?
  465. GM (GM): Originally it was when you go full schism you roll a 1d100, if you roll a 1 it's I time.
  466. Martin Baron: Right.
  467. GM (GM): You're at -57 now right?
  468. Martin Baron: -79 out of 60
  469. GM (GM): Ah okay
  470. So you are at -19 now.
  471. Martin Baron: I got a 57 or around 50 anyway
  472. GM (GM): And suffer.
  473. First symptoms
  474. Stress total has reached zero
  475. Alienation: suffer -2 on social skills.
  476. ...I' gotta change that.
  477. Martin Baron: Yeah, I was looking through those. They seem a little weak compered to the regular negatives.
  478. GM (GM): First symptoms
  479. Stress total has reached zero
  480. Alienation: suffer -20 on social skills.
  481. Martin Baron: But no negatives to skill rolls as well?
  482. GM (GM): Not yet.
  483. Something done cracked but, hey, you feel fine. FINE!
  484. Martin Baron: Instead of a -10 to skill rolls it's now a -20
  485. It constantly gnaws... Wont stop, can't stop. Dear god why wont it stop?!
  486. GM (GM): God doesn't want it to stoooop!
  487. Martin Baron: So how do you want me to act on Saturday under "Alienation"?
  488. GM (GM): Ah, jeez, hand dismemberment and schism syndrome. I just got that.
  489. It's like in the comic.
  490. Martin Baron: Ooh, pretty close isn't it? Except I didn't lose my hands.
  491. GM (GM): Next is egg cannibalism and blood sport... oh wait.
  492. Martin Baron: Eeugh.
  493. Baby burning
  494. GM (GM): Anyway, yes. You are alienated.
  495. You realized you are a rabbit or a man in a rabbit and this whole dumb place is a petting zoo.
  497. GM (GM): Anyway, +30xp for you.
  498. Martin Baron: Oh hey, think you can change the map to the Endtown map? Put my piece back next to Clayton, as it was when we signed off?
  499. GM (GM): And This week I'm going to focus on refining that schism table.
  500. sure!
  501. There you go!
  502. Martin Baron: I say I'm gonna go off, my piece goes off the map, then everyone else does their own thing thinking I went home to sleep, then next day shows up and I'm in jail freaking out.
  503. GM (GM): There we go.
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