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Yin Ying 2.0 (Feb)

a guest
Feb 21st, 2014
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  1. Name: Yin Ying
  2. Gender: Female
  3. Race: Unicorn
  4. Class: Voodoo Doctor (Shaman/Necromancer)
  5. Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  6. Age: 24
  8. Skills:
  9. -Unicorn Catalyst: passive; a unicorn’s horn counts as a catalyst for spellcasting.
  10. -Unicorn Telekinesis: spell; manipulate objects through sheer force of will. Complex tasks and heavier objects may require more focus.
  11. -Hornlight: spell; Never get caught in the dark without a light again. You can use your horn to cast a minor light spell illuminating your immediate area or as a flashlight to search for objects. +1 bonus to perception at night or in dark areas. This cannot be used to blind enemies.
  12. -Friends on the Other Side: passive; can count shadows of characters as targets for commune and raise dead. Gives one pet mastery point.
  13. -Commune: spell; ask the dead for aid. The better you roll, the more helpful they are. Crit fail summons a hostile undead.
  14. -Raise Dead: spell, ranged; raises the freshly dead as a mindless undead minion. Undead have double the Hits they had in life, but no wounds. As long as they have more than one Hit remaining, any damage that would render them helpless instead leaves them at 1 hit. Once an Undead loses all hits, it crumbles to nothing. Crit fail summons a hostile undead. If no nearby corpses are available, the spell can still be cast with a crit fail range of 3-.
  15. -Night: Spell; Can bring forth localized darkness that envelops everything nearby. Roll determines duration and intensity. Things are harder to see in the dark, making it easier to hide, slip past enemies and do other things.
  17. Talent: Cutie Mark is a shadow of a unicorn; +2 to Raise Dead
  19. Inventory:
  20. Purse
  21. -100 bits
  22. -Makeup, various cosmetics
  23. -Tessen War Fan
  25. Appearance:
  26. Female Unicorn, White coat with black mane, wears thin glasses and has her mane done up in a neat bun. Tail is likewise neatly kept in a braid. Born and raised in pony china. Carries an edged war fan that can be thrown with her telekinesis or used as a weapon at close range. Specializes in communication with the shadows and can summon them at will, including her own which stands at her side as a constant minion to watch over her from the darkness.
  28. AURA: Blue
  30. Blue Aura grows from the body and hangs onto it, like a block. It covers the body, shielding it from harm. Manipulating the shape of blue aura is a nearly impossible task. However, breaking an armor made from Blue Aura is almost equally as difficult. As a result, Blue Aura users are typically seen on the front line. Blue Aura has next to know range and does not budge. Blue Aura is serene. As a result, it has a unique connection to the life around it.
  32. Blue Aura users are typically calculating thinkers. They use their logic to dictate their actions before they use their emotions. That is not to say that they do not feel. They simply keep it inside. Or, in more cases than Blue Aura users like to admit, they bottle it up until it forces its way out. Blue Aura users are typically stubborn, but possess a sincerity that some find appealing.
  34. a. Hard as Steel: Blue Aura is as unbreakable as the pony that wields it, giving them +1 to hits and +2 to wounds
  36. b. If You Can Dodge a Wrench...: you'll be much happier in life. However, if you can't dodge the wrench, you will find yourself in much the same situation anyone hit by a mass of Blue Aura feels. Every offensive attack done by a Blue Aura user does an extra hit of damage.
  38. c. Mental Prowess: Not only can Blue Aura users sense life, they're mental superiority allows them to overwhelm it, giving them a +1 to mental rolls. They are also able to roll to sense life regardless of what skills they possess.
  40. d. I've Fallen And I can't Get Up: Much as you would expect, knocking down a tower of steel makes it very difficult to get back up. Blue Aura users have a -1 to getting up, as does anyone who rolls to help them up.
  42. POWER GEMS: 4
  43. Abilities Pool(3)
  44. +1 to the attacks of summoned shadows (1)
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