

Oct 10th, 2015
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  1. History of the wolf:
  3. When mankind started to dawn on the Earth, the primitive man formed small tribes in times that spears where the height of technology. Barbarians under the reign of chiefs that reveled in the hunt. During this early era, a beast known to this day as the Lycan roamed the Earth. The Lycan was a massive wolf, it had the body of a man and the strength of a mammoth, it was considered the ultimate predator. It's bite was so poisonous, the bacterial overgrowth killed a man in an agony that lasted only a few hours before the victim succumbed to fatal illness. Eventually the chiefs decided that these where the beasts worth worshiping and by devouring their very bodies, they too would be worth worshiping. For hundreds of years, these monsters where hunted and every single day the chiefs and their family would feed upon their flesh and organs, drinking their blood with their bones ground up in.
  5. As mankind evolved, the results of consuming these beasts every single day came to bear fruit for the chiefs as soon their children where born strong, faster and much better hunters. It came to pass that these children where the first Purebloods, men with the power to transform into the spitting image of the Lycan. They where worshiped by their servants, their tribes, but soon discord and jealously arose. One such servant spoke out against his chief and in a bloody rage was bitten, the result was not death like it had normally been however, the servant's body twisted and soon he was born anew. Born the first halfblood, a shifter.
  7. The structure was soon established as Purebloods soon learned of this and followed suite, they'd bite their tribes and turned them into packs, the purest as alphas while the mongrels severed as subordinates. However, tragedy soon struck only a few hundred years after the rising of the purebloods, in their greed to devour the glorious Lycan race they had hunted the race to extinction and thus left themselves with only one way to reproduce. The way nature intended.
  9. Purebloods:
  11. The original race, the Purebloods are Werewolves. The name was conned from the Latin word for man 'Were', they are the creators of the Halfblood race. The Purebloods are an almost dead race, rumored that there are little under twenty Pureblood females left in the world and only slightly more males. Purebloods do not have a natural lifespan and do not age unless settled into contentment, they are arrogant by nature and have been famous warriors and aristocrats in history. It was the nature of a Pureblood to bite humans to become their slaves, their venom being the factor that turns man into shifter and the same factor that controls them. Purebloods have started to become rare due to the fact that they are so spread out and that the Halfbloods outnumber them, during the renaissance the last few great Pureblood houses attempted to reclaim all lost Halfbloods in a shadowy war that raged for years. With the thinning of numbers, many Purebloods withdrew from the war and simply let the Halfbloods keep to themselves as many simply stuck to their packs or went into seclusion. The only way for a Pureblood to be born now, is for both parents to be Purebloods themselves.
  13. Approved Purebloods: Saeva, Skyler Madison, Isabella Pradiasia.
  15. Powers:
  17. Hyper Regeneration:
  18. Purebloods will regenerate wounds very quickly, though a females is faster then a males, even a male's wounds will knit themselves back up after a short amount of time. Major wounds may take longer or even scar.
  20. Shifting Into Wolf:
  21. All Purebloods are able to take the form of a Lycan, a half man/ half wolf creature.
  23. Super Strength:
  24. Purebloods are described as having strength on par with the Lycan race, though powerful in human form, they are much stronger in their wolf state in which the weakest Pureblood can lift a car with ease.
  27. Ability to See At Night:
  28. Purebloods are well adapted to night vision.
  30. Super Human Speed:
  31. Purebloods are able to run faster then the average human and can out sprint a cheetah, with ease, in wolf form.
  33. Unnatural Sense of Smell:
  34. A Purebloods sense of smell is good enough to allow them to smell yards or even miles away. At times this is a drawback when encountering horrible smells.
  36. Instinctual Premeditation:
  37. Like any animal a Pureblood can sense when someone is behind them or to the right of them without seeing them physically. They can premeditate someones movements before they get near them. This serves as an advantage in combat or normal life scenarios when someone tries to get silly and sneak up on them.
  39. Immortality: Purebloods do not age conventionally, nor is silver fatal to them. It is a major pain to them however. Purebloods are only kill-able via wounds they cannot regenerate and fatal illness.
  41. Control: A Pureblood holds the control over a Halfblood they have bitten forevermore, this trait is also passed down to the Halfbloods children. A Halfblood will be in immense pain when refusing and if the Pureblood focuses their rage on the disloyal Halfling, they have the ability to make their venom clog their heart and stop it beating.
  43. Bite: The bite of a Pureblood has a 50% chance of death or conversion to a Halfblood.
  45. Halfbloods:
  46. Halfbloods are the slave race created by Purebloods to serve them as members of their packs. Over time, Halfbloods have become the more dominate race due to their vast numbers, the Halfbloods are shifters that turn into the wolf. The Halfbloods started to gain freedom with the decline of the Pureblood race, as more fell the Halfbloods under their control started to form their own packs and where eventually forced into a war across the globe during the renaissance for their freedom. While it was a one sided war for much of the time, the Halfbloods eventually saw freedom due to their victory by numbers. Many now form packs and live their lives free. A Halfblood is created from either a single Halfblood parent, being bitten by a Pureblood or another Halfblood. Being bitten by a Halfblood or born as one will result in the Halfblood having the same Pureblood master as whoever came them their venom.
  48. Powers:
  50. Regeneration:
  51. Halfbloods are able to regenerate minor wounds quickly and major wounds within a few days.
  53. Shifting Into Wolf:
  54. All Halfbloods are able to take the form of a wolf..
  56. Strength:
  57. Halfbloods are on par with a peak conditioned human in their regular form and as strong as a bear in their wolf form.
  60. Ability to See At Night:
  61. Halfbloods are well adapted to night vision.
  63. Speed:
  64. Halfbloods are able to run faster then the average human and on par with a cheetah in their wolf form.
  66. Unnatural Sense of Smell:
  67. A Halfbloods sense of smell is good enough to allow them to smell yards away. At times this is a drawback when encountering horrible smells.
  69. Instinctual Premeditation:
  70. Like any animal a Halfblood can sense when someone is behind them or to the right of them without seeing them physically. They can premeditate someones movements before they get near them. This serves as an advantage in combat or normal life scenarios when someone tries to get silly and sneak up on them.
  72. Mutation: Due to their more human DNA, mutations happen often in Halfbloods. Granting them powers and other skills that give them a chance against the monster like Purebloods. (Please request your power to either Ellina or Saeva and wait for the two to get back to you on it's approval.)
  74. Bite: The bite of a Halfblood converts humans into more halfbloods.
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