
Schwarz Code

Jun 27th, 2016
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  134. <h2>Layout © <a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#B30000">A Bad Bitch</font></a></h2>
  136. <div class="navbar">
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  151. <div id="1" class="slide">
  152. <div class="abox">
  154. <b>Name</b>: Schwars Racke <br>
  155. <b>Age</b>: Late 20s <br>
  156. <b>Species</b>: Human <br>
  157. <b>Gender</b>: Male <br>
  158. <b>Height</b>: 6'2" <br>
  159. <b>Weight</b>: 212lbs <br>
  160. <b>Occupation</b>: Atlesian Military (Special Forces) <br>
  161. <b>Affiliation</b>: Atlas <br>
  162. <b>Weapon</b>: Cassius Superior <br>
  163. <b>Semblance</b>: Glimpse <br>
  164. <b>Orientation</b>: Pansexual <br>
  165. <b>Status</b>: Single, not actively looking <br>
  166. <b>Voice</b>: <a href= target=_blank>D.C. Douglas</a> <br><br>
  167. <b><u>Out of Character</b></u> <br><br>
  168. PM friendly. Not limited to the RWBY-verse, unless I'm in the RWBY room. Third person, semi to multi para. Thanks for looking. It's a work in progress. (( D1C8B0 ))
  170. </div>
  172. <div class="Name">Brutal Efficiency
  173. </div>
  175. <div class="bbox">
  177. Born to a soldier and a Huntress in Atlas, Schwarz was orphaned only two weeks after his birth due to an accident causing his father to die, and his mother believing she couldn't raise a child on her own. He was left with only two mementos - his father's dog tags and one of his mother's swords. He was adopted only two months later by a Faunus couple, who found themselves unable to produce children. The two were actually part of a traveling circus, in particular being an acrobat and a contortionist. As he was growing up, he was exposed to their styles and quickly began learning how to move exactly as they did. However, a greater spectacle came along when the circus was threatened by a group of outlaws, and Schwarz witnessed three Huntsmen take the group down. This inspired him to follow the career, and his adoptive parents knew that they couldn't really stop him - after all, he already had a weapon, Cassius Major, a simple but well-made katana, and was seemingly growing aware of his own aura by age ten. <br><br>
  178. Accepted into Atlas Academy with little to no trouble, he formed the 'R' in Team TMBR. The team was composed of Timber Lefwia, a short but passionate girl with some anger issues concerning her height; Fuji Murasaki, a Fox Faunus and prankster who tended to get himself in a bit of trouble with the teachers over his 'practical' jokes; and Noire Blanche, an thin albino girl, who was prim and proper and had a certain fondness for her own sex. They formed a healthy rivalry with Team TXIC, which caused both teams to grow stronger in an attempt to surpass the other. During his time at Atlas, he developed his mother's weapon from Cassius Major into Cassius Superior. Whereas before the weapon was just a sword, now it could harness Dust, via the sheathe itself coating the blade in the material. Late into his third year at Atlas, he was sent into a mission with his team which was considered dangerous for full-blown Huntsmen. It was during this mission that he showed his aptitude for stealth, his entire team having been knocked unconscious by their drained auras, with Schwarz moving their bodies from the inside of a warehouse to a safe point over 100 meters away. Not only that, but he still managed to eliminate the target without being seen, and leave in the same manner. It was this feat that, at graduation, got him accepted into the Atlesian Special Forces as an assassin. <br><br>
  179. Over the years within the Forces, he has grown in rank and stature, eventually earning command over the 'Black Division', a sanct of the Spec. Forces designed purely for stealth missions. He is feared throughout the division for his brutal efficiency, and has a certain command that allows him to remove people he thinks aren't worthy of their spot. He believes this keeps them strong.
  181. </div>
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  185. <div id="2" class="slide">
  186. <div class="abox">
  188. <b>Fighting Style</b>: Schwarz is brutally efficient. He doesn't care about honor, and will use everything at his disposal to defeat an opponent. If he sees an opening? He'll take it. A chance to disarm or injure? He won't hesitate. Drawing blood is his fancy, and any opportunity to kill an enemy will be used to its fullest extent. He is much greater at dodging then blocking, considering his history as an acrobat and contortionist. Despite his muscular frame, he is far more flexible than most imagine. However, if an attack comes that cannot dodge, he will take the brunt of it, believing it is a failure to be unable to do so. <br><br>
  189. <b>Physical</b>: Schwarz focuses almost entirely on his physical abilities, as his aura isn't and has never been one of his more prominent features. Thus, he is incredibly strong and quick, far above the margin for a great majority of Huntsmen. His endurance is rather impressive as well; quite a beating can be taken, and he seems to be able to survive multiple mortal wounds and even fight after quite a lot of blood loss. His agility and flexibility is unparalleled in the Black Division, which includes some of Remnant's greatest assassins. <br><br>
  190. <b>Glimpse</b>: Schwarz Semblance is Glimpse. Activated by blinking, Schwarz vision changes from regular to an almost thermic type, though replacing heat with aura signatures. Grimm also appear in this sight, though as black and red splotches rather than physical shapes. <br><br>
  191. <b>Cassius Superior</b>: Previously known as Cassius Major, this katana has been modified by Schwarz to utilize Dust in a simple but effective way. When placed inside the sheathe, a flick of a switch on the outside will cause the blade to be coated in the specific type of Dust designated by which of the four switches was activated. Typically, he loads it with two Fire and two Electric charges, as the weapon works off of a four-charge system, and those two types seem to be the most commonly useful.
  193. </center></div>
  195. <div class="NameTwo">Brutal Efficiency
  196. </div>
  198. <div class="bbox">
  200. <b><u>Allies</b></u> <br><br>
  201. Coming soon. <br><br>
  202. <b><u>Enemies</b></u> <br><br>
  203. Coming soon.
  205. </div>
  206. </div></div></center></div></center>
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