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- Basic Statistics
- Name: Vien 'Quitonm
- Nickname: Vien
- Age: 26
- Gender: M
- Astrological sign: Cancer
- Element: Water
- Race/Species: Sangheili
- Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
- Current status (marital/dating): Single
- Birth date: July 25, 2536
- Physical Characteristics
- [Appearance](
- Height: 261cm
- Weight: 170kg
- Posture: Upright or slightly lurched to compensate for the heights of others.
- Build: Somewhat muscular in complexion, with a smidgen of femininity.
- Skin: Medium grey
- Eyes: Light grey
- Describe their smile: A light grimace or what could be described as a smirk.
- Paws: More like claws
- Tatoos/Scars: A set of horizontal scars along the shoulder blades
- Ambidextrous, left or right handed?: Ambidextrous
- Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): Posh
- Weapons: A dual set of curveblades and a prototype plasma rifle. [Reference](
- Health: A tad below the norm on most days. Due to previous experiences, it rests at a steady decline.
- Other Characteristics
- Describe their house/dwelling: A keep amidst the badlands of a region in 'Cytar. Though new in condition, it settles atop of what was once an occupied territory.
- [Zevon Keep/Household](
- [Infrastructure](
- [Map](
- Site 1: Lyam trading post
- Site 2: Zevon household
- Describe their bedroom: The so called bedroom consists of a view towards the far cliff that overlooks the valley. Aside from the full bed that is supplied, only a bookshelf and armor stand rests along the walls.
- Psychological/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
- Intelligence level: High-average
- Long-term goals/desires in life: To find a purpose. Stumbling across various methods of assisting lives of others.
- Secret desires: Someone to settle with in a much more hospitable environment.
- How self-confident is s/he?: Little to no self confidence.
- How do they see him/herself?: Only tool, perhaps. Useless in earlier in life, as he viewed it.
- What is the character most proud of?: Aside from what little experience in the field, his main focus is to both design and test various pieces of technology.
- How do they express themselves?: Externally, either through some sort of facial expression or tone of voice.
- Is this character generally dominant or submissive?: Dominant, mostly.
- Describe their level of patience: The highest level -- the ability to wait for the microwave without glancing to the timer.
- Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: A combination
- Most at ease when: Meditation or sleep
- Describe his/her sense of humor: Drier than the strongest alcoholic beverage.
- Optimist or pessimist: In between
- Greatest fear: Isolation and being abandoned
- Other fears/phobias: Tight corridors, darkness
- Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: Childish antics rarely. Otherwise, the more vocal route is taken.
- Likes/Dislikes
- Likes: Exploring, meditation, wordplay
- Dislikes: Any form of stupidity and nonsensical aggression
- Favorite...
- Color: None
- Place and why: A spring distanced from the designated keep. Aside from the view, nature managed to emerge in the so called badlands.
- [Reference](
- Food/drink: Assorted fruits and meats, and simply water for a drink.
- Music genre: Orchestral and instrumental
- Greater pleasures: Obtaining new experiences, traveling, and meeting others
- Where does this character hang out?: Aside from the 'Zevon keep and local pool of water, the village of Lyam resides several kilometers from the home.
- Where is this character's dream place to live?: A small home or keep along the edge of town, preferably near a forest.
- Mode of transportation: A civilian revenant
- Most prized possession and why: The armor that was given, which was the first gift. Upon this planned 'birth', this decorative set was initially implemented for female use. Though uncomfortable at first, the set offers the necessities to fend off incoming fire.
- [Reference](
- Emotional Characteristics
- Describe character's sense of morals: Common practice to respect others before receiving a similar treatment.
- Describe character's sense of self-control: When apprehended, violent behavior follows suit.
- How does this character act in public?: Nervousness amidst crowds.
- How does this character act in privacy?: Careless or curious towards newer environments. Whilst alone, drowsiness.
- How does this character deal with or react to...
- Conflict/Danger: Calm until confronted.
- Rejection: Deep, prolonged sadness.
- Fright: Either fleeing or a frozen posture -- a more primal response if any.
- Change: Curiosity and anxiety
- Sex/Flirting: Either jests, change in word usage, or vague descriptions. Wordplay before or amidst sexual actions.
- Being insulted (superficially: name calling, etc): Mocking towards the opponent.
- Being loved: Contentment and relented of other feelings.
- How does this character express...
- Anger: Either a curl of the snout or the flaring of teeth.
- Happiness/Excitement: Widening of eyes, or a feeble smile of some sort.
- Love (Consider the 'Five Languages of Love'): A posture that could meet the opponent's, an occasional wisecrack, and maybe a flustered attitude.
- What does this character think/feel about...
- Children: Avoided from other families, but supported within lineage.
- Children/Youth: See above
- Sex: Either through a joke, or kept to oneself, the drive is enticed from the attraction of one's personality.
- Love: One of the most painful, but satisfying experiences in life.
- Friendship/Other relationships: It's best to keep a small group, or select few.
- The opposite sex: Neutral
- The same sex: Neutral
- Their past: Not much is to be remembered of the past in particular.
- Killing/Murder: Opposing such ideals, though they are shown.
- How does the character view life?: Death may be peaceful, but life itself is considered the tedious process of reaching it.
- How does the character view society?: Dysfunctional, vicious, and abhorrent.
- What motivates this character and why?: The will to educate and improve what the culture abandoned.
- What discourages this character and why?: The so called locals in neighboring villages, and a good number of visitors to his designated keep.
- What makes this character sad and why?: The lack of communication outside of the territory. Contributions from his superiors, and various hardships that are faced.
- What most describes this character's personality?: Quirky, peculiar, and well animated. Aggression is a rarity, but apparent when enticed.
- Psychoanalysis (Describe why they act the way they do): Deriving from the former abuse of a Kaidon, his overall attitude dwindled to insecurity. What's present in life is considered an obstacle.
- Relationships with Others
- Relationship skills: A teeter.
- Loves: N/A
- Lusts: Sparse
- What kind of person would s/he consider to be the perfect partner?: One with the opposing attitude in public, and lively set of emotions elsewhere. A way with words to complete this "poetic" life.
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