
VaginaBoob's Flutterape Ep 2

Mar 3rd, 2013
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  1. >you begin to arise from your deep, long, roofie-induced slumber when you feel the heat of a sun ray beating down against your back
  2. >you wonder why you have been sleeping on your stomach. You never sleep on your stomach...
  3. >you try to move your tired legs but a sharp pain in your behind causes you to freeze
  4. "What the...?"
  5. >"Good morning Anon!" says a familiar, shy voice.
  6. "Oh no...what now? What did you do to me, Fluttershy? This is getting out of hand! It's really not okay to do these things to other people! My--my ass, for Christ's sake what did you do to my ass?"
  7. >"Oh, yeah, I wouldn't recommend moving your lower body yet. I tried to get euthenesia, but I couldn't find a rectal brand. That stuffs hard to access, mostly only doctors have it."
  8. "Can you just explain to me what is going on, and why it feels like I have a plastic cylinder wedged between my ass cheeks?"
  9. >"It's a tube!"
  10. "A tube? For what?!?"
  11. >"For your enema, silly!"
  12. " ENEMA? Why are you giving me an enema?!? Is this another one of your fetish-guessing attempts?"
  13. >Fluttershy snickered, but then melodramatically said "Oh, no, of course not! I just heard you were having serious digestive problems, so I thought I would help you flush them out, medically!"
  14. "But I didn't ask for your help! drugged me, didn't you. Shit..."
  15. >"Trust me, it's for your own good. You'll be feeling fine in no time!"
  16. "I ALREADY felt fine, Fluttershy. You just want excuses to play with my ass."
  17. >"Fluttershy laughed deviously again. "N-no...your ass is nothing...special...but it's one of the only parts of your WEIRD human body that actually has fur."
  18. "It's generally called HAIR, and it's perfectly normal for humans to have hair on their ass."
  19. >"I'm not judging! Besides...I think it's...uh...OH! It's time to inject the fluids, now that you're awake!"
  20. "Why couldn't you have done it while I was asleep and didn't feel anything? Will you ever stop being a psychopath?"
  21. >"I'm just trying to be nice! ANd--and show"
  22. "Well that's very heartwarming, Fluttershy, but if I wanted to get my bowels cleaned out I would have gone to a professional doctor.
  23. >"But I am a doctor!"
  24. "Yeah, for little animals! I'm not a regular animal Fluttershy, you have no idea how my sphincter works and you will probably end up puncturing my prostate or destroying my lower intestine."
  25. >"I can do it right! I just have to BELIEVE in myself, like Rainbow Dash always says."
  26. "But Rainbow Dash doesn't kidnap people and stick things up their ass, does she?"
  27. >"I don't know."
  28. "Of course you don't. Well, I'm assuming I have no say in this whole operation, so by all means, just torture me however you want and then please get out of my life promptly. I guarantee you that I do not find this arousing or seductive in any way."
  29. >"Well that might change."
  30. "Yeah, sure--OH GOD!"
  31. >you hear Fluttershy twisting a knob on some device, and the release of steam, and then a burning hot blast of thick liquid shoots through the tube in your behind and fills your insides, making you feel horribly ill.
  33. >"Just a few more seconds..."
  34. "GAH...BLRAGAHA...GAAAH--"
  35. >"Done!" Fluttershy twists the knob the other way and you feel the slimy substance stop filling you.
  36. >your intestines are on fire and you can barely squeak out any cries of agony. You feel bloated and cramped.
  37. >"Now you just need a BIG breakfast, which will trigger your bowels to release whatever is in them, which would be the enema fluid that is now cleansing you. I couldn't find laxatives, so I got this."
  38. >Fluttershy takes a silver platter with a cover on top off of a table near you. There is an awful stench coming from it. She opens it revealing a putrid, nasty, thick, moist, greenish brown pile of couldn't be....
  39. "Dare I ask what that is?"
  40. >"It's my poop!"
  41. "WHAT? WHA-WHYYY would you expect me to eat your poop?"
  42. >"Because it's packed with recycled nutrients, and also I thought you might find it...uh...sexually thrilling."
  43. "GODDAMNIT I KNEW this was another one of your depraved attempts to try and make me want you! Listen, Fluttershy, scat and enemas are about as far from my actual fetishes as you can get! Please, get your shit out of my face and get this tube out of my ass!"
  44. >"But...I saw you sniffing Rarity's used panties, so I thought, maybe..."
  45. "You read into that WAY too much! Every guy on earth sniffs girls panties sometimes! I...I don't really know why, we just do I guess. But that's not the point!"
  46. >Fluttershy was visibly angry, for she had failed in her attempt to attract you to her yet again. "I demand that you eat my crap! Just try it! How could it hurt? Maybe you'll like it! Maybe it'll even give you one of those "erection" things!"
  47. "NO! No no no!!!"
  48. >your cries of anger did not sway Fluttershy in the least. SHe dipped her hoof in her own shit and then stuffed it in your mouth, and held your mouth shut so you were forced to swallow. You were crying from the horror of all this now, of this crazy pony bitch.
  49. >suddenly you feel the sensation of diarrhea welling in your stomach. That enema juice is about to come out--fast, and powerful.
  50. >you push Fluttershy away and lift yourself off of the bed. As she recovers, you agonizingly yank the tube out of your asshole. There is a noticeable amount of blood on it.
  51. >then it happens. Fluids explode out of your anal cavity so enormously and quickly that it actually propels you forward and you crash into the wall, bits of plaster crumbling.
  52. >Fluttershy stands up and says "Oh my."
  53. >you scream in pain as you dowse the floor with gallons of liquid shit and chemicals. You turn around and try to walk but end up slipping in it and falling face-first into it.
  54. >as soon as you inhale it, you start wretching. You pull yourself to your knees and vomit dribbles past your lips. You try to fight it back desperatley. Could your life get any worse?
  55. >Fluttershy for some reason thinks there's a slight chance you're enjoying yourself. "Are you feeling sexually excited yet Anon?"
  56. "NOOO!"
  57. >"Oh...I'm sorry. I guess this is all just a big mistake."
  58. "YOU are a big mistake, Fluttershy! You should have been fucking aborted! But I guess your parents were too SHY to go to a goddamned abortion clinic!"
  59. >tears welled up in Fluttershy's glistening eyes and she began sobbing. "I just want to be with you, Anon! As lovers! Physically and emotionally! Forever!"
  60. "I'M SAYING THIS AS NICE AS I CAN, FLUTTERSHY! I'm. Not. Interested! I can't tolerate this shit anymore, literally and figuratively! This is fucking ridiculous!"
  61. >"Okay. Just go. I'll clean up the mess."
  62. "I...well, I can't walk. My legs are quaking. NOT like that, it's just...intense pain."
  63. >you wipe the little bit of vomit from your lips and swallow the chunks that made it into your mouth. Thankfully you weren't going to fully puke...this time.
  64. "Just leave me alone...just please...leave me...alone...*cough*
  65. >you pass out. When you wake up, you feel dizzy, but you are thankfully in your own bed. There is a bouquet of flowers on your nightstand with a note that you don't even bother to read before tearing it up. It was obviously from that stupid yellow pegasus cunt.
  66. >your asshole is still burning and it feels like your intestines have been ripped out, but you're alive and alone. Whether or not that's a good thing, you don't know.
  67. >you don't even want to think about what Fluttershy's next "romantic" scheme will be
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