Guest User


a guest
May 3rd, 2012
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text 1.96 KB | None | 0 0
  1. AS3AllocationTracking
  2. AS3AutoStartSampling
  3. AS3CSE
  4. AS3Hardening
  5. AS3Inline
  6. AS3JIT
  7. AS3SSE
  8. AS3Sampling
  9. AS3Trace
  10. AS3Verbose
  11. AVHardwareDisable
  12. AVHardwareEnabledDomain
  13. AdaptRateEnable
  14. AdaptRateMax
  15. AdaptRateMinRender
  16. AdaptRateTrigger
  17. AllowUserLocalTrust
  18. AssetCacheSize
  19. Author
  20. AutoUpdateDisable
  21. AutoUpdateInterval
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  23. CacheSizeBindings
  24. CacheSizeMetadata
  25. CacheSizeMethods
  26. CodeSignLogFile
  27. CodeSignRootCert
  28. Convert8kAnd16kAudio
  29. DRMFixedPath
  30. DRMPrereleaseKey
  31. DisableAVM1Loading
  32. DisableDRC
  33. DisableDeviceFontEnumeration
  34. DisableIncrementalGC
  35. DisableMulticoreRenderer
  36. DisableNPRuntime
  37. DisableNetworkAndFilesystemInHostApp
  38. DisableProductDownload
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  40. DisplayGPUBlend
  41. EnableFileLogging
  42. EnableFlashProfilerErrors
  43. EnableFlashProfilerFeature
  44. EnableFlashProfilerLogToFile
  45. EnableFlashProfilerServer
  46. EnableFlashProfilerSpew
  47. EnableIncrementalValidation
  48. EnableLeakFile
  49. EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode
  50. EnableSocketsTo
  51. ErrorReportingEnable
  52. FTEShowFontFallbackColor
  53. FTEShowFontFallbackEnable
  54. FileDownloadDisable
  55. FileDownloadEnabledDomain
  56. FileUploadDisable
  57. FileUploadEnabledDomain
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  65. GCOption
  66. GCStats
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  71. LegacyDomainMatching
  72. LimitFramerate
  73. LocalFileLegacyAction
  74. LocalFileReadDisable
  75. LocalSecurityPrompt
  76. LocalStorageLimit
  77. LogGPU
  78. MaxWarnings
  79. MuteAccelerometer
  80. OverrideGPUValidation
  81. OverrideUserInvokedActions
  82. PolicyFileLog
  83. PolicyFileLogAppend
  84. PreloadRobotSwf
  85. PreloadSwf
  86. ProductDisabled
  87. ProductDownloadBaseUrl
  88. RTMFPGroupsDisable
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  90. RTMFPTURNProxy
  91. ScreenDPI
  92. ScriptStuckTimeout
  93. SecurityDialogReportingEnable
  94. SettingsHost
  95. Status
  96. SuppressDebuggerExceptionDialogs
  97. TelemetryAddress
  98. ThirdPartyStorage
  99. TraceOutputBuffered
  100. TraceOutputFileEnable
  101. TraceOutputFileName
  102. UseBrokerProcess
  103. WindowlessDisable
  104. XSDownloadURL
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