
Text Adventure Chapter 89 Log

Sep 10th, 2014
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  1. >Search for ‘that mule’
  2. [Cannot find that mule!]
  4. “Well, it looks like the Doc is MIA, so I sent Gable and Five to go look for him further back in the train, which sort of uh… disappeared. Now that the train’s stopped though, we should probably help with the search. Those robbers meant serious business.”
  5. >Twilight looks up at you in confusion.
  6. >”Well, don’t they all?”
  7. >Redheart takes over.
  8. >”They had firearms, Twilight. The invention Anon made.”
  9. >”Oh… They’re more powerful versions of a bow and arrow, right?”
  10. >”Much stronger, faster to fire and faster to reload… Ugh…”
  11. >Redheart herself seems ready to heave, despite the entire time staying composed during that situation.
  12. >Berry takes over when she can’t continue.
  13. >”Basically, Anon figured out something was up before any of the rest of us, and when we went to the conductor to see what was going down, he gets shot with that FUCKER, right in the chest.”
  14. >”I-Is he okay?!”
  15. >”We ended up healing and patching ourselves up, and after Anon made a plan to take them all out, we sort of… did.”
  16. >Twilight breathes in relief.
  17. >”I wondered what happened when it was just you guys that came out. You guys all got… shot, then?”
  18. >You all nod, Berry continuing.
  19. >”I got hit in the knee, Iron got gutshot… Gable fucked up his shoulder. Red and Five were alright, though.”
  20. >“So where are the robbers, did you get them?”
  21. >At Twilight’s question, the three of you look towards the ground, unable to say anything.
  22. >”...Guys?”
  23. >It takes a very long time for any of you to get the courage to speak, and it ended up being you.
  24. ”It was kill or be killed, sister. Some of them were junkies, and tried to kill us before we even knew what was happening… There were six of ‘em, and only one… got away.”
  25. >Twilight looks even more confused until she finally realizes what exactly you meant.
  26. >Her eyes widen in shock.
  27. >”...O-oh… ...I’m so sorry, guys.”
  28. “Hey, we did what we needed to do.”
  29. >”I’m… gonna go check on the.. er… bodies.”
  30. >Twilight excuses herself with a silent nod, and enters the train.
  31. >You figure now would be as good a time as any to get your spear back.
  32. >You jump off the station’s platform and walk around to the back of the train, and untie your weapon from the ropes, making sure the blades haven’t dulled too badly before returning.
  33. >When you get back, you see Twi’s already returned.
  34. >Along with a green, goopy puddle underneath her.
  35. “She threw up, didn’t she?”
  36. >Berry nods and pats her on the back.
  37. >”Hey, you think we didn’t wanna do that, too?”
  38. >”...Heugh…”
  39. >While Twilight begins to recompose herself, a few of the ponies on the hijacked train approach your party, looking rather shy.
  40. >”Uhm.. W-we-”
  41. >”We just wanted to, er,”
  42. >”Thank you for saving us.”
  43. >”You guys are like, heroes, especially that tall robed guy.”
  44. >You all look at each other in disbelief, but you decide to milk it for all it’s worth, baby.
  45. “We’re awesome like that, aren’t we? Just cruisin’ through the neighborhood, lookin’ fine and mighty, until we came and busted those thugs’ asses and giving them the fight ‘n’ bite ‘till they went and took flight! OH YEAH!”
  46. >As you flex to the cheers and coos of the mares that were thanking you, you suddenly feel a stabbing pain in your shin.
  47. >Berry just kicked you again, didn’t she?
  48. >The instant wave of agony doubles you over, clutching at your leg as if it was shot too.
  49. >”Hey loser, this isn’t a victory! Anyways… Twilight, you doing alright?”
  50. >She shakes her head, but wipes her mouth off and breathes.
  51. >”I’m… I think I’ll be alright… So, you guys said there was one that got away?”“R-right… He was a mule, had a rockin’ goatee goin’ on, and big fat glasses framing his face.”
  52. >Twilight whipped out a notepad from somewhere and began writing your every word.
  53. >”Did you catch his name or his friends’ names?”
  54. “There were two mules, three stallions and a zebra. They only went by letters, though. T, M and F were the ones we heard.”
  55. >She writes down the more or less useless information.
  56. >At this point, Steam Pocket joins the group after calming down a few of the other conductors, so you spring for a question.
  57. “Hey brother, we need a quick shop to the supply carts. What’s the quickest way down there-”
  58. >”I’ll take you.”
  59. >You, Red and Berry all look at Twilight, who’s already drinking another huge vat of magic blue stew.
  60. >”Just give me a second for this stuff to kick in, and I’ll teleport you all there.”
  61. >You raise your eyebrows in surprise.
  62. >”Damn, you’ve got some power tucked under that horn of yours, huh?”
  63. >Twilight smirks a bit.
  64. >”Just a bit…”
  65. >Is there anything you’d like to do or say before being taken to the supply carts?
  69. >Well, your ticket there seems to be ensured.
  70. “Hey Trainmaster, can you send something down to pick up the cars while we secure them, then?”
  71. >Steam Pocket nods subtly, looking back at the other conductors.
  72. >”Can’t say it’ll be easy, what with how they’re freaking out over all of this, but we’ll get something down there. Just get back soon so you get your carriage ride.”
  73. “Will do. Thanks, brother. So, I guess we better get ready for another fight…”
  74. >Berry’s neck-ring gleams with pure magic flame, and Redheart braces her shield as Twilight approaches you three.
  75. >You draw your own spear and ready yourself.
  76. >”Alright, I’ll teleport you guys there and let you take care of business, and I’ll get you and the other three back here before I leave. I have to get back to the girls as soon as equinely possible.”
  77. >Redheart nods.
  78. >”Just don’t overstress yourself with that magic.”
  79. >”It’s fine, trust me. Ready?”
  80. >”Ready.”
  81. >”Let’s do this shit.”
  82. “OH YEAH!”
  83. >Your vision is suddenly encumbered by a powerful violet light, and you blink to find yourself smack-dab in the middle of the desert.
  84. >When you turn around, you see the supply carts that were on the train before.
  85. >But the entire interior has been wiped clean.
  86. >Every cart has their locks broken, and every single one of them are empty.
  87. “...Looks like we were too late.”
  88. >The four of you looks around just to make sure the robbers were gone.
  89. >It’s completely barren out here, and Anon, Gable and Five are nowhere to be seen.
  90. >Twilight sighs and gives you all an apologetic look.
  91. >”Sorry we couldn’t make it in time. I’ll wait with you guys while they come back, at least.”
  92. >”Thanks.”
  93. >Red sits and lays down on the dry ground, obviously exhausted from the events of the last hour.
  94. >Berry joins her, not even taking a drink as she just leans over the nurse like a pillow.
  95. >Is there anything you’d like to do while waiting for the rest of the party?
  99. >Change Perspective
  100. [You feel your mind being lifted out of the minotaur, carrying itself into the void once again.]
  101. [You must switch to another mind. Who would you like to change to?]
  102. -Anonymous
  103. -Redheart
  104. -Berry Punch
  105. -Gable
  106. -Iron Will (X)
  108. >Anonymous selected!
  110. [REDIRECTING MIND . . .]
  111. >...
  113. >You are Anonymous.
  114. >And you’re fucking tired.
  115. >You’ve been walking along these tracks with a cavity in your chest in the middle of the desert for nearly half an hour.
  116. >You can feel yourself dehydrating with every step you take, but you’re no closer to the carts than you were before.
  117. >You can’t even see the across the horizon, and it’s dead flat out here now.
  118. >At least you have the hope your party will be okay.
  119. >What would you like to do?
  123. >Well, since you’re out here doing jack shit, might as well practice your magic a little bit.
  124. >Used Levitate
  125. [Nothing to practice levitate on!]
  126. >If you can’t do that, then you should probably try something that might help get you there faster before turning into beef jerky.
  127. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  128. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  129. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  130. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  131. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  132. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  133. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  134. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  135. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  136. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  137. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  138. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  139. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  140. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  141. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  142. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  143. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  144. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  145. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  146. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  147. >Used Teleport (-20 MP)
  148. >You zap as far as you possibly can down the railroad.
  151. [You can now travel farther distances when you teleport!]
  152. [You can choose from a variety of specialties.]
  154. -Potency (Increases combat multiplier by x0.5.)
  155. -Efficiency (Able to teleport one extra pony with you for only double mana.)
  156. -Haste (Decreases in-combat cooldown by 1 turn.)
  158. [Which would you like to pursue?]
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